Tuesday 15 October 2024


Courtesy Idioms and Phrases

 Just living in a simple and ordinary way and the hazards that are around us in the world at large such as storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, cars and driving, diseases, viruses, old age and genetic mishaps at birth and we survive, this frail human body, this miraculous bag of water and delicate inners, yet somehow this body is a gift and a mind that is sharp and witty. 

Aiding this body is the intensions of positive and healing thoughts and of course the Creators Spirit which is the life of the body. The electricity that makes the lamp glow as it were, no electricity no glow. The Spirit like electricity is invisible and yet can be felt on many levels, shock, tingling in Qi Gong, kundalini and jubilant well being.  

How frail and superficial the human ego is and yet so powerful as to manipulate nations to war destroy or sustain relationships, many of the human aspirations are noble and compassionate and vice versa, yet thoughts and philosophies come and go and are but figments and held onto as safe, secure proven realities and truths and are but truths relative to ones culture, upbringing, to one inculcation and once this is seen and truly digested one can reach an understanding all of these figments were taken as such, as real and profound and then crumble into dust and like grains of sand, once a castle and now a pack of cards that fell apart when attempting build castle out of them. 

The let down, the disillusionment, the withdrawal symptoms which can lead one to despair, bitterness, regret, the loss of years following this and that and the Don Quixote of La Mancha and the Guru's and leaders who later turned out to be the windmills of the Noble Don. The lamp taken as the essence, the electricity not seen and then one can wake up to the forms gone and leaving behind not boredom or helplessness and senility but a shining spirit, a spark of invisible but tangible not to the body alone but to the Spirit, that awareness of Itself and figments shorn of their apparent solidity and reality. 


Friday 11 October 2024


Courtesy  Difference between reality and Augmented Reality 

 It is said that AR(augmented reality uses real world(depends on one's understanding of real) interactive experience and enhances the real world experience and VR(virtual experience)uses completely virtual interactive experiences, both are computer generated. Virtual is computer generated to appear almost physical but the software makes it seem real.

I was out shopping and went into a well known supermarket chain in which all the assistants were share holders and many of them very young and did part time hours whilst at University or College they all referred to themselves as 'partners', I got to know them three of them just as a friendly regular customer, I went outside with a coffee which one could obtain as a regular for free and sat on a seat outside, it was sunny and warm.

The three came out for their break, the supermarket was very good at looking after their partners, they had drinks of some sort and they asked if the could sit next to me as the other seats were taken. I said of course. During the conversation I learnt that the three had taken 'extended leave from their studies' I asked them why? They had a problem with what is reality, the empty atom, creation and so forth. They asked my view and I went into 'my inculcation stuff, nowhere to hang your hat and so on'. They heartily agreed and one of them said it messed up her head and this made sense, whilst the other two had question and tried to discuss this with their counsellors and Professor and had taken leave to sort their head so to speak. their mentors in a way had the same query.

I do not claim to have the answer I merely share what I feel and I emphasise feel/think rather than repeat the well known theories and postulations, I heard from them after a while, they said I gave them another view and they said it was helpful, other than that I have not seen or heard from them again.

SHACK  aka  GEOFF   


Courtesy Roll Stroll

The night was clear and a chill in the air, two 'old timers' met in the clearing in a forested area, they were strong and wilderness savvy, they lived in log cabins some two miles from each over and met often instinctively, tonight they were out checking on birds eggs, they did not disturb them and a possibility of a small game hunting, they did not hunt for fun, they hunted for food.

As they were inspecting a birds nest to see that poachers had not taken these eggs, they became aware of a glow in the sky and the clearing became brighter, then they saw a creature which one of them described as a strange critter and both of them felt it 'spoke inside their heads', help me.

They felt sympathetic and they saw a helicopter in the distance and military big vehicle 'they called a 'Hummer' and they had been hounded by these vehicles over the years so they pushed the critter into a bush and covered with foul smelling dung and kept on walking away.  

A military person came and barked and shouted at them 'have you seen a deer, bear or anything pass here? 'No sir' 'Are you sure because if your lying or covering you will go to prison for life' ' No sir we are sure' The dogs came and the old timers dogs barked and there was commotion between the dogs, the military dog handlers dogs and the old timers dogs. They searched for about an hour and then they all went away.

The old timers stayed out for three or four hours and then went back to the stinking bush, they let the critter out and apologised to it for the smell and indignity. The critter looked as though he grinned and said in their heads. 'Ok thank you' then about a half after after they cleaned up the critter, a glow came in the sky and the critter moved into the middle of the clearing and this circle thing came near and the critter and was lifted into the circle which went away at massive speed.

