Friday 17 April 2020



The mind seems to have a mind of it's own (excuse the pun) as distinct from the awareness of awareness, which is empty of content and rests in itself as rest and peace and content such as thought and contemplation which are found to be absent. Yet it has a different kind of thought, it seems to be a kind of spontaneous deep knowing as if the awareness is highly intelligent and from a 'place' a 'realm' far away and yet present, highly efficient and yet not embodied by the body yet resides in it as driver in a vehicle, a pilot in an amazingly efficient miraculous flesh vehicle to which this vehicle is temporary, impermanent and subject to malady and death, pain, suffering and yet abundant joy and health at times. 

I write this on March 29 2020 in an extraordinary year as of this date I am self isolating on the recommendation of the Government and WHO due to a virus named coronavirus-19(Covid-19) this  is isolation for those over seventy years of age (I am 81)and am recommended to do this for three to four months, a feat which could lead to cabin fever, depression and fear of food shortage and relying on help and assistance from total strangers as in my situation or family and even dying patients can only say goodbye by SKYPE if in hospital. 

For me it is a time of deep reflection, meditation and to study openly and without judgement and opinion of others to watch, observe and see, feel the mind in action and experience awareness when the mind is not distracted by people, TV, books, fantasies, fears, body aches and pains and so on. It is like being imprisoned voluntarily and feeling ones choices and freedom have been curtailed, not by a despotic government but by an invisible virus, perhaps it reminds me of the tale of the Hebrews and Pharaohs with the ten plagues as the world has experienced a number of these near or full blown pandemics such as; Avian flu, Swine Flu, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Spanish flu and so on and this one that has brought in the measures of 'lock down' the shutting of cinemas, sporting events and only food shops, chemists and essential ones kept open, only to go out for food, medicine or alone exercise and to keep six feet apart from others and for those over seventy not going out at all of course fortunately for myself I have a large communal garden and to keep six feet apart at least from other residents. The government has urged that everyone who can work from home do so and as schools are shut, parents take on the role of teachers or the wonders of internet and technology mean innovation and one can work and be in school at home through computer link ups, conference calls and so on.

Maybe the whole world which but a few places is in lock down will reflect and realise in this time of quietness that the wars, pollution, GMO food and all other aspects like that, homelessness, austerity and so on are not the best choices for humanity and in this lock down of supermarket shortages, the so called supply chain inadequacy and the UK in which I live relies on 80% of its food from imports, when farms lay empty and redundant. This time is a time not seen before in Earth's history.

Many folk who maybe relied on distraction like TV, pubs, cinemas, theatre, restaurants and cafe's, parties, visiting relatives and friends are advised not to go on these excursions, the wearing of masks and then the doctors and nurses overwhelmed by patients, working huge hours, tired and exhausted and the health services caught short by lack of essential equipment, the government just printing money to compensate the loss of jobs and so forth is monumental. This is called quantitative Easing an insidious kind of monetary ploy issuing to the Government by a Bank really monopoly money and the governments IOU to the bank in the form of Bonds. OK, so there is total chaos and the WHO and the Governments caught short and many a person in total shock and frightened as this has caught everyone by surprise, totally out one's comfort zone and so on.

What will this mean when it is over, will the world return to its blustering, capitalist, communism, Fascist, Racist, left, right, centre this and that politics, the temporary truces abandoned and the weaknesses left by the scourge of the virus mean that those economies and armies return to take advantage again and seek world domination?

So I have observed my mind being restless and as much as I have written about inner peace and meditation and my relatively health well being, small pension, warm dry flat, a lot of junk I do not need, my own self sufficiency even to the point of arrogance, not comfortable with relying on help and uncomfortable in receiving this, not fully trusting people due to years in Forensics, lies and deceits as in my POSTS in which is classed as conspiratorial, an unhappy childhood to say the least, this has brought to the surface the deep hidden fears and programmes and this way it is a blessing, it has jolted many and me to look at and not run away from the self imprisonment of my own mind and its conditioning and 'brain washing'. Many may come to face themselves and not like what they feel or see, the boredom, the actual fear of getting ill and dying, this is a time to 'go behind' the dark menacing feelings, thoughts and dreams, examine them and try not to judge and explain them away. What does this mean to feel barren, restless, empty, jump into the empty chasm and one might find it is not empty at all but a rather amazing peace, the peace of no thing.

