Friday 16 August 2019


There are some places on Earth that resonate with me more so than others.

Speculation may have it I was there in a previous life, déjà vu or just a simpatico for a an experience within oneself of a peaceful or meaningful place to be, then there is the esoteric view of a portal to another dimension, a sort of star gate, wormhole, black hole affair, or a power point where many ley lines converge to form a node in the network of such lines world wide. Whatever the answer is I am attracted to The Gobi Desert.

I am attracted to starkness, deserts and nakedness of mind, albeit my flat is a clutter and needs a good clean. Yet ‘spiritually’ I yearn for the empty pristine mind in its simplicity, efficiency and peace. I am comfortable with empty mind which is not barren or boring but with an essence which is indescribable but very satisfactory, the satisfaction with less is more.



Time and space from my view is the experience by ego witness or Cosmic Universal witness experience. The ego which is a library of holographic learnt videos which are able to use the human senses and project a reality in accordance and commensurate to the basic belief systems, so all experiences are coloured and filtered through the net of brain washed conditioning are in essence thought forms appearing as consolidated concrete reality and very tangible and what is referred to as local personal finite mind. 

The Cosmic Universal mind is non local impersonal infinite mind that of the creator of Life, the Fountain and Source of Life, both are consciousness one all embracing and infinite one with a boundary and ring fence around it and mortal and finite.

Both in form and by form something that seems real, corporeal and solid and in its basic nature impermanent and in a way an illusion and the magic, the conjures trick, here you see it now you don’t, the local magic is the death of the body here today and gone some time later and in the Cosmic Scale many years later, all that remains is the Cosmic Mind Source and the ego one painted over many times by incarnations constantly asleep as to its true nature or wrestling within itself to discover itself and on awakening becomes non local and impersonal.

The more I recognise and intuitively become aware of the fragility of my beliefs and theories the space between forms becomes more distant or timeless and indeed I am slipping into formlessness and it is not full of ‘things’ but an emptiness of joy and peace, thoughts are not so demanding and the incessant mind chatter the famous internal dialogue less important and not adhered too with such importance, however, much to the angst of the ego which really gives sharp reminders in order to assert its authority.




The Economist
Its synchronicity or what maybe called coincidence that this SHACK article is 666 the so called mark of the devil, the beast or as a common joke the 999 call for police is said to 666 as three policeman arrive on their head or doing headstands. Numerology may have it that  three six’s make 18 which then make 8 + 1 =9 and 9 is a significant number as above in numerology; The number 9 as the vibration of the First name represents wisdom and responsibility. The ultimate goal of the Name number 9 is to serve humanity. This vibration has come to serve the world and make it a better place for all to live in. represents human's 'earthly lesson', which is 'forgiveness'

However I diverse and stray far from the essence of the article; formerly I played around AH HA’s, concepts, insights and inspirations which suggested a variety of aspects; The Big Bang as an AH HA from consciousness / God / The Source of Life which begs the question where did consciousness and God and so on arrive or originate from. Then the Big Bang was an accident which to me begs the question an accident would be preceded by a cause, both of these above are to me a mystery and I can only leave it at that for now or perhaps the following will allay the mystery a tad.

Science in it's own way is endeavouring to find the origin and source, scientists are on a spiritual path, the quest to discover who they are but they may not own this.
I felt that God or whatever name one feels represents the Source of Life and the Creation was just as mystified how It came into being and consciousness and was and is searching for ITS origin through Its creation of forms which It realised are not permanent no matter their longevity this raises a doubt that impermanence in creation is not who I am and since there is no visible form who am I then? Then It may come to the conclusion I am an awareness because I witness the forms which I created and in a way I am in them and yet not of them. What then is the nature of awareness, I experience me as an alive experience even though that experience may not be tangible by human or form senses. I am an invisible awareness, perhaps energy of some sort and when not in form creation I am aware as an awareness which to me is being conscious.

Audaciously I am thinking, summarising, speculating if I were God, and  it is said we humans are built in the image of God. Certainly not in a physical form because it is said to be eternal and omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.  

