Monday 15 August 2022


Free Images

Looking out of the window at the trees and lawn and I looked at the shadows cast by the tree branches (not those above) as the Sun shone through them.

I realised the tree was the original and using an example the tree being the creator, The Great Spirit as it were and the shadow was constructed in Its Image. The Creator being eternal and infinite and the shadow seeming ever lasting was just a mirror reflection and impermanent only seeming real. The Sunlight was the source energy that animated the shadow and brought it into apparent existence but the dream of the shadow faded without the 'soul or sol 'energy of the Source. 

So like holding the ice in the hand and hoping it will last forever it gradually dwindles and melts. So as such is life seeming so real and infinite and gradually as one ages the form that is the shadow diminishes and as the Sunshine dims so the Shadow retreats and recognises the Source and hopefully joins it, this depends on the Shadow having been granted free will and gathered erroneous information and overlaid the shadow with an abundance of brain washed inculcated shadows that it forsook for the real substance, that which cast the shadow and image of Itself and which is everlasting and so the false lights of shadow making have to be seen as such and then there is a chance the Shadow of the transient self  becomes aware of its true nature and becomes the Self. The transient self wakes up to its own impermanence and seeks the reflection of itself. The shadow merges with the tree.



Quantum Magazine

 I feel the image above depicts what I have always felt; the lined square or rectangle to me represents the field, space, the vacuum and quantum zero potential. This is the field where every possibility and probability exist and further more it is an information field. Now the awareness which is the observer is said to collapse the wave / the field and by its intention through observation, the very act of awareness is witnessing and is an intention, merely to view and is in a way an act of creation. Consciousness is awareness and the field. 

Then add a thought either from one's brain washed past, a kind of inculcated karma and the particles are the result of the observational intention to collapse the wave to a particle and create.

The field to me is Spirit, The Source and Creator. In the image 'the bumps and humps' are the created particles that are brought together to form so called solid appearances in space and time which are the result of the spaces between the created forms which is the time experienced in the realm of form.

The field is the Great Spirit and in the individual particle  forms, for example a human being, part of the field is experienced as a 'soul' which is designated and assigned as 'sort of splinter of the Great Spirit' and can be experienced as a great Sun overhead and is the halo or some say the the eighth Chakra. I experience this as kind of Sun, not just an image, at certain times I can sense it as luminous ball or Sun and can feel its warmth and radiation and before this was confirmed by Carlos Castaneda's work and my interest in Aura's and in my 1967 writings and now by Alberto Villoldo it has led me onto my next step as it were.

The field of an individual is contained mainly through genetic inheritance and the fact that all is vibration which is energy in motion and programmed by thought, the vibrational magnetic fields are conductors of messages and signals akin to radio waves and carrier waves and so these are passed onto the recipient at conception.

My view is that as the egg of my mother has an energy imprint of the inculcation, brain washed conditioning, her dear soul was impregnated with the beliefs and culture of her genetic inheritance so to speak and my dear fathers sperm containing his 'information and background inheritance' I see this as my dearest parents earthly inheritance genetic and mind as they had no idea of free choice and as I have written so much about, we are taught to be who we are until the day we may awake to 'who was I before I was handed down my inculcated programmed inheritance' then we may decide to have no identity and yet I now see it can be reborn or reprogrammed and yet I feel to be in the 'state' of no identity and be comfortable with it and not a mere reminder and mind prompt of 'oh I have no identity' to be comfortable with no identity and to be natural is to be the field and the luminous Being.

So being the luminous being in human form is being in peace and calm and this flow from source because one is then one with source(Jesus ' I and the Father are One') and realising that my dearest parents were conditioned and brain washed I can see that they had no choice and I forgive them utterly and close down that time line.

Time lines are karmic programming and brain washed repetitive incarnations, 'history that repeats itself' and hasn't become aware of the fact that these are inherited programmes and agendas and they have not awakened to the fact they are merely puppets at the hands of perpetuated tape loops and asked the question as above 'Who am I when not programmed'?

We have in my view as I write this on Sunday 5th June 2022 and at the Queens 70th Jubilee weekend celebration and 'reinvent the wheel situation' there are individuals who have realised they are conditioned and brainwashed and want to start a 'new way for humanity' and would impose transhumanism, cyborgism, technocracy, eugenic and artificial food and all sorts. They do not recognise the spiritual and their ego and scientific non emotional (spiritual are emotions form Spirit and not from ego reactions to the past) they are robotic and yet want the one world government and total surveillance and I feel at deep down in themselves frightened of death and immortality and cannot bear the thought of someone or power greater than they.

