Wednesday 11 December 2019



We are consciousness, and from the light of consciousness form appears, so who do we grieve and mourn for? All form dies and is impermanent, finding the essence of form which is consciousness, one then is in light, freedom and joy. Holding onto impermanence is a waste of time and puts one in a never ending chase to preserve decay and impermanence and make it solid and ever lasting.(SHACK)  

Who shall I mourn and grieve when a person passes away from their bodies? Considering the idea of brain washing as discussed so many times, is this the real person or a conditioned mind 'bombed' brain washed robotic animation.

We could be any religion, culture or profession from the homeless, the beggar to the Royalty and as discussed before these are only concepts, ideas and social cultures agreed upon by many to form a pact and agreement, the tribe of safety, recognised by uniform, prayer and meaningful phrases and words.

The real person in or out of the fleshly enclosure is one who has passed all of the above and arrived at a consciousness which is not of form or even needs it and it survives in its formlessness which is supreme joy and freedom.

So should I mourn and grieve a robotic overlay of the real essence of a person? It may seem heartless and callous but I am mourning  for the loss of that artificial persona that filled my 'world' with meaning and comfort, however in that state I am trapped in  my brain washing again. I am all I need in many ways, not an arrogant, selfish cold 'fish' but a being filled with joy and light, compassion and has its own approval not by words and deeds but by feeling the love, light and joy without outside stimulus.   



World Economic Forum

It is said the montei (student /disciple) said that all life is impermanent, this I said to myself a student of life and furthermore it is dreamlike and transitory. Yes said the Sensei (teacher / master) in myself.

This reality or seeming reality I have ruminated, cogitated, contemplated and grappled with and furthermore with quantum stuff, zero potential field and all that jazz that it gathered, harnessed and harvested many intellectual, deeper understandings with the harvesting of a plethora of concepts, almost beliefs until a significant point is reached on and in the journey to emptiness, that is the pathless path, the no way path to the full emptiness of nothingness which is rich in the fullness of life empowerment.

And so it came to pass after a dream in sleep, rather than a fantasy of daydream and is there any real difference between them only perhaps in duration for the witness awareness is aware and conscious of the content, even if the memory does not contain or remember it, however the content can awaken at a later date or be lived out in another dimension or incarnation as unfinished business.

And so it came to pass that a specific well remembered dream on awakening from sleep and the somewhat negative feel and indigestion of an unfinished narrative of the dream ‘fell over’ into so called waking time with the uneasy unsolved heaviness of a ‘bad dream’  

The content of the dream was my deceased family huddled together in a corner of a scenario in a sort of old black and white caption in the shape of a shell, their faces staring out but not smiling, not happy nor sad, just faces with no feeling for me or me for them. Then followed my former partner Gill and she had on a puffer long jacket and a white croatia hat and was beckoned on by two tall men with white sunken faces, zombie like and she was being ushered into a large mansion with a few steps to the large wooden doors and the pillars either side of and in front of the doors. They ignored me and somehow had a Svengali influence with her and she turned to me and was implying in her look why is this happening? Gill as I write this has been deceased since the 90's. We parted in the early 80’s

I loved Gill as much as I could and I was very immature in human relationships yet good at sorting out others, Gill was very naive and had many flirtations yet was childlike yet very wise as well. She officially married to a Captain in the Royal Signals, Gill died a in car accident in Qatar in 1990 (Iraq war 2nd August 1990) Gill went to Steve in Qatar around about 2nd July 1990 and came home three weeks later.

Gilly dear soul always felt she would come to a ‘sticky and untimely end’ and I had seen a black streak in her aura going from her right shoulder to her left hip and I could never fathom what it signified.

When Gilly passed over I was shocked and could not really grieve I did my usual ‘puja’ and made no contact. Some years later I felt she had awakened into the light yet at times disappeared into the veil of incarnation and teetered on the edge.

