Wednesday 14 July 2021


Crossroads Christian Church

I remember driving back from presenting a workshop near the Warsash Naval Academy in a small Island separated from the mainland by a small bridge and by the a bank on the Solent and after the workshop and on that journey back home there was a dual carriageway and on a steep hill and doing about fifty miles per hour and dear ran out from the left hillside and I had to swerve and nearly hit it. For a brief moment it froze and I did and then the adrenalin kicked in. I also remember seeing videos of dear and rabbits frozen stiff by the head lights of vehicles.  

This is so relevant to episodes in my life and even in my senior years I am beginning to realise how much fear and insecurity I have in my body and transmitted from my mind set and experiences. It is considerably diminished yet my sensitivity, empathy and intuition especially at the time in 2020 and 2021 with this pandemic and it is a very harsh flu and the panic and fear engendered by the media and medical scientific crony technocracy, transhumanism, cyborg vaccination pharmaceutical oligarchs plutocracy with their dystopian and dictatorial dictates as lock downs, face masks, social distancing and really slicing humanity asunder and so causing abject fear and causing the 'norm' to evaporate and leave a chasm of 'emptiness' and many failing to cope with the suicides, suicidal tendencies, depression and so by inculcation a new norm is born, the so called reset.

However this freezing as if something horrible is about to descend and crunch me, the saboteur, the attack in the dark alley, the assailant who jumps out from behind the bush, the expectancy and almost a wish fulfilment, yes bring it on, I expect the worst to happen, my worst nightmare, of course what else is there, I need this as a reminder of my horror of childhood, the illness that silently stalks me, the rejection that rides at my shoulder, the humiliation because I am not up to standards, I'm different, so I will hide away and expect to freeze in anticipation and have a cast down hunched and tense body and wait till the guillotine or axe finishes me off and I get the attention of 'poor me' or from me in a fantasy or someone who takes pity on me and if there is no one then it reinforces my deep unconscious belief I am not good enough, brave enough, manly enough and if I try and be more upfront and out there and fail, then there is 'you see I told you you are a wanker, a waste of space'. However over the last eighteen years there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am not so eager to be easily manipulated by these unconscious urges and tendencies and what is more there is no need to fill the gap as it were with fantasy, illusions and distraction's.   

It as if the the freezing awaits something to appear, jump or slowly come to to do me in, envelope me, take me away as the headlights dim to darkness which seems to herald a menace of unimaginable terror and torture me and punish me for being such a wimp or failure, its almost as I wish to be punished for my iniquity, after I did not please my parents otherwise why did dad go away and gamble, what did he have that bugged him and passed to me, why did mum have such nerves and nervous breakdowns and took the burdens on her and eventually cancered her and my dear brother Woolf run to sexual exploits and run from home and even at home failed to help and neglect me and wake at late hours when he came home from god knows where and my friends and mates cheat me and let me down, what was wrong with me I must have been doing something wrong, after all I did not want to be born, I fought not to come back after my NDE and I knew the burdens and unfinished business and I came back to these events I just laid out were my karma and it s clear to me that at one time I thought I had a mission and through the workshops, meditation, teaching Judo and then Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Kendo and all, yes that was self teaching and the real mission was to overcome by realisation that all this is but a dream and clear up the emotional drag of human emotions like guilt, doubt, delusion, denial, duty and find out who I really am and that is slowly but surely becoming apparent.

And if there is no one then it reinforces my deep unconscious belief I am not good enough, brave enough, manly enough and if I try and be more upfront and out there and fail, then there is 'you see I told you you are a wanker, a waste of space. However over the last eighteen years there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am not so eager to be easily manipulated by these unconscious urges and tendencies and what is more there is no need to fill the gap as it were with fantasy, illusions and distraction's. Why a repeat of this paragraph, a computer hitch or an unconscious prompt to reinforce something?