I have been on this journey of discovery, the quest and all that, and I realised all things are impermanent, transient, at first logically, intellectually and scientifically and now getting to be a fact an a non real reality, yes for my body is here and here right now, it has changed over my life span and will cease to be a living human form at some time and time is the measurement of any forms life from a relative life of permanence to the end of that permanence and then then speculations; does or is there a survival of some sort of conscious essence that passes from the form to somewhere else?

Now that God / me in my speculations and insights has arrived at; OK I found I am not form, I feel I am a consciousness and unnamed invisible Source that is self aware and as that is so, what therefore is the use of endless creation of form as I now comprehend form is not me and has served its purpose as a mirror as a reflection to show me through its impermanence that I am not it but the creator of it.

Having now found myself as not form a knowing within myself I am conscious awareness and I cannot define or with any form senses feel myself, what do I feel when I am aware of myself as consciousness, awareness and alive in some way and not really bothered how I was born and who and what caused it.

I feel joy at sensing I am an alive being, I feel free because I am not a form that lives and dies and is always frightened at its own mortality and I feel an emotion so strong and want tell all form when you die you only lose your form not your essence, you are the pot the 'me' is the potter who created you, and you put your trust in the pot that it would last forever and you got frightened that you aged and got fragile, you trusted the form as the ultimate reality, but now you know it is the Potter that is the spirit and the mind of the Potter that is reality and on your demise you return to the Potters Mind and there was no separate pot  / me, it was all in the potters mind.

Then on the realisation that I the pot am a figment of the Potters Imagination and in a way I am real and yet quantum wise glued together particles, atoms and molecules which in their essence are empty in substance and are a decoded into virtual reality by a decoder that can decode algorithms and vibratory waves and frequencies into virtual holograms projected into space as reality. When this hits home and begs the question what is real then, the surmised conclusion is I am a mind and that mind is capable of conjuring up images to make form or just remain in the mind as fantasies and are fantasies just as real as dreams and become reality’s that produce or are the end product of those dreams, dream or intend hard enough and they become so concrete beliefs they produce for---hey presto my dream came true.

Now to the next step; I have realised I am not for as yet have found myself through the realisation that form is not permanent, I put aside how my mind, awareness, consciousness was born and now investigate what this feeling is; above the feeling led to not be able to define in a tangible way as I am still in my body form, yet there is this sense intuitively that I feel great, free, joyful and loving, so free that I want to shout and beg form to see, yes you are frail and impermanent yet your real essence is freedom, love, love, and love so great it yearns to share this with others, since this freedom is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and eternal and there is only this pervading the Universe, Cosmos, multi dimensions and is ONE Mind, One Consciousness and can only share it with Itself it has to create form to share this love with joyous beautiful creation and because ITS LOVE it is a fountain, an eruption, a gushing, waterfall of non ending love it wants ITS creation to enjoy Its freedom and love. God has found that God is love; the search over for WHO AM I and now It has discovered ITS own nature as unconditional love IT wants Its forms to share in the same bounty and to be a witness and testimony to this love.  

The form takes on its own identity and feels it is eternal, until the cracks show and then seek its true identity, it seeks the Potter, since the potter is a conscious awareness without form the form either gets into Earthly distraction or goes on and into the quest.

Hence my audacious assumptions which are becoming more and more less assumptions as a living reality, a reality that has no form or identity, no dwelling place, no name and yet is all and everything to the one in human form who experiences this in consciousness.



MBA Literary Agents
Whose authority or permission do I need to feel free or make me free?

To feel free is my choice from the experience of feeling free in my mind and body which work in tandem. This feeling is often spontaneous and more sustainable when the realisation that all the do's and don't s were imposed in the psyche as established laws of culture, society, political and religious upbringing and modified by peer pressure and the fashion and idiom of the era and day.

This is not free thinking but a series of repetitive phrases and exposure to a particular culture, social ethos and a 'feel' of the silent invisible 'psychic atmosphere' which is subtle and delicate or brutal innuendos and sly glances and body posturing. All this shapes the unconscious and becomes the individual reactions to situations and challenges with the shaping and moulding of behavioural responses and social intercourse.

So permission and authority are conditioned and brain washed conditions, laws, agendas, rules, boundaries, lines to be not crossed or crossed, attack and defence tactics and this large tome is bound up in a package titled ego.

