Monday 14 June 2021



I have seen in many movies and had the feeling and emotions that approaching a lady or fancying a lady that I feel intimidated and that I might be rejected and an affront to my manhood.

I have stammered when declaring my love for her and frightened to the core and when I blurted out 'look I don't want to lose you and what I am about to say may do this'  'she replies well spit it out then' 'I say, you know, I really like you and I am developing really deep feelings and I am bursting to say I love you' 'she says; well I love you too and I want to be with you'. 'I am so relived and say to her; I didn't think anyone as gorgeous as you could love me, I didn't dare ask you before and have felt like this for some time and was going to go away somewhere as I thought you might not like me that much' 'she say; I have felt the same and wondered why you ignored me, its OK now'.

Why should I have felt not worthy;  some deep message from my early years and I have identified many in these writings certainly contributed to this and the opposite of being cocky and brash was never my forte, I tended to be timidly and cowardly unless aroused to anger or injustice and my sense of arousal at injustice stems from being a victim and feel that why me, what has life and God got on me as I understand it God is a loving forgiving being, so either he has a downer on me or I have gummed up the works.

Well from the above I have felt that God does not have downer on me and it is my early upbringing and inculcated brain washing but more than that the vibrations and frequencies that makes up the 'atmosphere' the saying 'you could feel the tension in the room' it is the silent emotional frequencies / vibes that count and the body language and I can remember feeling awkward many times, shoulders hunching up, sweaty, wanting to run and could not, sulking and retiring into myself. My dearest mother with her nervous breakdowns and electrical shock treatment's, her depression and my father with his gambling problem and could not face life and his commitments with my brother hating what dad did to mum, him and myself and he ran away and so it left me with mum and her sorrow and she died of thymus cancer, I feel she had a broken heart.  

I can see now with all that gunk in my system my dearest body holds the unfinished business in it, the early psychotherapy adages 'the body is a dumping ground, a dustbin for unfinished business' 'the body is a repository for emotional suppressed stuff' and not only causes unsightly body postures and appearances but also strange mental attitudes.

There is no doubt that the martial arts of Japan and China and the mentoring of Rina and Roy, Frank Nash one of my English teachers and Judo coach with Bill Wood and Sensei's and Sifu and the workshops I attended and my training in the therapies helped, but most of all long hours of meditation and the holosync tapes and the mentoring of Rory Lee at Centrepointe and the many workshops and one to one's I presented assisted me in seeing thousands of 'problems and issues' in patients and of course the horrors in Forensics and the murders, rapes, burglaries, child abductions and female and child abuse, the fights and broken lives and all of that exposed me to the inputs of; how strange the machinations, the connivances, the intrigues, the sheer denials and suppressed anger, the stored up hate over years, the urging for closure, the dread and fear of death, the suicides indeed the whole gamut of the human mind and its variances.  

The synchronistic occurrences as to when I was processing some stuff a patient would arise with the same problem and I would through listening to them arise as to their assistance and mine. We are each others teachers and we teach that which we need to learn.  

I realise that the conditioning through culture, religion, political indoctrination parental, peer, life experiences and the interpretations and configurations, the variations the immense juggling over the years and the nuances and slants, the marketing, the adverts, the seduction and preying on the natural mind, naked and bare in the womb but for some very IMPORTANT silent impressions to the babe in the womb and then born and with these mysterious impressions without any explanation and when a few years of age these are the foundation and feeling which are so deep in the memory that they are felt as 'me'.

Meditation portrayed to my awareness that there was this 'other' dimension way beyond thought and that there was another 'mind set of patterns' that intruded and were not me and indeed I 'picked' them up like stragglers upon the wayside and they needed and desired a home and domain and they saw a mind of awareness with no mind set in it and took possession and by seeming sound and reliable cemented their programmes in this seeming void. They became embedded and took root and in meditation I could hear them and survey them and kind of felt well they are just visitors on a temporary basis. This was the insidious thought planted in me, not as words but by subtle temptations of a glamorous and sensual package. By recognition of these programmes it cleared the clouds of dull following to gradual like a mist clearing to clarity. 

Holosync which is a programme of binaural CD discs are the brainchild of the late Bill Harris at the Centrepointe Institute and they are really productive; they can and do over the eight or nine years of upgrading the discs expose the brain to stimulus and what meditation in deep peace does can make the brain as it were soporific and become static in the peace, almost trance like, it can be so peaceful that the brain 'remembers' the vibe and remains there, yes peaceful and safe, yet the underlying deep stored unfinished issues stored in the body and magnetic holographic fields in the auras around the body and this is where all the memories are stored and the brain acting as a switching centre that tunes in like a remote control, these the holosync accesses and the awareness gets sharpened and realises its stuck and fascinated by the stored data and begins to realise these are fleeting thoughts, just stuff with no real hold only glued and cemented by seduction and the patterns are not real and impermanent and so they strongly suggest that they are the real you / me and so the box set of these make an alliance and firm up and they then assume Geoff and this false me becomes the name of ego.

Then what is the emotional garbage in the stored body muscles, ligaments, organs and meridians and nervous system; if one looks into psychoneuroimmunology one sees that every thought produces a chemical in the brain or rather the brain produces these chemicals which are named the neuropeptide Cascade in which trillions flow throughout the body and they have cell receptors like that are like locks and the peptides are the key for particular locks and so the cells are conditioned by the thoughts.