The above was a lesson for me in several ways; although I really grieved and mourned for my lovely Mother, I could not find that grief for my Father or Brother, for my Father I feel my Puja’s assisted him to the light, certainly they did for Mother, for my brother it was a constant dark, dark and a gradual awakening assisted by my now reunited Dad and Mum. Gill before she went with the ushers of the chamber of ‘doom’ reincarnation to make another reincarnation to rid herself of unfinished seduction and business, with another pre life agreement, turned to me as I asked what is this?  Her reply I’ll speak to you later. I knew instinctively if she went in the hall of the Ministry of Reincarnation she would be born anew into another flesh body, which she did not want really and yet did. We managed to speak briefly and she said she wanted another relationship with somebody and not with me, but wanted me to help her stay in the light and not be earthbound, I then shared with her the idea of impermanence and dreamlike illusionary quality all life is in forms flesh or energetic and she left and went inside after asking me if I had a wife or some girlfriend, I said no as it meant nothing for me yet I still at times felt I may have missed out on the family, child, wife thingy but was reconciling this and dissolving deep issues from childhood and brain washing.

Later that morning I went after some procrastination for a large breakfast of eggs and bacon and with the constant theme of the realisation I could not mourn or grieve for anyone or myself at their or my passing. For every person I know or knew they were here and gone like a dream when they passed or we parted for indeed every object, concept, bye way or highway, every star, planet or whatever died with the passage of time and the only regret of guilt, despondency was caused by the fact I had a vested interest in it or them.

By their presence in form or memory the living form or the inorganic so called no sentient form, only given life by my use of them and familiarity of them that made my perceived world known, safe, familiar, a sense of safety, the known, secure, has boundaries and perimeters of which I could defend and attack a challenge or retreat into a fantasy world to comfort me and placate me, especially from the raw brutality of killing, war, famine, torture and poverty. When I lost anyone of these and could not replace them or kid myself with distraction, which is a sort of denial I felt the emotion of loss, not of them but of my ‘hole and rent’ in the net of my illusionary belief system reality world, the so called ‘gap’ made me feel uneasy not sure of my bearings, something was and is missing from my known familiar world be it nice or not nice. There was this fog, this unknown piece of the jigsaw missing, lost at sea with out land in sight, perhaps not so intense and yet at times so.

As callous as it may seem I had noticed the more ‘real’ the impermanence of life was becoming I had not invested my need for approval by objects, possessions, love and approval from others and indeed from myself as a belief or right or by positive feelings and affirmations, good meditations and uplifts form inspiring episodes in emails, internet or someone’s praise but by just being and feeling OK with me for no particular reason, loving me not in egoism or what I do, just being like an animal, doing what is natural without strain and letting life go by without grasping it to me too much so as not let life be ‘stuck’ let the river of light and Life flow on and me to witness it and enjoy and let it go, not desiring too much of the same old same old, so Life becomes fresh and not hoarded in some body part or subconscious warehouse and stagnate and get rusty, stale and bored old and decrepit.

So being in love when one is love and being in love with someone who realises that their wife, husband, girl / boy friend, mother, father, guru, relative or whatever can never give them love, that love which is the essence of our being and realising this, that one’s real relationship is with oneself and that when thought, desire, neediness is quietened down there springs to life in oneself a feeling of peace and a knowing that even the flesh body of the most intimate family or relationship excursion or ‘love affair’ is merely temporary, impermanent and can only lead to loss and grief when a parting is apparent. This is so because one’s love and approval will not be on hand, a loss of ‘self’ is experienced, the ‘hole in the wall’ is exposed and it can lead one to mourning and grief. As cruel and cold as it may seem a persons death naturally or unnaturally may usher sadness yet it is not the end of the world. Yes it maybe the end of the fabricated world of ideas’ beliefs, fun and sadness that was built up out of culture, religion, ideologies and the like of a group or couple related however all these change with the epoch, era, fashions, idioms of the media and culture which in 2019 is becoming ‘one world globalisation orientated ‘ so again people no matter how dear and near are a mere a set of beliefs and are part of the jigsaw puzzle and are impermanent as any other thing or object, they are not people in the sense that they join me and the human race in a brain washed rat race and on fixed tram lines, what is there to hold onto in impermanence? Why mourn and be in grief for virtual brain washed human flesh robots? Like the ice held in the hand, the sand grasped in the hand life slips through ones fingers and melts away. Why cry for more ice and sand when it will slip and melt, stop trying to hold onto nothing that you make believe is solid and lasting?

This is squeaky bum time there is nothing to hold onto, so stop trying to invest in something, all something’s end in nothingness, stop trying to pin a coat hook up in the sky.



































0pinionater New York Times


you have everything in You

I am the person I have been looking for

I am not a person

I am the Being I am looking for

Looking for anything of form 

will only slip through the net of ego

when it decays and diminishes

The Universes collapse

and I remain


Brian Peak Cain Performance


Today at the end of August 2019 one of those random thoughts came to me, it just floated in and it made sense rather than a significant Ah Ha.

