Tuesday 15 February 2022


Rakuten Kobo

There is a story I often tell. A young athletic Judo ka is contesting for a medal at the UK Albert Hall in the days when Judo was not an Olympic Sport and certain prohibitive techniques were allowed within the Shinpan (referee) discretions. The young Judo ka sat behind a row of Japanese Sensei's of which was his own teacher. The opponent was announced and lo and behold he was three stone heavier, a UK wrestling champion and  had a formidable appearance.

The young Judo ka was terrified and said to his Sensei 'Look at him he is not human and built like a gorilla, I am terrified' to which Sensei replied ' If you are afraid you have no energy and freeze, if you think Hiki waki (tie -draw) it is a compromise, if you just say are well I'll do my best, still not fully committed, if you go in with anger and fury, you are hasty and miss opportunities, if you haven't cultivated the dwelling in tanden / hara and seika no itten then ? ' at this point the youngster said ' Sensei shall I pull out? What else is there? 'AH! said Sensei ' Only necessary  to enjoy, In life cannot always win, draw or lose. Only necessary to enjoy. The young Judo ka somehow 'caught the energy' and went in with enjoyment and won through a very sneaky and risky technique, in which the Shinpan had to stop quickly and declared  'Shosha' Kakutoku -sha', Winner, Victor.

This morning of the 22nd October 2021 it was sunny but with a chill in the air and I meditated and prayed and I felt light and full of childlike joy and for no apparent reason and indeed does there always have to be reason and the story above came to mind? The night before a day after the full moon on the 20th. I looked out of my window and the Moon was nearly at full, it was bright, light and alone in the sky, I marvelled and wondered and although I know a lot about planets, planetary cycles and the orbits, space travel and my intellect got out of the way, somehow suspended completely overtaken and usurped by awe and I just gazed and gazed and like a child wondered how on Earth did it get there and yet not in words but in silent appreciation.

Then this morning I felt as though I were a child and yet in contrast and juxtaposition I am nearly 83yrs of age, yet I felt childlike, not like a senile or some dementia, I felt really that The Great Spirit, Mother Father God was a real parent so to speak and that wonder of the Sunny Morning, the Moon last night , the trees, pigeons, squirrels, clouds were my Cosmic parent taking me to a magic show, a circus and that indeed the Universe was designed to entertain us, to be in wonder and let our parent delight in our delight, as a human parent delight in the delights of their offspring.  

I realised part of trust and faith in our parents as a child and the hurt and pain when they let us down and we feel we have hurt them because of the natural love a child born feels for their parents(generally speaking, maybe Mother in the womb sent pain and resentment because of her and fathers relationship not going so well and so on) and because our love is not returned we may feel we have done something wrong and unworthy and carry guilt and feel lack of self esteem and confidence and yet not realises at that time it was something in the parents and not really meant to affect their child. I felt in that moment utter trust and faith in God Almighty and somehow I felt God wanted me to feel joy and 'lay back' as it were and let My Cosmic Parent shower the Joy of a Parent of their eager and accepting child, I was in 83 in Earth Human years BUT a child in consciousness and mind, I felt no age at all.

Yet the tug of the human flesh and worldly woes that beset us at this time of massive fear and change can drag me / us / down and forget the abundance that out Creator wants as a delighted Parent to shower on us. Tuning into this abundant mind infused joy of awaiting 'magic and joyous moments can avert the tribulations of the day and spreading the feeling by radiating it to all and sundry it may well lift the atmosphere and so alleviate some dark corner of mind in someone  or situation.





 I read this morning 19th October 2021 that despite scientists writing to the UK Chief Medical Officer that fluoride that is being authorised to be put into our drinking water and that years back there were protests and it stopped and despite Europe not wanting it and does not have it in many countries and we are out by Brexit of the European Courts Jurisdiction and even the USA is having court cases to ban it out of drinking water it seems Chris Whitty and Sage are taking this defiant stance, 390,000 scientists re Covid evidence and he stands defiant and now this stance.
From files

I realise it is arrogant and judgemental to say as above and I see myself as top image and have written so in other shack's I feel this is madness. Massive evidence that the current vaccinations are harming all people and that a few in the pay of Eugenicists who are aligned and in the pay and power mad with their own science and a Technocracy, transhumanism, cyborgism, eugenics set of politicians, pharmaceutical, medical and multibillionaires who want a new world order and run it through a corrupted WHO and UN and have this hedonistic power lust. They may eventually fight amongst themselves as to who is to new King and Queen of the World. One logic, one way thinking, one Uniform clothing, complete and utter surveillance, dumbed down asleep masses only to serve as organ donors, slavery and torture for pleasure.

