Tuesday 12 September 2017




Awareness  -- Intelligence--Consciousness 







martigon ! world of mathmatics


Tacoma. University of Washington

How did it all get here?

Will it go away?

Who knows---I don't?

Do you?

When you stop asking you'll know!




The image above has no connection to Shack 144

He lay panting, fearful and sweating, his family looking down at him, bidding their farewells. Various thoughts drifted through his mind. Regrets, unfinished business, grievances and realizing he never had a life of his own, he followed the traditions of generations of his wealthy and famous bloodline, he strayed once or twice and was severely admonished, threatened with  disinheritance and character assignation.   Blackmailed by guilt and shame.

He drifted slowly over a corpse in a bed after a reluctant struggle to free himself from this tight casket of flesh and looking at his wasted, white fleshy body, he shuddered and noticed his body did not.

He witnessed his former body being placed in a coffin of fine and elaborate carvings and wood, the church and eulogies, the crying he felt was not sincere but a mere show and status symbol, with a stern Grandfather saying to the male members 'pull yourself together, remember who you are dammit'. Only one sister who was really grieving, some brothers glad his share of the vast wealth would now fall to their lot.  However they managed to mumble a few words of condolence.

He was taken to the family mausoleum, a dark horrific place where his ancestors from many years past, a hundred or so, had been laid to rest.  He was taken from the coffin and put into a tomb and the lid shut tight.

He had the feeling that he was not buried or interred so much by Earth, Stones and a slab of granite but by the family 'religion and strict abeyance to procedure and behavior.'

He could feel the thoughts, nuances, resentments, quarrels, bitterness, hatred, bottled up emotions and passions on top of him, that was his coffin and filling of Earth and stone were not, and he knew he would never see these through and the thought that he might return to another Earthly flesh cocoon filled him with terror. His life flashed before him if only he had another chance.

The undertakers came to have a final look at the tomb after the family had gone and spared the sealing of the slab so as to make  it airtight and also the many other family tombs entombed there. They thought they heard a faint cry from the tomb and yes they did. They removed the slab and found him just barely alive.

Some weeks after, he was recovering well and could walk, and with a confidence none had seen.  He went to the family and gathered them in the great hall. ' Dear family I leave you now and go my way, for I have realized my way is my way.  I need to fulfill my destiny as my heart and passions lead me. I bid you farewell and wish you well. If you cut me out of the family heirlooms and inheritance that is fine by me, I shall not contest it'
The family offered no response for they had already buried him and he was as good as dead to them.  

To this day no one knew where he is only a sweet beautiful lady, his little sister and when she was old enough followed in her dearest brother's footsteps.



clipart panda

In a land in some mystical place there were many fields and many sheep and cattle, it was a peaceful place and families with tribes lived in harmony, the country was named 'The Country of No Cut' for no one had ever cut their flesh and had seen blood, they had extra strong skin and other anatomical differences.

There was a legend; that from the fields one day The Prophet would come and he was called 'The Prophet of the Cut Finger' at that time a holy phrase was afoot 'Bloody Aida, Bloody Hell'. Aida was supposed to be the mythical Mother of  The Prophet and well, hell needs no explanation.

A shepherd boy guarding his flock from the dreaded nargs(a ferocious snarling wolf like beast) was sipping his drink from his conch shell and listening to the sound of the wind in the trees and playing his harp and all that, and suddenly dashing across the sky was huge meteorite and so large was it and luminous that it lit up the whole countryside and the village where the boy resided. 

He gasped and then fell heavily on the rock he was sitting on. Immediately he felt pain and looking down at his fingers he saw blood.

Terrified he ran into the village, as soon as he went in and the villagers saw him, for the meteorite had awakened them, they fell to the ground and said in reverence ' behold the Divine Light has brought forth THE PROPHET'  the boy cried out in agony and they 'said he is in trance in holy communion', 'help me said the boy'.

The villagers kissed his fingers and exclaimed 'bloody Aida, bloody hell' they went to the stone where the blood of the prophet had been spilled, a fence was built round it and only on certain days, holy days which marked the anniversary of the event, people were allowed in to bow before the stone and kiss it.  The Shrine to Prophet of the Cut Finger.

Meanwhile the Shepherd Boy had many sheep and cattle with many wives and concubines and was heard to exclaim pardon me pray and chant 'BLOODY AIDA, BLOODY HELL ' and still walked around gob smacked.

Now throughout the land people from far and wide came to worship the shrine. Others who did not believe and were jealous started wars and grievances and some wise elders wondered and pondered would it have not been better if the prophet would have not had that accident or was it really Divine Providence--------Bloody Aida---Bloody Hell.




Many years ago I had the privilege of a meeting with a world famous philosopher and guru the meetings were by chance.

