Tuesday 15 January 2019


You Tube

To the rational logical mind solid seems solid, then along comes quantum stuff and if you really think you understand it says Neils Bohr your kidding yourself.  So astrophysicist's have this dilemma as well.  I certainly do.  It is known that everything is composed of particles to atoms to molecules and then somehow to differing forms.  How so say the many? Who collated and arranged the cake mixture ingredients to form the cake. Ah God, so who arranged to form God? It was a big bang, an accident, how did the accident form and an accident implies that something caused the accident and we go round in koan or the wheel of karma or like the hamster / gerbil on there wheel in the cage.

So we have a Universe built on the building blocks of the the particle / atom structure and it is known the atom is 99.99% empty and yet here one is a solid entity or at least coalesced into form, held together by strong / weak nuclear forces and the actions of centripetal and centrifugal forces and gravity. Then we have the view of a great scientist The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.
— James Jeans in The Mysterious Universe[14]
In an interview published in The Observer (London), when asked the question "Do you believe that life on this planet is the result of some sort of accident, or do you believe that it is a part of some great scheme?", he replied:
I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.
Many other scientists echo similar views such as Bohr, Heisenberg, Einstein, Plank and yet the lingering doubt where did consciousness arise from. Here we are back on the hamster wheel or the moebius strip and many philosophers and Gurus who hold the consciousness view.

This quandary is like the Zen Koan, a riddle or a paradox.  OK one has a satori, an AH HA, and yet this only may say to the mind my curiosity is for the moment satisfied, in the few brief AH HA's, clear inspired nothingness I am with my still illusion-ed and feverish mind looking at the walls and my body; not solid, made of atoms which are more empty of substance with things buzzing and in constant movement, held together by their own movement and nothing else all this arising from nothing which is supposed to be not nothing but consciousness and so am I saying that this emptiness is consciousness and that the singularity zero potential quantum field is intelligent and that the observer of it collapses a wave form and how did the field get there anyway, black holes, worm holes, star gates, portals, the string theory, the theory of everything, quantum entanglement, what! and nothing is solid an appearance of solid oh gosh no wonder I am falling apart, after all at the very foundation there is nothing to hang your hat so to speak, no base, no foundation in this moving escalator the moving walkway. The path of no path and all that.  Can I live with that?

Some say when we thoroughly have exhausted the search and quest to find out the origins of the Universe which are the origins of me/ you and I in a nutshell 'who am I' that when you can answer this and if you do one is merely giving a logical answer to shore up a belief of 'I really do exist and yet I doubt it because of my flimsy atomic structure'. The most I can say is; that I appear to be here until I am not.  Can I live with this? Do I have to die physically to get my answer and maybe if there is no afterlife and oblivion, then asking the question is nonsense because there was no purpose if there is no perpetuity to life. Ah says the cellular biologist it merely to perpetuate the species and the survival of the fittest genes so that creation can evolve into a better new model of itself. So now the basic question still arises why if there no plan, an accident, no purpose, no god, no nothing, or maybe nothing is all there is and it arises out of that and we are back again.

Philosophers have wrestled with this and those on a so called spiritual path who feel consciousness is the answer and by exploring the consciousness by awareness of gazing with rapt attention and not seeking answers and allowing by non judgemental attention without intention at the mind, kind of like mind solving mind and awareness being aware of itself and what arises in itself until there is just awareness and no thought and just, just, just that pure awareness is the quantum field and is a kind of term we use for non scientific as God, Great Spirit, The Source and so on.

Of course someone, namely me, who ever that is, will come and spoil it all and ask;well who created awareness and consciousness then? Maybe some argue that there really is  not anything solid and the appearance of form is a kind of trick of habit and agreed paradigm in the end anything put forward is mere conjecture and the scheme of things over billions of years and maybe to come, does anything matter? The past has gone a faded dream if we let it go and reproduce it as our future and the future not here only if we dream it so. So what now. Have a cup of tea and wake up.  That seems to me as good an idea thought at this moment in illusion's time. Time oh gosh, it really only exists in the mind that also is only a notion, for some a mind is only content and remembering and juxtaposing the thoughts in it to present more computation scenarios which blind the awareness as to origins then I may ask what are thoughts but collected experiences and do they take us to who am I or to merely an assumption of a series of memories stuck together and may say; a film star, a vicar, a male, a female and this still does not take us back to the fundamentals.  When the image of illusion such a retirement, an accident robs us of out identity through thought conjuring, we are back at creations and foundations door banging and clamouring for God's take who am I?
Since we do not know if god exists or if god does exist and is invisible who are we really asking? If we say we are asking ourself then we are back to who is this self. 







Qotes Buddy

In a strange reverie just about on waking I heard the words 'I want you, I want you, not your bullshit, I want you, not your history and past'.

I had been feeling this, I had been tousling with this, I realised I had to dissolve the past, not because of its horror or pleasure so much as as its irrelevance and out of sync, incongruity and outworn patterns and sequences which no longer suit or fit my present evolving consciousness.

It is uncomfortable and painful to realise I am no longer who I thought, believed and have become. The evolving me is not an accomplishment in the sense of obtaining more or acquiring something tangible. It is in fact a more transparent, naked simplicity that is growing.

