Saturday 15 July 2023



Simple Living

Hear me Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, whose might I feel in the storm, whose grandeur I see in the stars and whose artwork and creativity I witness in everyday nature and design. 

The beauty I feel in quiet times, many a quiet time disturbed by harmful technology and spiteful talk, the jealousy and greed by many and yet as I feel these and acknowledge the arousal of such emotions I feel ashamed for these must be in me as to recognise them. I know I have to own them and not project them onto others as to assuage myself and lessen the guilt and shame.

Hear me Great Spirit I am one of your children, I am hear on this sacred Earth because you wanted me to be here. I used to think I had a mission here, a special service and with all my NDE, synchronicities, miracles, workshops, healings I am sad because I realise this is all an illusion and delusion, a sort of dream, smoke rising from the fire and blown away by the first puff of wind.

Even in todays science there is very little substance to cling too, the empty atom and knowing all is transient, there is nothing in material acquisition except to puff up the bosom in egoistic pride and to take pleasure in one- upmanship and believing oneself to be superior.

Holy is to me the cup of tea around the fire, the warmth of the cloak and hood in prayer and meditation, perhaps this comes with aging years and the lack of youthful enthusiasm and energy.

Holy means the companionship of one's dog, horse, fishing and hunting with compassion, thanking the life taken, leaving something of the kill for others, resting after the chase and sleeping sound either in the open or a simple dwelling place.

Looking without tall buildings, hearing only the quiet or the sounds of bird and animal calls, the waterfall and rivers, clear and sparkling so that one can sup and not be contaminated by waste from a factory or chemical leaks. These natural sounds are healing and music to the soul and they are there by the Great Spirits hand to delight the children of Spirits Creation.

How now I sit in my chair and of late unable to relax completely not only because of the noise of cars, aeroplanes loud car music, constant texting by children, nearly  everyone slumped forward over the cell / mobile / smart phone or a device. Nearly everyone in a café as soon as they sit down awaiting their food slides their hands into their pocket and out comes the bible, the holy grail of technology, the all knowing all connecting smart tablet, phone, or whatever, the baby in the pram given a sort of picture cell phone type instrument and the parent on theirs. 

Perhaps I am old fashioned, behind the times, picking up others vibes, getting old and not graciously, a grumpy old fart, yet in my heart I feel the open prairies, the forests, the simple shack, the tepee, the yurt, the canoe, the bow and arrow, the tribe and companionship, the silence at times and feeling unity with the Great Spirit.

Dearest Great Spirit, God Almighty, Great Source of Life I feel like a fish out of water, the food does not taste like food or the water not quenching to the thirst, perhaps I am here to learn to hear and feel you in the midst of the cacophony and wars, homelessness, torture, depravity and harsh weather, poverty and abuse of those who are most frail.  

My mission whether there ever was one, is to be steadfast in Spirit, not a religion or a fanatic but to not boast and to just be and not want or desire rewards through and talent one may have. To be simple which is Holy and merely be aware many times of the day, to relax and listen to the sound and feel of silence behind the masks of technology and all that is not harmony with the Self.



Pricking The Bubble

Years back and certainly in many of my writings I waffled on about reality, how one manifests a reality through inculcation and knowing all this I was harnessed in the reality of the intellectual process of the manifesting it. I was in a self manifested process of understanding intellectually how it came about and smugly thought this was freedom of knowing the ins and outs. I had read some books especially 'A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda' and of course Timothy Leary and many friends who partook of the 'magic mushroom, Ayahuasca, Jimson Weed', and pompously thought why did they need that after all I was getting meditation experiences similar to their experiences.

Then I have come to learn that I was expecting certain feelings, prayers, pleadings and then just sitting without I felt any expectations, all this became stultifying and I became mindfully, mentally and physically constipated, the food, the body became tasteless as it were and even with juicing and some exercises it became an anathema, my neck was sore and hurting, my crown chakra pulsing and and the whole corpus coliseum tender, something was bursting to get out and my own 'bubble like a membrane' containing the old outworn and not fit for purpose set of perceived processes of reality, I was imprisoned in a skin, a chrysalis, a carapace, I felt that many times before over different ideas, fixtures of thoughts, time for change, BUT HOW.