In the morning after the old timers were walking back, just as they parted one said my asthma gone and the other said, that's funny my bad hip don't hurt no more. They reached their homes and never felt better for as long as their old age came in. They often wondered if this was because of the critter, bye the way the critter looked like the image at the header with spindly legs and arms.

They often talked about the critter and all, but to nobody else as they thought the military would get to hear and they also wondered was this real or had they dreamt this up. I guess I will never know, what do you think?

SHACK  aka Geoff

Tuesday 8 October 2024



Courtesy Ancient Wisdom

I have often wondered what is the purpose of my life, especially when I reflect on my early NDE, The Koan, Nowhere to hang my Hat, The shock of inculcation, surviving early drowning, pneumonia, pleurisy, congestion in the lungs, lung cancer, prostate cancer and various other scrapes?

Now at nearly 86 and unable to get out due to walking difficulties and the loss of energy to do so and loving my little home and not getting cabin fever so to quote a popular song 'what's it all about Alfie'?  

What comes to me is; when the ego tries to find an answer I get confused, caught up in logic and frightened, anxious, for the ego can only give ideas that have been postulated through holy books, wise persons and so on, inculcation.

However Life when the ego subsides not by will power or force and in those quiet mind moments says; I Life have given you Life and what does that feel like?  A quiet feeling comes, I love the feel of Life, there is no reason or written assurance, it is just a feeling, Life seems to Live me and so I ride with this. Just to feel Life not for any rhyme or reason, for some unknown reason Life wants to Live and live in all of the Universe and Its Creations and for a reason of which I not privy too.  



Courtesy SF World Building
 Here I make the difference between Skin Walkers and Spirit Walkers and Psychic beings.

Skin Walkers I have explained in www.geofffreed.OnlineTuesday 20th August 2024 'Apotheum-More Speculation--Skin Walkers they are a specialised set of symptoms, Psychic beings have a personality, an ego maybe a deceased one who roams the world as a hungry ghost looking for a human host or an animals and even bacteria or plant, trees and so on. Spirit walkers are informing energy force fields that 'drive the winds and climate' and ride with them.

I really like ancient native prayers and writings and here I quote from a South American community in Bolivia and Peru the Aymara - Quechua and one part of the prayer 'Mountain Spirits- who walk the wind, Guide me on the path of resilience and determination' when I read this or it comes to mind, it touches a deep resonance in me, not so much I had a reincarnation there as such but as a feeling of the spirit, the grit and determination in Life, not by will but by the spirit as when nature which had been irradiated abused and raped, grows back like cut hair and grass, silently and inconspicuously.

Then it goes on ' May the the sacred waters cleanse my soul, And may the fires of transformation forge my spirit' this really rocks my boat as they say. The clean water that when on a hot day cools the body and then cools the spirit and in meditation and stillness, the mountain waters and soaking the feet, the fierce battles in guilt and war, the lessons learnt by relationship's and the feeling of that quiet restful joy in sun bathing and heartfelt prayer, the joy of beauty and nature the breath in Qigong that brings the Buddha smile.

'In unity with all living Beings, I embrace the power within me, To over come obstacles and grow even stronger'  

JALLALLA (Celebration of Life through Unity, harmony and well being) 

SHACK  aka Geoff

Monday 7 October 2024



Courtesy Highland Healing

Courtesy Chi Ball 

Courtesy No thing no nothing

SHACK aka Geoff

Friday 4 October 2024



Courtesy Study of Emptiness

I got these words 'Coming up in the vastness of it all' this came into my awareness late in the night whilst switching the lights off and getting ready for bed and as I walked to the bathroom prior to going to bed, I felt / experienced / experienced limitless nothingness, eternal eternity, a vast colourless and yet somehow illuminated by awareness, perhaps this was just awareness. 

It was emotionless and yet I haven't felt so safe, secure and mostly I felt at home as it were  as far as experience go, this was not an experience as such it was just there and the background to everything that was, is and in the future. It felt dimensionless and yet every dimension could come out from it, not even come out, it was more like it appeared out and  in from it, it was just a an event across a screen of nothingness and the events came up like captions in a movie at the credits at the end.  
Courtesy Market Place
I as the feelings arise and it captivates my entirety that this is me and yet not me, it is vast and in that vast nonlocal emptiness it wanted to experience the limited localness as if a contrast to Itself. I have no idea of the meaning just a feeling of it beyond the description of adequate adjectives. 

I feel as if I appeared in this incarnation as a caption arising in the vast scroll as other facets in the wholeness of the Universe, as if the Vastness was experiencing all that appeared in itself, if it is an Itself. I felt like I appeared as if a sort of slow regurgitation of a sort, a sort of a spiral slow emanation from a small spiral growing larger and then I felt like I would be slowly be swallowed like water rotating down the sink and fade into the vastness mabe to oblivion or one with the vastness and all it offered.