So the thoughts condition the body and bias many natural function's. Many of the negative thoughts then produce acidic and harmful chemicals and are the harbingers and can over time bring illness and disease. Whilst meditation shows the path to peace there maybe negative and harmful thought patterns lodged in the aura which awareness and conscious presence can discern and say 'this is not me' whilst the muscles, organs and so on retain the negative chemicals and the nervous system with meridians are blocked and choked up with negative acidic sticky gunk. This is where Yoga, Tai chi, Qi Gong, Pilates, shaking, massage, deep Om and chakra sounds and various exercises that are not like weight lifting and aerobic( they have their place as mantra does ), this needs to shake out the negativity in the body, this where aquapuncture and the like come in and so on.  

Then one realises that when all is clearing which is a process then the programmes are gone through the breaking with seduction of the ego striving to maintain a fierce relentless grip on its illusionary impermanent transitory software and agendas and it finally begins to see itself as dying and going down the slippery slope and the awareness begins to find itself through the clouds of delusion and the romance with the glamour and emotional highs and lows are not reality and on finding Itself, the awareness unites with Itself and this feels like the peace of meditation but with a dynamic, it is alive, energetic and the lack of confidence and frailty of those early inculcations have melted and one has found the love of one's life and that is self love, not arrogant ego bombastic or timid scared ego stuff, but a love for no reason and it just feels good and whole and there is no agenda in it and so compassion grows and ego agendas fade.


There is a trade off so to speak; the ego can and does so very often decide who to love and that love can often be need. In a relationship when  one says 'I've fallen in love with you can often turn out to be I've fallen in like with you, one may see the missing attributes in another and often relationships fail because when the need is fulfilled there is no need for the other to remain or they make a deal or compromise and many form open relationships and yet remain together because it is known and a suitable arrangement. 

To those who have stripped most of the need out of their agenda, that is besides basic needs compassion has a non selective quality of love. I have felt and know people who have great compassion and when I am in this mode which I feel is the truer 'me' I seem to to be non selectable, of course food, travel and basics are selectable. I have been of late say the last fifteen years content to be alone but not lonely and very few things to occupy my mind, my sexual drive has diminished not because of age and my appreciation of the beauty in people goes through from babyhood to the elderly in both sexual definitions as there are now seventy-nine sexually defined persons according to their predilection.

 I do not feel the need for companionship in intimacy although this does haunt me now and then and I am heterosexual and that means nothing and I do not feel androgynous, I feel more like a being in a compassionate mood not be labelled and compartmentalised.


SHACK 995 TAO Tao' 道 (or Dao)



Again I might trespass into the realms of Tao. I feel Tao is the 'way of things' a sort of substratum intelligence, or will, or plan that is not a fixed plan or creation but an evolving consciousness portrayed from an invisible 'mind' to a humanly perceptible form. 

I feel the way of things when there is a mystery in nature and how it all started other than the usual God or Big Bang it is a feeling that there is and will never be a logical scientific or religious nor philosophical explanation.

 It is a deep intrinsic innate intuitive feeling; It is like Jung said when asked is there a God and can you explain it he simply said 'I know there is' or something like that.  'I don't need to believe, I know'. That is more accurate, I can relate to this, I can only repeat it is an innate and intrinsic deep deepest feeling I have, it is rock solid bottom for me.

I cannot logically explain this feeling only to say that if I were arrogant and egotistical and brash, garish or ostentatious, meretriciousness, tawdry and other adjectives I would shyly and humbly say and run from this next writing, that I felt this was me stripped naked and bare of all programmes and agendas it is fact the primal and potential creative mind of awareness and consciousness.

I feel this is a deep truth, the only truth, the way behind all the phenomena be it Cosmic or mundane, from galaxy to bacteria there is  behind the scenes 'something' going on, not discernible nor perceptible nor detectable and yet it stands alone and its aloneness it is the fount of creation and all I can really know and say 'This is the Way Of Things' the pathless path that the planets and stars follow and probably they do not know why they are born and die and for what reason only to say as well, 'this is the way of things'.  

This then is the Tao' 道 (or Dao) as I feel it and when I go quiet and at awareness of the mind at rest I feel this 'nothingness, this emptiness' full of a feeling that this is me and the all and all,

I simply feel and know.

Red Bubble
Walking with the flow, a flow which streams from consciousness, Primal and Primitive yet powerful, full of potential, from simplicity to the intricate wonder of things, the astonishment about the Universe, the astounding beauty of nature, the wonder at the birth of babies, the colossal impact of the immense and yet minute, the contrasts, the yin and yang, Life Itself laid bare and naked and yet clothed in a garb of intensifying glory, the process of walking the path of the Nothingness that becomes somethingness is mind boggling and yet deeply and significantly meaningful without explanation, in fact reasoning and explanation holds back the feeling and yet satisfies the curious scientific brain. The materialistic logic holds back the appreciation and magic of the 'Way appreciating Itself' and as they might say in Zen 'what nonsense are these words, for the Way has no explanation or needs none, it is always Itself whatever one says or feels about it' SHACK


Help me God Spiritual Questions Answered

Ever since  I could comprehend what I feel is my spiritual path which summing up is meditation and I read the five books of Moses the Chumash which really started about fourteen months before my Barmitzva and had to be a hasty learning at a very religious school named the Yosdey Hatorah for boys which was in Amhurst Park Stamford Hill and was a ramshackle old house and I have written my experiences in back SHACKS I have been fascinated with the word 'roouch' spirit and roouch hashem , spirit of God, this was in later years kindled by my NDE at the age of four.

