Thursday 15 October 2020



The door to abundance is only closed by me if I venture back to the old outworn practices and patterns which contain stale, stultified dross and contamination.

Actually the 'I' above is the old set of ego patterns and the new patterns are just another choice of conditioning's and programmes.

The SELF is not an I it is an awareness which does not identify and make choices from humanity earthbound traditions, religions, rituals, fashions, idioms and such like it is a stand alone consciousness which is free and unbounded.




For all those that decry homeopathy it seems a shame that rather than just rubbish it, perhaps those that do rubbish it should examine, research it and in a true scientific manner, that is without preconceived judgement and fixed biased opinion, which many think they approach not only homeopathy but all things apparently not visible or tangible or even cognisant.

Unfortunately the unconscious years of brain washing predisposes one to really think one is so non judgemental, open and fair yet I know from myself that there is a thin or thick 'film' that hazes the clear pure mind with bias and a subtle 'I know best and I stand by my conditioning, because I feel threatened if the challenge is outside my box and so rather than take it on board it is easier and more comfortable to knock it down, walk away or rubbish it'. 

There are those in the academic professions and lay folk who know about quantum 'stuff' and really baulk at the the 'unseen strange world of these 'untouchable' so to speak 'bits of nothing' 'the observer effect' and so on and yet everything in creation has atoms, particles and so on, it all mysteriously arises apparently from nowhere and nothing, or at least a few squiggles and wiggles in a  'bubble chamber' or mysterious large Hadron Colliders. 

Examining matter and realising that matte is not matter(excuse pun) as solid as it would appear and seeing in depth with scanning electron microscopes that indeed there are molecules that is a collection of 'atoms' and chemical substances which after all contain atoms, then particles and so on and then astoundingly atoms are 99.99% empty and one is then left with zero point, the quantum field although apparently empty and nothing tangible to human senses and a complete anomaly, never the less this is where everything originates from and is the womb and matrix of creation and another discussion that it all comes out as random and with no intelligent design or planning. It would appear that as this flotsam and jetsam, this disambulation, careers wildly after the big bang released it from somewhere as an accident with no cause and these bits self organised themselves to where we are now and with no plan or intelligence behind it.

It seems creation has some sort of dissimulation. However one might reluctantly begrudgingly sort of grudgingly agree that the finer the breakdown of matter into its constituent aggregates it is nearer the source from whence it came. Furthermore this field of the quantum realm is said to have every possibility and probability and the witness observer  effect is said to alter and interact with this primal whatever and of course without any plan or intelligence and yet hey presto it appears and yet so apparently solid, my, my.     

In homeopathyhomeopathic dilution (known by practitioners as "dynamisation" or "potentisation") is a process in which a substance is diluted with alcohol or distilled water and then vigorously shaken in a process called "succussion".
Sometimes they take the tablets and success them and 'sort of shakes up the molecular / atomic levels as it were' and I feel that this dilution breaks down the molecular structures and then to the particle / wave and so to the essence, the source, the creators fount and as such homeopathy works in a quantum way and since all memory is contained in the 'field' it is from source.

The healing power arrives from the omnipotent, omnipresence, omniscient field which after all has the power of the Universe and its dimensions of its own creation.


“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather." -Bill Hicks


Inside Higher Ed










Google sites





Bad experiences have left their mark and had me believe I am a victim and that the Unknown, The Unseen supplier, The benefactor, my Patron all have a down on me, I am beginning to realise that these are programs that were inculcated, mentally bombarded algorithms, constant rhetoric and dictatorship that are hand me downs long before I had a discerning inquiring inquisitive awareness and that there were other options. I had been living someone else's hand me downs, second hand clothes and out worn sell by date patterns of living, archaic and becoming aware of these and seeing them fully exposed it provoked and awoke the awareness and realising that these archaic programmes covered the real me. 




Where does all this come from and all the amazing synchronisations, perhaps at this time when the world is quiet environmentally although I feel the collective unconscious is confounded by this 'altitude / bends corona Covid- 19 pandemic thingamajig, and is buzzing with anxiousness and the unknown future with so much change in the offing. 