A friend had hired a cottage near his Guru's establishment. Due to circumstances this friend moved abroad.  He asked me if I would pack and send his belongings to him as he had left in a hurry.
I did pack and send them.

Whilst I was packing mainly a large number of books into cartons a man came walking down the country lane, coat over shoulder and it was one of those rare July boiling hot days. The man's aura reached to the sky.

The man greeted me and I him, he was elderly so I asked him if he would like to sit down inside and have a cup of water. He accepted and I excused myself and said I had to pack these things and get them shipped as soon as possible as the rent ran out the next day.

The man then said the name of my friend and said has he gone and I replied yes.  It was when I was packing the last of the books I saw a photograph on the back and realized this was the Guru.

I then exclaimed your Mr xxx and he said yes.  I said with respect I haven't a lot of time for Guru's.  He said I do not consider myself as a Guru, others have made it so. Then he got up and said well I have to lecture now and be a Guru. He Laughed and went his way and on leaving said, anytime you are round this way come in and see me.

The following year I was visiting one of my six goddaughters who lived near the Guru xxx's college and I had found out from my friend where it was and went in to the reception where I met a very brusque lady who was on duty on the Sunday and happened to be the personal secretary to the Guru and said I was invited by the Guru to come in when I was around here.  She said 'Hmph they all say that, you'll have to book an appointment for next year'. With that the a door opened and the Guru appeared and said 'Oh hello young sir come in and to the lady two teas please' to say she looked displeased is the understatement of the year.


I came in to the beautiful room, simple, charming and yet strangely sparse and stark, reminding me of nature and the intrinsic beauty of rare species and evolution.  As from our first meeting in the lane and cottage he questioned me quietly and I hardly said a word, he was quiet and gentle and it brought forth spontaneous answers from me.  I then said 'Sir may I ask you a question and get one in please?' He laughed and said of course. 'You say you are not a Guru and yet you are famous in many countries and written many books, why do you do this then'?  He replied 'This is a good question, I do it because I love doing it and for no other reason, I do not write books, others do that around me and from my lectures and interviews'.  There was a ring of truth in that for me.
He then stood up and said ' Young sir, I feel this is now the moment to go' I agreed  He then said 'May I make a suggestion' I agreed ' You have a relatively clear mind, I beg of you do not start a movement and another ism, the moment you do you create its opposite and can lead to confrontation, I do not think we will meet again'  I thanked him for his generosity and welcoming and left. we never met again.


My friend urged me to attend one of the Guru's lectures. I went mainly out of curiosity.  The venue was packed to the rafters. It went eerily quiet ten minutes before he came in.  His manner was totally different to that of our meetings; he was brusque to the point and no dillydallying about.  There were many jewels of wisdom however, I could not wait to get out.
Some of the humor although he did not like the laughter after his remarks because he said that it was a distraction from the point; A lady said 'XXX I have given up all my vices'  He replied 'Well now give up all your virtues'  a man said 'what do you think about mantra's'  He replied ' say cocoa cola over and over again and you will become dumb stupid and the mind lazy and stultified'


He reminded me of my Sensei and Sifu who had this succinct manner and cut to the chase. The remark that resonated with me in that lecture was 'people are like gutters, the stench and dross are underneath and they merely put disinfectant to cover it up' I would add that they do not want to look at their rotting fetid crap, mine as well I might add.


I must admit I found the gutter bit, a bit unsavioury and would say that although unsavioury it hit hard and deep and I realized the dross I carried.  I felt that thoughts that were the precursors and at the same time the storage facilities or containers for these unsavioury stenches of the mind, the mind breaking wind, thoughts floated on the wings of pure consciousness and surfed the essence of mind and just went unconsciously on their way oblivious to anything under the surface and maybe to frightened or scared of what lay hidden there, like a lady who came to me for therapy and in a guided imagery went diving into her past and unconscious and jumped out and ran to the door and when I inquired why she screamed ' a great white shark bit off my head'  This lady a well know celebrity banker came back and she agreed to explore it, but left because she said it would mean a radical change of Life style and this she could not do.


One has to have great courage, the courage of a spiritual warrior, the sword of a Samurai to cut through the detritus, the rubbish the garbage dung of accumulated 'stuff' that has rotted and festered over the years and comes out in unsavioury behavior. 
One of the many ways to deal with this is through the laser beam of awareness in meditation, by being attentive to the content of the mind without judgment, looking without opinion, attention without intention and so allowing free passage out of the system and not having attachment to it.
Keep the gaze steady and unwavering, look without shame or guilt keep on the razors edge and the light of inner awareness will break through the fog of delusion which was mistaken for reality.



