Tuesday 15 March 2022
















The past is gone and is only a memory, sometimes vivid sometimes distant and nebulous. The Future if not based on the past or some notion conjugated from the memory banks is a clean slate a paper not marked or scribed upon. A true future is the unknown and it beholds one to let it unfold and act as an element of surprise or indeed a miracle.

The past has in many instances has had many waters flow under the bridge, indeed the bridge of life with the bystander witness serenely or sometimes clouded over by anxiety and fear witnessing and being aware of.

Being in the now with no reference or hint of the past, being still and calm, means there is there is no connection to the graphics of the past and there is a future to behold that is not the past regurgitated or reconfigured or upgraded and is new and original.

Can the Ego step back and allow such a procedure or process to unfold and as a result of stepping aside realise that the bounty of the Unknown is not as threatening as once perceived. 



Meme Generator

Thank Goodness I am not enlightened 

Now I can be myself




                       Thank you 

for releasing me 


Isn't me

who is me anyway?

Is there a me

Your joking aren't you?




Enlightenment have I not

The Mind Ties Itself in a Knot

Therefore what have I got



Saturday 12 March 2022


New York Times

Hello SHACK(Geoff ) here. I am inviting my friends to hum with me and start if they can a humming group or Zoom and Skype. 

We are living in a world of Darkness and I feel protests and trying to legally sue is beyond the worlds community at large. Prayer is of course always useful and powerful.

As you know glass can be shattered by vibration and ultra sound break up kidney and gall stones. 


Humming has been found to help dementia and some humming can be done to heal oneself. I can recommend two sources that are samples and explain it  more than I can. They are The Humming Effect 

From my own book

From my own purchase
I assure you I purchased these three or four years back and I am not linked or have any financial or promotional links with the above, its simply because I have used these for all this time and they have proved to me the efficacy of these simple but enormously powerful sounds and the simplicity to do it. 
From files
One might think that a simple group or individual cannot effect the darkness and destruction in this world (examples; Walls of Jericho, soldiers on bridges have to step out of unison, Lamas in Tibet breaking Stones and mountain obstructions and many more).
Humming with Intent can be very powerful as explained in first book and just think of a World Humming Day with thousands at a coordinated time humming to breakup the Darkness and dare I say the evil intent of those who want to enslave humanity, rape nature and obliterate the young and innocent.    
Try this with Jonathan Goldman
Do not worry about the word chakra they are merely energy centres where the Vagus nerve passes through. You can read many other ways of tuning the Vagus nerves for personal benefit but this way and collectively as I have suggested above could be a world changer.
https://youtu.be/F8kwc1lkiAQ(for the above video)
He also said the medicine of the future would be vibration.

WOULD YOU IF YOU FEEL INCLINED SHARE THIS AND SEE WHERE IT GOES. There is no copywrite on this Shack article.

You can be sure there will be those who will want to jam and rubbish this idea.
Please may I suggest when you intend and float the intention on the sound vibrations that you have no malice or ego in the intent just to break the darkness like sugar melting in hot water. 

 Courtesy Fine Art America (merely to illustrate article it is not their intention to be involved above)

We face such a situation in this world today.


will continue as series on
www.geofffreed.com or online,
This is now non political, conspiratorial and is just about Humming, vibrations and yes a new one Rattles!!!!?

Tuesday 1 March 2022


Image Courtesy Mojvideo.com
                                                     Carved by Rudolf Steiner

In simple terms Ahrimanic influences are a type of devil, evil, luciferin and yet in some philosophies and early belief systems Lucifer was associated with Venus the morning star and bringer of light. In Isaiah the Hebrew  הֵילֵל pronounced 'hay-lalehas connotations to the negative and destructive influences. There are also mentions in Zurvanite Zoroastrianism and Avestan a mixture an old and new language named Zend. In Christian theosophy there is  The Opus Sanctorum Angelorum, a debated group inside the Roman Catholic Church, defines Ahriman as a "demon in the Rank of Fallen Powers". It says his duty is to obscure human brains from the Truth of God.[

It seems that history way back recognised the power of evil; a psychiatrist I had contact with Dr Arthur Guirdham (I knew him and corresponded with him when he was in Somerset -- I think Bath maybe) and he wrote a book 'The Cathars and Reincarnation' is a book in which evil is espoused and many therapists feel Evil or the Devil is one's shadow side. 

There are many who feel that some ET races have by subscribing to technology, logic and cloning or birth by incubators and so on have lost their compassion, heart felt emotions and 'humanness' or the more refined aspects of it. So they are more mechanical as it were, some say they are not a race as such in any form be it the ' greys' or some other forms.


