Sunday 27 May 2018


Airing my dirty laundry

When one stops trying to stick a label on who one is, who you are and comes to an agreement with yourself that isn't a label nor a description that fits and there isn't a title to describe oneself.  Then instead of lamenting who you are or might be and accept that no definition or box fits and you do not get depressed and you perhaps embrace that empty space its OK and the only no place to be.



harmonious awakening.









Trust in Life, life has its own way. Do not try to own or manipulate Life. Life is without beginning or end----fear not.

Life takes on temporary forms called experiences.  What is Life---it is known by its forms which are transient and expedient, that is a mere expression of Life, not Life Itself.  Oh Life, sweet Life, What a mystery!

In the throb like a deep buzzing and mild pin pricks are felt at the energy level. When there is trust in Life things work out in a way not to what maybe expected.

Waves seem to be carriers of information. Sometimes I feel change in a wave of feeling, it is a silent whisper. Waves come to change the landscape and bring change.

This is the wave of all waves and at the midpoint between crest and valley is the midpoint of all emanation it is the One that divides itself in two and so creation begins and ends.


 I found this in an old ruck sack and it was in a old wood covered small notebook, the notes were scribbled and they were written in the late sixties and early seventies when I wondered around Spain and lived in my shack in Minorca. I write this in June 2017.



Being quiet and still is only a means to feel the source that is the essence of Life, God the Almighty.  It is not just being still for one can experience the ‘spring’ that is the bubbling joy and the happy chortling brook which is the stream and river of light spontaneously at random times.

When one is still and quiet then one’s thoughts are quiet and settled down and sometimes they are not there at all.  In this mode one seems awakened and a clarity which seems to have light, harmony and a profound happiness.

Awareness is its essence which is consciousness which thought and other processes are energised from, not so much from the acquired mind which is a splinter and has its own agenda and siphons off some of the energy for its functions.

By acquired mind I mean the mind that has been conditioned by Earthly religion, culture and politics and general life experiences.

The essence mind has always been there, it is the life force and it is without beginning or end.  So by the dropping of thought not by suppression or destruction that the source resides and can be experienced.

When the clouds of thoughts subsides the blue sky of consciousness and the original mind is apparent even in pain it is possible to let thought subside and feel a modicum of ease and joy.  When the mists of confusion clears and the forest of doubt make a path and the fog of illusion is blown away by the winds of change then the clear light of Life shines through and then one knows without words, pictures or explanations what is. Should one have to question or label what is then one is back in the fog and into delusion.

The withdrawal from the fog can be a harrowing experience because that was taken as an unquestionable reality which now has been shattered.

The habitual mind tries vainly to gather and claw back and make ‘Humpty Dumpty’ together again.  So the round of karma starts off again, the reincarnation which is a continuance of habits and routines.

One solution remains; be the unbiased witness to the process of unfolding habits and routines and by observation in a non-judgemental fashion the process itself will reveal what is to shed and lighten the burden of such a heavy thought load.




Sunday 13 May 2018


Is it arrogance to say I am enlightened or I am without fear, I am not brainwashed, I do not need hospitals, doctors and so on?

First of all it depends which ‘I’ one refers too.  The essential self is already free of those above and it may well be it is the ego that asks these points because in my mind it seems that if one states these attributes then there is a doubt.  I say this because the essential self is in this awareness and doesn't know any other state so it needs no referral point. The ego is wishing to be free and its feeling of freedom is relative to its programming and agendas which are at best subject to change through life experience and brain washing, propaganda and circumstances, the essential self has only its essential state and no other, it is a seamless being.

I question those who claim enlightenment for it was said to me by wise persons this is a ‘spiritual trap’ and what does enlightenment mean?; if one can define it then we are back in words, logic and limited expression, so the question is it arrogant to admit that one is free, unafraid and in no need, if one way yes for it is an ego claim and may feel free and unafraid, fearless and one with God, yet the sands of time would be a test to see if it is not will power and affirmations.

I have heard it said that an enlightened being does not know that he / she is enlightened one just lives from the space of consciousness one is in only the individual can know what they experience and in the case of conscious experiences they are hard or inadequate to describe in words as it is said ‘the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon---arriving and landing and being there is’

How can one value or grade where one is in consciousness and spiritual endeavour; terms like third grade master, operating free spirit one, partially dissolved ego, no mind / no thought.  Third dimensional being rising to the umpteenth dimension and is God realisation, nirvana, enlightenment, satori, jivan mukti, Samadhi and so on, these being descriptions of God who is beyond description.

