Sunday 21 June 2020


Animal Planet
There is a song that was popular years ago and its tittle was bewitched, bothered and bewildered.  This caught my imagination recently and also related to some inclinations to ponder on a few thoughts and feelings that somehow related to the song title and to patients, forensic episodes and the world and its chaotic disposition.

It is perhaps a notion or whimsical feeling that when I observed certain people and myself I felt they were 'possessed ' not as in a devil had got hold of them and possessed their mind and took over and in extreme cases multi personality episodes and this possession was not always evil in the sense that many societies classify 'evil spirits'. 

Now I have researched many avenues in this; from playful nature spirits that took possession through Shamanic rituals gone astray through immature Shamans or home spun rituals, to a breach in one's aura sheaf or luminous energy either through shock, drugs, strong influences of others and so on. These are dealing with 'local' energy frequencies that form an energy form which may resemble a human form or a so called demonic form or an animal, plant, fish, bird, insect form. This can resemble a ghost like apparition and even move solid objects such as a poltergeist. I have used and seen scientist test these in places and there is registration on such instruments as to an acknowledgement of a frequency charge or change and away from the instruments people sensed cold, hot, fear, itching and pain or a sinister or pleasant presence. Some would call this disembodied persons spirits, psychic phenomena and so on.

Now bearing this in mind that not only psychics, mediums, shamans, dark and white magic practitioners, some police, political leaders, priests, some healers and just about anybody else who may be aware or open but not aware can actually summon these entities or it can happen spontaneously. 

Now from my therapy counselling point of view I could feel that a persons beliefs, programs, conditioning (spoken of so often in back SHACK'S) these inculcated agendas form the collective named ego, normally an ego would reject a 'foreign' invasion because it does not share easily or like being second in command and has a enormous power as seen in some leaders and con people. However the despotic ego will avail itself of such powerful entities to conquer and trample its adversaries to the ground. It forms an uneasy alliance. 

Many a dictator has sought magic, astrologers, shamanic advisers, soothsayers, gypsy spells and others. The there are those whose beliefs are a kind of  'food and sustenance' for instance in the sadomasochism, pornographic, paedophilia, dominatrix chambers, the emotions are whipped up to such a pitch that the aura's are breached and like entities simply like a shark frenzy feed with gusto and lust which they adore and the person gets relief be it temporarily from an orgasm or like confession a temporary halt or amnesty from their guilt, fear, shame and their punishment, a  mere temporary atonement for their perceived sins and of course not getting to the root of the assailing problem that vexes them only to return as a further sin and need for atonement through punishment or a repentance through suffering and at the same time feeding the saliva lust dripping tongue and jaws of the energy ghouls who feed and prey on this energy food as it were. These entities feed of our addictions.

There are other classifications such a coprophilia, necrophilia and many more such disorders and best not gone into, however they arouse and become incensed, enraged and tip one over the 'moral' acceptable behavioural boundaries of one's inculcated cultural, political, religious virtues. If in therapy one cannot get or expose and by that the therapist may well have an understanding of what it is that impedes the liberation which is the expiation through the understanding of the trauma and releasing the energy cocooning or encapsulating, imprisoning and binding the event and person and has to assist the patient in experiencing this bind, wrapping, shackling of this event beyond just intellectual understanding, it has to be a deep intuitive unconscious spontaneous release and in that nano second (which may later evolve to the understanding) in that blinding flash of inspired wisdom from the true self which bypasses the censorship of the sentinel to which the ego has installed, there is liberation and that flash is the energy being that fed off of the incident and held captive the patient as food source being deflated and the binding ties ripped off as the true self which is the most powerful energy in the Universe and non can touch it, only if the feeble minded allows access to its own vulnerability.  

