Wednesday 26 June 2019


Really; am I fooling myself? Lately I have been feeling a pressure in my head and neck; I know that kundulini going through blocked nadis, the meridians and nerves are part of the Ascension process. However I can feel a kind brain ‘inner tingling’ like that after Qi Gong or Holosync meditation and such like, I feel it is going up the spine and through my front body as if the meridians of Du and Ren Channels are in circulation

I can feel a greater freedom in my body despite stiffness in my hips, neck, knees and perhaps this light power, this tingling rising and descending energy is clearing certain blockages along with AH HA’s.

The bone marrow cleansing Qi Gong is powerful and the new Bellicon Rebounder is helpful.  Diet is random now and the strict discipline more easily going with a lack of taking medication and supplements at times. Sleep is intermittent and yet not feeling exhausted and fatigue gradually lifting, not so much fatigue as endorphins.

To sum up it seems my body is more receptive to Qi and that the Energy of the Great Being is revealing Itself as the blockages are being siphoned out.




Catch a ride on the magic carpet

of creative imagination

The carpet is generously supplied 

By the Cosmic Creative Source

This is unpaid unlimited travel 

Free energy and spirit

Anything more?   



Love You Love Me

Musing on emotions the realisation came that emotions are not needed in a strange way that goes against main stream Western thought and perhaps philosophy and perhaps more related to Eastern Mysticism, although I find it not mystic at all.

When I was studying brain chemicals, neurotransmitters and such like, I began to realise way back in the late 70’s that the chemicals sent to the cell receptors were naturally produced by rest, healthy living and so on, however the thought and belief systems produced a ‘daily fix’ as it were and the whole cellular system became entrained and yes addicted to the cocktail and the cells grew specialised receptors for these mixtures that were perhaps haps natural.

I knew that thoughts engendered emotions and thought produced the chemicals in the body that gave rise to feelings and further this by daily rote, repetitions and prayerful application and become after a while a learned and indoctrinated and conditioned habit, reflex and then one’s assumed reality. I say assumed because changing the thoughts, habits and so on can take one to a new system and beliefs and the withdrawal symptoms are not only mental, psychological they also affect the cellular and whole body functions. Where's my fix my known?

Two books made an intellectual impact on me and a few ‘ah ha’s’ ‘ The Molecules of Emotion’ by Dr Candice Pert and followed by ‘The Biology of Belief’ by Dr Bruce Lipton, they made a huge dent in my system of beliefs bound together in a large leather encyclopaedia in the stored memory automatic reflex habit folder. These made sense and logical approval and yet there was something missing.

So my belief systems which are thoughts are translated into feelings therefore my ego and its system of built up components delights in bodily feelings through passion, emotional highs and lows following closely the self esteem low or high, early womb and child hood experiences and so on. One feels safe in the known of one’s chosen or indoctrinated seemingly solid and yet upon close inspection not so ‘airtight’ as it was reality.

The ego is demanding and wants to feel its creation even if it’s morbid or hedonistic. So the emotions become the template for success of its endeavours. Emotions are the reactions chemically and felt psychologically to challenges and responses of day to day living and bring in the fight / flight activation and so I can become a victim of my emotions, in fact an emotional addict. I may become the junky to my emotional dictates which the ego mind set patterns demand and so shape my reality.   

Following on from this the culture, ethos, parental and brain washing one receives it to my mind that produces the responses and reactions concomitant and commensurate  to that set of beliefs and so may clash with other set realties. 

So in this way emotions are tools for feelings and the predilection of the ego and its preferences through the chemicals its ‘mind’ patterns of habit repetition have conditioned it too.

Box sets comprising CD’s and DVD’s graphically displayed in hologram forms within the screen of mind and automatically selected as a conditioned response raise the emotions and one is this pictorial and sensual array and is taken over and one might feel this is normal.

Being a victim to automated reactions is living in the past and often with a few modified adjustments projected into the future, in fact there is no future only a constant rerun, a river of the past with not much else, because this can become so boring and relentless one may seek distractions and indulgences and may find that these become an addiction from one’s own empty past or no seemed future.