It fires me up inside so to speak, it ignites a passion and feels that my essence / soul is spirit a deep energy that fires the zest and quest for life. It is the rocket fuel of Life, it is the spirit of Life Itself, it is the reason without words or explanation for living. 

It is creation before form, it is pure intention and potential, the rocket before launch and straining to leap out of its clamps and restraint's, it is the inhabitants in cages wanting to break free it is the pioneer in the baby, it is Life Itself wanting  live and break free of all restraints and bindings.

This is the Life of God Itself, the Fountain of Creation and the vastness of the Universe, the expression of eternal Dimensions and never ending miracles and creations that are the stars and planets ever evolving in glory and manifestation.

Oh Glory Be.



King James Bible

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ... Your mind can be completely transformed!

I often take verses and quotes from holy books and I suppose readers of faiths will castigate me and be reprimanded for the insult or sheer arrogant presumption, however I feel inclined to do so.

I nearly always see or interpret these according to my experiences in meditation and it seems an automatic prompt and intuitive understanding and as if a click or shutter goes off and my eyes go to the right and slightly upwards and then a quick understanding beyond the speed of thought.

When I meditate or there is a pause in the minds preoccupation with this or that, I feel a quietness, a peace, a total body and mind relaxation and not only do I feel a physical renewal and softly energised but my mind seems clear, bright, relaxed and I feel at home, complete and at that moment totally satiated and fulfilled.

My mind feels renewed and transformed from the everyday business of world news, business affairs as such and mundane participation and I feel compassion and  a deep connection towards humanity and renewal to nature and the Great Source of Life, a oneness with the all and all.


Westminster Presbyterian Church
To me this means my body is in this world and carries my consciousness / mind and my consciousness / mind / awareness is of spirit which I feel is the real essence of me and is not necessarily of this world and is a tourist and student on vacation and the beautiful flesh body is the vehicle that enables this, to be so. SHACK      



Many, many years back I had these two friends Rina and Roy Morris. They were my mentors and dear, dear friends. We were into meditation and spiritual things. Rina was an ex ballerina and Roy a true wandering soul and with no fixed job or anything and yet survived.

Rina went to India and stayed in an Ashram in Behar I do not remember the Guru's name but I know that Satyananda set up one there. Then from there she stayed a while with Sai Baba near Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and she visited Ramana Maharishi in Southern India at Arunachala.  On reflection it may have been Satyananda who was the Guru there in Behar; there is another Guru with a similar name Satchidananda.

Lately I have been shivering cold and it does not feel like real cold or pending illness and I have intuitions it is kundulini. I used to discuss this with Rina and Roy and particularly with Rory Lee at Holosync as he said it have its own logic and Intelligence and would go mysteriously to where it was supposed to go. There is a famous book on the spontaneous arising of Kundulini by Gopi Krishna and it deeply impressed me and the agony of it if not supervised and of course there is the supervised arousal of kundulini. Some use this for sexual arousal as in tantric yoga and as I understand it from a Yogi friend it is felt in the muladhara (genital chakra) and it s meant to travel to the higher chakras, this energy is also used for powering satanic black magic and deep trance drug related orgies. I have seen people go mad with this and jump off of cliffs and run into traffic it can produce massive and horrifying hallucinations.

Because of my years of meditation and holosync with Judo, Aikido and kendo and then switching to Tai Chi and Qi Gong, juicing of veggies and more and being celibate for most of the time and realising that impotency I felt was age or something not working right I realise now is the raising of the ki / chi / kundulini to the higher chakras. The Zen saying 'one who has not felt the fire from the lower tandem in the hara and the seiki no itten (a point about an inch below navel) and  not died (to the ego) has not lived' the Zen Japanese say about the fire from the hara on the front of the body and the Yogic up the spine and the chakra, however they are the same energy and produce the same results in the end.

It was sitting in meditation this morning the 9th March 2021 that I felt this cold tingling very much like the tingling after doing Qi Gong yet it was around my base of spine and seemed to travel up my spine and a little way down to my legs. Then came an event which Rina told me on her return to England; whilst she was in Behar she suddenly got cold in her genitals like an ice cube was there and she was too shy and embarrassed to mention it to the Guru and the class, she then had a vision  / dream of her death and funeral in very specific details and was so shaken by it she said to to the Guru about this and the shivering cold ice and all the class; the  'Guru said (not exact words) Good, good Mrs Morris you have awakened the Kundulini and this is a great experience and your own death is the death of the ego and it is being burnt out by the Kundulini'. The last few weeks I have had in dreams, visions and in the back of mind my late mother, father, brother and other departed members of my family trying to communicate with me, I felt was this delusional and I was feeling the  effects of the world sadness and needed comfort, then other things came up; was it time for me to pass and they were reassuring me they would welcome me, no, they indicated, was  this to give me courage and carry on, yes in a way, was it that I would become ill and suffer, yes in a way of my joints and stiffness, and now this morning it was a sign made clear to me that I was dying, yes in a way of age related body, but EGO dying and burning by the cleansing of the process of kundalini, like Rina dying to the old self. This was to encourage me that my lack of service to the world was worthy just to be at home and the joints to keep me here and not fritter by travel and menial things. Stay home was for me a good message, not over exercise and just be, this alone was service,