I have written about this for years; to me this is ego unbridled, a mad bolting horse, a stampede of unashamed craziness; for instance just one of the ideas in a USA school.

https://www.rt.com/op-ed/537788-georgia-school-eating-babies-hunger/?utm   As further evidence that the US school system has lost the plot, students in Georgia were instructed to consider ‘eating babies’ as a way of solving world hunger. How much more depraved does it have to get before people wake up?

In the ongoing series entitled ‘US Schools Go Insane,’ one institution apparently thought that by slapping a ‘satire’ sticker on the most profane idea imaginable, the contraband would go unnoticed. On behalf of satire, I’m happy to report it didn't work. 

As part of the inventive English lesson, which probably spoiled more than one trip to the cafeteria, high school students at Richmond Hill were tasked with finding ways of ‘raising and eating of babies to solve the world hunger problem’. Yum. Rhonda Thomas, founder and president of Truth in Education, broke down the details of the class assignment in a shocking interview with The New American. The information from the lesson plan that she divulged is nothing short of – as Thomas herself described it – “satanic.” More in article.

When parents protested in many schools about transhumanism, masks, vaccinating children, desk isolations they were denounced by the Mayor and Central Government as 'Domestic Terrorists'. Perhaps I am mistaken and misled and this is the 'new evolutionary way' and I am out of touch, old fashioned, ill informed. Perhaps I am behind the times and fashion, and old fuddy duddy, a dribbling dotard, a senile old twit, a buffoon, nincompoop and so on and yet I feel this out of step with Nature, I know tribal cannibalism was and is practised among satanic (with child sacrifices and when I was in Forensics I came across a number) and I have read of many tribal traditions that did so, however I believe these tribes as head hunters, scalping and so on have been mainly curtailed and stopped. The very fact that these topics are brought up in school and studied can seriously like horror films traumatise the students and should they take drugs (even some medically prescribed) or children from abused and emotionally unstable homes, asylum, refugee children and young adults could be influenced and with gun crime, stabbing in many cities and spreading to urban areas, more and more people are catching the 'virus' of mad impulses as their worlds are a familiar stability is being 'shot to pieces'.

The fanaticises of horror films, induced drug effects, central governments of the world being so authoritarian and harsh (Australia at this time doing lockdowns for one Covid case, investigating women who made remarks on Twitter, Facebook, building concentration camps in several countries and in the Outback) many campuses in USA, some in Russia are threatened with students who shoot up their own teachers and friends and so on, police and soldiers doing crimes of brutality and even killing.

Ogilvy's Asia

Perhaps with the decline of religion, which caused many wars, the political ambitions, the break up of communism, the fight over capitalism and power through wealth, the American dream now diminished to a few privileged few multibillionaires, priests abusing children, homelessness, drug crime and battles for 'turf war' children at early age wanting sex change,  Hollywood fantasies, cell / mobile phones and digital appliances bombarding the brain and body with disruptive EMF's, it must make the moral compass become unsettled.  
Shortpedia Voices

In the end it is in the brain decoding as I have done so many times in SHACK (especially from 1030 onwards), Depending on one's inculcation, brain washing and conditioning then may have some guidance, with the the up and coming attitude, success materially is the thing to aim for, celebrity status, wealth and money as the only saviour and now- a-days jobs, stability are hard to come by, there are many so called 'menial' jobs however with TV and the media who portray success as the prime requisite
 and indispensable and the many novels and films depict the way to success is to cheat, connive and even threaten and kill. The so called 'soaps' are all about emotional problems, relationship breakdowns and the whole gamut of woeful human behaviour.

So with many youngsters realising that reality is just not a normality, where do their young minds 'fix' too as they surf the net in their bedrooms, constantly seeking information and texting, many of them are 'free floaters' and become searching avidly for the next game, the next high. They do not know who they are and are just automatic reflexes, programmed by education ah la the eugenics technocracy mandate and being led down a narrowing agenda such as 'cut the past, tear down statues, history being downplayed and altered, such as Shakespeare plays being modified because of racial slurs and so on. Real facts being named as Fake News.

So without some moral or ethical guide (read the Ethic' s of the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, Davos Agenda 2021 and the high priest usurping the Pope)
Klaus Schwab
Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The High Priest Costume of Technocracy and Eugenics.
This is being pushed at this time 2021 October as the Great Reset and the Moral Code of the world to be.

The ego has become unbridled and where there is a vacuum the ego will fill it and its wildest monstrous uninhibited lusts and high morals will be hankered after and find devious routes to fulfil them.

There is a vacuum so to speak of Eastern No Mind Zen type and Yogic consciousness of Samadhi and the like, where the moral compass is found in deep compassion and it is a feeling, not a dictate and it is light, bright and feels great respect and goodwill. To this I keep practicing meditation  and not following a method, but to wait, be still and clear the mind by observation and intuition, to be the witness as to what is arising in that dynamic awareness without judgement, awareness without bias and to this I tilt my hat and hang my coat.






