Monday 11 June 2018


Readers digest

Really being happy having fun

Not much thought

Fun seems spontaneous

If it is contrived

It’s not fun

Play like the child

Let go of image

Have fun

Be like the wind and go where the spontaneity of play and fun leads you

Do no harm



A  blog and microsite for the publishing for Universities

Its OK, it’s alright not to constantly think.

It’s fine to let go the internal dialogue chatter.

Its way OK to rest from thought, tension and anxiety, just to prove you’re alive.

Let go of that silent shadow, that backdrop which shades the brightness of the true self.

It’s OK to claim the light which is the natural birthright and inheritance to humanity from the Universe.

It’s OK not to sabotage oneself.

For in the letting go of everything one creates spaces for the ineffable joy----- now that can’t be bad, can it?










There are some people who have terribly dark thoughts perhaps through life experiences and trauma. These experiences are not owned therefore becomes ‘not my responsibility’ and are then projected out and not dealt with. This then leads to the ‘blame game’ and makes one the victim.  This particular lady had really some spiteful and dark thoughts and she was paranoid with everyone to blame for her anger and her not liking herself.  She would never admit that she did not like herself, whilst in fact she hated herself. Men let her down and she blamed them, men made her feel awful and her numerous relationships were tragic and unsuccessful.  She was a manager of a sheltered home for elderly and disabled people and regularly bullied the elderly and frail and anyone who dared to oppose her were swiftly and relentlessly dealt with.

She had favourites and confided in them and often in a drunk state confessed her bitterness that life had dealt her a rotten hand and especially with men. When she was spoken too about her dark thoughts she would say they were not hers and were the result of evil people who had it in for her.  She did not see that blaming people was making her a victim of her own projections, 'so and so makes me feel angry, resentful, guilty and revengeful’, she never apologises and refuses help and yet when cornered lied and dropped innocent people into trouble by getting other people to ‘fire the bullets’.

She had guile and cunning and was street wise and the faithful loyal were rewarded but if they stepped out of line she would bring ‘fire and heaven sent wrath’ upon them.

She schemed over numerous bottles of wine in order to manipulate plans of revenge and get her own back. She was investigated by the police several times and the management of her company and had a charmed life and the life of ten cats.  She used magic rituals that she learnt from a gypsy friend and cast spells and curses.

I realised if one is caught up in a terrorist incident or accident it is easy to blame.  However if one can and it is not easy to let the events be factual, face it full on an rerun it with sharp awareness then the storage and regurgitation of the event is less emotionally damaging and the dark thoughts, anger, revenge and blame will cause less haunting and will cause less trauma, repression and suppression only stores it in the mind and body and it can cause subterranean damage and surface in disguise and keep doing so until the mask is stripped off and one faces it.  One will always blame the other or oneself, then it becomes a habit and seems part ones reality and goes through life disappointed and unhappy. It becomes habitual.

This then becomes a way of life, disgruntled, wary, distrusting, suspicious leading to exhaustion trying to keep ones guard up and eventually leading a solitary lone lonely life.

In the case of the terrorist incident one is not to blame and these incidents are morally inappropriate and unloving and one can ease the pain and anger one can endeavour to come to some sort of resolution with oneself, because what one projects and gives away and not owned cannot be dealt with and one has given away the property of that projection to someone else.

Blame and vindictiveness brought into a relationship and is unfinished business can surface in a new relationship and bear no resemblance to the new partner and may use the new relationship as a ‘blame board game’.  Bitterness and all that sails with it can become a way of life and the one who is in this frame of mind may always be looking out to vent this on any suitable person or situation and what’s more gather around like minded.

There is a relationship which can be found under the fall out of the damage and it needs to start in oneself before venturing out. There is a compassion which is free and unfettered and is not caught up in the net of emotional rewards and comforts.  Should one be in a purely emotional relationship then one looks to the other for the emotional rewards usually based on ‘love that was not given or received from an early age’ one looks to the partner as ‘the love of one’s life’ and puts a huge responsibility on them, keep the supply of rewards coming, the words of affection and adoration coming, and when they die or go awry, deep pain and rejection.  Then the blame game starts off again.  It’s putting one’s eggs in one basket.  