I have a slight doubt; do I proceed to reprogram by the Luminous being and put in, well being, quick to heal, compassionate, handsome, healthy, longevity, or just be in tune with my Luminous Soul Self? In a way being in tune with my soul just by feeling it would I feel suffice unless I have to clear the dark spots in the field.

My dearest parents I feel I am in contact with so to speak. I feel them in their spiritual selves as it were, I feel I have like in my puja for those that have passed to the field of Being, I feel I have cleared our family time line to a certain extent and now I need or perhaps to see the time line with my estranged family and some friends. 

I will sit quietly and feel it out. I feel my parents are 'redoing' their 'past' in their way and I will say I may have helped them with my' puja' stuff in the past and now. I feel they are assisting my timeline here and now and are luminously assisting me. Thanks Mum, Dad, Wolf for touching 'base' with me so to speak. I feel you are 'paying' back as it were, by recognising your time line with me and as we clear the slate we are liberating us all into the greater Life of The Great Spirit.




The Student Room

 Today is the 2nd June 2022 the weekend beginning the celebration of Her Majesty's Jubilee celebrations for 70 years of service.

This morning as I sat in meditation and doing my Seated Taoist Temple Qi Gong I had this feeling which was partially visual and partially felt as an energetic phenomena. As usual these 'inner' as it were experiences are hard to define or explain. 

As I looked in a meditative empty mind mode I felt / saw like a haze, I found the image and the haze I saw was not coloured it was pure water colour and the centre of the image would be plants, trees birds, buttercups, grass and the dots were the energies that surrounded them and indeed they seem to nourish or was the auric field that sucked in the Cosmic energy and transferred it to the plants and animals and so on. It was symbiotic in the meaning that the field of energy and the plants etc., were one and yet separate.  I felt it as well I felt the energy nay the spirit touch and surround me and the joy and supreme uplift into another realm or dimension. It was indeed the realm of the infinite, the timeless, quiet and stretching into infinite eternity. 

I felt I was being grown and expanded and there was no separation and evolution was taking place and creation was on going, I felt I could just merge and pass and my body would be a shell and I would be in this throbbing, pulsating energy being and float and fly endlessly through apparent solid forms of my previous existence, death was a mere merging with whatever I felt at this experience. 

Pinterest(Kirlian Photography)

In the imaged with the lady I felt that if the surrounding of her face colours were in this experience of this article were 'water colour' as it were, a kind of haze, then everything emerged from this 'backdrop / canvas, an energy field that lay at the back of creation as I perceived it. The Kirlian image explains itself if one researches Kirlian Photography.

No more words or images can I insert or say and let the impressions of my encounter suffice.

Karin Henseler (Could this be Klaus Schwab future Robotic Aura?)
   I do not agree with the conclusion at the end of the link above.
I suggest you research from the link above. That is Korotkov also Konstantin.



Inc. Magazine

Sitting in meditation and prayer and doing seated Qi Gong and admiring and blessing the trees and pigeons, squirrels, birds, flowers with daisies, dandelions and the lawn with grass, a very large pigeon floated effortlessly by with wings spread out like that of an aeroplane with flaps extended for landing and it landed and somehow it shifted an intellectual perception into a living intuitive spiritual experience.

Intellectually and logically I felt on some level and knew on some level that the Universe and nature were one and underlying and undergirding them there was a field although invisible to the human senses and although referred to as the quantum zero point continuum and though appearing empty was indeed a dynamic potential which had every possibility and probability within it and that the Universe I feel was born from the womb of potential and created by an Intelligence as yet that is not understood but can be felt.

So my intellect and logic which is part of the the ego which selected by education and hand me downs does its job as it were by compartermentlisation and that although in units I could see the logic how units form and become eventually as a whole yet I knew it but not feel it, but by the process rationalisation it was so.

This morning there was shift; I felt without rhyme or reason, there was a flow and all of life flowed into one whole holographic experience, without breaks and instead of my logic and reason seeing and experiencing which seemed based on some brain washed accepted theory and separate sequences, the experiences just seemed to flow sort of spontaneously and planning was relegated to an extent out of Life survival and every day needs and not necessities of desire and fashion. 

It was an orchestra; before I viewed it as the wind section, the string section, the percussion section and the conductor, as when watching the TV at a concert say at the Albert Hall and the camera technician zooming in on sections as they played perhaps as a solo section in the score for that rendition. 

