Saturday 15 January 2022


You Tube

Father / mother God, Great Spirit, Great Source of Life I am often wanting to speak the words in my heart and they are so full of love that I am bemused in how to express them and shout, proclaim as I silently think them. I am so grateful for being me and yet so aware you created me, Mother / Father God I am baffled why you created me in this form, I am not as loving as a human should be, I am terrified of the world as it is this year 2021 and some of the things I have blogged about seem to have gripped on the world and me. I am sure that you are in charge and yet plea for the salvation of vulnerable people my sisters and brothers and my world family and the precious children.

I appreciate you gave us humans free will; I feel this transhumanism, eugenics, technocracy is at odds with your natural evolution, perhaps I am mistaken, please Divine One help me to trust you more, I love Yeshua and his words 'if they do this when the wood is green what will it be when it is dry' I feel this is now and the wood is very dry. The fires of war, the horrific weapons that burn and scold, the chemicals that poison and strike one down, the torture and the killing remotely by drones so as to disassociate the operator from the fact of death, pain, hurt and destruction and the callousness that develops from it. Just like we disassociate with meat and fish in the supermarkets. What would it be if we killed and hunted and the drone operator manually killed women and children in eye to eye cold blood so to speak.
We would have to won and take responsibility for these actions.
Father / Mother God I am ashamed for I have found these distasteful characteristics in me and I wish to purge these from my aura, mind and soul. Yet I feel weak, vulnerable and afraid, I am still aware of my vulnerability over my flesh body and its marvellous creation by yourself and afraid of ill health and nasty illnesses that may befall it. My lack of trust is greater than my faith in you and I am tempted and forgetful of your redeeming power. Mother / Father God I have asked and said to you many times' Mother / Father God forgive for what I do and I am aware of the strife and pain I cause others and myself of my ignorance and sharp anger and temper and massive judgemental attitudes, I feel I have no right for forgiveness, yet your redeeming hand is there when desperation is there and I can surrender to the stillness and trust.    

What astounds me and perplexes is me is this, such simple reasoning; Every vibrational frequency in the Universe created by your hand dear God, is in your creation and so is in me, so there must be abundance, vibrant health, well being, fearlessness, good will, unconditional love, rejuvenation, regeneration, healing and most of all the feeling of oneness and communion with all creation and YOUR DIVINE ESSENCE, which I feel is at the centre of all things and creation. Yet somehow, my own will which I would gladly surrender to you is somehow thwarted by my ego, by my brain washed sorry self, by the devil, by my weakness, by my stunted and unloved childhood and how many more confessions and blame. Most of all I know each day is a chance to 'start anew' Yeshua said 'behold I make all things anew' I know you are renewal and I know the stillness is where my ego drops aside and allows your energies to flow through and lift me up.

Dearest God Almighty sometimes I wish I could leave this beautiful frail ageing body as I am tired and want peace and rest. I am sad because I know that you have assigned guardians and angels that look after humanity and my own ones so to speak I am not aware of and would love to be more grateful and feel their presence. I am sure that they have love and care for me and I am not always or hardly ever grateful for their unseen service of Love and Protection.

There is this thought; that I will suffer the years after this month or middle week of September Sunday 19th 2021 and near the full moon and equinox should I survive after this date. I feel death is a great adventure and am looking forward to it and not afraid of passing but truly hope I will not be cancerous, cut about, in a wheel chair and pass with reasonable health in meditation or sleep.

May my guardian angels, guides and silent helper, assist me to have more faith and gratitude and what ever time I have left let me be a able to help my world family with love, dignity and gratitude.

Dearest Great Spirit, Mother / Father God thank you for my life in you. Amen




I could have called this article 'bewildered'.

Sometimes I wake up feeling really terrible, weak, afraid, vulnerable, maybe from a dream residue and I hear this a lot because of the pandemic, fearful wars, mass corruption and I have an uneasy feeling about vaccinations and their research and applicable use. However, there is this feeling, I feel queasy, uneasy and so do not wish to get up and greet the day and want to stay in bed, I feel alone, disjointed and fragmented.

I try to reason why? This does not work and pray, plead with an unfelt God or angelic presence. Then on some occasions I just drop all reasoning and logical explanations and just 'stay with the feeling' it gets worse and overwhelming and then sometimes it switches to a great light and  a slow percolating joy.