Memories are made of this. This is often a start to certain select memories.  What are memories made out of? OK one can say they are mere neurons and dendrites firing off in the brain and somehow producing a photograph with feeling and passion.  Then are they real? That strange experiment done in Sweden with men in a gym and those on the couch who vividly did the routine in their mind, the results were the same. It would seem the brain cannot distinguish between physical reality and mental reality, it feels the same. http://www.jonathanfields.com/brain-buff-research-thoughts-on-strength-fitness-weight-loss/ this is part of the experiment there is data showing results.

This song;
The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

When  I first heard it years back and sung by a very old comedian and have heard so many people lament on this. Of all the folks that died, that will die and I will as well.  Do I die or merely transform into something else?  Its OK to have memories but if they become ones life then we can only recapture them as a mind thing, and that is ones reality. However in contrast to the physical visualizations as above they do produce results, although in both cases they are 'all in the mind' which ever way one tries wriggle without a mind do we not experience anything at all?

The there is a song;
Have you seen the old man in the closed down market
Picking up the papers with his worn out shoes
In his eyes you see no pride and hanging loosely at his side
Yesterdays paper, telling yesterdays news
So how can you tell me you're lonely
And say for you that the sun don't shine
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind
Have you seen the old dear who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags
She's no time for talking, she just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home, in two carrier bags
So how can you tell me you're lonely
And say for you that the sun don't shine
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind
And in the all night cafe at a quarter past eleven
Same old man sitting there on his own
Looking at the world over the rim of his teacup
And each tea lasts an hour and he wanders home alone
So how can you tell me that you're lonely
And say for you that the sun don't shine
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind
Have you seen the old man outside the seaman's mission
Memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears
And in the winter city, the rain cries a little pity
For one more forgotten hero, and a World that doesn't care
So how can you tell me that you're lonely
And say for you that the sun don't shine
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind

When I worked the West End of London in Forensics and also when I went to the Clinic in Piccadilly and taught Judo in Leicester Square for a while, I witnessed many of the above and some patients reflected a lot of both songs. The haunting forlorn faces of the bag ladies and those who sat in cafe's staring blankly and seeming to question their existence and then in contrast watching soaps night after night or switching from channel to channel on TV bored but not admitting it, lonely and often afraid. Afraid of what?

Then those who have a hobby a past time all consuming and never question life.  I am not saying its wrong, we have choices and I am a searcher a pioneer of my mind.

What way does one turn, if all the possible realities are explored and from a poem by the late Hari Prasad Shastri ; If made a King I am not elated and if made a beggar I am not deflated-------I am not a Jew, A Muslim, A Christian, A Hindu or any other religion, creed, sect, atheist or politic-----for my way is different to theirs'. 

What is it if one is not illiterate, a simpleton, uneducated, not a moron, inherently wise, not a wild unkempt person, full of compassion, relaxed, smiling, at ease, not afraid to die or live, not definable, has no reality to cling too, is not ambitious, yet is competent with life, doesn't hanker after materialism, does not hoard and yet has sufficient unto the day----who is such a one ---maybe there isn't anyone here yet, maybe this is our future if we allow it to happen.  

Consider the following; (Perhaps number ten has a meaning to the article, and the rest wrestling with life and its meaning)

Kuòān Shīyuǎn's Ten Bulls[edit]

Verses by Kuòān Shīyuǎn;[web 4] translation by Senzaki Nyogen (千崎如幻) (1876–1958) and Paul Reps (1895-1990);[web 4] paintings traditionally attributed to Tenshō Shūbun (天章周文) (1414-1463).[web 8]

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  was once asked 'how does meditation help a beggar in India?  He replied 'makes him a happy hungry beggar'  Sometimes a happy person gets more from begging, he does not be through sorrow, he begs through joy, I knew a few tramps like this, they chose to live a simple as possible, one was an ex professor---we spoke a lot.



On odd occasions whether sitting, working, meditating and all the other intricacies that life presents one with, without hearing or observing the weather I feel I know how warm, cold, damp or rainy or any other variable.

How is this so; well on my part I cannot prove it, but here goes; my mind and body are part of the whole, there is no separation between the Universe and myself. I have a personal agenda created through life's experience and I name this the ego or local mind, although this mind seems isolated from the all and all of the greater Life of the Universe, this is only the perverse and blinkered small mind self perception.

When the strict guardian of the local mind 'lets go' and the walls of the fortress, yea the drawbridge is lowered, then a feeling of unity, be it brief, is apparent and one then is ONE with the ONE and since the weather is Universal and pertinent to the local as well as Universal one's greater self being mind is then sensing on the deepest and most subtle levels and so is picking up the nuances the weather is communicating.  