Freedom then is not an automatic and felt response but is a dictate and metered out non spontaneous feeling but a deliberation and tolerance ah la permission of the tome and its many if's and but's do's and don't s.  
 The words of the song Born Free by John Barry epitomise the feelings;
 Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart
Live free and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star
Stay free where no walls divide you
You're free as the roaring tide
So there's no need to hide
Born free and life is worth living
But only worth living 
'Cause you're born free
Stay free 



Borden Communications





or in the same sea and share life.shack

It is said we are one life.

One life and different expressions of it, like an artist whose paintings come from the same source--- the artist.

Yet many feel they are not connected and are separate---you and me, two bodies that are separate like two icebergs in the ocean, seemingly miles apart.

Some feel they are one and connected by mind and feelings of love and some further apart by hate and disgust.

But, and a big but, dive beneath the surface and like the iceberg you can feel and see the ocean that joins the other bergs, there are also underground streams and they all arise from the ocean floor, the essence of life in this analogy.

By diving it is to sit quietly look within the mind and dive past the thoughts and feelings not by holding them in abeyance, but swimming as it were down and down until one reaches a still vast ocean of dynamic bliss and then one realises that there is One Life at the essence and it feeds the perceived separate forms and then there is not separation and miles become non existent.



It’s OK to have memories as long as one does not live ones life through them.

Memories are of the past and can deprive one of a different and fulfilling future.

It is the emotional charge, the buzz, the zing, which is ego fuel, nourishment and perpetuation.

Memories constitute the main part of the personality. If one is not happy with the so called world’s norm and retreats into memories and fantasies then one can be locked into them and there is no personality per se.

Should one reach the point where one perceives that memories are just events on the journey though Life’s Highways and by ways and can move on after enjoying them and not hankering after them again and again, returning to still alertness and an aware dynamic empty mind and content to remain there and remain free to be in the bliss of no mind with no attachment to memory nor suppression of them and just aware of what is.


Yes in dreams who knows where you might have gone and in what year? Shack

When we travel anywhere to town or Mars

We have to have a mind and an awareness to experience it

So all experiences are travelled in the mind

How many miles in mind miles is Earth to Mars

No body, no mind, no experience












As you go down the wormhole you turn on various binary codes. Shack

Slide share









Are not atoms the same in these forms as in the quantum arrays and our bodies? Shack
What if atoms were only a construct of the mind and were just a part of the inquiry and quest as to who we really are?  As science is looking to find the origins of the Universe and to whether it was a big bang and although some scientists feel we are not part of the Universe, for the universe is dead matter, and those who feel we are an intrinsic part of the Universe then the scientific quest is about us humans as well.

Many scholars and scientists divorce us as part of nature and stand detached and aloof from it, so therefore they are not studying the universe and nature which is the universe is collective nature, so plants, animals, birds and so on have a common life energy background which is the life force but some scientists have it we are a separate and do not share this force, so how do they live?

So being a separate detached life form and divorced from nature and different energy to keep us alive we are merely bystanders just dispassionately observing creatures that are nothing to do with us. We miss the fact we are links in the chain and by compartmentalising and being a lonely isolated link, looking for answers and never joining the chain, after all I am a PH.D, a Professor I stand apart with a superior intellect and knowledge after all homeopathy, psychic stuff, energy healing ---come on now ---to say I am one of a species, a cousin of an ape----do me a favour!!!.

In an incredible book ‘The Tao of Physics’ (first edition please), by Fritzof Capra what appears is that when scientists concentrated on finding another particle that was the source of all things, nowadays the God Particle of CERN, that is the Higgs Bosun (Higgs Bison because it is Bullshit) in those days of Capra it manifested in six months( I have written in previous Shacks about Tibetan Monks manifesting in six months ‘ a monster’) and then when that is found there must be another that caused the one we found, more maths and huge calculations all manifesting their own ego agenda beliefs.