Now one might reason; something in the brain like a defence mechanism clicks in, yet it feels like I just stared, faced and burst through a kind of membrane. I feel it is a gift from consciousness, awareness and my essence which is awareness and being present. I am sure my invisible guides and angelic over beings might have something to do with this, however and wherever this comes about I am deeply and sincerely grateful.

Should it be by any remote chance the Great Almighty Spirit, God Almighty, the Divine One, then I feel loved and blessed and do not know how to thank the Father / Mother God as I go about my mundane life and just am fiddling and farting about with no sense of purpose and wonder why this redeeming and rescuing 'act' of the switch should be given and fall on one so unworthy of Gods love. 

Yet of course God and Yeshua  are unconditional love and the God Head will always forgive and forget because the chances given may awaken one to follow the example of love and with the hope in my case to dissolve a hardened, disbelieving heart and mind and yet it is desperately wanting to love and surrender and follow the Great Ones to a service of love and gratefulness. 



I am no Nicolas Tesla or any known scientist and just an ideas person and play with science sort of thing. I was reading about scalar waves and have slight knowledge of them. As I see it the two opposing magnetic waves meet and cancel one another out leaving what I call a neutral area as if they are behaving like interference patterns like waves and the waves form a third however in this magnetic depiction they form a neutral zone, a sort of a 'no wave' to me a channel, a dip, a straw into the zero potential or vacuum, in other words to the quantum realm so to speak, Some scientists refer to it as drawing energy from the Universe.

Then there is reference to Prana, Chi, Ki and so on, which claim like Scalar to be healing and balancing. As the blue prints, fingerprints of the individual can be found deeper than the inherited genes from parents and DNA arise from the quantum which has every probability and possibility and selected for humans and nature to a very specific design and signature and as the DNA shown by phantom wave draws from the quantum then everything organic and atomic will have its pertinent 'set of frequencies' and coded signatures which arrive in wave forms in electromagnetic fields and radiation.

It is my feeling as the DNA revolves it creates scalar waves or neutral zones 'no wave' as the helix turns around itself. The so called spaces between the loops and it is not the chemical components but the informing 'scalar or quantum' information which coalesces the particles and then atoms to molecules to form the chemicals and hence the combinations to proteins, RNA and so on. 

In binaural beats they are fed into each ear like in holosync and the product of say 110 and 100 cancel out to 10 as it were. Here the cancellation produces scalar waves in a manner of speaking. The so 'called dead or neutral areas are powerful'. Like homeopathy the more reduced the nearer the Quantum in which all signature wave signatures are stored. The Western world sees mainly big tangible evidence as reality whereas the Eastern sees smaller and even infinitesimal as nearer the 'Godhead' as it were. 

In deep meditation when the mind is cleared of thoughts and not supressed and when it is light and peaceful I feel that one is in touch with quantum, consciousness is joined and is one with quantum. It feels Godlike, divine and sacred. The slow breathing of qi gong and the rhythmic slow movements induce meditation and therefore the renewal from Quantum which 'holds' the signature and patterns for its creation and restores it to its basic potential for optimum well being.

Of course with the layered piling up of inculcation (brain washing by constant repetition of selected and preferred information) the layered programmes and agendas build up to a superstructure named collectively ego) it then may need constant meditation over a period and movement to break down the layers and so restore some semblance of well being and original primal patterns.



Science of Politics

In these times August 2021 the fall out from the Covid so called Pandemic has caused so much depression, suicides, horrific crimes, with horrific wars and great consternation generally. It it not so much that the familiar norm has disappeared, even with the lockdowns gone, masks generally worn at one's discretion and vaccines pushed to the extreme and a confusing mixed message; GET vaccinated no matter what age, and then the protection was originally from the shot was 78 / 89% now down to 24 /38%, then a booster in September, then in January a booster and flu shot. 

I did write in my blog ' The Party Pooper' that the Eugenic technocrats will bring in another form of lock downs and shutdowns and the excuse will be another virulent variation of the Delta Virus and especially now that refugees from the ludicrous, absurd, preposterous, farcical Afghanistan war ending and as usual the women, children are the causalities, the heartbreaks of parents who lost children, children without parents or family, the horrific limb loss, starvation , atrocities committed by the terrorist's, rape, abuse of all kinds and no mercy.

