Thursday 15 December 2022


Dailey Express
This is based from my archive at 

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Into The Breach Dear Friends - March 2009

From (or

 and an almost reinvention of the wheel from NASA in 2022;

My 'mission' as it were when I received the '1967' downloads through the experiences at Samye Ling see POST 9 3rd March 2013 and Thursday March 2015 POST 212 ' at (or online) More about '1967' and Samye Ling, was to find scientific similarities which were saying to the writings and their prophesies that consciousness and complimentary not main stream science were on the verge of discovering the following; that there were 'new Aquarians or New Age' as it were not the hippy kind of stuff but energies coming in from the solar system and beyond that were to cause a new DNA  upgrade and a human being named Homo energetica Spiritulana  by the natural evolutionary process AND NOT by some cabal and technocracy, transhumanism, cyborgism or eugenics and genetic tampering and that this in October 2022 was given the whole Green Light by President Biden of the USA; and Gates Foundation, The WEF to purchase farmland for GMO crops and create meatless meat and so on.

I have repeatedly remarked on a one world and Universe Interrelated and interjoined and that like the Sun and Earth Portals they are not JUST MAGNETIC PHENOMENA, they are like the TV waves so to speak but they contain information, they are a natural means of informing the Cosmos of the Design plan. Everything in evolution is connected everywhere and with everything by 'information data' contained in frequencies, vibration that can be measured, some by technology and many more by the so called stars, planets being inorganic so it is claimed by main stream, however everything that has atomic, particle structures have the 'empty space' of the atom and that space is the 'field of consciousness and awareness' undergirding and underlying all creation.  There is no such thing as absolutely non organic, the life principle is in everything because it contains vibration and yet some are in sync with nature and some in a nonsynchronous discord with nature and so illness and canker, infestation and blight ensue affecting the mind by the harmful frequencies.   is a an amazing example of interconnectivity.



Thesaurus Plus

When my busy mind like the monkey is scatter mind , the restless thoughts, the busy fantasies, some dramatic, painful, dreams, nightmares, ghostly anxieties, painful recoils, somehow there is a deep almost an alarm that gently and  at  odd times says in feelings which feel like words. Hey! wake up !! this is not me, this is not me.

This 'me' that seems to lay at the back of my mind or deep in the recesses of the unconscious, the mythical sleeping princess that is beautiful and calm entices the ego fantasies and businesses and beckons her wish to be wakened and the kiss of the prince of conscious awareness does this.  

Then the calm and grace flows from the spring of eternal Life.



Mind Ambition












Hey ho and away I go; again these 'inner' experiences and endeavouring to bring the 'essence feel' to some explanation, this seems at odds with former articles on 'brain washing and inculcation' and yet I feel this is similar to other articles and one could say a mere variation on a theme yet I feel impelled to type it here. Some might conjecture that it is a fanciful ego, however never the less here goes?

The above image is the nearest I can get to this article; I had the sense of feeling whilst doing my ablutions that a energetic sort of cloud that was nebulous and very indistinct was projecting this image of 'me' as an organic body human form. It was projecting a holographic 'me' and was not actually a reality as such. The fact was this holograph seemed real and solid, if anything is actually solid and yet my scientific brain not it is not solid, the miracle is that the human senses are so evolved through the Divine Spirit as to 'fool the brain it is solid and reality',  you know the empty atom stuff and all that and reality based on being brain washed through inculcation and on waking up to that one realises that one could have been in any life style and so on.

This projection did not contain any beliefs or life styles as such and was an energetic blueprint of a human form and was translucent and strangely enough non personal in a way that is not easily explained, in fact, there was no explanation given, it was if it was a non personal energetic blueprint from an unknown energy source that was allowing coloured light on its own so to speak but not detailed shapes to emanate, to slowly and deliberately to emerge in a sort of measured and incremental way, clearly an intelligent process. Emerging from this diaphanous in seemingly measured and seemingly calculated intervals so to speak, as if the flow was predetermined and in successive instalments.

Where does this energy field  and the 'plan' arise from, its source and location?; My feeling is it is part of the Divine Plan and the field is modified over the millions of years and incarnations and is a key aspect of the Cosmic blueprint and Evolution. My concept of this was personal and so was limited or local to my experiences and inculcation and the energetic field was non personal or impersonal and non local.

Being impersonal, unlimited, it is beyond the grasp of definition and the Divine may reveal Itself in this way and as the 'local limited personal mind begins to expand, not by human academic education but by inspiration and spontaneous openings when the ego mind somehow disappears through the action of no mind brought about by many years of meditation and not fearful of losing the mind so to speak at intervals and as the clouds of thought subside, then the illumination that's how it feels when the inspired thunder bolts arrive in nano micro dots of information and the 'taste' of this leads to a huge energy input and the need to write it down.'  