Perhaps the night before I had watched a documentary on UFO and USO and felt so akin to the ET and always have, it is not just a passing or emotional substitute as to the title of this article.

OK so all the aspects in my life; a lousy childhood, low self esteem for the most part of it, shy and bashful, lack of self confidence, anxiety attacks not able to express my deepest fears and emotions, extreme bad health and  unable form deep and lasting relationships and so on and yet at times the opposite especially when I am in charge or want attention and reward which I admit possibly should come as close relationships and family. 

However the thought came as I seem to be shedding a lot of the above in a gradual process and not forming any of the above relationships but confidence and esteem are appearing not in a egoist bombastic demanding way but by a softness because of the back article on the shedding of the memorabilia and not needing to justify by badge or certificate, accreditation or some other means but to find the Buddhist-ic or detachment without force or dictate.

Then realising from the above that my life has led me to this; a kind of existentialism not of the kind of espoused by Soren Kierkegaard, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche but perhaps more akin to phenomenology.

I realised that I felt that pre life agreements ah la the Tibetan Bardo and the many workshops I presented on this and several couples who I had worked with that were childless and wanted a child and the deep imagery's and meditations produced the results in astounding ways and that why had I chosen the early years and then mid years to have such a feel and yearning for this detachment by choice. Was it because of the inability to form the relationships as above, to shun convention, to avoid embarrassment, to substitute and make a false world of fantasia and get second hand approval and love from my credentials and worldly achievements and possible sublimation and so on and now that had diminished through the memorabilia article it left me with this; a wonderful appearing clarity, less internal dialogue and mind chatter and most of all the breaking of the real attachment to materialism, not because it is evil but because it makes one Earthbound.

Now one might say that Earthbound is great, yet all things of Earth and atoms and molecules, nay the whole multi universe are impermanent and to chase permanency  and wanting human life in the flesh body for eternity (unless one is into Cyborgs, Transhumanism and eugenics see my Blogs and POSTS see  especially POSTS 370 onward's) and is this wrong to do so?

Like a dog chasing its tail the urge to live forever in a body which decays over time and trying to hold ice in the hand so it does not melt, sand dribbling through the fingers, just brings the desire for more and more, acquisitiveness, the urge to store up more and more so as to make sure, to insure one always has more ice, more sand so one can keep on trying to stop the loss in the hour glass the proverbial sand clock.

The Universe, the Stars, our Sun will all in the passage of time cease to be and the Earth has been through the five extinctions;
1.      Ordovician–Silurian extinction events (End Ordovician or O–S): 450–440 Ma (million years ago) at the OrdovicianSilurian transition. Two events occurred that killed off 27% of all families, 57% of all genera and 60% to 70% of all species.[8] Together they are ranked by many scientists as the second largest of the five major extinctions in Earth's history in terms of percentage of genera that became extinct.
2.    Late Devonian extinction: 375–360 Ma near the DevonianCarboniferous transition. At the end of the Frasnian Age in the later part(s) of the Devonian Period, a prolonged series of extinctions eliminated about 19% of all families, 50% of all genera[8] and at least 70% of all species.[9] This extinction event lasted perhaps as long as 20 million years, and there is evidence for a series of extinction pulses within this period.
3.    Permian–Triassic extinction event (End Permian): 252 Ma at the PermianTriassic transition.[10] Earth's largest extinction killed 57% of all families, 83% of all genera and 90% to 96% of all species[8] (53% of marine families, 84% of marine genera, about 96% of all marine species and an estimated 70% of land species,[3]including insects).[11] The highly successful marine arthropod, the trilobite, became extinct. The evidence regarding plants is less clear, but new taxa became dominant after the extinction.[12] The "Great Dying" had enormous evolutionary significance: on land, it ended the primacy of mammal-like reptiles. The recovery of vertebrates took 30 million years,[13] but the vacant niches created the opportunity for archosaurs to become ascendant. In the seas, the percentage of animals that were sessile dropped from 67% to 50%. The whole late Permian was a difficult time for at least marine life, even before the "Great Dying".
4.    Triassic–Jurassic extinction event (End Triassic): 201.3 Ma at the TriassicJurassic transition. About 23% of all families, 48% of all genera (20% of marine families and 55% of marine genera) and 70% to 75% of all species became extinct.[8] Most non-dinosaurian archosaurs, most therapsids, and most of the large amphibians were eliminated, leaving dinosaurs with little terrestrial competition. Non-dinosaurian archosaurs continued to dominate aquatic environments, while non-archosaurian diapsids continued to dominate marine environments. The Temnospondyl lineage of large amphibians also survived until the Cretaceous in Australia (e.g., Koolasuchus).
5.    Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (End Cretaceous, K–Pg extinction, or formerly K–T extinction): 66 Ma at the Cretaceous(Maastrichtian) – Paleogene (Danian) transition interval.[14] The event formerly called the Cretaceous-Tertiary or K–T extinction or K–T boundary is now officially named the Cretaceous–Paleogene (or K–Pg) extinction event. About 17% of all families, 50% of all genera[8] and 75% of all species became extinct.[15] In the seas all the ammonitesplesiosaurs and mosasaurs disappeared and the percentage of sessileanimals (those unable to move about) was reduced to about 33%. All non-avian dinosaurs became extinct during that time.[16] The boundary event was severe with a significant amount of variability in the rate of extinction between and among different cladesMammals and birds, the latter descended from theropod dinosaurs, emerged as dominant large land animals.
So in view of all of this it dawned on me; what a blessing this life has been. Psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists and the like may have judged me, analysed me as a social failure, a non achiever with lack of self esteem and confidence, a dreamer of better days, fearful and anxious and using my credentials as a cover up for social and tribal, religious and non conformity as a front for the inability to handle life and that God and life had handed me a rough deal and I was secretly envious and angry at those better off than me, especially in my perceived weaknesses.

