Monday 27 February 2017


Wanting something and somewhere to eat, not knowing what or where, empty of thought yet keenly aware, still waiting, having a choice of many buses and leaving it to per chance to take me spontaneously and 'sychronistically'  to the appropriate fare is fun and a thoughtless process, waiting watching, feeling truly alive, anticipating without opinion and being alive with emptiness. 

Not having a decision or cannot decide between many things then leaving it to no choice or a choice-less decision.  There is a kind of stark enjoyment and pleasure in this, as if providence provides the outcome, it leaves hard decisions not to the person.

Again living in the wildness one has to leave most decisions this way.  When the bus arrives, the animal arrives it is as if nature has determined the outcome, and so the food is metered out by providence and is accounted for ----not too much to deplete supplies, not too little to starve.  The bus is sufficient for the day and need. 



Wondering why thoughts are so sticky.  Asking someone are thoughts useful or even needed the response is invariably of course.

There is an urge to have a clear mind as if thoughts are not natural. Not that thoughts are wrong but they are dominant and demanding. The feeling is that thoughts are not really who a person is and there is something far deeper and significant.  Where thoughts originate from is the unconscious, a storehouse of the past and there is something beyond that or more fundamental.  This collection of memories, experiences bundled together and is the ego, not that this  is wrong or inappropriate, however one reacts to the past because it is known and presumably safe.

Life is about living in the now.  People who live in the wildernesses after leaving the city speak about Life is per chance, every day is different, not the desk or familiar route. Like the animals they have to hunt for food and some days they go empty, sometimes the weather is too severe, they have to let Life lead them.

There is something very special about letting Life lead one, taking a chance that something will come by, drift wood for fire, logs blown down by the wind for building and so forth, even trusting one's health will hold out.

So thoughts acting from the past form a false reality---they make things known, hopefully safe, and the supply is there. It can rob one of self reliance, not ego strength but on an unknown inner resource.

So thought becomes a reaction to the past triggered by something in the now but actually the now is only a replay of the past and often is the future, for the future is safe if it is known.

Is it possible to be thoughtless, not in the way of not caring, but wait patiently for the synchronization of Life to supply all?




If one is a nothing coming from nowhere or even a someone coming from nowhere to live as a perceived solid form and then to go back to the nowhere which must be somewhere because how can something come out of nothing and can nothing exist if it is nothing?

So it figures Nowhere is the place to be because it always is there producing something?

Yet if nowhere is nowhere that doesn't exist either?

Is nowhere a place and what is us?  It's really hard stuff.

Does it really matter? 


Friday 24 February 2017


In my clinical work as a psychotherapist, healer and counselling I often went to the hospice. There are many wonderful experiences, perhaps some to follow the main points are ; those who did not want to depart, the family wanted them to go, those who wanted to go and the family did not.

In many cases when the family went for a cup of tea or something, the person who wanted to go---went.  Sometimes they would say would you get them to go out for a while and I would suggest a break.  The family were holding them back and of course those that wanted to stay and the family wanted them to go or stay could cause a very slow and laborious exit.

I will not give the ways I facilitated the departures as this is sacred. I did learn and adapt many 'departure' aids and was known as a mid husband  for the dying, I did work at times with a dear friend BS if she reads this she will know her initials and we called her the midwife for the dying.  Many aids I learned  from my Sensei / Sifu and Tibetan Monks.

BS and I both could write a book on the very beautiful and lovely times spent with those splendid people who we were honoured to serve in the last weeks, hours and minutes of their Life on Earth's sojourn and journey.

We found even those in a Coma's and heavily sedated would respond'

It has to be seen to be believed and definitely meditating and being extremely aware and present one could almost feel telepathy of a sort taking place.

It is a blessing to be given the privilege to those departing and the trust  of the family, friends and relatives with the person transiting.

If one passes alone and feels to facilitate oneself, breathe in the way the body wishes and feel through the fear and welcome the light and the waves of  love that surround you and gently float out on the wave of breath into the ocean of being.  

Then the  Everlasting Light and Love will welcome you home.


Monday 20 February 2017


search by image

What is the point of creation, the Universe, after all the greatest planet or supernova is only made of the same building blocks either it came spontaneously from nowhere, and who created nowhere or if it came from an Intelligent Source who in heavens name created It, him or her?

Perhaps it was self arranged like a big bang or an accident---either way fundamentally everything including humanity either is a freak accident of per chance or just remains for ever a mystery-----for to give a scientific answer to an unanswerable question is in the realms of reason and logic enclosed in the known and the mystery is, is the unknown.

It's enough to drive one sane.  Ha Ha Ha.  Do you Know-----go on your kidding! 



Clinging vainly to possessions like a person to a life raft in stormy seas, or hoarding more and more to feel safe and secure as in contrast to the hibernating animal filling its den and not taking too much and overloading its nest with clutter in order to feel safe and protected. 

