Tuesday 24 January 2017


cure zone

What strange notions that the absence of thought makes one an imbecile, a simpleton, a vegetable, a moronic unkempt unruly vagabond who madly pursues unbridled uncontrolled impulses.

This is not the same as not caring, mindless uncaring hurricanes of thought which pour out winds of passion and desire, neither cold steely logic, this is beyond or deeper, or other spacial description'

This not to be fearful about, far from being a non entity, a dull boring bland bum or good for nothing living a seemingly dreary unfulfilled life, a waste of space.  Yet there is a dynamic called Life. It is a force that is a mystery and that force is the Source, the everlasting Fountain of Creation which is Life.

Where it comes from and ends is the sweet mystery and for some the burning quest to experience it, it beckons one on and although indefinable and invisible to the senses and has no form------yet one is deeply enriched and blessed when one FEELS the experience of it------albeit briefly sometimes------and then perhaps--------always.



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Wandering from pillar to post, seeking searching, finding and loving, only to leave because there is something not fulfilled and satisfied.

Like in a desert occasionally finding an oasis to quench the thirst and a relief to find it wasn't a mirage, then again hydrated, rested, full of sweet dates, energized and thoughts of growing roots here, and then this urge----there is something else.

Returning to the city and finding a person to love and be loved, just as with the oasis this is an oasis to fill an aching heart.

Why is this so?  Finding on rare occasions a love that is not in form, but in heart, deep within the soul and yet it leaves silently like a lover walking out the door.  Then this feeling of the living desert, where has that love gone, how does one  know where it is and how to get to it, so one can hold it tightly to one's breast?

Yet knowing it is always there is a cold comfort even if not experiencing it, and knowing like the wandering hobo that at one person's home you have your sleeping bag stashed away in some corner and that person 's heart hoping that you'll stay.

Wandering, experiencing, restless there is a tearing, torn rent feeling, an uncomfortable cleansing fire, an emotional cleansing, for the desert is a refining purifying process and until one gives up completely and unconditionally surrenders, a capitulation without conditions that this Grace, the Mystery Of Life claims one for itself and one can roll out the sleeping bag and know that the roots of Love are here and one need not wander anymore.


Friday 20 January 2017


A physicist told me that if an atom was as high as ten storey building then the nucleus would be as a grain of salt in the middle of the fifth storey, and an electron would be everywhere at once and yet on the periphery 100 meters away.  Even more baffling is the video below.
The moblus, mobius or moebius is like the dog chasing its tail. It seems to me we are back to the observer, the witness awareness in meditation.
The more we try to figure it out especially at the Quantum Weird Stuff level, the deeper we entangle (another theoretical theory like the string theory) the more subtle the knot becomes and like the saucepan those sticky tiny hard bits that seem to  resist unless you soak them or if you use a fierce pad to scrape the prize pan and damage it.  Like the atom when the sticky bit is gone, lo and behold a shiny pan with no impression in it.
Maybe the atom which I am told is 99 % empty is about space and space in its essence is really not easy to define if at all. So perhaps space is consciousness or awareness and is all encompassing throughout the Universe and what scientists are seeking is themselves.
For are we not the experience-rs experiencing ourselves experiencing?

A film was shown years back named 'What the Bleep' and it had a phrase 'How Far Down the Rabbit Hole' and if one takes the analogy of searching for ever smaller particles in massive machines and or similarly searching for the ultimate in the mind, maybe they are the same and when going down the Rabbit Hole that is searching further into matter which maybe mind (mind = matter) as well, then one may hit or arrive and fall out the bottom and where does one land --------in space, the void, emptiness--- and one finds out who one is and the origin of the Universe-----out of the seeming void pops up a jack in the box, the ghost in the machine, the genie in the lamp and all is very, very well indeed.



Strolling, languidly no purpose, a small chortling brook, singing softly in tune with my heart, a deep peace and then something caught my eye, coming out from the sun which hung low in the sky, a shiny disk, a beautiful saucer shaped pearl of Pure Gold and Silver.