Some years back I had what I call the 'Dennis' experience which I have aired many times, an experience of being nothing and gales of laughter and freedom and expressed in a video that was sent to me after sharing this experience with a friend the video is called 'The laughing Buddha and is a person named Dennis and Mugi' . I erroneously thought I was liberated in mind for ever, the emancipation only released the authority of restriction to let go of more dead past rotting material. 

Several other such interludes of feeling free and unbounded have come and gone, these all leaked away more layers of impacted strata of stored reactions and experiences which helped to sustain the appearance of a solid being structure and reality.  These were like water gradually dripping and wearing away rock to to turn it into a valley and free running stream, to allow the great life force freedom to flow and be.

So such a event took place this particular morning at a full moon at the end of May 2018 'I want you'; this has been building up for months. I am tired like I was when I finished the workshops, my job, my clients / patients and the blog online(not quite there although changing the emphasis from conspiracy / political to more the Sun and possible wipe out and even a new being evolving).  This particular event was brought on the day before; I had been for a curry and expected to meet some friends there, they were not, the waiter and I had got into some serious stuff over physics, philosophy, although his dad did not like it, he was the chef and owner being into a strict religion and thought I was polluting the mind of his son, although his son was way out of it, and during this conversation some customers interjected and they were strict into their religion, not those of the owner and started what was nearly an argument, but we turned into a discussion and they left rapidly.

To add to this saga the weather had dropped to a bitter, really bitter wind, rain and cold, I did not put on warm enough clothes and was too lazy to go back to home from the bus stop outside my home and change. So when I came out of the curry house I got chilled, did not for some reason enjoy the meal, and limped badly to the bus stop, cold, frozen, out of sorts. On arriving home I put on all the heat I could and felt frozen in mind and body and in rasping pin point pain in my left hip which had been playing up.

I watched a drama which had intrigued me on the telly and some football.  The meal, the drama, the football, seemed alien and I felt a stranger in a strange land, also a phone chat with a lovely friend about esoteric stuff fell short of what I really wanted to talk about which was about 'I do know what or why'.  So I felt depleted, distant and went to bed late and slept well and had this weird 'I want you' after in the dream state I had been chased by an ashen white apparition of my late cousin Professor Cyril Wolf. He was ashen white, had no glasses and was chastising me and urging to publish my works, lecture, earn money from them and use my talents.  I ran with him chasing me, I awoke out of the dream into  the reverie as above.

I could not get warm with added clothes and the heat from the radiators. I was chilled to the bone and my mind frozen.  I started to meditate and felt words coming to me, I have two digital small pocket recorders and I find them useful for recording Ah Ha's and feelings and listening back often brings a deeper knowing. I rarely use runes, I did this morning and they made no sense they were the opposite to what I thought would be appropriate. Then what had happened countless times in the last few months occurred; I was sick and tired of these discussions as in the curry place and the futile discussions which turn to arguments when others and myself try to win brownie points, although I rarely press the point and I suggest by examples and stories rather than it coming from me, and yet there is this distaste for curry, sharing and the like, a new way was and is emerging and the point is there is no 'new state, beliefs, if fact the absence of them, no new stances, in fact it was an empty nothing to say or be'. This was in contradiction 'I want you' you without story, stance or conjecture, you from the soul, the heart, you from the centre, from the awareness, from the emptiness.

I then had an experience; as I was ruminating on the 'you' I saw on the wall opposite my chair and kind of beam that like in science fiction took one away, beamed a sort of solid me up and out and left a transparent shell, the so called solidness of my form seemed to dissolve and what remained was a virtual me. 

I felt fear was only when one identified with solid form, a rock like flesh structure that had its own identity and was kidding itself it was and is eternal and will not get old and crumble, all dominant and in complete charge of itself it was ego, it knew it was going to collapse and die one day and this was its fear, fear that was super glue to keep it in tact and bound together. Yet the emancipated awareness knew it was somehow always an awareness wherever and whenever.

I felt the past stuff was outmoded, half hearted, not meaningful no longer needed, and yet there was still a residue of the solidness of form which because of its identity knew it was a false temporary passport, a label which confirmed to it was a citizen, the passport, bank account, house number, birth certificate, driving licence, tax form, pension , the PH.D, doctor, road sweepers, footballer and so on, yet they were mere concrete planks to support the solidness, and then realising this is just a temporary stance for a few years, panic, I must employ fear to bolster up my solid beingness in this fragile flesh casket.

Underneath or all around is the 'you' and that is what it is and it does not need the old postures to express itself and it is time to change. Change into what? There is no what or where or indeed when.  So what now, perhaps that's all there is 'NOW'.


George Nisynos
















New Scientist 

I'm safe in space

My real self is awareness

Awareness doesn't have any direction unless intended

Awareness is unlimited and boundless

So wherever there is space by my true nature It is safe



Drawing How To Draw

It was a spring morning and the sun shone hazily through the window and the window seemed surprisingly clear and I had the feeling of lightness and brightness and my body which has taken a pounding recently and somewhat murky mind seemed lifted and more at ease. It was in meditation that this feeling came to me.