Now I felt the orchestra as a whole, very different from seeing with the senses. This was feeling, a deep non logical and non emotional in a way, this was feeling Life without needing an explanation, it spoke to the Life in me which needed no reason for being here or anywhere and like the leaf blown by the wind and the caption below the tittle depicts the wind blowing the seed-heads of the dandelion and like the Zen Monk when the flowers appeared and birds returned after winter 'and I did nothing to assist this' it was the Tao' the way of things' seemingly spontaneously and not so because it was cyclic and yet so, the great koan and paradox of Life, some Intelligence, some Great Spirit, Some Great Being was in charge and instead of intellect and logic, my demanding ego straining to live and control my life exclusively by and large,  I live by the seemingly spontaneity that Life offers.

Who knows what concert is playing today and yes some routines are necessary for the human condition that The Great Spirit gave to the Earth and humanity but to make space for the flow and to be entertained by Life which offers more variety than the same old same old academic, intellectual in some way artificial entertainment and to me that vital spark and essence that the Tao of surprise has, the flow and orchestra playing with joy and abundant variation, no leaf, flower, person, animal is exactly the same, only human machinery does replicate exact laser digital preciseness and only a robotic artificial brain washed programme can appreciate this and not be bored with it.





As I sit here on the 30th.Day of May 2022 it is a New Moon Day and I have this great awareness of my Halo in the 8th Chakra as it said by the Shamanic community and I am as aware of it in my minds eye that is a shining Golden Orb of soul Consciousness my Higher Self. 
The Power Of Oneness
I sense from time to time this shining Golden Oneness above my head and I feel this Golden Orb is like the a shining luminous Being and watches over this physical body that I am a resident of for the time being.

I feel the Higher Self dreamed me into existence as it were, as I sit in meditation and realise in the impermanence of Life BECAUSE it is a dream world, dreamt by the individual Soul, the Great Sprit gave the power of Free Will in order for the Angelic Being's of the Golden Order of Light to create their dreams and humanity was seeded from great Angelic Consciousnesses of Light through the Power of The Great Spirit. 

I feel the Purusha( my awareness of being  alive, the self of myself) is at present allied to partially my conditioning brain washing and inculcation and now more readily a shift to the higher golden shining luminous self of Homo  energetica / or spiritulana and a shift away from the tentacles and clutching demands of the egocentric self like the sucker pads of a monstrous octopus which suck the life force of Life sustenance out of me that being the Spirit of Light for its own deleterious purposes and agendas.

Prakriti ( I feel is the substance of Life a sort of underlying field of Intelligence and potential which fuels like electricity for the Angelic Free Will Beings to form Purusha) I feel that in Atlantis or many past incarnations, the one sort of human body like the cyclops containing female and male before the separation and their minds created forms and they were aligned to Great Spirit and their split as their Minds took over their Spirit and they went and abused the Gift Of Free will and abused the law of Love and Compassion and feed of off the will of the Great Spirit and Intelligence of God Almighty. This is my feeling of the Fall of the Angels, they fell from attuning to the will of God to their sense of their own importance and so the ego was born, 'I have the gift of God and so I can create what I want' and the rift was born the One Body, as it were became separated and duality was born.
Amar Ujala
Because of this Atlantis was destroyed and so the story of the down fall of human free will is abused and we see this in the stories of The Golden Calf and Moses, Babylon, Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and so on in various cultures, the Vedas, Upanishads and warnings by Native Elders and Shamans.

 I feel this urge that is coming to the fore over gender issues is the latent intrinsic deep buried awakening of the early 'Atlantean  Roots' being 'remembered' and in a personal way the '1967' writings of Homo Spiritulana / Energetica and my early attempts of the Androgynous Sort of Body and yet androgyny. This is the attempt to be the God PERSON  because SPIRIT  God Almighty, the Great Source of Life, cannot be described as Male or Female and is a combination of both fused into an energetic Source, a potential and non describable, Spirit and is Intelligence Supreme and because I am a dual human I cannot define or even begin to sense or know the Great Spirit. These Gender issues seen as Transhumanism is an abomination if orchestrated by the New World Oder of the World Economic Forum and WHO by tampering with vaccinations and genetics BUT not so if it is spiritual awakening to transcend duality to the oneness of Spirit in the human body and find the true self.
National Geographic Kids

At times I am aware of the this Sun as it were above my head, blazing and with Sun Spots and throwing out Plasma and magnetic fields and other moments a soft luminous gold orb and many shifts in texture but always I feel this is my over- self, higher self, soul self, my link to Spirit and it is my non sexual self and THIS GREAT ORB, this higher self dreamed me as it were into existence and I find myself attuning into this not into a fantasy way, yet in quiet meditation or attuning to it in a quiet sort of Shamanic Way and becoming aware that is beckoning me and by its very nature weaning me away without force MERELY by Its Silent Shining Presence and by gentle 'non pressure but pressure' by its very ever presence and I sense it is my true nature and self it without force or promise or punishment if I break from its Prescence and go into the most obnoxious fantasies and behavior and it merely waits for my sorrow and guilt to pass and welcomes me home again without remonstrations or any other punitive or admonishments to me this is Gods undying love for me(us).