Some feel the Ahrimanic influences (this includes many categories above) are an auric shield we carry around us and interfaces with a unrefined dense energy field and is not corporeal. I subscribe to the energy fields and the the ET who have lost some of their characteristics of compassion and heartfelt goodwill and peace although not being evil as such are clinical and seemingly like a curt detached surgeon as it were and these have been described by abductees in UFO encounters also in the interviews between Matilda O'Donnell Mc. Elroy and an Alien she interviewed.
Matilda O'Donnell Mc.Elroy
In her interviews and transcripts (many say are fake---I have fact checked her original and her family and an elderly retired Officer who was present and supervised the interviews and so on). However she describes the fact that the being was sort of distant but highly intelligent, logical and without sentiment as such although occasionally she felt a sort of benevolence of a sort. Other cases of note are Travis Walton and so on. 

However I would like to put another view and shared by some; because of the ET or field of energy many have felt their loss and are attracted to the human form and experiences, some may have lost theirs in their endeavours solely to science and technology and a trend which we are in 2021 experiencing with eugenics, transhumanism, technocracy and cyborgism, GMO foods, chemtrails and genetic engineering in an extreme manner;'Miniscule biological machines developed by scientists from the cells of frogs – commonly referred to as Xenobots – can now self-replicate, according to a new scientific report.

The Xenobots were made public in a report last year, which suggested the self-repairing technology could be used to replace degradable materials such as concrete, steel, and plastic. Then, in March, it was revealed that the organisms had been improved to be able to remember their surroundings and assemble into a single swarm.

If we can develop technologies, learning from Xenobots, where we can quickly tell the AI: ‘We need a biological tool that does X and Y and suppresses Z,’ —that could be very beneficial,” Bongard explained.

While Bongard insisted that the benefits of the supposedly breakthrough technology outweigh the risks, several reports have raised ethical concerns surrounding Xenobot technology. It has even been suggested that they could be turned into a military bioweapon and assassination tool'.

Well can one see the trend away from feeling and human compassion and then become a 'god like ' passion through machine and technology?
Although some of the technology may benefit humanity it could be just another dominating dictatorship aspect and human egoistic tendencies inflamed with grandeur lust for power. The mechanistic approach is a very dense frequency and vibrations even though it could involve nano circuitry and electronic devices and for those who feel the real goal of humankind is to ascend into higher and finer vibratory state and a spiritual evolution through Natural evolution ah la through the Universal Source of Creation.  

The lower as it were dense or heavy energies are in some way envious of the human condition of love, peace, good will and sharing which is the opposite of ego, selfishness and dictatorial despotism. So it maybe these darker entities either want to regain some humanness which they lost to pure logic and technocracy or wish to conquer and add to their already large domain.  
From  Rudolf Steiner's 8th sphere.

As I see it as humanity is being saturated with these frequencies of the technocracy and all then we are going eventually cocooned and swaddled in this vibratory conquest. The media, the toys, the education, the medical and above all the  large multinationals especially the petroleum and pharmaceutical bombard the senses with NEW and Upgraded Digital Devices, videos of demonic and pornographic nature, crime escalation, wars and youth stabbings, youth murders at schools, riots and so on which lowers the vibratory state and which THE AHRIMANIC entities FEED ON, it is music to their ears so to speak and the denser the human race gets and the lust and power of the Deep State, The Bilderbergs, illuminati the so called elite, the multi Billionaires, the industrial Military Complex, The World Economic Forum, the so called morals shift, in fact the moral compass is almost non existent, so the mechanistic 'nanny fed' humans by robots who will serve no doubt while the hedonistic couch potatoes will sit back, get lazy and every thrill and sensation downloaded by virtual reality. Drugged, bugged and emotionally sick and depraved.

From and ancient language the word or depiction of evil written or scribed upside down because they abhorred evil and recognised the Ahrimanic influences.




Quote Fancy 

It may seem strange to say as the image above depicts as is supposed to be said by the late singer David Bowie as to what I feel to use the quote for.

In a world especially as in 2020 to now the end of 2021 in which the whole world is in fear gripped by total authoritarian and eventually leading to a totalitarian autocratic group of persons who espouse benevolence and yet have an ulterior motive and a rationale which is in my view hideous. These being technocracy, cyborgism, transhumanism and eugenics to name but a few. However, many may see this is progress. 

To explain my use of the quote above in the image; a theme I have written about so many times. It would seem in this Universe that a salient factor is change, all is motion although it may seem solid. At a fundamental level of existence atoms and particles are in motion and although infinitesimal are indeed the building block for more seemingly huge dense forms and structures. Here is the paradox; the seemingly small to build the large and the large and seemingly safe solid and safe ground and here for ever and lasting with apparently endurance and years of life. Yet simple investigation will see that everything in motion has to have its dual or complimentary side of motionless and stable.

