Tuesday 16 November 2021



So be prepared to expect the unexpected not by a defence system psychologically a or mechanical electronic or any other assurance, you can never really can tell.

The inevitable, the unpredictable take one out of one's comfort zone. The unexpected may not come from the past(in a way it does see later) or the future(it can in a way).

It can come from the inculcated conditioning patterns and programmes as a reaction from a unconscious trigger in the ego alert system and these programmes and patterns represent reality and the norm and as such can be projected into the so called future which in this case is a rehashed and regurgitated past.

The future seems familiar and known and safe and a safety net facilitated by the programmes arrest any further explorations into the unknown. The 'norm' now established maybe pleasant or horrific and yet there maybe some extreme cold comfort I am familiar with this. In this pandemic the establishment is trying through fear and indoctrination to establish a new norm the so called 'reset' although masks are extremely dangerous to be warn for long periods many are afraid to get near to another and demask. Awareness of these 'triggers' and being in awareness without bias is the now. 

OK who is anybody? A person in a flesh body resides in it as a tenant and it is a temporary, transitory and an impermanent affair. So we come back to a sort of reality; reality is a mind encompassed and filled with beliefs, traumas, pleasures and daily railway lines of routines whether they be Cosmic or human ego stuff. It all boils down to frequencies, waves of information, algorithms. 

Its all mind stuff. For us humans we believe these scenarios are real and tangible and sort of solid in your face and touchable with the senses and yet those who know they are as real as we believe them to be and at as fundamental level they are moving something or others and then to get my head around that is difficult and I know its empty atoms and particles and yet!!!? So whoever and however we arrived here and let us suppose it is a Consciousness and Intelligent Creator I sometimes think this Source is having us on, a Cosmic joke, some traditions think so in the East and call Leila's Game.

We maybe the fantasy of a great mind and how big is a mind?

I have some great energy brewing and will leave this for another article.



Learning and Exploring Through Play

This morning 12th July 2021 I had a restless night and morning, very explicit sexual and pornographic dreams or even 'awake dreams' perhaps even lucid dreaming. I had awoken the day before anticipating the Wimbledon's Tennis men's single title and the evening's Euro final match at Wembley. I felt 'detached and aware' yet there was and underneath  a current of tension and anxiety with excitement WHICH caused a consternation.

I of course am the master of calm and tranquillity and in control of my anxiety and subterranean 'ripples of tension' and this morning I realised how subtle and misunderstood or misunderstandings that my ego programming had fooled me again.

I was hoodwinked; instead of deep breathing and distraction and doing exercises and getting into fantasies with glamorising mind scenarios a more significant and efficacious approach might have been 'stop, halt, take stock breathe and then realise the tension, get in touch with it, stay with it, BE IN THE NOW with it. DO NOT TRY AND GET RID OF IT, JUST WATCH IT, yet the energy of the anxiety whatever trauma, event, lifetime or some such thing it arises from and to try and rid myself of this irksome energy will only fuel it up for another disguised or masked 'trick / illusion, deception, / the saboteur', because the ego sentinel has recorded the guise and how I deal with it and will then cause another camouflaged 'attack' which it feeds on and drains my energy and is its food. The predator learns how to deceive its prey with ever subtle and devious traps and snares.  

Then this morning the 12th as above and the 11th the day of Wimbledon and Wembley I realise I said to myself I'll go shopping in the morning and I bought mainly junk food for comfort and 'relaxation' 'hmmm' and realised I could not take the tension of the tennis and football and blamed it on I could feel the vibes of the nation and world wide, YET it was me fooling myself I am a real cool special forces, Buddhist Monk aware dude. What a load of poppycock.

So this morning after torrid sexual lucid or ordinary dreaming, I felt when I awakened an extreme head pressure and a realisation I had succumbed to the hype of yesterday and that is OK, was it hell, my mind baulked and then what do I do today without the TV HYPE OR 'THINGS TO DO' WAS NOT MY ROUTINES ENOUGH? No came the resounding answer and I baulked at the day ahead, what do I fill it with, I was alright before the finals at the sports mentioned and got seduced by the attractive entertainment and AFTERALL I am detached and do not care about the outcomes, I am neutral and world citizen. What a load of bollocks.

So I got up sour and disappointed and full of anger and feeling let down, not because England failed to win and yet Djokovic won yes OK,  BUT BECAUSE I LET MYSELF DOWN.

THEN it hit me full on, a broadside, a salvo, a bombardment, cannonade a repeat words in order to emphasise the impact of the revelation that followed although known intellectually and logically before; I had a set of programmes which I was aware of it seems only superficially and some of them were; sex is messy, wrong, should only be done by consenting loving meaningful lovers, it was and is holy and so am I (your kidding) Sex is a distraction especially masturbation with or without a partner, it weakens your strength, it is only a relief of tension and should not be a substitute for meditation and exercise like Qi Gong, I as master should not have to step so low and be so crude and a servant and be robbed by an emotion and energy that is so crass and gross after all am I not the Master and above these petty materialistic heinous innocuous frailties? DO you know who I am?    