So where are we now; beyond description and words, without a road map or template, no blueprints or schematics and where does this lead us to---if you can answer this then rest quiet if not keep on keeping on.

When there no way to define or explain, then there is a gap, a suspension of thought  ---remain in the gap---then can one remain anywhere----and who is that,that remains? 


The New York Times

 When I was in a clinic and doing workshops and listening to doctors and scientists they use their own language, fare do’s, they have to encapsulate their own discipline and have a common understanding and meaning.

I found that I could not get into the ‘fear’ of naming the illness, disease and malaise. I concentrated on the feel, where it was in the body or mind and took the patient on a journey of ‘mindful aware scanning’ without drawing conclusions. This sharpened the awareness. My job as it were was to oversee and let the mind not  get ‘hinged’ or obsessed with a name like cancer, death, terminal, long medical terms and just let the exploration process the result. Maybe not an answer like this trauma caused this, it’s in my genes, and I am victim of, and so on.

A healing was not an AH HA so that what’s caused it which maybe cathartic but a better result maybe it’s not there anymore.

The blame game comes in here ‘I blame you pointing at X ‘ This then gives X the power to make you feel---anger, fear, rejection, hurt, not wanted' and so on.  This also forms a loop of continuous energy and a field of magnetic remembrance which can also attract side issues to it, like parasites as it were feeding on the negativity. One becomes a victim to X and X may well use this for ego power over one.

The next stage ‘I blame myself’ after all I attract these things because of bad Karma, it’s my lack of self confidence, these are lessons I need to learn, my parents are to blame and so on-----X is replaced by yourself, you make yourself the victim and one becomes self depreciative and a victim to the programmes and agendas of the ego, sabotage is the main tool then.

In the last stage there is no naming or blaming there is no one to blame, these are life experiences and by becoming aware of the process of blame, guilt and shame there is a space where blame is swallowed up and the programmes, attitudes and agendas are less intrusive, especially that of the internal dialogue and incessant mind chatter that this release from the relentless barrage of blame and counter reaction finds one more peaceful and then less likely to attract a power hungry ghost that wants you to become their victim----also to remember that victims sometimes thrive to get the attention of ‘poor me’ and get a sort of love from sympathy and helplessness, I like being a victim it proves I am not worthy to be a somebody because that’s the message I was given and also gives a back handed love I never had or got.

So no name—no blame ---no blame----no mind---no mind no problem.

Who started this anyway?



Days of the Year

What is paranormal? In fact what is normal?  It could be said that normal means any agreed social, political, cultural or accepted human social behaviour with give or take a few degrees of veering off of course from doctrine and with the option of ‘adjusting the veering wayward’ being brought back to the norm of the accepted is tolerated, in the case where there is no hope of redemption the option is incarceration, treatment or mental asylum, and the worst case scenario is execution.

However paranormal maybe the outside the range of the physical senses par se (persey) which is outside the range of human frequency response. (
And perhaps outside these bands we could suggest another dimension in which intelligent energy forms have their lives.

Some human beings have extra fine tuned senses which are naturally inherited or cultivated.  Some humans can ‘set their minds’ free and attach their awareness usually ego wise and travel to far destinations, others entangle their minds with others as in telepathy, then others can read and translate vibrations from objects whilst many other gifts of ultra fine tuning brings other phenomena.

Occasionally for some unknown reason or from ‘tuning’ into these other worldly frequencies and dimensions they overlap or touch briefly and brief encounters and exchanges may take place.  Other worldly beings may take the initiative to contact Earth dwelling humans either for benign reasons or not. Extreme caution is suggested but not prejudice and malice or to use for gain and fame.

Many beings live in these other realms, angels, fairies, pixies, gnomes, goblins, nature spirits and some nefarious ones as well. 

It is wise to cultivate ones unbiased non judgemental awareness so that such an encounter planned or spontaneous may hit on one being seduced, brain washed, abducted or mentally vacating a space for the other worldly being to posses the brain circuitry and become a victim of possession of a foreign entity and I have seen such cases where the ego has succumbed and the entity has eroded the neuronal functions and has indeed become the entity living in the host brain without invitation.  Invitation was originally granted then the grooming and capitulation took place.  Some times by trying to remove the entity it gets so frightened and can literally kill if given a chance.

We live in a Universe of trillions and trillions of billions of frequencies, vibrations and wavelengths in unending combinations and sequences.  That is why I recommend meditation and with it the rewards of awareness which maybe in the long run knowing one’s true self without possession and the gift of the clear bright light mind.


