Monday 27 March 2017


listening on the phone to the messages and real time conversation the feeling comes----we all have a story our history which brings us to where this present moment is which also becomes history. So the feeling gets deeper; why on earth is this so important, history is a memory like a remembered dream and I the listener feels smug, because in that moment I am only listening and not living the emotions of the caller, although I might be sympathetic and empathetic.

I feel I am free I do not feel this and I give advice and many times the caller feels grateful, this boosts my smugness until I become the caller. 

What is being smug, for me it is feeling I am safe in my theory, beliefs in my past achievements.  However on close inspection it is realized these are memories and if brought forth into the present and lived as reality become my future is but a replay of a modified past. The yawning chasm hits home, there is no future it is merely a rerun, a forward button on the video recorder in the mind. There is no originality in this, only when the mind is fooled it is. So the future is a cosmetic replay of the past. Basically stuck and halted. 

New thrills and innovations are sort, some distractions from the burning issue which might arise as; if there is no originality only make overs and distractions they are endless dogs chasing tails then what is there beside this?

Taking nature and evolution when the dinosaurs, saber toothed tigers, mammoths, old stone man and all were in fashion, for the really original to take place a sort of wipe out, an extinction, a wiping of the slate and board took place.

Oh boy! so for me, and us all does it mean we / me have to wipe the slate clean?  Does this mean suicide, blow up the world? 

It might mean to be aware of the past by observing the mind in quiet non judgemental fashion, an interested observer of what arises and has the frame of mind; who is this thinker and where did those thoughts, feelings and emotions arise from and where are they stored?

When the questions subside and the mind becomes empty naturally, the reflex to think and promulgate thought, because the mind is not used to not thinking, the incessant chatter of the internal dialogue, then there is quiet, then there is no distraction or past, present or future, one is truly in the now and there is nothing to be smug about.



chris floyd--empire burlesque 

Travelling far and wide and each new bend in the road hoping to find that special one, that view that feeling.

Stopping and residing for a while, then moving on. Then feeling this is the place, the energy is good, the few people are seemingly well disposed towards themselves and me. Then finding this is not it.  Wondering what it is, looks like, feels like?

Suddenly, quickly writing furiously in a mad rush packing bags, hitting the road and driving fast, the runaway train in the psyche pushes the accelerator, the gas pedal.  Where is it?

Having been to many beauty spots, museums, places of historic and spiritual importance, to the residences of famous long gone people, been to brothels and cat houses houses in a blood horror forensic career, seen bull fights, night clubs, strippers, porn, dealt with horror and beauty, loved and been loved, been near death's doors, survived vilifying, been enraged and besieged with hate and venom, loved till the ends and back in sublime bliss. 

Becoming world weary with the constant wars, corruption, pollution and every devious and dirty trick in the book, sauntering towards cynicism and yet something pulls up the sliding to a sort of dumb nonchalance. Becoming soured and distrusting seeing nervous faces in the crowd, very few smiling.

Feeling of what is there left to do here? What purpose is being served. Slipping into depression and hauled back by a familiar and yet uncanny kind of call, deep or high, a whisper and then running like mad from it.

Then in rare moments this dull ache, this drudgery of the ages leaves, the year gone bye, the grey scudding clouds, the damp cold wind and drizzle subside and a moment of warmth seeps into the misty window of perception and it is what is there to do when there is nothing in the world for one anymore.

It is to find that essence of who one is and that one has to give up the world and yet live in it----why is this? 

It might be humanity and all there is were created in order to find they are passing dreams and all there is and was put here and there in order to find this out and give them up----that beyond all dreams is the dreamer and all is well.  



Gazing at the Stars, so many, such majesty, such titanic awesome beauty that it touches some deep and yet natural part of me, as I gasp and murmur, purr in delight it comes to me that I am losing myself in this scenario.  This sense of  loss of the daily normal awareness is not scary it is lovely and peaceful and the stars and I are gradually melting into an awareness in which there is a deep sharing beyond words and description, and it seems real unconditional union which leads to a deep love of----well something without communication for that is oneness.  