My ego program then hit me full force and I realised there was this image that floated in the background a sort of subtle film or cling film like energy substance that slid into place when the tension and anxiety was triggered and it brought me down from exultation and big headed cocky noxious arrogant and appearing humble and cowardly, demeaning  outward appearance and inwardly cowardly and afraid of most things and hiding behind the façade of a degree, my past and the accolades that they furnished me with. I fully laid bare the stark facts that this was the mind programmes at play AND THAT it is hard to put into words the feeling I got that this film 'sort of overlaid my frontal lobes and third eye and I sort felt my eyes go upwards as if reaching into my mind as it were and 'FEELING' the energy of the  encroachment and intrusion into the awareness as if an awareness or stain on the shade or windscreen of mind had been actually seen, felt and hopefully another layer of the 'onion' of the mind programme inculcation and conditioning had been revealed.

My own programmes proved to be my judge and jury. God would not punish me for my sexual or any other programme, I was my own executioner and punished me by being guilty for breaking my own self imposed images and they were not God given, they were me given and who is this me I so cherish, merely a bunch of self imposed brainwashed and addicted programmes that assumed a reality and false image, a MIND EGO GENERATED, SELF GENERATED AND PERPETUATED image of a holographic nature, for I could see right through it as a film slide that was apparently floating across the frontal lobes third eye area so to speak and was so convincing it fooled me into thinking and feeling this is solid and real and my reality, my false programme said it was so.   

However I broke the spell and went out for a Sausage and Bacon breakfast which I did not enjoy and found my recent salads for me more sustaining.



Bits & Bobs.Tumbir

A most extraordinary, profoundly significant realisation and uplifting experience in this New Moon of the 9th July 2021.

I have often mentioned my trees in the garden where I live and yet again they have brought to me an understanding beyond words. I felt a real warmth from them and more to the point a sharing, it was not from them or me, there was no personal representation. I felt warmth, a warmth beyond emotional love or sentiment or exhilaration, beyond friendship, it was ohana, real family. 

I had been contemplating a few days back that my 'blood family' as it were or relatives, cousins, mean absolutely nothing in the terms of human family, I feel all are family right now from this experience. I actually felt that the trees nature, the universe the human family were in this warmth.

There was actually no personality or individuality in this, it was non personal, it was a substrate a sort of an all encompassing field that is not solid as it were but a 'FEELING'  I felt Life and this is shared by all and sundry, there is no explanation for it or a need for reasoning it, and it is beyond intellectual and logical ponderance. This feeling of warmth with no need to analyse it or reason to accompany it was and is all that is without explanation. The point being can the ego rest in this without rhyme or reason? 

I felt no one or thing means more to me all things felt even and smooth, I felt all encompassed, cocooned in this embrace, a sort or calm grace. This was the foundation of Life, this was Life without form speaking to me and assuring me of love, fortitude and the need for a human or any family in form or companionship was not a necessity, this was the Cosmic God Universal Source of impersonal  spontaneous unconditional love.

This was love, heartfelt love, love that was eternal and sublime, divine and there is no need to have a symbol or words, it is the I AM of no form and indwells each form.

I felt that what ever happens in the body or out of it that this feeling, this magic wave and vibration so to speak was with me always even in a so called darkest hour.

I have never felt an intimacy like that sharing with trees, they shared their essence in light some SHACK's back now their silent energy love form which pervades the entire Cosmic Universe. As I looked at them I sensed we both felt this instantaneously because this field is seamless and a constant and gently pervades all and everything, it is a field of love, gently pulsing and yet smooth and without ripples it underlies and is the 'belly' of creation, it is Creation Speaking in Wordless intimacy and beyond imaginative cognitive faculties, It is a stand alone and yet not lonely feeling going beyond self worth and confidence and yet within it definite power and courage.

It has left me not needing anything from anybody in the form of approval and of course help in need or health and yet a compassion for all and the compassion arises because as forms dissolve and are on a lease and are impermanent and because of the impermanence of human frailty, death, disease and ego battles for supremacy and the constant need for approval and being top banana so to speak, the boss of the gang, the leader of the world and riches which all fade in the fullness of time and on the death bed 'yes I have had all the riches and power and I go having this with no regrets or I go wanting to take this with me and I will try to get back again, what a cruel thing to die and leave this behind and so on'.

And yet having this feeling of this warmth, then form, money, acquisitions fade into obscurity as I have in this feeling something that is not impermanent, does not die and I know that all forms although perishable do at their essence have this warmth and I will never feel alone or without family wherever and whatever.

The bonus and reward is that if one can share this with another and feel the connection then there is a bliss with trees, people, forms, nature and of course this silent feeling is in nature and there is this bond which all of natures inhabitants from bacteria to highest mountains, from volcanoes to krill and plankton, from viruses to cancer, from disaster's and wars, from mansions to homelessness from poverty to massive wealth, there is if one searches and dives deeply quietening the mind and being still and just being still and then may discover this underpinning all encompassing field of eternal bliss and happiness.


As atoms are the building blocks and all the particles therein are the ingredient's of atoms as it were in my view they are all by the hand of the Great Spirit, so they are infused with the light and love of a loving creator. They are myriads of sparkling diamonds and jewels, droplets lit by heavenly divine love and light, this felt way back when I asked the trees in the garden to share their essence with me and found they were mine as well, in fact that they were not the trees or my essence, it was a Universal all pervading essence which all creation shared no matter what their earthly, planetary or Universal form appeared to be, because beneath the surface so to speak lay the treasure of this sparkling divine abundance of beauty and love. SHACK



On reflection it seems that going through a world wide massive pandemic with lockdowns, vaccines, scares, lies, deceit, PCR tests and the science being lame and fake in some instances, it took most of us to question what is real, fake, surreal and then return to some sort of normality.