The USA has never won a war and when they put in their own elected leaders in a conquered country by guile deceit and promises by the CIA that country is defaced, defeated, the elected fake government officials corrupt and wealthy and the people poor and abjectly impoverished, impecunious and penurious.      

With passports and digital identity 'cards' on the horizon it 'smells' of a two caste system and the unvaccinated as outcasts and villainised. The gradual freedoms of human rights being eroded sometimes in your face so to speak or done deviously and silently behind your back with MP's stifled and not given a vote under the guise or semblance  of emergency powers act of some sort. The Woke as below definition,
  1. alert to injustice in society, especially racism.
    "we need to stay angry, and stay woke"
  2. The cancel culture, this is driving everything to a bland Eugenic technocracy and LGBT becoming to the fore with strange antagonisms and driving the general public into confusion, mainly between the 'good old days' and and a sliding lack of guidelines and governments corrupt and misinformed by 'scientists in the pay of multinationals and profit, bribed corrupted and shameless'. How can they live with themselves--easy in denial.

I feel out of sync; I cannot blame the collective unconscious although I do feel I 'pick up' the pathos, poignancy and piteousness. It does not feel the same 'Vibe' as if the base line of society has shifted from a line of 'former acceptability' to there is no line and every dastardly crime, corruption and behaviour and moral standard has collapsed and will never be restored and the 'governmental RESET' will be based on a Eugenic Technocratic Transhumanistic, cyborg / Robotic AI, World Economic Smart World Technological Computerised sterile GMO world surveilled automatic and spontaneous movements punished and no initiative's permitted. I feel we are moving quietly with many of the populace knowing this and either afraid or feel powerless to do anything about it or those asleep and dulled by the media. The soccer, the Netflix, the porn, drugs, alcohol, depression, lethargy and burying the head in the sand syndrome.  

I have felt this and have to really concentrate of my meditation, qi gong diet and health thoughts and feelings. Especially thought distraction. I know there are frequencies that can be put through the computers, cell and mobile phones and by other means;
An example of ELF Brain Simulation

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency

Motor Control Cortex                      10Hz                    Information Induced through Modulation                  

Auditory Cortex                               15Hz                   Motor Impulse coordinator

Visual Cortex                                   25Hz                   Images on the brain by passing the eye. 

Somalosensory                                 9Hz                     Phantom touch sense.

Thought Center                                20Hz                   Imposed subconscious thoughts.

These are from panel underneath very old copy  above. Now all this far more advanced.

Yet somehow I feel this is more than the above; it as if I were fighting a battle in myself and for the world and for humanity and the and in a way the Universe. Yes a presumptuous, egotistical and arrogant yet along with many 'light workers' I feel this is the battle to infuse the collective unconscious which is hidden and asleep in most and most drift along with the surface flotsam and jetsam and so in me I sense; random intrusive angry thoughts and fantasies with specific repetitive pornographic scenarios which stimulate me to want to participate in them and holy, beautiful feelings of God, Space, Angelic and joyous deep peace and harmony with deep ,deep compassion. I feel the world population is facing this clear defined choice at present.

Father Mother God, thou who created all that was and is and will be, this battle like the devil (d) evil and good; well I look at the trees in my beautiful garden, the birds, the flowers, the grass and shrubs and I marvel at them, their silent beauty AND BECAUSE OF THEIR SILENCE, they radiate beauty. I have felt in that silence and quietness, this peace that passes all understanding. There is a radiance, an energy, a dynamic, it is unspken and is the nourishment that fuels my lethargy and the worlds, the distractions as above are Human made (not all human made is bad or evil) and the battle of old between gold, possessions, lust and domination and the simple sharing and caring, compassion for the Earth, God Almighty and all the world family. I feel this the Armageddon---the battle between dualism ---- the husbandry of the Earth by Humans and collective unconscious devoted to light, love and connected to the divine will which is a world that works for everything everywhere is justice, compassion and love. 

This is The Middle Way, The Dao, The Way of Christ, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, The Way of the True Shaman and the Source of Life.