It as if the the freezing awaits something to appear, jump or slowly come to to do me in, envelope me, take me away as the headlights dim to darkness which seems to herald a menace of unimaginable terror and torture me and punish me for being such a wimp or failure, its almost as I wish to be punished for my iniquity, after I did not please my parents otherwise why did dad go away and gamble, what did he have that bugged hi and passed to me, why did mum have such nerves and nervous breakdowns and took the burdens on her and eventually cancered her and my dear brother Woolf run to sexual exploits and run from hoe and even at home failed to help and neglect me and wake at late hours when he came home from god knows where and my friends and mates cheat me and let me down, what was wrong with me I must have been doing something wrong, after all I did not want to be born, I fought not to come back after my NDE and I knew the burdens and unfinished business I came back and these events I just laid out were my karma and it s clear to me that at one time I thought I had a mission and through the workshops, meditation, teaching Judo and then Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Kendo and all, yes that was self teaching and the real mission was to overcome by realisation that all this is but a dream and clear up the emotional drag of human emotions like guilt, doubt, delusion, denial, duty and find out who I really am and that is slowly but surely becoming apparent. The same repeat, how strange?

All the above feels like a dream and is distant and has lost a lot of human emotions and the lure of the world and its bounties fading and a deep evolving compassion is arising, I see the torment in many and in my past therapy and workshops with clients and patients and feel empathy for them as they tread the path of karma and its thorny rocky outcrops and with tender bare feet try to navigate to safer firmer ground and softly and tenderly walk the Earth with a smiling countenance and a compassionate demeaner.




Imagine if you will a small four foot high one inch diameter flag pole and streamers attached to it and the streamers being blown by a wind that varies from mild to almost gale force. 

This depiction I felt as a physical sensation in my mind, I realise that this is not making much sense and that my feelings may have produced the sensations or really does this matter this was my experience.

However this meant to me or conveyed a meaning to me and a profound one. The streamers were agendas and programmes which were attached to my ego the pole and standard bearer of my reality as long as they remained attached. The wind represented my awareness as it realised this is not who I am. I am much more than inculcated patterns and reflexes, this is not my reality as such, it is the reality conjured up and taken for reality in a material orientated world ethos. 

The majority of the worlds population is fixed on material success such as money, status, academic status and acclaim, a reputation, a celebrity and of course the children and esteemed wife and often the car and mansion and business empire overshadowing the former. This is OK with me to a point and turns the other way because of  my 'spiritual leanings' as I see and feel this as a temporary affair as these are forms of beliefs in a material so called solid forms and are impermanent and transitory.  Now this is of course is a debated set of ideas; is there something else other than  this ephemeral posit; maybe there is no after life which then knocks out the impermanent postulation as impermanency is all there is and the rest is oblivion and a mindless dead material aftermath. 

However I feel there is survival as a consciousness and as such the ego can survive and is magnetised back to its pleasures and as such unfinished business, whereas the less dense ego may transform into a finer energetic being, be that how it may, one will only find out on demise or feel through OBE (out of body experiences) NDE(near death experiences) or ASC(altered states of consciousness) either in trance, psychic phenomena or meditation.   

I feel and have written at length that the Earth and its life forms are in a Universal evolving process and it is under the auspices of a Divine Intelligence and this is an alchemical process which I term ascension which being the transmutation of matter into higher forms of matter which are less solid and contain the intelligence, awareness and consciousness which one feels in the body in deep joy and peace and at times or in meditation, in other words retaining this sense of Self without the corporeal body.

So to the streamers; these I feel are the attachments to the material world and some are to be retained as to assist and facilitate the ordinary affairs in order to live and survive in the world such as food, some work, a change of clothes and a warm dry place to sleep and live. Other than this the rest is surplus and my aim is to achieve this simplicity if possible so far (2021) I am partially able to do this and the streamers are loathe to leave and I further feel there are energies of change (I use the term Aquarian energies) which come in wave forms and incremental frequencies as the Cosmos prepares the upgrades and configurations of which my 1967 writings so describe.

The  'winds' or energies of change have a message in them, codes and Cosmic algorithms which spell out to the DNA via the enveloping auric fields the upgrading frequencies that are needed to shift to newer and vital nourishment to the hungry soul which thirsts for pastures new and senses the rich new world of spirit or upgraded cleansed Earth and the Solar System.

I feel the battle as above the winds of change tugging to release the streamers of the old programmes and the sense of freedom and fly with the wind of awareness and let go and trust the process and I feel this in body and mind. The material world so related to my body and the wind of awareness to my soul, ultimately I will leave my body and hopefully I will soar like the eagle to a spirit form and that I will have relinquished enough of the material so do so.



                                                             Time Magazine

The Pidgeon is an older form of spelling; however the pigeon is a very well known bird and one of my first SHACK'S were about a pigeon and squirrel which roam about my garden.