This feeling obviously is or can be a threat to the ego and it may prompt an ego eruption as it feels it is being usurped by a force outside itself so to speak, the ego is a master of manipulation, guile and other tactics of defence and attack. However the expansion of the evolutionary 'mind or consciousness' is not to hoard facts and logically by human academia, political or religious facts but to allow the non local seemingly impersonal mind to access the 'space' of being EMPTY, so being in a naturally aware empty mind which may seem the antithesis to the local ego mind, this open 'door' allows inspiration to flow in and as the awareness is the receptacle as it were and a natural antennae that is tuned to the Cosmic Vibration, it therefor like a TV tuned frequency is on the 'alert and elite nonpareil' broadcasts. 
This process of what is felt by me as inspired data seems to come from this energy field and is a comfort in a way and feels to me to be a touch of the real me or part of the Divine in me. I feel that it leads me to a space or place within my human psyche that feels less threatening to the ego as I begin to realise not by logic or understanding in the normal sense, is anything really normal, normal is a wide spreading general agreement amongst populations based on general tenets and precepts and part of the human brainwashing and inculcation.

I feel less threatened with life on Earth not by reason but by experiencing more of the nature of the Cosmic in myself and this field and projection is to give an example; TV stations or station of a desired channel are like say the Cosmic Plan they are in a way non local, they are waves and frequencies in the atmosphere, then the local TV is either switched on or off. When off the broadcasts simply carry on, when the set is switched on the antennae which is likened to the energy field collects a 'bit' of the programme and like a lens focusses the broadcast down to a local personal view,

As an aside; I had this image of a penis pumping and humping into a vagina and it felt so crude and basic, I enjoyed intercourse and orgasms and so on, but over the years of meditation I have experienced at certain points an orgasmic feeling which did not arouse my genitals or produce a mind image of the sexual act and it was intimate, warm and wholly satisfying, the more I meditated(here is a trap, to sit in meditation and want or desire a result or experience can lead one to addiction of the desire. In my view one should just SIT, awareness without bias, attention without intention) so gradually I had sexual intercourse less and less and at very much asexual and not androgynous or hermaphroditic in appearance I just feel very much not of a determined sexual definition. I have read the 179 descriptions and definitions of sexual identity and cannot identify with any of them. 

This image of the 'pumping sex act' either with love or lust and I have experienced both, seemed so crude. I have had experiences with people outside of sex and I have written them down in my blog (or line) and named it 'Delight in the Light' which was published 26th September 2022 and I may just transfer to a SHACK on this site as I have been told that my blog is not suitable for as it touches on what the New World Order people say is conspiratorial. 

This pumping humping image had me chuckling for many hours and I felt some sort of liberation and it maybe it has taken certain stigmas around this I have had. I found it was a courser version of the fine delicate pre life agreement energy something like ice to water to steam and then?

In my '1967' writings and especially in www.geoffreed (or online) which are rescued former articles from a magazine which was shut down by the editor and many contributors lost their work) there is information that the sexual energies will be 'used' less and less and the evolutionary shift will take these energies through the chakras to the crown chakra(there are Yogic and Shamanic practices that can facilitate the Kundalini to the crown, however I am referring to extend this to the general population and not just Yogic practitioners and naturally) and there one will merge in a certain configuration and births will come about by a conscious pre-life agreement (this was my favourite workshop presentation) and I feel through the conscious feelings intercourse will be eventually by a purely conscious awareness in a sort of telepathic way. 'The Delight in the Light' explains how one can be sensitive to the 'inner world as it were', this article I will endeavour to shift to this sight and so there will be two copies available. 




The Mirror

As early as I can recall I have loved natural things and spirituality. When I came across the Legend of Atlantis as the image may depict I felt a really strong affinity to Atlantis and like many, researched for its location and origin. 

The one I have really linked into is that Atlantis is under water and is located in the Bahamas and a kind of niche between Cuba and the Bimini. Excavations underwater have revealed certain pillars and stones of various shapes and sizes and what convinced me of the authenticity of this Atlantis location was that it is a 'no go' area and fines and imprisonment can follow. 

Furthermore many famous celebrities and government interests have shown heightened interest in these proceedings and legends. Detailed research can be found in the Dark Journalist accounts, maps and sharing's which include the science, spirituality and history of the evolution of humankind.

It is said that there were two groups who developed 'The law of The One' which were followers of the UniversaL Law or natural God evolution and then a split came and the Belial followers believed in their own aggrandisement, selfishness, bestiality and power and lust and it is said that the abuse of spiritual energies that gave powers of the spirit such as creation by thought, healing and a certain energy source named 'The Tuaoi --stone or crystal' became abused and what was meant for sharing and healing, space travel and so on was captured by the Belial group and natural law and evolution were taken over and strange manipulations and genetic interferences were made and monstrous forms of genetical forms appeared and were used to subdue uprisings and dissent.