Is there a way out of this addiction? Is there a feeling which is not emotion? Where can it be found?  I feel that in true meditation which is being the true witness in unbiased consciousness and in rare occasions ones thoughts cease naturally and one is not asleep, then there can felt inner peace and a sort of quiet feeling and a love that is not emotional; it has a different feel and is a feeling that I call compassion. It does not have a belief system to back it up, it may be talked about by monks, philosophers and I have found it does not arrive by will or text. It seems when all hankerings, depressions, highs, lows and intrusive mind chatter naturally quietens down, not by suppressions and will wilfulness a sort of non dependency then the emotions are not there in the body and one may feel do I really need the beliefs, ideologies and concepts that support these raging torrents of emotions and are they not a set of beliefs that can fall by the wayside?.




Know Your Meme

Should one be able to desist comforting the ego distractions when it feels and senses it is exposed as a non real as in everlasting and its substance relies on the  phenomena of material form, which from science it is known is not as solid and together as one would have it.

Relying on material distraction beyond the point of maintaining and sustaining the temporary form merely causes the form to become more composite and the layers justify that material existence is real and solid, in reality they are mind layers of thought that build and are the magnetic matrices, which are the engines and architects of the programmes and ego agendas based on the environment and ethos of life experiences.

On close inspection and unbiased observation it becomes apparent that the layers can be seen and felt and this then is seen as 'just thoughts' which can be malleable and have but an existence like clouds which can dissolve and reform yet in substance are fleeting nuances which can only be real if held onto tightly and so become ones life and reality.  







The bare boards of many things eluded too can suggest starkness and a sort barren wilderness or can by adding gloss to the boards a lovely wood enhanced surface to walk upon and a strategic rug adding to its glory.

Using this analogy to the mind and coming to a naked bare mind this may conjure up a boring empty simpleton, a senile mind or a mind constantly running away from an empty content, depression and despair, lonely, unable to relate to anything and perhaps leading to seduction as it runs away and desperately wanting to escape the tyranny of its empty black hole or a trauma and even the perplexity of creation and its big bang, god and quantum anomalies. 

Here the role of fantasies, constant role play, incessant mind chatter and the garbage of ever gossiping repetition cover what seems to be a large void of emptiness a seeming loneliness and even in a seemingly loving relationship the thought of the loss of that and the ensuing grieving and mourning and the heartfelt wrench of the departed brings back the deep felt ache to ‘bridge the gap’ to the past but in no circumstances the void of dull dark emptiness.

In deep meditation and at some instances within the broad spectrum of these excursions into the inward observation, like one’s gaze and attention is reversed from the outward world as it were to witness the machinations of the inward world so to speak, one as  an unbiased observer begins to become aware of various phenomena; perhaps the tenseness of the body, the itch, then following the breathing to relax and then to become aware of thoughts, at first like a film show on a screen then feelings from those thoughts or vice versa.

Should one be gently persistent, patient and persevering without force, relaxing and becoming non clinging to any scenario no matter how seductive and alluring nor graphically horrific or disgusting, one is merely a deeply interested witness but not for any other reason just to be interested in the comings and goings of this information of the contents hereby encountered and not for any particular gain or insight.

This then fosters a free flow without censorship and allows whatever is in the mind to enter and go without restraint including the urge to sleep or get involved in a fantasy or dream or some distraction which then shuts down the witness unbiased observer to be totally obsessed with the presented scenario and so the content and free flow is localised to the fantasy and mind chatter and the trap door is placed over the witness content reduced to a single event. This is local mind obsessed with false reality of mind as in contrast to a non local mind wide and allowing, the personal to the impersonal.  

However should the witness remain in its impartiality and the thoughts and content cease or become so very faint,  not by restraint or censorship, then one may find oneself in an emptiness not that of boredom and dark despair and wanting to escape to a fake reality and one finds that this emptiness is unusually serene, calm and peaceful with either a light or a subtle gentle glow.

It  would now appear that the hole, the gap, the void of depression that occurred was the habitual brain washed conditioned programming that was assumed to be the chosen reality and any absence of that were to be reckoned as extinction of the said reality, was not the emptiness was of a dark dungeon, a prison or rather a prisoner of darkness and a void life of hopelessness and confusion but an attempt by that programme to preserve itself at all costs and its dubious illusionary reality which appears so solid and watertight, has now to be seen in the light above to actually be the nearer or in fact the real being and the programme was an overlay to cover the bare boards and that emptiness as above is anything but dark, depressing,bare, naked and void.