Many humans have have come to rely on material acquisitions as the primary safety and security.  Most animals take enough for survival and not for profiteering they follow a natural order of supply, only interrupted by Humans to take away their habitat as part of their possessions, desiring the new gadget, techno wonders and when the novelty wears out grasp for another, adult children tiring of the new toy.

Is there something to fill this voracious appetite for more and more?

You know there is but it isn't out there----if it it isn't out there or in wherever -----what then-------ah the mystery of Life and It's essence.


Tuesday 14 February 2017



Once the mind has fundamentally, totally, completely, deeply realized that matter is 99.99% without substance, empty, space at the very foundation of what is generally recognized as solid and having form and not just because science and physicists say so or a neat quantum phenomena or weirdness, then what?

The question has to be who then who am I?

On realizing in a flash, instantaneously, intuitively nothing is solid, not even an atom or it's particles-----the shattering truth dawns and is revealed---------I am nothing.

What is there to grasp and know-------yet how deliriously satisfying and freeing.  Whoopee. 



dragon fly after school program

How exquisite the delicate leaf, the dragonfly, the butterfly, the babies fingers clinging to mine.

The roaring waterfall, the powerful buffalo, the solid mountain high and lofty.

Why are they here?  Why am I here? 

More to the point who am I?


Saturday 11 February 2017


Sitting quietly, letting the world go by, is it there if I do not participate and observe it?

After all winter, spring, summer and autumn and all continue their way without my doing anything.

Does the Earth really need me or I it?



get your phx

For all the beauty of this world there is only one Source and the Source is invisible and yet the form is very available.  The beauty of the Form comes from Mother Earth, the very soil is rich and assisted by the dung and mold of plants with rotting bodies, the natural fertilizers with climate in sequential seasons.  The very left overs as waste are the building blocks of healthy nutrition. 

Strange that out of silage comes food and the beauty of Nature that chemicals can only mimic and taste very insipid. 

The bodies and organisms that consume this are as healthy as they can be when they consume these organics-----can the same be said of chemicals and artificial substances? 

The choices made are individual------profit and cost effectiveness, viability maybe the motive---or find a way to be as natural and simple as possible?


black and white magazine

Sunday 5 February 2017


Looking for Nothing

How Can one find It?

When there is 
nothing to find

What a Riddle



Freedom and Happy

what are these?

Might as well be a Donkey!


So you think your empty ---  NAH
Back in the old trap of delusion.


This body a vessel of flesh, this body which embodies Life Force, growing when nourished and yet the fuel  does not grow or govern the development of it.

There is an a organizing intelligence, a coordinator and a creative principle and no matter what postmortem that invisible component is not found.

The mortician, the pathologist cuts and cuts, severs and prods till there are fragments, slivers and smithereens.  

The molecular laboratory technician takes the leftovers of the smithers and gets to the cellular level, still no sign of the intelligence nothing so far revealed, the cells are like tiny Lego pieces.  Take the cells apart into their components, take the DNA to pieces, part the strands, still not a clue to this elusive intelligence, then to the atomic realm 99.99% apparently empty. Yet not so.

For Space it is said, the vacuum, is full of a dynamic unbridled something, and pulsating with what? Its comings and goings a mystery and who may say about this?

Maybe this Intelligence is that which observes the forms and is an inextricable part of the all and all everywhere.

Even that is a mediocre attempt to describe the indescribable----why bother anyway?  


Hey could this possibly be me?

Saturday 4 February 2017


University of Bradford

To some having no real affinity to anyone in particular or at all may seem strange.  Yet those that have glimpsed at a non personal self, a mind that is clear and has no particular hinge and yet is transparent and lucid, it is perfectly comprehensible.

This may seem heartless and emotionally repressed or suppressed, unable to form human relationships and perhaps socially abnormal, a loner in some way traumatized and removed from reality and feels no loss in a death or tragedy, yet has a compassion. 

This mind has experienced the passage of time and the eons of the years gone by and has witnessed that all form is transient, expedient and transitory.

One may inquire what is reality when all fades, rusts and decays in the space of eternal flowing of the process of a never ending beginning and end?

This witness has realized that feeling it has is that of compassion, a compassion born out of seeing the suffering and grief of holding on to perishables and brief encounters. Encounters of conflict, hate, emotional love clinging to that which cannot be held onto-----death for instance.

Seeing the inevitability of death, the great master of understanding that Life is comprised of birth and death and Life is unending merely changing its form, a transformation process, a constant evolution ever onward and that trying to grasp Life and hold it back and forever keep its youth and vigor is not how it works.

So the wise one goes along with the seasons and recognizes it is the witness to Life and Its creator.

What then is Life?  It maybe said it is a process of Being that arises from an invisible formlessness and somehow by the magic and mystery of Itself begets forms which return when their day is done.  


This picture and drama of a tormented person recoiling from the past from the horror of Life's perceived maniacal events, wondering if there were or was any genuine trustworthy human alive, and only animals and nature bore their true selves unless manipulated and contaminated by the ugly filthy people.