Furthermore I feel that when Atlantis was destroyed, I feel by Nature, God, Spirit because natural evolution was ignored and pushed so far it rebelled not out of anger and punishment but by the breaking and separation of the whole ecological cycle, slowly bits that interlinked like a jigsaw puzzle were taken away and so the Cosmic Plan was shattered and so a collapse. Many fled and died and given time Nature rebuilds Itself, just as now barren places in hostile places that have been ravished and raped have been left to waste have suddenly grown back anew.

In my May 2005 Blog about the UFO STORY, I mention that the five races who live on various planets and have visited Earth and some have given warning about our demise if we follow certain warlike and hellish treatments in order to dominate and brutally deal with the population who defy their desire to form a New World Order which in my view is the antipathy to Gods Order.

I feel certain Atlanteans ventured into space not the five races who are Galactical Beings who have their own planets or homes and so these Belia's set up artificial space homes or 'something like massive International Space Stations' in fact artificial planets and sort of terra formed them.

These entities which may not be in human form and may even be a sort of robotically entity and possibly be energetic magnetic fields and have become the epitome of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and wish to either conquer space and planets or they envy the human God made form and all organic structures of nature and the soul and the hidden codes of information that is the divine intelligence and wish to infect this present human generation of 2022 so far and are seeking to either find the 'soul' or bitter revenge to Earth and Nature for their demise in the Atlantean split and their loss of power and had to flee. Many Atlanteans survived the holocaust and can be found world wide in their times and incarnated ones now. 

I have felt an affinity with all things natural, I do not like allopathic medicines, doctors, I prefer natural as possible foods, I prefer homeopathy, herbs and so forth, meditation, natural prayer and exercises such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong. Of course money and circumstances have hindered me in these paths chosen and a lack of self confidence and weakness of will at times.

Moving on it was said that that transhumanism, technocracy, cyborgism and Eugenics, the obsession with AI and robots and genetic manipulation were the hallmarks of the Belial sect. It seems the same patterns are repeating themselves now. The story of Noah and the flood, the Babylon event and so on seem to be human arrogance versus natural evolution and fingers up to the Divine.

The five extinctions were not in my view the cause of human arrogance but the natural evolutionary Divine process, I feel as we approach the sixth extinction it could go several ways; one by an asteroid wipe out, humans destroy the Earth and humanity or a chance for humans to cooperate fully with the Divine Plane through being patient, we could develop the Atlantean use of harmless technology with a natural mind and so the forthcoming sixth extinction could be a shared process and the extinction limited or modified as Spirit seems fit.

We have the choice. No wonder I did not want to incarnate as per my NDE experience, did I have a premonition as to the hard times ahead?
Well I wrote about this in the '1967' writings and little did I know then I would witness the 1967 writings and their forecasts in my near 84yrs birthday in November2022 (now as I type this end of September 2022) I wonder if I will survive till then?


Thursday 1 December 2022







Lets Go Wild






we are almost there through awareness of oneself

and that awareness is space.



Noedy Balasa










Courtesy Images are near to depict and enhance articles, the words and ideas are Shacks



On reflection the title could have been the fields or field of consciousness or another apt title so as to attempt an adequate description or explanation.

During a sort of lucid dream, meditation  and reflection in a sort of meditative manner, I sensed like a cloud or field as a slightly diffused  slightly transparent 'something' that was enveloping my body and I found it could condense into a sharpened focus to any part of my body or internal organs. It was an enveloping cloud aura or sheath or of a transparent yet had some sort of quality, slightly water like, I also sensed as it was sensed it was a all encompassing Universal field that transformed or transduced Itself into the human being form as part of the Universal Divine Intelligence.

Its sharp laser like quality which it seemed to able to do was like a bubble and that it protrude from itself this prominence. 

It was if the bubble as above were enveloping my whole body and the spike at the top came from the surrounding sheath and the sheath did not lose its shape it merely stretched out and the tip was still joined to the field and was of the same consistency and nature. 

Furthermore the bubble was part of a Universal sheath that covered the creation. It was a Cosmic sheath field. I felt that the brain took on the translator like a TV, a computer and it merely opened a channel for this field and that the field was a facet or feature which facilitated the sense of awareness. This sheath was a symbol or a facility created by nature through spirit to enable us to feel and sense in this human cocoon the subtle power of awareness, this is an attempt to tangibly sort of sense and see in the mind's eye awareness which is consciousness.

I feel awareness pervades the Universe and is the awareness of itself as a living entity.

