Tuesday 14 May 2024

Sunday 12 May 2024


Flow with the Flow

 Some say I'm losing my mind, Zen might say 'well done' psychiatrists and therapists maybe we will put you together again ---perhaps---you might say 'I lost my mind to get out of it and you want to put me back' ? Well not really we'll try another mind set. But isn't that just a compromise and it might work or not? Well medication may help.

Another view maybe 'I have seen or recognised my brain washed state of mind and all the computations therein and thereof and justifying, juggling, juxtaposing, reconfiguring, up and downgrading and looking at endless computations to try and keep and hold onto some reality that is endless and real and then doing all the possibilities to bring it about and facilitate an original primal set of mind patterns and finally realising they are at best a make over, a sort of facelift, cosmetic thought surgery and being desperate try to obliterate it with sex, drugs, depression, suicide or thoughts of suicide, perhaps euthanasia, running to far of places, off grid, on grid until you reach the edge of mind.

Is there such a thing as the edge of mind? Maybe it is the end of the content of your mind, your intellect and logic seems small and contrite and no matter how many degrees and self satisfied you maybe, what wealth you have what status or regrets of failure the hungry mind like a thirsty hungry predator wants more or less and it then one can come to the realisation what if by chance or by courage I just let go of this constant bickering and dual facets of the mind after all the mind does not have any physical dimensions, the brain is a mere recorder, so why does this invisible energy field, like the waves of broadcasts have this dominion over me? Its a ghost I feel the effects of it and yet I cannot get my hands around its puny throat so to speak.  

So one day one may see the absolute nothingness of thought, the ticket you bought when you were young and this inculcating took place, gullible, naïve, innocent and then stained perhaps by abuse, trauma or over dotting, protecting effusing love and shielding from harm all of this and other influences and then awakening 'I either see I am inculcated and I have been through this and seen it'  Or I see I am imprisoned and limited by the content of my mind, I have come to the end of the content of my mind and even if I change the content of my mind, the furniture in the room, so to speak and bring in new furniture and then get bored and trapped by that, the honey moon is over, rather than destroy which may come to mind and live minimalistic with bare boards and a mattress so to speak, I may find that all of a sudden I realise there can be no edge to a bunch of thoughts as an ego, its a trap , its not real, I have to feel this viscerally as it were. 

Suddenly you slide off the edge of your mind, the edge of reasoning, which is the end of logic and intellectual assumptions, you may feel you are mad for a while as the old you flounders in unchartered waters and tries vainly to set you back into the old order. Those close to you are startled 'you need help, go see your GP, see a shrink and so on' yet somehow you feel liberated, just a little shaky at first and then you feel less reliant on thought and logic and more to feel your way and another kind of nonlogical logic, named intuition and synchronicity seems to flow without effort and decisions instead of procrastination become more natural and smooth.

And you and I may join Lao Tzu in the Tao and Dao of things as the waters of Life offer us a raft to nowhere in particular.


Friday 10 May 2024


LinkedIn 1

 I have my own view on the observer effect as in quantum physics. Bearing in mind my previous articles on 'the empty atom' then the space as it were in the empty atom I have likened to Consciousness, Awareness, Intelligence, the Informative Principle and as such there is an interaction between the observers consciousness and the atom consciousness.

The Atom does its own thing until it senses another consciousness interacting with it and so changes 'doing it's own thing' and joins as one with the observer. In this sense the observer collapses the wave and kind of focuses it to a particle like phenomenon, it is said that language does not serve the quantum event or try to express it in words or even mathematics. 

I suggest you read https://terebess.hu/english/phy.pdf which explains the works of Fritzof Capra. As in image 1 'if you are neither here nor there you aren't really anywhere' 

Niels Bohr 'Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.' I add are they things or mind stuff?

Still think you exist?

Did Einstein believe in intuition?
I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research.
Who said intuition is the highest form of intelligence?
Although this may be a paraphrase of his thoughts on the subject, Albert Einstein has been widely quoted as saying, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”


From File  1

 OK  so where do the electrical signals come from?  The Universe and if so who created the Universe? The Globalists, the Deep State, Governmental Surveillance Agencies. 