One day I have the feeling if there is quietness, solitude and inner courage, that part of me that is not the normal everyday awareness   will leave smoothly and silently and join the spaceless space and go even beyond the stars to the Mystery of Creation which not a single iota of a clue for humans in a flesh body can comprehend.

Its seems the loss of self in these timeless moments gives a preview an aperitif of what's to come.


Tuesday 21 March 2017


metal archives

Jumping and leaping into the void

Not a physical jump

A mind jump

How can you jump into nothing?

Jumping into another dream

Only to find it is only a dream

Dreams have no substance

So where do I go

Go to where I is

Where is the I?

In the Void



alex wijnen

Shattering the illusion that even awareness, being present as the great Eastern Philosophy and practice advices is OK to a point.

The false reality of the ego a catch in the net of Life's experience's not taking into account perish the thought many lives before---your kidding! All this adds up to just what they are  just experience's which change like the weather and the seasons and looked into and examined should bring one to the awakening----are these really real?  Is this all the world and reality is, changing with the idioms, fashions and crazes, religions, politics and scientific discovery which usually says 'all that theory and theories were OK for that era but now-----?  Changing one's mind fundamentally changes one's reality-----so what is really real, a solid reality?  Maybe there isn't one----that's hard to swallow.

Yet realizing there is the reality of no reality can be liberating or really just contemplated and felt as dare it be said----real.
If just an idea, mental and intellectual masturbation then clean underwear maybe the reality of the day.

There is an awareness which watches so it  feels that one is on the look out for what is not ego, this is the sentinel of some spiritual or philosophical concept measuring experiences and thoughts as yea or nay according to the precepts of that concept.  Then there is the awareness of the ego on the look out for a breach in its fortress and quick to summon up its defense and attack, its vast arsenal and array of weaponry which it can modify and maneuverer exceedingly rapidly and change like a chameleon with subtle nuances and camouflage. 

So what is there?  Only one who has gone, literally gone, in or out of the body and ceases to exist as a body and yet is an awareness and yet not consciously mind dead becomes that which is.

This is not hard to swallow because there is nowt there to swallow.  

There's nowt so queer as folk.  An old Northern UK saying. 

Todo o nada --all or nothing  Spanish    
No hay nada mas----there is nothing else.  Spanish.
neeshtoh--nothing.  Russian



No faith not having a religion or a direct recognizable spiritual path yet just sitting quietly is sufficient.  The quiet mind seems to connect to a something, not really a something, it's not tangible, it's a feeling like no other feeling. 

Then this trust issue.  At an early age prayer did not seem to answer and bring a solution, it was hard to believe in an unseen deity and a figure of any deity just seemed to be subject to life and death just as any mortal.

For years on end it was as if the  journey of Life was a chance with destiny and being often called an atheist, a heathen, you must have faith and trust, you are being tossed about by the vagrancies of Life, mere flotsam and jetsam, a leaf blown wildly by the winds of fortune with no purpose, ambition or direction. 

Yet at times there was direction, an inner knowing from the unknown wilderness, the utter desolation in the quiet mind came a gentle warm covering inside / outside / everywhere this is the action or direction to implement.

A feeling of absolute appropriateness and going against conventional wisdom, this was a kind of faith and trust. A sort of faith and trust in the unknown.  Maybe this is the missing key to the God of many religions and faith. 

Perhaps the trust and faith have been there all the while yet not recognized by others and Self.   For trust in the unknown needs no house of prayer or supplication, it is sitting still, quietening the waves of panic and fear, passion and the need for safety, no festivals to celebrate, no family which means all are family, it means no attachments which is attached to all----how so?

By being a floater, a surfer in the unknown, surfing on no apparent surface, one rides the invisible and all opposites are blended into a unity, so hot/cold, light/dark come together to be an unknown where the surface to surf is provided.

Hard to comprehend?

Then let go into the wilderness of the empty mind and surf when arriving.

This is the trust of No Trust and the Faith of No Faith.