I feel this field has intelligence and all encompassing powers beyond the human logic and intellect and by focussing this field on something it can heal amongst many other attributes. It said to me as it were and taught me how to focus the awareness from a wide spread field to a particular aspect.





Pages of Hackney

Thought is form and impermanent


And transient


No thought is without form


And is what it is


Is this me?





As from the chirping of the birds in the garden and the sweet smile of the The Source that was felt, I look forward to the fading day of my life and as the sunset beckons me on as it were and my daily awareness of the mundane fades so the glow of the afterlife welcomes me and the 'I' of the body gladly surrenders its personal local familiarities to the non local impersonal of the Spirit. There is no personal possession or material form here and so the the personal former life gives way to the free spirit and all is shared and loved. 

This sweet death is not death at all and the smile of joy for at last what was 'I' now is a free nameless Spirit and is a Universal 'I' of a sort that is free of limits and ego finite limitations.

And what of this Spirit that roams in its own abode and yet permeates all realms and dimensions and yet is not possessed or clings to any of Its creation and when the time arrives for forms and creations to end, The Spirit brings them home to its breast and loves them and that is a great joy to the creative forms to comprehend this not with the intellect because this is beyond all human senses but with the joining of all in feelings and joy beyond all expectations.

So those that cling to earthly pleasures alone will be satisfied with these pleasures and in the fading evening of their lives regret and fight to go away and hope to return in reincarnation to regain the pleasures and treasures they left behind. And so the great wheel turns and many lives lived in many different circumstances and in one of these incarnations a glimmering, a call soft and whispered and a feeling yet barely perceptible and an ever so, ever so feeling of an ancient home far away as the most distant star as it were, begins the long arduous journey back to THE Source, The Great Fountain of Life, God Almighty and like a light as a pin prick at the end of a vast long narrow tunnel the journey beckons one on, gradually shedding skins, layers of crud and sticky dark substances and eventually leaving behind the debris of the past and the light is a sort of gentle laxative and all the hard rock materialism once fought for with wars, cunning, strategies to cheat and corrupt and even felt human love and been a 'good person' they fade as the supernal light of the Spirit and the quest to arrive 'home' and join whence one came from and the familiar of the Earthly planes gives way to the beckoning light of the Ancient and yet very present now.

I feel the light in my NDE in 1942 and my reluctance to incarnate may have been a left over from another incarnation and the ancient call is the light and has always come to me in the hour of need written about some articles back and now the clarion call is softer and I trust in the 'inner call' and I am relaxing more out of bodily forms and disciplines to just sit and feel the call, the mystical still voice and feeling of the Ancient Emergence of my soul from the great Soul and so be it.



Image Capture

While I was in a romantic fantasy I felt the feeling as it were and then detached it from the fantasy scenario. This was highly significant because sometimes my inner peace is spontaneously shattered or appeased for the ego's sake and my awareness and relaxed peace is exited and I am led away into distraction.  

It was nice to feel without imagery. The imagery somewhat dilutes the feeling and the satisfaction of the feeling looses its original intent or power. The imagery is a previous life experience or an ego unfulfilled accomplishment and really living in the past, the feeling with emotion as it were is just a feeling and the imagery embellishes and flares it up into sometimes a 'shark like eating frenzy' and makes the distraction from the reality of the now into a drama that can be lengthy. The ego feeds on drama and the history of itself.

It as if the ego was dragging the awareness of the now into the past and draining vital energy and the years gone by and the sadness of the imagery not being tangible in human form and not just memory. There is a definite ache 'for loves lost' by the fact of yearning to have a wife, kids and a loving extended family and one the fantasy is that I have all these and I am an orphan or have no parents and my in-laws are loving and or I am the super hero, always there is a tinge of sadness of what might have been and yet realising that clinging to them only brings loss when death pays a visit, only to resist it at the death bed.

Yet I have this deep sense that as appealing as the scenarios are the end is sadness as death, old age and senility and feebleness take their toll in their role and journey that is human life. I have deep compassion for those pursuing at the very end a dream and that's all it really was and wishing they had more years and it was too late, perhaps the wish for reincarnation. 

One could say that I could have enjoyed these realising as I do the impermanence of human fragility and achievement and the loss of of once held cherished possessions, relationships and love of another and just enjoyed the time they lasted, yet there is always the danger that one can be seduced and become enmeshed and trapped and that the impermanence and transitory nature of the Earthly human existence if fully submerged in, can bring the loss and then the sadness and can bring about the death, the urge so powerful to reincarnate not for only forgiveness about unfinished business but the actual pleasure to be revisited. The idea of reincarnation and regurgitation as it were from a spiritual, if you like point of view, is that in one of these revisits one tires not through boredom or loss of sensation but through the realisation these are just interludes, the same old, same old and they do not hold their lure and indeed one may realise that they are illusionary and delusionary and only the coming and going promotes this sadness at their loss and ever running after new variations, new makeovers, new and creative themes to the old car repainted and updated, reconfigured and all else.