It just hung there for I do not how long, it came nearer and I felt the emanations of a warm balm slowly cover me from head to foot. Tears flowed and I heard a sound like that of blues 'twang' a slow drawn out heart note and I knew inside these were my space brothers, my cousins from the Cosmos.

I felt a deep harmony from this source of love in a saucer, I longed for the time when I leave this body and travel freely through the heavens, enjoying and experiencing many amazing and heartfelt beauty and wonder.

Then the saucer turned in such a way that it suggested the shape of the Grail Cup, I returned to my shack uplifted but sad, my heart was so full that it was painful and all I could do was sit softly and let the tears flow and there was no thought only a soft mellow feeling that all was well for evermore.

I had an old gramophone and the disk that was on there was so fitting.  Gentle on My Mind.   


Tuesday 17 January 2017


Vallejo Arts and Entertainment
Hot burning desert, sand twirls blown by a hungry tormented fiery wind, tossing and turning and playing with the odd tumbleweed. Thirsty and a sense of doom and bewilderment, a lost direction everything looking and feeling the same.

Where to turn, which direction, a hostile world where it feels and looks deserted and abandoned by nature.  Water ----at last----only a mirage.  Despair, anguish and desperation are the cocktail of thought, where is salvation, like a animal nay a human dry of tongue and aching for rest and a cool drink of water and a green pasture. 

Such can be the experience of a tormented mind seeking for it's knight of Shining White Armour, its redeeming rescuer.  Seeking the Knight hither and thither only like the mirage to be an illusion.

The quest to find the truth of Life, seeking outside the mind as it were only to find these objet d'art that are treasured by materialism  only please and satisfy for a while and delightful as they may be they wane with time.  

The obsessed seeker for the essence of Life, finds in the desert, in the wilderness of their minds, the very starkness when the hot desert or icy wastes, when the ravages of the hard world of consumerism, war and terror, ugliness and madness, letting this rage over one and waiting patiently and not getting swept away, holding fast by intensive and yet passive observation until the storm blows itself out and a calm seems to well up slowly or it may descend as an almost invisible subtle mist, there is a peace, a grace and one knows this as the soul, which has always been there encapsulated like a genie in the lamp.

Perhaps the body is a lamp and the light the life force, the energy that lights and departs on death, Life in a body, the soul in flesh.





The seeker, the entrepreneur such a one maybe collecting and looking for beauty and some maybe dealing in nefarious ways, yet something inside themselves apart from avarice and unfair occasional brutal behavior or the benevolent dictator or benefactor seeks beauty in form. 

This consumes them. Perhaps they are seeking a beauty and exquisiteness that is only symbolic such as gold, diamonds, fine silks and perfumes, lithe sinuous human form, the grace of rare animals and wonderful plumage.  Yet this fire, this consuming passion and urge, the power of the possession, aye even to rule the world only breeds more desire.

This beauty is symbolic and is a poor epitome of something one already posses, the deep inner beauty found in the depths and can surface, in fact the completeness of a mind that has found its essence. It is a beauty and quality that is indescribable and satisfies completely the seeker, for the seeker is it and yet like the beggar who begs outwardly, when buried on the spot where the begging took place and a hole dug to bury the corpse he was found to be sitting on a large treasure but sought  it in the wrong place.


Friday 13 January 2017


What is the in between? Is it an exact point between the opposites, the dual propensities of dualism, the axis, the centre of gravity, the balance point of the seesaw, or maybe the origin of the polarities, maybe all the midpoints are the Source.  Like a cell that splits in two at conception.

Can one actually define the exact midpoint, is it lukewarm, tepid, cool, the exact midpoint and crossover may be a mini micro event, dawn to light---dusk to darkness.  The balloon pricked reveals its source ---emptiness and space.

Human descriptions of sexuality, are heterosexual, homosexual, androgyny, bisexual, unisexual, transsexual, asexual what is being defined here?

Can it be said these are states of mind, chemistry, genetic, karma, a freak of nature, not as nature intended.?  Nay, this is only the physical form, the mind set that goes with it is something else, and maybe any classification may go beyond the mind and genetics to something much more profound and esoteric.

