Sunday 15 October 2017


The pond is still

Likewise the mind

Thoughts arise

Seemingly from nowhere

Waves ruffle the surface

Creation begins




Let us indulge in a flight of fancy.  Perhaps God, The Source, The Creator had in mind to invent this Universe and as it is made out of the plasticine of atoms and as such has no reality other than space filled in with dream stuff, a hologram of the mind and humans are as real as fantasy and that  they believe in the dream and so solidify it.

Maybe as it is all a dream and God does not care what we do with it, and as humans if we mess it up and go our own way, its not important to The Source and He / She is just amused to see whether we go His / Her Way or to human endeavor.  

There are millions of dimensions, parallel universes (Christian Bible ' In my Fathers House there are many mansions(some say rooms)'. 

So reality comes back to the dream; from the Srimad Bhagavata Gita' it is Brahman's Lila (Leela) {dream}' and humans make the dream solid, and a reality and yet on awakening to the true identity of Self then the dream is seen as a passing cloud and no real harm comes to anyone because it was a bad dream, on awakening the dream fades as it does when one has a nightmare and with the ensuing day it passes. 

Maybe and Maybe not that is the question------if asleep the dream continues---on awakening one realizes it was just a dream.

Has Humanity woken up yet?



It could be that we have to lose ourselves in our agendas in order to be found by a greater self .(Shack)

Mind is pure unadulterated energy which is aware of Itself and so is self awareness in which as humans we are endowed with.  As such in its purity and its qualities of intelligence, wisdom and creativity it is not stained or tainted and like modeling clay ready to be formed into a predilection by intent, concentration, passion and determination.  

The will of the Universal Intent is displayed in the Cosmos. Humans are a splinter, a chip, a crumb off of the Cosmic Bread Board and as such have been given the gift of  'free will' which is to use this pure energy for a chosen purpose.

Humans can choose to follow the guidelines provided by the Universe or use their separated agendas.

Perhaps humans have to learn that in the long run that a separated agenda does not have the quality with the satisfaction at a fundamental level and is not everlasting.  It maybe that it is found to be lacking in many aspects and only partially fulfilling.

The time arrives when the surrender to the Universal Intent is not only all consuming but utter fulfillment and the gift of free will returned to source. Then there is one agenda in which one becomes an independent dependent, it becomes an interdependent interrelated cooperative. 

The separated self  no longer mourns the loss of  itself and the itself loses that title to become the Self.

Pure energy and awareness are experienced in the quiet stillness of being.  Just Being.  



balanced womens blog

Sitting in reception waiting for clients(it was voluntary work and client or patient did not seem an appropriate name) however waiting for someone to arrive, when in came an attractive young women.  Our receptionist approached me and said this lady would like to see you for help.

We went into the therapy room, a room with three chairs a lovely tall plant and soft healing colors. She looked nervous and shy.  I will call her Agnes(name protected) and I asked her what could I do for her.  She said she had suicidal thoughts and feelings.  I then had to assess her whether to go to a Doctor or a Psychiatrist.  She said she had been for medical help and they thought that anti depressants would be OK. 

I asked what sort of thoughts bothered her.  She said she came into the Church(St. Jame's Church Piccadilly, London. UK where the basement had been turned into a healing center offering all sorts of therapies) thinking that I was 'sky pilot' (priest) I said I was a therapist. She got up to go and I said its OK to stay and everything was confidential.

She said 'well I feel ashamed of what I do and frightened I will go to hell'(she pointed to the floor).  Being in Forensics in the day time I felt she was a prostitute I had forensicated brothels and the like in the early days( I never mixed the two 'jobs').   She admitted she was a lady of the night and wanted to run out as it was in the church precincts.  

I reminded her that Ladies of the Night washed Jesus's feet and that he regarded all as equals in the sight of God.  She said are you sure you are not a sky pilot,  I said no' I am not and somehow we both laughed, she had the smile of a lovely person.

She lived up North in a broken down council estate and had three children and an abusive partner who beat her up and was an alcoholic and long distance lorry driver, and she came to London twice a week to do 'business'.  