Furthermore by the desire of these wordily accomplishments and the applause and ego boosting thrill of importance and power this can be addictive or lead to addiction and habits that are difficult to break or indeed one may wish to break or so lost this becomes an embedded reality and no other is wanted, needed or even crosses the the mind as a possibility and the concrete nature of this embedded reality even if a disaster shakes one up may not be enough to shatter the dream of permanence and immortality. One comes back from the brink and resumes the old that may have been the cause of the disaster.

So I felt deeply this feeling of impermanence, ever since my NDE in 1942, it has grown from not wanting to come to this ball I saw till even now in my 83 year in September 2022 awaiting November 7 2022 and 84. 

This feeling as I grew urged me on and now I understand in hindsight why I never could do what other kids did, yes I did these things but somehow they were always sour. I did not why? As a psychotherapist and counsellor I can say all the usual childhood stuff which I have written in Shacks gone by, yet this seemed hollow now as I realised my intellectual understanding through quantum stuff, Buddhist and yes Christian with Eastern philosophy especially the sayings of Buddha and Jesus not the religious dogma and the Jewish faith I was taught and said to be born into as I feel we are naked of everything at immediate birth and in the womb apart from latent impressions from previous incarnations or just mothers and environmental impressions imprinted into the nervous system of the embryo, I feel we are taught to be who we are, in fact brain washed, inculcated and so we dream some else's idea and life styles until we wake up or not and that can be such a jolt as to loosen the bonds, ties and ligaments and cracks appear in the concrete facade.

Now I can see how over the years my apparent shyness, not wanting romantic or sexual entanglement and yet pursuing these at times left something out, also when driving through beautiful places such as mountains, forest, beaches and the like I could not drool over these or fully imbibe these feelings as many did, there was always a tinge of sadness and regret and now I realised these were all impermanent, transitory and they lacked the joy of enjoyment without attachment and one day all of us would have to leave this behind and go for some pastures new and for other a return to the former realities of permanence which really does not exist.

Furthermore I realise that my soul my inner being that resides everywhere and in an encapsulated cocoon in this fleshly wonder which in itself depicts the decay and impermanence and those through cyborgism, eugenics and transhumanism with technocracy and genetic manipulation wish to promote and encourage the same 'me and you' into a robot brain and cyborg body, us walking about in a synthetic body, organs and limbs and our minds as it were and going on for a vast number of years and there by enjoying the bounties of human life forever so it would seem.

However as I type this and in consideration as to the above I have another sense or 'peeping' feeling; I feel especially at this moment that certain aspects about the SHACK writings have been an unfolding.
The last three years have been such mementoes occasions, events and a complete upheaval and overwhelming as to some depression, madness and suicidal with monstrous crimes and wars and space flights to the ISS and companies building space craft also a bunch of people I call the cabal that want to rebuild the world and indeed shape the world's ethos into their liking and challenging them is not allowed and the media have been captured and manipulated and by the brain washing and inculcation ( I feel the dictionary explanation is definitive ' the act of inculcating, or teaching or influencing persistently and repeatedly so as to implant or instill an idea, theory, attitude, etc.') this is accomplished through the change in education with things like 'woke, transhumanism, cancel culture, political correctness and the like and a swing to anything goes as long as it is in the parameters of the aforesaid. There is a sort 'mind battle' some persons of extreme wealth have put forward their idea of a new world order such as at this time, Elon Musk and brain Implants and technology in space, Bill Gates with meatless meat and vaccinations, World Economic Forum and Klaus Swab and then various others, plus Russia and China and the BRICS pulling the other way and many more clique's, coteries and factions all vying for their pitch.   

Perhaps this presenting on the surface so to speak, like a rash or disease with an underlying cause psychosomatic psychological emotional aberration that the actual Cosmic Evolutionary Plan as it were, the Unconscious Universal Psyche, the Divine Will played out as evolution and the records of the Five Mass Extinctions, is sending these silent signals and information through the unconscious consciousness deep within the human psyche and buried deep through inculcation and gently seeping through the cracks in the egos armour and many feeling this stirring and putting them on alert 'that something is not quite right and out of alignment' and wanting things to go back to 'normal' and having seen the world 'breaking down' religiously, politically, climatically and a ferocious breakdown in law and order and political uprising protests and bloody encounters. Many are walking about and living with a quiet tenseness and unease.

