Monday 17 July 2017


This face to face could be named sliding relationships.  Imagine ice cubes in a jar each one touching and a communication and exchange taking place where sides touch, this is face to face or interface.

As the cubes melt, and this case filled with water or maybe just placed in the jar the interface's begin to change the relationship to all surfaces. Suppose in this analogy this is communication exchange whether electronic or human.  

In any case the nature of the exchange differs from the original.  In human relationships if we wish or have been indoctrinated that this exchange must remain as near as possible constant or sustained with an allowance of a few variables.  The tie or bond maybe business, religion, human love, politics, dependency, safety, security and sheer habit producing an easy comfortability and very little challenge or indeed questioning, in fact sometimes desperately maintaining the shape, the 'cube - iness'.

Sometimes an event can shatter or prize apart such relationships; illness, cheating, self inquiry and seeing the lack of creativity and bored with the daily chores of Life.

However one thing is for sure the melting and dissolving will carry on and inevitably the cube, the person dissolves in the ocean of Being and passes into clear water.  

The Self Inquiry maybe aware of the pure clear water of which the cube arose from, the cube realizes it is formed from the water and this is its true essence, its source.  It therefore during its cube life relaxes and is easy with its interfaces and flows with the melting process and will eventually become one with the Source.  

Perhaps by sticking to one's original shape is confining or imprisoning and is not accepting the loss that occurs in Life by doing so and missing the challenge of expansion and maybe more a sense of freedom and until Life passes one by and the opportunities that were outside interfacing in a rigid manner.




Perhaps we can indulge in a little day dream and some fantasy? Let us assume that when we came in to this life at birth we had no past(not knocking reincarnation) and all we knew were impressions whilst in the womb and as we did not have any reasoning yet or logic to figure it out nor anything to compare it with, we then because of repetition and rote only know this world view.  Of course we gather other experiences from family, friends and relatives. 

As we live on and depending whether our parents and environment permit it we may have an esquiring broad mind or a sheltered enclosed mind, either way the beliefs become one's reality and yet they are only learned  behavior patterns. One could ask before birth where were you and what programme of reality was there that formed the cell sequence before the fetus?  

This then begs the question; did you come from God, did you come from the matrix that informs particles to atoms, atoms to molecules and hey presto here you are in the womb?  Perhaps that God implies this mystical procedure. To me there has to be an informing principle an intelligence at work here, that to me is the Intelligence that formed the Universe perhaps it lives in the invisible realm of the quantum field and all this maybe the same.  Maybe it is the God Principle / informing Intelligence / quantum weirdness until the weirdness the interactions and exchanges at the particle / wave phenomena are given an intelligent command now aptly named intentionality.

If one subscribes to intentionality then at the Particle / Cosmic principle that is the only reality or at least the basic reality the rest is man made life styles and cultural indoctrination. This then can be elaborated; should the Universal Mind intentionalise then that is also just a mind thing even if it manifests a Universe and so its creativity as we see from the Cosmos is constantly changing and evolving and as we have seen on Earth with Mammoth to elephant and so on. So is there such a thing as reality? Bearing in mind everything including the computer, book or chair is made of atoms which in themselves are 99.99% space / empty, although in that emptiness there is a lot of activity.

Carrying on with the narrative let us even include reincarnation which like the seasons is repetitive, as yet not accurately discern-able seasons, cycles and rhythms because they are out of the realm of physics, yet according to some philosophies and Buddhism there are in the dimension of Karma. This is to come back and finish off unfinished business because it is on the wheel of repetition that one can break the chain.

 Why should the chain be broken?; Taking an analogy.  Had the Mammoth not given way to the elephant then evolution would just continue until Earth will have spent its time and began to crumble and all life extinguished.

Examining human life might be that we can draw similarities. If we continually hold the same views rigidly 'I was born a Mammoth my family are and were and my children will be' that becomes fixed and the world of Mammoth-dom will go on forever----however a shake up, a catastrophe of, and excuse the pun Mammoth proportions could also break the chain and so yesterdays reality probably through disaster forces us to adapt and improvise and so a new reality emerges. BUT is it reality?  One could say all realities are temporary, expedient and transient-----begging the question if all these are kind of long or short duration 'realities' then all realties have a common denominator----they are not real, they are mind fabrications.  

They appear to be real because we believe them and the more we believe them the more compounded ingrained and solid they become, we become GOD to our belief system by giving them Life through continuity. 

Since we have perpetuated our own destiny by believing we are really real, perhaps knowing we are facing our demise and departure at some time, this then challenges our belief of an everlasting 'me'. But this me is a set of beliefs which have been doggedly pursued and cherished because it affords us safety and security------but does it?  At the back of the mind is the thought the great stalker of Life can tap one on the shoulder and say come with me. 

To know one can come back and rejoin the old life by reincarnating is a safety net however a rotten life may not be ones choice if that was the experience. To say we go back to God, The Kingdom of Heaven, Nirvana or any other belief may also be a safety net.  We can perpetuate these ideas but they also maybe temporary illusions and transits in order to making one feel secure.    

So basically if one is stripped of ones beliefs ------what is one then?