I then perceived in my minds eye a black blob that winged in and stuck right in the middle of the window and on close inspection it appeared to be a spider.  The spider began spreading the web across the window and the threads were black and somewhat grotesque.

I realised that the web was the past and its programmes, agendas, conditioning and cultural influences, the trends and fashions, the idioms and idiosyncrasies and ego pursuits and they somewhat reduced the light and filtered through in a pattern that the tentacles of the net allowed or presented. 

This absence of light and the shadow this web cast were my past and the shadow side of me and I had been undergoing for several months a dark blot, a despair and despondency at times depression and wanted out of this world.  What was there if not the past?  This was strange for I knew about meditation, I had experienced the grace and light many times, I had been retired from forensics for eighteen years, I have written blogs, posts, this site, and presented a large number of workshops and seen countless patients.

So what did this mean?   Well it came to me that I had to now give all my energy to start a new phase. I have and as I type a really painful back and knees and it seemed to say my foundation my support strategies and system were out worn and with this came fatigue, distraction and hopelessness. The spider was bang right in the middle of the window and is was the core, the central node, it was the ego and the web is its programmes and strategies and so on. Its job was to filter the light and use the energy of the light and absorb it to energise its own agendas so depleting me of energy.

Then how to remove it? I have meditated over many years, I have lectured, work shopped on it, spent hours with friends of the past talking it through and meditating and contemplating, prayers and so on.  Yes gradually more light was appearing. Self Growth work, analysis, having a mentor Sensei and Sifu and all of that did loosen the grip  a bit but somehow this morning was different. After it sunk in several interesting things came up; one I felt to stop all kinds of muscle and fitness stuff and just do Qi Gong and meditate and gradually have like a spiritual as it were day, I was beginning to get fed up with the double standards and duplicity of the world politics and so was coming away from my Posts and just being more still and aware. I was building a new foundation not on any notions, explanations and sort of loosely held notions that I found were deeper and the belief of no beliefs, there is no foundation, if I say inner peace well that moves and spills over, if I say awareness I am still looking for ‘place’ a ‘feeling’ that will become my rock.  This was ‘having no head’ feeling and as such I cannot go any further. What are you with no head?

Everything above is a moving scenario and the blob spider still filters the light and day by day the I am beginning to understand I am not a watered down, filtered shadow, a mere pattern on the wall from the reflected light, I am indeed becoming the light, not really becoming because as the light is coming in the room of my consciousness, my mind, I am merely recognising the light is me there never was a separation only a dimming, the light and I are One. What was seen as separation was an illusion until the great spider blob teacher showed me and pointed to the obvious fact that separation from the light is the job of the ego which is a tormentor and mentor.  Darkness of the mind is surely a saviour when one dives through it.



The Resume Place

When I contemplate my accomplishments in the outside world such as successes, failures, material comfort, health and relationships apart from health I do not really wish for anything more or put it mildly I haven't the interest or energy for new projects or relationships. Age maybe, or maybe something else?

I got to thinking or more like a feel think that all possible accomplishments are temporary, and like a dream gone by so what next I ask?  Since life in a body is so short no matter what age looking back and living in the memory of the past is like living a dream and not to my mind satisfactory much like the continual to me not interesting videos and repeats one gets on TV, so switch it off and ----?

Maybe I am mistaken or just another dream or hoping vainly there is an after life, and since I have no children and relatives, friends that I deeply am associated with, I have a compassion but very little emotional love for anybody and just have a smiling glance at me and my lot.

So since I feel there is reincarnation and I do not wish to make a come back (reincarnation is making a comeback and reincarnating itself) and I feel like a kind of magnetism I maybe drawn back to finish off unfinished business, a sort of divine accountancy, then emotional and programmed agendas have a lure so I feel that I want to give myself not the ego programmes of this world, the material hedonism that seems to prevail but the more refined and hopefully pristine energy body suitable for the energetic refinery of the next dimension.

So whatever years are left I will endeavour to do things which I feel maybe commensurate with the incarnation where this soul entity will sojourn and perhaps even move on from there.




















Life is real what I presume about Life is unreal.  Life in a body of flesh is temporary, a brief stay and I might think this is all life is. Take good care of this lovely body is it OK up to a point, supplements, exercise, good sleep, food as pure as one get it and so on. Doctors and health professionals diets and fads, seeking immortality by all means, forever youthful can be an obsession and therefore cause anxiety and stress so defeating the idea of glowing longevity.

Grow like a tree is a well known Eastern quote. The tree cannot ask for help as humans know it, it relies on nature and the creator of Mother Earth and that is to supply its needs, in drought it withers and ceases to be just a dead thing, in bountiful times with the weather commensurate to its growth it is green, full of sap and is in  its turn a shelter and life sustenance to birds nests, ants, monkeys and the falling leaves as compost and much more.

'Consider the lilies of the field they toil not neither do they spin' and they get their nourishment as do the birds, 'think not of the morrow for the morrow will take care of itself'.  Yet these fine quotations are exactly what my programmes and brainwashed brain does not want to hear and yet it does struggle to incorporate because it does not really like the task of protecting its larder of falsities and compromises and the energy spent sustaining its false image, which at this time seems to be a world of political and religious ethos. Hence fake news, fake identities, intrigue and mayhem.