Returning to normality is only returning to a generally accepted set of principles, politics, tenets, accepted religions, cults and cultures all with a general overview and some deviations and variations and an attempt to force a new paradigm which included mass surveillance through Covid -tests, various tracking apps, woke -ism, severe gender definitions, culture and history cancelling, technocracy and eugenics, robotism and so on.

Basically it is like I have mentioned before; the brain washing and inculcation and the swapping of brain washed ideas once one has woken up to the fact that one is clone and taught to be who one is, we are generally hand me downs and second hand clothing. Very few can be outside of their mental prison which affords security and the known and the norm even if that prison is uncomfortable. We are never who we are in real terms, we are a programmed organic being.

So being taken outside our 'comfort zone' our assumed brain washed conditioned programming we find it somewhat bizarre, unreal, surreal and some get so confused and end up mentally disturbed, suicidal and suicides.

I have experienced this many times with health issues, childhood stuff and the like.

I realise that an example I often use; watching TV I know I am the awareness, the witness to the programmes. Once I lose the awareness I get caught up in the programme. OK so I feel surreal is when the identification with the programme, the so called norm as regards the Pandemic, is my daily habits and routines and mind stuff and that is broken, the habitual 'norm' is but inculcated brain washed conditioned habits and becomes a landmark and beacon in the fog of everyday media, cultural, political living AND IT THE DEGREE OF ATTACHMENT, the body muscular cellular, synaptic pathways and all that stay as stains, etched in and deeply buried unconscious 'memory' remnants, the bits left in the frying pan that need scrubbing not by force or will, suppression or head in the sand and denial but by awareness and knowing this is not me, I am the witness then surreal and broken habits of the so called norm do not affect or effect one so drastically.

The proportion of remnants and leftovers, the haze and lessoning fog is proportional to the 'grip' and influence in order to be free of all 'not normal to the so called normal. It would seem awareness is the 'scrubber' and recognition of a 'norm' if that is possible.




The Trevor Project

I remember the feeling when I laid in the bed in High Wycombe Bucks and it was my parents bed and I was a very sick weaselly child and I had these surges of joy like I have in Meditation and sometimes spontaneously during my growing up years and now. 

I had a spontaneous large one just before my NDE in 1942 and remember the wall through the window to my left as I laid in that bed, the wall was of the Benyon's house next door. The wall went black and I travelled up the wall into the NDE experience.(explained elsewhere many times and the BBC video 'Visions Of Hope'). The feeling definitely stirred my genital areas and brought joy.

I realise now (7th June 2021) that joy can be humanely associated with sexual arousal but I see and feel it now in a different light.

I had a reservation and a somewhat still there is a remnant left over this morning of a shame in worshipping and loving with all my heart and devotion to a 'father God or mother God' and could not wrap my head around it so to speak, I felt it was incestuous or 'gay'(old term for homosexual) or filthy goings on or fancying your mother or family stuff, even paedophilic and another fear at that bedside waking up and hearing Doctors Young and Thompson discussing my health and what to do, also the aroma of some toy cars and my cousin Madeline and I bouncing on that bed and her wanting me to drop my pyjamas. These early impressions mean a lot somewhere, somehow and that dark feeling of mother pushing me into the canal and another person there and so on, me in the orchard at the top of the garden, the spider on my leg, Terry Braggs hitting me in the midriff with the rake, Henry holding me upside down, the bicycle, the gate I held closed, the garage, all gardening in hot summer and the damson tree, Miss Hathaway's school the hot poultice on the boil on the neck, Greenstreet School and the urinals and so on. All these fit in with the title somehow. Of course these are human flesh ego assumptions.

This morning as I said the Lord's prayer I realised I preferred to say as I have done for a long time; 'Our Father  Mother God who is in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven, please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us, please lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. Amen

Then I realised that The Almighty is not a physical Father Mother God, I course I knew this for a long time, but could not latch onto a non fleshly human type Guru, Angel Apparition or some sort of image, feeling associated with an image of a representation of God. I have this total adoration and love for God and yet not a way to worship Mother Father heavenly Eternal Cosmic Parent without some 'form' to get into my head,

Then it hit me deeply 'there is a story of Ramakrishna who worshipped the image of the Holy Mother and when he went to the dustbins to empty garbage he saw a naked man who was the guru Tota Puri, when he saw Ramakrishna, he picked up a piece of broken glass and pricked it into RK third eye in the forehead and RK cried in pain and TP said that pain is the sword that cuts the image so that you can experience God without form and it was then that RK could realise God without form'.

I have this admiration of the female form and feel it is a almost as I remember the feeling when I laid in the bed in High Wycombe Bucks and it was my parents bed and I was a very sick weaselly child and I had these surges of joy like I have in Meditation and sometimes spontaneously during my growing up years and now. 

