Sunday 15 August 2021


The Divine Matrix is to me the mind of God and it is the content of God's mind and by God I mean the Source of Life and not a solid form but more of an energy / force field. From this field of potential energy The Source begins Its thoughts and plans and ripples are sent out through the vastness of the mind and how big is a mind, to my view as large as its contents and since the Universe and its dimensions are the contents of Its mind and probably expanding by whatever means God does this then it is presumably limitless.

So therefore you and I and everything there is were and are and will be are Ideas in the Mind of this Divine Mind.

We are an idea from our own minds inculcated conditioning mind brain washed pick ups and even these are mere beliefs and nothing actually tangible as such. I am just a collection of ideas, not real and not important, because ideas come and go, what remains after one is idea-less is I, Me. However if there is no such notion or substance this makes a ?????? but its great--isn't it?

In order for us to make this tangible and recognise these concepts and ideas our bodies and all of nature are constructed in such a way that they seem solid and yet we know they are made out of particles, atoms and molecules and have the appearance of tangibility. 

Without our bodies we would be just a set of non decipherable frequencies and like a TV, radio, computer with WI FI or a cell and mobile phone, radar and so on they receive their information by decoding the wavelengths and frequencies into a form through antennae that send them to the TV and brains which download and decipher to a meaningful set of vibes which suggests to us a message or information.    
This image depicts a set of frequencies which issue forth from the Divine Matrix and all there are waves and oscillations and without a decoder to coordinate them and an intelligence to send or broadcast the frequencies which are commensurate and concomitant and applicable to recipient and so the Cosmos is a really a wave form and a holographic phenomena, a light show because waves are their essence;

Light, or Visible Light, commonly refers to electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is extremely broad, ranging from low energy radio waves with wavelengths that are measured in meters, to high energy gamma rays with wavelengths that are less than 1 x 10-11 meters. Electromagnetic radiation, as the name suggests, describes fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields, transporting energy at the Speed of Light (which is ~ 300,000 km/sec through a vacuum). Light can also be described in terms of a stream of photons, massless packets of energy, each travelling with wavelike properties at the speed of light. A photon is the smallest quantity (quantum) of energy which can be transported, and it was the realization that light travelled in discrete quanta that was the origins of Quantum Theory.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum, highlighting the narrow window of Visible Light that is detectable by the human eye.

Figure 1: The Electromagnetic Spectrum, highlighting the narrow window of Visible Light that is detectable by the human eye.

What is a hologram?

a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source.
  • a photograph of an interference pattern which, when suitably illuminated, produces a three-dimensional image.

  • So we are a hologram so constructed by various intricate weaving of the light frequencies as of a loom and wool threads as an analogy, that closely slowed down light frequencies are compacted in such a way as to feel tangible and our senses are commensurate to that frequency.
  • i
  • IIn reality that we feel, it is fact only make believe in essence it is suitably adapted frequencies that match and are in sync with our senses that give our realities which we think and feel are real and solid and are relative realities via our brain washing and conditioning that are our lives---we are made to feel real and here, but actually we are a decoded set commensurate bunches and conglomerate, a mere amalgamation of decoded vibes.

  •   SHACK




The image above is not exactly descriptive; however it suffices as part of one of these difficult explanations of a mental mind spark as it were.

It came as a black skull cap very much like the Jewish, Muslim and Pope(white) wear in white or black and the piece that covers the forehead just above the eyebrows was jagged and that exposed the jigsaw.

The jigsaw did not have a definite picture but as the pieces of the skull cap were gradually peeled back it revealed a piece of the jigsaw puzzle, sometimes in a single piece or a few that formed a kind of piece that no longer fitted the puzzle. 

The jigsaw represented to me the ego and its programmes and the basic 'centre' piece was the core of my agendas and brainwashed inheritance, which suggested that the nuances the 'pure or innocent' foetus which was a nervous system of energetic magnetic waves in a small containment field triggered and brought in or attuned by resonance and entrainment by the actions of the sperm and egg and then made more organic and 'flesh like' and was indelibly and imprinted, embossed, engraved into the field of frequencies forming a sort of matrix, a womb within a womb, and kind of formed an unconscious set of basic frequencies which were those of the mother and others around at conception, pregnancy, birth and then the formative years.