Is it possible as a human being to be without the sexual urge?  Not impotence or a physical lack of the sex hormone and trauma. Perhaps to look at this from a meditative point of reference.  In deep meditation there can be a point where one leaves the body as a sensation and not literally, a sort of explosion, a definite orgasm. This is felt as a loss of the self, the ego, and one is lost in a glorious bliss and joy.

Some devote their lives to perpetuating this through meditation, others through masturbating and a path to orgasm, some through actually participating in the intimacy of partnered sexual intercourse, some get a thrill out of watching horror and torture as in sadomasochism and the like, but this is thrill not the bliss and peace of the Cosmic Orgasm.  It is a mere buzz, and although those feel the drug, the adrenaline high is it, it is a mere shadow of the real, and an imitation.  

It would seem that the 'going out' one self, the so called everyday norm, if there is such a thing, this seems to indicate that leaving this self behind is a relief and whatever the thrill or Cosmic Orgasm brings one to another self, the thrill seeker to a plateau in which is partially conscious of the self left behind, the Cosmic Orgasm to complete separation of this small self to the grandeur of The Self.

In either case there is a seduction to want more, a desire one for the substance, the thrill and having to seek more through equipment, through the various contraptions and manoeuvres, the other through contemplation leading to deep meditation and the loss of the small self.  

The thrill seeker depends on getting more and more and becomes addictive and invariably harmful and the loss of cognition, the Cosmic seeker becomes more and more into the Self retains the clarity and inner peace and eventually becomes one with it.

The thrill seeker when deprived of the utilities of the thrill may become disturbed and eventually have to cope with withdrawal symptoms and rehabilitation, the Cosmic just has more stability, ease of Living and there is no dependency.

So the exact point between the thrill and cosmic, the in between, the middle way, it maybe that Peace and amazing 'no body ' bliss that stands alone and perhaps this beyond all sexual explanations and is a consciousness, beyond even a state of mind, and because one cannot define it, label it, and is a personal yet Universal experience available to all and sundry, it may be said to equate to this exact midpoint and maybe the Source of all that is.



Rain, snow, wind and sun just staying in, a few chores, meals to make, simple and nutritious.  No TV, no phone, no radio just the silence or the chatter of nature which doesn't seem intrusive.
Just listening to silence, it grabs the busy mind, and then the realization it's still doing, just letting go of the inner conversation and knowing then it is being.
Observing the mind whatever mind is, the mind without thought it is  mind but of another ilk.  Then it that inner absence of anything a smile and caress of a divine 'touch'.
Many minds fear being alone and loneliness sometimes leading to despair, boredom and depression yet dwell a while watching these dark dank thoughts, allowing them to be and be a diver and swim deep into them without attachment and they go as if the mist of uncertainty and hopelessness melts to the glory of the serene calm after the storm.
For it is staying in, that the relationship to oneself is the most important of them all. One has to live with oneself and a way that might be significant is to watch the mind at work and see the thoughts it conjures up and see if one can trace not their origin but that place in the mind where they arise.
The origin may be in an event of yore yet they seem to arise from somewhere and go to nowhere how can they be real?  Like clouds in the sky going across the screen of mind, they'll go away if not held onto and deemed important.



High on a tree top perched on a branch that doesn't seem able to bear the pigeon's weight, occasionally turning his head to watch with alertness and a razor sharp awareness that is admirable.

The pigeon stops and looks straight ahead, motionless and I catch his gaze, we seem locked, his stare is intense and as I become still and alert, there seems to be an unsaid strange inexplicable understanding and I become lost and one in just awareness and time stands still and there seems only one mind, empty sharp and alert. 

Not understanding this and not wanting too because thought and logic would destroy this beautiful sharing and the feeling would be lost in explanation and would lose the feel and experience.

In a park a squirrel dropped to the ground from a tree, the squirrel did not run away, he stood very near me and when he stopped his jerking and gathering, he sat perched and upright.  We locked eyes and we both stood motionless for a good ten minutes, friends of mine were puzzled, thought me weird and went away as if I were inhuman.  No thought passed between the squirrel and me, yet there was a sharing of something rich and meaningful that touched me in an area not definable and yet wholly timeless and as if a touch of eternity had embraced me.  