In zen they say if you have not been purged by the hara fire you are not fully awakened. In my 1967 writings (see and or .com there is a full record of the writings which in precis is that there is a Cosmic Energy in wave forms and frequencies that is arriving via Cosmic Rays from the Galactic Centre and  (a new area of space the Solar System is travelling into, the real reason for planetary global warming) at the prompting of the Universal Creator at a timing that is commensurate and concomitant to the cyclic nature of the Universe and will usher a purification, cleansing and purging and should it be successful a new evolutionary human will appear similar to the Homo Sapien and named Homo Spiritulana / Energetica and there would be upgrades and increments of energy and this would cause certain symptoms which I looked up  seemed almost the same as Kundulini as described by Yogis. Not everyone would survive these energies / kundulini as it altered and upgraded the DNA and nervous system and the energy running through the meridians would meet blockages and so the chi / ki would either remove them if the energy was aided by meditation, diet, energy exercises like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Pilates and so on, weight training in moderation and that sort of thing, this was a shift from the physical and glamour of the body to internal energy, a shift from radical materialism, logic and hard stuff to internal intuitive softer endeavours from war and anger to peace and compassion.

One has to trust the process and realise this shift will be felt in many ways; climatic, changes in attitudes, purging the collective unconscious and the debris infecting the world ethics and aura, technocracy, fear, eugenics and so on, the solar system planets would feel the changes as well. Now those who could not unblock the meridians and were not aware of these changes would most likely suffer from emotional blockages and frustration as these changes bewilder them and could get depressed, suicidal feelings and suicide, turn to distraction with alcohol, drugs, obsessive sexual deviations, pornography, child trafficking and female abuse, huge transgender feelings and all sorts of 'out of sorts' and stagnation and feeling unclean, unworthy whilst the egoists collective huge wealth and became psychopathic and tread on the less fortunate and so on.  

So one has to have courage and trust the inner feelings and be a brave spiritual warrior and one has to put up with being called weird and anti social and lose many old friends and some to find spiritual companions and others to become almost like hermits and in a way the lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, mask wearing and the corruption and lies that went with is bad flu called Covid lent an opportunity for examination of one's life style and because of the lack of air traffic and road traffic there is a quietness and some run from it and watch endless TV stuff whilst other lapped up the relative peace which is shattered during the media constantly putting adverts and the virus so called in the background of every news update, so employing a well known brain washing and advertising technique by repetition(inculcation) and so the brain washing goes into the subconscious and the dream realms as people cannot really rest in sleep, however the meditators and those into self growth and mindfulness can divorce themselves from a great deal of this and so by encouraging and imbibing the fruits of their endeavour's and come close to the evolving spiritual new way evolving, there is nothing magic, spiritual as such in evolution just an expansion of compassion and a quite peaceful mind which creates a space for the Cosmos to communicate with oneself and eventually the two become one.


Part of the evolutionary cycle may include the five extinctions and I feel we are bordering on the sixth we could if we awakened lessen the devastation of the previous five. SHACK

From Blog / POST



Alamy Stock Photo

I have seen and heard from many the joy of the passing soul and also the terror. I have assisted in their transitions and have come to realise that through my own NDE (near death experience) that this is not oblivion although the passing soul entering its new dimension may rest and 'sleep' as it were. 

The local mind that is the mind encapsulated in a net of agendas, brain washing and conditioning and is indeed captured and confined to this mind prison. Some great thinkers may expand and broaden their ideas and perspectives there is still a confinement which limits the mind to boundaries and although there is expansion it is limited.

One might surmise that the mind is limited by the body yet this maybe not so. During meditation and some altered states of consciousness one might experience an OBE(out of body experience) and some have had this during a terrific shock or some such thing. People have reported that in car accidents they have seen their bodies in the car and being brought out and those drowning have seen their life as film before their rescue and so on.

Particularly I have experienced in meditation that I have sort of broken free of the local mind internment and floated out into space, not as astronauts or astronomers think or see of it, but a great 'inner' as of the mind space, something like a dream as far as anything physical goes, I am lucid, cogent and alive as can be without my body senses. 

This I call the non local mind which like the local mind is now being the catch phrase for some neuroscientists yet apt for this article. This I feel opens the subject of death which many fear and shy away from and dread and push it down into the subconscious and becomes an unfinished hidden agenda and never brings closure or reconciliation. 

I feel that a world or society that shies away from looking and experiencing a corpse or the so called horror of death and embraces death to its full does not understand the preciousness of life and the pain of loss of a dear one to the full. To sit and aid with the dying, as I call it the mid wife or mid husband to the passing one is a privilege.

To ignore the preciousness of death is to underscore the preciousness of life and those that take it lightly and kill and maim have not come to really appreciate their lives and have no compassion for others and are selfish and take their own death without reservation and qualms, or maybe they are just blase and have hidden fear of their demise, I have known through my forensic work those that kill and do harm in order to view and are hypnotised as it were to the very things they fear the most, something like confrontation therapy that is never resolved.  Those that run from the fear of death will never out pace it and will have to eventually realise the fact that I will / they will die, so do we do what ever we want without realising the consequences, not caring a dam or do we tread lightly of this earth and savour its beauty and have compassion and love for the Earth, Mother Nature and humanity. These are some of the choices we may make and they are very much based on our programmes and agenda that will prompt and guide us by our upbringing. We make choices through our beliefs and have to examine where and what are these beliefs. Are they beliefs I have made or are they someone else's beliefs that I have come to believe. Who taught me these, whose hand me downs are they, who have I inherited these from, who do I follow that epitomise these beliefs.