The Bermuda Triangle also known as the Devil's Triangle maybe such an overlap. There are several other places as Bermuda, some are on land.  These maybe portals to another dimension and wormholes, black holes and star gates may well be similar along with crop circles and caves with volcanoes. SHACK 



Some nights as I go to sleep my ego automatically turns on like a cue from a stage prompt script.  I acquire a control not by force but by relaxing and go into the stillness, my awareness scanning my body and relaxing with the breath.  I then feel a fantasy and an attempt to bully me out of the quietness.  No way are you going into that stillness, you’re not getting me evicted.

On the nights when I am moderately quiet and concentrating on my breath in the dantien and hara and then fall asleep and on waking the ego assaults me like a demented villain or makes me feel ill, tense and frightened or a sense of foreboding a sort of precursor to a tragedy, with me a serious or niggling health issue, a financial deficit or hiccup and maybe a massive distraction.

Lord how the great sages must have battled. It reminds me of the barrage that Buddha faced under the tree and the temptation of Jesus in the Temples and Adam and Eve when tempted by Nara the serpent.

This is the final battle to take over the awareness and rob one of ‘be still and know I am God within’ to cloud over the peace and tranquillity and the joy of Union with the One. 

Fight the good Fight is often quoted, however if one battles the bombardment the ego bully one gives a back handed compliment, recognising its power and antagonising it, if one ignores it, it fights for attention like a jealous child, so what to do?

If possible endeavor to watch and breath, attention without intention, looking without opinion, knowing these are but soft ware programme's and mere thoughts and not the real you, ‘I am that, not that’  So what is that? It isn't anything of thought, subtle feeling, and pain or suffering, it isn't a dogma or a set of rules, a life style or a religion, cult or role model Guru---oh come on what is there then?  If there is an answer----it isn't that either.



I was working at a Police Station in the West End of London just behind Marble Arch and the Cumberland Hotel.  We had a visitor there one day the late great Michael Jackson. I had the privilege (long story I have blogged elsewhere) and when he had finished his wonderful voluntary performance it left me in tears and he came up to me as I touched his greasy hair and looked me in the eyes and said ‘It’s gonna be alright’ He then signed twelve or so autographs for me.  His eyes were the eyes of a child and they were lovely and I felt uplifted and I felt he knew the pain which I had at that time which made me cry as he sang ‘One day in your Life’.

One might wonder what this has to do with this writing. Its strange how something’s that apparently seem mundane and trivial can affect one so.  I was hurting real bad and felt betrayed, alone and vilified and yet Michael in that moment and the music lifted me and it led me onto and back into my meditations and practices and this came from it.

It’s Ok not to think, have no form and have no former self, I don’t feel naked without thought, where is there, less is OK, its OK to have no description, I came back to the identity of oneself as the battering I took made me question all this.

Then when I had further breakthroughs in the mental and psychological war as it seemed I came to an understanding as it was then ‘yes Michael its gonna be alright’; the understanding was about the personal ‘MY’ as in the ego, the physical psyche as it is formed from the past and if held rigidly say with a few giveaway’s and minor shifts becomes my reality and my future in perpetuation.  These are only shifting sands, the dunes of my mind construct and are fragile and can be changed and shifted by the winds of time and change.

Today’s climate sees the populace clinging to what may seem a safe passage during the storms of wars and ravage and political with economic instability.

None will last but many will perish to make their ship the only survivor.  Many face the peril of nowhere to go and panic and despair set in and vainly ask where is there safety, and there is a spiritual equivalent when one faces the fact that were are at best a bunch of thoughts and like the dunes are temporary, expedient and transient.  What happens when thoughts, familiar and strange no longer serve one, where does one go then, there seems no refuge. Then the leap into the unknown.

There is no future from the past if we project a future from the past we are merely living the past as the future and if there is no future for the past cannot be altered only to be not there and no alternative ‘ideas from the past modified to make a seemingly new future’ for this is a makeover, a variation on a theme.

So it is only thought and subtle habit that makes one aware of this and is this really me. Is it possible to live without thought, or the very minimum to get by?  Does the habit of ‘I know that I know that I know’ be the only foundation and rock of reality in this Life.  What about ‘I know that I don’t know but when I need to know I will know’.