This morning as I said the Lord's prayer I realised I preferred to say as I have done for a long time; 'Our Father  Mother God who is in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven, please give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us, please lead us not in temptation and deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever. Amen

Then I realised that The Almighty is not a physical Father Mother God, I course I knew this for a long time, but could not latch onto a non fleshly human type Guru, Angel Apparition or some sort of image, feeling associated with an image of a representation of God. I have this total adoration and love for God and yet not a way to worship Mother Father heavenly Eternal Cosmic Parent without some 'form' to get into my head

Then it hit me deeply 'there is a story of Ramakrishna worshipped the image of the Holy Mother and when he went to the dustbins to empty garbage he saw a naked man who was the guru Tota Puri, when he saw Ramakrishna, he picked up a piece of broken glass and pricked it into RK third eye in the forehead and RK cried in pain and TP said that pain is the sword that cuts the image so that you can experience God without form and it was then that RK could realise God without form'.

I have this admiration for the female form, the grace, the subtle movements, the softness and could at one time be 'a slave and cross dress and be at the mercy of a soft mother beautiful female or a Amazonian dominatrix and also this feeling of desecration, nay a sacrilege to penetrate her with my violence and yet to softly feel her vagina embrace me and the beauty of the vagina as a rose, a flower as some photos portray and not the violent penetration in porn.

The I realised God has no form as I knew intellectually and logically and reinforced by my Koan, NDE and quantum stuff, plus the philosophy of the Buddha about impermanence and then realising that God was non dual and was an energy, an all pervading intelligence which is felt as joy, love, peace, tranquillity and also a great mind, a consciousness and that by creating by intent and imagination with a creative urge to produce a dual form and this dual form be it energetic and yet a subtle refined mind thought energy and the interplay became the sexual energy. The attraction to find the other half of the forms dual identity caused to have a many sorts of sexual play and intercourse and its orgasm whatever form it takes, it takes one out of the body into the energetic realms and one forgets oneself and in that brief interlude experiences the God like energy. 

Most humans see this 'going out oneself' as just a joyous sensation and get addicted to it, yet in a deeper meaning it can be the ego self is in someway recognising its frailty and impermanence and is seeking subconsciously God Almighty and it is always critical of itself and this orgasmic interlude one finds solace albeit briefly, that is why holding the orgasm in some Tantric Yoga forms can lead to this interlude experience however the addiction to the physical act to do it can become addictive.       

So this morning of the 7 / 06 / 21 I had a mild Tota Puri through realising that the 'feeling' of this love was God Like Consciousness and I love the love and it was a nonsexual image, in fact no image at all and that Father / Mother brought the idea or feeling of cancelling out the images (it is said that in Atlantean times, humans were sort of dual sexed, maphrodites) now this is this whole classification of sexuality. One can find definitions of sexuality online and there up to 79 definitions as such. I put out the idea and concept that this is the shift in consciousness and planetary global warming changes in the Solar System and Earth and is part and parcel of the Aquarian Ascension process described at length in many SHACKS and blogs.

I feel part of the worlds unrest with wars, eugenics, the new reset, technocracy, robotics, genetic manipulation with food and all things is the unrest that the human psyche is sensing at a deep level, it dissatisfied with life and senses a sell by date, things are stale and even going back to 'normal' after the lockdowns, masks vaccines and mad insane logic to not get 'infected' is part of this subterranean unconscious in the depths stirring of a new way not by politics, religion or philosophy but by natural evolution that is God's hand as it were reaching out and changing the cycles in evolution and a spin of wheel of fate and destiny.

The urgency and need to be defined as a sexual human form is now saying ' I am limited in my sexual expression, my human form needs another feeling a way of reaching my search for peace and love and it may not be a bodily expression'. This is what I feel, I feel when I feel this joy and peace in meditation and this grace during the working day or general day duties, it is enough, maybe because of my age, but I have felt this as a youngster and adult, I have been steered away from early indulgence with sex because of some restraint, I felt lack of confidence with girls yes, but there is more, I felt if I get addicted to this I would not reap the benefits of meditation and getting this joy and satisfaction as I felt as the baby in the bed as above. I found God in the NDE and was sent to Earth to go through the forms of fleshly experience and to come through all of them without fear and addiction. I realise in the NDE the being Joseph and I tussled I wanted the light and loved it and I reluctantly made a pre life agreement , a contract which I undertook and have suffered and enjoyed and never felt an Earthling and now realise that I am love without form, a consciousness and Intelligence without form and furthermore not having a human form or perhaps working towards formlessness is the Ascension process and this will continue until all attachment to that which has form will be severed.

The fascination with female genitalia is the wonder how the human body comes through this magnificent female form and that I came as a flesh human through the interaction of my parents and yet the seed was the outward manifestation of the intelligence and information of the coupling of egg and sperm and again becoming one in there endeavour to create a dual form in their unison. From the one become two and from their combining like the two ends of a seesaw and the middle fulcrum which is the sum of the two and yet neither.


Monday 1 November 2021



I have always believed not by glamour or wishful thinking and so on in Extra Terrestrials and their craft, some by advanced technology and some from interdimensional realms, some are benign and leave us to solve our own problems with a nudge now and then with others being curious, adventurers and then the mischievous pranksters who play tricks and illusions to amuse themselves as with animals in a zoo.