From File  2
So can you go up to your TV aerial or the antennae on your digital appliance cell ? Mobile phone and grab hold of physically, pluck the waves of WI FI so they are tangible as to the invisible waves that carry your TV programmes, your phone texts and messages---why not?
   An example of ELF Brain Simulation

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency

Motor Control Cortex                      10Hz                    Information Induced through Modulation                  

Auditory Cortex                               15Hz                   Motor Impulse coordinator

Visual Cortex                                   25Hz                   Images on the brain by passing the eye. 

Somatosensory                                 9Hz                     Phantom touch sense.

Thought Centre                                20Hz                   Imposed subconscious thoughts.
Image 3

All of the image 3 can be put through image 2 and think of the technology from 1974 till now?  Are you still sure you know who you are? Apart from parental and peer inculcations, can you be sure the state, the governmental agencies, brain hackers for instance Elon Musk brain implant devices, virtual goggles are not having 'coded' stuff within them, certainly some vaccines do.
From File 3
What does get inured mean?
This means you have become accustomed to tolerating them. This adjective is derived from the 16th-century phrase in ure, meaning “in use” or “in practice.” When you are inured to something, you have probably had a lot of persistent exposure to it, and it's usually something negative.
Inculcate teach (someone) an attitude, idea, or habit by persistent instruction.
These two words describe how brain washing comes about. Consistent repetition so that it becomes ingrained, embedded and concretised and to appear and feel so solid as to be a definite reality.
H.W.L Poonja  (known as Papaji)  4
I have found that when I meditate and go beyond the chattering mind, not by suppression, will power just by attention without intention then it can result in an 'apparent empty no mind awareness' I am self aware, I am aware of the awareness' '(empty atom ---I feel is awareness or consciousness, not the atom the emptiness of it)' Then I can be aware of anything that enters the empty consciousness and be aware of the content. The authorities are aware of the empty mind of meditation and are seducing the populace with distortion vibrations through the media of violent videos, drugs medical and recreational, porn movies, additives in food and vaccine's, chemtrails, romantic emotional movies, celebrity worship and fantasy, wars and crime with abuse, religious and cult fervour  and all digital appliances. When one is in empty mind one is said to be inner mind as in comparison to thought and the outer physical phenomena.
From File  5

Many of us have become so inured that as in image 5 if ET landed who would notice, I know of people who are totally lost without their digital phone and one lady in the street went hysterical and literally tore at her hair because she left her device on the bus. I should not judge as I am probably fixated on something else, my mobile is some twelve years old and I to put up with jokes and taunts.  However they can be life savers and excellent in many circumstances.



Thursday 9 May 2024


From Previous Articles 1


This image 1 fascinates scientists and many thinkers alike. If the atom is empty how is it I / you / we / us and indeed the Universe exist? They say we came from the Big Bang and it was and an accident and I say well an accident has to have a cause, they say God designed the Universe and all that is in it of course the all paramount human the crown and glory of the said God, He(where is She in this) created us in His Image.

Then we see from image 1 that atoms are mainly empty so how do we stand here and the Universe as they say we have the same atomic structure as the stars, are they empty as well, oops. Then it is said everything is impermanent, transient and yet we have five mass extinctions and human type forms came in later and there seems to be a plan or an Intelligence behind all this and I class it under the general heading of Evolution.

Apollo 8      2

Now I am going out on a limb; In the space of the atom said to be mainly empty there is a something that is not substantial and solid as we know it, there is movement and energetic something's, I postulate this is information by the means of consciousness, an intelligence that is informing the atom and by vibratory frequencies informing the atom of its role and purpose in creation a kind of consciousness algorithm, a mind instruction.

Einstein was referring to the Law of Vibration. It states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into and analysed in its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.

Tesla "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." Now I am going out on a limb; In the space of the atom said to be mainly empty there is a something that is not substantial and solid as we know it, there is movement and energetic something's, I postulate this is information by the means of consciousness, an intelligence that is informing the atom and by vibratory frequencies informing the atom of its role and purpose in creation a kind of consciousness algorithm, a mind instruction.