Trying to define life is merely defining it from my own thoughts, programming and conditioned responses, Life is beyond presumption, eloquent writing or expression.  Life has its own inimitable footprint and signature, far beyond the human mind capacity. 'Before language were symbols' before logic and technique came there were natures gift and the native mind did not think as so called sophisticated homo sapien's do.  The rustle of the leaves, the call of the bird, the graceful lope of the animals, the silky snake, the gliding fish and the delight of the quiet, the sweet smell of air and flowers, the gift of the trees and the echo in ones heart and in these modern times amidst the traffic a bird call that others may not hear because they are on their phones or head buried in the paper and then at home the constant TV or Radio on, answer phone messages and so on.  Yet my hearts delights and I smile when I see a bird, squirrel, cat or dog in my garden, the flowers and trees are my delight and companions because they share the quietness with me and we grow together in it.

These days one has to work to keep ones life in tact.  I am fortunate I have a small pension, and yet ample if I do not subscribe to the advertising and the fashion of the day, the trendy marketing and glamour and the thrill of sport and the fascination with intrigue and horror. But Life carries on with or without anything one can define, far beyond the body, earth, solar system, galaxies and the universe and its multi dimensions. Life goes on when massive stars explode, when the sun will go, when there appears to be nothing, empty a void, a desert of empty so perceived sterility.  At this point I can give up to uselessness and depression and seek those very distractions that fill the gap of seeming emptiness and these very distractions are indeed empty at the most sensually fulfilling and enticing, seductive and cause addiction because they seem to give meaning, and like a pain killer temporary until the nagging pain of 'what is life and why am I here and its too complicated and after all no one really knows, so flick through the TV channels, eat the chocolate, read spy stories and James Bond films galore. Then oh god, death, its finality and yet to some a relief from the pain of fleshly life, from futile work just to make money, war, disease, old age, oh if I had money I could afford to live in a warmer climate, retire to a care home of quality and not a government care home where I am doped up and sleep in front of a TV and take endless pills and slop foods.

It is letting go of trying to fathom the mystery of life and its source that may bring the answers.  Because life and its source is outside the realm of human logic and supposition that one has to go outside the box of the brain intellect and so far accumulated thought and experience and by just being quiet and observing in that quietness, yes a kind of empty mind and going through intrusive itching, stiffness, tense body and busting thought intrusion, just letting the sensations pour through one without resistance, like on the death bed, just letting things collapse, only the awareness witnessing the cessation of every thought and relaxing of the body and there is a chance that something else enters, actually it has been waiting in the wings of the theatre of ones mind, it is Life and should one just surrender to that quiet interlude then one may catch a glimpse, snatch a reprieve from death and mortality.  For Life is and always will be whether we like it not, it is the backdrop of all there is.

'Be still and know I am God within you',  Be still and feel I am Life within you', 'Be empty of thought of your own making so that you may know by feeling that I AM' 'Be still and know I am what I Am beyond definition and words' ' Be still and Life will speak to you in its own special way' Be still in the wilderness of the quiet desert of the soul and listen out for the small whispering quiet voice of Life and if there in no voice rest in the inner peace and tranquillity and fill up with nourishing replenishment'





There is an urgency and frustration that has haunted me over the last two years and this can be expressed as such taken from a calendar; 'From the death of my body on the Cross, as from the the shedding of husks in seed-life, springs that New Life which is My Gift to every man that will accept it. A risen Life  so glad and free can be yours'.  

It is the same message as in many philosophies, religions and some cults, the turning out of the self and letting the Self be the guiding consciousness which it always is, but clouded by the ego (self) with its attending programmes and conditioning. The frustration that I mention above is that when I let go, relax and open up with a free expression and open free running awareness I feel this expansion, this freedom and sometimes this warm embracing grace.

When I feel this it is like the shedding of the husks which I equate to my brainwashing and traumas which by conditioning and repetition have compressed into a tight ball or knot and seemed to have been my reality but now gaps are appearing the knot are  slowly slowly unravelling and the light is able to penetrate through this tangled skein, and this light is the light of awareness which in turn makes transparent the fog and delusion having been lived.

Although as I scribe this I live in a flesh body or maybe I am deluded for all matter is but tightly packed trillions and trillions of atoms / particles whatever they may be, so at present I must accept that by some great plan, some Source Creator has it in mind, literally in Mind, in Its consciousness and is aware of its creation of which I suppose I am but one infinitesimal part and yet there can be in a Mind of that proportion, and is a mind measurable, yet again by supposition by its content and the Universe has much content, so I do not exist as an independent unit or form, I only exist as a person 'I' by the notion of my own agenda and conditioning.

I yearn to just live by the power and consciousness of this New Life even unto the flesh where I caste my life and throw myself headlong and without thought and trust naturally as small child with kindly parents that all is well and will be so for ever.