You know I say to myself as much as I comprehend that it is a thought form Universe and that everything is based on beliefs often taught and learned with complete acceptance and so one's own capacity to think outside the box is like one is blind and dumb mental acceptance and like sheep or a trained  animal just is responding to a reaction and reflexes, often automatically and is 'not spontaneous' it seems like spontaneity and originality yet is a reaction to trained reflexes like driving a car or playing tennis. One may think down certain avenues that are repetitive and with a few minor tweaks here and there jump gladly to the assumption ' aren't I clever and original', in my view a relief from breaking free from the grasp of the brain washed conditioned prison of belief and inculcated thought.
The image above somehow encapsulates
Times Food

The image above somehow encapsulates the idea and 
 the difficulty of the incredulity I am endeavouring to portray it is never easy to describe or to put across the emotion or exact feel of the mental and psychological with tacit, tangible, palpable 'touchy feely' exact as I feel it at that moment. 

I know how I feel about the thought forms and beliefs and well I know how fragile and useless they are at times of panic and extreme fear and stress and that they ARE ONLY THOUGHT FORMS that shape reality and really have no actual physical form or substance AND YET the worlds population BELIEVE and that belief is felt and seen as real, solid here and now.

I really struggle with this; everything in me sees this and that life styles are swappable are mere rafts that float on nebulous fuzzy clouds that are mere thought stuff, mind stuff and yet my incredulity, my chasm, my schism is such I believe and do not believe. Like the image above I am still held by the 'gravity and the inculcation' by the layers and layers of repetition from my early years and past lives that the strands of 'mind magnetic storage fields, the entrained synaptic reflex currents of energy' like the cheese somehow retain their grip on me ad my mind tussles with the thought of breaking loose and yet the lure of safety in the whole 'pizza' analogous to society, custom, religion, culture and life experience to my conditioned agendas that some trepidation remains.

Of course Zen and the empty mind has played a large part in this; my NDE showed me life after death is for real, Koan showed me the 'unfixed' mind, quantum shows me there is no such thing as solid and all possibilities and probabilities exist, meditation has shown me the floating illusion of thought and experienced the 'empty' mind. Then my rationale mind says, 'what having no fixed beliefs and the floating swappable life styles and really having no fixed identity which is a set of beliefs, idioms, sign posts, fences and perimeters, moral and a religious code and a humane moral compass, NO WAY, the rationale mind says, you will be mad man, psychotic, unwashed, unstable, lunatic, mumbling and roaming the world, lost in a sea  of delirium and wanton lust or some such thing.  A creature of no ambition, what will people think of you, where will you fit in, there is no description that fits you. AND YET I know this means freedom, joy and being au naturel is natures way. 

This dichotomy strongly rears its head these days as the imposition of draconian laws (2020 /2021) has brought to the surface the division of ones humanness versus robotic and mechanical control, a world of greenery and beauty in contrast to a sterile world full of vaccinations, fear of Life, genetically altered everything from food to people to nature to the planets when humans get there in this present state of mind.
Yet the salmon as above has that instinct to navigate back to its source. Science uses the magnetoreception which is the guidance that an organism gets from Earths Magnetic 'lines and fields' as such salmon, Pidgeon's and other migratory species. It is said that humans have this sense and yet because of modern living have lost the use of this or at least it lays dormant. There is research that pineal gland and the ethmoid sinus process contains crystalline bone structure and maybe the place where 'magnetic instinct is felt'

So perhaps a native brain which is less cluttered with conditioned logical brain washing of today is nearer to 'no mind emptiness of Zen' and that Natives are able to handle their environment better than the sophisticated modern Western Technological life style.






Imgur  Patrick Stewart

Just like Captain Picard (Patrick Stuart in Star Trek series) I get into perturbation and consternation. Laying  in bed in the morning of 17 October 2021 I started(these come on seemingly spontaneously as a programme they are a reaction to the past) one of my dreamy yet clear dynamic fantasies and reminisces; I regretted not having a really loving wife, children and the so called normal suburban seemingly happy and contented life, the car, the well paid satisfying job, a really nice house and garden the holiday, lovely in - laws, a group of mates and friends, the Sunday football and cricket on the village green and so on. This brought me really low in mind and spirits. I did not want to get out of bed, my life at this moment seemed dwarfed by the images above.

Then as if by magic, A SPARK, like a gadget, whatchamacallit, a thingamajig, a gizmo I have describes it well.  It is a flint in a stick and a rough slide and when the flint is rubbed along the rough slide, hey presto a spark. 

Well I lay there feeling sorry and sad about my state of mind and then FROM within my mind or from some magic place, A SPARK literally jolted me out of this unpleasant reverie. I exclaimed gratitude and knew instinctively this WAS Life. Life wants to live and go on and on in any way it can.

Many times in illness and hospital and in dire circumstances, a jolt from life, like the resuscitation by chest or shock, suddenly this has come to revive me.  Sometimes it is gentle and when I surrender in deep stillness in a harrowing situation, it seems to be like a slow silent cloud or fog dissipating and at other times like a jolt.