So gradually as the human race gets to its worst nightmare, there is the quality within it to wake up as the worst nightmare humanity faces with transhumanism, cyborgism, technocracy, the new world order, genetic manipulation and so much more, there is a beckoning and the ever present pressure of the silent ever present Prescence of the Light within and yet hovering overhead of all and everyone and within everyone that will call as the desperation gets ever intense and then the nightmare becomes so unbearable that like in a bad dream one awakens and then the awareness of that dream, that is merely a dream and it has no substance may save humanity and nature for the abyss of the hell that the cabal have in mind. The cabal believe their dream is Utopia-----let them have it because their minds are blinded and blunted--- they think those of us not in their dream are foolish and naive-----time will tell, mind you in the dream of Spirit like a dream in sleep time is irrelevant the spirit is timeless and is what it is without time, definition or whatever.

So my Soul Self dreamed a dream, that as a free will being, gifted by The Great Spirit and Created in the Creators Image and should the Soul Self the Great Energetic Spirit Being be so infused with God's blazing Light which I sense, my Soul Luminous Being dreamed I am a healthy, handsome human male heterosexual, for the Females a beautiful body, a motherly compassion, heterosexual and all that she desires of the light full of Light, Compassion, healthy, quick to heal, a great long life of joy and happiness, a wonderful immune system and a benefit to all nature, Mother Earth, to all sisters and brothers, children, to natures inhabitants and this dream is not selfish and for me this means to all and everyone should they choose to align with their Soul Golden Orb which is the link to the Great Spirit.  

There may come at time when our bodies fuse back to oneness above and we return to be Orbs Of Golden Light and not have the need to be in human form and even beyond that.     


Monday 1 August 2022



This morning of the 22nd May 2022 whilst meditating and doing Qi Gong as I finished the Qi Gong I felt spirals of energy chi and it came to mind that the Sun is full of magnet spiralling fields and I felt this radiating out from the Sun and me, it felt fire, love, joy compassion beyond magnificent, beyond tremendous. It was awe inspiring, I felt this radiating out from my body which had lost its corporeal propensity.

Then it became like a blackhole it sucked in itself the spirals and magnified them and spewed them out into space and healing, powerful uplifting energies radiating out into a dark space and lighting it up and it went into timeless infinity.

Each star had its solar system not necessarily so called physical and appearing solid and energy solar system with some having inhabitants in energy planets so to speak, vast and tiny inhabitants which are sentient life forms, invisible to human senses but 'visible' to the sensitive human and sensed as feelings which shape the entities. 

Then I understood the 'dreaming' of the Shamans of the world. During my meditations and morning prayers of gratitude, I felt my Homo Energetica / Spritulana growing the Luminous body that Carlos Castaneda, Alberto Villoldo, Tibetans and Siberian, Aborigine sense and feel and is not against orthodoxy; when the Shamanic term 'The Great Spirit' which many in orthodox religions say  are evil spirits, nay I refer to the Spirit and even from the bible it says' Romans 8:11 and onwards, But if the Spirit of him (God, The Great Spirit) that raised up Jesus from the dead -----shall also quicken your mortal bodies and that what it felt like as I felt these spirals as above. 'The Sprit Itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children Of God (the Great Spirit).

Then came the Earth; with powerful people of all colour of skin, yet worshipping the One Great Spirit and their prayers were of gratitude and blessings, small  village communities, their communications mainly telepathic, they travelled by what we know as UFO's, they could partially levitate and as they travelled the Earth they were greeted with friendliness, compassion and their sexual energies were naturally confined to love and joy, they danced and love making was not lustful and they had life long mates and children were born through meditative attuning and in tune with their spirits which knew and sensed the Great Spirit.  This was my '1967' writings and I felt it for the first time as a heart felt reality so to speak and not a prophesising bit of writing and intellectual science to back it up. ( and or online) this was and is my dream and I will feel dream it into a now or future reality. Basically Peace on and in Erath and Goodwill. The peoples of this Earth felt the radiant love and compassion in their moments of being still, they felt in this stillness the Great Spirit and this replaced religious dogma and so when they met one another or went to planets, they sat in the silence of their souls, their feeling the Great Sun of themselves and they were of the same family although maybe a far off planet as of  today very easy to get to by UFO, they were greeted by a Universal language, the language of the soul, they all in their own capacity sensed the Spirit, of course many could not and were developing as a similar history of evolution with wars as Earth with famine, dreadful torture and through timeless timelines and incarnations, will emerge into the wonderous harmony and joy of the Great Spirit.