Yet the robot entity a seemingly unwanted visitor an unfriendly guest, a lodger, a tenant now has become unwanted or rather has served faithfully in its time but now has become redundant and does not help or serve the life now entered and is unfortunately not fit for purpose and its modes and patterns, it connivance's and deployments are rusted, withered and decaying. It is a dying entity and is weakly and reluctantly and vainly endeavouring to sustain itself on a dwindling battery life and yet refuses to utterly let go, there is a fear and distrust; can I really let go, can I really trust this Fresh Eternal New Life, am I worthy to join and be one with the Universe and Its Creator, have I the right to exist as co -operator in this vastness. Well yes says the Great Life, ah, but says the self.

The urgency mentioned above is that I fear in my advancing years that I may not have enough time to dissolve this 'i-self' and have to come back to a flesh body and work out the remaining agenda programme brainwashing which seems to have such a octopus tentacle grip on me, or such an alluring seductive material haze that obscures the light as by a hypnotic trance like pervasive subtly.  The annoying and irritating part is; the more I try by a number of means to let go, unclasp the fist, open the mind, it becomes a task, a discipline and defeats the purpose by the very ploys contracted, that which seeks to liberate me by my own connivance's and devices only seems to tighten the net giving me respite now and then when I get so tired and exhausted I have to let go.

There is a illustration; a man is trapped in a burning building and the only way out is through the window. Unfortunately he is many stories up and about a seventy feet off the ground. He goes out and grasps the metal gutter. Down below people have set a safety net blanket and yet he is frightened to let go. The gutter is getting very hot and he swaps hands until at last the pain of the heat in the hands forces him to let go. He knows afterwards that the net will catch him and break his fall.

Now in my case I logically and deeply feel, a real heart tug that if I truly let go all will be very well, I know this logically, intellectually and the few times real grace, synchronistically and amazingly, miraculously and spontaneously this is so. AND yet there is defiance, a reluctance, what in God's name holds me back, fear yes, uncertainty yes, lack of trust yes. There are no real excuses I own up, I own my own lack of trust and distrust, my vain ego which says 'never mind God and the Universe I am in charge and know what is best for you or rather me. Don't be fooled by this invisible god thing energy, believe in me, you can feel and see me, the empty stuff, the spirit, can you see it, oh you can fool yourself by a few uplifting joyous moments and then down in the pits, then you latch onto the Buddha's pain pleasure principle and yo yo, you know you are bi polar and need help'.

This is where I say get behind me ego and let me be, this is perhaps the battle that the self growth spiritual warrior, the path of the quest to find the light, the truth, god, emancipation and crippling disease and old age not that you might have these but rather one is upheld through these events and under girded by the reality of the calm, beauty and knows that the sacrifice of the ego by letting go is the removal of the husks, the womb, the carapace, the out warn skin, the chrysalis and out of its protective shelter where it has been the seedling nourished and protected lets go, the crab its new expanded carapace, the snake its new skin to fit its growing body, the caterpillar to the butterfly and becomes this delicate beautiful being and as to me, the me dissolves and the 'i self becomes the 'I Self'.

I wonder if any of the 'i I' really exist in reality and is all in the mind?  And what of this mind is that a reality for who can see it but for its content and how does content arise and disappears and is it all an illusion and so on. Does it matter when one has let go and gone then the past conundrum has vanished.




I awoke after a great nights sleep to a dread and did not want get up and then a sharp stabbing pain as if pierced by a needle and this apparition seemed to come out of my abdomen. I then went to my computer to see if I could get an image of what I had seen.

The computer had crashed and I had to install with the help of Geek Squad a new account as the old pofile account had been corrupted. Was this synchronism or coincidence?

I have had several psychic attacks and have put them into my old blogs.  Since they may not be taken over into archives I will give two or three events only; I had an Aunt who had a caste in her eye, not the usual kind a sort of iris abnormality, like a small square over it. My Grandma who was from Russia / Ukraine and Jewish had some strange customs Jewish an Shamanistic in a way, she immediately said my Aunt had the evil eye(Ayin Hara--Hebrew) and we all recoiled in horror and when she came we all got sick of some sorts, so my granny then rubbed our wrists with butter to get rid of the 'goolickiss' I haven't the faintest idea what they are, she then licked our eyelids and we had to turn side to side and spit out the devil whilst clenching our fist and spreading our fingers.

I got fed up with this and went to Sensei and told him he said ' Granny put idea in head and so you believed and got frightened and so it happened, mind very powerful in fright' he then went onto say 'Imagine a mirror so when aunt arrives your reflect back and ideas of evil, imagine a mirror so bright that no dust can get on it'.

 We did this next time she arrived, we were fine but aunty got sick. I went jubilant to Sensei and he said 'no mirror should not be aimed at aunty but send bad thoughts to Universe, Universe is great laundry and will send clean good back', next time we were all well.

I had a terrible pain in my neck at specific point and I felt as if I had been attacked by some force. I went to a friend who is very psychic and she felt I was attacked by a voodoo sort of force, she told me where there were places that specialised in these sort of things, I felt to pick one of them. When I went in the man who ran the shop went into a panic and said please do not make this happen to me I did it but now you have seen me it will happen to me unless you help me. 