On examination of the ‘spurt or prompt’ energy as the brain seems to squeeze the energy for the fantasy, the gut energy to supply the urge energy for the fantasy begins to dwindle with the intuitive feeling this is not me as a brain washed, fantasy, mind consumed trivia, the flotsam and jetsam, the flotilla of meaningless chatter and garbage, one relaxes and trusts the emptiness more and more. 

However the false fake former believed reality which was taken for granted as the real identity reality scenario with its built in software and expanding box sets of CD’s and DVD’s will rebel and not like to be usurped by this seeming  void and its apparent non content and will rebel in some instances such as sickness, joint aches, nausea, cramps, madness, violence and even death, it is a formidable enemy, it will try sexual seduction, wealth, ambition and often wanted recognition supplying it with power and authority.

That touch of the true emptiness will also resonate deep inside and intuitively and spontaneously call one not be seduced or cunning employments but simply because one’s true self has caught a glimpse of itself and deep within longs for oneness and the only true love, that is loving oneself in an unconditional way that is beyond the tricks and ego glory and one can say I found myself and do not need the approval from false securities and materialistic hedonistic false illusions of self.



Pondering with nothing particular in mind, a sort of idling engine, purring away, relaxed and gently bobbing up and down on a hard mat rebounder and looking without interest and yet acutely aware at the umbrella tree as it was 'nicknamed' and the small petite birds pecking away at some unknown sustenance, there in the quietness of mind and nature a silent pertinent question and answer arrived.

In this quietness one was naturally attuned to the quietness in the mind, and it was realized that in that quietness there is intuitive contact with that Intelligence and information field, the consciousness of the Living Universe which is Life and one knows what to do, feel and think if human, correct action if animal, fish, bird, insect, reptile, rock, sea, clouds or in fact everything everywhere.

One is no longer personal, a local mind and phenomena, an isolated unit. In this mode of conscious awareness one has become non local depersonalised as it were, and yet strangely enough and beyond reason and logic, very calm if required and extremely happy.

In this relaxed state those attuned to Nature are renewed and replenished and move in a relaxed manner and so graceful in their acrobatics and stride, flight, swimming and beauty of colour, plumage, camouflage and variety, each with a purpose and role to fulfil in the grand scheme of things.

Should one be busy with one's own personal agenda then one misses this vital link and yet  the successful person in the material world may just miss the link to a great gift and never know the bounty of this oneness and inner  accomplishment. 



Radio Prague

There is saying ‘you’re a hard nut’ meaning a hard person, tough, secretive or hard to fathom.

You’re a hard nut to crack’ not only can this mean mentally, psychologically and physically but in one’s enclosed ‘heart’ felt emotions. I have seen and witnessed in myself and others the hard held beliefs and judgements the reluctance to forgive and the reticence to let go of outworn grievances and patterns of behaviour and the hours of suppression, repression and contemplating these issues along with the tension and loss of energy or energy assigned to these agendas which lead to fatigue, stress and possible illness.

The draining of energy, the constant dwelling putting one into the fight flight process, the cortisol and adrenaline with muscle and mental tenseness causing anxiety and fear. Most of this imagined in some cases and a constant replay of the past and projected edited but substantial future without a present, leading to an ever replay with some modification of painful and even joyful past scenarios with the painful ones pushed down to arise at some future date like the thumb holding down a cork in water or sending down the pain into a vault in a dark corner of the mind to ferment, rot and fester producing a bitterness which may arise in some distorted and contorted ugly expression or vile act which spews out the dark venom and purification and maybe presenting some cancerous or akin sickness. The joyful event longed for and often a sticking plaster covering pasts trauma and part of the pain pleasure principle of duality which can lead to an either or choice and cause the ever revolving wheel of karma and the hamster wheel without ever ceasing and mind consuming rhetoric and anxious fretting.

So the release however obtained and not repressed by alcohol, drugs, distraction with media and internet extravagances and mind boggling highly charged vividly coloured noisy beyond belief mind stunning pictorial emotional impacted concoction that misleads the mind away from the original impact of the rising impediment as above and the chance to witness it and observe the material with a chance of exploring  it and possible partial or total release and cleansing.