Caught in the net of conditioning (Shack)
You are what your beliefs are, big, small or indifferent
for sure they will die with you if you allow too. (Shack)


minessence group
Expand this to a National and then world view----whoever steps outside the perimeter and challenges the 'held' views can suffer being ostracized or eliminated. It takes the brave, courageous and the pioneering spirit---that's how the Universe does it. (Shack)

Amazing just observing without conclusions, a kind of inner knowing which is not criticism or judgmental one perceives the wonder rather than the critique. 

In clinical situations should one just have this keen observation then there  may come to light on occasions a deep trauma or experience that perhaps those in need maybe would not be able to 'nail'.

Then there are those strange personal worlds built up over the years by routine, rote, forced discipline, need,  and then become a routine and when challenged becomes a desperate need to defend or feel guilty and let down.  This becomes pertinent should it be religion or cultural and political as regards a nation, a sort of national personal world.

This enclosed cocoon may seem safe and secure and yet when severely tested can produce every manner of defense to defend and indeed reinforce it, sometimes to the most heinous behavior and complete disregard of the consequences.

Yet the every nature of Life can be to breakdown these fortresses of mind dwellings not to be cruel but to facilitate growth and expansion. 

Being stuck in the mud one remains in it.

open walls


Many times one can feel shaky, perplexed and the most uncomfortable and being vulnerable.  I have found that if one can 'ride through the storm of vulnerability although shaky, anxious and fearful' then something else can arise or at least suggest another kind of response.

Should one be able to navigate through this maelstrom, the gain from this is many fold; greater inner strength, determination to be able to face other such events, and a new found confidence.

It is important to realize that the confidence is not overdone as it could lead to an inflated ego.  But a natural balanced confidence is a bonus indeed.

From a spiritual point of view one can extend this to trust and faith in the unknown source within one. Should one in one's search and quest be curious and scientific in a way and wish to delve further than just confidence in one's abilities and past experiences then there maybe a moment when there is an experience of a silent powerful reservoir of a smooth knowing intelligence that is empowering, a definite experience and feel that is somehow in one and yet is not one, and then realizing that it is indeed the real you and reality.

Strangely enough vulnerability can be a tool, an asset in the quest for the greater self ---------it may not be a good idea to deliberately be putting oneself in a position where one is vulnerable-----Life can very easily come up with that without manipulation on our parts.  

   brc recovery 
Some Physical and mental challenges are OK -----however due prudence and wisdom are needed (Shack)

Thursday 6 July 2017


                                                    clip art fest

President Trump has been elected and to date in the first 100 days there is a battle to impeach him and a host of other shenanigans going on, I'm not for him or against him, however, like Brexit in the UK some persons cannot live or take a result that is not there predilection. To say that human behaviour became irate and irascible is an understatement.

The word that hit the mainlines and with feverish pitch media baying and howling like a pack of hyenas was astonishing. FAKE NEWS, fake this and fake that.

You know in a way even degrees by Universities, titles and royal your Highness, Your Majesty, Dr this Professor that, your this and that well they are only the standard of the day.  Would a PH.D in the discipline of Quantum Physics be the same as a PH.D say in the years when the first of these were issued and in what culture and so on.  It varies with the ages and can we say one issued by another country is fake or not authenticated.  At one time an American PH.D was only rated in the UK at the very minimum MS.C.  So were the all the USA ones fake?

What about the Universe everything we see today and have seen will dissolve or has dissolved was this fake or real?  Mammoths, Dinosaurs, Brontosaurus and the like, Neanderthal Human and may be us in the passage of time will be gone, just a memory, a skeleton, were we fake or real?

It leads one back to illusion, a conjurers trick the sleight of hand of the Cosmic Magician,.  Maybe the Magician is the only reality and not fake or an illusion.

Like a Magician pulling the rabbit out of the hat the Universe appeared, big bang or not, it appeared from whence is the mystery and if we knew when the Universe and its Magic arose from and its secret illusion trick, would we  then call it fake, illusion or reality, until then its all a matter of choice and opinion as to one's experiences, programming, cultural, political, religious, origin of birth and some even dare say Astrological sign(fake say some boffins) oh dear what a muddle.

So here we are changed from birth, babyhood, puberty, adolescence, adulthood, senior life and death -------in this changing scenario maybe a question or investigation--------what was fake, real or illusion in our lives-----and is the Universe with its ages as like ours informing us, telling us a story-----Its all temporary, expedient, transitory, here today and gone tomorrow-----what is really worth grasping and clasping in this slide show?

The Universe comes out ----wow (shack)
Who is the conjurer of the universe?(shack)


gomer blog

Looking out of the window whilst bobbin up and down on a rebounder (firm mat one---NASA  comments see internet) I became aware of the definite presence of trees in the garden and grass.

 There was a kind of shimmering which I see round auras like a haze or heat rising off of a hot tar road on a hot day.  It felt it was a holographic projection and everything was shimmering, and I felt the trees had Life force and this subtle energy and was being emitted and this energy was my energy so to speak. We were joined in the oneness of Life, a shared life.  