A really good video to see is ‘How far Down the Rabbit hole or What the Bleep’. My late cousin and Capra (as far as I know they did not know one another) both describe how in the early days many scientists could not cope with the observer effect and had severe breakdowns as they realised their minds were effecting the atoms and particles and they were a vital part of the process they certainly were not divorced from it. Many broke away and could not bear the fact that there was something greater than their intellect and so went back to formulae and simultaneous equations and scientific symbolic quantification. My Chinese Sifu( he was far more graphic than Sensei) remarked ‘they will go so far down this void to eventually come back up their own arse and shout eureka, bloody hell its me, my mind, the observer’, and their world will collapse and they can’t stand the huge tower of their intellect, the ego being torn down, such mighty skyscrapers being made redundant(interestingly enough many native homes are round and grounded and fit into natures scenery built of natural materials) so to hell with all that observer consciousness crap lets start more theories and formulae and use big sounding names and strange symbols otherwise we have nothing but a nervous break down and boredom, so from that day on quantum scientists and astrophysicists have been at loggerheads. Are not planets and stars and all made of atoms? Have I missed the point here?

At one time in my life I came across disillusioned scientists and Capra suggested meditation, because another thing they could not get their heads around in those early days the 99.99% of the empty space in the atom. How can it be, there is this form, planets trees and all us and this emptiness?

Any way fifteen scientists were willing to try SAM I devised a name for our meditations ‘Sub Atomic Meditation’ and got them into the emptiness as described in previous Shack’s.  Many came through unscathed, some left science to do work in a similar fashion with consciousness, others just went back to the lab and some went stark raving crackers, they were the sane ones.  

Then the question remains what about that .1% of ‘not space’ scientists do not know what it is---some postulations have been put forward so far to no avail. Interestingly enough that .1% of nothing could be us as a conscious observer of space which is consciousness, this is the bit of consciousness in energy form that is the gift from the Universe to us and to all of its glorious creation.  When we all come back to who we are in the scheme of things there is no need to build towers for we are the answer to it all if we have found it in us.

Imperial College London
Forgive me I thought it was doctors prescription. Shack

Friday 2 August 2019

Can the mind be measured? Is the mind merely an electrical response as per medical and some scientific thought or is it a consciousness which is not physical or electrical and something else?

In a way the mind can be measured by its content such as its agendas, brain washing, conditioning and the like, yet this is only the content and is information and data.

When one says let us go deep into the mind this maybe to view, brain storm, ruminate and compute and reconfigure certain logical, scientific, philosophical conjectures however these are thoughts and deep here might mean the deeper meaning to the above.

From a meditative point of view and this depends what one means by meditation, not being, visualisations, imagery, hypnosis, mandala, yantra. affirmations, prayer, supplication, trance and such like but merely watching thoughts such like attention without intention, looking without bias, awareness without judgement, then when the thoughts subside and seem to have no substance and one is aware and not sluggish, soporific and dull and inert, but alert aware and vitally alive without thought, then there is no depth or height or and measurable something to be able to get a handle on.

Perhaps one can measure the electrical activity in the brain but this is not a tangible thing. It shows the activity of the mind but not its content or consciousness. From this point of view like space it is not measurable unless it has a point of reference to perhaps triangulate or compute, but space is space and the empty mind, not of stupor and lassitude, in its joy and bliss and inner peace is merely a stand alone entity and being without depth, height, high, low or any position, it is open wide and all embracing, it is seamless and is what it is and therefore beyond all aspects of measurement.

To the experienced it feels limitless and eternal and vast and yet not definable so all sorts of measurement and containment, description and explanation fall by the wayside.




Following on from SHACK 661 how could God the Unseen invisible consciousness answer prayers if God Itself is collecting data from us and its creation?

It does so from the collective consciousness of the aeons of information. It computes the best answer to suit the situation even to the point in which it asses the individual consciousness to see if it would be better to have no answer and let the individual benefit from its own awakening, not its reasoning.



From SHACK 660 the flower is open to the light, the mind is 
clearing the debris of the past collective aeons of karama. SHACK
From time immemorial with the bible version of the void, the firmament and God sent forth the word, The Big Bang a so called accident without cause, and who caused God, the Cosmic Egg and  The Golden Womb, The Hiranyagarha, The Quantum Zero Potential and all that, it seems the Invisible Creator and perhaps Consciousness  magically and mysteriously produces or creates out of Itself something from nothing especially if one is human and the senses cannot see it, it appears to have no corporeal form, and what’s more form seems to be non permanent and the mystery of being conscious. The mind has no problem with creating and it can be mind games, visualisations, imagery and fantasies, dreams and the like which are in the mind and not as form as it were. So is all this Universe a mind at work and creating and does it have to have  a solid form and is all the mind the truth of being alive and does one need a body to experience this?