When I say vulnerability I do not mean that one should develop an iron will power as this may harden the ego to such an extent that yes, it may hold off the entities, keep them at a distance and at bay, yet there is a constant battle, so perhaps by mindfulness and meditation one can watch these assailing clouds that roam the ether's and aura's of animals, plants, humans, fish, stones, metals, crystals, planets and indeed everything and all that is hunting a being are the predators in the energy realms. These energetic beings have still retained their agendas in their magnetic matrix fields and are on the look out for those with a similar energy signatures, very much like tuning one's remote TV, Radio control to a different frequency / program, for indeed the Universe is a vibratory Frequency Generator.  

There are those gifted with sensing / seeing, feeling / seeing without the use of physical eyes and some that see with what they think is physical eyes but is the energy of finer seeing temporarily taking over the optic senses, hearing, smell, touch and NOT the intuition, it is the intuition that takes over the flesh senses in this form and it does and uses the sense that is most suited to the individual.

Even these sensitives (not psychics who deal in spirit forms and in distinction to sensitives who deal in the forms of energy that bind the spirits into energy. The packages are forms of energy the packaging materiel's are the bindings)all have to protect their auric luminosity essence from being breached. Psychics may do this by evoking guides, angels, imagining energy fields and so on, sensitives remind themselves they are beings of light and shining Creator-y force and feel it. The sensitives just by being one with the Universal Source can spontaneously and not from motive expunge and unwrap the bindings. One works from source the other through intermediaries.
In the coming era should the Planet Earth survive the 6th Extinction and are gifted with sensing / seeing, feeling / seeing without the use of physical eyes and some that see with what they think are physical eyes but is the energy of finer seeing temporarily taking over the optic senses, hearing, smell, touch and NOT the intuition, it is the intuition that takes over the flesh senses in this form and it does and uses the sense that is most suited to the individual.

Should the Planet Earth and its populace survive the 6th Extinction which is a natural cycle or the populace be nearly wiped out by a human made holocaust then those who may survive the energies of evolution will probably be the Sensitives who work from Source and such will be named homo energetica / spiritulana.


Monday 15 June 2020



Many of us are constantly busy or mainly occupied with thought as the buzzing mind, anxious and chewing lip or inner cheek, gnawing teeth or tension in some form or other and sometimes becoming aware of this automatic stiffening of neck shoulder or abdomen, the breathing shallow and sometimes a feeling of doom or some unpleasant event about to unfold.

I call this in my doing from doing. Doing, spurred on by the automatic responses and urges that have been instilled in me from childhood, the first set of patterns, programmes and conditioning that was 'poured into this innocent receptive brain' and shaped me for the rest of my life with a few modifications which expanded the prison a little and if I strayed too far I felt naked and guilty for my security and the known are threatened. It didn't feel like prison at the time but an easy security and safety---the known.

Something triggered a curiosity, it was my dear late brother and a book he gave me on  jujitsu in the late 40's and my early encounter with Joe a USA pilot stationed at Booker aerodrome and stayed with us for a while until they had billets built for them and he taught us little kids meditation and a few moves of  jujitsu as well.

Later on I met people through Judo and Sensei and Sifu, especially Rina and Roy Morris. Then trips to Findhorn and various travels abroad. 

I was becoming aware of the special interviews with Krishna Murti, early days of witnessing the dramatic change overnight in Eckhart Tolle and was questioning more my existence and especially the significance of  my NDE.

What was becoming increasingly noticeable was the daily round of work, workshop presentations, patients and daily chores, doing, doing, doing and doing from doing like a hamster on the wheel. The more doing it seemed perpetuated more doing until I got exhausted, bored and a burn out through glandular fever and two bouts of suspected  cancer, caught early and healed.

It was then I really appreciated beginning 'Being' at first  watching and observing the busy mind and yet I had been doing this years back with my 'koan' experience and Sensei saying 'you will never see the world the same as others, now your troubles begin' and way back at the age of 19 and all seemed exciting and free and I got distracted by work, relationships and that early freedom got covered over by external trappings and the jolt of the burn out forced me to regain some semblance that 'mental clarity' which was the absence of thought and emotion which prompted the 'doing from automated programming' which is doing without awareness or presence, a mere robotic performance.