Hard one says.  Not really if one views hard and soft as opposites!

the search for the

Tuesday 14 March 2017


Walking into one of those highway stop overs and into the plastic mini diner, a sad self service attendant nodded at the greeting, getting a bottle of water in a plastic bottle and sandwich wrapped in plastic and tasting like plastic and seated opposite a man with restless sad gray blue eyes, and balding gray sparse hair and a wrinkled face. 

He sighed and spluttered over his coffee and sad ' the world is shit you know?'  'Oh how's that was the reply?  I am a physiotherapist and a counselor and psychiatrist and to get to where people are coming from is a mystery, what the fuck goes on inside their crummy heads, I'm on the edge of a breakdown, I'm freaking out. Do I use Freud, Jung, Adler, transactional analysis or just, or just'.
With that he got up, farted and burped, went out and got into an expensive limousine and drove off at high speed.   

The notion came that should one try to use a formula, Freud and so on it means fitting or sussing out their 'shit' it is OK to a point, however what happens if the theory does not fit the occasion? However what happens if one takes a person as a whole and listens to their story and pain, listening without a theory of a famous shrink going on as a background reference, this brings about a still alertness which the 'patient' or pain feeler feels and in that quiet rapport something comes out and is given permission to be released.  Listening whole heartedly without judgment gives the permission and a silent signal to feel safe and release without being evaluated. 

The sad eyed one felt his education did not service his need for healing, a good man, relying on the problem to fix a problem, he seemed to be attracting the blockage by being intellectual and its logic or just prescribing drugs, its all a brain that is deficient in certain chemicals. 

Looking across at the Gas Station a sign was winking in bright red tubes 'Wild Bean --Sign was broken---only the first part showed and that seemed to be apt for the occasion, most of the populace are well drilled in the monotony of modern life and would love to be off the hook and  not too conforming and just be a Wild Bean.

Off course Wild Bean may conjure up visions of a long haired bearded  person with a club or shot gun marauding down the high street yelling profanities and threatening young maidens or could wild mean in tune with nature and like the bean not been boiled scrubbed cleaned, heated to kill bacteria, coated with preservatives and additives to add to the shelf life and then put into a plastic packet which takes a chain saw to open and then is delivered to a plastic eating house to plastic people.



Mathematically Perfected Currency Wordpress. com 

'There's a hole in my bucket'  sang these kids as they waited by the mountain side for their school bus to take them home, the bus looked like something you see in the last days of its life.  Yet it is friendly and gets the job done.

Some papers were left behind by the older kids, reading the stuff it said roughly translated and briefly, there was a lot of it, and some in hand writing. 'a plumber needs to create a drop from the tank to the tap so the water will flow or a pump has to be put in, in weather systems high pressure flows into low pressure so a {drop or fall is kinda needed Shack insert} a battery current flows from - to +.

So being empty in the mind, not vacant or no one at home, no one answering the cell phone so to speak, being dumb or so simple that nothing clicks, the cogs have jammed, no, yet being fully aware and present the experience is more than OK, then that space naturally there will create the drop or fall for that utter enchantment of being one in the joining of a mind to the greater mind.

Then high or low,  - or + do not exist, all pressures cancel each other out, duality is not apparent and one is one with everything.

Where is the hole in the bucket then?




Having established in a view not held by many that consciousness and space, awareness with empty mind, intelligence and creativity is the Source of Life in a never ending to and fro from perceived form to dissolving into the void or the womb of creation then it is possible that all the Universe is held together not by Gravity but intelligent design and creative endeavor.

Human form is a bundle of nothingness held together by a belief that it is solid---dissolve the belief and where is anything or anybody.

You see nothing really exists ----it's all in the mind----a dream, so real it seems real.

Waking up from the fact all is a dream -----then what does one wake up too?

Maybe another dream-----can one ever find the dreamer------of course its YOU.


Wednesday 8 March 2017





its all in








Where is anything?  Its all in the mind.  Where is your mind?  Well its in your brain, who created the brain?  Evolution---oh yes! -- who created Evolution?  Where was anything before creation?  OK everything comes back to who created the whole lot and if there is a creator who created the creator? 