I am surprised as I do not feel I am spiritual, deserving, or anything special, I used to think and feel superior because I meditated, eat organic food, prayed, did Qi Gong, juiced vegetables, did not smoke or drink alcohol, pious, reverent, had a kind heart, did 670 workshops, saw over 3,000 patients and so on but over the last five years I have slowly realised by ordinary circumstances of living with neighbours and in the mirror of relationships, I have all the perceived traits that I found abhorrent in them and the so called elite or Pandemic mongers so to speak, I did not like and sometimes hated them for their ignorance and after all I was healthy for my age and told much younger than my years. In the workshops and counselling and as therapist I heard the same traits but I did intellectually recognise them and because I WAS the therapist I did not hate or despise them. I was in charge AND BECAUSE I RECOGNISED THEM IN ME IT WAS SUPERFICIAL, yes I could deal with them but not OWN them. 

I have to admit and confess I disliked the feeling they evoked in me, how awful. I did not want to OWN that these traits were in me, so I blamed them for making me feel this anger and temper not my patients. Then when I realised they were in me, an agenda, a programme in me and it was easy to blame them, after all I am superior to them, it came as shock that was projecting and as long as I did not own and realise they were buried and supressed programmes in my unconscious I would feel like this.

I of course as a counsellor and psychotherapist knew all this intellectually and understood the mechanisms(most psychiatrists, Psychologist's, Psychotherapists know this and think or feel they can deal with this until the pain rears up or an advent jogs them and me into deep intuitive awakening, the trap door of the unconscious is opened and the distaste is enormous).

When I started meditation years back, I was told by my mentors and subsequently by many more that meditation can give one peace and feel well being, however they said DO not go there just for peace and do not hang onto only pleasant experiences and want more, just sit and let the stillness reveal ITSELF, not you seeking it. I have met many so called meditators and they like the bliss and yet some are arrogant (that's me) have a temper(me) judge(me) and have pious superior attitude(me) and so on and the most heinous one, OH I can cope I am calm, I am a hero, why can't they be like me, I can die with calm, they cannot touch me and so on(me). Meditation I feel can if one should pursue not a goal but let the process unfold, YES one can run to meditation as a sanctuary,  BUT UNDERNEATH IT MAY hide a plethora, a superfluity of lurking agendas and programmes which may jump out in unguarded moments (these hidden unconscious programmes are the entity of ego)  and something will trigger them and hey presto one is angry, judging and blaming. 

A wise mentor said to me 'you may come across stuff in yourself that is shameful and abhorrent and you may wish that you never opened a can of worms' this has happened and this Pandemic Covid thing made me hate and wish they who started this lie would die and God would or ET would punish them and so on.

On examination of these Eugenics I have found the lust for power as they are doing in me; Of course I want to be chief and have power I am eugenics, why because if everybody was like me the world would be just and safe. Of course if I ruled by technology I could peep into everybody's life by surveillance, I would never feel threatened, of course if I had everlasting life and be downloaded into a supremely strong robot and have life galore and never fail in health and pain and be like my neighbours have the jabs medicines and so on, be a sexual success and so on. WHEN I admitted this and saw this and claimed and owned this I realised whilst I was not projecting and blaming I was like them and owned this, somehow it relieved a whole lot pressure.

As to why the SPARK of life revives others and me and with all that crap in me I can only guess and surmise. Perhaps Life recognises that one is desperately endeavouring to clear oneself of life blocking behaviour, of course we all want to live presumably, however there is a life by ego and may thwart nature which is Life in action and Life according to Life's plan au naturel.

I do not feel Life has favourites I feel there is Life au naturel, if you Like, God's plan and the Great Spirit recognises not by favouritism that a 'BLOCKED PIPE' analogous to a mind full of if you like anti living agendas buried in the caverns of the unconscious and really not to blame as it has been brain washed and inculcated and does realise its hoard of stultifying life blocking programmes and is merely carrying life as per ego. So like nature blocked structures get unblocked by storms and natural events in order to restore flow.

So one who is endeavouring to clear oneself not by the massage of pleasant meditations alone with a bonus here and there of grace and faces the madness, the fear, the horror that may lie buried and let the faeces of stagnating data arise and be cleansed by sincere recognition which is 'this is me and in others so I am as anybody else only that I own and recognise them so that I am given a chance to not act them out on others and process them by recognition in an intuitive level so to speak'. 

Life then may recognise a space to fill with more of Itself and so as said above Life wants to live and recognise Itself and so rejoice evermore in Its joining and Union. 

A true celebration of Life Eternal.