Is this the Universe silently saying to all;these old patterns of dominance and thinking, selfish attitudes, material possessions which mould and decay, the impermanence of materialism, the sell by date is long past and the food after this date will rot and stink. Is the human form needing a upgrade not by cyborgs, robots, synthetics but by nature. Fighting this and reluctance to change naturally will bring more pain and disillusionment. There is no going back and human endeavour to bring about a new world order will bring doom and dismay and chaos.
So maybe Woke, Cancel Culture are the outward signs of restlessness and discontent and the limited human minds attempt at reform and reconfiguration and a protest at the limits the mind feels and attempts by logic and academic forays into seeking the meaning of Life and getting so off target. Technology will only produce the product of technology and not reveal the will or evolutionary plan only their limited view of it all.

So, I have this feeling of a stirring and upheaval in me, my limited concepts, my outbursts of impatience at the lack of foresight and my burning vision of a spiritual awakening which will herald in a new human upgraded by nature, a harbinger of world peace. Yes I feel these things and the precursor to this was my NDE and the '1967' writings which my blogs (online and of course this site ( -online).

I now await what years I have left if indeed I even reach two months from now. The New Way will arrive be it 2075 or 3075, nature is patient and research will show that Nature although seemingly wiped out will regrow Itself and no number of mass extinctions be it Human made or natures will, will stop it, indeed it will only promote the luxury of a New Way and its glory.


Wednesday 16 November 2022



Don't know, perhaps, expect? 

One of the traps or ploys of the mind regarding meditation or in fact life at large is that expectation can be a trap in so far as having a lovely experience and expecting and even seeking them and a awful experience and the dread of expecting a repeat and avoiding them so that both of theses expectations can absorb and play in the mind or on the mind as if in and on adequately describe the invisible yet sensed mind, the Zen Roshi says succinctly 'Put your mind on a plate and I will heal and cure it? 'The pathologist cuts the body and still cannot find the mind'.

However they say mind over matter, matter has particles atoms and molecules the mind has not, the pathologist says mind is an electrical phenomena caused by the fertilisation of the egg by sperm and dies with one on death, the spiritual say mind survives death in consciousness. All this is conjecture, however there is and are experiences which suggests that something somewhere is 'alive' and witnessing this either bound up in the experience and is one with it and one can distance oneself from the experience as a witness,  an  awareness to the experience.

I watch the TV and am caught up and am the film or whatever, the emotions, the dread the pathos and excited and do not realise I am the awareness or I stand back as it were and watch myself watching the TV.  

Coming now to meditation; having a wonderful experience or some other uplifting experience the mind will on many occasions expect or subtly wait or even try to manufacture a repeat, although I know that one should just sit and not expect, yet even saying 'I will just sit and not expect' sets of a 'behind the mind in the deep dark passages in the vaults in the unknown recesses of the consciousness' lurks a curious sentinel who will plant a miniscule seed and set of an expectation. And then the insidious ego will give just a touch, a mere whiff and this is enough to cause a distraction and hey presto I am in distraction or waiting for the beautiful 'no mind' warm glow that I feel the grace and I realise I have to go past that and carry on.

There is no static stationary glow, place, direction,there is no actual goal, there is no arriving at Satori this has to be one of the traps, satori and move on, Infiniteness, Eternity are not places they are part of the journey to 'nowhereland' and whatever unfolds in 'waking every day life' should be like free fall, a child waiting to be entertained and not necessarily the same old conjuring tricks and just to be delighted and in that way one is in the pathway so to speak to experience miracles and synchronicities. Trust in Life.

I do not know what life is, I experience it and yet it is as mysterious as the mind that is said to perceive it, so allow the mystery to unfold and realise that the mystery is the cause of life and that should be enough to allow the conjuror to just play the illusion and know it as an illusion but not be deluded by it.
























 I AM 



I am the one I have been waiting for

Expect a miracle I am that miracle


Synchronicity is not coincidence it is the process of miracles.

I am the miracle of myself and I have no idea how I got here other than the miracle of human copulation and the very first human beings and where did they come from and the Universe for that fact?


Why wait for a miracle when we are that miracle, its just under our noses that is why we cannot see it or recognise it. Contemplate the very miracle that you and I are?

Do we have to wait for death to prove either way who we are or not?




I got to musing and ruminating and have been going through a lazy sort of idylic sort of meandering when one of my intrusions to the peace was suddenly intruded by a long fantasy and the song of long ago came to mind;
 There's nothing left for me

Of days that used to beThey're just a memoryAmong my souvenirsSome letters sad and blueA photograph or twoI see a rose from youAmong my souvenirsA few more tokens restWithin my treasure chestAnd, though they do their bestTo give me consolation,I count them all apartAnd, as the teardrops start,I find a broken heartAmong my souvenirsI count them all apartAnd, as the teardrops start,I find a broken heartAmong my souvenirs

I feel a sort of melancholy, not depression and it sort of resonates with the 'empty mind' Zen stuff. The world is in a mess right now that is August 2022 and two or three years before that in fact it took hold in 2012 and then some.