As I have so conveniently and smugly eulogised in these writings and my daily routines and comforts, although minimal, it has exposed the frailties and weaknesses and now the 'shit has hit the fan' it is perhaps an awakening to 'walk my talk' in a deeper fashion.

 I can feel and observe my mind, the witness to the mind, making an impulse a reaching and searching for a distraction or more like an automatic programme which through these circumstances cannot be fulfilled, then the searching for an alternative and not wishing to capitulate to the peace of awareness and its OK to not do anything at all, this persistent urge to do. This calling of the soul just to be.
Ah what a wonderful lesson oh great Universal Life and will it take me or whoever is the me without the habitual stuff of 'before the virus' will I return when this over and it is declared by the government safe to go out and about again, will the restless mind become dominant again and seek it's former habitual brain washed automatic robotic existence. I can only say 'watch this space'  


Sunday 5 April 2020



Being around psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, healers, shamans, guru's, self growth pundits, and these days webinar presenters and the new neurosciences and those that interpret these into healing and therapeutic technologies and wax exceedingly in their exhilaration at the knowledge and clarity it bestows in and on them there appears a plethora and explosion of 'how to do this, don't drink this, this quantum meditation is surpasses the traditional ones, this keto, this vegan, this plant based diet, this cancer cure, this herb recently found in the Amazon and so on is not only confusing but gives the feeling of an ego(like mine) stretching out for recognition, making their mark in the world, an authority and seeking approval.  

I had this in my 636 workshop and client days over thirty six years and whilst helping many I did not help myself as much as I could have, rather basking in the approval and following of my some limited celebrity status and non book writing or association forming over those years.

One of the topics and aspects that appears very often is the wounded healer; to me the ego, as said many times is a record, an account, a mausoleum, an extensive library, the brain washing and conditioning, the programmes, the culture, the stamps as mentioned elsewhere and this collective is a box set of one's life experiences and is a not only a 'stored emotional DVD' a 'stored fear, anxiety, anger frustration, exalted, pleasurable, exotic, erotic' and a host of all other collections. All of these are able to be mixed, churned and configured, upgraded and computed to form a response, defence, attack or justification that suits the collective ethos named the ego. 

The ego is a live entity which because of brain washing and long term indoctrination and usually cemented into the foundations of life which is babyhood, childhood and adolescence, especially the formulation years between uterus and six which maybe with analogy be the 'footings and foundations of buildings' to which is added peer structures and adult and senior years, and should one have not questioned these basics then one travels down a life journey on fairly fixed rails. 

These set of programmes run one automatically, robotic- ally and therein becomes one security, sanctuary and fortress with a closely guarded sentinel at the drawbridge. The inner voice, the incessant mind chatter, the internal dialogue, the habitual self, this then is one's life and one often deceives oneself into fooling oneself that one has free will and choice, even when making a so called free will choice it often seems so but if one carefully examines the process without the justification of the egos approval it is found very often to be a hashed up ego choice, mimicking free will, it is as free as the ego will tolerate and allow it.  

So an ego that has a set of principles, goal and achievements based on human agreed goals of success, ambition, celebrity status, notoriety, a well known person and to lesser degrees in status as a family person, a happy healthy body and children, house, car, finances and so on, then one, besides mishaps, accidents and so forth lives a fairly 'good and loving life'. The ego is almost satisfied but always can rear its head to be more.