 To me there is no death merely another birth into another dimension of consciousness, so in fact it maybe another form of altered state of consciousness (ASC) and OBE and the  privilege as above to be the mid wife / mid husband is like assisting into another birth the complimentary of the mid wife at the birth into human life, of course an obstetrician maybe so as a male. So for me there is only birth in a way I could say birth, life, transition, birth. Birth interspersed between life in a form and then transforming into life without form as to the human senses.

So then death becomes an expansion of the mind / consciousness / awareness and ones feels free of the incarceration held by fear and localised limited thought and programmes which is the process of conditioning through brain washed inculcation.

This is the reward through death; perhaps incarnations are meant to awaken us eventually to the freedom of death. Obviously one would like a glorious death, that is without illness, murdered or accidental and so forth and for me to witness myself being extrapolated into the space-less me.

This then means there is so much more to me than a programmed mind set on tracks and rails and confinements one or tother. This then depends on the interpolation by programmes and their original meanings, this gives hope and when emancipated from rigid fears, suspicions and dreads the mind is set free and is not held back from a glorious departure and anticipated life elsewhere in the Universal scheme of things. 


Google Images
Is this what life's all about? SHACK

Tuesday 1 June 2021



This is a classical brain washing technique and it applies to humans; during this flu (Covid) constant repetition about masks, social distancing, lockdown, vaccines if this continues indefinitely or over an extended period we would become like Pavlov's dogs. This is what happened in the Pueblo Ship in Korean Waters and their crew (only the officers--have written about it elsewhere) and the original movie of the Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra. was another such illustration of brain washing. The world today with its cell / mobile phones, computers, high definition digital TV and the media are constant brain washing facilities and especially when the authorities and social media platforms censoring information which make one narrative brain washing. SHACK. In an interview on TV recently prior to the UK completely  coming out of all Covid restrictions, two thousand people were asked would you go mask less if they said you could, 750 said they would continue mask wearing for the foreseeable future even if they would assured by the Chief Medical officer. 

Many wise beings have stated that on the quest or seeking enlightenment or not taking it so far that the  mind is filled with incessant chatter and dialogue and it can be disturbing as it is sometimes very loud so to speak and this maybe because of the interference with the quietness one is seeking or just annoying data of no importance or significance or can be a pressing worldly problem or just anxiety with no apparent cause that could be suppressed subconscious content which is clamouring to be released or be dealt with because it has a significant role in the subconsciously running one's life in the background and be the energy fuel for reactions and firing off the agendas and brain washed programmes.

As one follows the path and begins to meditate it may follow into an awareness that sharpens the attention of the witness within, these words within are not really adequate as there are no physical location. To me it means turning the attention from the visual eye view, the touch, smell and other senses from their tangible feelings and as one turns the attention inwards it as if all the physical senses become kind of suspended and seem to melt into the awareness of attention. The withdrawal of the senses add energy to the attention.

Here when the mind is chattering away and certainly into fantasies and imaginations which seem to intrude more than just endless babble there is a need by the ego and it is a longing unfulfilled and the ego is a most insistent entity. This importunate intrusion can be a battle as it seems to arise spontaneously and catch the awareness or rather cloud the awareness off guard so to speak.

This is interesting and certainly interesting and subtle; Awareness can be a false sentinel in the sense of the ego has a watchdog and is a deliberate mind intention to stand guard and see that one does not chip away at its roots and foundation. However the the witness of the Self(this is natural awareness which is consciousness) can intuitively realise without effort, which is a spontaneous faculty and arises through meditation, reflection, unbiased observation and mulling over and musing with other aspects like pondering and contemplation that breaks the cycle of random chattering of the flotsam and jetsam of the uncensored automatic programmed agenda filled mind.

Is there any use for these random intrusions; yes the mind and its blueprints and patterns feels these fantasies and intrusions along with the accompanying chatter are part of its inheritance. The programmes accumulated through culture, religion, life experience, politic, peer pressure media and education shape the reality and one may carry on without deviation and allowing a few outside their box tolerances. Some may think of breaking away from their rigid ways through trauma, boredom or some other experiences which may awaken their examination, they may realise that they can swap for another set of blueprints, models and roles and they may find that this is the same as the former one with just as many rules and regulations.

Then on realising that these programmes and agendas are interchangeable and therefore are impermanent that they are delusions and illusions by the fact one can exchange one religion, politic and life style should one feel the urge to do so. As the ego is merely a set of brain washed inculcated set of programmes that too is an illusion and impermanent but the programmes are an inheritance by the human race and they and have been inculcated since time immemorial in fact antediluvian and they are buried deep in the human psyche and as such are so deep that it may take millions of incarnations to wake up to them. These programmes represent and feel they are reality, permanent and provide a reassuring safety and security and are a false god. When one realises the fallacy in these and their transitory nature then the quest begins to find reality and who am I and can bring great distress in the process and journey. 