In my UFO STORY  in www.geoffreedarchive.blogspot.com;

Sunday, 1 May 2005

The UFO Story - May 2005

WAS REQUESTED to research 1800 cases of ET encounters. These incidents were conducted by a five person team of which I was a participant. The research was carried out in Europe and the UK. The notes were then shared with other teams worldwide and a synopsis hopefully leading to a consensus of data and opinion sought. Following is my précis extracted from a huge amount of information.

The categories of findings were termed, in those years, as: artefacts and traces of ETs; sightings and appearances of ETs; and interviews and personal interactions with ETs. During all the team's research there were no incidents of abductions, harmful medical or intrusive/invasive procedures; instead, there seemed to be only compliant procedures of a pleasant and reassuring nature. Painful and horrific procedures seem to be carried out by other sources. Genuine ETs will not telepathically contact humans, nor do they come through in channelling. It was found that spirits and psychic entities often mimic ETs (although in a way, non-corporeal beings are a kind of ET).

ETs will contact certain individuals, but not as one might expect, highly spiritual, intelligent or open-minded individuals, rather it would very often be very sceptical and ordinary humans, probably so that when they were convinced of the authenticity of the contact — it added more weight to the encounter. In specific cases, Angelic and hierarchical channels could even prompt or arrange a contact.

ETs will not take on the role of saviours or "Knights in Shining Armour", spiritual mentors or any other form of rescue. It was found that they had a definite belief and position, and this will be outlined below. The evolution of humanity into the Aquarian form will, however, precipitate open contact, or should Earth (and not its life-forms) be in dire trouble — such as the breaking up of the planet which would cause a major upset to the solar system and beyond — then a rescue mission to save Earth would ensue (although not one for life forms and humans).

What follows are brief facts as gathered from the research and interviews, and may or may not be similar to other research. I accept that no one has the entire story or truth, however it will give the intuitive and discerning reader a useful overview. Each piece of information is like a piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

Way back in Earth's history there was a planet called Melchedek (not to be confused with a channelled writing und the same name), which was positioned roughly where the asteroid belt is today. The beings on this planet looked very similar to us as we are now. Lust, avarice, war-like tendencies, power games and the like were prevalent, coupled with high technological advance, space travel, sophisticated weaponry fuelled by sonic and nuclear fusion, made them a formidable force.

Unfortunately, like we see today, they had not worked on themselves spiritually or morally, so that they faced ecological disasters, power and border disputes (sounds familiar?). Then a horrific war broke out and a weapon of mass destruction was activated, which caused the planet to split.

There were approximately five thousand who survived because they had been on Earth to see the primitive life forms as a holiday. However, the debris from this disaster even caused upheaval on Earth, with huge chunks of Melchedek hitting our planet and causing calamity. So the Melchedekens set up a temporary camp on the Moon, which was rocking with shock waves as well.

Meanwhile, the Earth's spiritual Hierarchy, who are ascended energy intelligences, highly evolved beings over-lighting the Earth, contacted the headquarters or parliament for this sector of the galaxy, on Sirius, and a plan was devised as to the future of the Earth. A mistake had been made but there was no going back; the Golden Rule of the Cosmos had been breached which states that there can be no interference with another planet's evolution without Hierarchical consent or Siriun approval. They decided to send a monitoring group of beings to report back to Sirius and the Hierarchy to see if the Melchedekens would make good, and perhaps speed up the Earth's life forms and make this an opportunity for growth — a learning curve. Any threat of another planetary break up would necessitate intervention as one planet break up is all that this solar system can tolerate.

Meanwhile, the Melchedekens landed after the dust had settled and set up cities. They set up a massive DNA programme on the primitive beings on Earth, and began to mate with the Earth peoples to produce a hybrid race of which we are descended from. The time in history is vague and much history is inferred: the great flood, the meteorite that was supposed to have eliminated the dinosaurs, Atlantis, the story of Noah and the Ark, Mu and other similar hypotheses could all be linked here, including the way that the continents were formed and broke up into their tectonic plates, caused by the impact of the debris from above, and that the Melchedkens could have once lived on a lush and green Mars.

The Plan as devised by the hierarchy and Siriun Parliament was as follows: they elected five races of ET to monitor Earth from the first of the Melchedken colonisation of Terra until the date that is equivalent to December 2012 (see articles before). This is because of the alignment of planetary energies, the position of the solar system in relationship to the Milky Way and hopefully by then the raised energies (see articles before) will make it comfortable for the ET to live and stay for short intervals in the Earth environment, and that humans maybe less aggressive and greedy so as not to give the ETs our mind viruses. (ETs usually keep humans 300 feet away to avoid mental infection.)

In previous articles, I mentioned that the astral sheaths and so on would be "burnt off" so we would be more sensitive to vibrations and frequencies. This would mean that the Aquarian evolving human would be transmuting into the very ETs who are monitoring us, albeit not altogether physically alike, but sharing DNA similarities and understandable psychological and spiritual traits. This is why the powers to be felt it appropriate to ask the volunteering races to accept this mission.

The five races are: firstly, beings that are bipedal and are about 8-11 feet tall and weigh from 19 to 33 stone. They have been seen in many places, and even their "coffins" have been found in deep caves. Tibetan Lamas have told me that they are the senior race on Earth and originally known as Els. Their brief is to gather information from the other four races and inform the Hierarchy and Sirius.