So the Universe comes into being and is it for just form, or not, is the question or rather does Consciousness or God or whatever questions how it came to be?  Maybe consciousness became aware of it being conscious and did question how it came into being and perhaps it was a dim awareness and dark like the seed at the bottom of the mud pool of the lotus flower and its early forms were large gross, even early bacterial and microbial entities wandering their origin, then getting to dinosaurs, mammoths, the extinctions and gradually the collective unconscious of all these metamorphism's  that gained experience and became archetypal and this collective gathered the good, the bad and the ugly and all this time consciousness maybe looking into the forms and creations for the answer to who am I and not realising it is Conscious of Itself but distracted by the forms its created, it looked to its creation for proof of its existence.

Over the aeons of time, and time measured as the length and breadth of the existence of form and when the form dissolves it leaves space, a gap, a void in which time does not exist and if consciousness took of advantage of these gaps without creating, it might realise that it is what and who I am, space, emptiness without form, mind stuff and all, yet somehow getting into the habit of busy mind creating and evaluating its aliveness by its creation it looks again to the form as conclusive evidence of its life, yet if form is not permanent and it cannot live with the absence of form then what; the merry go round continues and the wheel of life is set up again and 'Hamster Wheel.' The Karmic round about goes on. And Cern looks for the ever elusive particle another ' God Particle' only to find out one day it is the dog chasing its tail, yet the Universe and its multi dimension will lure it on and realise one day it goes on forever and ever with no conclusion. Once has to realise this and the busy ego mind gets exhausted and then?  The Universe through our collective experience will realise it as well.

Then to us humans we are bearing witness and testimony to the restless consciousness as it seeks to find its ultimate destiny and question who am I and who created this 'I' anyway and if there isn't a permanent identity and no 'I' how comes this whole search shebang?

It seems to me the lotus flower of consciousness is now throwing off the slime of the collective unconscious from time immemorial and the horror and beauty of today’s breakdown into seemingly political, the absence of a moral compass, religious, environmental  pollution and madness is the slime and muck of the ages being purged and purified and although we may feel we are separate beings  never the less at a deep level of mind we are all connected to the collective unconscious and like all six billion of us have a straw and sucking in a bit of the collective or being influenced by it in order to process it and bring it to light and purify by some means and even work through and experience the ancient horrors with a modern overlay.

We are in fact assisting the Universe to find itself through us its creation as we are as the Universe is, our awakening is indeed concomitant and commensurate to the Universe discovering itself through us as we discover ourselves through it.



shack 660 MUD, MUCK AND FILTH.

Baba mail
To me this is the mind opening to the light . SHACK
In Buddhism there are many explanations regarding the Lotus Flower. My feeling about this is that the lotus being an exquisitely beautiful flower grows out of the mud and slime and to me the slime and putrid thought content of many minds can by the awakening of the content of the mind viewed in a non judgemental way which is allowing the content to arise and been viewed without censorship and face the fact that the content is in the mind and be interested as to where and how it got there.

It may be a shock and it maybe one did not have a choice as to the earlier brain washed beginning, it is not helpful to feel guilty but to take the opportunity to cleanse by gentle viewing and facing up to the content and move through it rather than suppression, repression and harsh discipline and woe betide this miserable disgusting sinner, deep suicidal depressed confessional whipping and abusing and hating oneself, self harm and I am a waste of space and so on.

Once the mud has been loosened one maybe will have glimpses of the water and light above.



You have to go

What’s the use of living a thousand years if you build up karma and a huge concrete ego, mind you some folks do and it’s OK for them and not everyone believes in karma? Even in concrete, cracks can begin to show and water droplets in winter freeze and expand the minute holes in some concrete and over the years cause cracks and this can apply in analogy to ego. And sometimes the ego can be gradually sculpted by reincarnation until the slate is clean and of course this again depends on one’s views of reincarnation.