Now in lock down due to a questionable virus named COVID-19. which I feel is a viral manufactured whatever, certainly catching and a great conspiratorial massaging of the number of deaths as any admission to hospital is put down as the virus and could be the flu which every year takes many to the grave and the governments and the WHO instruct the medics who sign off on the certificate.

Be that as it may many of the world's population were put on lock down and had to work from home and could only go out for food,   the chemist or to help neighbours to get food, an hours exercise, 6 feet distance from people, wear a mask, incessantly wash hands and self isolate the moment one had fever and cough for three weeks or seven days, for old codgers like me three to four months self isolation.

For me it was almost the same as I hardly went far just to a cafe and buy food and occasionally to family, I'd given up all travels of distance since 2002. However for many I heard on the news and from emails, telephone calls and Skype, it was  giving people 'cabin fever' boredom, a survey said Netflix and similar companies supplying endless films for hire on the TV or computer and were inundated with subscribers,  apparently porn sites as well, alcohol sales and deliveries(pubs, cinemas, sports events and so on were cancelled) all these and delivery of food were making fortunes, suicides, loneliness, boredom  and mental  problems were rife.

People were so used to constantly being entertained, and just working off of constant doing and robotic-ally living. Parents having to school children at (nearly all schools closed, churches, mosques, synagogues closed) home, keep them occupied, most places quiet, streets empty, many in shock and seemingly finding  it surreal. It was a lesson for some to examine what their life is; the merry - go- round the daily grind without giving it a thought, perhaps some may see the daily round of chores are not the only reality and there is another deeper mind set and a mind set that does the daily rounds but with the observance that it does it and not just automatically, one can then begin to have breaks of awareness and witness that one does this automatically and so misses the deeper level of witnessing oneself in action.

This incessant constant doing without awareness of the doing is mindless and when one is deprived of this whirligig, one finds oneself outside the known, sometimes panic, confusion, shock and a kind of numbness and mental paralysis can be evident and one can seek the advice of experts and similar to the shock and panic on being diagnosed with a life threatening disease.  

However one can take advantage of this chaotic enforced brake on doing and find by examination that this witnessing of oneself in non action / doing-less, a sort of satisfaction, a feeling of being in charge and that the constant action was draining and living on the highs of excitement and achievement, possessions, success and rewards of material gain. There is a chance to recharge which was formerly done on holiday and that one can return to doing but with awareness and mindfulness.

For me not even going out to shop, talk to others face to face has deepened my appreciation about awareness and for me it is not lonely or boring 'but for me splendid isolation' I would prefer this and it might be apart from shopping when this over I spend even more time in this splendid gift of quietness through lock down and the sense that nature has begun recuperation and will the world of commerce, work, robotic-ally doing return to its frenzy and assault on nature?  

Maybe many would have found themselves which is merely not always doing on automatic pilot but that being which is that unbiased observer that is the witness of themselves doing and realise that witness is them and is the true being in being. 



Uplif Connect








Many esoteric schools, ashrams, dojo's, mystery schools and the like practice deep mystical and esoteric practices and even in some ordinary as it were Japanese Budo orientated to Zen, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga and similar meditative every day practices and with certain binaural programmes over many years can produce the energies of transformation and elicit heat and feelings of overwhelm, upheaval, angst and stir up sexual energy and extreme bodily heat. Some monasteries, ashrams where deep mediation and prayer with body work are practiced keep the environment cool and non heated.

One of these is having a 'head of steam' and it feels as though the body will collapse and the head 'blow its skull' and the Crown Chakra and the fontanelle (fontanel) as below:-
and there are testimonies from reliable Lamas and practitioners that Lamas who have been through severe disciplines and the three year A-Hut meditations have had bits of the fontanel splinter and fly off and some actually open. On one of visits in the Samye Ling (I only did three) there was a young lady there who felt her fontanel was opening and one could visibly see a sort of steam and haze and perceptibly feel it. Some Lamas and other Adepts actually put a straw in the opening and one can measure and see heat arising out of it.