I had learnt that taking more herbs, lotions and notions only caused expenditure and my finances dwindled at theses times, my anxiety rose and this time between March 2023 and especially the New Moon and Solstice in June 2023 it got intense, head pain, neck stiffness, jaw clenching, rages. teeth clenching, sleep and dreams crazy, during these episodes there was a wish to get rid of the encumberment, to run escape in a word it was CHAOS.

There was no meaning to anything, nothing made sense. I decided to do what the late Bill Harris suggested and the late Bruce Lee when trapped just sat and waited in calm. I had done this before, however in the pain and disassociation the overwhelming feeling is JUST HELP AND GET ME OUT OF THIS. Help never did come but some trigger or some spontaneous  process was at work behind the scenes as if an expansion is needed, I had experienced the 'shedding of the Old skin' and realised that evolution was at work and that the new skin maybe of a different ilk otherwise one merely sank into the former reality and growth was not there and if this did happen one could caught in a dreadful net and get depressed, despondent, suicidal seek harmful distractions and even die before one's allotted time so to speak.

I felt that I was in a bubble, a membrane and was swimming up to the circumference of this bubble as I looked I could see my nervous frantic distorted face and I realised the trap and then spontaneously, instinctively I perceived in a fraction of micro mini instant, so quick as to have no measurement of time or understanding and I did the minutest push and the bubble not so much burst but a sort of peeling back, I was not elated but free.

I then felt this was a separate reality and then realised that this was merely an expansion into an ever expanding realities and they were infinite and this was evolution, the never ending expanding Universe that we all live and move and have our being. I now feel the substances I mentioned above can show one another REALITY and not be trapped in one time line and brain washed hand me downs, the trap maybe to know not get addicted to the substance and meditation is a way as well and also not to  get trapped in the experience and to dwell there only so that it facilitates another 'constipation and tight skin and carapace, it is not physical growth yet I feel the emancipated mind awareness will cause new neurone cascades and synaptic relationships, a small craft capsule swimming in vaster depths of the Cosmic Ocean.


Am I enlightened after the above, have I satori, am I in samadhi, am I a Jivanmuckta, these are not at all who I am. (SHACK)   

Should one fall back by the pull, gravity and magnetic nuances, then one falls back to the stale energies which can cause decay, stale trapped emotions and so lead an unfilled life that The Universe offered an opportunity to break free of unfinished business in the historic timeline of ones ancient timeline and the processes afforded to it to do so. (SHACK)


Beyond Brain Washing

Who am I ? The famous spiritual quest. There is a saying when you do not need to ask this ask this any more, this is the answer. I differ; since we many of us have a cloned mind, or manufacture a structure or a mix of brainwashed exposure from the feeling's in the womb to the naming of the baby like a puppy they had no choice in that name. There is a a spiritual tenet that in the spirit realms one make a pre life agreement's between higher selves, soul and time lines. Setting all this aside then is no choice and in either case at the birth time the two sets of no choice and contracts were not conscious of these contracts or the feeling from mother and other environmental influences. Although with the contracts it is said that the higher self guides unconscious prompts to facilitate the paragraphs as it were and clauses in the contracts brought about by the incarnation in order to serve the beings evolution through many cycles over thousands of years and incarnations to clear up Karma(brain washing and unfinished business ) and clear the slate or at least rub off some of the hinderances and the clear slate being ascension to higher spiritual attainment that of enlightenment and one with Source. 
Thesaurus Plus

I connect timelines with inculcation; from the point of view of choice without incarnations or pre life contracts and unconscious astral prompts or some such notion, one is from birth until adulthood and to old age a indoctrinated sets of thoughts by parents, family, culture, religion and national ethos and a few 'wayward' allowance's and tolerances.

                  Мајка Ти и Татко Ти

Perhaps one is bored with one's life style and living, feels there is much more, about spiritual matters, has a OBE(out of body experience, an altered perception, a NDE (near death experience, a meditation, koan and so many other triggers) and then one may see the many other time line indoctrinations and the feuds and broken relationships caused by them even to wars, abuse and extreme torture in order to convince one to leave and join their choice, this can lead to a sort of shock who is one before all this was crammed into me and them, where did all this arise from AND then maybe ' Oh God I have been taught to be who I am. I am a cloned mind, I am an addict to a long historic time line, a sort of religious and cultural brain washing. THEN WHO AM I when stripped of this brainwashed pounding of repetitive ideas, this is a supreme marketing advertising implementation.     