My souvenirs are in fantasies as they portray a brain washed ego lamenting over its failure to succeed in worldly success and materialism and its taste of the spiritual void so to speak and yet knowing these intervals of real grace and bliss and reluctantly lets go and slipping down the slippery slope to what it feels is abandonment and boredom and or the fiery pit of hell, or a mind so delusional that it gives way to one of the fantasies and goes mad or senile and yet is pulled back by the awareness of the One, the empty and unreal to the senses but really real to the Spirit.    
The Minds Journal

I found myself feeling- thinking that I was God frantically searching and sometimes poring over or sometimes nonchalantly gazing at the stars and galaxies and the life forms thereof and saying 'all this clutter' and yet so beautiful and these are my fantasies and souvenir's. Of course my ego is God to my mind stuff brain washed collection. So perhaps the ego has its own form of awareness perhaps an awareness of bias and judgement based on it input and import of collected experiences over many lifetimes.

Maybe many of these fantasies and day dreams of times gone by were unfinished business from a another incarnation and the chance now to see just as that, unfinished karma and they are to be seen as a chance to do forgiveness to the ego for the hurt it has caused others and itself. The ego is realising itself as an entity, a splinter of the pure awareness and is running through these scenarios as a way of expiating or releasing the emotional bonds, the bonds that tie and bind us to the past and the energy ego that feeds of off it. Perhaps the past was full of obsession, possession as it now to some extent and the sadness I now feel and the crying that comes across me is to feel compassion for those like me who are trapped in materialism and dictatorship and are overwhelmed by fear and repression not loved and not able to love, as love is frozen by fear. Arrogantly I know of some peace and bliss and yearn to share this with the oppressed and offer it as away out or at least relief and have compassion on those that cry out in the dark knight of the soul to reach out to the masses in some way and say'sit together and touch the heart' and hope to feel that peace that passes all understanding' and like me just a glance, a wink, a flash, a fleeting pass as like the wind wafting a flower scent and then gone, it gives hope that this is not the end and the only Life.

Originally By Joseph Korma the music, in french lyrics  then in 1945 and later by Johnny Mercer. Jacques Prevert  wrote the lyrics and the 'Les Feuilles Morters' (dead leaves)

 There's nothing left for me
Of days that used to beThey're just a memoryAmong my souvenirsSome letters sad and blueA photograph or twoI see a rose from youAmong my souvenirsA few more tokens restWithin my treasure chestAnd, though they do their bestTo give me consolation,I count them all apartAnd, as the teardrops start,I find a broken heartAmong my souvenirsI count them all apartAnd, as the teardrops start,I find a broken heartAmong my souvenirs
This is a story of an old man so it is said and realising he is old and regrets his age and fond romantic memories. I wrote a heart rending in SHACK 21 and SHACK 144 which seemed to echo the liberation from the past and go into the now and embrace the space that the past had vacated and just let life unfold. God knows there is the same old stars, galaxies, life forms and the same old, same old and perhaps God has taken Its own advice and rest in the silence and get to know who it is. Great Spirit, God Almighty I ask you that I ask myself who were you before you started creation? Maybe it is a biggest mystery to you as it is to me and maybe infiniteness and eternity are there for there is no answer and our minds are and will be continually searching but without anxiety and letting the mysterious flows of life in all dimensions carry on with fun and wonder? The endless quest and search is the process of Eternity and infiniteness is the process of nothing.


Tuesday 1 November 2022


Good Play








Whilst musing it came to me as 'God's love for me is a complete circle'yet mine is a semi circle, how so; From an ego or a limited local mind and my programming I felt that if I am giving loving, helpful and kind I would get approval or a reward of some sort, perhaps please God and get a front seat in heaven and appease my guilt at breaking some of the ten commandment's and the wrath of the Ancient Jewish God and that I did not deserve God's love, this was my half of the circle, the semi circle.

I could see here that a difficult childhood, not beaten or shouted at and it was a kind on non childhood. My parents at odds and a father who was a gambling addict, actually a kind man but like me weak of will and spirit. My mother beautiful and kind and deeply hurt by the love she never got from a kind but absent husband and she had severe depression and and anxiety and both parents had low self esteem and confidence, my father escaped through the distraction by gambling and my dearest mother by wallowing in the mire of self-deprecation and many nervous breakdowns.

