Friday 15 December 2023


Laboratory Geome

I sat just thoughtless and as I sat my body just collapsed into a relaxed rest, the collapse was not traumatic it was like an unfolding and melting into a smile and quiet joy.

I felt the trees I was looking at were still, quiet, and my garden, just stillness even though there were birds and squirrels. I felt I was immersed in an invisible field of energy, I say energy for there is no other word to describe the feel of it. I was aware of a feeling of a subtle movement,  to say movement would in no way do it justice, it was like a stream of something gently pulsing through my body which seemed to feel not solid and yet was in a sort of way, I felt this was life expressing Itself through me and in this stream Life was living Itself through me and informing the constituent parts of my flesh cocoon as to what is necessary for its growth and well being and that same energetic pulse feeding the garden, the Universe and beyond any comprehension as to a logical conclusion.

I felt immersed in a seamless awareness, a never ending tranquil expanding lake to a sea of eternity and infinite dimensions, dimensions not separate but blending into spacious awareness, flowing and yet still.

I understood yet again when the jolt and shift of the Koan way back which threw my mind out of kilter and yet brought it to alignment not of the 'norm' and as I have described so many times by Sensei who gave the Koan when throwing my Judoka partner in seoi-nage (shoulder throw)and its ensuing agony until 'I KNEW' and Sensei's remark what a shame it happened so young and in England. 'Now your troubles begin, you will never see the world as others do'. At the time of the Koan by Sensei I did not remember the words it was sometime later that I did and the process began. I have mentioned what the Koan was elsewhere, however I will not repeat it here in case one may try and do the logical, intellectual bit on it, should you discover it my articles then perhaps it is for you.

This time I understood it intuitively and not the jolt and shift as before but as the underpinning of it growing all these years, like yeast and now the integration with life. The shift now has landed me back in life as it were, the troubles that Sensei alluded too were the discrepancy I felt about 'so called normal living' and the shift perception consciousness and coming out of electrician to forensics were part of the process of life I was in at the time.

So now I felt the majestic energetic flow of the stream of Life and I understood in myself that we are the conscious expression of Universe being conscious of Itself. 

I am conscious of of being self aware and that I exist and as such I was born out of Consciousness. Consciousness is awareness of Itself and out of Itself created all there is. A Universe that is Intelligently Conscious and alive, Consciousness is Life and Life is aware it is Life.

I felt the pulse of Life, the informing live energy that holds everything in an endless seamless spacious awareness and the mystery to human senses its seems invisible and yet truly  is alive.




Rand Images

The haze of the mind, the foggy brain, the hope that when the haze clears and clarity is present then the clear empty brain, alert, bright and pristine is present.

The haze of the collective unconscious marred and smeared with particles of envy, negative news and grab whilst you can, morals forgotten, respect left far behind and all hope seems destined to crumble and failure.

And yet sayings like there is in 'every cloud there is a silver lining, hope springs eternal in the human breast' and so on, the vain pleading for better things, clinging to beliefs that never seem to be fulfilled these can be very depressing and 'push one down' and yet without the use of distractions, just sitting quietly, relaxing and surrendering to these oppressions and certainly not indulging in them or getting morose, one can just be there with them and suddenly with no explanation they suddenly lose their meaning as if they were only thought forms and they just vanished and the relief is felt and peace and joy and the bright  and the hazy experience has vanished into thin air. 

It is interesting that the feeling of being pushed down, depressed, morbid and so on refer to an entity being pushed down, who is this 'I' this 'Me' being submerged. It would seem that a collection of learnt, taught parental, cultural, ethnical repetitive and constant exposure to such phrases is taken aboard the mind and stored and becomes a sort rule book, a highway code to navigating the world and its affairs.

This constant repetition and drumming in the data becomes an automatic response and so takes over unconsciously and can be so insidious that it becomes normal to the experiencer and creates a haze, a sort of distortion from might be is. It is an automatic reaction which contradicts the 'holy grail, the supreme narrative' of the mind that imbibes the beliefs of the above.

This becomes ones norm and reality and so many layers so many hazy moments that block the light of awareness, what is unconscious in the haze of an inculcated and is unconscious because there is no awareness of the content, it is just spewed out without thought or being conscious of the content.  

Being conscious and aware without judgement and watching with interest, an interest without agenda does not automatically eradicate the reactive spontaneous if it is really spontaneous reactive process.  It merely shows one the contrast between reactive brain washed thought and then can point out at first touch as it were that the reactive process is a rebellion to that which challenges the stored inculcative material, the ego that is the collect reactive entity defends its narrative at all costs in many nefarious ways.

The awareness is consciousness at the primal 'level' and has its own intuitive feel and feels without reason that the ego process is not 'natural' and is not a reality as such, it is a reality based on brain washed someone else's ideas and agenda and it by watching without intention as to the results that gradually the processed thoughts like processed food feels like a false frequency and promotes intuitive understanding which is often illogical and against the grain.



Scotts Place

 The mist, nearly a fog, with a sense of the Sun faintly there, more a feeling, a presence felt but not actually there.

Through the mists of time, of Karma, slowly burning away the iniquities of time gone by, so much water under the bridge of human exploitation and the hope and prayers and salvation.

The glimpses of sunlight with pure joy and perhaps the journey of suffering may have been the rough file to smooth away the rough edges and perhaps humanity survives through the knowledge that all is well in the end -----if there ever is an end.




 It was the morning of Thursday 28th September 2023 and I felt a great Silence, heavy and pregnant as if the world was imploding upon itself. The Full Moon was looming on the Friday the 29th September 2023 at around 9.57 am.