I felt in my heartfelt innermost Being the love, the power and the Joy of the Great Spirit and I understood when Jesus said 'My Fathers House has many mansions ( rooms in some quotes) John:14.2{One of the Popes I think John John Paul II 1978--2005},(met him briefly see back articles) said about the Vatican's cardinals who were in amazing highly technical observatories and PH.D's in Astrophysics and the like and his quote was roughly 'We accept ET's  based on John 14 as above. This quote seemed to me my feelings as above about the stars and solar systems. 

To me the black hole has always been as in my 'geofffreed online' stargates and one can see several articles on it. I have often felt that as a blackhole sucks in through the event horizon and I feel spews out through the white hole it is a Cosmic recycling and also portals for UFO travel and wormholes are time line points and interdimensional which to me interdimensional are different frequencies of vibratory Spirit, that is travelling through and with the Great Spirits wonders and as the human mind expands not to weaponry, with lust and greed but with compassion and gratitude it will expand with the natural evolution and be commensurate with the rhythms and pulses and the natural sensing concomitant evolutionary growth and then going hand in hand with the great Spirit.



Somerset Live

  Today is the 16th May 2022 and is a very sunny morning and yet quite crisp, as if the Sun has not really warmed the Earth and many still feel chilled a bit. I suspect the chemtrails and weather manipulation is employed. Also we have a fantastic lunar eclipse yesterday unfortunately not seen in the UK and a Full Moon this evening at 23.00 and some unusual planetary line ups and so on.

After the main Covid pandemic epic and now coming to light the conned and scammed plot to reset the world ethos from what is was before the 'panshamic' and to reset as the cabal would have it to a eugenic, transhumanist, cyborg, technocrocy it would seem enhanced by censorship and a one way bought media and a forbidden discussion and only a one way narrative that the house of cards is gradually dawning to the most sceptical and hard liners that something is amiss.

The hard rind and crust of the supporters of the cabal has come about by the promise that the cabal will produce a new world and a system of justice. Some of the cabal followers have found that they are not so supported and are thrown out of the ring and loyalty to psychopaths does not work when the sociopaths do not get what they want. 

Along with the billions of the billionaires, the multinationals, the paid medical people who have doubts and yet because of their mortgages and life style are scared and so pay the price of mammon and all else that is impermanent and perishable, even one's new titanium cyborg body with a a downloaded brain and strutting about like Robocop will save one, so living forever in artificial organs and having all the 'goodies' will demand new thrills and spills, new recreation drugs, going eventually from planet and stars and so on, in my view it is not as satisfying as soul contact.

Yes there are science fiction films of the above and the 'greys' as it were and their abduction scenarios and it is said by the 'experts' that the non emotional, detached, (Vulcans in Star Trek as well) lack that something of the spirit and it is said the Greys do abductions and have a deal with the cabal; Greys give certain technology, very limited because they do not want the cabal to 'do them in' and they recognise dealing with human psychopaths is dodgy to say the least because the moment they get what they want they discard that which may threaten them with greater knowledge and know how. So there is an uneasy truce and edgy nervous deal, as indeed human collaborators find out, obey or be dispensable.

The Greys should represent the future to the cabal as a non emotional bare naked mind merely a robotic brain filled or even one's own downloaded brain is limited by its brainwashed stuck in the mud inculcated ego and without the 'soul God Connection' there will only be materialistic and simulated holographic images and drugs to support the aborted emotions and living in an artificial world of make believe with 'something always missing', that one degree under and constantly living in hang overs and then more drugs to bring them back to their artificial cloud of deception.

The Greys think or feel that obtaining human embryos, genes, cells, organs and becoming 'more humanised' they will be getting their emotions back, however that is only an organic human sense, however in my view this will lead to the human problem of materialistic amazing technology without that missing piece, still eventually the pain of that X factor, that soul contact will cause both sides to teeter and flounder and never being satisfied.

So I now come to my experience be it limited and some may say naïve; in deep or even some shallow experiences in meditation and prayer that is about gratefulness and from the heart, in rare or fortuitously and by grace there arrives as it were a feeling of exaltation, yet a quiet sensation, a joy, a satisfaction with no material form and halting any pain or discomfort, a calm and peace that satisfies my being and over the years of these interludes all my needs physical and mental are met and I call this Spirit, soul connection the link with God Almighty and if I were out of my body and lived in that Spirit I would not need the needs and desires of the organic Beautiful Earth and its delights.