However usual or extreme this may seem and because it is out of the mainstream and academic norm, it maybe just ignored or pronounced weird and not actually authentic, however on experiencing it and researching it one may be pleasantly or shockingly surprised. A closed mind to these mystical rituals and practices may cause the sceptic to be deprived of a life changing experience and take a courageous first step outside the box of a confinement to the everyday humdrum of life.



7th Sense Psychics

I feel that this ‘lock down’ due to a so called pandemic and strange viral anomaly and being socially isolated and a world wide economic crash may have enabled many to evaluate their priorities and perhaps begin a new dawn in their lives. On returning to full work again will pollution return, the wars and temporary ceasefires be resumed, the same homelessness and so on.

Many in the ‘spiritual’ ethos have been feeling deep emotions not just because of familiarity being denied, isolation and a complete different mode of life imposed by the pandemic restrictions. For me I have felt an ancient long karma and I felt it as ‘the pain of the ages' as if the Earth and its rocks, soil and atmospherics were evaporating and venting karma stored in their atomic cellular structures. It as if the energies of the Cosmic upgrading and its incremental accruement were now being agitated and shaking the solid deposits into a more refined solution, like sugar being dissolved and in this depiction being shaken into a gaseous, steamy substance that is being released into the atmosphere to be recycled laundered and cleansed and some sensitives are sensing this and acknowledging the process whilst being careful not to imbibe or inject this gunk.

There is mourning for a past era and the residue for those who cling to the past and unable to let go. There is a sense that this is a window of opportunity for a new way, not a new world order based on a political agenda, a technocracy and dystopia but a spiritual way in as much as sharing, caring, loving and a benevolence that clear, keen and nourishing.

I feel this deeply in myself and trust also to give myself the opportunity to release the fine sediments held in mind and body.

I weep for joy and yet at times for the pain that was held in the collective unconscious for all those souls who are tortured, abused beyond all human imagination, the attempts to lure the devil to bloodily feast on human blood and sacrifice, to steal the minds of sections of humanity and desecrate the beauty of Mother Earth and eradicate sacred knowledge and ritual.

The pain I have felt in quiet moments as if my karma and past lives in a distant past, aeons and aeons, past time itself do speak, the deep entrenched accumulations, like strata of rock, deeply etched rust and decay that is entombed in a mausoleum of dark acrid mush and slime which foul monstrous demonic entities cry out in their pain and torment as they endeavour to release the chains of guilt and shame which they abhor and yet cannot release, this I feel is happening now in April 2020.

These demons of our past and some are still trying to take humanity back to the pit of vileness and no shame or care about the consequences are gnashing their fangs in a last ditch attempt to take humanity into an affront and depravity that is their succour.

Humanity stands now at the brink of salvation or the sinking into the doom and gloom for generations to come.



Schools of  Equality

In 1967 I was privy to have information given to me at the Samye Ling (Johnstone House in those Days and can be found in my at:- 1)  POST 9 Sunday March 13  2013 'Aloha' (in all scroll down to see relevant information or maybe right there at top)  2)  POST 212 Thursday March 16 2016  ' More 1967'.  3)  POST 367 Monday March 2019 'The Ascension Story'. 4) I used to write in a large magazine named which was run by a friend of mine named Andrew, it was very well known and large and Andrew decided to close it down in 2013, I managed to filch perhaps filch is a little strong,because Andrew closed it down in haste and he and I had to get as much out of it as we could and as I suspect any other contributors did as well, it was a mammoth task, and a more detailed '1967' writings account can be found in the last four POSTS  in the Archives above. This and my NDE in 1942 set out what follows.

I wrote about the energies of transformation, natural evolution by means of an Intelligent Design, Ascension and the next step in the evolutionary process which would herald a new race of beings which I named Homo Energetica /  Homo Spiritulana and the key years would be 1967 -2012, 2013 - 2032, 2033 - 2075 and certain signs would come about to prove this, these are written about extensively in the two links above. 