We talked over several weeks and we did imagery of which she was excellent and sensitive to subtle nuisances of her inherent wisdom, she learned gradually to forgive herself and her husband and went to the police about his abuse, many women are frightened to go to the police or social services as they are threatened even more and also extended to the children.

With her new found confidence she went to day school and learned to be a seamstress. I was able to give her an address to a small performing arts company and she eventually made costumes for them and moved to the suburbs of London.

She came in a year later and bought me a bottle of wine and kissed me on the cheek and said I had helped save her children and her.  I assured her it was a partnership and it was the real her she had discovered because she had the courage to go for it and had won herself back.

I never met her again and her courage helped me to see more of who I am.  I am convinced all those who came through those doors to see my colleagues and I and all those in the workshops I presented were my therapists, they provided a mirror to see their dilemmas and saviors as parts of me----thank you Agnes and all who blessed me with the honor of listening to their stories which is mine in another way.   

For we teach that which we need to learn(Shack)



Beatrice (name changed) lay there thin and emaciated in a coma like state pumped full of pain killers mainly morphine and was dying of cancer. BS(initials of my colleague) and I attended her and just sat with her as she had no family.

BS and I did a Tibetan and Native American technique of  'whispering to the soul', it is done by cupping one's hand over the ear and whispering.  It is said the unconscious hears it and occasionally responds.  The doctors said anything was worth trying as she was on her way out. 

BS and I whispered about imagery of healing, beautiful places and drawing pictures of fond memories and if one needs to forgive others and oneself.

We got a phone call to attend when we could at the hospice.  I drove to BS as she lived nearer to the Hospice and did not drive and we arrived together.  A nurse who was the staff nurse of palliative care looked excited, she said Bea had awoken and was asking for pencil and paper. We went in and introduced ourselves. She had drawn a figure of a women heavily clothed and almost covered from head to tail in old Victorian Clothes.  She had also drawn a bowl filled with disgusting looking feces like objects and it gave us the impressing they were rife and stinking. 

We asked her what prompted her to draw and why this?  She said she had a vague memory of someone whispering to her about certain things and was not sure what, but this seemed meaningful.

As the days turned into weeks Bea began putting on weight and her tumors were shrinking. The drawings were getting to be more colorful and the clothing was getting more modern and the bowl became less distasteful.  She still did not know why she was doing this and admitted she was good at drawing. 

 As the process continued the neck line plunged and the skirt shorter and the bowl almost empty.  One day we arrived to find her jubilant. The drawing showed her naked and the bowl empty and her arms and leg spread wide and the the word Hallelujah as a huge headline.  She said she knew what it was all about.

When she was a young women she became pregnant out of wedlock and was thrown out or her house where her strict parents told her never to return. The man who made her pregnant refused to stand by her and told her it was her fault.  She went to a back street abortionist and it went wrong she got an infection and she could not have any children after that and was lucky to have not died.

She then met a man who loved her in spite of the fact she could not have children, they had a lovely marriage and he had died six years back and she developed cancer eighteen months after his demise.
She said although he understood, she wished so much she could have had children with him and his family rejected him for marrying her. 

She bore the guilt all the years of her marriage and blamed herself and felt guilty and ashamed.  The drawing represented her throwing off the guilt and shame and FORGIVING HERSELF.  She said she had a feeling it was BS and I who prompted her with the whispering voices she heard and we celebrated as her cancer went into remission.

Bea really healed herself and given the prompts sometime the innate intelligence within us can do the healing, the body, mind and soul yearn to be healthy, joyful and well. 

I preferred to call my self a facilitator rather than a therapist. 
In all cases we were given permission to tell the events by Beatrice. (SHACK) 


On the London Underground Lines known affectionately as 'the tube' in some stations they have a notice on the platform at edges in yellow lines 'MIND THE GAP'.  
Because the train lines are slightly curved it can leave a gap and you have to be careful as you might snag your foot and get caught up in the train and the platform and dragged along or twist your foot and fall. This leads me to a play on words;

Mind is in the Gap

Mind is the space in the gap

So be mindful when using the tube.  Great awareness and presence(Shack) 


A cut finger usually heals. The natural healing process within the body is inherent and intrinsic.