 Sometimes and somewhere the ego begins to realise that death beckons and as one grows older in years a certain amount of loss rears itself and one realises in thought at times, all things material and my apparent reality is impermanent, transitory and then one can look around for insurances such as health strategies, insurance for retirement, funeral cost, retirement homes, perhaps a better or swapping brain washing programme.   

Then those egos that have failed to reach any of the standards set by the conditioning; they feel by the world's and sometimes religious, cultural, parental indoctrination to have failed. In therapy I have heard it all (some in Forensics) 'Why am I a failure, why me', ' What have I done wrong?' 'I am a waste of space' 'Why has God gone away and my parents abandoned and rejected me' 'I am only loved and get my approval for doing what I am told and be a good little girl / or boy' 'I must be punished for I am always told off and I must suffer the punishment and then I will be a better girl / boy, women, man', and so many more blocker putting downer words and admonitions.

I had many patients who had sexual problems and some of them were in the category of 'kinky sex', to be graphic and the following may offend some readers; in the the sexual vernacular there is a term called 'rimming' in which the person's desire is to lick the anus of another(when in Forensics we came across so much of the chapter or paragraph and I spoke to many a dominatrix male and female as patients as well as prostitutes, escort girls and the like) some went onto being defecated on and then some went to be begging to be sat on or almost suffocated by the buttocks and anus, some performed oral sex and wanted to be urinated on and drank the urine or sperm or orgasmic juices I pick these two out of many others and fetishes.

I had a patient who felt that he had let his mother down, God down and himself and wished to be punished for his inability to have a relationship with females, he was impotent accept when he was per forming 'face smothering' as above. He felt he was not attractive to anyone and that he was told he was a wimp, told to man up, had huge man boobs and so he wished to be of 'service and atone' for his failures and wrong doings, after all he was a failure and deserved punitive measures. He deserved to 'facially obliterated, put out of existence, hidden from the world by this anus and buttocks and give pleasure to the recipient and cross dress, be told by the dominatrix / prostitute he was a naughty little girl, a waste of space and so on, and these were often the words spoken or implied by the programming earlier on. How do I get my approval, my love other than pleasing another but actually giving myself relief and sexual gratification, he would constantly ask. The wound started here, the start of the tumour, the cyst, the canker, the cancer, this large dark hole, the abyss of despair. The constant layers of this torture filled this hole in his subconscious with vitriolic pus and poison. 

The constant confrontation and relief of therapy, visits to sex workers was becoming an addiction like alcohol or drugs, even nightmares, constant masturbation, fantasies and realising that he could never alleviate this longing to be loved for HIMSELF and not for the the self love through the 'relief and joy of self orgasm' and then feeling guilty afterwards that is wrong to do('you naughty little girl / boy stop playing with yourself, stop doing it and so on, perhaps as a six year old and so forth). The wound of guilt after all my parents should know they were my role models, the Dominatrix should know she sees many of my kind. In some 'sex parlours clients self harmed themselves in every kind of way, sadomasochism, then perhaps to satanism and extreme forms of it.   

I am guilty of everything my ego tells me I am and should be punished for it; some recovery came when the therapist rather drug therapy by psychiatrists, psychologists and some kinds of counselling recommend were able in a particularly skilled way to point out and give imagery, explanations as to the fact that we were all conditioned and so on and that these hand me down programmes are not the real person (as explained in many back SHACKS) and the festering wound, constantly oozing the pus of self hate and loathing which was mentally, psychologically and emotionally felt (the recall from the graphics laboratory, the IT in the brain, the fake and false identity imprinted in the software in the neuronal network which switches on the matrix of the ego held in the vast cloud storage capacity of external magnetic resonance ego fields which are triggered and switched on by so called outside events of seeming similarity and it only takes one pixel in an experience to start of the similar stored now modified into a recall and experience the trauma, fear, anxiety or pleasurable event).