I have stated that the energy's would be incremental and so on; from time to time throughout these years and now at April 2020 a very significant year as so called pandemic has forced a lock down (more of that in the link - POSTS 392 A- Q). Hopefully not being deplatformed or taken off by censorship and with very particular Astrological and Astronomical arrays and line ups with comets and man made satellites and so on and this lock down has given the choice for temporary pollution suspension with many cities being free of noise and smog, however electronic smog increasing and many fish, birds and wildlife being seen roaming freely.

A few days ago I felt a change in my body and mind as if a shutter had come up from my feet to head, it was more like a wave and as it did it swept or cleansed or did something to my psyche and DNA. I still had my usual 'stuff' going on and in some instances and circumstances heighten and exacerbated them, yet it felt a purging rather than habitual addiction or long standing deeply embedded program.

When the wave reached my third eye I felt radically, deeply and yet softly changed. I did not relate to androgyny, asexual, parthenogentic, agamogenetic, hyposexual, non-sexual, epicene, hermaphrodite, celibacy, abstinence or relating to any taxonomic organisms, cross dressing, fetishes, sadomasochism, ritualistic witchcraft or wizardry and so on, as I had explored all these in my Forensic and Psychotherapy training and experiences in clinical situations and forensic encounters.

I felt not human, animal, alien or anything, I felt I was becoming a BEING stripped of any form or garb and no formal definition to who I am or was. In that moment and in growing, my discernment of wordily apparatus seemed meaningless and no consequence, the question as to who am I had lost its relevance.

In my experience I have felt the build up of this pressure and it can arise through several means; through ascension energies, Full or New Moon, meditation, to much stimulation through Binaural frequencies, Qi Gong or some chakra work. In the chakra toning when I sound ‘eee’ and concentrate of the fontanelle I feel this stimulation, as I do when I sound other vocal voicing and feel them in other body parts.

To me I feel the chi, ki, kundulini builds up through the various practices of one’s choice and sometimes spontaneously through shock and produces a surge. The meridians, nadis and nerve paths may be blocked by past trauma; toxic waste and so build up and produce a pressure I trying to clear the debris. Then the feeling of overwhelm, upheaval begin to set up pressure in the body and a stiff neck and trapezium muscles, deltoids and other bodily parts tension up as well.

My head feels as if it will explode and my body groans as it were and I can feel faint and topple over, fatigued and bloated. I have witnessed those who attempt release by various ways. To me it’s like a fizzy drink bottle and the cap if suddenly released causes a lot of splashing and spurting. I have seen people do this in desperately grounding, chanting, alcohol and distraction and then it bursts out and I have  them seen go crazy, wild, insane, shocked some never recover, some vow to never do their practice again and some realise there is a better way of handling it.

I feel that if one can lift the cork / cap of the battle gently it might be better. When I feel this pressure in the head as if it were boiling ‘the head of energetic steam’ I take courage and be fearless, breathe and gentle lift the cork and sink down into the steam and energy, it feels like it builds to a crescendo, an orgasmic state which isn’t physical and not sexual in feel or emotion, and once the gradual release something akin to a pressure valve in a pressure cooker, the valve being the keen gentle very alert awareness of the procedure, then there is a calm, not like a relief of sexual orgasm, or the gentle peace acquired by meditation but an energetic peace and relaxation, it is calming but somehow a calm of its own.

This then is my experience of the build up of Comic energetic increments and the effects of their influence on me. I know that some people can experience through shock, an accident, sudden surprise, an accident or illness and it can be diagnosed as ‘nervous breakdown’ ‘can lead to depression’ ‘to all sorts of mental illness and diagnosis’‘‘some have come out of it with a changed consciousness and like a NDE begin to explore the change and so pursue a ‘spiritual path’ so to speak, such an event out of many happened to Eckhart Tolle.       

These are but a few instances and they are well know in certain circles and much has been written by those who have had spontaneous awakenings, mine was through Koan and subsequent meditation over many years and doing binaural work at Holosync and a interesting book,’Kundulini ‘The Evolutionary Energy in Man’ by Gopi Krishna.