When one says a deeper level there are no levels to be precise it just feels like one has gone deeper whilst in fact it is the absence of thought that makes this perception of levels.  Once one has dropped one's thought which is the drawbridge and this feels like another level, however this is the true nature of which one is which is awareness without thought, thought arrives spontaneously and intuitively, really thinking is for day to day stuff and can be put aside gently.  There is only Oneness and there is only one level---it is the level of no level----here only awareness which is consciousness resides and as such has no dimensions---it just is.   



live mindfully

What does it mean it's all in the Mind 

Show me your Mind, Hand it to Me, let me see it, make a scale model of it

No not your brain ---your mind

Are you the first to do it?


Happy Melly









a leaming a day







I don't know why I'm here

I don't know why I exist

But I'm here anyway

Are you sure?




Are you big enough to fill the emptiness of space?

And if you are 

What will you fill it with?


Friday 1 September 2017



Where do you go to in emptiness and space?

And is there a you in it anyway?




If I am an illusion based on the fact that most solids so called matter is something constructed around space, which seems a contradiction of words and concepts.

That being so it maybe because I recognize the fact that I maybe an illusion I have to convince myself that I am not.  So others agree we are solid and present in form, we share the illusion and at the same instant agree by group and mass consensus we are here and now in touchable flesh, real and authentic and so we make the illusion a reality, it exists and is our only reality.

Until it falls apart --- then perhaps in our passing we know and perhaps our true nature revealed.

Perhaps in the next dimension we realize we were an illusion and now perhaps another one in a different form.  Maybe Life is and are endless illusionary lives in different dimensions which of themselves are illusions.(Shack)



In the world of an atom they are 99.99% space---empty

I am made of atoms and so is everything else

So I must be 99.99% empty and so is everything else

So how come I am here-------or am I?

You have to be sure about this--can you be sure about nothing--especially if you are not here.(shack)



Where did Shack go?


That's why he never went away




Do you know why Shack is Back?

Because he never went away.




What is Life and Living

Don't you know

Well I can't tell you ‡

Don't ask me!!!

Its all very strange

Who can fathom it out?




What' Life

Don't  you know?

Its Living




                I've done it all without doing it

          Its funny nowhere to fall 

When your Gone Yet hanging onto no man's land and nothing to stand on

You know what

Its the safest place to be 

when there's nowhere else to go 





Riches have I not

Poverty is not for me

Possessions I have few

So what is there left to do? 





It is said that Astronauts who will go on long journeys in some years to follow that their time in their craft over several years would differ to Earth considerably depending on the length of years involved in the expedition.  This is 'time dilation' and is worked by the speed of light as a constant and from the prospective of the observer.  The Astronauts would see their clock time as they would on Earth, however Earth people would see it differently to their observations of the craft.

An experiment which was done took two high flying jet planes going around the Earth Twice, their clocks showed slower time than those grounded on Earth.  Yet if you look at a a spinning wheel the hub or center goes slower than the rim. So at the center you would see the rim or craft going faster and vice versa. 

Looking at a train whiz by and you are stationary the train moves fast and yet those on the train are not aware of what you observe and your watch which measured the speed as it whizzed by and their watches which ticked away as normal.

Then there is the mystery not to scientists that UGC 12591 classified in the Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies, founded way back and is in Sweden and has the Galaxies of the Northern Hemisphere catalogued there that through the science of 'look back time' has it that dear old UGC 12591 light we see left 400 million years ago when trees were developing on Earth---- so here you have it again about what is real and what is solid and forever-- a dog chasing its own tail.

Then there are time zones in the Americas and some are an hour or so ahead or behind and so on. The time for the light of the Sun to reach Earth is approximately 8 minutes. So when the sun explodes all life is extinguished on Earth and the explosion might take away the whole solar system.

So what is time?  Is it not linked to our senses and in this particular dimension of frequencies we take as reality and maybe there are other realities which are taken as realities and solid and or maybe not.

For sure when our light goes out where is time then?




How deep and long, high and low is Infinity and Eternity?  Maybe or seem to be a silly and stupid question.

Yet sitting in the silence and a still dynamic and yet gentle rolling mind, like a boat silently going over the crest and troughs of the waves, the peaks and troughs of something not tangible to the senses and supposedly being empty, void and a vacuum I was feeling filled up, topped up with what I feel deeply and earnestly is a feel of love.

Love not in the emotional way, a love for just love and not for anything specific. What ever Eternity and Infinity is or are I feel their essence is an energy called love.

Being ever open in this state of no mind but deeply and succinctly aware of it, it feels as though I am in the ocean of love and I do not know how or even why I seem to be going deeper into that magnificence and yet how does one plum the depths of no beginning and ending?

Anyway as I become emptier of self personal agenda, scheming and conniving that space is being filled with that something from that somewhere and to call it somewhere is farcical because it does not exist and yet is the foundation of all there is.

It may exist in a non personal way and the mind cannot fathom it and it is when the mind comes to the end of all explanations, theories and assumptions one becomes aware of that, of that which does not exist.   