Perhaps if one can go on a journey of supposition and theory all a person can conceive and experience is with a body and brain irrespective of how it arrived or evolved and be that as it may, the stars, the whole firmament is in the eye of the beholder and it is held and viewed by a conscious entity.  In deep sleep one dreams and feels and experiences as if awake----could sleep be another wakefulness?  If this is so then a witness must acknowledge this and be witness to it.  Is this silent witness the creator or just the observer?

What happens when there is the absence of thought?  It is possible to be so and there is a bright illumination and the personal identity created by thought disappears or seems to melt away albeit briefly. It then becomes an impersonal self which has been accomplished by allowing thought to run itself dry, this not the same as suppressing thought or trying to blank the mind, there are ways of doing this, for example by meditation.  What then seems to be the nature of this impersonal self?

This experience then seems to be unlimited and one feels empty and in space. Well perhaps to ponder space is to be in it.



When reading a book or intensely concentrating time seems to go swiftly whilst the clock on the wall records the actual time. When bored times seems to stretch out, yet the clock on the wall records again the time. So we have clock time and psychological time.

Another time is the life and death of a form.  A lump of sugar retains its form from the factory to the beverage when its time is up and its form dissolves.  That time from the form to dissolving can say it is its life.

What about the human form?  It maybe it appears from birth and on its demise its said to have lived so and so many years.  So time in this sense is a physical reality. 

Since all things in the Universe come and go, time then become relative to its form, say an ant to a star.  Never the less the question may arise when the form dissolves, say the sugar transforms into a sweetener, the ant to a body that either is eaten or decays as part of the soil to become rich in its elements, the star to become Cosmic Dust which eventually begets other stars.  So what of humans? Whether cremation, burial, natural burying, burning in rituals as in the Gats of India, body breakers of Tibet and all other modes, does the flesh have a composting use, the bones as evidence of a human for others to witness.

If the belief is that there is no afterlife or that there is no reincarnation then what has been the life of a human?  The star has a use for its elements as dust, the ant for compost and humans?

Maybe humans have an essence not seen, a consciousness which is carried over if full of thoughts hankered after then by the law of attraction one's essence is ferried back to another incarnation, if not then just a blank oblivion.  Should one have realized one's essence then perhaps one becomes the space of creativity to spawn new life-----the wave joins the ocean.  A Sufi saying ' Glorious Sun why are you setting ------only to Rise again'


Thursday 2 March 2017


Transcultural  Buddhism 

Those that rely on possessions from a material world of commercial supply including medicines as a possession can become addictive to these.  Whereas having to hunt and forage does not hold one so tightly.  One becomes more adaptive as a sustainable hunter, one lives more on one's wits.  It maybe that the hunter gatherer is addicted to their natural way of Life, yet they are more reliant on their innate skills and prowess. 

It is an interesting 'battle' the mining, oil and precious metal corporations and those who live in suburbia and need more land to build as the population expands see the natural indigenous people as simple and why not join modern western culture?

The indigenous people see the corporation western way as taking away their culture, raping nature, causing waste lands and causing their food chain to erode forcing them out of their homes and culture.
They believe that nature will eventually rebel. A native American saying ' Annoy the Mother too much, one cough and your off'.

The Western Life Style live mainly by technology and have guns, bombs, computers, weapons and machinery to clear vast tracts of land and forest, build in the most inhospitable places versus the bow and arrow and spear.

If the population expands then perhaps the elite may decide to really kill off many they consider not able to contribute to their predilection.  Or the world maybe become a living desert where the technology may take others off world, and those space brothers watching who do not want a dust bowl made of their home.  

Perhaps the world will become a place where chemical food feeds mutated chemical bodies, either way it will be down too------mind set.

It may seem cruel that in nature there are no medical doctors, there are herbs and medicine men and women yet they accept that life is sometimes a matter of survival and death inevitable by destiny such as weakness, animal attack, illness birth deformity and host of other occurrence. It also breeds the survival of the fittest and they rely on cooperation, and all the tribe as a family.  Nature then becomes the Life Giver and Taker.  Their mentality is such as 'Let Life be Free and gratefulness to the day thereof'.