The next race is the so-called "blondies" or the Scandinavian type with weight and height similar to us. Their diet is mainly microbial, they are telepaths (as the other races are), and their brief is to monitor commerce, business, money, stock markets, and nuclear and armament facilities — all these being "barometers" for our development. They then report back to the Els.

The third race is very similar to Speilberg's depiction of aliens in "Close Encounters": they are spindly muse-like beings, about 5 to 6 feet in height, again telepaths (no voice box as such as the others), weight unknown and diet as above. Their brief is to monitor theatre, films, spiritual practices, poetry, literature and the media. Again, they report back to the Els.

The fourth race is the so-called "almond-eyed beings" mostly defined as abductors. They are between 3 and 4 feet tall, unknown weight, and diet semi solid and vegetation. They monitor ethnic races and their plight in the "modern" world. Again, the information is collated and sent to the Els.

The last race are the ET type similar to "ET" depicted by Speilberg. They are 2 to 4 feet heigh and their brief is to monitor children's welfare, education, child abuse, and children's response to the rising Aquarian energies. They also monitor pollution frequencies such as mobile phones and masts, tetra and other waveband frequencies, and radiation due to the horrendous dumping and disposal of "spent" nuclear fuels (low levels are as dangerous as high). Also in their remit is genetic engineering, medical and recreational drugs, violent crime and war.

The Melchidkens are aware of the Cosmic Rule of non-interference: they know they have breached this, they also know that unless they split the planet again, or come near to it, that the Siriun parliament will not intervene, and so the Melchedkens keep a low profile and hope to pollute us while they, the so-called elite or illuminated, rule the world and make most of us slaves to the hedonistic tendencies of TV, video, CD, DVD and other multi-media formats, and also to allopathic medicine. They work on curtailing human rights and banning natural remedies and so forth. The name of their game is power, money and control; they live the life of so-called affluence. They are trying to pollute, seduce and denigrate the human race and the natural world before the Aquarian Energies begin a mass take-over or transforming effect on human consciousness.

There have been reports that older type UFO craft have been seen coming out of remote places. These are old Melchedeken craft that have been kept in secret locations by those Melchedekens who have refused to integrate. I have been disseminating information on this since 1967, and it is corroborated by information from films such as Hangar 18, Lloyd Pye's website starchildproject.com, and the books Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin and anything by Timothy Good. The other five races have very superior craft which use anti-gravity with induction-loop wormhole technology. (Black hole impedance telemetry is also employed).

The ETs are hoping that a significant portion of the human race will be evolved enough by 2012 to enable some sort of open contact. Indeed, I have seen newspaper and internet reports that China and India are preparing a contact space for this. A report by a scientist named Popp showed that research into cells found that they emitted a weak light, termed "biophotons", and in the magazine Focus it should that an area of the brain lights up in deep meditation. It is said in encounters with ETs that they emit a weak translucent glow, and that they are just the next step up the evolutionary ladder before they, themselves (just as we will after them), become hierarchical beings and ascent to an energy form more pure than departed souls with a Karmic Debt, such as those found in psychic readings and contact (no offence intended).

It has been found that light contains information (see Jacobsen's "Light as the Medicine of the Future and The Field by Lynn McTaggart; research by Robert O. Becker, James C. Oschman, and various books with references to energy medicine and appliances). This new research is heralding a new era in science and many well explain the weak glow often seen emanating from ETs.

So the UFOs that we observe are the vehicles of one of the above five races as they monitor and assess the evolutionary progress of humanity and designate actual "official" landing time and place.

Today as I type this 06 / 06 / 2021 there is a lot going on about ET and from my sources this is a fake up, a mock up disclosure and the elite deep state so called are trying even to change the narrative from UFO to UAP unidentified Arial Phenomena and are claiming this is a new phenomenon discovered in 1979 and they never answer or mention and even shy away about crashed craft, the Roswell incident, Travis Walton, Barny and Betty Hill, Rendelsham, abductions, mutilated cattle or the thousands and thousands of testimonies of second war pilots, ancient cave drawings, ancient civilisations and so on, there is a culture today of  woke-ism, culture cancel, ripping up grass roots, a new reset attempted after the and in the Pandemic Covid-19 and facilitated by the New world Economic Forum, The Bilderbergs, The New World Order and planned on Agenda 21, The Trilateral Commission which is a basically a Technocratic Eugenics Nazi ultra right wing kind of ethos.

I feel that the 'elite, the cabal know of this ET and they desperately want to know their real secret; they have back engineered many of the craft;
Ben Rich

Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed Confession

Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works director had admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars.

According to article published in May 2010 issue of the Mufon UFO Journal [Link] - Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works,had once let out information about Extraterrestrial UFO Visitors Are Real And U.S. Military Travel To Stars
What he said might be new to many people today, but he revealed the information before his death in January 1995. His statements helped to give credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft.

The article was written by Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers. Our forte was building technologically advanced airplanes of small number and of high class for highly secret missions.”

2 : “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

3 : “We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.”

4 : When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work? The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”

Ben Rich Lockheed Former Director knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitors

Lockheed "Skunk Works" former director knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO influenced designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI News report by Colorado resident Michael Lindemann, the design information was derived from forensic illustrations and numerous witness testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. “Bill” McDonald.