It might mean that technology would still exist but complimentary and non harmful to Earth and its Nature with inhabitants, it might be that the cabal knows knows of this and would not have their dominance and so are endeavouring to stop or destroy the above spirit and soul. They try to do this by jamming frequencies and targeted brain disorientation (which I have shown in back article diagrams and in and a scenario article ' Welcome to Smart City' in the blog mentioned or com) and I would suggest that at this time as article date 16th.May 2022 that the 5 / 6G network or the Musk Satellites are not fully operative and there might be a race between Musk and the cabal to see who encases and corrals humanity and completely gets to SMART CITY first.      

Yet I sense a change in the collective unconscious where the soul spirit voice is stirring humans and in their dreams and quiet moments even at work or commuting, there is a faint echo and gentle whispering like being on the ocean and a dark night and somewhere there come the haunting deep sound of the Hump Back Whale, the mythical sounds of the Mermaids who lured sailors by their songs, deep and haunting, the call of the wolf on a Full Moon night, these are seeping through the hard crust of conditioning and impacted brain washing not from this cabal but from time immemorial and like the wind that eroded mountains, the waves of the sea that sculpture cliffs and dripping water that erodes substance and yet can form stalactites and stalagmites, the calls of the soul and The Great Spirit, God Almighty will erode the falsity and fallaciousness and no matter where humans travel even to far distant wonders, eventually humankind will awaken to their natural evolution and destiny.




Is there such a place as the somewhere nowhere place, space or  destination. Is there any arrival or departure. What do we mean by infiniteness, eternity, non local mind and in the quantum vacuum there is every possibility and probability and why does the observer observation effect wave and particle positions and what are positions are they merely mental mind fixations to hold an image to transform it. Is this part of manifestation?

Unreal Engine

Can I, May I teleport, time travel and go interdimensional and be myself in many dimensions and like in the DNA Phantom Ghost leave behind my DNA where I have sat or been (experiments by Russian scientists). The limited conditioning and brain washing even by the most talented minds are still within the confines of the education, logic and academic prowess and they limit themselves with pride and weird techno / medical in fact in house jargon and because us normal (normal did I hear myself think) don't understand their language we are baffled and told we are ignorant and yet these of the 'House of Academia' are supposed to fall at their feet whilst they conjure up new ways of torture through bio weaponry or fancy spaceships with a few seats for us plebs which we haven't the do ray me to pay for.
The Door of Perception

Here in the  image above may be the crux of the matter; Is the brain the seat of consciousness which to my view is that consciousness is the awareness of being aware of of itself as a silent witness that uses the organic brain to experience MANY dimensions and the Human dimension is but a select time line portal that Consciousness which to my view is a field  so to speak of infinite possibilities and probabilities and because of Consciousness being all pervading, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, it has unlimited choices and so its choice to experience and create through the ability of consciousness it is in fact what humans may feel is real and solid in reality 'all in the mind' and indeed like dreams which to my way of feeling are nearer reality, like fantasies' 'ALL MIND STUFF'.

Whether here on Earth or travelling to Mars I AM EXPERIENCING THIS WITH CONSCIOUSNESS which is the same witness and awareness that I left Earth with IT IS a new vista but the same witness. This TV film is witnessed by the same witness awareness as the next film, perhaps many incarnations have been witnessed before one awakens to the witness being aware of Itself as the Awareness Witness. WHAT NO FILM ----AHHHH!!!? Boring have to find a distraction.

So if one wants to time travel, portal or teleportal / telepathize and just link into a time line then use consciousness as the machine as it were to get you there. 

Two ways to do this or one of two ways of many; breathing and relaxing and feel for the quiet mind then allowing by gentle requesting to be taken to another time line and allowing the intelligence of awareness to roll out a suitable scenario(WARNING --there are other  lesser consciousnesses that are ego and not compassionate and indeed one's own ego which is a splinter consciousness and is overlaid by brain washed inculcated issues with perhaps agendas of conquering and unloving issues and so one can get enmeshed in conflict).

So ones choice; either dabble in psychic stuff as above. Or just allow the fun of Cosmic Consciousness to roll out the magic carpet and as one travels this unending road, it only ends in cross roads or dead ends when one is limited by brain washed or ego agendas. 