This background 'buzz' are the urges and reactions of the unconscious mind as it were, it is unconscious until it is recognised as an imprint and if you like a hand me down, second hand conditioning and because the baby, youngster did not have the awareness and reasoning intuitive faculties and the potentialities to figure this out it becomes the reality and bits and pieces are added through life and is only an adornment and an embellishment, a sort of variation on a theme, this is so deeply engrained and rusted in as it were that to change this fundamentally is nigh impossible for most of us.    

When something happens; something like an awakening, a loss, an accident, a shake up of a severe nature or just a realisation through some event or other, one can begin to see that who I am is a set of someone else's mind sets with a few innovations, this relatively fixed or cemented rigid set of patterns are the ego and one's 'inside the box' as it were.  

So the search, should one be interested, should one be piqued and the curiosity aroused beyond TV, texting continuously, endless surfing the net, avidly engrossed in supporting one's sporting team, an alcoholic, addicted to sex or any other distraction, even to the point of obsession and mental illness, then one maybe gripped to start the 'QUEST' who am I when I realise I am a hand me down with a few tweaks here and there on a basic instinct not like a natural instinct from nature and its inhabitants but an inherited one and it contains the culture, religion, the politics, the like and dislikes, which form the basic core and once thought of one's own reality.

The shock can be profound and as the image above suggests one piece of the jigsaw may go and when the pieces begin to fall apart and this happens then the deeper one goes into the 'forensics' of this once supposed was 'me' and now fear may enter as one realises there can be many jigsaws 'inherited' into the mind set and maybe there is no mind set, that is set and solid only that 'we may believe its so' and it is better than being without one at all'.

So the Quest may lead one to the edge of the mind, and a mind maybe a space filled with content, that is the brainwashed inherited 'self' and when the realisation dawns perhaps there is no such being as 'self' and self is just a construct of beliefs and they can be  juxtaposed, justified ah la core principles (and whose principles are they? maybe thinking they are mine or are they?) and we realise I have been taught to be who I am and then realising I thought I was a free thinker and original and so when the content is removed as the image below what do I fill the space with.
Then one can panic; that emptiness when all the inherited stuff has gone, not supressed or pushed down, yes a clean break, at first it clings and brings a longing for a secure foundation, however realising all things are swappable one religion for another, one politic for another and so on and every so called solid form be it a star or person, animal and idea are impermanent, the so called atom 99.99% empty and yet we seem solid enough, or do we? Can drive one away to distraction and materialism.  

Then one can go on and be a fearless warrior and not run from the supposed boring nothingness and like a diver explore the imagined darkness and terror of the 'empty mind' and find there is an inexplicable incomprehensible 'something' that is light, without thought that one is accustomed to and it has a 'realm of its own' and it is of Itself and one realises this is 'ME the Self'.




Fearless Motivation
 As I lay in bed just ruminating, a sort of gentle mulling over, a semi meditation and contemplation and this particular morning being an Easter Sunday April 4th 2021 and the world held in the grip of a very clever deception of a pandemic and the general public memorised by the very dastardly, iniquitous, heinous covert psychological ploys and a set of stratagems which have spellbound and frozen the minds of many causing suicides, suicidal obsessional thoughts, 'what's the use' , depression and many deaths not from the virus that gave way to the feelings as I lay there.

I felt this tightly held shroud which had captivated the fearful mind and held together in a world group energetic formula was a sort of magnetic force field, a field which embraced the world energetically very much like a TV, Radio, mobile / cell phone, WI FI all waves and frequencies which are invisible to the human senses but can be felt in many ways as intuitive, instinctual means.    

Since this nefarious scheme was hatched up and there is evidence that was in the making as far back as history and this latest form progressed to its present form due to the technology which would facilitate its total world dominance and to some extent it has.

This grip of fear and obedience to the masters which are the governments, the Professors of medicine and the Professors of psychology were seen as the new priests and of course they would not harm their own people and they relied on the cultural upbringing and respect for the clergy of science and medicine to shield and protect them and the fear that they might 'catch the bug' and this in itself would lower the immune system with worry, anxiety and when they got the bug they could only turn to the those that could save them, that is the very persons who caused the panic and bug.  