In an e-mail, dated July 29, 1999, apparently addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an excerpt of a discussion with Harold Puthoff, founder of the highly classified U.S. “remote viewing” program.

McDonald said: “Well Hal, you asked for it! Now that legendary Lockheed engineer and chief model kit designer for the Testor Corporation, John Andrews, is dead, I can announce that he personally confirmed the design connection between the Roswell Spacecraft and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spyplanes, Joint Strike Fighters, and Space Shuttles.

Andrews was a close personal friend of "Skunk Works" director Ben Rich -- the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" fighter, its "half-pint" prototype the "HAVE BLUE", and the top-secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him. 
Dr. Ben R. Rich former Lockheed Skunk Works director confirmed:

1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…

2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft…

3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials] . He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.”
Lindemann added that “Bill McDonald received the above information from Andrews from 1994 until their last phone call near Christmas in 1998.” Lindemann also noted “It should also be known that Dr. Ben R. Rich attended a public aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 before his illness overwhelmed him in which he stated -- in the presence of MUFON Orange County Section Director Jan Harzan and many others that – ‘We’ (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military industrial complex) had in it's possession the technology to "take us to the stars".

See the complete letter in May, 2010 MUFON UFO Journal from John Andrews and the hand written reply from Dr. Ben Rich. Hear more revealing testimony from Disclosure Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets discovered by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and many astronauts if it expects full funding from the Obama White House administration.

Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer USAF, and CIA Contractor Admitted : UFO Are Real

Don Phillips, "These UFOs were huge and they would just come to a stop and do a 60 degree, 45 degree, 10 degree turn, and then immediately reverse this action". During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, "They're here.They are right over there and looking at the size of those ships., it is obvious they dont like us being here”. When I was working with the Skunkworks with Kelly Johnson, we signed an agreement with the government to keep very quiet about this.

Anti-gravitational research was going on. We know that there were some captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we really did get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work. We knew each other from what we call an unseen industry. We can term it black, deep black, or hidden.

The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft that were captured here. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly know some of the people that did. There was no question that there were beings from outside the planet.

And if alien were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago .We got these things that are handhold scanners that scan the body and determine what the condition is. We can also treat from the same scanner.

I can tell you personally that we've been working on them. And we have ones that can diagnose and cure cancer. One of the purposes I had for founding my technology corporation in 1998 was to bring forth these technologies that can clean the air and can help get rid of the toxins, and help reduce the need for so much fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you personally that it has already started. pp. 375 ,383.(
Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed Confession
Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed Confession

Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works director had admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars.

According to article published in May 2010 issue of the Mufon UFO Journal [Link] - Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works,had once let out information about Extraterrestrial UFO Visitors Are Real And U.S. Military Travel To Stars

What he said might be new to many people today, but he revealed the information before his death in January 1995. His statements helped to give credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft.

The article was written by Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers. Our forte was building technologically advanced airplanes of small number and of high class for highly secret missions.”

2 : “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

3 : “We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.”

4 : When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work? The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”

Ben Rich Lockheed Former Director knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitors

Lockheed "Skunk Works" former director knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO influenced designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI News report by Colorado resident Michael Lindemann, the design information was derived from forensic illustrations and numerous witness testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. “Bill” McDonald.

In an e-mail, dated July 29, 1999, apparently addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an excerpt of a discussion with Harold Puthoff, founder of the highly classified U.S. “remote viewing” program.

McDonald said: “Well Hal, you asked for it! Now that legendary Lockheed engineer and chief model kit designer for the Testor Corporation, John Andrews, is dead, I can announce that he personally confirmed the design connection between the Roswell Spacecraft and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spyplanes, Joint Strike Fighters, and Space Shuttles.

Andrews was a close personal friend of "Skunk Works" director Ben Rich -- the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" fighter, its "half-pint" prototype the "HAVE BLUE", and the top-secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him.

Dr. Ben R. Rich former Lockheed Skunk Works director confirmed:

1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…

2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft…

3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials] . He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.”
Lindemann added that “Bill McDonald received the above information from Andrews from 1994 until their last phone call near Christmas in 1998.” Lindemann also noted “It should also be known that Dr. Ben R. Rich attended a public aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 before his illness overwhelmed him in which he stated -- in the presence of MUFON Orange County Section Director Jan Harzan and many others that – ‘We’ (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military industrial complex) had in it's possession the technology to "take us to the stars".

See the complete letter in May, 2010 MUFON UFO Journal from John Andrews and the hand written reply from Dr. Ben Rich. Hear more revealing testimony from Disclosure Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets discovered by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and many astronauts if it expects full funding from the Obama White House administration.

Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer USAF, and CIA Contractor Admitted : UFO Are Real

Don Phillips, "These UFOs were huge and they would just come to a stop and do a 60 degree, 45 degree, 10 degree turn, and then immediately reverse this action". During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, "They're here.They are right over there and looking at the size of those ships., it is obvious they dont like us being here”. When I was working with the Skunkworks with Kelly Johnson, we signed an agreement with the government to keep very quiet about this.

Anti-gravitational research was going on. We know that there were some captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we really did get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work. We knew each other from what we call an unseen industry. We can term it black, deep black, or hidden.