The curtains are drawn in my bedroom where there is a Bellicon rebounder and I stand and gently bounce, actually I do not bounce as such I do what is named the 'health bounce' a gentle knees bend which activates the mat and one rises up and down without the feet leaving the mat.

However as I gaze out of the window of which are two large opening bay windows I see the pigeons picking at the grass and then flying off and their jerky walks and head movements show their alertness and sensitivity.

I know biologically how their wings and lightweight bone structure which is strong and enables them to fly and is incorporated in aircraft design and elsewhere. 

I feel so privileged and honoured to witness life so natural and even knowing the biology and all that it does or not do and does not make an iota of difference to my feelings, its head stuff and maybe an intellectual buzz, a smug I know aren't I clever, that I can show off sometime.  No, to just look and watch without reason, simply to be still and alert, I feel a wonder, yes I know all the biology and that, but how does the beautiful being have life, move and have its being in the same Earth and space as I inhabit but of course in distance between us.

I move as the pigeon in our own ways, we are enlivened by exactly what; oh yes, science says and explains its energy, food, instinct and so on NAY, there is something so fine and missed in this and explanation and reason deaden the senses to the shared joy, the marvel, the sheer miracle of the creation and birth and that which is behind it all, the ineffable wonder of LIFE, this is the every basic bare rock bottom, this is Life in action, life the motivator and essence, the fount of creation, the clear primal spring and it cannot be found in a post mortem, no matter how fine you cut it up and put the pieces in a scanning electron microscope and all the explanation the academics come up with. 

This is the life I share with all of Creation, it is beyond definition and logic, yet I feel it, the joy of living and movement and at rest the running river of being, breathing which I can alter but not control, the automatic breath and pulse, the seasons, the pigeon who feels this as I do and because the pigeon does not have an ego as large as me, the pigeon is a pure channel(as long as I do not scare them off and scar them with my anger) a pure channel for nature to express itself through and of course the blocked channel stuffed and puffed up by my ego.

This then is the joy of life to be still and know that life is within me and to know in that stillness Life animates the pigeon and I.


I profoundly thank the squirrels, pigeons and trees for conveying to me their essence and teaching me what life is all about, These beautiful beings like all of nature offer themselves in sacrifice to feed us and their predatory role in nature.(SHACK)



I have this thing about evolution as being a process that is 'planned' in a way that is flexible and yet remaining within the ethos and originality with modifications as the design evolves.

In previous SHACKS I have expressed about the opening and flowering as a flower opens to the Sun a sort of revered umbrella, the hatching from the egg, the babe from the womb. 

I envisage as the image above and is known as Pangea as the egg within the planetary formation and as the prototype planet Earth came to birth the Pangea formations came to the surface from the primal substance of the forming planet.

There is a a view by a scientist named James Lovelock which is named the Gaia Hypothesis and he was done hard by, by the creative design cult who say that the Earth is an organic non intelligent mass and like their theory developed from a non causal big bang and an accident and their intelligence is superior to the anything and is not associated in nature. The Earth and nature have no consciousness thereby feeling as we humans do. I feel the Earth, nature and the Universe are sentient beings and their sentience is in ratio and proportion to their creative function in the vast scheme of things and creation. We are one Being in the Being that is the Master Intelligence, we move and live and have our being in a conscious awareness which is the backdrop and canvas that is adorned by the etchings, paintings and artwork known as creation. 

Then as the 'pregnancy' of the Earth progressed it again gave credence as to its emerging babe and began its growth to its next evolving being within it such as below image:- 
These is in my view the expanding stages of the Earth Embryo and updating of the predecessors the antecedent and updating, reconfiguring and upgrades in the process of evolution. I have said this is akin to the Ascension process in the spiritual upgrade in consciousness and should humanity seek to acquire and know the Ascension process and not destroy and mutilate the Earth and alter the human genome by genetic manipulation and genetically altering food and nature then a new human will appear on Earth, a modified upgrade that is a natural process and usher in the 6th extinction and a chance to not witness  a large wipe out as the others and Homo Energetica / Spiritulana will walk the Earth as well as a revised Nature, Solar System and Cosmic grandeur.




Google Images

In some NASA APOD features and videos one can get these videos of the camera zooming in to the centre of the Milky Way and I have the feeling that the Milky Way large blackhole is a special place, many ancient legends and tales talk about this as a magical place and the arch of the Milky Way has me spell bound and mesmerised. 