I was determined to not comply and I did at first and then devised a ploy to not wear a mask by wearing a label which said I am exempt from face covering and was equally determined not to get vaccinated. I make no excuses I took a jab of the Oxford one after refusing the mMRNA one, I cannot make any excuses, although I tried justifying it and I complied because of possibly lame excuses; that are well I will get the certificate to prove in the witch hunt that follows and being branded anti- vaxer a conspiracy merchant and the rest, and then saying I did for the sake of others and not being ostracised like the mask thing and the looks and abuse even with a label, people literally running away and frightened to catch the bug from me and being called a killer and then saying I will take the second jab and get the passport and when the next round was due, I would refuse smugly saying 'I am not against vaccines but these shots really made so ill. By the way I never ever had a flu shot although doctors tried to persuade me. I am ashamed I took the jab and yet to my 'defence' and not trying to assuage, mitigate, attenuate which I am feeling now I did and yet many weeks before the jab, I took it late as I wanted to avoid the mMRNA on it genuinely felt right to take it and a series of synchronistic events led me too it or were they?     

 Any road what I really feel about this shroud, this construct which I name as the collective unconscious, this all embracing energy field that is 'picked up' by the unaware superficial surface mind and like startled cattle get hysterically moved and rush to a supposed safety that is the mask, social distancing which implies it is socially wrong to stand less than two meters apart it should be stand two meters apart is physical, distancing, NOT SOCIALLY wrong, cover the face which has been shown to be of no use ---Professor Chris Whitty Chief Medical Officer and his assistant and add to this Dr Faucci Chief medical advisor in the USA ll changed their minds over masks

The evidence for face coverings is “not very strong in either direction”, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer has admitted, despite a last minute U-turn on masks in schools.....

Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists he does not want to see face coverings in schools

England’s chief medical officer has warned the public wearing face masks will do little to combat the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

Professor Chris Whitty told Sky News on Wednesday that wearing a face mask had almost no effect on reducing the risk of contracting the illness.

Prof Whitty said: “In terms of wearing a mask, our advice is clear: that wearing a mask if you don’t have an infection reduces the risk almost not at all. So we do not advise that.”

“The only people we do sometimes use masks for are people who have got an infection and that is to help them to stop it spreading around," he added.


Proof that Masks Do More Harm than Good
(Truths about Masks that Politicians and the BBC Probably Forgot to Mention)

Dr Vernon
Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

and so the die was cast, The glue to the broadcasts were cemented and some protested, I may have bought the mental bug and succumbed to the vaccine but I am not convinced I did but own it and a lesson learned and face the shame when I said I would not and take it as revelation to my own weakness and fear and see the flaw in my being as it were, I am in many ways a coward and run from confrontation and physical intimidation and do have a fear of authority while at the same time disliking authorities and yet loving being an authority, it can be a way of getting my attention and applause and self esteem and yet not loved for me but for my knowledge and plausibility. The second jab has caused me pain, joint problems and some mind fuzz and since June when I had it I have not been able to walk properly Oh I really feel now I gave in to my own fear. Booster one's I say now --NO WAY!!!?. Time will tell when the texts and calls come from my GP---well you are 83 and vulnerable and so on.

 A few weeks back and I would never have written so frank and honest confession and this pandemic has taught me the hypocrisy in me and pontification in the blogs I do and I did feel shame and guilt and then it faded because I realise these are brain washed agendas of self, reality and the like and are not the real me and is this a justification and excuse to assuage feeling let down by my own image and trying to keep it from tumbling or do I really comprehend the issue of there is no reality only that which is based on inculcated brain washing which assume a real construct which has be destructed as it were if one wishes to find the truth and THRUTH, is there is no TRUTH so this means there is no real absolute reality in beliefs and constructs of the mind. This then infers that the bug is real if it is believed so, can this sink into the awareness at a deep intuitive level (level what's this--there are no levels or dimensions in awareness) so the only shame and guilt is the ego which constructing the righteous image and feels its defence and belief in itself let down and so tries to reconstruct it by justifying itself with more ploys and self admonishment and so punish and so I can feel sorrow and atone for sinning against my own set of rules and commandments. The denial is saying intellectually well its brain washing and inculcation YES AND NO; yes it is brain washing and I am completely fooled by saying it is intellectual and I realised it, yes realised intellectually AND until I realise this is the ME  AND OWN IT AND STOP KIDDING MYSELF, now I see this is ME and the brain washing is not an intellectual gambit and these auto programs are me until I feel and know deeply 'hey I see the triggers to a false me' and I actually own and see the false really and not a therapist 'oh I see this in others and myself, huh this is enough to be free, YES in that moment until the ghost programmes return, there is a feeling of admitting like the alcoholic who denies they are an addict and hide the bottles, the bottles are the programmes and agendas hidden in the mind and the triggers to drink and the mind prompts of anger and so on like in the INFERENO SHACK(1007)  WHEN THAT IS FULLY ACCEPTED AND NOT BEING ASHAMED OR GUILTY NOT BY SUPRESSION , then there is a chance of freedom and being somewhat a real human whatever that is.