I asked him do you know me, no he said, but a man came in with your photo and paid me to make a kwepie wax doll. He then said to take the curse or hex from him he needed me to see the doll, he took me into a shed and there were about fifty dolls with pins in various places on bodies with name tags on them. He said I had to melt the doll and that would clear him and me. I said I would if he told me who paid him to do this, he told me, it was a so called friend who thought I was taking his girl friend from him and being Australian and he had seen some shamans do this in the aboriginal areas he did the same here to seek out a similar solution. We did sort out the matter. I was not interested in his girlfriend.  The pin in the doll was the exact point that was the point in my neck.

A lady who felt I did her wrong by reporting her many underhand tactics to her bosses got together with her friend who was a gypsy and boasted of her powers of hexing and curses also some good vibes. They got together and decided they would have a go at hexing me. The friend of the lady that is the gypsy lady and I were very friendly and laughed a lot when we met and she seemed genuine. One night as I was walking into my flat the lady gave me a piercing look and I felt I wonder what that was for, I knew she didn't like me at all, but there was an energy that was different.  

That night I felt attacked so I felt to use the mind mirror and just deflect it back and felt it was the two as above.  The next day as I stepped out of the lift the gypsy lady was there and she was glaring at me and shoved me against the wall and marched off the other lady has never spoken to me since that is over six years ago.

I asked the gypsy ladies daughter why have I upset her mum she said 'you wouldn't understand and I don't want to talk about it' I asked her partner another gypsy man about it' he said well her stuff she does backfired on her, just watch your back'.  Three months later gypsy lady died suddenly and unexpectedly.

I have done some SHACKS on this subject and have mentioned these people who have researched this just to name one the late Dr Arthur Guirdham. These energies are real and are dangerous.  I only use the mind mirror in unusual and special circumstances, prayer and meditation seems to work most of the time.  My prayers are mainly of gratitude rather than asking for favours ad miracles.

I might add I have met travellers and gypsies and like most of population there are good so called and bad so called. The gypsies have a unique and beautiful way about them and some travellers I have met are most wise and kindly----it takes all sorts.












Teachers pay teachers






Make a Meme

I am not my degrees, they change with knowledge as most other things do. I am not my accomplishments, they are merely the contents of my life.

My life is the energy of awareness, I only witness my accomplishments.

Who is this me anyway?









Important information about the 5 G ROLL OUT AND CALIFORNIAN FIRES IN PARADISE USA


POSTS  359 A 5G AND 360

Tuesday 1 January 2019


Many prophecies from holy books and wise persons have mentioned a dark age and an evil devilish energy or monster coming from the deep either the sea or some say the bowels of the Earth or extra terrestrial sources and dimensions and so forth. There are writings which say the Earth retains in the soil and its auric fields the contamination of soil, pollution and the hatred, venom and choking poisonous negativity of human thought and awful atrocities. This is a sort of collective unconscious which also is an individual unconscious and like a river joining the ocean there are interactive relationships.

The human mind has an ability to store distant memories some may call it reincarnation from aeons over the millennia and more so. These may appear as very subtle influences as miasms in homoeopathy, subtle minuscule eddy currents in the human aura especially the astral sheath.  Much research has gone on and is continuing; Dr Rupert Sheldrake – Morphic Resonances, Dr Michael Newton –regression, Dr Graham Farrant- Primal Therapy the exchange and communication between human egg and sperm ‘in utero’, Dr Arthur Guirdham-clinical psychologist and reincarnation ‘book ‘Cathars and Reincarnation and We are one Another’ Dr Helen Wambach –book Life before Life, Dr Richard Moody, Professor Saxton –Burr---Life force fields and so on.  

These subtle influences are the pain pleasure cycle which oscillates over lifetimes and is like the proverbial hamster on the wheel or the cycle of Karma with dukka said to be unsatisfactory, painful desire with avidya which is ignorance as in Eastern Philosophy. Many feel these at the back of their minds as it were, a shadowy ghoul in some ways and have a constant feeling of a horrible event about to happen and are uncomfortable, an unpleasant encounter, a sort of bitter taste in the mouth, a queasiness, a churning in the guts, unease as if the predator was and is hiding behind a bush or lurking in a dark alley, somewhere in the labyrinth of the mind.   

Many of the hand me downs are then seen to be magnetic energy fields of very small voltages for instance healthy cells are between 50 and 70 millivolts and where ever there is a field which is electrical there is a magnetic component, one could say genetic influence and now by the science of epigenetic’s can be altered, some basic ones cannot.

So we see from the doctors above there are these fields which in many lie dormant and some run our lives through programming through culture, politics, religion, science and particularly the media.

The collective unconscious and the individual unconscious is a pit, a library of dark buried traumas and delights and jumps up like a predator, hungry saliva dripping beast hungry to satiate itself because feasting on emotional substance feeds its pain for unrequited love and unfinished business. Indeed today with the awesome graphics of the large TV screens, digital holographic games, the noise and all other gizmo's and gadgets feed the imagination and can make one addictive and believe this is the real self.

Then there is the fascination with horror, death, corpses, war, celebrity, fashion and fame, success at all costs feeding the individual unconscious and awakening distant far memory shadows, fleeting memories like a stalking anaconda, slithering silently and then pouncing like a saboteur. To late the awareness zapped and seduced and the auto pilot of the unconscious clicks in and many lose the choices and automatically succumb to habits of time gone by and fuelled by the graphics and virtual reality.  The real self is lost so to speak and a veil, a shroud,  spectre, a ghost like entity and has for that instant possessed us and we then run unleashed until the beast in the vault, the denizen in its lair rests with belly full and allows our awareness to partially come through. 