Pills, lotions, medicines be it natural or allopathic does not heal, they encourage and support the inherent natural healing process.  I stress process and not plural for there is but one source behind it all.

The body intelligence organizes and informs the elements in the body to do its work. It is the Intelligence that heals and is an organic process that is why the process may seem slow as it removes the causes which maybe long endured and not just the symptoms which are surface presentations.

By being still, resting quietly, a simple diet, perhaps fasting along with gentle stretching and dropping of one's own agenda, getting out of the way of the bodies mechanisms for healing itself, one allows the body(which is an intelligence disguised as a fleshly vehicle) to proceed in its own miraculous way.

By the way this Intelligence is behind everything everywhere  and is that space, the matrix and  womb of the Universe.  

It is silent and invisible yet proclaims Itself loudly in its manifestations and glorious Creation. 



art of my

Mind Moves, things happen

Mind does not move

what then?



In movement there is stillness

and in Stillness there is movement

There it is and always has been 

This was the Koan Sensei gave me whilst throwing a judoka in seonage (shoulder throw)
'There it is and always has been' I have added and was not in the koan given to me by Sensei (SHACK)



Atoms are 99.99% space, emptiness, vacuum
with something going on in this space 
and no ones quite sure what!

If everything arises from space
then it could be said 
space is consciousness
and that means awareness
which supposes Intelligence and Creativity.

So why not reach for that Intelligence and Trust It?  



Maybe the mind creates time 
when it moves

What is mind movement? 
it is thinking

Be still then the mind quietens
not by suppression

Then one enters timelessness 

How about that!


Sunday 1 October 2017


It is what it is 

Until it isn't 

What is it ?

What was It?



Sitting absorbed in a book 

 Time seems short

The clock stays the same

Sitting and bored 

Time seems long

The clock stays the same

Who makes the time short or Long?

Another phrase used is 'Time flies by' and other similar phrases.(SHACK)



Like they say in many blogs and films 'the names have been changed to protect the persons'.

So here goes; during my days as an electrician I was at a police training college employed as an a maintenance engineer, this college had an active motor police and motor cycle repairs and servicing unit.

Among the many brilliant officers who came there and waited in the canteens for repairs or new vehicles were the one and only Kevin Ickner  and Bradley Olman (entirely made up names but they represent the real deal).  They were known for never smiling a very coarse way of speech, unrelenting in their rough justice and very keen to 'nick' you at first chance, leniency, compassion and understanding was a long lost faculty in their minds----I might  say they made our days as hilarious tales came in especially in their presented evidence in court.

Tale one; there was a famous comedian named Spike Milligan and to say he was zany is an understatement of the year, it is well worth looking up his poem's.  I like this one;

There are holes in the sky
Where the rain gets in
But they're ever so small
That's why the rain is thin.

Any road as they say, dear Spike was to appear in court because Ickner and Olman 'nicked' him for dangerous driving he went straight onto a busy two lane road and ignored the two painted lines to stop and look before proceeding.

As you can imagine the court house was packed to the rafters and I managed to sneak a lift there.  The magistrates three, three very ominous bespectacled individuals listened attentively to the evidence and then turned to Spike and said have you anything to say? To which Spike said ' Yes (in a goon voice ---look up Goon Show---a shrill high pitched whinny voice) they were hiding behind some bushes and when they saw me coming rushed out and painted the lines across the road'.  The court house erupted for a good ten minutes with hysterical laughter.  Dear Spike was fined for the offense and disrupting court proceedings. 

Tale two; There is a stretch of road which runs between two major round abouts and this road is inclined and a bit of a hill, it has two lanes and is a duel carriageway, large lorries and fast moving cars race down it. Either side of the road are woods and recreation areas named unfortunately Scratch Wood, in the late evenings gay men and gay women used to use these woods and some actually touted at the road side for clients or partners.  There were lay bys and cars used to pull in. Ickner and Olman were picked to patrol this and arrest the offenders, as you can imagine they hated it.  In those days Homophobia was less tolerated than now, this was in the years when very rude names were given to them and regular bashing's were given. Of course I and O detested this and said all sorts of names, they wanted real crime, the hard stuff.