Would I could live as a tree so to speak, silent, radiant, fed from the Earth and Light, doing what it was created to do as is nature not tainted by the hand of humans or those who care for her and just to silently be, a quiet mind that leads me and not me it. God grant the world and its beings, peace, quiet and joy, a joy and nourishment that suffices every need. Amen

Lake Norman Tai Chi Centre


Quote Fancy

This is a copy from my files and it felt to include it here.


Do you not know?
    HaIsaiah 40:28-31


have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.


Saturday 1 January 2022



I used to ask myself what reason is there for living; I used to be a footballer, then electrician, then a forensic technician, then married, then presenting hundreds of workshops all over Europe and the UK and once or twice in Canada, then 3,000 patients in counselling and psychotherapy, then retirement from forensic and two bouts of cancer (which caught early and was then said to be not cancer and cured with herbs, juicing, meditation and certain Qi Gong forms with gratitude prayers and so on), then a private laboratory with eleven other retired highly degreed scientists and the lab associated with NASA through association with several Astronauts (one of them was Dr Edgar Mitchell sixth man to walk on moon and became a friend) then now as of 2021. Then back to Uni and another degree. PH.D (big head --then through my blog and previous years of conspiratorial stuff I was taken off the list of PH.D'S and called fake, I bought the degree and I suspect some friends and family thought me fake but that does not matter.

As I have written so many times ; we are taught who we are and follow the traditions and tenets; to be boring and repeat; 1) we pick up feelings in the womb 2)we are called a sound ( later on I understand or comprehend that sound is Geoff and all the cooing and baby talk parents do) then the religion (atheism is a religion) I was Born Jewish. 3) The culture 4) the country patriotism 5) Peer and fashion with other idioms. Basically following and going on variable to a certain degree of tolerance down the fixed rail tracks and deviating to a tolerable degree that the elastic band of brain washing will let one. AND even fake degrees are or not are only HUMAN made and anyone DARE, GOD FORBID to challenge academia, medial doctors, politicians, religions, dictators IN OTHER WORDS THE OFFICIIAL NARRATIVE,  which over the years have become established and in this year of 2021 AUGUST 11 2021  is shown by censoring and anything other than the OFFICIAIL NARRATIVE is fake news and yet Wokism and Cancel Culture is not.

So now I have seen that actually degrees are only the 'vogue' of the era and knowledge and intellect change slowly over the ages and new ideas are often thrown out only to surface some many years later and the expression 'reinventing the wheel', well so a degree is worthless if out of date, all it really says is it proves one is intelligent (only to society and intelligence is not counted for nature which to my mind is far more intelligent than a rocket boffin) and says the individual is a great researcher yet with a closed mind focussed on academia or profit business rules and acumen. 

So with all that above where does that give me a reason to live, what reason is there for me to live for God, the world, humanity or myself. The 1967 writings, the NDE with those I felt I was in someway 'special' had a mission and so on, especially with my popularity as a workshop presenter and therapist, I had great reviews and healings with participants and patients.

Now there is no reason to apparently live; Yes there is; when I relax / meditate, there seems an automatic joy in the emptiness of thought as I am aware and lightly concentrate on the awareness of awareness, a smile spontaneously arrives and I feel joy. THE joy of living for No reason at all. To celebrate life in all its wonders and be free in mind and consciousness. Its lovely to have no reason.




I have realised that I should give up all scientific enquiry and let the world and its mad vaccination programmes, GMO foods and weaponised and genetic monstrosities go their way.

I understand that my curiosity to pull things apart is an obsessive desire to know what constitutes all the mysteries of 'so called solid form' and then when I see all the constituents of the form I will endeavour to make the components into a better form, or a more advanced form or a weapon to gain power and dominate in order to feel safe and the known and logical. This is a belief system which is formed into reality and in a way my world. The need to understand fully and to pick things apart is for me to be safe knowing it all, no place is hidden and can attack me or to surprise me and no shock or saboteur, to be safe and snug is the demand of the hour so to speak.

The intellect has to be sure and the known, known, sometimes exploring the unknown can be frightening or enlivening and educational.