This apparition, this phantom is a hungry ghost who wishes to become earthbound and inhabit a human flesh body but cannot quiet do it because its energetic body is exhausted and can only lamely arouse itself and experience through the emotions of a host and the images as per videos, wars, monster movies which give it ample energy to become like a virus in the mind of the beholder and becomes infected. This is the awakening of the predator of the collective karma of our planet and as it arises through the endless communication systems in so many electronic devices it awakens the collective filmy transparent horrors and pleasures and so the out playing, the pouring out of atrocities heard but now seen world wide instantly, those who are attracted by satanic black magic, sadomasochism, paedophilia, ritual sacrificing, pornography are then overcome by a heady emotional energy and succumb to the uncontrollable urge to work out these influences and then afterwards for those who are aware and feel remorse, guilt and shame because they have a feeling of disliking the emotion afterwards and this is not who they are, they can be assisted to become more aware and so help to vent the dark cellar, the basement and the pit of unresolved present and past unfinished business, each person awakening takes a little out of the collective and assists the cleansing.

Here meditation, mindfulness can assist. Thwarting this is the blame game and not owning these painful feelings and so projecting them onto a third party. Blame can go for so long that the burying, repression and suppression gets so impacted and fills up the pit of buried feelings that one can become unfeeling, a sociopath, psychopath and all aspects between and completely ignoring these feeling and seeking distraction and denial. It can also arouse altruism and that taken to an extreme becomes proselytes and fanaticism.

The middle way of compassion is attempted when one does not judge blame or bully, then one can be a fence sitter. Perhaps one who sits quietly and lets thoughts go through and watches without censorship can quieten the mind and let intuition and wisdom speaks.

So these days in 2018 the collective collected karma the refuse of yester yore’s and the dross of what we have created now with technology, the rape of nature, the abuse of humanity towards itself may be a sign of a detoxification, the pus coming out of the wound a purging and cleansing and hopefully the caterpillar entering the chrysalis and I have a feeling that it is stirring, a birthing of a new age. Yet those with the pesticides spraying may disturb the chrysalises and knowing that nature grows back and cleanses even oil spills and environmental disasters, it is only a delay and when either humanity has gone a new form Homo Energetica  / Spiritulana indeed the next step of evolution now unfolding and allowing the poison and us to see the light of day and maybe every individual is going through their own purging and those that sleep and are victim and unaware and robotic reaction will one  day have a jolt in some way---let us hope it is not  an utter planet destruction.


Have Posted Post 359 on www.geofffreed.com


Green Plank AB

Habits are repeatable patterns of frequency which establish an identity. The thirty two trillion cells in the body with all the molecules, atoms and particles all interacting and exchanging information and creating interference patterns ah la the information they ‘carry’ or by a design.  This is shown by the bio photon work of German physicist Fritz Albert Popp and the more light emission the healthier the cell. This infers that the frequencies may well cause a holographic display. 

Science How Stuff Works
I have revised a view from the past where I felt the mind was and is a light which like a cinema projector which shone through the frames of the film, the old celluloid types onto the screen of mind, or the screen was back lit and so on. I now feel it is a holographic projection into space and does not need a screen, a screen is two dimensional, a hologram from a projector and in space is three and four dimensional. The projector is mind, consciousness, light and being. The hologram appears in a void, space, and in a way space is created by the illusion of the hologram. So there is a projection from a source which is indescribable as to its nature and seemingly intangible to the human senses and a shift in the projection ah la the programmes and conditioning, shifts the so called reality. The billions of folk on Earth have this belief that they are corporeal flesh and blood entities and that is all, many hold there is more to it and some know by tradition we are energy beings, spiritual or spirit energetic beings in essence.

Maybe we are working towards this in our technologies as many are realising the virtual possibilities and the digital manipulations thereof. As the population wakes up to the quantum world and the emptiness of the atom and then the light wave interfacing of virtual reality and we choose our reality which can shift over the years and as we flounder in the sea of ‘unreal- ness’ seeing how the graphics of virtual reality are based on ideas, programmes, algorithms, equations mental and psychological manipulations laid on coloured graphics which emotionally evoke images in which we identify and so by repetition we come to believe it as solid and reality, yet we know deep down buried under the debris of trickery and sleight of light we are a holographic virtual reality.

In order for the reality to persist it must be anchored or tied down and fear does this. Fear causes one to seek an answer an identity a saviour a destroyer and many positions in between.  In a way a virtual reality assumes an identity and becomes a sort of conscious being and at best knows it is a temporary being and so is always wishing and trying to preserve itself.  In itself these projection which are mere patterns of light adjusted and by repetition form the habit and so the laser show forms a belief which we believe is solid and reality.