It was this recognition that the client has seen the conditioning and although it still has a tenacious ferocious grip on him in this case, that the ego fights to keep its agendas in place and wreak havoc with health and mental stability in order to cement things in place. Then there comes a stage, a step, where the person finds it too much and although recognised they are not ready to face the 'gap', 'the void' 'the emptiness' that the vacating programmes leave behind, in fact a 'withdrawal symptom'. There is usually at this stage a relief without fantasy, masturbation or any other distraction an AH HA which is usually a psychological or intellectual understanding and this fuels one on to delve and examine the fetish, guilt, the forlorn hopelessness of not ever being loved or finding love and a search in the mind, books, therapies, ways and means, distractions for something, somewhere, somehow, for Gods sake its a massive Universe there must be something to save my sorry ass.     

I had this somewhere, something syndrome when I was so young and as I have told in back SHACK'S with the Koan solving, I realised all 'things' of the world were 'impermanent, transitory' and the danger was to try and make them permanent and everlasting and make things real and forever were fantasies of the mind, all was in the mind. Death was the stalker and yes one can say I will enjoy them and then I can let them go. I tried this and it worked for a while and then I went out into the wide world of Forensics and the Therapy world and realised how much the glamour and glitz and razzmatazz, the tinsel, the allure of hedonism (sensual self indulgence) came in and I fought my 'ghosts of the mind' and it came through meditation. Even then the ego gave me mimicking meditation, I would sit and stare into the night, imaging I was in nature in a log cabin, (and I was in a shack in Minorca and Canada for a while), or at home loving the quietness and alone-ness, feeling self sufficient and then returning to the 'smoke and pollution' of London, Berlin, Brussels and many other places, aeroplanes, airports, luggage, trains, driving, cars, relationships with Gill, Samantha, Carol, Geraldine, Susan, Paula, Greta and buddies and mates, work, ailing mother, searching and always searching all this is not me, its all impermanent and trying to make it permanent and it the fades becomes a loss or I realise its impermanence once more drive one to the edge. The edge of reasoning and logic, this can make one decide to jump or gradually immerse into the pit or hole, and also avoid the depression and suicidal thoughts that may arise, not by suppression or distraction but by recognition. 

I could not take many of my patients to the above, many arrived at realising the tramlines and conditioning, however to dive into the real message of impermanence, transitory, ephemeral and the illusionary quality of temporal so called solids which hastened after and hoarded begat a false security(the treasure in the house guarded by dogs and alarms, the mind treasures of stultifying old dusty paradigms) and so it is with love; should one fall in love as I did with the ladies above it was love of something, beauty, companionship, sexual fulfillment, children and so on, but realising putting my security in them or anything although pleasurable was and would come with age, rust, decay, disease, accidents and yes ' for the better or worse till death do us part'. Dependency heralds and breeds loss, sadness 'in my day it was not like this ---if only my Arthur / Maggie were here' old folk reminiscing'. And coping with the loss could be unbearable and so dependency was on the agenda again----and the cycle goes on. 

The on rare occasions the wound is seen for what it is; the wounded healer endeavours to heal the wounds that afflicted themselves and tries heal the hurt and pain and able to share how they healed their wounds and then another wound expose. 

Suddenly the ego realises that this wound, this unfulfilled brain washed human agenda 'stuff' is exactly what it is; a set of ideas installed into a receptive young non discerning gullible brain box, a hard drive ready and eager to learn from the 'authorities, guides, parents, role models, culture, country and religion and so on, and thereby but the grace of God I could have been in any other one of the 'box sets in the wold incarnation series' AND the wound I feel is not failure, not loved or give love IT is the false fake premise that these are real and everlasting generation after generation and it must be true, god given or scientifically prove(there is a great discussion going on in academia regarding, Intelligent Design, Idealism, Creationism and Darwinism).