A subtle programme of self righteousness runs in the background playing softly as a reference a software seemingly permanently installed and would seem hard wired in the brain or even dare it be said consciousness.

Yet a dawning understanding seeps gently and almost imperceptible into the backdrop beginning to light upon the darkened cynical remnants of a past endeavoring to be buried under the debris of trauma and the stains hard to wash out in the fabric of the delicate hurt felt by a built up illusion that this is me.

Suddenly as though if hit by lightening, a clarion call, THIS IS NOT ME.  What is me shouts that illusion, the false God, the lonely person running away from the hurt, sitting quietly in the mountains and the hills, the front porch in the shack in a lonely yet beautiful part of the wilderness in the backwoods of nature, running from the world, but realizing running from the not me, from itself, then actually knowing the real ME cannot be tormented or hurt. Yes it can feel the experience yet the hurt does not impinge into an indelible emotion of searing pain and leading to a repeat and never ending loop of poor me, why me?

Who is this me shouts that pain of illusion?  The illusion itself realizing it is an illusion and looking to solidify itself into a solid reality cannot do so, so searches in vain to gain solid ground, the only attempt to cover up hollow empty feelings is to say the mantra 'this is not me' then to repeat itself over and over again in order to try to convince itself, 'you see I am real, solid, a reality, this is who I really am' and yet there is a slight doubt which is stuck on, glued on by fear and says 'you will not exist as a being at all if you really believe you are an illusion, merely a collection of DVD's stored somewhere in the mind and separated from the all and all as lonely fragile separate piece of something, put here on Earth by an uncaring creator who is trying to find Itself, and has left one to the outrages and torments of the world and its sometimes incessant insanity'. 

Yet on careful silent observation one begins to realize there is a quiet but intelligent viewer to all this cacophony an observer looking with interest and no judgment and is covered like the clouds and mists, the fogs and distractions which overlay the brilliant clear blue sky, this has a feeling of non ending beauty and eternal Life and indeed Life itself, it feels real and not unreal and there is a certainty that the 'not me' is an illusion and a mind playing games which are emotionally charged and are but a movie, a film from the DVD collection and are played only to shore up a life gone by, maybe hankered over, a good life, a bad life, a don't know life, all them 'not me's' which are vainly trying to establish themselves as ME------unfortunately not so.


Hey man that darkness is really who I am------It's not dark and empty when you dive into it---------it's something else-------not even a something but an everything.

Hold on 'Jungy'  are you for real? 


Wednesday 1 February 2017


'a time when the usual and accepted way of doing or thinking about something changes completely'.   What the dickens does that mean.  Well I never, this is supposed to be a paradigm shift. 

There are several 'shifts' some political, some fundamental to a previous belief, some business acumen and some because it alleviates fear and makes one more comfortable.

Then there is a world shift precipitated or warnings that old worn out habits, ritual and behaviors no longer serve the situation one is in, and yet one clings to the past, after all it is known.

Sometime a violent or endangering circumstance which can be many of differing kinds and events call out loudly----let go and fly.  Easier said than done.

This may mean that such a radical shift in the fundamental perceived 'rock of foundation' will collapse, it may mean a psychological earthquake, a physical collapse, a devastation and lead one into total chaos.

Know that resisting and clinging to the old can literally kill one or lead to madness and serious disease.  If one can hold to the chaos, float along the rough waters, ride the tide, like white water canoeist one may well come through to something indescribable and find it to be the new paradigm----whatever that is.




Propped up on one arm looking down at the face of an angel I knew I had to go.  The tears came to my eyes and my heart felt as if were cleaved asunder.
I could not bear to wake you and face you.  So I left silently hoping and praying you would not awaken

Down the road I had second, third and hundreds of regrets and torments I had to go back and face my beautiful lovely angel.  She was at the door looking for me and she knew I was restless and would leave.

She came running towards me her hair flowing behind her and her wonderful eyes searing into my soul. I lamented as I held to me, her silent sobbing burning my soul, roasting it in the barbecue of her love.

I wrestled with the urge to run away and I knew I would never forgive myself for leaving or for staying, and for hurting her with my unrest and anxiety.

She said she understood me and that there was something deep inside a great mystery I had to discover. She was wise as angels are and said wherever I wondered over land and sea, these were the wanderings of a restless mind searching for peace with itself.  

I looked at her and the love for her made me see that she was right, that what ever it was that I was looking for was in me and the search was not some far off land or Guru or a mystical power point in an exotic place, nor the solitude of the Himalaya's.

That night I turned on the little bedside side light I had installed just so I could look at her beauty before I slept.  I gently kissed her lovely forehead, she sighed although in sleep.

I knew I would always be restless until I found that special peace and I knew that running away from her was running away from myself, I also knew that fear of commitment to our relationship would not now hamper my quest or search for freedom for that was in the space of my mind---not out there.

She awoke in the morning and kissed me and she knew I was home and with her. I was blessed with having a relationship with an angel and providence has been kind to me.