I felt this morning that somehow this tight grip psychological warfare (psyops) was somehow loosening its grips as more people were awakening to the 'game' and although the awakening was in its infancy it may grow and so the populace would learn to see through the dastardly manipulators and never be conned again. I learned from it and I learned how to avoid my own justifications which protected the vulnerable part of me WHICH in itself is a brain washed agenda from the poor sick timid child me and the vibes from parents, Jewish ethos and the compensations of retreating into a fantasy mind world and being frustrated to not working it out in the so called 'real physical world' in fact successful mindfully, unsuccessful physically and REALLY both are inculcated mind games and agendas. To reiterate the only justification is made by the illusionary set of beliefs and agendas assumed by the world and me as reality and all there is in Life. 

So the deconstruction takes place and the gradual eroding of the net, yet the other side so to speak will be determined to bolster their dominion and hold and will try more ploys and so the game goes on and my mind stuff will be revealed as I see through the dream like nature of all beliefs and agendas which build by complexity, a net of finely woven intricacies which are a maize and veritable cobweb of such intricate strands that on casual glance seem solid until on closer inspection are found to many threads and in themselves part of fabric when picked apart and deeply scrutinised are like a dream gone and vainly try to remember and get meaning from but have faded and are really no more important than a dream gone by and that is all that the Universe is a dream that is held to be real in substance but like smoke and haze gone and it is only the frightened 'mind' that feels naked and exposed and desperately tries to cling onto the smoke and solidify so that it can feel safe and yet knowing there is no such thing as safe only in emptiness if the mind can tolerate and bear it.





Serial Trainer 7

This is a sobering and awakening heart rendering offering and article.

Yesterday which was April 1st 2021 I was standing in the street talking to an acquaintance and a man came along a rudely said 'you are blocking the pavement'. I reacted with anger and made a challenge which I do not remember the words and he gave me the middle finger. I felt anger and indignation and yet it seemed to subside. The acquaintance who happened to be a black man seemed to agree with me and said 'what's his problem'?   

Later on that day I felt very disturbed over the incident and when going to bed did my forgiveness in the form of Ho opno pono a Hawaiian format ' I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you and I thank you' this I did in bed and imagined the man and hope that I could meet him again and apologise and hope I could buy him a coffee or cake and would accept my apology. Later I had my usual restless brain buzz fantasies before falling asleep. I had a restless night and many sexual and horny dreams and lucid experiences.

On awakening and gong to the loo several times before awakening, my neck was stiff and I was dizzy and my body tense and aching and I could not face my cold shower, my stools were loose and smelly and I passed urine several times, my blood pressure was huge and I felt really out of kilter.

I felt torn whether to do EFT or listen to a holosync 'Youthful Mind' which are a set of deep penetrating 'Brain Revitaliser' with 'Delta Rejuvenator' and are massively powerful. I did 'Shaking Qi Gong' and then did EFT which started off a release of mammoth and gigantic release and revelations. 

I wept profusely and I realised this man in the street was my teacher and a sort of angel in the sense he was instrument in this lesson; I REALISED that I was furiously angry at him, this the EFT brought out, and all the hooponopono was a sham I really wanted to 'smash his fucking body and face into the ground, how dare he question me, invade myspace, doesn't he know who I am, I am God almighty and my ego rage like a massive Inferno, red, hot lust, power and supreme, who the fuck does he think he is, the affront the audacity to intrude into my space, my kingdom of which I ego rule with supreme authority. 

I raged on and I realised I knew all of this for had I not written this in so many articles, therapy with patients, workshops presentations and private one to one to ones, I realised my hypocrisy and two faced fake me, the NASA shit, the supreme love, fighter, celebrity in my fantasies which my mind world enacted to compensate for my worldly failure to actually physically enact them, enable them.  

I then felt the fire, the lust, the burning urge to be supreme and in that moment realised that the blogs / POSTS in (online) were in every way a mirror in relationships; the eugenics--my ego wanted everyone to be perfect like me, I would feel safe and secure, technocracy --I would be in charge and have surveillance world wide--health passports, GMO foods I would control everything and everybody, illuminati---I would be wise and knowing and they would follow my creed, elite--yes I above everybody and know how to live life better than anybody I deserve to have my morals imposed on everyone I am the King and Supreme Leader of the New World Order, World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, I would have total wealth and the Reset after the fake pandemic would be my 'Divine Plan' for the New World Order. I would be greater than God; I would be the God of God.