The pigeon and the squirrel were my mentors and their connection with nature was such that a smither of that was given to me----what a blessing



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Sunday 8 January 2017


Fine Art America

The tree in its magnificent white coat more expensive and rare than those of animal fur stripped from its body for pleasure and not survival.

Royal and outstanding with lighting not by studio and contrivance but by an unknown artist.  Who is this artist?  

Some will start to label and compel the mind to find the source of this artistry.  To wrack the brain, to compartmentalize in order to feed the intellect.

There is a majesty and intuitive feeling, a deep knowing when viewing this scenario in silence with a quiet mind. It is as if one was in the same space without thought interrupting this oneness and the joy of union of meeting the unifying principle of all Life and knowing there is only One Life and One Source.

swimming the depths

Natural backdrop and lighting so pure and perfect begs the question of the intellect who arranged this studio, this perfection?  Was it an intelligence and intellect  far beyond the human comprehension? 

Was it spontaneous or perhaps the Unknown Artist made a palate of the colors and  watched as a kaleidoscope of  'per chance' that these formed and amused and delighted the Artist as they self arranged the patterns and entertained the observer, or did the artist contrive this morn of glory? 


Clip art
Maybe love is the answer, but what is love?  Many say they 'fall in love' and what does that mean?

It is said we are created by love, does this mean sexual intercourse, because if that is so one can have a child though rape, a one night stand or any other kind of 'unsafe sex'.  How do you know watching couples in the sex act if they are lusting or loving?  It is surely a state of mind or chemical reaction----pheromones!!! 

So love is the essential base consciousness, it is installed in our basic nature, it may be said we are love.  Be that as it may it then  raises certain anomalies.  How can one fall in Love if one is Love? This then suggests there are many types of Love.  Is that possible?

Perhaps falling in like, falling in security, falling for anything that gives pleasure and security, power and stability-----until the object of one's love is taken away through accident, through death, through disagreement, through divorce through so many other facets of break up.  Then where is Love?

If one is Love then it suggests that one is one with that Love that created Love and it is said Love Created the Universe----Cosmic Love.

There is the small self which maybe the ego, a collection in the mind buried in the unconscious of Life's experiences, these die with the body, unless you believe in a return ticket, then the residue has to be lived out again or one is a wandering ghost in a body looking for that which has gone, mere nuances and shadows that scurry across the screen of mind.

Then there is the Self, this is a consciousness, a mind that has found it's own source and experiences Love for no reason or object nay even to it's own creation into many myriads of forms, mind stuff, indeed all is contained in the oneness of the whole.  It is Comic Love and as such has no form or description and merely hints at Itself through it's creation.  Indeed this is Love in Love with itself.
Not narcissistic, nor indulgence in its introverted view, it is a feeling of completeness, there is no need in this, and yet loves all there is equally.  

For those that have experienced this peace, this sustaining energy, this river of eternal life, form is merely a vehicle in which the Cosmos Itself is verifying and looking for Itself in order to reassure Itself it is indeed Love supernal and for evermore.


Tuesday 3 January 2017









Shadows at the back of the mind, seemingly at the back of the head, not fully present, scampering away fearful and subtle, like the spider who seems to be staring at you, only suddenly to dart away.

Sometimes the shadows like the dream, stick, they want recognition and to dominate the present moment, like a bitter taste in the mouth.--------if only they can be remembered, gone and seem to be lost in a hazy fog. 

Like a sticky glue the nuances persist until these dark clouds scuttle away -----then suddenly they lift as if an unseen force had told them to vamoose, go away.

Then the realization that thoughts like these, maybe all thoughts are apparitions and do not really exist they are part of a shadow world from the past far away or near and they are a blot , a stain that can be washed away by the understanding of their true nature---a transient, transparent illusion, a trick of the mind and once really felt in the deep space of oneself this will be the truth to set one free.