When they came into the canteen they were greeted with blown kisses and given the name 'Starker's and Crutch' after the American TV programme ;

 Two streetwise cops bust criminals in their red-and-white Ford Torino, with the help of police snitch, Huggy Bear.
Needless to say it took a long time for I and O to get over it and for us to stop curling up with laughter when they came in.

Tale three; I used to teach Judo in a Synagogue nearby Scratch Woods and at that time I had a really powerful little car all the bits, roll over bar, spacer wheels, roaring exhaust and a highly tweaked engine.

I had finished my session and came out of the hall at around 19.00 hrs. and the engine was not even warm and as I waited at the side road I and O came by, they screeched to halt, backed up and said 'we're nicking you for speeding' I said ' Come on I have just started the car and it has not even done 500 yards , come on I and O be fair' ' They said' Call us officers and not so F----g familiar'.   'They then said where were you coming from?' I told them where and what I was doing and they were very disparaging about the Synagogue and Jewish people and said I should teach Judo elsewhere' I replied 'I teach at so and so School and Scouts, Girl Guides and two Churches' to which they replied 'Busy little B----d aren't you its a wonder you've got time for work' 

They then said 'We'll make a deal with you let us drive your car up and down Scratch Woods Road' I said 'OK. '  I and O both had turns.  They looked pale and shaken and said to me 'This stays between us and you and this is just a verbal caution, next time your nicked'

It was just after that I transferred and  began my Forensic career and never laid eyes on I and O again, although I heard a few tasty juicy stories and they never lessened in severity and rough justice.


The image at the head of this 153 is not representative of the article.  I worked with the Met for 36 years and met very fine and honest upright Police as well as a few who sailed close to the wind. I missed five years on my various trips abroad and in the UK which would have made a forty year service and full pension.  I also managed to fit in at weekends and leave to do 637 workshops in Europe, Canada and the UK along with clinics and home visits and Hospice work and one time teaching Judo etc.,.



This place is in the middle of nowhere or another version this place is like the middle of nowhere.  We're in the middle of nowhere. 

I know I am probably being pedantic however being insatiably curious I am tempted to ask; 

Can nowhere have a middle?

If so it cannot be a nowhere.

Iv'e often wondered what nowhere is like

Since its nowhere it does't seem much chance I'll find it.

Its the puzzle of no puzzle

and that's a puzzle in itself

If one gives it a name like desert, wilderness and so on then one is going somewhere and somewhere cannot be a nowhere--oh dear. (Shack)



It was a bank holiday and a large crowd were gathered in Piccadilly in London UK and the police waited patiently.  A figure appeared at the doorway, a small man with a white robe and a black beard and carrying flowers, behind a man of medium height for a European, the man was gesticulating and looked flushed and excited, behind him came four famous musicians and some other celebrities, they were cordoned gently by the police, and they led the crowds who followed on behind. 

The small bearded man in front was a famous Guru and he was going home to India and saying farewell. Many cried and begged him to come back. 

The Man from Europe was a sort of administrative Secretary and from Germany his name was Heir Schnell (quick, fast), the Guru and the crowd were heading towards Victoria Station and had a boat train to catch and as a bank holiday thus would be packed for people wanting to go abroad.

The Guru walked slowly, really slowly, Schnell urging him to walk faster saying they would miss the train, the Guru said not to worry all will be well and not to run to his demise but walk to it.  Some rude remarked a snail would move faster.

Eventually everyone got to the Station. The police could only let about a hundred into the platform to say goodbye.  The Station Master came and said 'I am afraid you have missed your train' whereupon Schnell exclaimed 'what did I tell you, sometimes you have to be practical about these things'. The Station Master said ' However knowing it was a bank holiday and were expecting a large crowd we are running an extra train, only your secretary and you will be on this train with other passengers' Schnell looked downcast and the Guru gave him a flower waved at the crowd and went onto the train.

A young orphan lad of say 17 years of age dodged past the Station Master and Police and ran to the train as it was moving, the Guru opened the door and let the lad in and went all the way to India with him.  The Guru I understood said this was meant to be.