I realised that hated them as I hated that man and projected on them and that man all of these attributes if you like and I HATED them because I recognised them in me and I had known this for many, many years and I was in a denial, its them not me and this is my brain washing kicking in; YES intellectually understanding this and desperately trying to erase them through meditation and so called self growth and spiritual values and practices. 

Meditation did bring up these issues and the awareness exposed the sheer intensity and burning desire of the ego and it is not until I realised that the ego is me and not the spiritual overlay and the spiritual only comes about when I realise the cesspool of fetid gunk that was held in my body and mind. This morning showed me my aching body and joints harboured these atrocious mind boggling energetic deposits formed into crystals that bound my body in pain in order to hold tight the release that would free me but the go demanded stay put for its safety and its hideaway and sanctuary which was a citadel in my mind that had taken over and become a false security and security as long as it would not be detected and so many smokescreens, a good analogy, for they have no real substance and merely cloud the awareness, until a shakeup up occurs, as was the street incident, although appearing minor really had a deep significance.    

Sometime back I did a workshop presentation in Spain at a centre name Cortijo Romero and on it was psychologist who said she sensed a bottled up anger in me. Krishna Murti talked about we find ourselves in the mirror of relationships and he mentioned about the filth in the human mind, again I recognised these in me and others and yet blamed them somewhat and saying 'yes they are inculcated brain washing' and leaving it at that and feeling just intellectually knowing this and by meditation they would go; I now realise I have to own them, NOT just an intellectual psychological and psychiatric therapeutic, psychotherapy counselling ploy, a mere gambit to satisfy the intellect and ego and to merely rise above and yet still retain this in the unconscious to rise when a trigger arose and think it lay quiet until it was awakened.

I am acutely aware that during the lock downs, social distancing and face masks due to this pandemic that even before this I had rages and out bursts and it seemed to be anything from a dropped object to spilling water or some such or the impositions imposed as above, I demanded a still mind and not be disturbed. This was not the peace of meditation but that of the ego that was keenly on guard, no threat and it was OK, it also demanded perfection and everything in its place and I type this I am using 'it' AND THIS IS THE POINT'  ISN'T  IT?, it is me and this I understood as brain washing and the reaction to its programmes and agendas, BUT this is me a whole lot of the day and night with interludes of meditative quiet, NOW I have to reveal the shit and crap and type it and those who read this at sometime maybe shocked but I have now because of the true exposure of the burning ego to uncover the naked bare vileness of it, while the other side, the dual me, professed holy, non judgemental smug aloofness which I called and relished as the real me, YET was my ego and also a brainwashed part of me that fought battles. 

It is fully accepting and acknowledging that I am the ego shit and yet not only knowing this but today realised the fiery energy I felt in my brain and felt so overwhelmed as that man incident in the street brought out, it exposed my 'holy image' and shocked and awakened me to this inferno that resided in my body and mind and that my hypocrisy was fully exposed and laid naked and bare and my lurid dreams were telling me to acknowledge the reality of the ego and it existed not only as a mind play but a frustrated me who was longing to be the dirty horrible nasty little runt who like the Bilderbergs and gang held orgies, did all manners of sexual and abusive acts and that mad power lust felt in a fiery brain which the more gross the act the more the fiery inferno lust burnt, indeed it felt bestial and without mercy, I can understand and feel how human sacrifice, devil worship and that sort of thing fires up the imagination and floods the body with peptides and I suspect from the first brain as it were which is the instinctual brain and so called reptilian brain.

Many a time whilst doing a private one to one in the clinic I really fancied the beautiful woman and yet professional conduct prevailed and I would get uptight and supressed the feelings and would act them out in fantasy or with my girlfriend who at one time was an escort girl and I never knew until much later, so role play really helped there. I used to feel and still do feel jealous of a young lady I am befriending and would love to love her as a man but I am getting OK with that and realised I was jealous of her boyfriend and understood his possessive attitude, I went through that a lot, I feel now how fake that is giving advice to one who feels the same as the patient and perhaps a good therapist can works out the solution for them and me. I even got jealous of our manager here as I felt I was one of his best tenants and he was favouring others, after all I am more important than them and they abuse him verbally and I suck up to him as well so there, it is likened to childhood and incidents there when I was not given attention by dad and all that stuff. I know of psychotherapists, psychiatrist's, doctors, healers and so on who feel that sex and stuff with their patients is very, very much OK, I of course had this in mind I must say occasionally and worked it out in fantasies and so on, I knew all this intellectually and yet could not fully resolve this until I had to really see through the cloud between doing it real time, that is physically so to speak and in the mind. I feel so much lighter and free.