There was a 'silent humming' a perceptible feeling of Life, growth, beingness, I could see the Life force in the tree, not just sap but a simmering translucent stream coming from the Earth but also a overshadowing energy form of a similar nature 'raining down' in fine drizzle like precipitation. The two energies kind of formed the semi transparent hologram like scenario.  I had the feeling I had peeped behind the illusion and was seeing the 'projector' the causal field that we assume is reality and solid.

I was immersed in this field and shared in the Life Energy, the tree in its intake and resonance and me in mine and indeed all creation, this life giving stream of Light Energy was the sustenance of the soul and creation, streaming forth from the Fount of Life, from the spring of eternal myriads of forms in creation.

It was a blessed experience and it facilitated my understanding as to the illusion that form and so called solid rock materialism was merely a concept drummed and ground into us by culture, religion, science and to some extent and sheer repetition until one submitted to the illusion because of being outnumbered.  

It takes courage to stand  by one's intuition and inner knowing, indeed one had to stand fast often alone, indeed one had to be a spiritual warrior, a samurai with a keen sword to cut through falsity and seek unending for the truth---------for what is truth?




My relationship with authority and bigoted academia started with my early school days. I was a natural rebel in the sense I was always questioning and now I realize I always trying  to reconcile my NDE and this fragile shifting reality, I was a truth seeker, what ever that is. It had to feel the information and experience was genuine and intuitively sound.

After my accident at soccer which also cut short my cricket career, I started an apprenticeship to become an electrician, of which I passed and after a short while joined the Met Police as maintenance sparks(electrician).

This did not last long. I took numerous unpaid breaks; a year in Spain, a year in Scotland, and several other short breaks, this severely depleted my pension, whilst I was working I was teaching Judo, Aikido and meditation which supplemented my income.

In Spain in the wilds I studied for my BS.c and in Scotland my MS.c under my family name and not Freed.  My cousin Cyril said 'why be an electrician when you can go to UNI (University).

I then left work completely and went to Uni(as I have very good relationships and sometimes even now do a lecture there I will not name it as they will not like it) I am already despised in many  academic and religious circles and not accepted. 

So I went to the Uni and started a physics course in order to become a physicist.  This did not last long; An old shaggy Professor blew up a balloon and drew the Sun, Moon and a couple of planets and said the Universe was expanding.
I thought well why doesn't the Sun and Moon go further apart? So I raised my hand and asked him adding one degree further by the Sun we freeze and one nearer we burn.  He got very angry and said I was stupid. I felt hurt after all I was young and curios and thought science was about investigation and impartial curiosity, we were going to a break, and as I turned I said 'Sir one more question who is blowing up the balloon'. He went mad as they say ape shit and he would not let me in that day.

The next day I was summoned to chancellors office and the Dean was present as well. 'Sit down, now in a very high pitched academic attempt to be pleasant voice and peering over his pince-nez spectacles 'The dean and I feel you are very bright and that physics may not be your forte and a more hands approach would be more suitable' I said nothing and was dismissed.  My previous degrees were on social studies and mechanical and electrical engineering. With that behind me I started back at the Met Police in the Forensics Department and stated my training, in those days it was not as sophisticated as nowadays but just as gory and bloody.

In my my Blogs in I have often been criticized for not naming people or places, in the blogs it was to protect whistle blowers and informants.  The above I am protecting my family, my contacts in academia and some NASA astronauts and technical people.  I still have family abroad and the last thing I would do was to embarrass  them as some still hold positions which are sensitive. 




I was to go to Tottenham Police Station for two weeks as they were short on staff in Forensics. My young trainee came with me, she was young blond and beautiful.

We were called to a burglary in Stamford Hill in a very orthodox household. The bearded man came to the door and we identified ourselves, he immediately covered his eyes when he saw Maggie(name change) because he was not to speak to a women who did not wear the sheitel(wig) or family and friends who were female, married women wear a wig, some of them shave their heads.  The women shied away from me.

I knew these house well for near my barmitzvah I had lived around the corner many years back.

I requested Maggie to go round the back and look at windows, these houses had a basement and two floors, sometimes three, the main rooms had eleven foot high ceilings, in the main two floors the windows on the ground floor had ledges outside and easy to climb to and stand on.

Maggie came back and said there were tool marks like somebody had used a lever or some such to prise the window up, they were heavy and so the window was left and the back garden door was levered open, the one frail place in a very sturdy building.

Maggie then said to me 'hey Geoff, on the washing line there several sheets with a hole in the middle' ' I said this is a orthodox Jewish custom, when it comes to sexual intercourse(I used more specific words) the wife takes off the wig and the man puts the sheet over his wife to insert his penis through the hole whilst speaking the Jewish Lords Prayer so the act is done quickly and simply not to enjoy and make desire more often but just to multiply the race ' the words exceed wax and multiply' She looked at me and said 'your kidding'
'No Maggs I'm  not'  She said OH ! WHAT' and immediately went into hysterics. 'She asked the lady of the house could she use the toilet and she was refused. I said 'Go into the van and use a specimen bottle, because she was nigh near wetting herself.

I then instructed the husband to make the back garden door more substantial and we left with Maggie in tears of laughter all the way back to station.