I mention Eckhart  and Gopi to back up my assumptions and experiences and I would urge research into the Lama and mystic writings before such literature and experiences are erased and seen as merely psychological and mental deformity and a psyche that is tormented and demented.

Many have said and my experience dictates this as well that this is not a blind energy but is somehow an intelligently directed purpose and it is as  Gopi's title to his book 'The Evolutionary Energy in Man' and my postulation is that it is akin to the Ascension Process and accompanies my '1967' writings mentioned above.



Monday 1 June 2020


Sitting in meditation and just before closing my eyes, or doing open eye meditation or afterwards and even just gazing in an unfocused way I have written elsewhere about the dreylas as mentioned in SHACK 743, this article has an affinity and akin-ess as it were.

There was this shimmering field of speckled heat haze pinprick golden flickering nay not flickering but coming out, popping in and out and disappearing like they say particles and atoms do, a sort of dance and jig of emanations and dissolving, its not dissolving as going back to source but like a constant promenade of cavorting firefly type activity. 

There seemed to be a connection between the field and myself as a physical form it is as if these speckles were effervescing into the very foundation of my physical form, perhaps the atoms and particles of my physique. It was like an effusion and I felt as it entered my body it percolated like a flow of tiny bubbles into my cellular system as if they were the very foundation of all form and my body eagerly welcomed the process and the flesh, mind and brain welcomed this imbibing. 

I can only relate the experience and enjoy and feel it is an authentic process in the march of evolution.



Having pondered at times as to what is the soul. I feel an analogy  sort of suffices the quest that at other times burns to be identified. Like many things esoteric, spiritual and mystical in the occult, shamanic and Eastern Practices and disciplines the words and even the movements have layers of innuendo and deeper intuitive nuances. It is intriguing and a warning from the adepts not to get addicted and not be fascinated by the forms and meanings of these aspects and keep in mind the journey towards emancipation from ruts, grooves that hold the awareness in stalemate and eventually to dullness.

So I feel that awareness which to me is consciousness is all pervading and is impossible to grasp as a firm form or explanation, theory or such like, however I experience myself as an awareness being aware of itself and at times going beyond the encapsulation of the brain or familiar cognition within the screen of mind.

I feel that my or is it my awareness, is temporarily residing in this flesh body named Geoff Shack Ashley Freed and for some unknown reason and only a speculative one to experience this form of flesh vehicle and then to free oneself from it and realise that awareness, consciousness is beyond as it were form and indeed returns if emancipated from the 'pull and desire' of the mortal coil in order to join but not really separated and in fact the only apparent separation was the brain washing, programming, conditioning passed down through generation of not exactly misguided education but through culture, religion, suspicion and so on and a sort of experiment by the forces of evolution to raise the flesh and open the mind to its true nature.  

So until emancipation is realised not by logic or intellectual academic psychology, analysis, discussion, debate or heretical imposition then by the fact that the cloud of conditioning traps the awareness in the confines of the brain and local mind sets and patterns.  

However through meditation that is just witnessing the passage of content on the screen of mind one can become aware and realise there is a watcher, an observer, a witness that is not the mind stuff witnessed but is an unbiased observer up until the observer gets lulled into the mind stuff and identifies with the thoughts therein and thereof.

It maybe at this point of one's development that one realises that the awareness is local and although realisation that thoughts and emotions are not of the awareness but are a kind delusion imposed by brain washing and hereditary hand me downs and then realises this and ponders 'how do I the awareness get free and out of the this ring fence? This is like sea water as the awareness in a bottle and this water is the soul as it were and the cork the conditioning brainwashing programmed self.

With continual non judgemental observation one can feel oneself gradually popping the cork slightly and so the ocean which is the real Self as it were, can become one and the cork lifted out and it can be that one can almost completely remove the cork and still remain in this flesh form. However the energy of the sea awareness is very energetic and powerful and might blow the bottle or fuses, so that a refining process has to be employed.