Examining psychic, magic, and the powers of telepathy, remote viewing, out of the body experiences(OBE), Near Death Experiences(NDE) astral travelling and so on is a non runner to some scientists as they cannot contemplate anything which defies the logical and accepted boundaries of accustomed mainstream science and it takes time for the latest technologies to take hold and break down the accustomed paradigms and precepts.  

Branching out from the accepted known and principles of scientific investigation is run on agreed tenets; it must follow disciplined rules of investigation, it is acceptable to governments and large multinational companies, it must be profitable, can it be weaponised, is it a cure for a health problem and it will it be sold for profit and it must be officially patented. Many cures for cancer and such like do exist, I have had experience of this and the phantom wave and wave genetics have proved this but are banned by certain authorities and some inventers and pioneers have been slaughtered because they can cure certain so called incurable disease's, produce free clean energy and water however the profit margins are not viable.

The there is the ego; I am a PH.D and a doctor, or a lawyer, a politician, a CEO of a multi national, a banker of note and I will not entertain things of a psychic nature, real magic or anything quantum, because psychic and so on is scary and threatens my power base so I ban it and class it as dangerous, weird, satanic and devil worship. Many 'ordinary' folk feel the same.

This is why Western Countries and lately Canada exterminated so many native Canadians and the Churches there took away the children forbad their native culture and their ceremonies, traditions because they dealt with the quantum realms of nothing is excluded and by giving way to spirit in a certain ways the 'wild card synchronicities', the magic out of the box happenings---which equate to all possibilities and probabilities in quantum---which humans call miracles 'bypass the logic and intellect which makes the scientist safe and secure and retain their powers as do priests, politicians, doctors and all appointed officials.

So science can exterminate spirit by supressing and banning any real scientific explorations as such but for a few private laboratories yet spirit cannot be exterminated, scientists may think they can kill spirit all they can do is censor it, drug the human mind, brain wash it out of education and this is so apparent of the Covid Pandemic and things like Woke, Cancel Culture, any opinion not of the 'official narrative' is censored on the internet, the main media and in education and the paranoiac hysteria is so great and the threat so much that the New World Order, Bilderbergs, so called elite and The World Economic Forum and their great reset of transhumanism, cyborgism, technocracy and eugenics that they have multiple ways of surveillance, spying to a huge degree and now wanting brain implants so that thinking can be monitored. They do not realise they are psychotic and voyeurs with the same sickly mind sets as those of the satanic and terrorist but because of the inculcation over the ages this is their norm and mind set, they are blind and in denial that they are like that which they want to wipe out and think they are doing humanity a favour.

Meanwhile spirit, consciousness and awareness will like the rivers and wind that wear down and erode hard mountains to valleys and ravines, so in the background like the emptiness of atoms, particles and the quantum realm wear away the beliefs and concepts because the more one studies the quantum phenomena and ties to pin it down to rules and regulations' and scientific know-how the more baffling it gets for without scanning electron microscopes, huge colliders and bubble chambers all they can find is more and more mysteries and the dog can never find and catch its tail.

Zen; a hill is a hill, dig and the hill vanishes, pile back the earth and the hill is a hill again.

Basically science kills spirit OR so it thinks. The real curios want to examine everything, like a baby wants examine and find without bias, it realises that by making rules of examination it excludes the new and daring, it stifles true science which is unbiased and unafraid and does not do it for fame, profit or weaponry, it does it as gift to free humanity of the stifling attitudes of those who are afraid of their ego presumptions, arrogance and lust for power because their ego's are afraid of freedom and true love. Their love is based on the tenets they have established which are; I love those who love me, I love those who think and like me, I need to know my securities and boundaries, I need to feel secure and love those who make me feel so, I barely tolerate those who are not of my liking, I am generous to those that enhance me and applaud and approve of me, this is where my love stands and has its foundations------the consciousness, awareness and spirit is too loose and unlimited and the fact there are wild cards is and can be unpleasant and threaten my security, however those that give me more money, profit, power and dominance I welcome. OR DO I?



Very Well Mind
Read the quotes it I feel enhances my article.


Constructive Executive
There is a book titled 'Spirit Talkers --North American Indian Medicine Powers--by William S. Lyon Ph.D. and sent to me by Cynthia McMullen of the Alaskan Institute of Oriental Medicine. I am honoured to have their signatures and acknowledge their wisdom and teachings.