The media impact of highly charged emotional fear, emotional love based on some ideology, fashion or euphoric hype, the hero rescuing the damsel in distress, the Knight in Shinning White Armour or even Don Quixote can furnish the mind with such a seemingly positive charge that the high buzz of emotional endorphins can lead one to a world of fantasy, glitz and glimmer that one can live in an fantasy reality and has been written in SHACKS before that maybe there are no realities but chosen ones through culture, religion and the ethos prevailing to world conditions and brain washed upbringing.  So is there a reality, perhaps SHACK 621 may just touch on it---however ever so delicately and sensitively. 

Perhaps this may relate to the world chaos of April 2019 when this was typed.


Sunday 16 June 2019


Karolina Patryk














Due Process in legal terms is that process which should be afforded to citizens in a process of judgement through legal means which are fair and just.  Due Diligence is the examination of all aspects in a deal and expose any fraud and so on, so that the deal is honest and fair.

This in the world of law and business and transactions maybe in the letter of law be safeguards and promote ethical standards however clever and inventive lawyers and solicitors may dilly dally shilly shally in order to gain time, procrastinate and for many other reasons such as earning more money in fees the longer the process goes on or tiring the jury and court to frustrate the outcome and so on, all of these I witnessed in my 'Forensic Days'. I witnessed political and religious prejudice in cases going unchecked for nefarious political agendas and so forth and very evident nowadays (2019).

I got to wondering how this applies to the 'Spiritual Path'; the due process seems to me the process of the Cosmos and Universe and its laws and lores with rituals based on cycles, rhythms, evolution and growth shedding with due diligence that which is waste and outworn and recycled to new life and forms. To the human frame of mind the Mammoth the to Elephant may seem a long repetitive cycle of time for these changes and those before the Mammoth and the five extinctions and I feel an imminent sixth. However running silently in the background is a process of grandeur and design which is unique.  

The process is Life, a River of Light which reveals by its Life Light a running stream like a moving walk way, the process is not a set of rules forcefully imposed but by its movement and its free will affordability choices as seen on the walkway can be selected, some will require gates in order to step off and explore and later perhaps out of boredom or realising the side shows were a distraction and then to rejoin the moving river of Life.

There may come a time when in one's life that one relaxes the logical brain which has its place in the scheme of life, mainly to conduct measures to feed and maintain oneself and to co-operate in harmony with others and nature and indeed should one totally relax and remain loosely alert one can feel a throb of silent moving through the body and sense its presence as a silent river of energy, a tingling and aliveness and then perceive it as light and feel it as joy and uplifting without a specific image conjured up by the minds accumulated graphics store and library. 

This moving escalator, this walkway may have seemingly no obvious or logical destination, the galaxies, the expanding Universe, perhaps just an expanding consciousness which presents itself as the hologram of planets, stars, galaxies, humans, bacteria, seeming atoms as fine matter only to realise they are waves of frequencies and coming to the conclusion it is a picture show a moving frame by frame, nay a seamless display as a river, the movement is the process, it is not a deliberation as the law above, a planned sequence of events from a traffic manual or highway code, court, or political book or some form of ancient obscure statute's or laid down legislation, it is a way of Life and this silent river is the way of no way, it is too immense and magical, to me the DO in Japanese and Dao or Tao Chinese, the Chi of living.   

This process maybe mystical and seemingly random in its movement, beyond logic and reasoning and many sayings portray this ' peace I leave you not the peace of mankind but that peace that passes all understanding' 'lean not to your own understanding' 'lean not to your brain washing and conditioning' 'The Kingdom Heaven is within' ' be like a child to find this Kingdom' 'The child before it was taught to be something or other and is brainwashed' 'Who were you before you were born' 'Show me your original Face' ' What is the naked mind, the mind at rest, not searching, not desiring and acquiring' 'Be still and know that the Divine is within you'.

Letting go is not being in mind conditioning acquiring mode, reacting from the programmes, the software of grooming and conniving by learnt strategies, ploys and tactical planned attacks and defences. When one relaxes as suggested above and just feels the tingling aliveness when all the tensions in the muscles and joints utterly let go and giving them a rest from their duty of protection and care for a while and trusting the aliveness of relaxation whilst not drifting off to sleep or dozing, one can feel the process.