So I am writing SHACKS aplenty and the synchronisations are quite astounding at times and again I ask where does all this come from? Somewhere unknown supplies from the emptiness as it were to the fullness and manifested to the recipient. This is duality in a way, the law of the Universe like electricity and water. Water flows from high to low, say water tank to tap and electricity from positive + to negative - and like Yin and Yang they are complimentary. Not opposite poles but complimentary, the ebb and flow of life.

So health and prosperity flows from the spring of life, the unknown and invisible, the emptiness to the fullness and the only block being to the experience of abundance and to me abundance means enough to live on, food, shelter and health is the negative programmes of inheritance and the lack of trust that comes with it.

My early life of ill health and the fear my parents embodied who I know could only do from their programming and my family steeped in negativity which produced victim-hood due to the antisemitism and the second world war and the Jewish ethos of paranoia with the tradition of depression, lack of wealth and host of broken family relationships and for me the constant illness which I feel my young mind picked up the disparity and then after a Portuguese Doctor by the name of Gompertz broke the spell of illness, although many followed (have written about Wembley and the good doctor) it started the path of change albeit with much suffering and torment. 

I am now faced with a change in my GP and can see and feel the negative thoughts and feelings with a new GP and the 'battle' to have the courage to due my 'thing' and this is a test of faith and trust--I can only say'watch this space'.

  My dislike of doctors and the medical profession is due to some of their authority and dictatorial attitude and my early constant visits and hospitalisation. SHACK 


Heaven Now
'It is in the mirror of relationships we find our self'' J. Krishnamurti
Yesterday evening which was 19th May 2020 during this is now becoming an odious pandemic lock down and in an unusual heatwave and drought, four residents including me sat in the lovely garden. One of the residents had the radio blaring and they were drinking wine. One of the them was a visitor and younger than the other three and every boastful and aggressive and he challenged me as to why I did not drink, I made an excuse that it was a health issue and it was not conducive to my medication.

I felt comfortable at this excuse and it irked me, what right has he to challenge me, after all I am far superior and so on and  at the same time feeling threatened. This morning I realised what it was that irked me and other incidents like this; I do not like to have justify myself, this is what I feel and stand by and should not have to deny it and make excuses for my opinion or stance even if it upsets the other person or person's. I would have liked to have responded by saying ' I prefer not to drink' 'or I do not enjoy drinking alcohol or some such reply' which is true' perhaps a very rare glass of wine now and then.

I was born free and over the years I have acquired the way I am and have an unalienable right to be who I am and should not be afraid to own it. 

This fear of not owning who I am is due to the belief that I do not fit into the world's accepted mass opinions of manliness, success testosterone image and that I can be conceived as soft, cowardly, gay or just a wimp or wanker. However I must be true to myself I am neither of those but do feel the lack of confidence with these above mind sets of manliness. 

This lesson and these guys who I liked a lot and felt a conviviality with taught me to be who I am without shame or justification.

In that same day I had a cramping stitching back ache and difficulty getting up from chairs and stooping along with the fact that my head is badly dropping forward and the double chin with a sort of hump type posture that elderly people develop and I realise my strength and stamina are waning, I am having to come to terms with my age and again this is a lesson to be kind and gentle with myself, not to judge others and myself for our frailties and idiosyncrasies.  

'We are each others teachers and we teach  that what we need to learn' Anonymous


Clear and Connect
I can well understand and appreciate why some folk say we can live solely off of prana, chi, kundulini and so forth. There are various reports of a Yogini (female Yogi --tut, tut not allowed to be gender preference) who lived in the north of India who was said to ingest life force prana through a point in the nape of the neck and there are breathairians and Inedia (Latin for fasting) and such like.

I mention the above because when I am very still either in meditation or moving around and in Qi Gong I can feel a sort of soft waterfall, rain and mist and enveloped by this field and feel it going into my essence, my being, my life and seems to replenish, sustain and uplift me.

It seems my awareness is 'made or consists' of this substance if one can define it or call it that, its more of a sensation and in some way they are related. It feels like nourishment for the soul and I feel its best to leave it at that.

Be Still and feel the Life within.