In my view meditation is non expectancy, attention without intention, Witnessing in stillness and in that quiet place without thought, just witness the witness witness-sing awareness without bias and roll,

Then about loneliness; well one is only lonely when one is said to not have human contact. Yet I have found like nuns and monks, those who are natural 'lone wolves' can have a sense of human bonds without fantasies or contact because they found the one aspect ' the quite place the secret place of the most high as it were and unless one has experienced this and is often referred to as the 'Kingdom of Heaven Within' to my view there is no within, within here means to me rather behind as it were, because the brain washed conditioning is like dirt on the windscreen, dust of the lampshade of awareness, the awareness witness through the distraction of brainwashed pounding and impacting by countless repetitions hammered out habitual responses and reactions and so the witness gets sucked and seduced and is temporarily clouded until the awakening occurs.  

I have found that the witness awareness suddenly can cut through my fantasies, reveries, seduction by any powerful distraction and without words reminds me 'I AM NOT THAT I AM THIS' and in the same token that awakened awareness will roll out life before itself and even in pain, illness, disaster it has brought to mind as it were the residues of the remaining ego debris which under the witness awareness is too bright to allow stagnation to occur.

So in elderly years my feebleness, aches and pains and all my prescriptions for easing the discomfort can be seen as inevitable and yet that inevitability may take several ways; oh well its the human lot, there is not much one can do about it and so dwell  and share this with neighbours and friends so thereby reinforcing the pain and suffering and hoping for a easy death and quickly, or what's on telly. Or the same symptoms and realise they have been down the centuries that which has been the human lot and then dwelling with attentive awareness and relaxing into them and that somewhat just is like surrendering to life and patient acceptance in other words a  relaxed meditative approach.



Jason and Dana Rongione

                                           WHAT IS THERE TO FEAR






Broken synaptic's like wriggling worms, bootlace snakes, squirming and desperately seeking like blind moles unused to unfamiliar subterranean passages the old familiar safe and yet unsafe routes and food sources.

Minds blown apart by clever and vicious psychopathic amoral egoistic monster power seekers and the dream of Darwinian eugenics that make them the finest and of the survivors, the top of the tree, the 'man' on the block, the top banana, stretching their dreams of supremacy to the utmost and counting their properties, their possessions and billions and maybe billions of trillions as they humiliate their so called homeless, native, ethnic natural resources and peoples as mere uneducated, stupid, naïve, smelly, unattractive, unproductive, not able to think and be smart and shunning most of technology and so called sophisticated materialistic capitalistic hard cash and machinery and locking down everyone and thing with 'implanted chips and digital surveillance' so as to make them feel safe and secure and royalty at the top of the pile. 


The so called elite, the illuminati, now a world wide eugenics movement under the banner of the 'Davos --The world Economic Forum' seek to do a reset after the 'pandemic' with its lockdowns, social distancing, vaccinations and draconian fines and penalties, censorship and fake news and so on causing in the aftermath, severe mental health problems, suicides and vaccine injuries. A mental health disaster and  many struggling to put back the jigsaw pieces that were not only destroyed but never to be the same. ONCE the dream was shattered and the reality that was thought to be solid, watertight was shattered, the message to many was 'where has that dream gone' I thought we were safe at least sort of before the pandemic and now a new way of life, robotised, digital passports, implanted chips, many vaccines and yes food shortages, threats of wars and now Afghanistan ruled by the Taliban and the shameful defeat of the USA and the West that beat a hasty retreat and the Taliban promising reform and now in May 2022 going back to the strictest regime.

123RFBrain Neurones, Synapses, Neural Circuit of Neurons 

Eat the Weeds

These images above may describe the neurons seeking their previous connections and the plasticity that hook up new connections and yet the memory and conditioning, the inculcation of the past stick like superglue and the one way stream of media collusion with the 'authorities' narrative and shamed as a conspirator if any attempt to even hint or discuss any other option or rationale. Complete obedience and compliance and the passport to prove one is a faithful obedient servant---after all who will save you from damnation and a ET or Nuclear threat?

I've been through the processing of inculcation many times; in the womb the foetus feels sensations which are imprinted in the early nervous development. On birth it hears a sound like a puppy dog and this sound eventually is the recognition of its name Geoff, Puppy Skip. Then the religion, the culture and so on. Most of us go down these tramlines with a few variations here and there. 
Then through various life experiences (some say Karma, reincarnations) that awakening may occur; I am not original, I have been taught who I am!?. Then one may start an enquiry; who was I before I was brain washed, conditioned and inculcated? Well I've gone into that in back articles many times and the repercussions that can ensue, madness, loss of identity, distraction, depression, what am I here for, suicide and or enlightenment. 