Yet realising from Life and from Forensics, the stories of the thousands in my workshops, healing sessions and so on and today with the misery of countless wars, asylum seekers, refugees, homeless people, human trafficking, confusion over gender, environmental pollution and so on, that life is truly transient and impermanent and that my feeling of Life After Life is real, a spiritual energy consciousness exists and the real lesson is to arrive there after this Earthly flesh body ceases to function.

The pleasures of the flesh and Earth are wonderful, food, nature, sexual excitement and participation, music, art, running and swimming, fast cars, travel by sea and plane, mountain climbing, trekking, gliding, friends and party’s and so on, then old age and longing to run and walk and be young again. Then there can be illness, all the horrors as above, crippled, arthritic, cancer and so on.

So I realised this life despite what the ‘ologists’ and experts say about bonding and being a social outcast and the blessing of being ‘the odd man out' or marginalised in some cases ostracised that with the memorabilia gone and many substitutes to try and make up for a ‘seemingly sad and lonely life’ I realised why in fact I always came though the worst times because I knew from my NDE and meditations, my intuitions, the synchronous or coincidental and some amazing spontaneous events and I have never really felt lonely maybe alone because SOMEWHERE at the back of mind so to speak, there was a hovering, lurking, stalking feeling, all is well and that it is teaching me to let go of attachment to the hour glass, the sand clock and there is a life that does not rot and decay.

Because if one has attachments so rigid then when death arises there is this take over and the magnetic pull of the delights can seduce one back or the fear and horror also entice one back to an Earthly existence into what has been termed Karma or unfinished business.The delights to enjoy again and the horror in the hope of expunging the haunting feeling and a chance of a better incarnation next round.  

No matter what experts on social matters and how the mind works, it is possible to come through the bonding process, the ‘living alone and being depressed, having no life and being a waste of space and so on’ is another one of these pronouncements which condemn one and once believed or the label stuck on one’s forehead, it truly is the mark of the beast. The number of times I was told ‘what’s the matter with you, no religion, not liking Jews (born Jewish) no girlfriend, wife, not much money and so on, you don’t fit anywhere, your strange, your queer, are you gay, I hope you are not one of them, you know people like you should not be in company and so on’.

Should you care to read earlier articles you see what I have said about being born free and the first label stuck on you is your name and forever afterwards you are brain washed and taught everything you know now, unless you have questioned your existence and arrive at ‘who am I’ stripped naked of my culture, religion, beliefs and the fact I could have been born in many different countless religions, culture, traditions and many incarnations?