                                                   Carl Jung and the Persona--Tumbir

Going back to SHACK 130 and taking the scientific view of Einstein and the Matrix (Einstein 'everything in Life is Vibration') Matrix' Morpheus:

'If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain' Then reality is really just patterns and  An algorithm is a list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem. Algorithms need to have their steps in the right order. Think about an algorithm for getting dressed in the morning. ... When you write an algorithm the order of the instructions is very important. 

Then those instructions are codes, programs that are the dictates of Intelligence. So we come back to either human dictates or Divine Consciousness Dictates. Then depending on ones free will and understanding the choice is made. Certainly electrical signals are vibrations and frequencies. This then can imply or suggest that the brain has been designed to download and interpret these signals or as a recognised reality and can be modified and usually is by the inculcation and brain washing visa -a- vie ones culture, religion, country ethos and so on and usually a life style pattern with very little alteration for lifetime.

In this year in particular 2021 and as I write this Saturday 16 October 2021 there is a censorship of anything that challenges the World Governments Narrative of a virus(which has not been as yet been isolated or found) a massive vaccination process world wide and many claiming it is an experimental one with from my own experience horrendous side effects. However with the ban of anything against this eugenics, cyborgism, transhumanistic, technocracy and social media backing this view with strange child sex changes by surgery, woke and all sorts of agendas, there seems to be a one way traffic system and thought and ideas are being narrowed to this pandemic as it induces so much fear that FEAR is being used with the BAN on any other view by any means, health passports and a divided mass public. Either vaccinated or not allowed to participate in many venues.

I have said that FEAR is the superglue of the ego and people even against their instincts will comply. Many doctors, police and military, nurses, MP's are against it but there livelihoods depend on their wages and status. They are blackmailed and stunned into a sort of rock and hard place situation.

I have a feeling as the awakening to this devilish horrendous agenda is being found out through the passing on the dark net and emails, word of mouth, a huge uprising will come about. To this end the perpetuators of this holocaust will use brutality (Australia at this time is using brutality by the police, stringent unbelievable legislation and is threatening mass imprisonment) it is known many countries are building concentration camps and some have said that Hitler targeted the Jews, Catholics, gypsies and so on, NOW IT the world irrespective of race, colour or religion. Indeed a one world order run by a eugenics movement that is against Nature. Nature thrives on many different unique forms and not a one world plant like say GMO manufacturers want.

So the Collective Unconscious is being saturated with 'signals' which are vibrations and electrical waves and frequencies. By the process of entrainment and the critical mass should be enough people become brain washed and inculcated then the new 'norm' or the term used the Great Reset be the daily reality. So to establish the way of Nature which to my mind is the Divine Vibrations, it would take more awakened to counter the pendulum of entrainment by the Governmental vibrations. In the diagram above the iceberg conscious mind is swamped as above and then it becomes the norm by a process of automatic reflexes and it goes down the to the sub and unconscious and then to the collective. Just as driving a car or learning a new form has to be a repetitive (inculcated ---instil by persistent instruction, implant, ingrain, imprint, condition) however, by understanding and gut instinctual, intuitive cognition one can awaken to the pummelling)     

When many pendulum clocks with different rates of oscillations are left in a room each beginning at say 12 noon, left over a time each change their swing and find a common average swing different from their original swing, it is said that women who live together for a extended time their menstrual cycles harmonise. 

So to counter the 'pandemic charade' many would have to awaken. When the perpetrators realise this and find they cannot win, they will exterminate and incarcerate. The perpetrators have lost the natural moral compass and become so 'in love' with their lust for power and domination, they actually are sociopaths, psychotic and psychopaths and actually the suffering and hardships feed (the vibrations are so powerfully hedonistic that it rushes to their heads as seen in some of the mad decisions and they forego all shame, decency, guilt and remorse and even justify their decisions whilst many stare at aghast)and the clever weedy psychologists make ploys and plans and feed off their ego gambits. They are in love with their ego and probably know it and couldn't care a fig.

So the outcome may come in several different ways; an awakening, an ET intervention, The Intelligent Creator of All Life may intervene or the Sixth Extinction may occur.

For me knowing that Universe is a thought form from the Great Spirit Consciousness and we were given free will, for whatever the outcome all will vanish, all is impermanent, so in real terms is there any need for fear? Perhaps for me the lesson is to trust in the impermanence knowing it is just, all is another set of 'electrical vibrational frequencies' and in the end the Universe Energies and vibes will eventually entrain those that are not in sync with it.

Strange how all is a hologram, nothing really exists, perhaps and albeit temporarily transiently existing, I put so much store in it being here forever all a hard reality. Such is the grip of inculcation and mass opinion. Knowing all this and so hard to overcome, it is the 'weight' of the masses and the perpetrators 'CHANGING THINGS BY ELECTRONIC MEANS' 5 and 6G, mobile / cell phones, all types of digital and gadgetry, computers, GMO foods, satellites filling the skies, chemtrails, vaccines and so on, all these pummel the natural vibrations and so cause by entrainment the discord and violent eddy currents to our natural flow.