Tesla"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."  I am suggesting that atoms are formed by coded frequencies into their allotted role by resonance by frequencies preplanned by the intelligent information. For example liver, bones, brain have atoms designed and allotted to these specific organs and so on throughout the body, nature and the Universe and held together by resonant frequencies in magnetic containment fields, like the different instruments in an orchestra.

Britannica 3

In image 3 it is an image of crystalline lattices and they merely illustrate to the 'net or resonance for individual information frequencies that appear from virtual particles to atoms and then to molecules and so on'


All of the above is speculative as all of quantum 'stuff' is now I want to delve into mind over matter. Going back to brain washing, inculcations and all of that in many, many articles and those who awaken and realise they are clones and all they are are mainly someone else's idea, partially a cloned mind and replica of their parents, mentors and peers and to some of realising they have been brain washed and their ideas and beliefs are those of a chosen selective parental religion, culture and thereby they could be by fate or destiny be any of the cultures and religions, political agendas and so on and to this end these beliefs have been going on for hundreds of years and been so ingrained as to be sure, secure, untouchable and reality. However waking up to this in sincere awareness of this can lead to shock, ' I am up to this point been sure of my faith, religion  'hook line and sinker' and who am I when I could have been conditioned and programmed in another set of mind patterns? Then a quandary I have no real identity if I realise this and then a number of things ensue, shock, run back to the conditioned self, try other agendas, self destruct and get depressed, suicidal, drop out take on a weird cult idea or just run wild or other options, should one be brave and courageous one explores the apparent no identity and seeming hole and void and take the plunge one may be surprised as other articles include the stateless identity- less consciousness and go further into the 'gap ', the sink hole of existence. 

Existential Crisis  5 

Taking the point if accepted that atoms are empty and that they are informed to do what they do from the vacuum, god, zero potential or whatever IT is consciousness, Intelligence or a mind that is upholding creation, we are being thought by an informing intelligence, we are a thought form of the Universal Creator AND SO just as we were cloned or brain washed as an ego human, WE ARE CLONED AND brainwashed by a COSMIC PARENT.

So just as we thought our brain washed agendas were real, our beliefs solid and offered safety and security AS LONG as we didn't question them to any depth and went along with the birth old age death, religion, culture and say this is the way of all flesh and this is real until something really shocking awakens one to at least start the doubts about existence. NOW I REALISE I am now cloned by the Universe, I am now identityless and realised I was a human conditioned clone it appears as I have no Identity as such I am alive and somewhat kicking, how so? What keeps me going with relatively very little human egoic thoughts?

So this anathema to being cloned is now with me again, I am now cloned to the Cosmos and Its intelligence. Still this the human ego. Now the empty atom and I am made of 27/6 27the power of 6 atoms all nearly all empty apart from 0.999999 recurring then the shock may come again I HAVE NO INDENTITY and I am a mere thought form THE COSMIC INTELLIGENCE  has programmed me , brain washed me to think I AM  person, ACTUALLY I do not exist, I THINK OR HAVE BEEN inculcated to think I exist, in fact I believe I exist because I have been made to think and feel I exist and the shock becomes a Cosmic one not an egoic one, I have been programmed to believe I exist Actually I am a mere thought form programmed, brain washed, inculcated to believe I am a human in a flesh body, once one entertains such notions it leads onto the thoughts well if I am programmed to believe and exist then if I should go on exploring this I can only come to a sort of conclusion, WHEN even that idea dissolves and I no longer am real and just a thought form posing as a human, planet or star form then I am ONE with Cosmic Mind. Until that happens one remains in the mystery. 