The wound in fact is the ego thinking it failed in the laid down script and had to defend a fake premise and so caused a guilt and the above traumas and searching. Once the ego finally realises that 'Whatever is out there (really outside the mind programmes, everything is mind programmes all the realty can be described as there is no out or in (  MorpheusMorpheus: If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. from the film The Matrix)
Then it comes down to there is not outside or inside its all in the mind so the wound is self inflicted by the ego in order to fulfill fake, false indoctrination and once and finally realising there aint no thing, assumption, notion or anything in the vastness of the Cosmos which is the Mind at Large then the Wound is healed. Love is what one is because once the false premise's are removed and the mind is empty and therein wounds, rejection, abandonment, to do the worlds agreements by humans and standards are gone, hurt is gone because the ego realises hurt was based on permanence and permanence itself is a constantly rolling wave with troughs and crests a yo-yo and that line between crest and trough, the polarities and complimentary's is the experiences in which life on Earth presents and that experience is to realise trust in Life and the see through the apparent permanence of materialism.



Irish Mirror
I could not find a suitable image to even get near to the article.(SHACK)

What is it that sitting still, gentle deep breathing, then hardly a murmur in mind, breath or body and then gently stretching automatically and spontaneously, not a stretch as of relaxing and extending but a subtle expanding of the spine as if the very vertebrae were releasing and spacing. This is then followed by a sigh and a stealing peace and sinking of the busy mind into the cavity or 'secret place of the most high'. The clouds and darkness, and tension recede and there is an abiding in a familiar 'place'.

This familiarity is not of something mundane but of timelessness and as ancient as the Universe, it is the place where the Universe unfolded from. This is indeed the 'secret place of the Most High' and whatever this phrase may mean to one. It is a sort of retreating, withdrawing to a quiet and secluded place, it is not a place or a specific destination, it seems to me that I cannot manufacture the experience or experience it as a memory, I can indeed remember it, recall it, yet it is a mere memory and not an abiding and  not a deep significant experience.

It is the doorway to a timeless ancient, in fact beyond ancient, it is a birth moment in the Universal Consciousness before conception into form, it is the potential awaiting to be expended. It is the very exciting yet strangely a calm moment that contains duality and singleness, it is unique and certainly 'something wonderful', it is beyond description and yet I am so enamoured and enchanted, so fulfilled in this excited quietness, this expansive nothingness of everything, that like an excited child I rush to try, to endeavour to describe and express it, to expend the love and quiet simmering joy to the world in abject wonder and complete fulfillment, oh that it lasts the hour and day.

As I sit in this wonderland, albeit seemingly a fair amount of time, it is really a short while as if time was compressed or not relevant, it was beyond the horological charter or as time as humanity perceives it, even beyond the realms of dream time.

Then I get the feeling of an energy, a movement, a wave travelling through me and yet I feel no sense of a me, I am an experience without a name or conscious of a personal self. I and the word and use of 'I' has no meaning or significance to a 'personal Geoff Freed Shack ego person' it is a depersonalised entity, an energy form experiencing itself without meaning, it merely 'strides forth' and like an ocean just ripples, vibrates and does not grow but somehow deepens, like swimming slowly in  the breaststroke fashion from the shallows to deeper waters or diving slowly, sinking quietly and majestically into the depths where there is quiet and nothingness and in that nothingness it is filled with everything that one needs to feel complete, loved, cherished and longevity that is eternal, blissful and utter satisfaction.

Then slowly I open my eyes and see the beautiful budding trees, budding early in March 2020, shinning and seeming to be light in manifestation. I feel this amazing energy that they draw from their roots and the roots from the Earth and the Earth from SPACE and in that vacuum of Space, like a matrix, a womb, a fountain of Life, this buzzing quiet calm of nothingness, I sense an Intelligence and this intelligence is an Awareness, a Consciousness aware of Itself but in potential and awaiting to burst forth into creation and to experience Itself as forms of every type and description and enjoying Its creativity.