Then not having really any Jewish or other education and coming near to my barmitzva I was sent to a Chasidic school with Hebrew education in the morning and secular education in the afternoon. I was living in Stamford Hill and Mother and Father tried to live again together in a big house in Filey Road in Stoke Newington  / Stamford Hill, they tried to let rooms and mother took responsibility for the lettings whilst dad gambled and tried his best to run a dyers and cleaners shop in Cazenov Road Stoke Newington, apparently they decided to wait until my barmitzva and then either stay or part.

The school named Yosdey Hatorah which I called Yesterday Tomorrow was a shamble. The Reba's not really Rabbis were fanatical; 

     Many of the secular teachers were semi retired, some I suspect were thrown out of schools on suspicion of some sort of misdemeanours and the headmaster a crabby old alcoholic. However one of the teachers was F.A. W. Nash a Judo ka and very kind honest British gentleman who had a great influence on Judo and the Budokwai and the;Gunji Koizumi (小泉 軍治Koizumi Gunji, 8 July 1885 – 15 April 1965), known affectionately by colleagues as G.K.,[1][2] was a Japanese master of judo who introduced this martial art to the United Kingdom,[3] and came to be known as the 'Father of British Judo.'[4][5] He was the founder of the Budokwai, a pioneering Japanese martial arts society in England.[2][6][7] Koizumi helped establish the British Judo Association,[8] and founded the European Judo Union.[2] He held the rank of 8th dan in judo.[1] Koizumi's apparent suicide in 1965 shocked the worldwide judo community.[2]Courtesy WIKIPEDIA.
He was known affectionally known as GK. He gave me the name of my first
club I set up as ' Judokwai' he was my first Sensei, later another came by a
pupil of Mionosuke Kawaishi and from the lineage below and was known as the Rakuwai Uyenishi Sensei my second Sensei. 
Gotō Zuigan (後藤 瑞巌, 1879–1965) was a Buddhist Rinzai Zen master[note 1] the chief abbot of Myōshin-ji and Daitoku-ji temples,[3] and a past president of Hanazono University of Kyoto, also known as "Rinzai University."[4][not

Dear GK apparently committed suicide and through many Judoka I learnt and through my Sensei that GK was sad that Judo was to become an Olympic sport with weight groups and the 'spiritual side was neglected' GK died of a broken heart and I went over to Taiichi, Qigong and some Kung Fu and found my Sifu was the Great Grand Son of Zhang Enpu 63 lineage of Zhang Daoling 2nd Century CE. My Sifu was Sifu Zhang Chi.

My meditation and stories about Sensei and later Sifu are in back Shacks.  Coming back to the above circle; I was mixed up in early years between the harsh rules of the Chasid Torah and hell and damnation and the freedom of Zen as it were that it has split me into two camps as it were and the floating clouds of doubt and trust and the lack of any 'firm' role models left a vacuum and to some extent still does.

I have written about this in all 2000 and so back SHACKS to some extent. The half human circle was to give and be kind and get the approval or reward of approval which was I realise now a cheap imitation for love that I never got and hid my low esteem and lack of confidence and the second half circle was I didn't deserve love or approval, especially from God, after all I was ignored and not listened or had no say as a meek ill child and NDE and parents who had not love for themselves and a elder brother who hated our dad and loved and defended Mum and was hurt by Dad's lack of interest in the family. So I was a non as it were and my brother ten years older than me and he escaped through affairs and many so and being the manager of one of  a chain of Butlins's holiday camps and then settling as an accountant when his 'fling' days were over and settled for marrying a 'nice Jewish girl' and raising three children. I dearly loved my brother, Mother in later years the few times I saw Dad I felt a great love for him even in the absent years.

This morning shed more light in my burgeoning light and clarification; I have had some breakthroughs where peace, wholeness and oneness seemed to connect me with the source of myself and the Universe. I realised not so much in thoughts but feelings; The great Spirit, God Almighty, Life Itself, birthed me, brought me out of Itself as of the Universe, I am part of the Great All Of All, I am a Child of God, my real parent and as such all my past brain washing, inculcations, childhood, religious and dabbling in psychology and stuff was annulled and void, I realise my Cosmic parent really loves me, the stars and nature my family in essence and spirit, their spirit is my spirit and God loves me because God created me and has dominion over whether I live in this form or other forms, MY SPIRIT OR THE AWARENESS OF MYSELF will always be there because I am a Child of The Universe.

Now the Circle is complete; I love because I feel love, I do not expect approval as I feel love, not ego and praise for any achievements, in fact I have no achievements,human degrees or secular success fade and can be trampled upon, but love that has no reason, when I spontaneously smile at a bird, a tree, a laugh for nor reason that I feel whole and complete FOR NO  REASON, I then accept God loves me and I receive this love for no reason that LOVE LOVES. Love is a stand alone and complete in Itself. It is a full circle. The flow of give and receive as not polar opposites but as the complimentary Yin and Yang Of Life .