The process of not doing allows one to realise that the controlling obsessive mind is an energy sapper and relentlessly pursues its fanatical obsession of protecting often spurious, meretricious, kitschy brain washed agendas which through belief which is a repetitive advertising campaign to utterly convince and make one a servant and slave to these beliefs which eventually with enough pounding become one's reality and Life, whilst the moving walkway, the subterranean river is the real process of life and carries on regardless of the usurped rogue, the thief of the aliveness and joy de vivre to eventually on waking up seemed reality and one can adopt many beliefs only to find that they are thought up daydreams and have no real substance. 

This can be a shock at first, the carpet has been pulled from under one's and the bare floorboards or concrete seem barren, hostile and unloving. Then can come a series withdrawal symptoms, searching for a lasting belief, distractions, sex, money, TV, computer browsing, hobbies, drugs, alcohol and indeed anything than an empty vacuum in the mind, so the search goes on and in some 'spiritual' systems this is encouraged.  Then one may turn the search inward and watch the endless random or organised day dreams and fantasies and maybe get so introverted and to reside in the mind make up movie and not come out and be sectioned or termed mentally ill and given a horrific medical classification. This void and all else above is energised by the river of life whether the 'electricity' is aliveness with no words, pictures and is felt as joy and peace or the electricity of life is used for brain washed agendas, fantasies, dreams, sickness and so as indeed electricity feeds many different appliances from cars to hair dryers, from TV to children's battery driven toys. 

So the River of Life continues to fuel Galaxies, planets throughout the Cosmos and its multidimensional 'spaces' of energy driven forms and we as humans with our limited local brains, the small self can only wonder where this spiralling ongoing seamless river is going and its destination or maybe there is no specific destination but is a continuing work in progress / process.  The journey to nowhere specific unwinds itself and modifies itself through the process of having no specifics, just the journey and there is unlimited in options as the vacuum zero potential quantum 'real' of unlimited possibilities and probabilities which through interacting fluctuations in the process somehow in magnificent algorithms in deep quantum interacting interactions produce the seamless river of Life.

The river of Life is a quantum phenomena and in the beginning was a void, a vacuum and Consciousness Awakened and out from the void, Life poured Forth, the Tathagata Womb, The Cosmic Egg and so forth. 

The human body then can by relaxing is way of feeling the awakening and the brain being a quantum computer assists by allowing itself to deregulate control and allow the process to reveal itself from deeper  levels to open up to the non local mind or the True Self.



Psychology Today













I came across this commentary in my day to day calender, which has been with me for many years and this was the commentary which two ladies did from the text of part of Psalm 30.1, these two ladies did this way back in 1935 and here is the commentary by these two ladies who remained nameless as requested and just referred to themselves as the Listeners; 'Man's ecstasy is God's touch on quickened responsive spirit-nerves'.

To me this was so wonderful and what came to me in that split second AH HA, not so much an AH HA but a silent deep recognition in feeling and not in words and after that feeling an inner knowing in words that was indelible imprinted them in my conscious mind.

On some days there is this longing for that special presence, that feeling of deep calm and tranquillity a serene feeling of all is well and everything is one and connected and a loving compassion not of emotion as per se but something transcendent and beyond understanding, a feeling of a Divine Presence.  

This feeling of receptivity is like having an internal energetic invisible  receptor which is an energetic organ or 'cluster of invisible nerves' indeed spirit-nerves. 

A growing at the back of my mind an awareness, a shadow, a light just visible from the murky depths of my agendas, my overlay due to my brain washing and conditioning the grooming of the materialistic mundane world of austerity, harshness and conformity, there is a burgeoning reality of this light of Life, Life longing to be recognised not by forcing Itself on its recipients but longing to meet Itself, a long lost friend searching for itself as it own self that became lost and besmirched by the pollution of the abyss of the pit in which the proverbial monster of evil which I liken to brain washed agendas that lack compassion, love and charity. 

To this end as the awareness of the light beckons this awareness is the purification of the 'spirit nerves', it is the clearing process of the dross karmic debris and detritus and the rust and decay that goes mouldy and leaves a bitter taste and rotten breath with  a dank odorous body, the stench of rotting out of date no longer serving patterns and ideas. A mind shaped consciousness that lamely follows rituals and disciplines which goes against the nature of the natural human being. 

Stale stagnant water, murky light yearning to get out of the clutches of a diminutive life and imprisoned by its own lores and agendas and longing for the light to shine, warmth and shudder no more at the dark cold limited light that clouds happiness, joy and emancipation.