I feel enveloped in this mysterious copious frequency of the vibratory soft yet endearingly loveliness as a shawl, a precious soft cashmere velvet encapsulation that has gently caressed my fevered brow and my aching limbs. I sense colours dancing in the particles of the 'dance' of the energies and then a calm flow, seemingly to arise from below upwards to some unknown space and arising from an unknown space, I and who ever 'I' is swimming, riding, surfing in this stream and as contradictory and contrary as it seems this 'I' is stationary, almost static, yet so alive and vibrant. I feel I am sustained, not growing just forever Being as to what Being I will become is not the agenda, it is to just for this moment it is sufficient to be 'suspended' in this stream of silent non moving yet dynamic experience. I am held and suspended in the 'No Mind Awareness of Nothingness' and although this does not make logical sense to the 'outside world' I am shut away in the folds of Consciousness and await if anything the sequences that follow or not.




Zen Thinking
In the hall of academia there is this discussion bordering on heated argument far beyond reasonable debate. This concerns Creationism, Intelligent Design and for the sake of brevity Darwinism. 

As I view it and understand it, it seems to be as follows; Creationism suggest God, Divinity and an all powerful Creator who created the Universe and all that is in it and the various religions with the their prophets, Guru's and founders interpreted the message from Divinity as they perceived it or by the 'very hand of God so to speak'.

Darwinism suggests that there is no God or intelligent design in the Universe there simply was basic elementary 'bits' of something, some theories say an elementary plasma and many other such theories abound and these by some means 'bumped, collided and coalesced' by this interaction somehow by chemistry, alchemy or some other means either formed the so called 'Cosmic Soup' whereupon the first cells emerged and by the same process of if you like self taught trial and error, the survival of the fittest came to the fore and the building blocks then grew through the evolution and growth and a kind of self expansion and evolution which had NO intelligent Command or Directive, it merely was and looked like an informed intelligence but was mimicking intelligence simply because expediency and efficiency dictated survival, as to how the 'FIRST LIFE' to the first soup or pre ingredients came the answer was it has no cause or intelligence and like the Big Bang it was an accident.
Picture Quotes
My take on this is that an accident has to have a cause, who caused the Big Bang---answer no one, no intelligence, a freak accident, spontaneous and for no rhyme or reason---OK I am ignorant and do not understand this and feel uncomfortable with this. So the whole Universe is an accident and a freak chance and there are some theories which state that chaotic randomness by per chance produce out of the chaos a semblance of order, still missing the vital point of something comes from nothing, which will be explained later.

Now in Intelligent Design states there was and is A Directing Intelligence, the other side say this hints at God, the Intelligent Design say 'no' it merely means there was a directing Intelligence and not a non directed intelligence and that the 'interrelationships' of the accidental or elemental appearances of basic 'soup' 'plasma' 'some goo' began to form itself of itself with no inherent intelligent information or guidance, by their interfacing and 'rubbing' together they found the way to survive, was there any instinct or awareness as to their self learning or their own unique evolution?  

There was a nature programme on the TV in which a famous well respected presenter said about a monkey species;
The aye-aye's super-elongated digits. It uses the thin middle finger to fish grubs out of hollow trees and bamboo, but if injured it will switch to the fourth (ring) finger. Indeed, scientists initially thought it was a rodent.20 Sep 2013
The presenter went on to say that the monkey saw the grubs and tried to get them out and so in the course of time the fingers grew long because of constant effort. It is seen that miners who were bent double in early day excavation of tunnels grew to have hunch backs and some barefoot mountain climbers developed toes to accommodate their grip, but on retirement their toes resorted to nearly ‘normal’ the monkeys kept their limbs throughout, the case for they were born like it through intelligent design and not through random self taught no intelligence presents itself here and so on. 