Reddit  6

When it becomes an experience beyond description I can only surmise one becomes one with the Universal Cosmic or Creator or whatever, the dreamer of dreams and realises we have all been duped, that we do not exist and that we have been programmed and brain washed that we exist, then we do not exist as an individual as such we are an awareness without form or definition,

Birth, and death, time and space disappear and there are no more programmes, we are the pure Intelligence that created the Cosmic magicians joke of something that is real, there is nothing that is real, its a mind game. Many mystics have brought people who were apparently dead back to life. The shock of the crowds were really tangible, some fainted, some said it was a trick, however birth and death were just programmed minds and the 'healer wise person knew this' and broke the hypnotic spell and by the act of life giving hoped to awake those caught in the programme, in the net of conditioning and that is how some can walk through walls, UFO do their thing and so on, ONE BREAKS the seal, the veil and goes beyond all programming and is not an individual as such. A wall, a prison cell they are belief thoughts that they are real, however the awakened one knows they are but another inculcated belief that it is solid and real being totally enlightened one is merely one with Cosmic Essence and change the so called reality because any reality is a programme, change the thoughts and change the circumstance, in fact there never was any circumstance just another brain washed belief.

So who are you. Just a sequence of thoughts that one believes are true even knowing this one is thinking this, so in a sense one is mindless of any handed down thought. So as one is programmed to be a form, bang your hand its hurts maybe that whole set up of feeling and so on is a programme as well?

So you happy or unhappy thought forms that think you have a body and do not know it is a programme and one may shake one's head say really? When our day comes for passing over and or had a nightmare your may ask yourself, did I ever exist or was all this a dream and I never was here or anywhere, I was just a passing thought that seemed real at the time and now time has gone with my demise what was the point of it all-----perhaps to prove to you and I we were thoughts only and believed otherwise.


Wednesday 8 May 2024


Beat Sport















Monday 6 May 2024



 The morning so quiet, no bird song and even the magpies and squirrels were still, the drizzling rain and the dark ominous clouds, everything eerily still and an atmosphere heavy with a portent of an unexpected event just another one in the recent chain of events and once again shocking the sensitive minds of many and causing a silent trauma that no one wants to admits is affecting them and some just get on with life hoping and praying that their dreary existence turns a shade brighter.  

I feel the silent cries of anguish of lost souls those gone from earth and those remaining. The mothers and fathers crying over lost ones bodies, torn, dismembered and some so damaged as not recognisable, they hold their dead babies close to their chest the weep and cry and no one hears them. Where are you God, why have you forsaken us and God says 'you humans in your lust and power, your arrogance and selfish egoic mania expect me to clean up your mess. I did not create nature and the Gift of Free Will to be distorted in this way, you bring about your own destruction, perhaps when you destroy all and everything, a new beginning maybe started over again, but from the beginning you have been war like and tribal'

So I hear the silent cries, I see the atrocities and I wonder what can I do in my relative comfort and ease.  I know not how, I sit in silent prayer and I am agitated and I hear my neighbours who are as disconcerted as I, we discuss it and blame who? The politicians, the religious zealots, those escaping tyranny and risking life and limb to arrive at safety and those incumbents of the asylum lands and its inhabitants sending them off to more uncertainty and trauma. 

Around the world there is unrest, poverty, abuse and horrific crime, youths with knives and guns, homeless people living in the streets, starvation even in affluent countries and a section of humanity wealthy and rich beyond belief who just look the other way and go their way as if none of the misery of the world existed.

Climate change blamed on us and yet a natural cycle and we contribute fifteen percent by our pollution and they make money out of the carbon footprint and the green of the land pays the price. Even space is full of our rubbish and it is this rubbish and the Moon will it be next, mining and human excreta and then Mars I ask are we fit to got to other planets and repeat the mess we have here and that history shows the fallen Empires where we had chances to start again and then the human condition come in again.

There was a time when man took no more than he needed
that time has gone 
There was a time when he gave something
That time has gone
There was a time when he worshipped the Creator and honoured Creation
That time too has gone
And now the waters are polluted and natural resources are all but gone
and creation is dying
It is a time to find our way back to Earth 
Will we heed these words or ignore them?

Collective North American Ethnic races
Aborigines, Mauri, Inuit, Amazonian Races 
and collective Ethnic peoples and those who care. 

Saturday 4 May 2024



Big Think





Friday 3 May 2024



Forensic Scene

Lives lost, lives never lived, cut short and passed away in terrible ways, the remains of a corpse, sometimes so disfigured it is hard to remind oneself they were a human being. 