I can only wait and see what the revelation of the inferno does and hopefully it has burned out some of the fake and false me.  


Reward Foundation



Earth Healers Academy

I was walking about just meandering nonchalantly collecting clothes and towels for the laundry and replacing them with clean apparel when something triggered this field of thinking and kind of inspired follow up.

It so happens when I just cruise along as above, say washing up and other mundane tasks and chores that another kind of thinking or process seems to kick in. Anyway this was about alcoholics, drug abuse, surfing the net or something that is or becomes a distraction or addiction as in distinction with say the quiet mind, deep relaxation, mindfulness and meditation,

I have noticed that hard work or exercise can tire the body, lack of sleep, the brain, noise and TV, computer and so on drain the eyes and brain effort too much thinking and intrusive automatic thoughts, alcohol and drugs sap the body in a wasting manner and depletes any bodily reserves and I feel the organs become drained of a special energy and so does excess sexual activities be it intercourse, fucking as in distinction to love making, one is lust and is basically masturbation with or without a partner and the other an expression physically with genuine affection and love.

There is and I have felt this difference between just relief say in sport to work off anger and stress, revenge and guilt with masturbation or sex and a deep letting go in relaxation exercises and breathing techniques and although there is relief to me this a temporary relief a bandage over the wound.

In deep meditation there is another kind of energy, however it is not an energy it feels as if it is Life Itself. It is vital energy and I can feel my soul, my very being, being 'fed, nourished and fulfilled', it is the food for the soul, in fact it is soul energy and I mean it is the Life force in the body, the awareness witness, the consciousness, like water in a bottle and the cork being the ego and in its thickness the cork allows only a certain percentage to leak through from the The Cosmic Reservoir, Reservoir is not really appropriate, more like an eternal infinite ocean, the cork has its thickness and seepage conditioned by its programmes and agendas.

So the alcohol, drugs, sex and other worldly pursuits, even work and religious duties, families are a distraction and lure one away from the sustenance of the vital energy. Of course because of brainwashing one may not know anything else. Often in senior years one may catch a glimpse of this as the hobbies fade away or in relaxation one may feel a 'touch' of this divine energy as it were. Feeling this force can assuage the fear of death or its morbidly.

Those persons who through tragedy, synchronicities or some such awakenings may arrive at the door of the quest and intrigue, curiosity or karma and so begin the path to 'who am I' and then rumination, contemplation and meditation and then the cork is being shaved and layers removed and so the water in the bottle / body gets its recognition and there is a distilling and washing away of the stale water and so the water inside the bottle / body realises it is one with  Ocean of Life and this vital energy / force can take over from the distractions and ones life changes forever. 


Homeopath Plus 1
Dr Pisios

Sunday 1 August 2021


The Daily Guardian

 At times in deep meditation or even just ambling I feel that I am not the body this is not an escape or coping mechanism retreating from a war torn malicious world ethos but e real sense of who I am, no explanation will suffice, I know intuitively, intimately I am that and to what that is I have no way of communicating it other that pointing out that is not that when the need arises.(SHACK)

Do I need anyone? Yes and no; I could need a doctor, a policeman, help in old age perhaps but is this a real need or just an everyday social intercourse. Do I feel lonely if I do not socially mix with people again yes and no, during these lockdowns due to this pandemic I felt great really and enjoyed the 'isolation' I did miss going out to have a short walk or a look at the street, however I truly feel I like people and enjoy the day to day banter and even that is light and I feel to be on my own not because of shyness, yes I feel uncomfortable because I do not have much in common with small talk; like horse race betting, soccer and sport spiel. I have my own subjects and they do not include my neighbours or many others. I am content to let others have their ways.

I cannot really say I crave company, I really like my own company and I find now that I prefer being on my own much more as the quietness and meditation 'grabs me more and more'.

Perhaps this next admission may seem hard and callous; I found at the last few funerals I went too I had to fain sadness and feed off of the mourners by empathetic means and they were really crocodile tears.

Now part of this was due the fact that the 'real' person did not die and I really felt that they were in a 'better place' and also I have not formed intimate emotional ties and only mourned my mother and brother and I find that I am getting less emotional and not moved so much by the TV, news, political encroachments other than a sense of the trampling on people and abusing children, women and nature and a feeling of 'what right have they to manipulate Gods creation and the Divines 'plan of evolution'.