There is this urge for many of us to want to live for ever and ever amen and to live in this body as youthful and vigorous with eternal youth. Perhaps because of the pleasure it affords and is the KNOWN and seemingly solid and safe. Yet lurking in the dim background of the unconscious lies this predator coming out of the deep to snaffle and purloin the body to death and finality. Either oblivion, hell, heaven or some sort of afterlife. 

It is the fear of uncertainty in the UNKNOWN, the fear of oblivion and lets face it in oblivion there is no fear to be experienced for one has no faculty to experience anything, in fact some contemplate this as extremely satisfying while others shiver at the very thought of it. Then those who believe in an afterlife, often reasoning; well look a creator would not create all this only to wipe us off the board so to speak and for a sick joke, a sort of trick or treat. Then some may say we have been born in this incarnation to a sentient aware conscious body in order to deal and feel comfortable with the Unknown and impermanency and transient nature of existence in whatever form of capsule we or the conscious awareness is indeed cocooned and swaddled in. 

When one truly realises there is no safe ground, perhaps a God or Creator who in ITSELF is realising there is no Safe Ground for the Creator may surmise 'how did I get born as I cannot find an answer to this, I will create a huge and ongoing Universe and prove I exist because I create and maybe amongst the plethora I will find myself'?

For me that is not satisfactory and leaves me more confused. Well all of this is reasoning and logic and is the realm of programming, agendas, beliefs and are passed down through culture, religion, politics and as I see it this madness of endeavouring marriage of machine and man, domination through technology which affords every person alive to have no privacy and constantly under surveillance affording the elite the voyeurism, perverted lust of utter dominance and putting themselves in a position to manufacture organs, build limbs and survive for ever by constantly renewing themselves through organ or mechanical means. They are indeed afraid of DEATH and impermanence THEY HAVE  indeed realised there is NO SAFE GROUND so they are attempting to make everything safe and known for ever. Mind you that is a comforting thought and feeling---yet there maybe just and inkling, a tinge of fear, a slight tremor in this quest CAN WE REALLY do it.

I feel they might achieve a modicum of success and I have a sneaking feeling that The Universe will prove THERE is no SAFE Ground and when one discovers through meditation and goes beyond human made thought no matter what concoction or scientific potion by the finest quantum computers and truly experience NO MIND then perhaps this maybe the answer, not a specific logical formulae or equation but a deep knowing and it does not have a reason or explanation, it is a intimate intuitive feeling and does not need proof or logical technical explanation and thesis.

One feels safe deeply and succinctly in an intuitive mode if one can say mode and is at rest and in peace with NOT having anything safe and there is not any or base or foundation nor ground either----can I explain it , absolutely not, does it matter not really so what is left? You tell me !!!?





Yes I have used the image above many times and to back this up Einstein and Tesla said much the same; Nikola Tesla said, “ If you wish to understand the Universe think of energy, frequency and vibration. “ ... It's our doubt and changing frequencies and our inability to hold thoughts and visions for extended times that takes us off our path. Einstein 'everything in the Universe is vibration'. So what then is reality ? And who created the vibrations that caused the frequencies and fields of wave energies.
The Culture Club
To most it would seem God created reality and yet the stars, planets and nature and indeed us are composed of atoms and particles which vibrate at certain selected frequencies. Our cultural, religious brain washing and programmes create. So does human consciousness create reality? Because every programme by humans maybe different according to their inculcations, conditioning and agendas against the back drop of the Natural Universe so there maybe a question to ask here, which reality is real or are they mere formations of a human mind and a Cosmic Mind and at best are arrangements of vibrations and frequencies?
Big Think

Unfortunately the image elected depicts my use but the WEF is part of the technocrocy, eugenics, cyborgism and transhumanism and has another agenda. For me the image merely demonstrates that although appearing solid flesh and bone at the core they are accumulated and collated atoms of selected frequencies and work in harmony with all other frequencies, indeed an orchestra at an atomic level and then going deeper past the atom to the particles and the to the quantum field and the vacuum.  
Big Think
So perhaps reality in a way does not exist and is impermanent. Obviously The Universe is always in motion and change, the largest planets, galaxies, stars and all else will explode, disintegrate and indeed as we do we do and as Eastern Philosophy in Buddhism says, everything is transient, impermanent, so are the concoctions and dreams, the solid and yet illusionary conjurors, the magic of the Cosmic Magician really to be held onto as reality for when we look behind the curtain at any perceivable form, we see vibrations of electrical signals which are vibrations which arise from atoms and particles in which themselves arise from the Unknown by an Invisible Source and one may wonder what's it all about. That indeed is for the individual and humanity to sort out.

 Why hold tight to an illusion----maybe the viewer of the Illusion has been convinced somewhere it is not an illusion---helpful !!!?





The Culture Club







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