In their birth could they have imagined this would have been their end, did the perpetrator think this as well. The pain which drove the perpetrator to commit such violence, sometimes the marks of deep sustained torture, the remains of the body so mutilated and some left in dignified adornment as if to make a statement of sacrifice or some bizarre cult or religious testimony. Who knows went on in those final moments if the victim was conscious before death and torture came and claimed the life, the person that was and the glee or revenge, hurt vindicated in the strange mind of the perpetrator.

And those whose job it is to collect evidence in order to bring the evidence to the Investigating Officers in the police to offer to the legal authorities if there is sufficient evidence to bring the offender to trial.

The bereft and sometimes relieved left behind, some anxiously wishing to bring justice and closure and some glad that the victim has gone and police witnessing another ghastly crime and the Forensic technicians having to bear the sites and smells of another dismembered corpse or a plain suffocated person in a bed somewhere, then the suicides of people and all the times one could and can think or feel 'what goes on the heads of those who commit such atrocities, the philosophers, the psychologist, the psychiatrists, the counsellors, the therapists, the theologians all have their ideas and theories as to why. 

The tragedies of youths in knife crime and gun crime, the marauding gang fights, babies and children being abused and then killed, the bombers and terrorists, mothers being abused and home abuse, arson, needles drug deaths, alcohol, satanic black magic, cult blood rituals, strange fetish murders so ghastly as to beggar's belief and it goes on night and day twenty fours hours, regardless of country and those who have to forensicate, investigate as if they are partners to the horror.  

Yet all the views and academic postulations does not get to the core and essence of it all and at best they can leave some of us perplexed and dumbfounded and on some it leaves sadness, depression and some sort of anger and in need of therapy, some say it does not affect them, I wonder at this, some have coping mechanisms and distractions and some turn to the acts of the perpetrators and re-enact the scenario in real life in order to solve 'why in the world did they do that and close the horror by doing that' and some just feel well in the brain washed inculcated world the cocktails of emotional garbage get jumbled and the thick weave and webs of dark sinister minds reap their abominable mind stuff to a crazy fiendish end.  

Some just drop their head in disbelief and walk away as if in a trance and have a sort of bemused mental programme and just say 'well all the bibles of the world talk of the horror of wars and disputes, greed and lust, power struggles, corruption and often when it comes from the least expected place. What is your view and how do you deal with it? I guess that is quest of life, dealing with Life and its experiences.













ShAcK aka gEoFf

Thursday 2 May 2024


Glory of The Presence

 Many occasions I  have been blessed by a calm, warm light and a joy beyond words or feelings and yet to fade and wonder where has it gone? I have had healings and comfort from these interludes and many have experienced the same and I know and feel deeply 'the kingdom of Heaven is Within' so why if the Presence of spirit only to me seems spasmodic and my deep seated inculcated programmes interrupts my ocean of calm and tranquillity and at times they besiege my mind like marauding thugs and gangsters.

In the past I have blamed God and said 'you are love why and where have you gone'? and my feeling is that blame is an excuse to not own that feeling and give it away so as not to deal with it because it is not only uncomfortable but scary and makes me feel vulnerable and frightened and as a therapist at the time I did not want to oscillate and vacillate and sort of be yoyoing and at the same time acknowledging life is not just one state of emotional, physical well being, there are crests of the waves and troughs as well.  

It seemed to me that the thoughts and intrusions were at the forefront of my mind so to speak and yet powerful as if the frontal lobes of my brain shuttled betwixt the two and the calm, graceful mind was a background event and surfaced spontaneously, I realised that what facilitated the rising of this was the 'background' awareness 'catching' a glimpse of the noisy chattering mind and on occasions realising the data therein was mindless repeated brain washed egoic data endeavouring to be centre stage stage and be the star of the drama of Life.

Then it came to me that I had a programme in me that was in the early days of childhood 'stuff' and in training to be a psychotherapist and counsellor, the so called 'not being loved, I was never physically abused but ignored by parents who were not loving in their relationship and wanted to love me but did not know how'. Many therapists would have dealt with this and their patients. So I sort love and approval from somewhere else, if it were not for Sensei / Sifu I would have been a real delinquent however their 'love' was training, meditation and strict moral code. I then went into the wide world and became a soccer student and failed, an electrician and then a Forensic technician, seriously ill and then took early retirement went back to Uni and got into Quantum stuff and had my breakthrough as many have read in back articles.