So what now; no longer afraid of the empty mind, just like the memorabilia by the accreditation's that the world recognises as successful, one’s approval from academia, business, profession, marriage, status and the like, there is just me, myself, I, and all the trimmings falling away and just like throwing the symbols of so called me into the lake and shredding all the certificates there is a more exposed vulnerable emptiness arising or just there, with all the muck gone, less to defend and attack because  there are less dogmas and beliefs, less burdens to carry and shoulder.

That sliding away psychologically felt somewhere in consciousness as if someone had opened a door and the crap and shit, the debris, the rotting mind stuff slid down the chute to make compost and recycle and cleanse. It seems a facility brought about by meditation, reflection, rumination, thinking things through that brought about a shift from intellect and logic to experience in real terms that all mind stuff is impermanent as is physical stuff and that one was finer and possibly the enabler of the more  solid matter.

Now the attachment is seen as the chute as it were an upgrade a re-figuring has occurred which has a synaptic response if you like or as it were to enable the trap door chute to be open and not accumulate which is an attachment and so be it, it is allowing the flow and process of life to carry on with as little impedance as possible and long may it be so.


Walking On Sacred Ground



Lately I have been giving away as much of what I felt was possessions. I now realise that I do not possess anything. For a short while when I bought or were given or found items they were so significant and important and then I began to realise I was living through these items and even items in the mind such as fantasies, the internal dialogue, mind chatter.

These items of mind and materialism were my reality and identity in which I had to defend, attack or to preserve them and nearly always to be right. Then just by simple logic I realised everything moulds, dies, gets rusty, gets obsolete, out of fashion and most of all, I will die or rather my body will die.

Then the realisation came if everything perishes and dies it is impermanence and so to believe these items, the commodities, this make believe mind clutter, the voices in the head and the fantasies and ambitions, the desires, the chase the thirst for capitalism to quench my thirst to add more of these impermanent commodities and hoard them become an hoarder and accumulate and so be in denial that I felt secure, protected by the wall and structures of these material possessions and even wealth and money, I felt worth through them as long as they afforded me an identity such as wealthy, in the fashion, knowledgeable, a PH.D, a footballer, in short successful and so on and if I didn’t have these and then begin to fantasise, day dream, desire it and get a second hand emotional high and buzz in an internal mind construct of it which can lead to introversion, denial, cut off from society, not to say I would not mix with people but felt separate and in some way even with low self esteem and confidence would not matter because in my make believe internal mind I was there with the best of them.  

Not making excuses but as every age has its fashion, its updates and upgrades, its reconfiguration and as said above it is impermanent, then everything that is considered material and has so called and claimed or perceived solid is in a way a mind construct however in this case agreed in various themes as actual, real and solid reality by most of humanity.

So everything is on loan, hired, mortgaged, temporary, transient, impermanent, here today and gone tomorrow, the changing clouds, the weather and the mysteries so often ignored and the fear  of being naked and having very little to surround oneself with material possessions in order  to have a tangible feel, touchable, solid to know I feel and see these things, therefore I exist, this is my reality, then if they are sparse, I have my inside world in my mind and then one day wake up and realise; what is the difference with mind possessions and material possessions? Are they not both false realities in the sense they are but temporary and do not afford security and peace simply because they rust and decay and when they do I seek new ones to replace them and I realise like the cars I had there were warranties, guarantees, insurances and breakdown covers and yet at the end of the day they eventually die and cannot be repaired or maintained as spare parts were obsolete as new and improved models came in and in these days hybrids and electric ones.

Well then if everything including the Universe and the old story of the emptiness of the atom and so on what is the use of clinging to anything that decays and in the case of senility and Alzheimer’s not even the fantasies or mind stuff is there and some nebulous ramblings are there and to the loved ones who visit there is no recognition and sometimes aggression. Who am I when I consider the frail nature of mind constructs as above and when they fade or change what I am, do I exist without the reality of materialism and an inner mind world of fantasy and dreams which can make me paranoid, schizophrenic, and have dual personalities?

Is there a life where impermanence and transience, ephemeral, dying and decay and really as empty as the proverbial atom, which epitomises arising interacting, moving, relationships, short term and always in the process of movement and coming and going?

Yes, when the mind becomes quiet and still and the whole machinations and cacophony becomes quiet and there is rest and in this I may realise it only thought ‘mind stuff’ that brings the materialistic world into place and logic and intellect are its tools in order to preserve and uphold this large construct and structure.