This kind of shock was different to my koan one which merely led me into a different state or level of consciousness I experienced this in my late teens and Sensei said I would never see the world as others and now my troubles would begin, how right he was. My values with my friends and family changed, what they thought was important was not of my feelings and sense, I was called lazy and not ambitious, I found myself wondering why I did not fit, all I knew was a deep felt peace and was disturbed by the gibberish and noise of so called modern conventions around me. So being at work and presenting workshops and teaching martial arts being an electrician and then a forensic scene examiner and technician, gradually started a small seed of doubt, maybe 'they are right' and so I lost that feel of the altered state of mind through the koan, but my early NDE at the age of four and a sort of haunting ghost of that koan brought me back to that lovely consciousness of the koan and the light and peace of the NDE. I tried other religions, philosophies, mantras, yantras, tried a guru and other teachers and workshops and I got from that all this worked by inculcations it was not coming from a realised clean slate or maybe the Guru was 'relatively but they were doing the brain washing to their followers'. So I went my own way, a lonely path yet satisfactory for I was getting 'inner guidance' as it were, not so much voices as deep affirmative feelings, not words in the head but deep gut / heart affirmative big OK's  
Quantum Metaphysics
Financial Times  1

Simple learn 2
Skywell Software 3
Is this reality? Head set off and the brain becomes the head set!!? Is there such a phenomena as reality? 
Augmented Reality 5  How many more gadgets are going to be invented and the AI takes over because our search for reality is the dog chasing its tail and we cannot live with no realty as such, so we manufacture one by brain washing and make believe.
The awakening can produce such a shock as to cause series mental problems, depression and even suicidal tendencies, distraction and denial and a complete shutdown and freezing. To some the skeleton and scaffold of the seeming reality of the time line inculcation gradually is picked and untangled, a sort of piecemeal incremental disassembling, the flesh stripped depicting the bare bones. Some can take the shift and live with it and not be emotionally torn asunder.
                 The essence of yourself 7
We are virtual Reality 6
We are composed of the same 'stuff' as we are viewing.

So reality becomes solidified thought, crystallised and compact it is no more 'solid than any of these images above'. On realising that one is merely repetitive thought so shaped by inculcation (the act of instilling by constant and persistent repetition so as to imprint and so make a belief by habit forming to and so make it an addiction) this then forms compact sets of ideas and principles which become the ego. 
Looking at 4,5,6,7 images one may get the sense that looking through virtual reality headsets and those that have done often when taking off the headset wonder what is the real world so to speak. (Our brain can't delimit the difference in both reality and fiction and reacts by generating the same emotions, generating the same hormones in both realities) also there is this saying 'when scientist are studying atoms they are examining themselves' we are all made of particles and atoms SO in that way we are as are as virtual images. We all arise from the quantum field and this is in the meta and in this sense beyond normal a mainstream accepted 'laws' or physic's, such as psychic phenomena.

Scan Davian Input 8
Every time one uses a virtual headset you are viewing our own reality and essence. We do not actually exist we are living in a holographic virtual Universe and by inculcated Human thought we make spin offs mini mind Universes and so create time lines which are not necessarily in accord with the Cosmos.   

Then we arrive full circle; if I am inculcated and all other inculcations so to speak, what is a non inculcated person then, who is this non person or rather mind? I have no Identity so to speak, I have no tangible label, I am an atomic phenomena arising from God, Great Spirit or just an atomic formulated structure living like all atoms and put together either by scientific explanation or a Divine Source. 

Can I live like this a leaf blown by the wind; a universal atomic being following the Universal will, mostly empty of human inculcation and possibly being seen as odd, atheistic, frightened by most as a seeming non conforming person, certainly outside the dystopia's and new world digital identity card and their paranoia and insecurity as to know when you crap, sleep, have sex and your DNA and so on. One can become a threat to society not one's actions but because one does not fit anywhere into any real social or economic system. Actually being a being of the Universe one loves and lives in accord with nature and is usually benign and compassionate.



Me and my Shadow



How can I know?



That which is not there





Is  ever present?


By not knowing


One knows


But one is never sure

 of the

The Empty Mind


Which many wish to fill!