The Universal Plan of Evolution maybe as follows; everything arises from a fountain of Potential and then as waves and ripples as fine energy and then gets to be more compact and compressed to make form that human brains decode as solids. This original energy is the aware intelligent cosmic creator source and force. The potter shaped the clay into pots into forms. Individual pots were given a piece of the potter in our example a piece of cosmic consciousness and the name of the plan or game is to figure out the plan or who the potter is and his source and so gradually refining, searching in order to alter the shape of the pot and what is put into it and so gradually in the fullness of time become one with the potter and cosmic source.

I feel the form is the pot and the space if not filled is the ‘piece of cosmic intelligence, for the use of a vessel is its emptiness’ and the potter and the Cosmic Intelligence is space which is aware intelligent invisible cosmic mind.

The space within the form can be dense like ice, refining to water and then to steam and then to vapour when the form can no longer contain the substance in its finer form.

The vapour then joins the greater vapour of space which again refines to the finer more subtle elements from whence it came.

These subtle elements themselves dissolve into the sea of evolution and become potential again, potential has the possibility and probability to be anything that is imaginable and more so, this is best left to the all knowing, all seeing awareness. Of course the awareness sees otherwise it would not be aware.

So in a way as everything gets recycled and is cyclic in nature, indeed in essence we are Methuselah's.




The tiredness of fame; being a celebrity, being someone special; do celebrities do it for money only, or do they do it for the adoration and love of their fans and from others, being fair they love the physical parts and their talents and get joy by performing these, and then there are the perks such as advertising getting recognised at restaurants and special discounts and so on. 

When all this ceases and there are only memories to feed on, a shallow feeling of the real thing. Then everyone expects something from a celebrity ‘everyone wants a piece of me (an autograph, a smile, a nice word, a selfie) said a well known celebrity.  Do we indeed create the need in our lives for a celebrity and want to become one.

When the ‘show is over’ the act, sport, fame and demand have gone, the novelty worn off, some celebrities welcome the rest and retirement, others get depressed, some take up a hobby and some get hyped on drugs.

There are those when in celebrity status believe they are above the law and some cannot cope with the fame and yet love it and try and hide away as much as possible and recharge. Fame is not all glamour, endless rehearsals, training interviews and such like and the media on their backs.

Then there are the fans who are living off of the fame of the celebrities who imagine the parties, money, travel, relationships, fine clothes, cars, private aeroplanes, yachts, meeting the royals and such like. This feeds the fans fantasy and dreams and maybe some lonely unfulfilled parts in themselves.

In both cases this can fill some deep felt need to be acknowledged and loved and the search for love and happiness in the outside world which at most can only be an imitation of an inner aspect, inner in the sense of finding it in oneself, not narcissistic, but a true in depth feeling of a sort of completeness.

 One can still enjoy performing and watching a performance but it is not contributing to the psychological, emotional and mental lack, it is an appreciation of the skill, dedication and beauty of the performer.

 Then there is the love that has no form, no idol, no tangible evidence of its existence and yet can be found in quietness, non performance and after a while in everything everywhere and in any situation. By inner I mean it is found by an inner focus, as if ones eyes were turned inwardly to view the mind in a non opinionated way, not on thoughts or mental gymnastics, fantasies, visualisations or imagery, repeating mantras and the like and just watching what arises and not trying to judge it or fathom where it came from or what it is related too.

In a way we are celebrities seeking the bliss which maybe our celebrity and if one has a modicum of this bliss we may become a performer in the ‘outside physical world’ as a celebration and expression in this form of chosen expression, just doing it for the sheer joy of it, not as a sport because we like the fitness and prove our physical prowess or singing to show what a lovely voice I have or writing and all else to prove look I have talent.

The performance does add to the bliss, the difference being I do it to express my bliss and or I do it because I  am good at it and I want to be admired.

With the bliss when the physical or for some reason one cannot continue the performances there are no regrets because one is in and still has the bliss.  There are  no withdrawal symptoms, a clean break is managed and one just spends ones time cultivating more bliss until one leaves the body for full time bliss.