Somehow I am seeing this world as a holographic interlude a shadow of the real world of spirit, this clinging to the flesh as if it were the be and end all and doctors trying to prolong Life when there is a sacred timing to let the soul release its tenacious grip on the flesh when the soul hasn't awakened to itself and feels it is the body,

The body and my body included is a beautiful creation and divine in its workings and journey through life and is gift from the Divine Source, yet at most it is temporary like all forms impermanent and transitory, yet the clinging and wanting immortality in this heavenly vehicle is not to be.

Now there is genetic manipulation, 3D print outs of limbs and organs,  made of a synthetic material joining human and machine, perhaps I am mistaken and this is the way to go and I am not with it so to speak. Yet deep inside and when I say deep inside I mean a feeling in my being not attuned to material things, that I am satisfied with a passing from my mortal cocoon and perhaps am anxious that I pass without agony of illness and infirmity and abuse in an old age home with drugs, doctors, senility, vaccines and wheel chairs, incontinence and brutal psychopathic carers, the actual passing I look forward too whatever the outcome maybe.

I have realised that to really need by emotional ties and lack of a sense of who I am as a being, the joyous peaceful indestructible sense of my witness awareness that being tied and bound like a married couple of many years and the senior people who live in the past and are devastated when the TV, the car or their life long partner dies and it is the end of the world and their life is full of the years past and the future bleak. I seem to be less concerned with the past as if it means nothing and although I remember past events, they are sort of emotionless and just an event a dim forgotten dream and as of now have a good memory of long and short focus.

So the senior homes provide outings, bingo, fun nights, entertainers and tea afternoons and that's fine and dandy and they say why don't you join in, are we not good enough for you and so on? Somehow I see this as a distraction in my eyes and like the impermanence that life is and its slips away like the sands of time running through the fingers and the ice melting in the clasping hand it is in my view like the body ageing, disease striking, earthquakes, hurricanes, accidents, wars, drought and so I feel holding onto another for security and comfort is OK to a point but the real CRUX is to find the imperishable in oneself, not a stiff denial of people out of arrogance and superiority but that KNOWING that one is more than the body and it is difficult or nigh impossible to explain in words or deed and that when one feels this which is a feeling and personal intuitive feeling and not just a theory then one might say I don't need people or in fact anything.

Well yes one needs food, some clothing and shelter which is relatively warm and dry and that has to be left behind some day when the spirit calls one home or to some other dimension and maybe the soul is a nomad that travels wherever the Spirit beckons.

So to cling to the decaying flesh of another watching the youth fade and vigour wane and realising that one can have a companion if they do not rely on one another as there salvation and are joined by loose thin ties and that they have their own safety in themselves and in their sense of who they really are and that the body and all mortal forms are temporary and to lean on them for salvation is again trying to hold onto Life which is moving river and cannot be grasped and one has to let go to the river of light which is always there and yet elusive at the same time.


The Rock on which seemed so stable, firm and indestructible has to be left behind one day and that support becomes less sturdy and to feel the 'skies' of the spirit, the space of no space, the beckoning and recognition of the call of the spirit, the soul yearning for its real abode and yet real is not quite the word, it is to roam and soar in space with seeming  to be without a rock and yet it is so easy and requires not the effort that the body of rock does. Feeling this space and ease can be sampled and tasted and the glimpses confirm 'I am not the body I am that' (SHACK)  



You Tube

The awareness, the witness to Life, that is Life witnessing Itself then becomes aware of what is not of Itself. Life has  been granted free will to some of its sentient forms and as such humans have the relative freedom to think and form their own creative means and have therefore some have gone astray from Life's basic intentions. Life shows us through Its creations a sharing, a symbiosis and as of this in 2021 and before humans have strayed not only sometimes in business and through necessity.

The out of sync patterns and modes of behaviour and beliefs with the basic tenets of Life caused by cultural, religious, philosophical and political beliefs and the differences between  countries and the above tenets and these being inculcated then a ring fence is formed and these are corralled into an assumed reality named as an entity as the ego.

The ego is then based on hand me down brain washed beliefs and has no real substance. The ego is aware of its frailty, its no real solid foundations as in fact all form has and like nature has birth and death however not natures source which is the formless and in fact the world of form is dual and so Life Source is invisible and yet its forms are visible and tangible and so duality  has come into being.