I used to have chats with the Guru as I had met him years back, I was not a disciple or took the initiation but he told me once 'if you want protection from the public always have a fussy, egoistic person as your private secretary'  I wonder if he was alluding to Heir Schnell?




The pilgrim Fathers in 1602 went in the Mayflower Boat from England to America. On board were 102 passengers of which were two from a London Stock Company and 35 Separatists, a radical form of religion named Puritanism, they fled from England to Leiden in the Netherlands because they were so fanatic and were chased away.

One of the anecdotes to be recorded was that the Quaker like community of Christians were sitting in the silence as is their custom and as to this day, when the native so called 'red skin or Indians' I find this distasteful and belittling to name them thus, came and sat down on the ground and said 'good they pray like us' they sat very still and meditated for hours in their community. Normally the Quakers would settle for an hour and share vocally if felt moved to do so.

The next day the indigenous people were dancing around a Totem Pole and the Quakers said 'you mustn't do that, Jesus is not in a piece of painted wood'.  The day after they were dancing around the pole chanting Jesus, Jesus, Jesus'

The Chief and Medicine man tried to explain that God, the Great Spirit was not in the wood as an idol but was a symbol reminding them to praise and thank him, and as the same as the cross and they were not stupid that God was a Pole, a piece of wood'.  The reply was 'no the cross is a better reminder.'

Among my family and friends of the Jewish Faith some are disappointed that I do not go to Synagogue.  I do not go to Church, Mosque, Chapel, Sanctuary or places of worship on a regular basis or if at all. Yet I pray and meditate several times a day at irregular times, bless my food and give thanks constantly.  However sometimes when I need to be quiet in a busy noisy situation I will go to a place of worship for a few minutes should one be nearby. 

This still does not satisfy them and they chastise me and barred me from seeing their children in case I pollute them with my heathen ideas. Where is God the Beloved that 'HeShe' cannot be found is 'SheHe' our Cosmic Parent, The Spirit playing hide and seek with us, nay, The Great One is in all of us and every place is a place of worship and prayer and silent willingness to surrender ourselves to Heshe's loving care and arms.

So symbols and signs I have and were and are given to me by friends of different faiths and yet I have none that are my own, a family member who visited my home was appalled at these items given to me as friendship and love as heathen and that I was antisemitic and so on. No amount of explanation would suffice and was said trying to wriggle out of the fact I was a Jew Hater.  I support all religions and faith not the dogma.

 A wise Jewish lady who was relatively religious and loved her faith and was very tolerant and came as refugee from Poland and was in her eighthes, and I gave her a lift home and we would talk for a considerable time asked me what I would say to Moses when my time came and he opened the book of Life on me and read my file; If Moses said 'Yosef (my Hebrew name) you did not go to Synagogue on Sabbaths and on Holy Days or keep Kosher foods how come?' 'Moses I never pretended to be religious, those who accuse me not going to Synagogue in the morning on Sabbath and then shop, do business go to football matches and other things in the afternoon, then they may eat Kosher at home and not when they are out, please judge me on my heart and not hypocrisy'  To which the Lady said ' I believe you and know you are right, but I am so long in this tradition it is hard for me to change and my children would not like it as I am a role model for their children and my Grandchildren'.  This I knew and out of the whole family I loved her most for her kindness to me and understanding.

So where do we find God or our Spiritual needs, I guess this is a personal quest or maybe there is not the interest to do so.  For me it has and will always be top of the list, I have to be One with the One and is a burning desire etched and branded into my heart.  

I need no omens, signs, tokens or symbols, Life itself is the Totem Pole and Cross for me.  God does not play hide and seek.



Relationships can come and go or if there is just one love in all one's life in a partner, disregarding hobbies, sport, a mission however including pets and animals of the wild these die with age as we do and are tangible and of the senses.

There is a love which transcends human love.  It has no form that the senses see, touch, feel, hear or smell, it goes beyond imagination and past experiences.

It is felt deep within the space of the heart, not the physical heart, but that feeling when it seems to emanate from the heart.  It is beyond experience of a physical nature accept to say I am saying that it can be felt in a physical body and assuming from NDE the energy body of the deceased. 