So the use of them maybe found in the unfulfilled yearning that the ego portrays in the seeming volcanic spontaneous or rather impulsive urges; the yearning for success, a family, love and be loved, peace yet creative fulfilment which are all laudable and commendable, however in the twenty first century these commendable attributes take on a formidable meaning. Success is usually a business, status in society, a celebrity of many sorts and making it in society and being an authority and so on, being simple is what most crave and yet the pull of the world ethos of eugenics, technocracy, wealth and acquisition, being forever young and glamorous causes envy and greed and the ego always wanting to be right and supreme spends most of its time conniving as to how to obtain the worldly goods.  

The awakening that the ego affords the awareness is somewhat complimentary; the ego pushes its agenda for dominance in the mind and world however it may by its persistence awaken the witness of awareness by the fact the ego in its efforts for total power and dominance may rupture itself in the process by excessive striving and energy expenditure and bore itself with its constant demands, the ego may rebel against its constant demands and seek other endeavours elsewhere and again as above find the continual swapping of intents just as boring as the former ones and may show a hole in the net of conditioning and allow the awareness to come forth.  

The ego may so strain itself that it could cause a serious illness in the physical body and this in itself could cause an ego surrender and not to another programme but to examine itself and the fact that in death that is inevitable was it all worth it, although some on their deathbed rue the fact they cannot take it with them (this can be the magnate to lure one back to pull of wealth or failure I'll be a success next time round) and others next time I'll find out who am I without all the shenanigans of the ego.


USS Pueblo (AGER-2) is a Banner-class environmental research ship, attached to Navy intelligence as a spy ship, which was attacked and captured by North Korean forces on 23 January 1968, in what was later known as the "Pueblo incident"[1] or alternatively, as the "Pueblo crisis".

The seizure of the U.S. Navy ship and her 83 crew members, one of whom was killed in the attack, came less than a week after President Lyndon B. Johnson's State of the Union address to the United States Congress, a week before the start of the Tet Offensive in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War and three days after 31 men of North Korea's KPA Unit 124 had crossed the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and killed 26 South Koreans in an attempt to attack the South Korean Blue House (executive mansion) in the capital Seoul. The taking of Pueblo and the abuse and torture of her crew during the subsequent 11-month prisoner drama became a major Cold War incident, raising tensions between western and eastern powers.

North Korea stated that Pueblo deliberately entered their territorial waters 7.6 nautical miles (14 km) away from Ryo Island, and that the logbook shows that they intruded several times.[2] However, the United States maintains that the vessel was in international waters at the time of the incident and that any purported evidence supplied by North Korea to support its statements was fabricated.[3] Pueblo, still held by North Korea today, officially remains a commissioned vessel of the United States Navy.[4] Since early 2013, the ship has been moored along the Pothong River in Pyongyang and used there as a museum ship at the Victorious War Museum.[5] Pueblo is the only ship of the U.S. Navy still on the commissioned roster currently being held captive.[6] 

The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, first published in 1959. It is a political thriller about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy. (There is a document that says many were conditioned in such ways; The movies in the Bourne Series is based on these Intelligence reports and interviews on Camelot with Duncan O'Finioan and David Corso)


During the last few week say from second week of February to 2nd week March 2021 and in a declining world virus, certainly a very bad flu which I put down to pollution, 5G and massive satellites filling the sky with an elite / Bilderberg / Illuminati / Technocracy  agenda and all of that sort of thing. I have been feeling fatigue, a kind of sore throat, listlessness and a sort of out of phase or sync. Something is out of alignment;


When something is out of phase it is a wave frequency vibrational disturbance, for example the top line in the image is a sine wave and proportional, the middle is out of phase. I equate this as follows; The human and natures rhythms are interrelated and symbiotic to the magnetosphere / Schumann Resonance at a mean average of 7.87 htz and there is a lot more as to the Suns eleven year cycle and so on and I suspect that in SHACK 999 that this maybe the case for many feeling something is 'not quite right' and like a singer slightly out of tune.

The complete wrecking of the financial, moral fabric with mandatory use of masks, lockdowns and social distancing,(I prefer the term physical distancing, I have nothing socially I want to be apart from you) censoring any second opinion or discussion other than the 'official narrative' not only throws one's world into chaos and causing a shock and a unfamiliar world and takes one out of one's comfort zone and so all the familiar world has somewhat disappeared and this made a 'gap and hole' in this familiar world view and so some sort of compensation was felt and needed; alcohol consumption rose, depression, suicide and suicidal tendencies, crime and porn watching soared and so forth. 

There is more to this; the virus and the panic it caused and the wild fear of some folk who passed me and I am unmasked (I am unmasked because I wear an official label saying I am exempt, I suffer from panic attacks and breathing problems) and mothers with babies in prams literally braving the traffic to get away from me, the sheer hysteria promulgated by the media was like petrol on a wild fire, they perpetuated the myth of the severity of this flu(see details in or online) and if that was not severe enough they put the frequencies through the computers and digital appliances as in SHACK 999. This caused a 'thought bombardment and mind control' and I suspect the vaccine shot I had which was an Adenovirus one and the nano particle mMRNA one which I refused, but still potent with the Oxford one I had, that long term with these does what the fluoride in water does; it attacks the thyroid and parts of the brain that are used for discrimination and will power and causing a sort of lethargy. I fought and campaigned on the fluoride issue for 60 years and still am, coupled with this the Chemtrails(see blog) and undernourished food and the move towards transhumanism, cyborgism and rank outright eugenics.