To the mind it may be inconceivable that the absence of thought or very little without being an imbecile is frightening, after all I was taught and have heard on numerous occasions, think man, think and I have become so glued, in fact super glued, and have it that it has been  so drummed into me that is real, reality, the world, we all do it and subscribe to it, why are you weird and the odd person out and I ask myself that and why am I a nonconformist and in a way a rebel and then I question myself, do I really need the fantasies, the internal dialogue and is this not compensation for so called failure in the outside world?

The nature of the egoist mind is to search, accumulate chase after all things of its predilection, to satisfy its lusts and desires and is never satisfied with enough. So it is always in the state and mode of self perpetuation. In fact the Universe is always recycling and reinventing itself a sort Cosmic Reincarnation, a regeneration and rejuvenation. This is the dream of Eternal Life and once and for all shed the burgeoning fear of mortality.

So at this time in history there is research in stem cells, growing organs and limbs, replacing parts by metal and cyber parts such as in transhumanism, man and robots, cyborgs, eugenics and so on. As attractive as some find it the mind unless it accepts that all such things are replaceable and there will always be ‘spare parts’ never the less one will have to keep up ‘appearances’ and rely on a technological, computerised robotic-ally orientated world.

Coming to the realisation of the above paragraphs it is dawning on me, slowly being turned on the spit, slowly roasted, toasted and barbecue- wed that these thoughts and fantasies and mind constructs as real as they seem are in fact the real world of mind stuff and that the so called ’outside world’ is not outside or inside it is merely mind projection, it is thought projecting itself in space as a holographic 3 / 4 dimensional hologram in the space of mind, that space that the Universe appears in as my thoughts do and then the terrible, awesome, mind freezing and liberating freeing thunder clap and lightening bolt comes to mind; what I thought and felt was a solid out there a tangible world and Universe is merely so ingrained and impacted, squeezed and pressed down by rhythmic repetitive entrainment that I have  been brain washed, conditioned, programmed and so steeped and buried so deep in the very large bowels of the energy field of the collective human consciousness so that that what I believed is real and solid is an illusion, a deceptive mind construct and a reality that does not exist only as a brain washed deceptive illusion in which billions of minds over the billions of years have taken as reality.


You Tube


Haward Falco










The symbols of the memorabilia were a front and a kind of safe that when opened revealed a huge energy system and a structure beyond the imagination; take the NASA badges and memorabilia. That opens a huge multi dollar organisations, hundreds of offices, factories, subcontractors, scientists and Universities and the satellites, various rockets, the Moon, Mars and where else? That energy glamour, astronauts, amazing scientific revelations and endless mind games surrounding this, similarly the Police, Forensics, intrigue, allowed seeing beyond the press and media and so on. The fantasies built around these, the aspirations that were not fulfilled and dealing with the childhood sadness, ill health and lack of self esteem all was tantamount to the leading up by the realisation through ‘the Buddha, NDE, Quantum’ stuff to recognition and realisation even these huge institutions plus my workshops and presentations at the EU Brussels, The UN in Rome, various Universities and societies, travelling Europe by air, train and car and the massive work of 670 workshops, 3000 patients and so on all built up a content of and an accumulation of what?

As much as one may see and think this is or was a wonderful mark of success and it was perhaps in a worldly sense they were only short term, memories and retired from all this just a dream gone by, mind stuff, a DVD / CD’s all holographic and recalled in detail and embellished by a very sharp active imaginative mind.

The Buddha of Quantum, the NDE, The Koan, the Shift of Holosync and my realisation that everything I could hear, see, touch, feel, intuit, dream, my body the very life in this body were all on hire, short term leasing, I really did not own anything, even my thoughts were all fleeting, hear one moment, next day gone the  there actually is nothing to hold onto, no coat hook on any door and I knew weeks, months, some years before that these memorabilia were the key hole to expose the impermanence and illusion of my so called reality, this life in my body, this beautiful body which reflected and taught me so much about the frailty and impermanence and nothing could be taken for granted, I knew this intellectually but now it hit home and began to hit home and make the soft vulnerable underbelly be exposed and naked to the world and what then if the badges of authority and that assumed power was gone, how would I survive without the former identity of the symbol of memorabilia?

Nearly every person has or seeks an identity for this is the nature which binds society together, the bonding and so on, the tribe, the religion, the political party, the national team and sovereignty, the King and Queen, the family, the gang and then the labels; doctor, lawyer, policeman, mother, father, Geoff, George, Sabrina, Angela, Yusef, Fatima, Hosei, Natasha and so on, and the badge, the certificate, the social status defines that and in back SHACKS I have gone into this with some gusto and detail.