Some mystics and Yogi's like meditating under a waterfall and I like to do so in cold shower, sometimes if I adjust the shower head to a soft 'fall' as it were it has a kind of resemblance to the above.SHACK 

Thursday 1 October 2020


Psych Central Blog

More or less carrying on from SHACK 839 it came me to that the Earth is beautiful beyond words and description, however the pleasures of the flesh with humans that can become addictive if taken to access with debauchery. It is so pleasurable that the senses crave more and it can be not only because of the taste and the merriment of it but to cover up trauma, the lack of confidence, pain and courage to head for an unpleasant event and so many other things. Of course its used in ceremonies, rituals and celebrations.

Often at the bottom of the reasons is the fact that I feel humans know of the inevitable ending of the flesh cocoon we all travel in, in a journey and sojourn of this fair and beautiful planet, we are all but travellers and explorers of this Earthly visit, yes visitors and guests. All our possessions are on loan at most hired and they crumble and rust, decay and are weathered like the mountains and rivers by the winds, rain, frost and heat, volcanoes, hurricanes,  earthquakes, droughts and other unexpected events.

So we are sculptured not only by weather but by life's tapestry of war, love, hate, relationships, failure, success, grief, loss, gain, wealth, poverty, wealthy and lofty and well known and famous, a master criminal, a thief, a vagabond and so much more.

So we know on observation or in some way maybe and perhaps by tragedy and loss everything is impermanent, here today and gone tomorrow and no matter how we strive to make it enduring it slips somehow out of our grasp but perhaps for a short while it seems forever. 

This lack of durability can drive us to distraction and run away from the inevitable, however like the bandit running from the law as in the classic Western Hollywood saga the stubborn persistence of the bandit fleeing and the Sheriff pursuing seems relentless and so we may try to flee death and a way of doing this can be through the distraction by enjoying the pleasures of the Earth and its edible and nourishing bounty which if taken to excess leading further to gluttony and illness.  

Be that as it may some have contemplated and cogitated this inevitability and come to terms with it and still follow the distraction and say 'well I am reconciled to my eventual demise and so go to it with gusto and aplomb'.

Does it matter which way this mortal coil chooses it's inevitability of its' demise?

What happens if one does not choose but lets Life choose for one?. SHACK


Again an experience which is difficult to put into words and really do justice to the experience. How do you convey the exact nuances and delicacies of an experience unless one has the same or similar ones and even then they are individual and personal to that person however, there is a 'bond' of feeling the experience and one recognises and feels that in the other.

This morning of the 17th May 2020 whilst sitting on the toilet during morning ablutions I had this real significant feeling as I was relaxed and enjoying the releasing of the bowel content and I was just non focusing and it is like something rolled up, like a folding projector screen and it feels like its happening physically in the front temporal lobes, slightly more so on the right, and then the clarity and in this clarity I realised in feeling I had no past or history, I had the intuitive thought feeling that I had been through past histories, dramas and events, however THEY were based on the inculcation which led to conditioning, grooming in the sense of expectant parental, family, cultural and peer pressures to conform to the rituals, religion and political bias, in short brain washed and in another sense robbed of individual thought, maybe a slight divergence and a small degree of tolerance permitted, so in a way THIS was not me it was a programmed robotic me although if you told me that at the time I would have scoffed and bickered. 

Furthermore I realised I had no history, years of being brain washed, but the essence of me, the awareness that is, the witness observer had a clean sheet and that history is usually based on drama and mainly wars and these wars escalated because of the false realities due to inculcated fierce demands to 'toe the party line' to conform and pass it onto future generations and so the recipients were steeped, cemented and yoked into the traditions and foibles that were  unquestionable reality's and non negotiable.    

So it left me deeply understanding and this is the wonderful and somewhat quaint non emotional emotion so to speak that it is not understood necessarily by the intellect, logic or indeed possibly by anything as mundane psychology or metaphysics may have postulated. 

This then left me feeling I was awareness and in the moment a presence without a background reference point or backup, it was like a dream that remembered and then discarded. Was this scary to have memories of the past and like a dream and the emotions stripped from them, bare and naked facts. It left me feeling that I could not be hurt and that on demise it was awareness that transitioned to somewhere else and if this was not so it would not matter.