Kissinger, Eugenics
And Depopulation

By Leuren Moret
Dr. Henry Kissinger, who wrote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World."
Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry.
Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas.
Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce.
Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carter's administration by the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy.
National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled "Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests," says:
"Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S.
Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the "population crisis" is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation.In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation "GLOBAL 2000" document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared.
It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski - all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation:
"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels" (Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in "Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?" Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995).
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S.
For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons (see Smart Dust, Roboflies &).
Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor.
She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project (see Smart Dust, Roboflies&).
Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations.
The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary.
Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War. The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK.
Birth defects: The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm,Life photo-essay
Statement by Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh,
Smart dust, roboflies, microbugs: UC is spying on youby Leuren Moret,
San Francisco Bay View, Feb. 26, 2003,
San Francisco Bay View
National Black Newspaper
4917 Third Street
San Francisco California 94124
Phone: (415) 671-0789
Fax: (415) 671-0316

Of course the Eugenics or whatever other name realise that everything is impermanent and that they are so self indulgent they want to live for ever in their hedonistic euphoria which the billionaires feel and then well if we marry our consciousness and personalities to a robot and become a cyborg we live forever or more sinister we harvest those lesser humans for their organs, we do regular culls or we manufacture synthetic organs from pigs or some such thing. 

In the meantime the general population are perplexed and caught between two worlds, the one they knew and the new inculcated brainwashed hype being forced upon them by clever psychologists and the media wrapped up in parcels by the narrative spinners. So bring in distractions; drugs, videos, alcohol, anti depressants given out, lack of proper care due to money, yet billions spent on weapons and other non essentials.

The education system is gradually being infiltrated with woke, transhumanism, cancel culture and the like and the 'older' generation and the generation gap is widening and so the next generation will either embrace the NEW WORLD ORDER technocracy or RESET or they will awaken to the fact that they are just as brain washed as their parents and grandparents were, its just a different dream by mad people with super inflated egos and just as crazy as any other impermanent nonsense. 

Whose mad scientist will set the New Cyborg Mind, who will download the persona into the robot mind as ' Ray Kurzweil is an American computer scientist and futurist who pioneered pattern-recognition technology and proselytized the inevitability of humanity's merger with the technology it created. It was Kurzweil's belief that pattern recognition formed the basis of human thought' 
He also suggested that all human minds should be put onto a hard disk and that it should be programmed for love, wonderful weather, the life ideal, he said that this was much more humane than illness, death and so on. Who decides what minds go on the hard drive, who controls the computer and determines billion's of lives and what about the controller.

In a way God has put us in a matrix; there are divine laws and even in so called enlightenment one is one with the creator so to speak. So is it any clearer as to which synapsis and plasticity neurone circuitry you and I follow?

As the solar system arrives as it were in its highly energetic area of space which is the real cause of climate and natural 6th extinction and the New World Order cause their form of the 6th extinction and the Natural Evolutionary Consciousness pits itself against the Artificial Intelligence and its Robot Cyborg Future, in the meantime whilst this battle, by the way the battle is the Natural Creation which came first and is primary against those who want to be God and create a mechanistic sterile world in which logic, intellectual academic accolades are the norm and the gold standard.

How do I cope with this; Mad World, yes this came to me this morning the 14th May 2022, mind you I felt this many times. The lyrics below often remind me of the sad frightened masked people I se in in supermarkets, buses, the crime rates soaring, the cost of living increases stretching the finances, the shop keepers in small businesses are really worried, the war with Russia and Ukraine, sheer madness all of it, it is all about impermanence being made permanent. Immortality sought by a mortal human programmed ego brain washed and the elite know this and want immortality and god like powers.

My way is to realise that there is not a human egoistic solution, nothing in the whole creation of words, ideas, theories, suppositions, scientific achievements, bibles, suffice.  Instead of being desperate and squirming I watch it being played out in my mind and when the 'horror movie' in my mind subsides, there is a quiet calm, no words or solution, just and inner sort feeling of all is well and I feel compassion for those seeking to dominate through some means and entrap the free mind which to me is a mind aware and awake and with with very little thought, what thought there is seems to arrive from the quiet non local mind and the stillness where it emanates from. Even this dose not touch the feeling it produces.
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very, very
Mad world, mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello, teacher! Tell me, what's my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very, very
Mad world, mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Orzabal Roland
Mad World lyrics © Chrysalis Music, Roland Orzabal Limited, Roland Orzabal Ltd
THE DAILY GRIND THAT I SEE IN THE UNHAPPY MASKED AND SAD PEOPLE; for one instance; the parties at 10 Downing Street in lockdowns and distancing and many more. The disillusioned and then bored with distraction with sport and the media and even porn.