 William goes into quantum 'stuff' and when I realised that every possibility and probability is in the quantum 'realm' then I realised that only my fixed beliefs stopped me accessing this realm of unlimited possibilities and probabilities. So laying my beliefs aside and having learning experiences such as SHACK --on Teachers and qi gong and meditation when the mind is empty so to speak it is in the quantum realm and is spirit which is awareness without bias,

So the Universe is the realm of all possibilities and probabilities and I limit its magic and wonder by my one way looking glass or street and narrow confines shaped through the guide lines and rules of my ego belief system and agendas.

Yes there is magic, the magic of the Universe and I have to let go and lit it flow.



Many years back some phrases stuck and an these are some; teachers arrive in many disguise's, Teachers arrive in the unexpected moments but it is always at the right timing, What may seem like a crisis or tragedy can be a learning experience, We only teach that which we most want to learn, We are one another's teachers, We find ourselves in the mirror of relationship's.

A recent one took place in the communal lounge where about four or five and sometimes seven residents meet from about 13.00hrs to 14.00 or 14.20. We are a mixed group, a former fashion executive originally from Shri Lanka, a former builder from Lancashire, a hospital porter from local, an Irish barman, and occasionally a lady from Cypress and two from Malaya and the most dominant who hold court so to speak a brick layer who is of French decent and me.   

Richard is the loudest vilest, sex mad brick layer and in his days in Germany took every drug available and had sexual intercourse in many ways with many females and he is always recounting in the vilest terms his encounters and when the ladies are not present he clutches his genitals and almost masturbates, he tells us of his masturbations at his flat and that he is 'firing blanks' and that he yearns for a female and when our lounge windows are open he shouts at passing females.

We try to have conversations but 'tricky Dickie' as he calls himself buts in and mocks us and in the most disingenuous, duplicitous manner with every swear word imaginable and ending up with coughing and spitting with huge farts and telling us of his 'piles' 'prostate troubles and his watery ejaculations and will not let us speak.

Never the less the others manage to speak and he often says he is jealous of the Shri Lankan and myself. Up until the 4th August 2021 he has not mocked me as much as the others, he suddenly rounded on me because he wants a women and when I mentioned some very young women who are my friends and he has seen he exploded; 'what do they fucking see in you, you bald headed fat bellied not much cock and dick I can see and your old and useless', he has done similar verbal assaults to the others, this the first time to me.  

His remarks did sting a little and although I did not reply as he often runs out quickly and he has often said he is lonely and suicidal and depressed at times and has a badly disfigured right leg due to catching a virus in hospital and is fortunate to not have both legs amputated.

I realised that his remarks did arouse and anger me and then on reflection I realised he awoke a reaction which instead of retaliation and revenge or never going to the lounge again and avoidance I felt he had taught me where my ego image still was sensitive to these remarks and yes I have shaved my head, I do have a big belly and I am old in to some expectations at near 83 and this exposure to my image that lay dormant or below surface and yes I have tried to slim down and it was getting a little obsessive, suddenly because of that jibe I am more at ease and he taught me possibly unknowingly that my ego still held onto images of fashion and 'the West's obsessiveness with youth, slim, certain physical attributes, sexy and virile, whereas I incline to native fashions of belly and roundedness which I did not embrace fully until that jibe. I am not implying all natives are fat and bald but they are less into fashion and are as they are. I also learnt from this not seek retaliation, sulk and ruminate on these feelings, avoidance and run away and vow never to expose myself to this again. I will return when it genuinely feels 'right'  

Thank you for being my teacher Richard, he is also a very kind man behind that bull shit blase manner and will help out where possible.

However his constant shouting and uncouth remarks and jibes do give me a headache and I really feel out of sync when going home to the quietness, however I realised also that I can tolerate or rather let this energy go through me and not meet the ego taunts he exposes and this is part of the world congregation and so thank you again for the realisation of the ego lays quiet when the jibes and taunts of the world are meant to hurt or disturb and I can learn to be me in the environment and be peaceful beneath the adverse conditions without repressing or will and be still in that condition.