However there was a missing peace of the puzzle?;I asked spirit as it were, where do you go and I am at the mercy of an entity named ego whom I realises is just a programmed inculcated bunch of beliefs, agendas and so on. Do you not love me as you are supposed to be love?
The answer I partly felt and knew as I had asked this many times. 'Spirit seemed to say 'I did not create the Universe and beings to suffer, have you not felt that your lack of love from your incarnation and being ignored and you sought your approval from other things that rust and decay and left you feeling lonely and rejected so you became bereft of Life giving joy and abundance, BECAUSE you felt YOU WERE NOT WORTHY, it was the classic no one loves me, yes they love me for what I do and not what I am, SO my dear child you do not know what love is and you you do  love yourself and blame ME and others. 

Of course as a therapist, meditator and so on I realised this and in my intimate relationships I was told 'you are protecting yourself, we cannot feel who you are, there is a sort ivory tower you live in, you are living the Samurai code, you are not loving, yes you are caring but not loving.

I realised that I was a leader with all my workshops and other achievements and that I did care and yet this was not enough and with the now more occasional bouts of peace, healings and tranquillity, slowly and surely I was dismantling the scaffold, the net of conditioning and realising in full that which bound me. 

I felt a failure and many friends, family and colleagues, my wife and girlfriends said that I was brilliant and failed to be a success, I felt that something was missing, I felt touches of it, then it happened the demolition process of deep issues and the scaffold collapse. Two devastating illnesses lung cancer followed by prostate cancer, I refused chemotherapy and medical intervention and went the natural way and came through. I never did another workshop presentation (did 670 in all) stopped all clients, stopped teaching Qi Gong and for the last twenty four years lived in a relatively small flat and do only articles and see hardly anyone and I have spent this time doing 'nothing' and walking my talk and realised I have to find what that missing piece is.

Well that missing piece is this; I felt a Presence not the glow and grace as before but a sort 'of heavy weight on me, not oppressive, but just there, it was pleasant and it was silent and it was tangible to my feeling, it was as it seemed like the Sun, just there, always and in every direction, it felt a silent emanation, it said and did nothing, it was SIMPLY here, there and everywhere, it didn't need anything and felt eternal and Infinite, no words, JUST THERE, like the Sun shining forth and it did not need excuses, degrees, applause or indeed even acknowledging, it was there, no other words or adjectives could get anywhere near it, suddenly I realised the chatter had gone or if it were there it was OK, there was peace not a loving cuddly warm glow as before but a full soft Presence, it was unconditional, it was not personal, it was like the SUN just here and was not demanding, or judgemental, it didn't care what went on, it was just there, soft radiating light filling my being, yes there were intruding thoughts, like clouds passing by the Sun, somehow I felt it there no matter what, I was not thrilled, I was quiet and felt LOVED for the first time in my Life. I was loved in spite of my lewd thoughts, my earthly failings, my anger and my attempts at love and caring, no matter what like the Sun it WAS JUST THERE, a silent sort of pressure, the pressure of the PRESENCE, what is this presence I leave it to you to name it because I cannot. It defies definition and classification. IT IS JUST THERE!!!?'


ARTICLES 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2024 should have been in MAY 2024


2023   2024    2025   2026   2027



I have written a lot about brain washing(inculcations), the ego, conditioning and programming and clumped them into a sequential box set which is capable of mixing bits to fit other bits and a sort of quaint logic that justifies its absurdist programmes, agendas and beliefs into a defence and attack and also its God found right to uphold its doctrines and dictates and I call this entity ego.

Now a J KrishnaMurti quote; 'we are not afraid of the unknown but afraid of loosing the known' the programmes and agendas in short the 'whole kit and caboodle' are not real in the sense of reality, they are merely concepts passed down, inherited, someone else's ideas and perhaps modified and expanded and they are shifting sands and have no real foundations, yet we cement them in order to RUN away from extinction, boredom, death, ignominy and boredom which will inevitably come to all mortal flesh. YET should we brave enough to face the seeming pit of doom and extinction, the black hole, the endless perceived hell of being nothing or obliterated and endless torment we may find that these are mere concepts in order to preserve mortality which paradoxically is causing us to fear and so maybe bring this mere existence to an untimely end.