Forming deep attachments has a side effect when that attachment is broken then withdrawal and emotional pain commences and one realises that one’s life has been lived through another.  All life in form is transient, a passing cloud, a whiff of scent, almost dreamlike and how does one make a dream a reality when one day death claims it all.

Life is unpredictable and as such is an adventure, one is a pioneer and explorer if not the strength to deal with the unexpected is not there and one is too reliant on others who may not be available so one needs to be innovative, adaptable and resourceful.  Logic and intellect can help but the trusting in the intuitive and spontaneous ‘inner resources’ of life may be of the highest value.

Those that live with a definite image and do intentionising and mind manifestation will if applied diligently and whole heartedly may get their dream, yet to what avail when death swallows that up and they proclaim on their death bed ‘yes I did it my way’ and lament when it is snatched away by the ‘grim reaper’ on the other hand they might sail away into death’s locker very happy indeed. Yes, one can enjoy it all and have it all without attachment, a game that’s just a game win or lose.

Looking for Mr or Mrs Right, the man or girl of my dreams is a formulae that many pursue for love and perhaps taken from a Hollywood Movie or Celebrity Idol or romance book can fizzle out after the extended honeymoon is over.

The world is going through this; the dark lady game of blame.  Blame this country’ this religion, this cult, this ideology, these politics and so on.  Why doesn't God stop these massacres, Gods gone off and left us, disappointed at his own creation.

Whilst we all blame and go into denial which then starts the blame game again then there will always be this ‘game’.  When we stop blaming others we can turn it on ourselves, I blame myself, I am weak, I should have seen this coming, too aggressive, I’m fake, not assertive enough, what’s wrong with me and so on.

When listening to oneself and examining one’s thoughts and emotions, one may come to the realisation these are not who I am or anybody else, I have driven these underground in the basement, the cellar or if you like the attic, under the stairs and these dark places are running my life. I realise triggers, signals, codes and signs set these off.  Words by others, the media, peer pressure and parental early childhood stuff. Is this really me, am I not more than this?

Do I have to go to my deathbed resenting life, blaming everyone and thing, how do I break the deadlock, the impasse to these continuing things, like a loop tape.

If you choose too' one can watch without bias and keep note of the thoughts and feelings, emotions and scenarios. Have a small Dictaphone and keep note as these reoccurring thoughts, feelings, scenarios, fantasies and emotions occur, if one does this in a easy yet unbiased and non judgemental way, it may happen that  at one time an awareness without bias, attention without intention, easy breathing, relaxed and yet fine tuned alert without strain or tenseness, a sudden realisation steals upon one ‘is this all there is to me a set of programmes, fantasies, emotions’?  Who is this watching these happenings and does not seem to be part of them, a silent not interfering witness, a watcher, these intrusions of mind stuff seem less real than the watcher. The watcher without thought seems at peace, is peace, and do I really need so much thought? 





Sometimes when I am still and hardly breathing, quiet of mind, a great happiness steals into my mind not a laughing guffaw type happiness and I am not sure if happiness is the right word to describe it. A great sigh and feeling of utter freedom then it feels as though I am filled with light, joy and an inner strength.

I feel so alight that it feels like I am shinning, a lighthouse, a beacon radiating light joy and well being.

It seems as I sit in meditation and sometimes spontaneously that I am beginning to rely on this inner joining and it seems to arise when I am doing daily tasks  as well and when needing physical strength to go quiet and let this strength activate my physical efforts.

It feels like the word glory expresses an energy that is not Earthly and it seems to arrive, actually it there all the time when I drop my own selfish agenda and the internal dialogue mind chatter.

Sitting quietly or just ruminating, thoughts like clouds, shutters, Venetian blinds and veiled curtains are slowly drawn back, gently dispersed and then there is a clear bright space which has been there all the while waiting patiently for the blinkers of delusion to melt away revealing glory and reunion with what was seemingly outside to join with the inside and create a seamless being.