Wikimedia Commons
This morning the 3rd August 2021 just before rising I had this experience in a dream type scenario; I was the still centre of awareness while all the fantasies, daydreams and flash backs in life were gyrating around me and the rims of the 'space ball gyroscopic concoction' contained flashing depictions of some scene or experience and they rotated willy nilly and in no particular relationship or sequence and I had the feeling and realisation they were not of me or personally significant.

They were passing 'debris' flyway's of no particular interest and like a migrating bird flyway's they would return but in no particular urge or natural cycle.

They were there to entice, allure and lure the awareness into the colourful glamourous attraction and ensnare the awareness into distraction and the witness becomes enmeshed in the graphic which is but a graphic with no real substance and only becomes real and seemingly tangible because of identifying with it. 

So the sense of a me, you, us, we, I, becomes identified with the scenario and is only a passing programme manufactured and manifested by the ego, it has no real lasting permanence and has no 'solid foundation' it is a illusion and delusion, a delusion that tricks and seduces the awareness not because the awareness is weak and feeble but BECAUSE over the millions of years and compression through inculcation and brain washing these layers become impacted and seem real and solid. 


I feel there is an analogy in the above image in so far as the build up of inherited culture, religions, country ethos and so on the hand me downs in humanities sojourn so far that basic tenets or Jung's archetypal depictions are built upon and extended and reconfigured with the same base and only altered to suit the era it resides in. 
So the strata psychologically is built up and on investigating these rock 'mind' strata and as a collective the ego and realising these are 'belief layers' and as such are just thought structures and can be swapped around once realises their 'illusionary' or at least temporary impermanent nature and this can be seen when reflecting on the nature of thought and its appeal and addiction and when realised I am just a series of thoughts and ideas collated into a system and programmes, conditions and ideals and there are others with differing systems and they like me believe in mine because of exposure to a selected preferred system that was taught to me, educated in a school by parents or authorities and with enough exposure to another system I could well be another 'person' inside this body.  This is process of brain washing.

So there are these basic collective unconscious impressions which may contain the basic archetypes and then going deeper as it were to the quantum field of zero field experience and being zero so to speak is unlimited and is the fount of all possibilities and probabilities.

Peel away the rock layers, investigate beliefs and thoughts in meditation and when the rock layers are excavated one comes to the earth and then examining the earth and the stone and bare foundations which were worn down or excavated, one goes to the earth and examines it, breaks it down until there are infinitesimal tiny somethings and then under a scanning electron microscope there are molecules and further particles and bits and then atoms, electrons and so on and these are only seen in colliders and atoms busters as I call them.  

Basically as I look at the tiniest whizzing fragments left as dashes, spirals and whirligigs left in a bubble chamber.
The Womb of particles. A bubble Chamber
In a way this is what we are composed of and staring at this one maybe staring at oneself in the basics of the build up from particle to atoms to molecules. These are so fleeting and scientists can spend hours analysing these depictions. Now of course they have cloud and digital chambers. We are composed of trillions and trillions of atoms and they are said to be 99.99% empty so the only 'reality' is ones programmed thoughts and brain washing and thoughts themselves are like clouds and in meditation they are just as mysterious and not tangible and able to be grasped by the hand as it were and a Zen quote 'cut out your mind and put it on a plate and I will cure it for you'
So be careful when you put a sugar cube in your beverage you might be destroying the human race!!!!?. Well if you already have seen on an intellectual logical level that one has been taught everything we know and can swap any set of brain washings for any other, that is if you are brave enough to come out of your comfort security zone or just went for another option because the one, one is already in is no longer serving you and you feel this offers more security and safety and is more real and then having realised after this swap well is this not fundamentally just a swap and is indeed just another hand me down brain washed somebody else's idea, or a modified one of my own.
The question now might be; well if I am an empty bunch of atoms then who put me together and the Universe and all in there? Perhaps there are no atoms at all and these are only mind concoctions, perhaps there is just awareness and consciousness and this is non tangible only by its demonstrative abilities and perhaps the gyroscope as above just shows the crazy creation that I perceive is but a mind trick and if I am identified with the art work of creation through the physical senses and the rock formations which represent to me the layers of brain washed inculcated impacted hardened make believes and when picked apart show me to be a belief thought patterned individual that has mistaken the illusion of thought as reality. 
So do I exist or not? Only my thoughts and fantasies say I do.