Such as the receptors awaiting the light to burst through not by the force of Itself, but just waiting patiently like the Sun behind clouds and the Sunny Presence emerges just by gently being there and the peeping of the Sun Of Life, the Light behind all creation that which fuels the Sun and all creation, is seen and the recipient fired up in anticipation that the clouds of unknowing will fade away melted by the light of life and then one becomes one with the light and all is very, very, well indeed.



Fast Company

Ma has also been described as "an emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilled", and as "the silence between the notes which make the music"[6] (cf. Isaac Stern's comment below).

Other illustrations appear in this old poem:
Thirty spokes meet in the hub, though the space between them is the essence of the wheel;
Pots are formed from clay, though the space inside them is the essence of the pot;
Walls with windows and doors form the house, though the space within them is the essence of the house[7].
Mu is no thing

To me the Ma and Mu have similar yet subtle nuances. The gaps between branches, the notes between music, the space in the room, they all convey to me the essence of life, the sub atomic field full of possibilities and probabilities and this is pure potential, full consciousness and yet devoid of thought.  It is distilled awareness.

I have used the idea that the space in the room is the empty mind and the contents of the room the furniture are the mind of thoughts, programmes and agendas which are the familiarities of life and as such are or can lead to an assumed reality and a way of life often led without variance which culture, religion and world fashion and media sculpture many and rob one of free original inspirational creation.

The room being full  of the cluttered mind fixed content to a point of safety and security until some event ‘upsets the apple cart’ or one becomes bored and swaps the furniture around or new content usually based on someone else’s design or concept and perhaps after a while boredom sets in and one goes from one religion, philosophy, guru, politic, TV, video vainly searching the channels to take one away from the boredom or some unresolved crisis, anxiety or dissatisfaction, the urge to break out and breakout  from a series of mind set patterns which are deeply embedded in habitual ritual and anything is better, perhaps, new drugs, distractions, anything other than silence, stillness and MA / MU.

Of course endeavouring to define Mu / Ma is merely getting out of Ma / Mu and is the furniture, the form in the room describing the space can be said in a few words as void, emptiness and so on, yet the experiencing the absence of thought and content in the mind other than sleep or dreaming has to be experienced and on reaching Mu / Ma or if you want psychological or awareness consciousness without content is indescribable at the experience moment and such phrases as ‘timelessness yet aware’ ‘looking with out opinion’ ‘joy’ ‘peace’.

Like the space between the notes and the space between the spokes as above, the pot, the room, it would suggest that this space, this emptiness is the creator’s intelligence at rest as it were which is potential and ready for some intention to bring forth some form of creation if so desired, this can either be by inspiration and spontaneity as one comes from the space to the content and awareness of the dream one has chosen as reality and yet in essence illusionary.

Here frustration and despair for the mind that has restlessness and has had glimpses of Mu / Ma in meditation or a synchronistic spontaneity so called coincidence and may wish to be in this peace of emptiness and yet cannot shed the cling film, the stickiness, gooey glue of the habits of conditioning and no amount of effort and energy, disciplines, rituals and prayers seem to relieve this seemingly battle.

However sitting in awareness, going past itching, watching with patience, looking without bias with alert gazing in a non focussed way, perhaps noting the breathing and then being aware of thoughts, emotions and distraction, there may come a time when one questions where do these thoughts and so on arise from and go to, like clouds in the sky, and one comes to perhaps, they seem to have no form or substance, they arise from nowhere and disappear to nowhere and then a subtle letting go and realising I am a bunch of pre-programmed thoughts that I probably was not aware of the choice, they were foisted on me and I could have been programmed with other choices, so I have choice now.  But what choice, perhaps one realises any programmes, ways of life and so on are only programmes, software stuff, interchangeable, juxtaposed, contiguous and have a fleeting temporal illusionary dream like fantasy quality and full of holes and queries, insecurities and one realises that change at some time is inevitable and death is the one thing that is certain.