What will you put into the cup today?




Hold onto as Reality?


How can a cup be empty?


When it is full?



What is empty?




The Word Amongst Us

 Probably the most difficult for people to really comprehend and get a grip of. A simple explanation or attempt I have thought about as a kid, how can a person create the stars and the Universe? I can't touch God, where are his or hers or theirs hands and feet? So how can I be built or be an image or likeness of God.

An then further on 'the Universe is self aware of Itself as we are aware we exist? Again is awareness and consciousness the creator and again I can relate to this but how does the Universe create just through awareness, where are the hands and feet here as well?

Then perhaps it is not a solid creation, it appears to be solid and of course the empty atom goes to prove that the Universe appears as solid because that is how we and the Universe programmed us.. We have been brainwashed and inculcated we are solid, this is God's dream we are a dream an idea in the Creators mind, we are as is the Universe figments of an imagination, we are designed and created by the SUPER INTELLIGENCE IMAGINATION to be alive and in a flesh body, however on awakening to the fact we are the likeness in being self aware if we get by HUMAN PROGRAMMED INCULCATION AND BRAIN WASHING, I am clone of my parents thinking and all else unless I ask myself 'who was I before I was brain washed? On this awakening already so many SHACK'S articles back for more details then I can only say on this startling revolution the shock when one really takes this on board can make one shy away from really investigating  it for real.

The Potter designs the Pot and that pot came from the Potters mind, the Pot is a likeness and reminder as to its origin, I the Pot came from the Potter's Mind, I the Pot am a symbol, a reminder that although I appear solid(maybe now on understanding the Observer effect and the nature of the empty atom)yet I came from a conscious aware mind. That is my likeness in form and structure, but my essence which my structure appearing solid cannot feel the awareness of my creator that is my destiny and is locked in with the creators destiny for me, however as a flesh body the creator has given the program into it, the living spirit to be aware of Itself and only that and a few powers that can be put through it if the human programming is out of the way 



Sunday 2 July 2023


Darlene Lancer

I would like to thank Darlene Dancer and the images that follow by different authors for supplying their wonderful images which I could not, in order to illustrate in some way my views on timeline.  

To me a timeline is a set of reincarnations going back to ancient incarnations and perhaps at sometime by marriage, accidental birth and mixed cults, religions and genetic intermingling our pasts maybe a plethora of mixed relationships. Time in my view is the space between thoughts, horological time, psychological time, that is immersed in something and time fly's by and bored time seems to stretch out and seem never ending.

In the image above I feel that from the void, the quantum vacuum, Great Spirit, God Almighty, The Creator, The Great Source and Fount of life, human life came into being, the figure in the image depicting human emanating from the Source, perhaps an enormous inspired AH HA, a big bang of a concept in its infancy bursting forth and manifesting the forms creation and and so in evolution the early humans. 

The first set of tribal relationships and their interactions started the free will process and these relationships brought forth simple ideas and feelings and the EVENT of KARMA and with progress the traditions, tribal becoming culture and ethics facilitated by customs and tribal affiliation being the family and preserved and held tightly together by simple inculcation and brain washing, mainly through fear and early survival, a team effort so to speak. Various tribes, then religions, then worship and so on built their timelines by religion, worship and so many timelines which are inculcated thoughts and beliefs are formed. Karma is the breaking of these closely held tenets and could lead to animosity, by being different, intermarriage to a foreign lifestyle and could lead to war, revenge, ostracism, marginalised and the traditional outcast and with this or the emotions of guilt, blame, depression came down the centuries and have become deeply imbedded in the human psyche and collective field of the unconscious. 
Lukutin 77