The early days of newspaper print and on close examination one could see a picture, a photo made up of little dots named pixels    In digital imaging, a pixel, pel, or picture element is a physical point in a raster image, or the .... In computing, an image composed of pixels is known as a bitmapped image or a raster image. The word raster originates from television scann    They also used before the pixel a system called half-toning, the point being that all the life experiences are a pixel, a half tone which collected and sorted according to ones programming would form a digital formation(   Digital usually refers to something using digits, particularly binary digits.) photon is the smallest discrete amount or quantum of electromagnetic radiation. It is the basic unit of all light. )   So these digits of experiences, these dots and digits form into the fields of magnetised packets or mind photons as it were around the body as memory fields and by the very nature they are light in essence are then able to be recalled by the axon’s, neurons, dendrites, nucleus acting as switches and so produce a holographic field in the mirror of mind stuff which is space. All these light interactions as above are the substance and qualities that make up a hologram.

hologram is an image that appears to be three dimensional and which can be seen with the naked eye. Holography is the science and practice of making holograms. Typically, a hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than an image formed by a lens. The holographic medium, i.e., the object produced by a holographic process (which itself may be referred to as a hologram) is usually unintelligible when viewed under diffuse ambient light. It is an encoding of the light field as an interference pattern of variations in the opacitydensity, or surface profile of the photographic medium. When suitably lit, the interference pattern diffracts the light into an accurate reproduction of the original light field, and the objects that were in it exhibit visual depth cues such as parallax and perspective that change realistically with the relative position of the observer. That is, the view of the image from different angles represents the subject viewed from similar angles.

If one cuts up a holographic negative and projects it through a projector then each part has a whole holographic representation, whereas a negative taken by a camera lens which is cut only shows the part. Therefore the software light fields go to make up an entity by collection and hoarding known as the memory and all this is contained in a symbol which is the code and key to these memory fields, so this in time accrues to become a conglomerate known as ego and takes on a life of its own and apparently to the observer which is the ego looking at itself as reality.

However the ego also has an intellect, logic and numerous references abilities and as such it can also evaluate itself through its logic and understanding, when the ego begins to realise it is a programme through witnessing other programmes and learning from wise persons who have seen this and begins to see its foundations are shaky, this of course was the Buddha / quantum / NDE / Koan stuff and all those pixels of understanding that went with it. Then the ego discovers there is a witness besides itself, the Awareness of Consciousness and so the either sudden realisation and Sartori, emancipation, freedom from its own domination and falsity or a sudden reluctant chipping away at the individual ‘pixels’ until it achieves Sartori. 

This conglomerate no longer exists as a paramount and stand alone entity. It is surprising when the ego itself wishes to shred its encumbrance and realising it has been the cause of its own suffering that the pressure of the awareness is allowed through, either as above in a colossal big whammy or a gradual incremental process.

There is another factor; the Universe is made of or consists of atoms, particles and even so called emptiness of mind or space, the field, the vacuum there is a buzzing dynamic and somehow the ego when partially of completely dispersed feels this buzzing dynamic when a gap appears in the gradual process as a peaceful, light glowing dynamic and realises it is the awareness experiencing itself and that is the source of being and ones true identity.

False fake identities which seem so real at the time have dissolved into the nothingness they came from and just were an addicted mind to occupy itself with incessant chatter, internal dialogue, hoarding, fantasies and making all this mind stuff so real by billions of years of collective karma through repetition, desire, intentionising, desperation to be the outcome of the dreams and fantasies and in the end realising they are a pack of stacked cards about to fall and the secret not stack them up again.

Are we but the dots, the half tones of life merely built up by the illusion of reality.
Could it well be that the particles in the quantum are the half tones which make the visible Universe.
Then who created the Quantum field and formed the Holographic Universe? (SHACK)


Following the last SHACK 718 my mind has been relatively clear of chatter and internal dialogue, it would seem that a great deal of the chatter content and fantasy imagery, the colourful provocative mind high drama show was promoted by those memorabilia as of course most of my life experiences were centred and acted out from them, they were the content and substance, the kind of backbone and skeleton in and on which the whole Hollywood shenanigans were played out on the big holographic mind screen and of course the front rows and seats were reserved for the special invited excited and exalted guests the five senses, the logic, intellect and the conductor of the orchestra and graphics Lord and Royal guest the Ego who held and holds the whole drama company together bound in an affiliate which was and is seemingly shock, shatter and bomb attack resilient and unreachable and beyond redemption.   