So the human organism is not only out of familiar territory which in time it can recover and even a new paradigm given time by entrainment and inculcation but to reset the basic DNA and introduce mind control and feed mMRNA so as the servant controls the Master and the DNA the master control is replaced by an AI(Artificial Intelligence) and will be linked to a network as a cyborg / transhuman and part of the intended Smart City (see / com Monday September 21 2020). (I feel this might be censored as it challenges the 'official' narrative, if it is then proves blogging is not a free speech but only to use on non challenging so called 'official narrative).

This is not only out of phase as the cycles and waves from the Universe are transformed and meted out as to natures intention become distorted and the symmetry of the nature and our bodies which are intrinsically in tandem with nature become out of sync and out of phase and the human organism becomes at present until they get the 5 / 6 G and Smart Cities fully functional and at present feeling the 'birth pains' of this technocracy and indeed in order to combat this meditation and stillness are needed in order to recognise the 'not me' and endeavour to reset to the natural cycles and rhythms and not let not by force the natural circadian rhythms be restored. 



Fractal Enlightenment

I like the idea of the Cosmic Egg and how it relates to the shape of the Cosmos as depicted by scientists.

To me coming out of the egg makes a picture for me of arriving and emerging and made out of the same substance as the Universe and also being enveloped in it and growing like it; birth, growth and death, recycled in either the same form or dissolved into the ingredients of the egg to emerge again as recycled energy.

Some say that one never really leaves the egg as the cocoon has an aura and that surrounds one, I tend to agree with that so in fact the aura is an energetic egg that by slower frequencies seems to take on a more visible tangible shape and form. Like steam condensing to water and freezing to ice.  

As to where the auric emanations form in a sort of magnetic or some other containment field is a mystery. My presupposition is that it arises from the quantum vacuum where there is every possibility and probability as to where the selection of these fields are coalesced and their destiny I feel is in the realm of The Cosmic Creator, God the Father / Mother Divine principle.   




Hogen Jury

In this way I'm using inertia as a programmed brain washed idea or set of concept ideas and as a package I name it as an energy identity called ego. A unit that filches energy from the human mind and body and this pilfering is magnified inordinately and magnifies the glamorous even the morbidity which maybe a fascination with fear and horror, dread and demise as well as the compelling beauty and charm. 

There is a TV programme I occasionally view and it is a bout a judge and he is fastidious about the law and logically fair and the trials are well acted and remind me of the evidence given when I was in Forensics. However he is addicted to sex and has many affairs. He made a remark in one of the series something like this 'Isn't it strange how I can be so punctilious in law only to be drawn away with raw emotions' he went to therapy and so on.

I relate to this; I am so complete and whole in the stillness and peace even in action and then a trigger or raw emotion bursts upon me and I am drawn into the emotional drama that follows. His law is the equivilant to my stillness the both sides of the human psyche, of course the law is not the same as stillness, however we are drawn away from these facets of ourselves,

For me it is the strength of the brain washed agendas and the empathy I feel with the collective unconscious stream that underlies or is subterranean to and in the human psyche and over the ages built up in the Earth's aura no matter how many extinctions and residues are left in the soil, rocks and water memories, plus the magnetosphere and the Earth's core and solar system collective.

I feel we are reincarnated and although the new born comes in with a clean slate so to speak I feel there are latent contaminates which pervade the incoming soul and subtly imbibe the foetal embryo. I feel the soul chooses a life with parents and circumstances which are commensurate and concomitant in order to work out the unfinished business regarding the emotional and ego programmes and brain washing . 

So why should the soul be awakened in a particular incarnation or not and sleep through it and finding safety and relative ease or just bear the torture of it? What can awaken the soul in their comparative quiescent state?

 I feel that our true nature is conscious awareness in which we are primal creative source energy and it feels peaceful, dynamic and whole and at onement with everything. Because it is intelligent and conscious it recognises intuitively that which is not of Itself and so when the soul begins to tire of its programmes and stultifying life and its explorations into many collected programmes, cultures, politics, religions, creeds, highs and lows, it seeks distractions and deadening ruses to trick itself and run away in them and then it can feel suicidal and depressed and become morbid and morose and in some cases die like this and as some have found they embrace the darkness and pain in them and march into it, a kind of surrender and dive into that black hole and submit to 'drowning' and drown to the enveloping crushing black hole and with their fearlessness bred of a so tiresome life surrender to the inevitable with which they have run away from. 

They have caught up with themselves and wondered what the fuss was all about.   



Philip Yancey

I was watching a TV documentary film named ' The Chosen is a television drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, created, directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins. It is the first ...  and during one of the episodes one of the Sadducees and Pharisees remarked about the miracles that Jesus performed 'The main difference between the Pharisees and the Sadducees was their differing opinions on the supernatural aspects of religion. To put things simply, the Pharisees believed in the supernatural -- angels, demons, heaven, hell, and so on -- while the Sadducees did not. ... Most of the Sadducees were aristocratic------- 'Was it possible to bend or overturn the laws of nature'  others thought it were angels, demons and so on.

This then got me thinking; since all there is, is a conglomeration, a cluster and assortment of atoms coalesced and melded according to the Divine Will then what God created God can change, reconfigure and do all sorts of things 'What is impossible for humans is possible for God'

Because human minds generally are shaped by brain washing inculcation then our minds then become full of beliefs and agendas, so we see through the net and backdrop of our programmes and conditioning and we are generally fixed in our beliefs and when we are confronted with something 'outside the box' and even when we say think outside the box it is usually just a modification and very rarely original and creative.