The various spokes emanating from the Source in the very beginning were pure so to speak and their time lines simple with simple spontaneous instinctual which to me seems basic simple hardwiring and then as the brain developed THROUGH evolutionary processes, here main stream science feels through just interactions and memory collective and so by association a sort of self understanding developed yet I feel the Creative Spirit was about evolving the brain as a Computer to RECEIVE coded signals from Source Spirit analogous to radio to TV with ever evolving synaptic neuronal networks, like radio to early TV with valves to this age soft ware, chips, printed circuit board, digital, aerials, WIFI  and so on. So the evolving plans from Spirit sent more and more signals via the DNA and the plan proceeded by increments and the natural interfacing, interacting as per mainstream self taught through reflex and so on with Cosmic Gamma and other emanations from source eventually  evolving to the understanding that an AWAKENING to that behind KARMA, DHARAMA and the perpetual cycles in nature as analogous to reincarnation became to be sought by at first a few such as great beings in History that these repetitive cycles as cycles of thought, ethics, morals and behaviour were the cause of so many cults, politics, tribal, religious held to for security and imbedded by brain washed inculcations that the human race was hell bent on being superior to nature and those who were seem to be inferior by wealth, education, primitive and so on that separatism, egoism, compartmentalisation, segregation and this led the human race away from seamless wholistic nature.
Arren Grey

The pure time line and lineage became fragmented from the straight time line as previous as in previous image through war and conquest, intermarriage and so forth, so KARMA and history became more complex, simple free will became marred and bespeeched and then through this seemingly more educated world of technology and the urge to cancel culture, woke, transhumanism, cyborgism, quantum world where every possibility and probability could be found, the analogous to the ancient Akashic field, eugenics to make one and one only superior race or family all this was brewing, a great unrest, wars and differences highlighted through the internet and digital appliances, space and rocketry, the human race was feeling space bound, NOT MANY REALISING that the urge to break free FROM RINCARNATION dictum the season cycles, the wars, class distinction, wealth and homelessness all the polarities, lets break it all down lets get into space.  

Then the few who were many years ago began to heed many Eastern ideas; everything perishes, nothing lasts, who am I before I was brain washed, everything seems transient, dreamlike, the West starting to take an interest in mindfulness, Yoga, Qi Gong, Pilates and so on however this frightened the materialists, the empty atom, is there anything real? 

From File
From File

Am I just an organic programmed robot, am I just a cloned brain, a product of ancient ideas and modern interpretation of them, WHO AM I REALLY?  I want to find myself before I got cluttered up with historic attitudes and beliefs, I want freedom and yet I love the power the technology and the idea of being a transhumant, a new human, my brain downloaded into a robot, live forever -----wait a sec, the same brain encapsulated in a cyborg or android body----well that is going to be the same merry go round as before--- I am still going to perpetuate the timelines and unless I destroy all other time lines than mine there will always be the urge for war and animosity, I must be supreme and without opposition. 
Taste of Enlightenment

When one meditates and does not get into sleepiness, mantras, beyond mindfulness, fantasies, body itches, one can go past thought not by suppression, holding tightly and determined not to think, there can be this feeling of dissolving past thought, there comes a sliding out of the known and one comes to an alert and yet peaceful nothingness there is just a beingness, a not you, one has arrived at empty mind and who were you before you were brainwashed and the inculcation process had begun. One is no longer a clone of someoneelses idea, I cannot describe it, for if I could I would be back in thoughts which are always second hand.






Immortality is within You

This is a double or triple view and perspective; there is research to prolong life in the human body, some by exercises, diet, spiritual disciplines and supplements and altered genetics. Then there is cyborgism including androids with a downloaded human brain into them, cryonics and so forth, transhumanism to form a new species containing the older refurbished form and personality or even giving way to human life and becoming a complete robotic civilisation. Then a idea stemming from Silicon Alley; download all of humanity onto a hard drive and create a virtual humanity with all ideal and blissful life styles of the participants life, of course who selects the participants and keeps the hard drive going is debateable point. We already live in a virtual world when we are inculcated.

My view is this; the frequencies in the meditative and waking state are Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and Gamma as far as research has it and each can be measured and tracked by various instruments. In meditation and I am suggesting that when the brain waves during meditation get to gamma (100 Hz and more and are hard to measure) although they appear too fast and yet there is climax or mind orgasm and then the breath is quiet and almost 'non breath' and then there is calm and there is nothing but that which is indescribable and has no specific identity it is pure awareness, it is self awareness not of a living flesh body or any other body, it is consciousness which is awareness aware of itself.

I feel we do not die, yes out of the body, we change worlds which is changing frequencies and death is merely the awareness of was once witnessed to awareness to the frequency of beyond the passing of the flesh to another frequency of conscious awareness.

As long as one has experienced the aware consciousness, the witness which is awareness aware of Itself and is Self Aware, then there is no death.