There are similarities with full time employment and when one retires so to speak. Those in the bliss do not feel deprived as much as those who lived to work and those who worked to live. The job was not their idol or their celebrity and as long as they had enough to live on they were content and promotion and getting to be the foreman, charge hand or management was not important although one might attain this without the ambition.

There is no wrong or right way it is one's predilection.



WE Barnes ca (William Barnes)
Hmmm( Shack







Cartoon Stock


Abstract Wallpapers-Desktop nexus














A Zen master sitting on  a tree branch meditating when along came an academic who says to the master ' I understand that you say the secret of the Universe is contained in a grain of sand---How so ?'
The Zen Master replies 'honourable and dear academic how many books have you read and remember?' 

Academic 'hundreds and I remember something of nearly all of them'
Master ' in such a small head!!!'
Taken from many Zen Koans and Quotes  over the years. SHACK   













Google Images

I came across a scientist who said ‘we are made of atoms and those who are studying atoms then are really studying themselves’.

This means to me that what is ‘behind the atom ‘ as it were that is where atoms are derived from and from the observer effects it would seem our minds ‘interfere’  if you like or perhaps interact, collapse the wave which maybe the first steps in the process of manifestation of form, something tangible and perceived by the human senses.  In other words our minds or rather consciousness arranged by our personal thoughts interacts and interrelates because our minds and bodies are composed of the same structure that is molecules, atoms and particles, consciousness meets itself in form and also in no form. The nature of consciousness is awareness which is life and so it meets its kin at the level of atoms and solidified atoms so to speak as form. After all if the observer is an aware consciousness and collapses the wave then it has an affinity and likeness to it, both respond to thought and intention, which must be the nature of molecules, atoms and particles.

This is intelligence in action. There is a remarkable demonstration of this in a slightly different way; plants by the side of a busy dual carriageway main road started to die because of the fumes and pollution, the few that did survive had adapted to the environment and showed it in a plant clinic, when some of the plants were brought to the purer state of the clinic they died, again the survivors turned back to their former nature. It seemed some intelligence was at work here.

Rubber tyres dumped into the barrier reefs in Australia did have a disastrous effect, some years later the sea life started to grow back on the tyres.
After the atoms bombs were exploded in the Bikini Islands the local life went through horrific mutations, some years later it returned to normal, it even restored the predatory and procreative cycles.

To me this suggests there is a Universal Consciousness that is all pervading and is the informing principle behind the Cosmos. It seems that Nature can do without us and our meddling ways will not thwart it, it may delay it and humans may destroy and blow up the planet in their vain effort to own, make profit and rape nature.

Near me there is an old railway track and train yard, disused over may years, beautiful flowers, weeds, mice, birds and insects are in abundance there, nature does not need us but we need nature, this is the time to renew our partnership with her.

Scientists will be surprised when it dawns on them that the Author of the Blueprint of Life is not out there in the Universe but is indeed dormant in them and awaiting liberation by the prison door of ego.

The atom is 99.99% space and that space is where everything arises and returns to and space is consciousness, so when one looks at inner space one is looking at oneself and one’s own experience of that 99.99% is being aware of oneself as space and that space is infinite and all pervading, it is non ending and is not graspable by flesh not other senses it is only recognised in meeting itself. That .1% left over maybe the consciousness that is given as a gift by the atom that recognises the process of creation, the atom witnessing itself in action.

If one is still in doubt go put your finger under a scanning electron microscope or a piece of concrete and you will be mightily surprised of how your solid finger or concrete really looks at its building block levels. Many have been shocked when they have done----I was.

So where does one go from here?------back to meditation, getting quiet and empty, so the mind is dynamic without thought and therefore reunited in space once occupied by thought---------?

Life goes on despite human meddling.



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Iv'e heard it said humans are addicted to pleasure

And the fear that when pleasure is denied them 

they get into pain

Pain and pleasure are opposites

and if this is case a pendulum will always oscillate

between them  

They need to be complimentary 

and how to do this 

Be in the middle so being neither of them

So one does not need to be in the 

fear of denial nor the 

addiction to pleasure

This duality is energized by the Middle Way

and so has control over them by  being neither and both.