Of course meditation, prayer and doing this often as naturally as possible, natural exercise, song / dance, organic foods and so on, however this can be hard and yet patience and perseverance may assuage the disharmony to some extent.  

And there those who naturally feel the Divine and Nature from the Outset. I wish I were one of them.


Friday 4 February 2022



It is fascinating and somewhat disturbing and yet enjoyable and this conundrum  presents itself as obvious and yet devious; Like the great scientist Sir James Hopwood Jeans who caused controvesity by the following;
 The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.

— James Jeans in The Mysterious Universe[14]

In an interview published in The Observer (London), when asked the question "Do you believe that life on this planet is the result of some sort of accident, or do you believe that it is a part of some great scheme?", he replied:

I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.

What remains is in any case very different from the full-blooded matter and the forbidding materialism of the Victorian scientist. His objective and material universe is proved to consist of little more than constructs of our own minds. To this extent, then, modern physics has moved in the direction of philosophic idealism. Mind and matter, if not proved to be of similar nature, are at least found to be ingredients of one single system. There is no longer room for the kind of dualism which has haunted philosophy since the days of Descartes.

— James Jeans, addressing the British Association in 1934, recorded in Physics and Philosophy[15]

Finite picture whose dimensions are a certain amount of space and a certain amount of time; the protons and electrons are the streaks of paint which define the picture against its space-time background. Traveling as far back in time as we can, brings us not to the creation of the picture, but to its edge; the creation of the picture lies as much outside the picture as the artist is outside his canvas. On this view, discussing the creation of the universe in terms of time and space is like trying to discover the artist and the action of painting, by going to the edge of the canvas. This brings us very near to those philosophical systems which regard the universe as a thought in the mind of its Creator, thereby reducing all discussion of material creation to futility.

— James Jeans in The Universe Around Us[16]

In my view the loom with its warp and weft sometimes named woof with the loom and yarn seem to me to be an adequate depiction of my view of Sir James. I often lay in bed after or before sleep and contemplate the nature of reality. Logic says to me that the Universe cannot be just an accident, to my mind an accident has to have a cause. My feeling is that this is so and brings me some measure of joy, one might argue that this is just an assurance and safety mechanism to protect and secure myself from my demise and horror of death and old age, in the end all suffering will be worth it for a place in the afterlife.

 In my previous SHACKS I have gone into the brain washing aspect through inculcation and in addition to that the so called empty atom and pictures like this:-
From file

If you took out all the empty space in our atoms, the human race could fit in the volume of a sugar cube! The atoms that make up the world around us seem solid, but are in fact over 99.99999 per cent empty space. An atom consists of a tiny, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons, spread over a proportionately vast area. This is because as well as being particles, electrons act like waves. Electrons can only exist where the crests and troughs of these waves add up correctly. And instead of existing in one point, each electron’s location is spread over a range of probabilities – an orbital. They thus occupy a huge amount of space.

user uploaded image


July 30, 2016 Update: July 30, 2016 

In Near-Death Experiences, Blind People See for First Time

By Tara MacIsaac


People who were blind from birth have had brushes with death in which they felt themselves leave their bodies and experience vision for the first time. For some, it seemed natural; for others, it was a confusing and shocking experience.

Many people experience this sensation of leaving the body during a near-death experience (NDE). A 1982 Gallup poll found that 15 percent of all Americans who had almost died (under widely varying circumstances) reported NDEs. About 9 percent reported the “classic out-of-body experience,” 11 percent said they entered another realm, and 8 percent said they encountered spiritual beings.

For blind NDEers, the visual perceptions add another level of mystery.

Some people say NDEs are hallucinations, though many who study NDEs refute this explanation. Hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation, is one often-cited cause. Another is rapid eye movement (REM) intrusion—when the REM associated with dreaming during sleep happens while one is awake.

One of the researchers who disagrees with these explanations is Robert Mays, who has studied NDEs f

There are also people with hardly any brain;https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn12301-man-with-tiny-brain-shocks-doctors/ When you see the brain scans you will be amazed. Many year's back I did a study of this and when I came to it years later much of the information had gone, a brain surgeon and neuroscientists friends of mine told me the research had 'cut' because it proved that there was consciousness, that water contained memory and smacked of homeopathy and also that nature was more intelligent than human ego. That's exactly what we are up against now 2021 with science, technocracy, eugenics and transhumanism. Evolution as per human ego and immortality through cyborgism and afraid of death and the non belief in God, academics abhor creative design, intelligent design, 'creativism', Divine Intelligence. It has to be manmade.

Now coming back to the loom, unless one subscribes to incarnation which I do it seems some threads are left on a new loom other than that a new loom is crafted by brain washing, each new thread of warp and woof are ideas, cultural , political and religious or atheistic weaving until the whole lot of the original 'naked consciousness' is lost.