Sunday 3 June 2018


Pins Daddy

The feeling of joy, ecstasy and grace at moments was just the brain at rest from the onslaught of ego mind chatter and batter, and then I felt it was presumptuous and arrogant to even assume that this was the presence of the Source, the Creators Spirit joining with my spirit.  

Then I realised ‘I’ as above is personal and local mind a personal agenda and that like a bottle of water, the water being the spirit source and the life force with the cork being the ego which has to be partially opened for this form to live and have life.

There has to be a drip and an opening or hole in the cork so that some life force ‘water’ can seep through. However the water maybe dark and cloudy stained by the ego agenda, however various methods of purification can be employed. Prayer, meditation (the highest form of prayer) this is because one is not requesting just being empty minded and ready to receive without wanting something in return.

There is an alternative version the water is merely murky and the cork is open and oneness was there all the time it is a matter of clearing the muck and cloudiness out of the water.

There is a contentious point arising here; some religious people I have met fear being empty makes a space for the evil devil to occupy, I find that if one is aware and not drifting off to sleep or getting into a hypnotic or trance state, a dull mind full of anguish, then knowing one is the witness and not some foreign personality or feeling of not being myself, then this is adequate and then one can feel the joy of the silence and peace.

The water in the bottle joins with the water from the Ocean Of Life which is the Source. The body in this example is the body and the water in the bottle the soul, when the two fully unite there is the absence of the ego and there is joy, peace and feeling of being at home. The cork has to have something remaining otherwise the body life would be unable to retain its form, the minimum shape of the cork determines the ingress of the water, this means the ego is almost not apparent and is only there to serve the small requirements of daily living.

In the example of the water merely blemished one does the same process of purification it is merely that drips of water seeping through the cork gives less energy and in murky water more energy is attained by the same clearing process.

It is very much like the iris of a camera and as the iris opens it lets in more light (water as in example) or like it lets more water light join with the whole.  It is this wearing away of the cork and opening of the iris which are both of the same process that is the purification, realisation and awakening which one may undertake in the quest of the so named spiritual path and it has been known that some have had spontaneous awakenings without the so felt laborious disciplines and searching to obtain this awakening. It would be nice if this happened to me. However taking the long path may have its advantages in garnering wisdom and perhaps deep compassion and understanding of human ego agendas.

When the cork has gone and the iris fully opened  or the water clear and bright and a complete joining is made, the cork and the iris have served their purpose, or there is just clear water, dissolve so does the bottle. The bottle ‘body’ is gently laid aside to join the Earth or Fire.  The purpose of this life maybe the joining and the way of it in the body maybe determined by destiny or karma.



Meme Generator

As one dissolves or dismantles the scaffold of the ego, each layer like the peeling of the onion , the ego can feel afraid of the changes and can produce stiff knees, neck and all the joints and produce lethargy and put on weight.

No please, no more, I will not exist if this goes on, I will destroy myself before I am dismantled, I warn you I will manufacture all sorts of disasters, calamities, illnesses and bad luck, don't say I didn't warn you.

Then something says silently and deeply within, this is not the real me, this a thought created entity and so in this false reality it is possible when this is realised there cannot be a calamity and disaster.  Should the ego structure be taken as reality then threats and gimmicks are to be taken as real, it is the belief that one is the ego and the negativity of the agendas that makes them so.

Once a real glance and then many exposures of this false creating ability of the ego is realised then one can realise the false structures from the scaffold and to be the skeleton and naked to the false flesh adornments and can declare that the ego was never real in the first place.

Then in the nakedness of the simplicity of the empty mind, the mind of everything empty, alert full of a dynamic that is the potential of Life then there is that which is and I can only conjecture that is reality.





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There is still an 'I' there, although somewhat precariously 'hanging on for dear life' as the ego cries for survival.  

Hang on to what says the  nowhere mindless whatever, even this is trying to form a hook to hang one's cap on.

Does it ever end? No, because there never was a beginning so how can there be an end?

I wonder what is over the horizon? What if there are endless horizons? Will that satisfy the curious .