It would be interesting if a great number of the populace realised we were holograms from consciousness ah la our programming and we are in reality projected light beings and indeed we are homo energetica / spiritulana, and that the Universe is a light show a hologram and all that other dimensions are, are merely different light frequencies which occasionally interface and interfere or entrain with our dimension, just like the many TV, mobile / cell phones pick up and animals hear and sense.  So we may have a choice; if reality is shifting sands situations why not choose to be a healthy, positive, loving healthy being of longevity----it’s all fantasy---an idea in mind.

Looking around the room the walls seem so solid everything looks real the light fitting my diplomas on the wall and so on. The last few months June 2017 to at time of scribing this March 2018 I have been through overwhelm, upheaval and physical pain as the unconscious stuff becomes conscious with the facility of awareness and not negating or denying it brings the programmes to surface that no longer serve one and the shocking truth I am not my programmes, conditioning and my identity is a nebulous convenience to stick a label to know I exist and yet this label in itself is short lived.

Knowing the above in its full stark reality sends shock waves, jolts the nervous system and can draw one into a dark world of denial, distraction, suicidal thoughts and depression. Seeing the wall of my room so solid and yet knowing it is only an idea, and the wall is actually made of atoms and really only impacted trillions of waves of energy it should if I was not so held in the grip of belief that it is solid and only a sledge hammer could penetrate it, if I really knew this I could walk through this wall and anything else. An experience I had at my former work place; I was meditating and suddenly I saw through the wall the outside scenario and when I came out startled and went to the window some yards away and I had been in a dark windowless silent room there was this scenario taking place.  So I knew this is possible.  Doubt, work and the daily grind took this from me and I did not pursue this. However it has its use now.  Maybe at that time it was not appropriate. Everything it seems has to be at the right timing, whatever that is.

The world in many ways is coming to many challenges to the paradigms; money, war, sovereignty, life, the rape of humanity and nature and the nature of reality. Once the splitting of the atom, the atomic hydrogen nuclear weapons, the nature of the atom and the quantum realities, the virtual nature of all things at foundational levels are realised, the grip of the paradigm, the religions, the cultures of the world start collapsing and there is a grasping of the lifeboats and seeking the Knights in Shinning White Armour’ the Messiah’s, the Gurus, who on Earth will save us. Panic, fear, mistrust as the new energies of the next shift in evolution, the old skins peel off what and when will save us, I will repair the old skins and find they no longer fit.  This is a fundamental shock so great that some go mad, some take to weirdness and bury their heads so deeply that they suffocate in their own stuff and some brave it out and face it no matter what.  I guess I do both at times depending on the severity of the storm that is battering my fortress of programmes and beliefs that afford me a known safe shore, which I know are not safe and are crumbling fast and cause me to face up or die in the onrush of virtual tsunami.

Then comes the question of space; in a dream where is space, so the mere projection of the hologram in a dream creates the illusion it is taking place in space, where is that space in the head or brain and is not the very cholesterol, the fleshly fabric of the brain itself not made of these 99.99% of its so called existence and rots on death.  So the awake dream maybe the same only we do not know we are dreaming only by consensus of trillions and billions of lives we have agreed it so.  What happens when we awake to our real selves, supposing we awake from the dream and so not wake up and go deeper into sleep, who are we then, and maybe go out of the body on death, who are we then, do we realise we are light beings or go to oblivion?

So as long as the hologram of virtual reality, the me who I think I am projects and plays this creates time, thoughts create time, time is created between thoughts, time is an illusion, when one is bored time drags in enjoyment or occupied it is said to fly by, yet the clock says ‘hold on I know’.

I feel there is a fundamental process, something deep and massive; a shift that the Cosmos is pushing itself and all the creation to its next step.  I can feel the Earth shaking with deep trembling energies, I feel the New Earth in the birth canal, and no matter if we stop and clear up plastic in the sea, GMO foods, Chemtrails, electronic fog, there is this natural cycle and a clearing of the old outworn patterns of centuries gone by. For me my hips, knees, abdomen and spine are trembling at times, these are my foundations and they are rebuilding and vulnerable at these tumultuous times, I cannot fight this deep fundamental radical structural Cosmic change which will sweep away the cobwebs, the misty eyes of delusion. The process is a runaway train rushing headlong to a unknown destination and as to where that is heaven knows.

Ghosts and light beings go through walls it is said masters can as well; there stories of highly advanced gurus, masters and so forth doing this and many others witnessed Sensei and the Oak (told elsewhere )break the wood and walking through radioactive bomb debris also elsewhere. It is only my concreteness mind set that says no way.  It all compacted thought compacted light and this is the realisation that needs to go from intellectuality to real time, out of virtual reality of compact form to the virtual reality of being a light being. In the end of it all there is no space, all is the mind that projects the hologram and the projection does not travel or have a solid reality it is an appearance a light show that gives the illusion of time and space.  In fact there is nowhere to travel or go only what one’s desire is based on graphics culled from life experiences and shuffled reconfigured to be commensurate and concomitant with the will of the dreamer.

The Universe is a virtual hologram from a source, there is no distance in this mind, this mind contains all that is and so is everywhere and in everything a vast hologram of which we are an infinitesimal unit within it, a node merely adding or subtracting to the reality of the whole.  No wonder these truths these ground breaking quantum realities are shaking heavens foundations and us mortals shaking with it.