The Loom
All that above suggests to me that we are but a thought form Universe and of course academia will not allow this, well at least many would deny and simply say its all quantum and has not beginning or end and is just an accident of occurrence in time and space. Yet time and space maybe only a concept in a scientific theory and experienced by whom and what. AH! yes, over the billions of years the 'accident, by chance occurrence' self taught itself and so gained a 'library' of data and so became us in time and time was measured by its ability to grow and become more intelligent.

Now when in meditation and deep analysis without logic, pre judgement and so on, one can see by inculcation the narrative is carried on, unchallenged and so one wakes up and say who was I when the loom was bare, I was an experiencer, I was a witness, an awareness, that was consciousness and that is an intelligence without being taught by inheritance. So asks Zen 'show me your original face' 'Who were you before you were born' of course religion will tell you, you were a spirit and yet you cannot feel it, unless you go back to the loom and examine it. Psychiatrists may tell you and eminent, illustrious, distinguished and
 philosophers and so forth, eclectic sources may put forth that it is not possible to be the loom, I would agree one would need a sparse weft and woof to live in the world for the upkeep, safety and health of the body, mainly so called some what disparagingly native, ethnic, monk like and so forth.

This is the nub between philosophy, Western Psychiatry, science and the more eclectic variabilities and some Eastern thought or maybe no thought. This leads me to the fact there is no reality other than awareness without intention. This is scary because one is the loom and the basic nature of the loom is the link to 'who was I before I was born, in some sense there was never was a birth, and the only birth is it is that of the brain washing by inculcation. Inculcation is constant repetition until the layers are built and the mind imprisoned in programmes, agendas and like the loom the warp and weft build up a picture solid and so called reality and a safety device, I know because I see and touch it.

However the quantum era proves do your really see it, the Zen watching thoughts come and go like clouds and on viewing this may come to intuitively and spontaneously realise and awaken to the nature of thought and its origin and then experience a natural cessation of thought and feel a joy and peace that is 'out of this world'.

The comes the years and incarnations of the warp and weft of the ages, the billions of years of layers, like the strata of rocks and the weight of the processes of 'time' and the URGE that Life wants to move on, for all thought is based on accumulation of knowledge and so more layers. 

Somehow in the mystery of the Life, Life itself wants to move on, in Its natural evolution and not a bastardised version of evolution which is now happening in 2021. The urge to discover my origins beyond brain washing is strong, powerful and meaningful, it is soul consuming and the shallow clouds of thought and its implications with attending emotions are no longer satisfying or edifying. That absence naturally spontaneously intuitively, that FLASH, that Awakening that shatters the very core and foundation of the brain washed regime, causes at first fear, then that fear lures one back to any form of thought security, fantasy or distraction and the sheer mass of thought (all is vibration and energy) which is magnetised into the collective unconscious and the Earth's Astral and etheric field will have to be recognized for its seduction and not by willpower and logic but the newly found Intuitive Spontaneous witness which somehow innately feels 'this is not of me'.

So now I ask myself or any reader; will I be brave enough to unpick the warp and weft, delve into my brainwashed conditioned mind, yes by examination first, then contemplation then by simply being still and being aware of the activities of the mind and not supressing, willing or any action and certainly not falling asleep or being hypnotised by the thoughtless joy and even moving on if there is such a thing and realising and acceptance there is not reality as such and the mystery of being here is just that a mystery and enjoying what is and moving on and not resting in mind stuff.

Hey happy dismantling, as the last bolts and nut with planks come off the scaffold and then -------?


The nucleus is a collection of particles called protons, which are positively charged, and neutrons, which are electrically neutral. Protons and neutrons are in turn made up of particles called quarks. The chemical element of an atom is determined by the number of protons, or the atomic number, Z, of the nucleus'

When you look again at the diagram at the top, it would appear that the nucleus is solid, these are then made up of quarks, yes there are neutrinos and they are looking at the Higgs Boson 'called the God Particle' and even that is being challenged and so we see there is nothing to 'hang one's hat on' and indeed is anything solid since all is made up of the empty atom. So who do we think we are---maybe a made up thought of ourselves or a Great Mind creator or an accident without cause? SHACK



Stage Milk

One can act and know one acts and then one can be in the act as if it were oneself.

I have heard of actors who get so into a role that they actually believe that it is them, they become that reality. This then means to me that they when they repeat their lines to remember them it becomes a sort of brain washing and is inculcation. It is no longer pretend. One becomes a super morph. 

Then those actors who know they are acting; it often comes across as not really in character. Some actors have difficulty at coming out of a role and have to spend time finding out who they are. 

That then supposes that one was originally brainwashed into a culture or 'mode de vie' 'lebensweise' 'lifestyle' and as I have written before from the womb impressions from Mother, Father, doctors and so on, then birth and the name and one is then taught to be who one is and very rarely questions this throughout ones life and when the revelation or awakening occurs as to who am I without being taught to be who I am. 