It is my contention that if one could suspend, not by suppression or some other blocking means all beliefs and conditioning I feel the human mind and its deliberations and contentions would be an open channel to the Divine and this would allow the reconfigurations and upgrades to come through, in fact they were there all the time  like the Sun behind the clouds.

I feel that one would have to 'ask or intercede' and say 'Dear God if it thy will to heal or (whatever) you know the circumstances and I am open to thy decision'. This might mean the request is not to the liking of the requesting person, one has to truly suspend any personal plea or wish just 'simply your will be done great Spirit' with truly no regrets or personal wishes other than to intercede in a truly non personal way and this is really difficult to do.

It is really by not doing and just the request is enough and as Jesus says 'The Father already knows what is best' so in that case is there any need to 'butt in' with a plea, or could one really feel no matter what the circumstances, one accepts even if it seems hopeless and detrimental.

I have often wondered at the time why should this happen to me, what have I done and so on, what weird and painful things was this and in years to come or sometimes quicker they were meant to be and that the DIVINE had seen the outcome years ahead as if God on high, is on high and sees the terrain whilst I trudge the path below and my vision limited,

Indeed it is difficult to see the road ahead and blur the circumstances with short vision and so this leads me to the blog POST  I struggle to come to terms with. It is the end of March 2021 and I feel this pandemic Covid stuff(there is definitely a bad flu)  is a takeover and a New World Order which to me is an an abomination and I am writing in (online) is a conspiracy blog and yet I feel I should write and expose it, mind you there are many being censored and deplatformed(according to the blogger guidelines censored and not allow this content, whilst they say blog away your passions, we shall see) this maybe censored off the social media and internet and yet getting through with other means, I have prayed that there is Divine intervention or some ET swoop and yet I am feeling to let it go and that God knows and there maybe a reason for all of this and being allowed to proceed even though the human race and nature is being decimated and at times I wondering perhaps this is the new way. I have to let it battle in me rage and let the blogs go and my judgement and bias be suspended or it will fall away as so much has in the past, it will fall and not matter, after all it will all fall I hope cleanly when my soul is called to spirit life.



Joe Strummer

Some experiences during quiet moments when the awareness is sharp and the mind quiet are amazing, fleeting and very difficult to put into words and depict the experience adequately.

I was meandering around the flat when I felt this ripple sort of 'under the skin' starting at the nape of the neck to the frontal lobes and I felt a very tangible vibe of something entering my mind, it was a very intimate and recognisable sensation as to its sensation of rippling which I had before.  

At this point in my article I diverse for a while; I have long known that it was possible to infiltrate the brain and smear the consciousness and so cloud the natural awareness and plant the seeds by inculturation and inculcation and I felt I was being 'shot at or blasted' by some some source;



From blog / Post 84 Monday 12 August 

An example of ELF Brain Simulation


Bioelectric Resonance Frequency


Motor Control Cortex                      10Hz                    Information Induced through Modulation                  


Auditory Cortex                               15Hz                   Motor Impulse coordinator


Visual Cortex                                   25Hz                   Images on the brain by passing the eye. 


Somalosensory                                 9Hz                     Phantom touch sense.


Thought Center                                20Hz                   Imposed subconscious thoughts.


These are from panel underneath very old copy  above. Now all this far more advanced.

This from POST / blog 84 Monday 12th August 2013

I felt it was more like Visual or Soma as above, however with the set up of satellites, 5G networks this is probably how this occurred, by the way in POST 84 you can see at the bottom the sophisticated set of more of these insidious surreptitious programmes. 

The effect was a sort doubting depressing heaviness and when I realised this was not of me it lifted and dissipated.

Furthermore the wave or frequency seemed to dissipate like a wave at the beach which ripples in and seems to retreat back on itself. Further more I feel that vaccinations of the future or more attacks as above can wear away the awareness or rather cloud the awareness as I feel awareness is one's true nature. It is pure consciousness and has a safety facility which clicks in when foreign intrusions wish to intrude, it is by repetitious bombardment and impacting constantly that it can wear one down and by lack of sleep, indigestible food, contaminants and so on it depletes one by fatigue and so dulls the mind and its intuitive faculties.

I knew of a person who lived near the Ruislip American Airforce facility that the black vans and helicopters as in diagram above in the early trials of Echelon as it was named were experimenting around that area and many fell sick, this lady I knew had colon cancer and she felt the impact in her solar plexus and tracing the people affected it was found to 'prey' on their weakest psyche weakness or physical vulnerability. I also knew a man who was 'micro waved ' and spied on and I helped uncover the security forces who were doing this and we appealed to the Home Secretary William Whitelaw (1979 -1983) who authorized an investigation, the gentleman in question JW (protect name) was Irish and they thought he might be a terrorist, the effect on him was sleeplessness and extreme headaches and they had listening devices implanted in the wall. 

OK so one might say I am imagining these things and as I am aware of the consequences and such like my imagination and my romantic or paranoid or anything like this perhaps my naivety or wanting to think I am an important target for the security forces and so on, even a friendly or not so hacker who has attended my workshops or read my blogs. I know not but what I feel and trust in myself. 


Deviant Art