Maybe death is but an idea and is not in its essence real. Perhaps the programmes die or peter out in intensity and just those to keep one alive and well in this temporary cocoon of flesh and realising this is temporal and transitory and that this body changes over time, however when that sinks to relaxed peace and there is absence of thought without sleep one may realise that having no thought is the essence of life and one is experiencing death as it were whilst alive. So in the end of life in a body one is already where death is and the realisation there is no death. Death is only the habit of the programmed self not able to live on in a body no longer able to sustain it.  I am my programmes my thoughts and feelings so I thought and yet when they are no longer there in the silence of emptiness, the gap, the Ma / Mu, who am I then?

I am death or am I, or is death another trap to bring fear which is the super glue that holds all the programmes in tact and produces the illusion that whatever set of conditions, programmes and agendas I think is reality, safety, security and assurance one might thinks it brings, there is the nagging biting thought I will die and leave all this, or maybe I want to die because I hate this life and so on, however the experience of true Ma /Mu on a continual enterprise of meditation, contemplation, rumination and free non judgemental thinking may lead one to the conclusion that there is no conclusion and surrender to the empty mind, the surrender is not that difficult once one realises the true nature of thought, then one comes to the thought that maybe my programmes give me an identity which I have to uphold, my status and dignity, my power and success, failures and successes and on the acceptance of the essence of oneself, I can either fake an identity because all identities are fake, they are all ‘man made’ and that being in the essence which is itself without identity, the identity of space, the identity of no identity becomes a real choice and that is not so much a choice as a melting away of the illusionary programmes that formerly we thought we were.
















Smarter Travel













All life is but a reflection of
Author of Creation

We are  a reflection
of Nature 



Video Blocks
Looking at those beautiful lakes and rivers that reflect scenery around them it has a notion that suggests that the empty aware mind, the pristine consciousness has or is like a highly polished mirror that reflects the Cosmic Consciousness and only the the empty awareness gazes in rapture at Itself and marvels at the mystery of its own being. 


I really like some quotes from scriptures from all holy books and these include native ethnic wisdom which I feel are equally ‘holy’ and some from wise folk.  Some click off some understanding in me and here is one such for me that is inspiring; ‘We look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.’ 2 Corinthians 4:18 the commentary from (a daily calendar from all sorts of sources I’ve had for at least forty years) ‘Do not seek the spiritual through material means. Could you but see, it is weighing beautiful spirit- wings down with Earth’s mud’

I feel the Earth, dear Mother Earth is fine and wonderful and however it is the pollution of chemicals, food, water and the harsh war like perniciousness of some parts of the human ethos and mind that bogs down spirit-wings.  One might question the fact well if spirit is so powerful why it cannot defeat the gross and ugly. To my mind, part of the human condition is that we have been given apparently free will and unfortunately we have been brain washed and I have gone on about this in nearly every SHACK writing.  We have to wake up and release and let go our conditioning and question who we were and are before our dearest parents put their well meaning inherited programmes and agendas into us.  

Life in our every day awareness is but a long impacted repeated series of brain washed complexities and although appearing solid and real, reality as per se, actually is as real as dreams experienced in sleep. Dream worlds are as real as everyday so called awake in life, as the job, the bus, the train, TV and so on, the feel of one’s body, which is suspended in sleep and yet the very feel of the body in a dream is real and tangible and what is more we are everything in the dream.  Many cultures believe the dream worlds are as real as an awakened Earth Life so to speak and it up to us with our free will to investigate what is reality. 

Experiments done between Gym activity and those who imagine the Gym have shown similar results; also the placebo effect and again the two slit / split experiment by Dr Quantum You Tube 

When one really dives into reality one can come to the conclusion there is no such thing as reality accept that which we believe and live our lives by that and only consists of beliefs. Then again did we embrace this reality we abide in perhaps with a few tweaks and modifications here and there?  So most of our lives we may live as others taught to us these beliefs and these are but ingrained thoughts or habits, which can be with free will swapped and changed for another set of beliefs, so who are we / you / me / us and is there a concrete us / me / you / us or a set of programmed, conditioned habits and beliefs which are seemingly fixed and real and yet are only ingrained rusted super- glued , cemented concreted fixed railway lines, grooves and said and seen to be our life. This gives us a sense of who we are however in reality and a person we know who we are and yet on reflection our identity is merely fabricated moulded out of a belief system which can by manipulation erase one’s beliefs and made to be someone else or done by reasoning a free choice to be a some one else.  Our identity can be seen as shifting sands or a fixed concrete foundation again merely a set of ideas. We are base foundation an idea.