I could not shake a feeling of thousands of souls crying in the wilderness of despair and abandonment. The world news was desperate and the wars with attrition, the homeless, the starving, the abused with strange decisions by authority, weird and dangerous tinkering with DNA, genetics, sexual indecisions, something called woke and transhumanism, digital manipulations and AI and the shadow of robots, Androids and cyborgism. The overlords of capitalism, massive multinational companies who have no allegiance other than to themselves, their minions and the strange notions to enslave populations into servitude and ruthless abeyance.

This silence felt to drag one down into a whirlpool, like a blackhole devouring every galaxy and not suffering from indigestion or bloating and feasting on the misery of others. Its lust and dripping salivating licentious jaws seemingly never full or remorseful, churning its unending search for more and more and its ego so large round and devastating in its lust and power grab that it will consume everything in its sight and in the end consume itself into oblivion and extinction.  

It has a death wish, a suicidal shadow cutting out the light and deep down its is running from its own denial of its destiny if it continues in this course, yet knowing this is eventuality, still runs its process and knowing it will self destroy and plunder itself into to a path of wildness, reckless plunder and eventually causing its own demise.

However there is another side to this silent heavy swirling thick silence, a sort of slaughtered by the silence, should one have the courage to surrender quietly to the whirlpool and be aware and ride the centrifuge then the rushing spirals still exist and persist but there is the awareness to ride the tide so to speak and take a ride rather than be consumed by the rapid spiralling event and instead of dropping unceremoniously at the end of the blockhole in an explosion and be scattered all over the Universe in a non recognisable heap of random rubble, one is exuded into a modicum of balm and a feeling of peace and endurance.



Mindboggling Power of an Empty Mind

I am emptiness, a void, space unfulfilled and why so? So that the Universe could fill it with Creative Spirit,

And lo, Voila c'est ici,  The Universe 


Friday 1 December 2023


Self Realisation Quote

I experience myself not as a physical flesh form, but as an experience with no name or form, I am aware of my awareness, and I am conscious of it.

I am the witness of my awareness which is without form, definition, or labels.

I am what I am, where I am and where I am has no location nor beginning nor end  or definition. 

I am the Eternal Infinite One temporarily residing in time and space and in form but not of it.

They are all in my mind, they are my creation.



John 17

I am IT 






Annie Dillard

 I witness your creation as evidence of your Presence and Creator.

I witness myself as feeling alive, as I am alive I am conscious of my existence.

I am self aware which is Life and I testify you Great Spirit are Life and Life in Abundance now, past and future and are an Eternal Being.



Clarity Clinic



                                 THE PROMISE





Hall Mirror by Franke

When I look in the mirror  I used to recognise the image as myself and many years back did exercises like staring into my own eyes and blessing myself and so on, then I went into a period of not looking at my whole body or face in mirrors as to not identify with a transient impermanent form and so not  to get attached and when the time comes for passing it would not be a difficult wrench to leave, hopefully not through trauma or disease.

When I am meditating, now it seems without the need for sitting, standing or laying down, the silences seem to be more natural and prolonged, there is a feel of of peace, relaxation and quiet and a naturally empty mind and without the 'mindfulness of a witness' just a natural quiet and emptiness and in that a natural lightness a glow with joy and tranquillity. 

It is as if my experience through my eyes and other human senses are looking through a clear glass, a window only bordered by my skull and eye arches, there seems to be a clear bright experience and I feel at one with the vista and laugh or smile when a bird, animal or the trees and their branches are rustled by the wind.

When I look in the mirror lately I cannot recognise this form as me. I see an image I recognise and yet do not recognise, it is as if my recognition is not a human memory but something has noted that and it is OK with it.

Then this feel of being in awareness and something arising in the space of awareness, if one could call it awareness space for it is beyond explanation as to quality, quantity and location and yet it exists or does it?  

In my early days of meditation I experienced thoughts as coming across my awareness from seemingly left to right like those news slides below the main features.  I think they are called 'news ticker tape' and then thoughts became loud and not audible to the ears, they were inner noise and one day year's back the noise stopped suddenly, spontaneously as if another conscious part of me realised their hollowness and infirmity, their lack of substance, their transient and illusionary nature.

Then thought became less frequent and because of that another entity or part of my mind seem to miss thought and then I began to realise the act of brain washing by constant repetition named inculcation, conditioning and programming, I wakened to the psychological understanding that I have written so much about 'we are someone else's ideas, we are mainly taught to be who we are, many of us have cloned minds, who are we when we are stripped of brain washing and have no identity and can we live with a bare mind, a naked consciousness but for a few basic living and survival programmes or do we go to Maha Samadhi and consciously die. See Maha SAMA. (SHACK 3089)

Now looking in the mirror there is a sort of disconnect; I feel intuitively this form is a impermanent transient an appearance in time and space and that time and space are only caused by the appearance of forms, without forms a blank universe, in my view no time and the blank forms there is no 'space'  for them to appear in.

It is if I stand on high cliff and the forms appear of their own volition perhaps they originate from the library of the conditioned mind named the ego, the collective of many incarnations in inculcations which have formed a Universal Collected Human Consciousness and the use of recycling by reincarnation in order to clear a back log of Karma or unfinished business and when clearing a lot of sell by date as it were data, the brain washed inheritance of many lives as many characters the underlying if one can call it that, the backdrop which is awareness which has it's own understanding as if it were a higher faculty than the logical psychological physical brain. 

Thoughts that arise from this space of the collective actually make the facility of the phenomena named 'mind' no thought 'no mind', no mind, no ego only pure awareness whatever that is.

So who am I---Geoff / Shack stop asking silly questions.