The Western Life is to seek immortality and youthfulness for ever enjoying cosmetic and prosthetic enhancements at the expense of depleting the natural resources and pleasure and hedonistic experiences at all costs. Their anxiety is survival at all costs and the Grim Reaper ---death is the enemy-----so defense against aging and illness is a disease and to be eradicated at all costs.  This may not breed the survival of the fittest, the gene pool of longevity and well being, kept alive by drugs and medical procedures----an old Inuit tradition, the grandma and and women chewed the blubber to soften it----when their teeth wore out in old age they went out into the cold, let the ice and cold take them into a deep coma and pass out to the all and all----I do not know whether they do that now?

Whether one sees death as a harbinger of a Life elsewhere or death a bloody nuisance and to be avoided at all costs and feared is the quest---one to let life ebb from the form and trust in the larger unknown----or fight to the last breath and if one has lived well and wealthy 'so what I go reluctantly and after all there is only oblivion and this is the only life---------or is it?




mjj community

What does nothing mean to you?  A large hole, no visual perception or going into a sensory deprivation experience.

When one can get to that illuminatingly unique experience as in deep meditation, one is forced almost to examine ONLY after it has occurred, for if one was examining it whilst experiencing it, like a dream woken up from, then one would be back in thought. 

Being in the absence of thought and experiencing it is highly enjoyable in a quiet sensitive tranquility.  An inquiring mind free from bias and opinion, comes to the conclusion that the impersonal self is space and that so called outside space and inside space are the same.  A bucket with a lid on filled with sea water is isolated by the lid, yet it is aware of its own nature. The lid is taken away and the sea water inside is now one with the sea as the bucket is immersed in the ocean. 

Taking consciousness or awareness as space and contemplating the Universe and feeling that one is one with the Universal Space, then all the Universe is held within the Ocean, so all experiences personal or impersonal that this is local and non local mind it is all held or contained in this emptiness.

So the inquiry where did it all come from and go to is from Space. Well you say who created space?  You have to be in it which you are to know it.

One of the great sages of Tibet said 'all forms come from and dissolve back into space (void) like a jack in the box'. 



Burnside Gorge Community Association

What is enough?  Enough is sufficient for the day.  Basically a little nourishing food, warm and dry clothing and a comfortable warm dry shelter.  

The natural efficiency of the natural mind.  All thinking is a reaction from the known, then Life can throw a challenge----basically this is to some extent loss.  Illness, loss of income, lifestyle change through radical outcomes and more.  This then throws one into the unknown and searching the past may not come up with a coping solution.

Can one let go of the known and keep what is essential to living because the wilderness of Life can bring this to awaken one to trust in the unknown.

Trust and faith in a religion or deity may not be the solution, however trusting in the unknown brings about a natural faith and trust without prayer or supplication.  It does provide one with gratefulness.

Do animals pray?  Or are they mindful and fraught by tension caused by thought?

They may fear and live or die by the same hand that feeds them

It is a natural trust and faith and living in a civilized world it is supplied by supermarkets, doctors, insurance schemes, so the natural instincts of survival are sublimated and with that goes reliance on an outside supply, supplied by commerce.

The very core and root to one's grounded and immersion in Life is not in the Earth and Nature but in profit and possessions.  The seasons pass by and central heating and fluorescent lights provide the sameness.  Not dark nights in our tents, igloos, yurts and tepees rising with Sun and sleeping when it sets.

Living in the natural world or more closely to it one gets a 'substitute' for thought and logic the denizens of the city, and develops instinct / intuition spontaneous (not impulses) that are inbred into nature and into its inhabitants.  Natural human is an animal no more or less that other creatures of land, sea, air, and growing beings from the soil and rock---Mother Earth Herself.

Nature is mainly silent and the only distraction from that silence is intrusive thought, when the mind is in its natural mode it can feel and sense even in the cacophony of the wilderness. So be it.