It is a deep feeling in me as if this is where I came from not as an ET but as an energy source or being and yes we are made of atoms and particles as are the stars, planets, dust lanes and Earthly nature and the finer dimensions of so named solid matter.

This feeling is the reverse of the zooming from outer to a pinpoint inner it is as if I whoever I is came out from a minute infinitesimal miniscule nanoscopic point from somewhere in the vast Universe, at a point in evolution as it was being born, it was like a seed being planted, an egg being hatched, I and the Universe were spawned from a point which arose out of the nowhere-ness of timeless invisible something like space, a 'place' which has no definition or linear aspect or indeed explainable parameters and is dimensionless and yet is old and ancient as time itself and yet is timeless and is never born or dies is forever energised and alive albeit its creation is born and dies in its tangible form. 

So what I am writing about?; I don't really know, it is a feeling that is so familiar and yet I cannot express it in words, I suppose I feel it is Life Itself and this is a feeling so known to me and dear to me and yet I cannot in any way describe or harness any exclamation or adjectives to encapsulate it into intelligent and logical explanation, I guess I am saying I am Life Itself.


This feeling is my sustenance and renewal and it is when I am quiet and thoughtless as it were and I come back to 'be still and know Life Within you' The Universe in Its essence is still and quiet.(SHACK) 



There are so many expressions about time; Time on my hands, to me this means time is slow, arduous and laborious. This is of course no fault of time but is the psychological event taking place at this time which feels it. Time and space cannot be held back no one, this to me is that person who tries to stop time and define space and grasp it as it were. Again one can stop a watch or clock as in 'Horology ("the study of time", related to Latin horologium from Greek ὡρολόγιον, "instrument for telling the hour", from ὥρα hṓra "hour; time" and -o- interfix and suffix -logy) is the study of the measurement of time'. Yet this is but a mechanical action and time goes on be it mechanical or just what time is and that is a cycle measured and experienced by the brain as it records the frequencies as discussed in SHACK elsewhere.

One cannot put a finger on time and like space it is there and yet not tangible; the space one dreams in and time needs space for an event to appear in and does the Universe need time as it maybe a hologram in the matrix of consciousness and how big is a mind, well the content of the mind like the furniture in a room needs walls around space but is not space itself, so time maybe the accruing and accumulating of content; the stars and planets to the Universe, the programmes, agendas and ideas inculcated to the mind as its content.

So both space and time are interrelated and entwined; space provides the emptiness, the matrix for the content to fill it and the movement between the content passed a fixed point is time.

The still point is the axis, the fulcrum at which the space and content time move around and that is the witness or awareness and like a person standing on the deck of a ship in the middle of the ocean is surrounded by horizon and is the centre of all that is and the heavens a dome. Wherever you are you are the centre and in that way the experiencer, the witness of the content which moves and is time.

Yet still one cannot hold back time; bored time seems to drag, amused and creative time seems to fly by but even by the clock it is registered as actual horological time, yet the boredom or 'time flies bye' and I have run out of time is mainly a psychological phenomena.

Should one go back to another SHACK then time in frequencies and waves such as the speed of light, the eight minute light from the Sun to Earth so then we have different measurements; The frequency of a wave is the number of vibration cycles per second at a certain location X. The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz) and 1 Hz is the reciprocal of 1 second.   The measurements of a wave:-velocity, amplitude and wavelength.

However the consciousness, the witness, this consciousness and it is still and dynamic and pure potential and is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipotent. It is literally the 'stuff of mind' and all are of it and in it and it is timeless and does not have space, it space- less, it is neither full or empty and as such is the one point as it were from which the dual world of vibration emanates 'the pond is still, the mind moves, ripples'.


Thursday 1 July 2021


Make A

Its all a joke, you have to be kidding. You know all that Comic-icky thing, a bunch of vibes and us ,me, you appearing to one another as a sort of tangible being, who sorts of dies from the moment of birth either slowly or quickly, slowly decaying and for what purpose?

Is it to amuse a God or creator with a wicked sense of humour to create a seemingly bag of flesh and bones, nature, the Universe and to cause it to be impermanent, transitory and on delving deep into the so called solidness of the form find it to be composed of bits and pieces which are of no particular substance and are fleeting dashes in a particle collider and to a bunch of egg heads who interpret these as building blocks, giving them fancy names and creating the things they are looking for. 