When all thought has subsided and it can naturally without force by gentle alert unbiased observation and one finds that thought-less-ness is not a blank vegetative boring imbecilic senile mumbling dotard or an alcoholic drug distracted mind lost in a reverie of ‘what might have been’ once one can feel this ‘gap’ this space between thoughts one is somewhere else, in fact one has no personality or character and yet is a something out of nothing from nowhere.


Tuesday 1 May 2018


Vital Force Health Care LLC

I feel there are vital forces, energies and living vital fields of energy. There is the field of will power from the ego to reinforce the ego and its agendas, then there is the psychological field which is the energy field of the logical and acceptable social behaviour, then there is the intellectual field which supplies and fuels academia and research with inventions and scientific endeavour, to this can be another the political, religious and cultural fields which supply and nourish their chosen beliefs and theories, agendas and brain washing and repetitive rote to energise and maintain their momentum.  One could then say the energy field of sport training with physical effort metered out in proportion to their need.  Most of that comes from food, will power and the environment with a proportion metered out from the vital force or Life Force.

Then there is a force or energy which is chi / ki / kundulini (and known by other names) that is a refined energy less course and apparent than everyday measurable frequencies. This frequency is subtle and is not harvested by huge physical and mental effort but by gentle ‘gathering’ and flowing movement or just breathing abdominally and using feeling to acknowledge it, so the mind should be quiet to monitor it.

This energy is filtered in through the auric layers or sheaves and is the interface between the Universe and the individual, it is a percolation affect.

As the energy is harvested it is drawn into the nadis / meridians and such like from the chakras which are like power points and sent to the organs which are cups or receptacles of this energy, indeed the repositories of the vital force.

In the quietness and doing meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, Qi Gong and so forth one can feel the subtle replenishment and it is not the same as sleep, food, relaxation and pleasure, it has a quality of its own.

I have experienced ‘top ups’ through workouts, sport, food, sleep, relaxation and the like; however I can only say this is different. I feel many are missing this as we live in an ever increasing world of noise whether it is sound or electronic haze and fog.  For me meditation and slowing down and gathering and harvesting, storing and delighting in the feeling of the Vital Energy are my predilection.


All from Internet no source given



'Don't take things personally; what other people say (or think) about you is their reality'. 

'You do not live for other people you live for yourself. The opinions of others do not define you'

I have heard people say 'well that is selfish' because if you just go your own way then you are ignoring others opinions and you may become a social outcast. I have experienced this because I have been told I am a renegade I do not conform to mass opinion and have strange ideas many have tried to get me to 'join' the mainstream.  One could say I might make others uncomfortable or they have nothing in common with me or I with them, be that as it may that does not mean I am without love and compassion, maybe in this world that is not enough, and then again I could be fooling myself and living a set of delusions.

Well what does make me or anybody; perhaps ones religion--I do not have one although born into one, I see religion or rather the dogma as a sticking point to another's view if one holds tight to it. I do not have a political party nor am I a rebel, yes I do have opinions about it,especially when the policies sell arms to kill and austerity measures when profit makes policies over people and make them poor and miserable.  I do not have a culture these are traditions which make one a member of and some cases shuts out dialogue and communication with others not of the same ilk.  I like to cultivate compassion and whatever love is.

We can be defined and boxed, compartmentalised and some instances corralled, fenced and bullied into a prison of the mind and a material one.  We are who we are by definition and if one has strong ropes binding to them then the attack, defend, justify and seek others and instruments to cement the tribe, the hoard, the gang are employed.

This collection of ring-fences solidify the perception of who we are and on close reflection this is only a false reality. These are but thoughts in a sequential manner which can be digitally resequenced by a master brain washer as in being brainwashed especially under intergeneration and the media.  When we realize we are but a set of conditioned responses, a bunch of automatic habits which can manipulated, reconfigured and labeled in any brand, panic can set in, distraction sort, bury ones head in the sand, get lost in some fantasy world, suicide, depression in fact these false realities no mater whether religious, cultural or political are but agreed traditions over thousands of years and are so ingrained and impacted they assume solid fact and reality, but in reality are the exact opposite.   

I have known and it is my experience this impact and the Eastern Philosophy and Quantum Stuff and especially the Koan with deep meditation helped me cope with this yawning abyss and the seeming realization; there is no real me that can be defined, this is startling, alarming and shocking at first; will I be a dumb vegetable, a senile blubbering talking gibberish vagabond type hobo, tramp weirdo.  Then again this is a definition,  or an attempt to define who we / I / you are. The ego mind the mind that wants a label to justify and concrete its existence cannot abide being 'nothing'.