The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft that were captured here. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly know some of the people that did. There was no question that there were beings from outside the planet.

And if alien were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago .We got these things that are handhold scanners that scan the body and determine what the condition is. We can also treat from the same scanner.

I can tell you personally that we've been working on them. And we have ones that can diagnose and cure cancer. One of the purposes I had for founding my technology corporation in 1998 was to bring forth these technologies that can clean the air and can help get rid of the toxins, and help reduce the need for so much fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you personally that it has already started. pp. 375 ,383.

Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works director had admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars.

According to article published in May 2010 issue of the Mufon UFO Journal [Link] - Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works,had once let out information about Extraterrestrial UFO Visitors Are Real And U.S. Military Travel To Stars

What he said might be new to many people today, but he revealed the information before his death in January 1995. His statements helped to give credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft.

The article was written by Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers. Our forte was building technologically advanced airplanes of small number and of high class for highly secret missions.”

2 : “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

3 : “We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.”

4 : When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work? The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”

Ben Rich Lockheed Former Director knew of extraterrestrial UFO visitors

Lockheed "Skunk Works" former director knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO influenced designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI News report by Colorado resident Michael Lindemann, the design information was derived from forensic illustrations and numerous witness testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. “Bill” McDonald.

In an e-mail, dated July 29, 1999, apparently addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an excerpt of a discussion with Harold Puthoff, founder of the highly classified U.S. “remote viewing” program.

McDonald said: “Well Hal, you asked for it! Now that legendary Lockheed engineer and chief model kit designer for the Testor Corporation, John Andrews, is dead, I can announce that he personally confirmed the design connection between the Roswell Spacecraft and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spyplanes, Joint Strike Fighters, and Space Shuttles.

Andrews was a close personal friend of "Skunk Works" director Ben Rich -- the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" fighter, its "half-pint" prototype the "HAVE BLUE", and the top-secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him.

Dr. Ben R. Rich former Lockheed Skunk Works director confirmed:

1. There are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we build and ones 'they' build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual "hand-me-downs." The Government knew and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…

2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft…

3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials] . He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.”
Lindemann added that “Bill McDonald received the above information from Andrews from 1994 until their last phone call near Christmas in 1998.” Lindemann also noted “It should also be known that Dr. Ben R. Rich attended a public aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 before his illness overwhelmed him in which he stated -- in the presence of MUFON Orange County Section Director Jan Harzan and many others that – ‘We’ (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military industrial complex) had in it's possession the technology to "take us to the stars".

See the complete letter in May, 2010 MUFON UFO Journal from John Andrews and the hand written reply from Dr. Ben Rich. Hear more revealing testimony from Disclosure Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets discovered by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and many astronauts if it expects full funding from the Obama White House administration.
 administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon "purge", administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector…

2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird onward to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft…

3. It was Ben Rich's opinion that the public should not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials] . He believed they could not handle the truth -- ever. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the "international corporate board of directors" dealing with the "Subject" could represent a bigger problem to citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.”
Lindemann added that “Bill McDonald received the above information from Andrews from 1994 until their last phone call near Christmas in 1998.” Lindemann also noted “It should also be known that Dr. Ben R. Rich attended a public aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 before his illness overwhelmed him in which he stated -- in the presence of MUFON Orange County Section Director Jan Harzan and many others that – ‘We’ (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military industrial complex) had in it's possession the technology to "take us to the stars".

See the complete letter in May, 2010 MUFON UFO Journal from John Andrews and the hand written reply from Dr. Ben Rich. Hear more revealing testimony from Disclosure Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets discovered by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and many astronauts if it expects full funding from the Obama White House administration.

So now all this and what Agenda 21 and the Kissinger stuff are said to be fake news, I have showed the original documents to the so called 'Fact Checkers' and get no reply this is another attempt to rewrite history (cancel culture) all the UFO information from Ben Rich was verified to me by Dr Edgar Mitchell the Sixth Man to walk on the Moon.

The real 'psychic' UFO ET  are indeed interdimensional and 'psychic and driven by mind / consciousness and technocrats are trying to find the frequency of consciousness and this is the very rock and foundation of the Cosmos indeed it is God Consciousness. Then there are psychics who by mind focus can manipulate matter and can produce UFO craft, then those that have craft which match their DNA and so the material as such is organic and and so heals immediately after rupturing. The controls are such as like WIFI they are neuron sensitive and like miniature brains if you will organic circuit boards work to tuned telepathy, as Einstein said all is vibrations and frequencies.(See Monday 11 December 2017 POST 332 UFO STOY CARRIES ON. www.geofffreed.com.


 As of this date 1stNovember 2021 I feel to leave this subject maybe not finished and ending abruptly as there is some sort of strange governmental USA / CIA disclosure, which just altered the word UFO to something else UPAS (Unidentified Arial Phenomena). At this time there is a culture agenda to alter the past, transhumanism, technocracy, cyborgism and eugenics. There are restrictions of human rights and a two tier system with passports required proving vaccination and ideas on future foods made in laboratory's in fact a whole new in my view nasty world ethos. More can be found in my blog. www.geoffreed.com 

Computer error and repeats  apologies--SHACK