You've got to be joking, you've got to be kidding, its a real joke, someone or something tells you its real and then they say there is no such thing as realty only temporary accommodation so to speak, hire and fire, its a paradox. There's no God or creator or intelligent design say the experts, the 'ologists', the academics in fine robes PH.D and pompous professors who rule our lives and priests who pontificate and philosophers who espouse spurious notions and philosophies and those who say we come from a big bang and an accident either way it is 'annus horribillis' its a paradox, a koan, a conundrum and a metaphysical load of bullshit. Yet it persists and the mystery drives us on as to the be and end all of it and most of all perhaps if there is a creator he or she or it is just as perplexed as we are.

What a place to find oneself between a rock and hard place and I suppose as we come to realise we are that of which and what we are seeking and be satisfied with it we will never be entirely at peace. 

The point is would your really want that? Game over---?





Still think you are solid?(Shack)

Wherever I go I go with myself. I am only experiencing everything with my mind. It is my awareness or my consciousness that experiences everything and even if I travelled to Jupiter it is the same 'old' witness.

I cannot, try as I may step outside my own mind. In fact I am my own mind. 

That what and which is experiencing and recognising this writing, right now and right here is my mind, my consciousness and all that fills it right now is what is it that is composing?

This composition is the content of my mind and it had to have space in the mind to fill it, when I have typed all that is required for this article my mind will empty and seemingly go blank and yet when all is empty as it were it is peaceful and just joy and rest.

After all the mind like a cup has to be empty for the cups use is its emptiness, filled with coffee and I want tea, one has to empty it, so as the mind when tea and coffee are not required it sits quietly and is ready and waiting for the next beverage, so the mind is quiet and aware and alert in its quiescent mode, after all everything needs space for it to appear in. 

So space is the womb of form, it is the egg, the nothingness that has and is the potential of form and quantum stuff it is the something that comes from apparent nothing, it is dynamic potential which has the potential of every possibility and probability and also the intelligence to knit together all of its intended forms and as it said, no form no matter how solid it would appear and upon close examination is a huge amount of 99.99% of empty atoms which of themselves are empty.

Much ado about nothing.

And you can never step outside your mind !


Science Direct
Well now so what you think is me and fleshly and sort of solid is actually the wavelengths and frequencies, the vibes between the object and the brain, we are / you are a bunch of wavelengths like a TV / Radio  / mobile / cell phone / we are WIFI before decoding. We live in a matrix, a computer, an organic computer and its holgraphic projections. So who are we? A self made or brain washed bunch of frequency patterns merely some algorithms ----however who or what planned them---random--accidental --or intelligent design? Whatever answer you come up with you really do not exist as such--so what are you worried and anxious about--the you, you think you are and realise  is that we are an idea in a matrix named the Cosmos. (SHACK)
















 From C. Joybell C

I say to you is my peace not enough?

When you sit in my peace you are rested and fulfilled, your nerves quieted, your brain refreshed and your body in a healing mode. Can the world give you this?

Probably you might say yes, if I had enough money, a beautiful wife and children and a lovely extended family and friends. You might also have splendid health and well being, laughter and fun, great food and all the accoutrements and paraphernalia of Lords and Ladies aye and royalty. 

Yes the finest of the finest could not satiate that abiding in your peace, yet the human desire and the inner spiritual peace seem at odds sometimes and the pull between the two and yet I know in my deepest being there is only one and still I am frustrated that I cannot abide in the inner court of the consciousness and awareness of that peace. 

I really comprehend perhaps intellectually that the goods of the world are not lasting and perish with planetary time and my body as well, life is so fleeting, every day passing so swiftly like clouds scuttering in the sky and the peace appearing like the Sun when the clouds pass by.

There is a haunting song that has the Title 'The Falling Leaves' and is about a man sad at his lady has gone and he misses her most at autumn when the leaves fall pass his window. I relate to this as the winter draws nigh and not a lady or any person. I miss the peace that I cannot access due to the noisy busy ego and I too feel the falling leaves as my body feels its lethargy of age and yes the adverts for longevity and powders to thwart stiffness are a lure they are not in anyway comparable to my 'dip' into that peace that passes all understanding.

Yes your peace is enough, more than enough and long be it so,