I have witnessed those that have raised the energy by kundulini, chi, ki or other names and the bottle has not been able to take the increased energy and the blocks of the personality which are the conditioning process of programming have obstructed the flow, like a boulder in a river or a dam and caused disease, insanity and suicides.

So there is caution; however some people can break through in extraordinary ways, maybe because of karma or being blessed with an exceptionally hardy constitution. 




AZ Quotes

When I pray to Father / Mother God, The source of Life, Cosmic Creator and many other kind of pseudonyms, only because I cannot adequately get my head around a proper name or address to the divine being, I feel the Divine Being does not have a name as such or physical form and is not any characteristically in any sexual denomination and is gender-less. 

I feel great love when I pray to the Divine in gratitude and it maybe  is self deluding and self generated from my upbringing, however I feel gratitude. I feel embarrassed that I am  having a love affair with God the Father or just Father so to speak and I feel I am acting out of my male gender heterosexual attitude and emotions and how can I say to the Father I love you with such tender overwhelming feelings and of course my ignorance and brain washing says 'are you sure you are hetro?, maybe you are gay and have not come out' then if I have the same feelings for the Divine Mother am I in an incest mode of behaviour.

So realising these are human expressions and programs and going into the quiet mind and that 'peace of God that passes all understanding' I begin to come away from the everyday conditioning of sexuality and not identify it with the flesh body and it's desires and realise I am in a different space and beingness, I am not my body in this space of consciousness but a consciousness temporarily residing in this physical form and so there is no embarrassment because I am relating to the Divine and feel at one at times with the Divine and so in a way loving myself,consciousness loving being conscious and alive and awareness being aware of its awareness and it becomes something wonderful and unfortunately not explainable or seemingly rational.

 Probably some might say well this self induced and hyped up and just a psychological hormonal endorphin rush and just a mental manufactured facet that kicks in when one is in need of succour and has a bad day and feels rejected and is nothing more than a mind trick and fix.

Be that as it may whether or not it is self duping and a masterly ego survival ploy I stick stubbornly to  my guns and say it is not mental masturbation or compensation for a lonely life and none of this will convince me that what I feel with everything I have that this is beyond the mind and is Divine Consciousness and as such is not in the realm of egoistic and brain washed conditioned explanation.



There is nowhere I want to go or travel too

It's all the same difference

Local is enough, a cafe, a meal out

and then home to meditate and be

of course I can just be anywhere


Beingness and Being are eternal 

and Everywhere

So be where it is and be where 

it is and is always local

In fact everywhere my body takes me

is local and being



Aquarius Rising

There is a communication without words or thinking which seems to be a kind of reaching out.

When I arrest my unfocused gaze past the horizon as it were and my beautiful trees, squirrels and pigeons seem to be there in my quiet mind in another way, it is a if we are one in the stillness and we share that quiet and rest, yes, even in activity, their awareness is awareness plain and simple and in that moment as is mine.

There comes a sense in this awareness that all arises in the Universe and its dimensions as if we are all in comunicado as distinct from incomunicado. There feels to be a comradeship that is not human but shared by all the Universe and its Creation, be it plant animals and all of nature to planets, comets and such like, yes even cosmic dust. It is Ohana (Hawaiian for family, nobody gets left behind or forgotten) and it has a deeper meaning to include the heartfelt sentiment of deep family bonds including neighbourly bonds. This family is not related only that it shares awareness a kind of feeling of sameness and so is not related as such but a oneness and equality. There is no sense of separation or superiority, it is the recognition the we, in fact there is no we or us, they, them, just a sense of this seamless unity and somehow 'we' feel this without words.

It is only when the mind is still, not weary, tired or exhausted but dynamically quietly aware that this cohesion is felt and it is gratifying and uplifting to feel this experience as beyond the so called norm. I cannot explain or describe the awareness or the cognition of it, it is a stand alone and unique unto itself and I feel it is my essence and that is everybody's and everything's heritage and birthright beneath the form in which is enshrouded.