Solo Quotes
In the case of the Big Bang or random spontaneous self taught evolution, it surmises that the early primordial ingredients were inert, inorganic, unintelligent and had no reason or cause for being there. Then came the fact they began to 'realise' 'sense' become aware by instinct that seemed to be intelligent (as some regards animals) and by association with their 'other components' and in some theories heat came from out there somewhere a chemical interaction was formed, where did the heat come from; some say the fact of compression, layers upon layers, others say from the Cosmos the other components from the Big Bang all accidental and with no reason or directive. So Intelligence CAME as a by product of this interaction and is carried on by some scientist today as intelligence and consciousness is merely the electrical fluctuations in the brain, nothing more or less.

Now to be fair the Intelligent Design say 'yes there is an Information Intelligent Delivery Directive but they have this problem as to 'where this Information Intelligence Directive' originates from, they merely state it exists as nowadays 2020, DNA, Neuroscience is demonstrating amazing revelations but also has no 'First Life' suggestions it merely states there was and is an Intelligence at work in evolution and has a cause is not an accident and is not by per chance and to my mind the five extinctions show some examples of this; 
The big five mass extinctions
·                            The big five mass extinctions. ...
·                            Late Devonian, 375 million years ago, 75% of species lost. ...
·                            End Permian, 251 million years ago, 96% of species lost. ...
·                            End Triassic, 200 million years ago, 80% of species lost. ...

·                            End Cretaceous, 66 million years ago, 76% of all species lost.
Some feel we are the brink of the Sixth.

It is interesting that after some of the extinctions new forms of life appeared as if by magic and  a few palaeontologists are now discovering along with archaeologists and so on, and those not been threatened by academia to not break the 'politically, atheistic, theistic model' are revealing many old concepts of Darwinism to be consistent with his findings, as are quantum and astrobiologists with astronomers finding out more about the Universe but being muzzled.  

Now to come to 'No Mind'; In contemplating the above I have to come back to several points. If we are an accident then for what purpose and reason for us to live and for the logical sane person who may have looked and pondered such, may ask what is the reason for living, according to some scientists its because of the 'intelligent gene' the urge to survive and propagate and procreate, just an urge and no intelligence but an instinct to survive, no God, no reason just random synchronicity millions years gone by. Going further into this we may then delve further into this mystery; when I was born I was given a stamp which is my name, then followed a sequence of stamps, my faith, my religion, my culture and my country, I realised I could have been anyone of  the others 'stamps'. My parents and their parents passed on these indelible imprints in my mind and unless I seriously questioned or examined them I spent my whole life on fixed rails with perhaps a few excursions here and there and I could come to the conclusion I have been living a conditioned, programmed brain washed life. What then if I stripped away my reality based on brain washing and went into someone else's 'Stamps' and found the same dilemma? I may find myself without a reality and as such and furthermore no real identity.
Based on the above I arrive at a undefined nowhere place and scary; the result could be depression, escape into may wordily hedonistic distractions, madness and perhaps suicide and say well it would had been better if I stayed in the Stamp Collection and travelled on the rail lines, at least I had psychological safety of some sorts. Where does this fit in with the ism's above. It discards Intelligent design, Creationism, Darwinism and all else, for these are all 'Stamps' from the Academic / Theistic /   Political /
New Age, it merely says these are ideas and mechanisation's that are of the era and modus operandi and modus vivendi of the year and at, of the century and epoch.

The to come to God; since God is unseen and Intelligent Design may be appropriate to many a folk and gives a reason to be living and follow the laws and some may follow nature and see that there seems to be a plan and so there maybe many natural reasons to live. Having children, family, power, wealth a celebrity and so on, yet these can be self sufficient until one realises there frailty, growing old, accidents, disease and go into the black hole as above or just psyche oneself up by any means. One can then start the questioning as above and arrive at who am I really?