However should one be only aware of the personality and the inculcated, brain washed, cloned mind, then on passing from the flesh, the corporeal, the mortal coil, mask and cocoon, then the awareness has been entangled, addicted to the memory of the material life and may become a wandering ghost, a restless disembodied entity, an energy being attaching itself to the astral sheaths around anything that has auras and can be the source of possessing any living creature including plants, fish birds and microbe, with bacteria, they can wreak havoc by hauntings as poltergeists and other such phenomena, much mental illness can be attributed to such entities or just ordinary reincarnation to come back to finish unfinished business.

In my view I feel to clear the slate so to speak and go back to 'Who am I before  I was brainwashed and inculcated' which usually leads to to awakening of having no choice and realising 'I was taught up till now everything I am and now without that inculcation,  I am not a clone, someoneelses second hand clothing and I seem identity- less, who am I, I don't rightly know, I am an awareness without name, place or destination and yet I seem to be aware of the Empty whatever I find myself in, the conscious awareness of myself, the Self.

Of course all of the above are words and the intellect trying its best to form an identity around nothing. Good luck with that.

Only I have a deep feeling that death does not exist and the passing from one frequency to no frequency and yet awareness and consciousness exist.



Courtesy Examined Existence

 I watched a pigeon picking at the grass, the wind blew the trees, the pigeon carried on picking, I marvelled at the animating life force in this beautiful Life Form.

I was aware of the pigeon however was the pigeon aware of me, only if I disturbed its picking?

Somehow on some mysterious level and consciousness we were aware of one another's presence and existence, there is but one life that serves us all and everything.

The Creator is aware of both of us and through the Creator we have this shared awareness and knowing.  

Now isn't that something!?



Courtesy University of  Oxford
                                                                     USED TO ILLUSTRATE MY ARTICLE AND NOT ANYWAY OXFORD'S VIEW

What care I whether I live or die?

For the real 'I, the Self ' lives on forever as the witness to Life. 

The personality is but a facade, a mask painted and adored by human avarice, lust and greed, but for a few rare shining souls who realise that they are part human and part Divine and either by awakening or  when the change of worlds or the glory of dying, they then become the Jewel of Humanity and become the legends of bygone days spent in righteousness not as the wordily code ethics and morals, but a life lived in Divine attunement and ego sacrifice.




Courtesy to Cherokee


Dear Great Spirit you are known by many names, God Almighty, The Source, Creator, Wakan Tankan, The Almighty, you may not have any physical form, but you are known by your creation and your hand extends to all.

I feel you and I feel your love, I cannot adequately express how I feel, I feel a sort of magic quiet presence, it feels as though my physical heart is expanding and that energy feels like compassion, love,  I strive and feel anguish that I am limited in my duty to spread this, to share this, to uplift others as I feel in the moments I feel this and other times.

Great One help me to navigate a changing world I do not fully understand, new expressions, new idioms like, eugenics, transhumanism, cyborgism, technocrocy, GMO tinkering, chemical meat and one hundred and forty nine ways of describing and ascribing one's sexual identity. 

Perhaps Great One I am a dinosaur, an old world gone by and afraid of change and yet I am haunted that this is not quiet right an out of alignment, a skewed view and perpetuated by human avarice, greed and lust.

If I get entangled in this world of the human bodily senses and dwell on this scenario I become tired, fatigued, angry, distorted and confused, something deep down is whispering and I can catch the words not in human speak but in a feeling that is ancient and rooted in silence and peace.

So I am being drawn into the silence and in no thought and yet the other strangeness seems to spontaneously attack and the words of Jesus come to mind 'New International Version
But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into'. 

Buddha Quotes

  1. “Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”
  2. “What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
  3. “Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.”
  4. “You don’t have a Soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”
  5. “If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.”
  6. “All suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their own happiness or satisfaction.”
  7. “Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”
  8. “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”
  9. “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”
  10. “Purity or impurity depends on oneself, no one can purify another.
Of course every religion, faith and cult have their sayings and proverbs. So Great Spirit help me to help myself, I am weak and frail and I only feel uplifted when I sit in the silence or feel spontaneously at times the Presence of the Unseen Spirit. 

I am turning from this outer scenario of human arrogant will to the Inner world of Spirit and real sustenance. 

Courtesy Cherokee