Watching the antics of the ego mind trying to reclaim itself, to claw back some safety, some essence of its former apparent solidity and assured eternal life and reality is indeed a way of just 'standing back' as it were and watch the performances and trickery to define, be and establish a platform of reality, a solid foundation.  I have seen archaeologists, historians, scientists, politicians and in fact all people in everyday life me too, go into denial when challenged with facts and figures which really 'press the buttons' and cause attack, smear, sulk and in fact every human facet of psychological, mental and physical means to keep status quo.    

Yet to truly dive into the undefined, the gap, the void, the emptiness, the nothingness one finds one has no defined anything and yet is a something.  The something of nothing that isn't anywhere and yet permeates everything.  

Now watch the mind desperately seek to define, encompass and become a something, a label, a logical world citizen ----a somebody-----------?



In some scriptures and philosophical writing it is said 'to live in the world but not be of it'.  I see this as; since the world is an illusion in the sense of it 'it is here to day and gone tomorrow' and since the world and indeed the Universe will disperse, explode,, reform or will it?, all things are made of atoms which are 99.99% space empty and the remaining .9% being indeterminate and that means us as well, then what are we to hold onto?  It would seem that we take the magicians trick as real and we want to hold to that as an everlasting solid reality.  

So perhaps the above means to know it is an illusion and also know that ones body is the theatre, the cinema and the brain the seat in the body in which the witness, the awareness us / you / we/ it sit and witness the trick and illusion knowing it is just that.  

Can one enjoy business, sport relationships and truly be detached not in a hostile fear mode, fearful of becoming seduced and slide by the gifts of temptation and become one with the illusion and so decay and dissolve with the trick when the slide show of life ends or can we enjoy the show as the witness and let the show go on, can we enjoy the Game Of Life and be in the game but as a player who knows the game is but a game and not the be and end all of existence.



There is a state of mind where one can be tricked that one is enlightened, that is absence of thought and modicum of joy. On careful examination when the awareness kicks in from behind this cloud. This cloud covers the sun and just dims the light of awareness for a while like a partial or total eclipse and there is a suspension of thought and a focussed attention on this ‘suspended mind’ it lures the attention of the ego, it is indeed the egos attempt to imitate and produce a fake ‘emptiness’ a false enlightenment, a satori or nirvana.

This soporific mind event and the egos nearest attempt to fool the awareness that this is the real deal fails if one has glimpsed the real deal. There is an inherent intuitive knowing when the genuine emptiness is felt, after all it is really who one is and one then knows ones true nature.

The ego also wants peace and quiet on its terms and this dull suspension of its programmes is like the computer going on sleep and dark screen becoming sharply aware at the touch of a button. In this mode one walks and does things like a zombie and walks wearily and the body just can’t be bothered to do things albeit in slow motion and does not like to be disturbed.  The ego needs a rest from itself, its incessant demands and agendas and when it manifests and manufactures its own rest in order to recuperate and go on vacation, it does not like to be disturbed and warning signs of 'do not disturb' are abundant and it will sabotage itself to get the rest by incompetence and other means.

Doing simple tasks is OK but things seem difficult to coordinate and one tries to do them in a simple way and with the least effort.  Of course they often go wrong or slip, can’t find the loop and so on and a simple task becomes laborious. ‘ I just want to rest, have peace, for God’s sake’ and then anger and frustration creep in, some say its old age, yet I have known young people like this, for me when I went through this in my younger years it was a sign of change, deep works in my psyche, a transformation period often accompanied by joint and muscle aches, or the egos attempt to throw me off the trail of finding myself.  The ego lays false trails and attractions and it is these that one has to work through.

This soporific time can also be due to diet, lack of sleep not keeping active in the body and sometimes by routines and rituals that no longer serve ones life purpose.

This is one of the trials to spot the tricky ego mind which is a cloud of experiences and programme's, a box set of graphics which can be digitally arranged and configured and presented as reality. This cloud is the eclipse of the bright alert intelligent dynamic empty mind of awareness with nothing generated by ego. The generated other ‘thought feeling’ of the self comes from the self and not from an ego agenda.

Literally the term to become awakened is to see the cloud as brain washing, hopefully to serve Life and not destroy it and know by experience that the true self lies behind it so to speak and when the ‘day is done’ and the cloud has to recede and come back when needed to live life in a human body then one realises that like an eclipse it comes and goes but the ‘sun’ of the self is permanent yet cannot be defined, confined or captured, it is what it is.