Perhaps on examining 'the bunch of no minds' one can arrive at in any means as above and others not mentioned then begin to examine this 'no mind' and should one go either gently or head long into the seeming dark abyss of nothing, no mind, no reason, accident or not, discarding any opinion and so called learned Guru, master, philosopher, priest, scientist and truly becomes aware of the emptiness caused by the vacation of the Stamps, and one  has stripped or peeled away the identifying layers of do's and don'ts, the rigid stultifying programmes that breed wars, antagonisms, hate, cruelty, imposed so called political correctness, hunger, starvation, austerity and now social engineering not allowing discussion or views that are contrary to so called authoritarian dictates, then one arrives at not a sterile, boring, vacuum of no existence, hopelessness, but to the surprise and somewhat delight there is a warm welcoming presence, an alive bright joyfulness, a kind of non emotional emotion, one has arrived nowhere in the world of materialism yet still in the flesh capsule however the is a No Mind that is not barren nor fallow but rather fulfilling with nothing to fulfil it and all those stamps and postulations are laid to rest and lets the academics, God, priests, atheists, politicians and who else is concerned in this scenario and fits the bill so to speak go their way in peace and one feels compassion, care without specifically caring, one does not hoard or seek power for these are things temporal and impermanent, one becomes naturally kind and sharing, moral in the respect of respect, dignity of being human and then 'is blown by the wind' and grows like the tree and all of the above is allowed to go on its way and the No Mind goes nowhere in particular and yet is so fulfilled to be nowhere and it is strange how it is so unquestioning about Intelligence or Not for there is the Mind be it however it got there or whether it was created or not for the No Mind is content to be----can one live with his.

I may have given the impression I am free of 'My Stamps' who ever may read this be assured that I peeling back the layers of my 'Stamp Album' my almanac and it is not so scary and daunting and this gives me a reason to live; why so because the journey to stripping away the stamps reveals to me my true self and who I really am, if of course I an am and really exists at the end of the journey. I feel there is no end it is an on going process and as such the so called 'me' maybe an illusion and after all of this I maybe nothing like the No Mind-----believe it not I can live with that comfortably.  



Revised Information & Analysis

I felt this pressure and tightness as if my brain were a muscle and this incredulity at these automatic responses and knowing that they are conditioned reflexes and I am on auto pilot, the awareness as to who I am in real terms and who I am in conditioned auto programmed terms is becoming more accentuated, more prominent. 

Then I became aware of a sort of black skull cap raised about two or three inches above my actual skull and this cap was beaming down rays of pale yellow and I had the feeling this was an epitome of a magnetic field matrix in which my conditioned reflexes regarding brain washing were stored this was the storehouse of the energetic blueprints and were signalling down to the brain which switched the neuronal networks and becomes the synaptic responses that cause a  heavy toll of conditioning and its affect on my personality and behaviour.   

This acted as a sort of clamp and it was being seen and depicted in this manner to educate me as to the nature of its functioning and its stifling effect of my natural instinctual and intuitive inherent life.


Icon Finder.

Inspirational flashes and meditation experiences are very difficult to express in words and words do not often emote feelings of the experience and they may not relate everyone in the same way.

In this experience I was black dot as if I was viewing myself from high above and I was standing at the edge of a half moon shaped beach and as I moved I sent forth waves as circular forms getting wider and wider apart and myself as I moved away from the beach.

It had the feel as if I was wading and getting slowly submersed, there was  no fear and as I gently allowed and relaxed and surrendered to the waves I was emanating I felt as though I was entering another dimension,I was dissolving into the Ocean of Being, there was no horizon.

I felt I was pushing against the heavy vibrations of materialism and which persistently by slow pressure of the volume of water which felt dense and as I waded on the pressure lessened and the water finer and I was bodily getting smaller and as if it were sea water heavy in salt going into fine warm pond water yet the waves were diminishing and fading as I was. I recoiled from becoming and completely immersing and so leaving this Earthly domain.   

That night after the mornings experience as I lay in bed I went back in mind to that feel and was going deeper and deeper and the waves getting more space in their concentric presentation and I felt to stop as I felt I would not return to my body.

That is all I can write about this experience and I felt that perhaps this is forerunner in the final passing out of the body and the next stage in the process of life elsewhere.