The actor may have realised this and feels uncomfortable without having a role to play and may become psychotic; who am I without an identity. The psychiatrist or psychotherapist may endeavour to 'bring' one back to some accepted 'norm' in the so called 'external world' and yet some Eastern philosophy say Zen may through Koan, meditation and so forth bring forth the acceptance of 'No Mind---Sunyata----
  1. the doctrine that phenomena are devoid of an immutable or determinate intrinsic nature. It is often regarded as a means of gaining an intuition of ultimate reality.
  2. and that all forms are perishable, impermanent, ephemeral, transitory and like a cube of ice held in the hand, melt and decay and so learn to deal with loss and old age. The ultimate reality may mean there no ultimate reality and life is a moving process and stops here and there for a while and so the '

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
    Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.  Omar Khayyam

In a way this assists the quantum physicist, the actor and the patient of psychosis. To live and accept not by an inevitable fate, but by a deep and profound intuitive understanding this is the 'Dao' this is the way of the Universe, the conjurors illusion, that indeed identities are fleeting and so I feel one is so identified and 'hooked, snared and trapped' in a particular identity that in death one incarnates to either find the previous identity or comes back to free oneself of it and either chooses another identity or accepts the fact that one seeks liberation from all forms of identity and so be a free being. 

 A jivanmukta, literally meaning liberated while living, is a person who, in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy, has gained complete self-knowledge and ... Moksha (/ˈmkʃə/Sanskritमोक्षmokṣa), also called vimokshavimukti and mukti,[1] is a term in HinduismBuddhismJainism and Sikhism for various forms of emancipation, enlightenment, liberation, and release.[2] It refers to freedom from dukkha and saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth,[3] by knowledge of the true self (Atman-jnana),[4] c.q. (the lack of a permanent essence, and the release from craving and clinging to passions and the mundane mind.)shack

The craving of the mundane mind is either the brain washing agendas by inculcation or taking on another identity and play acting or really going into full steam ahead so to speak  to another life style and its trappings, here one realises identities are swappable and either acts one out and eventually believes in it.

Now the physicist, actor and the Zen person may come to a hurdle. Can I live without an 'I' ? Trying to remind oneself intellectually or mindfully I have no 'I' may give one and 'intellectual  buzz' which is a short lived high and fades as the old worn out patterns attempt to gain ground and emerge, to become something recognisable and sound. Can the physicist who has seen the quantum nature live without having to 'capture' the essence of the empty atom into an equation so as to know and have satisfaction that knowing intellectually gives one the feeling of safety, security and solid ground, the actor finds their role in life a lifestyle that suits them, perhaps, Oscars, fame, celebrity and wealth status and the Zen well maybe finds nothing at all and abides there.

Now to a personal anecdote; there is neighbour who irks me and gives a fit of pique now and again. When I have this I usually get some sort of understanding on an intuitive or ah ha. This person when he came to out block was extremely lonely and our manager asked me to visit him. I declined. I have felt loneliness many times however this is subsiding somewhat. After a while he inveigled and wheedled his way by being the 'do gooder'  and earned himself the reputation of the 'snake and worm' by many of the residents. He has taken on the role of the organiser. I found we clash on many subjects and he delights in putting me down if he can. Others say why do you stand for it? I realised many traits in him I have and I do not like and he is a sort of mirror for me, I do not like him for the same reason as I do not like the traits in me.

So I have  to compromise, be polite and I suppose to get a truce or more importantly APPROVAL. AH! its not approval from him, its approval in me for recognising the lesson he has taught me, I need only my own approval, NOT by accepting or eradicating those faults or supressing them but by the recognition that these are in me, not forcing them out or pushing them down and like a cork in water only to rise again. BUT by the fact that they were in me and irritated me and this GREAT NEIGHBOUR was my teacher and enabled me by the uncumfortability of that irritation was a needle to prick the boil and allow it to come out. When I felt this recognition it was a relief.

'We only teach that which we want to learn' 'We find ourselves in the mirror of relationships' these two seem so apt especially in these trying time of 2020 and 2021. Time and time again when I was a therapist, healer counsellor when a patients recognised the traits in them and then shift the blame on others and not owning only to blame of others they were healed. A process I noticed as soon or soon after a patient released the hate, blame and fear in the situation it was if the other person or situation resolved it as well and often a long letter, phone call from the other party so to speak occurred. It was if a silent energy / telepathic etheric communication took place.

Well there are mysteries that take place and 'SOMETHING BEHIND THE SCENE'  takes place like the curtain falls and the stage hands rearrange the scene and scene shifters alter the scenario for the next act. I observe such things taking place in this 'Pandemic' and the demolishing by stealth all human rights, dignity and divinity. May we own our truth and not succumb to tyranny.