So recognising that the ego is a false entity because it is a programmed conditioned automatic reactive being, in fact its being is limited to the body it exists in (or reincarnates in) until it eventually realises the fake, false essence of itself and the very nothing it ran from the seemingly empty void, the pit was paradoxically the KOAN 'Running away from emptiness is running away from fullness, how is this?'




When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come to the Earth from many colours, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the Earth green again. They shall be known as the 'Warriors of the Rainbow' (Old Prophesy of Native Americans)

The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Genesis 9:12-17

Iris is a figure from Greek mythology who is depicted as a goddess of the rainbow and a messenger for the gods, also known as the Olympians. She is often described as a fleet-footed goddess who could travel quickly on the rainbow bridge between Earth and heaven

Iris is the goddess of rainbows and an important messenger between the gods and humans in Greek mythology. She was most commonly portrayed as the personal messenger of Hera. Iris was the daughter of the Titans Traumas and Electra and the sister of the fearsome Harpies.

From  Link Below

https://www.floraly.com.au/blogs/news/the-iris-flower-meanings-images-insights#:~:text=%EF%BB%BFIn%20floriography%2C%20the%20iris,%2C%20valour%2C%20hope%20and%20wisdom. A beautiful link, photos and explanations.

So rainbows are mentioned in many sacred texts and in mythology, they are symbolic of faith, courage, valour, hope and wisdom. This is so needed today and is an obvious embedded symbol deeply ingrained in the human psyche but tarnished by the smearing of the beauty in nature by pollutants and negative emotions with bloodlust and slaughtering of children and the abuse of the feminine.  And of course may you find the pot of Gold at the rainbow's end, or is there ever an end that is really the beginning? 

Yes Yoga Be Well
The Chakra rainbow and in some traditions an eighth chakra between knees or as the first and then above the head as the Halo, Soul, Higher self or the interface between heaven and the soul, or local mind and non local mind.

World of Chakra
and of course the one that always fills me with awe and I feel so at home and feel I came as it were and it stirs me to warmth and oneness with it.
Astrophotography Settings

The rainbows and arcs of the Earth and heavens with mythology seem etched in me somewhere and the Milky Way it seems the darker the dust areas seem to add to the mystery of what lays behind it as it is a promise to the unknown and the mystical of birth, death, life eternal and infinite. So pick a symbol for your self and see what it has in store for you, as I see it everything is symbolic especially our bodies. 


Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
In the land that I heard of once, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me


Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true

If happy little blue birds fly above the rainbow
Why oh why can't I
May I suggest that you listen to Eva Cassidy version of this.

Tuesday 30 April 2024


Dissipative Structures and Catalysis 1

 With the Greatest Respect to Ilya Prigogine when I first went into this amazing work I felt it had for me a psychological, logical ah ha so to speak and that my view which is purely philosophical maybe entirely at odds with what Viscount Ilya Romanovich Prigogine a Belgian Physical Chemist of Russian -Jewish origin meant and won a noble prize with. Many pardons and if I have offended anyone just take it as an attempt by me to get my head around what it meant for me and as daft as it may seem it helped me enormously.

Law of Dissipative Structures.2

It was image 2 that started it and it was the blue small print at right hand bottom corner that 'kick started' the 'AH HA'.  This came about through a study of thermodynamics and it lead to Prigogine, as I felt and inspired me that the human body and all organic formations grow through a process of exchange with the environment such as sweat, water, excretion, waste and the equivaled uptake of those or ingress to sort of exchange waste out and food etc., in. This is seen from embryo, foetus, baby, child, juvenile, adult, so called middle age and old age and death. The natural entropy of Life. This I relate to image 1 before change and then perturbations occur and the form is due for an upgrade and then in graph after change.
Chrysalis 3