Then it it seemed that the only hurt I experienced from the past was not me anyway and I did not have to feel sad, guilty, shamed, jealous, conforming or even sexually to be in any gender, I just realised the old programmed inculcated brain washed conditioned robotic me was indeed programmed with cultural algorithms and the emotions were part of the process. The emotions aroused the indignities and  justifications and gave permissions and sanctions that went with that programmes lore and law.  

Yes of course I obey the law of the country I live in and although I feel it is unreal and somewhat banal and out of touch with the evolution in consciousness and to me feels tired obsolete and the sell by date now well past its useful purpose and indeed is not fit for purpose. It is shown by many world weary faces I see, eyes dull or full of lust and desire for more material delights and sexual encounters or drug and alcohol, TV and computer addictions all to take one away from the drudgery, boredom of repeated drama from conditioned robotic life and a deep sense of 'there must be something else' where is it? Then the awful sense I will die and even though I have many possessions or none at all there is this ominous spectre, this auspicious event and although all these possessions and addictions cover up this overwhelming, this dread of finality and not realising that all materialism in itself is impermanent as is the human body and when the realisation comes to what is this life for and why are we in different realities and from birth inculcated to such an extent that we protect our reality that when we are threatened by other realities that may differ slightly and if radically, all out war can ensue.  

So having the above experience of no history it can be liberating or frightening depending on how enmeshed in ones dogma reality is and if the 'net of conditioning' is so finely bound and there is very little hope of stretching the net or elongating the mesh to escape or at least peep through to another reality and then realising that it is just another net and one then realises that the human conditioning from years gone by to now and that we are fish caught in the net and as long as my net is recognisable such as its colour, tang, pattern and form I am safe, yes trapped, yet it is the known and as such the known produces history and because of its apparent safety one feels 'at home' until the looming figure of the 'grim reaper' threatens the status qua.

So the constant repetition of history, like the hamster in the cage going round and round on the wheel.
So the continuous rounds of history with very few modifications and so it with us and our conditioned realities, yes one might say we have technology, yes we have and it has made some life more manageable, but behavioural very little has changed.  

Having no history is not the same as an orphan looking for its parents, its roots and Alzheimer's, amnesia, senility and a dull inert brain is not the same. It is conscious emotional 'erasing' not by suppression, force, mantra, hypnosis but by the true liberation from brain washing and returning to ones essence of a clear bright alive mind and not constipated or congested with dogma, ritual or inflicted ideas and reality's like the 'Venus Fly Trap' lured in and seduced by the sweet aroma and nectar promised by the lusciousness's and sweet promise of another history and the honeymoon and once the honeymoon and the new acquisition have become familiar and boring they too are confined to the past and once again the wheel turns looking for a solid never ending form of some reality that promises everlasting bliss, health and happiness which forms more history and if that's ones predilection so be it.

The NeuroAlachemist


Many people search for a face and symbol and what does a Master, Guru or Saint look like. A blonde long haired, blue eyed physically strong and suntanned, or an Eastern long bearded hawk eyed long robed person carrying a staff and doing miracles and so on or what do Angels really look like and do ET have a super physique and live long and prosper. 

Perhaps we have to go beyond looks and emotional feeling and see the essence in them that is the essence of us and everything.

It can can come as a shock when a Master so called could be lame, or not to one's expectation and miss the chance of attuning to the essence within the form.

Many have been conned by the robe, the words, the publicity, the glamour and the hype as indeed as are our expectations and imaginations that may have deceived us.



We are SSG
Do I really need permission to be myself? Whose permission do I seek? 

I have always been myself and do I have permission of myself to be myself?

I was born free and seemingly something smothered me and that something that smothered me is a false me and I was deceived into believing and thinking that this was the real me. This false me does not want to let go of its image of itself as it believed it to be the real self me. It has become by conditioning and inculcation to become formed out of the units of compact impacting to be the assembly of these facets in order to create a false image.

I have recognised the falsity and so it is the false me recognising it is the false me and so recognising its falsity and its frailty it permits itself to let go and lift the lid it put on that which is real and true and rejoin itself to the light.



The Irish Times
How do we know we exist --from the above























Hawk Lifting Logo
No matter which way I swivel I am still on the hook.SHACK




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