For me I have had small tasters and it is all consuming and can say this is the Touch of The Beloved.  No other love has quenched my thirst for being in love and loved back.  In fact to correct that sentence one is joined in love, there is no flow of give and return because one is one with love, it is our true nature, we are love. In a way we are in love with love, just for its own sake.

It is not a case of loving an attribute, love for a something, there is no something or anything to love simply because it is a pure state and stands alone so to speak.

One thing is for sure that once experienced it captures one and the drive to be one with it and release all other side issues is all consuming and almost fanatical.  

I feel I have never lived in harmony or peace until I merge and surrender my personality and who I am that I perceive I am until this oneness and unity is accomplished.  It may never happen in this physical lifetime but come hell or high water I feel the quest and pursuit are all thats left for me in my remaining years.



funny jokes, funny quotes funny sayings

What's the difference

of walking 

to your grave 

and running 

to your grave?

You have missed something


Sometimes in meditation it seems as though a light goes on and one 
is consumed by a balm and grace---it feels like being enveloped in
an ocean of Love(Shack) 

I suppose we have all at one time blamed our bodies for letting us down and now as I type this I feel I owe my body an apology for all I put it through and I have done 'I'm sorry dear body' only to do it harm and blame again and again.

It seems as though my impatience and my urge to be perfect and have my own agenda has forced these issues on my dear innocent body.

The intelligence imbued in the cells of my body and yea even deeper to an invisible energy intelligence which the cells draw to themselves, other than nutrients and the saline bathing that cells appreciate.

This intelligence can be felt and by going 'inside' the body with the mind sensing through the body.  One can feel a sort of gentle vibration in a relaxed state, it as if the mind senses without sensors.

This relaxing and gentle mind probing with no agenda, just exploration with no purpose often prompts a sort of inner knowing, definitely intuitive and spontaneous if the scheming mind decides to grant a visa to these dimensions.  One relinquishes control of the ego and allows the body mind to communicate.

So this beautiful body, maybe not to world fashion and model agencies approval and doctors who wish to bombard it, although they mean well, and wouldn't have too if our life styles were not out of sync with Nature which is the bodies origin and homeland. So my body suffers unnaturally and it's my lack of awareness and taking it for granted that maybe its cause.  No matter what modern living imposes on it I can still endeavor to make do as best that fits the well being of this wonderful gift from Nature and the Author of Nature.

So dearest body I will forget and neglect you at times and then come back to you full of remorse.  I beg your forgiveness and like the spirit of the essence of nature you forgive unconditionally until I make the mistakes that cause your uncomfortable disturbances and eventually your breakdown.

I can only hope and pray I will be mindful of you and let you live the remaining years with grace and dignity.  I love you dearest body friend with all that I have as a human and invoke the divine to do so as well.

It has been found that DNA self replicates Itself and draws an invisible
but measurable energy from the vacuum or space--part of the phantom wave project(Shack)   


You know I have had a reasonable education.  The early years a shamble and the following years what I consider to be real education, which is about Life and living.

All the science in the world and explanations which may be logical, make sense and some irrefutable, yet can you shake a deep, deep conviction nay a feeling that is the root and foundation of me of something magical, unexplainable, mystical and indeed is the corner stone of Life.

Such is the wonder I have to see people walking, their feet just walking, heel toe, the humming bird suspended by fast beating wings, the fish swimming, the Cheetah running, the Giraffe lofty and majestic with sexy eyes, the baby feeding at Mother's breast.

The very act of walking, you know my mind cannot comprehend, a tree growing, plants, they are sort of rooted and grounded, but how do I walk free no Earth roots to harness me, the bird fly and so on. Planets that hang in space with their cousins the stars.

Please don't take me back to the classroom, the lecture theater, the dissecting, the compartmentalizations which break up the unity of the whole, of fragmented pieces of the jig saw puzzle. I don't wish to hear about gravity, the big bang, Darwin, Bibles and History, Politics and Wars.

Just let me be with the magic, unanswerable and let it be so for the moment you solve the magic trick, the conjurers illusion then Life loses its zest and we return to the stream of logic and explanation.