I feel the perturbations are the evolutionary codes that in human take the embryo in incremental sequences to death. Then during change stage in image 2 is an in between energetic alchemic evolutionary process that is neither here nor there and is in seemingly chaotic and seemingly chaos. Should the input of coded particles to atoms to molecules be effective a new form arises, for example in humans baby to child--child to juvenile and so on. In nature caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly, crab shedding carapace to new enlarged carapace, snake to shed skin to accommodate larger body. Which is a movement of information,  it is my view that during the process of change caused by perturbations, the movement to activate the process of change, which can be entropy of the old form dying off to make way for the new, there is this natural chaos and seeming disturbing activity in which the kaleidoscope and potent concoctions of chemicals ordered by nature to bring about a higher form, so leaving chaos to do the work and the human intervention be kept to minimal, nature will produce the best optimal form from the dissipative structure.

The five extinctions I feel were Dissipative Structures and with the chaos of nowadays chaos is seemingly upon us, by the way climate change is a natural dissipative structure as can be seen through the articles;
In fact the Dissipative Structures are part of the overall Ascension Process and human intervention by technocracy, transhumanism, eugenics are delaying an inevitable event, destruction and the delaying of a natural event by humankinds lust for power over nature. The chaos at present from Climate Change ah la natural and the emerging awakening new human Homo Energetica Spiritulana my name in 1967 for them  (known by other as Homo Luminous, Homo Supremento) and the development of the Binaural  Brain and we could could avert an extreme wipe out re the Five Extinctions, in my view we are heading and indeed are in the 6th extinction the awakening new human form coming out of the chaos of the last one hundred years is being challenged by the logical intellectual human wealthy, greed, lust and power. 

Deepak Chopra 4

Brain Basic Tours 5 

There is one 'cog in the wheel' and that is summarised in image 4, in all of nature and the Universe the Dissipative Structure's flow fairly well of course there are hiccups here and there. However when it comes to image 5, we may encounter a 'hitch'. There is a lot of research that a new 'brain is emerging' the Binaural Brain and that is to do with the corpus colosseum, I first came aware of this in the 1967 writings and then a few skimpy researches an easy one when in Forensics and sent to me by a colleague;
Steve Judd mentions this in his January 27 2011 blog. 
  95% of the neurons (the bits that trigger and fire information) in our brains are in the cerebral cortex, the thin brown layer of jelly that actually surrounds the brain, analagous to humanity's existence on the surface of the Earth. Linking the two hemispheres of the brain is a bunch of fibres known as the corpus callosum. It can be proved that in artists, musicians, left handed people and in those who are comfortable with being out of the norm that the corpus callosum is growing physically larger, and it appears within the last thirty or forty years that this growth increase is exponential, not only in these people but in all of us. The bridge between the left and right brains was the width of a thin pencil a hundred years ago, and I'm assured by a couple of mortician/pathologist clients of mine (really!) that in many people now this bundle of fibres is now the width of one's forefinger. This suggests to me that the interface between the left and right brain in most of us is now considerably more active than it was three or four generations ago. Of course this could be down to our diet. (I do not think it is diet, I feel it is part of evolution and the Ascension process) .

In most organic dissipative structures (now DS for short) it follows the environmental codes and signals, however when humans become so fixed, inculcated, egoic, brainwashed, programmed, conditioned and programmed, addicted and groomed their bodies do DS usually but their brains do not, that is the brain size can grow and shrink but the capacity to be open to expand the reception of new energies and ideas remain in most 'tuned by a remote control' called brainwashed ego, so we are hampered by the refusal to budge from the outworn patterns that no longer serve our evolution, the body goes on and the brain 'content' remains stationary while the brain receptors yearn for new input but the remote control egoic structure remains programmed on a few selective programmes, beliefs, agendas. So the DS remains static and evolution passes them by and the boring round of old ancient karma drags them down into the quagmire and what seems safe and known becomes fetid and blemished and Netflix, alcohol, social media, drugs run amok and the entrepreneurs make huge profit and the clients sink into apathy and poverty UNTIL an Awakening jolts them out of lethargy.  This can come in many guises.

In this year of 2024 many awakenings can happen because of the crisis or chaos which could trigger a world wide DS.