This seemingly impenetrable fortress, this high ivory tower, this nuclear safe house which seemed so well equipped to deal with all and every kind of vicissitude was my life. What could possibly dismantle or cause this solid concrete construct so ably built over the years and culled from apparently life experiences? Mind you all was not a bed of roses and there were times that tragedy would shake loose the foundations.

The gradual process of meditation, the binaural beats of Holosync and the quantum realities began to sink home as was said in the previous SHACK the original koan, the NDE and that began the dismantling of the scaffolding upon which the ego clung. It was so real and convincing, so solid, so forever, bit by bit I self talked myself and wrote and thought it out, contemplating, ruminating and doing a sort of sales pitch and con job on the ego until it no longer made sense or intuitively possible to keep a ‘fake’ in the sense that all is impermanent, transient and at the foundation of nothing as in particle physics, just a dynamic interplay at and in space and that emptiness is the fount of creation, then I was living in a mental construct of which I was endeavouring to make impermanence permanent, the ancient very old idea and endeavour of eternal life in this world of the flesh body and never ending fantasy, fantasia and Alice in Wonderland.

The Awareness was held in a dark dingy vault buried beneath the fortress of ego and given a brief respite now and again and although the darkness, pain, suppression and chains of and on the true light of consciousness the weight and height of the towering monster although the monster was at times generous and loving in its own terms and way, never the less could not entirely snuff out the light coming from the dungeons it seemingly was harnessed too.

Those early years of the NDE, that early Koan began the process of opening cracks and the light, seemingly gentle and passive, never the less had a silent ‘pressing’ power like a heavy weight lying against a wall and the very weight of it or like the water behind the dam, eventually the mass of it begins to find openings and weakness very much like water in concrete and when it freezes and expands and eventually causes structural damage.

So the light in the dungeon began to seep up the scaffold, melting away, the AH HA’s came, the nature of the scaffold exposed by the Buddha of the empty mind, the nothingness of matter exposed by the Buddha of Quantum stuff, the mad world affairs all going hay wire suddenly brought about the shattering of the construct.

The memorabilia were symbols which held the content of the illusion; they were the building blocks, the digital keys to the pixels held in the ever ready space and usurped by the seduction and glamour of a make believe world of fantasy and glamour which took and convinced and tricked the mind to think it was real and gave rewards of wealth, sexual delight, emotional highs, victory and the promise of this never ending to those of extreme wealth and power governance and power of the entire Earth its subjects and nature, celebrities beyond one’s imagination and belief’ the world is not enough, now the Moon, Mars the Universe, no God but me, invincible and dominant, my seed is the only seed and all the rest of you kiss my arse and I tread you under my feet as mush and trash, this is evident today in the one world government, the 5G and the internet of everything which you can find in the POSTS in

The days after the ‘shattering’ as in last SHACK having said shattering, the agony of the ‘birth’ of throwing away those symbols of memorabilia was easy and quite as described, although the build up to the crescendo full of agony, passion, grimly holding on and all sorts of excuses not to let go.

The few days after are strange, there are moments when the space in my mind, which I liken to patches of smear and muck on the window of light, float back in, and for a while there is an identity, the floating muck coming from the TV, experiences during the day and what meditation throws up, the collective unconscious, the corruption being exposed in which at the time is the ‘alleged death of a top paedophile man Jeffrey Epstein’ and the sinister stuff I have written about that sort of thing in my POSTS as above, these floaters are trying to stick and form other symbols which will in time become memorabilia, this time in a ‘mind construct’ rather than a badge, uniform, certificate, so they get finer, yet the release of the memorabilia symbols let in a lot more light, the window is now joined by the light of the released dungeon and is joined by the light of the Universe and day so to speak, that bit of muck on the window kept the light behind it obscured now light meets light.

Then there is a sort of boredom, the symbols gone and the emptiness sought for is strange and the thinking less dominant and a new phase to be ushered in or rather to appear spontaneously not so much appear but just is, light is light and that has to be the new or rather always was, that what was covered and always was and is, is not new but has been waiting to be unleashed and discovered.