The beliefs are the ingredients to our dreams and they become like a day dreaming, fantasies and kinky, bizarre stuff one can get into and some jumbled up so much so we can become what society calls madness, insanity and yet only another set of socially accepted concepts of which madness breaks the set.

The Universe is a dream by a powerful visualisation and energetic intelligence which dreamed up its creation and intended powerfully to manifest this dream and to appear to itself as a reality and bestowing on its creation the faculty to dream as well and to dream from many different parts of the dream its own series of beliefs and dreams, none of them is reality as well along with the Original Dream and Dreamer have any reality in the dream only the awareness that created it.


Tuesday 4 June 2019


Meant to be Happy







Creation's Journey To Life

Sunday 2 June 2019


BCS Media Center.

The quest for perfection is probably in most of humans especially if one is so called ‘talented’. The artist, the designer, the professional whatever’s and the amateur may aim for perfection.  Certainly our bodies do  and most ascribe to the best of their ability.

I have known the seekers for perfection and myself being one of them. Sometimes I feel I cannot possibly do something better, it is my best and most perfect, and yet after a while the challenge comes in, like a child loosing its fascination and interest in the new toy, the gadget of the adult and the novelty of the thrill and adventure and ever seeking the new, the pioneer, the explorer, the entrepreneur all seeking more and more for differing reasons.

Imperfection can have the challenge to raise the efforts to obtain and gain perfection. Maybe they are the two sides of the coin, like yin and yang, chaos and order and so on.

I like the philosophy of certain gardens deliberately designed to leave one to the fact that displays placements that seem imperfect and out of place, incongruous and of course this is relative to one’s beliefs and cultural upbringing.  One person’s incongruity perception is another’s congruity so to speak.    

However there maybe a unity or harmony in diversity that a balance between the odds and ends, the chaos of seemingly randomness can coagulate into a seeming harmonious relationship this may mean the letting go of prompting or pre-empting the solution and a sort of non focussed contemplation so that the favoured programmes, the set patterns are temporarily suspended and the wider unconscious roaming allows the randomness and seemingly uncoordinated and unrelated material to gel into some sort of or semblance of a recognisable harmony and unity that would have previously been aborted and rejected.  

Perhaps from the silence and thought suspended relaxed contemplation and taking imperfection as merely a programmed agenda brought about by life highways and byways, cultural and religious brain washing which give way to inspiration rather than logic and it makes sense, that the imperfect leads one to suspend the ordinary and lead one to the new and pristine on the road to perfection which always after holding it tightly, clasping its security because it is the known and maybe even uncomfortable with it, one may reluctantly release the grasp of the tight rope and float in the sea of unknowing and come to the understanding that perfection is unobtainable yet the drive to obtain it is the tool and technique to at least urge one on to endeavour to reach the unreachable.

Perhaps this called evolution and the Universe is also searching for perfection and keeps its cyclic rhythm’s in endless reincarnations and wrestles and tussles within itself in order to wriggle free from its endless repetitive programmes and to break free into new and fresh pastures. Perhaps this is happening and in our short lives death takes its toll or liberation and yet if we subscribe to reincarnation we repeat the same old same old and perhaps the innate intelligence will awaken in and on one of these cycles and we find the imperfection and recognise it and seek the new hoping this will be the last round and find utter peace and security with well being and say at last I have found perfection.

There is another facet to this; some may let go and suspend perfection / imperfection, chaos and order, yin and yang, night and day and see this as the cause of both imperfection and perfection and they are the interplay of the opposites and realise they are not polar opposites but complementaries and each is born out of the other. Yet at the very centre the very hairbreadth of the crossover is the non descriptive awareness, the emptiness in which all is and was and will be, the fount of creation, the Source Of  Life which maybe non dual and seeks duality to compliment it.

I wonder does God go through this as well?  Perhaps the Almighty is seeking perfection in the endless creation and is dissatisfied with the creation and at times clears the board somewhere and takes the building blocks of creation to fashion a new galaxy, a new dimension and so on until HESHE/SHEHE realises its an eternal game and that change is inevitable and imperfection leads to perfection and vice versa. And perhaps this a mind game and another illusion, a dream that comes from somewhere and fades into nowhere and is forgotten till another dream arrives from the nowhere of the everywhere.