Because the nature of the ego is frail it has to become more and more. Layers are added in order to hide its nakedness and fragility and is afraid of admitting vulnerability and so it has to constantly be doing in order to justify and prove to itself, I am alive and wonder how it is because it knows not of its creation and realises it is at best a very clever imitation of Life and if nature is Life in action and I am divorced from nature Life I have opted to oppose and diversify and yet do not have the creative abilities accept given to me by Life and yet I am destroying the life forms and I am the dictator with my technology and have lost my compassion so I know at my found -less roots there are no roots to me, I am a floating lot of flotsam and jetsam in nowhere which is a false belief in somewhere. When I believe I am grounded rooted and established Life is denied me; Life is denied me by death and also realising I am set of patterns, programmes, statistics, agendas which were taught to me, pounded into me, rhetorically drummed into me and startling so, there is no real me, I am bunch of ideas and can be juxtaposed, manipulated and swapped and therefore not fixed and semi real in existence then I have to keep doing for doing proves I am alive and no matter how many changes and complete new beginnings to another programme I discover they are just the same mechanisms running, so this leaves me with a choices; either completely fool myself they are real and cement this idea and concretise it or live with a compromise and a niggling uncertainty.

However Life Itself has the knowledge of the certainty It does exist and wishes to share this with Its creative forms however the ego clouds this by its own forms. Life through Its Love and Compassion allows this and like a child allows with unconditional love to go its own way and eventually when the ego fully recognises its frailty it might endeavour to find out what lies beyond the ring fence of its belief systems and agendas and so begins the Quest to Find who it really is and finally to find the found-less foundation-----and even that has no real tangible essence and it is an intimate deep knowing of who one really is and in fact there are not many selves and there is only the ONE.



Active Rain

 Sometimes when I have finished with the computer stuff and have been busy with concentrating I feel a change of mode and mood, a sort of loss and what next?

I catch the energy of 'must be doing' and I am not fulfilled if I am not doing something that includes reading or watching TV documentaries or incoming documentaries via emails or the net.

Yet I do feel that 'doing from not doing' is more fulfilling and energising. I don't  have to scratch my head to think what shall I do, I am less if I am not doing. My old bosses used to say 'look busy, keep occupied; I do not pay you to hang around, find something to do'.

In the world's eye 'hanging around' can seem lazy and yet if genuinely felt and not annoying or depriving the boss of his money is in my view very OK, of course in my view just distraction out of boredom or alcohol, drugs just fantasising just plain bored this it would seem to me just a waste of time and one could meditate, do qi gong, yoga and so on, however that is not everyone's idea of 'good use of spare time'.

I guess this a deep reaction and prompt from a accepted world brain washing edict. One of my bosses was a busy chain smoking scheming kind of guy and he would sort run everywhere with short staccato steps and say to me 'hurry up and keep looking concerned and speedy and yet I kept pace with him and could have outlasted and gone further ahead, which he did not like I had to be with him not at back or in front'.

When I was 'boss' I said to the guys 'if you have nothing to do and have cleaned and prepared the kit and ready to go, by all means make a cup of something and read the paper and so on don't jump up when I come and pretend to look busy, also you can go out to shop within walking distance of the workplace, chalk board that you out or let someone know, keep your pager on and charged and as long as you have done that, do not pretend or run for cover if you see me out as well. Also if I hear rumours I will bring the rumour mongers and their accused together.

My old boss did not like this attitude when I was promoted; he said' you must not be too easy they will take advantage of you, be a right arsy bastard, make them jealous by giving favours so that they will want to please you, also discourage them joining a trades union (the one I and the staff were in was the 'Civil service technical Union' Professional Civil Service Union and before that when changing from an electrician to Forensics 'ETU' Electricals Trades Union maybe now amalgamated with other Unions)) and I used to say to the rep my office is always open for discussion and do not let acrimony take place in secrecy and I appreciate previous management discouraged this, lets have it out and in the  open. 

Eventually due to a disagreement over my style of management the senior bosses like bosses over bosses decided to move me to the laboratory and under a manager as her assistant and eventually becoming the boss again. It was known that when I was 'boss' our work rate was commended and our cases earned a higher percentage of clear up. However old entrenched ideas are held fast.


The awareness, the witness to Life, that is Life witnessing Itself it then becomes aware of what is not of Itself. Life has given free will to some of its sentient forms and as such humans have the relative freedom to think and form their own creative means and have therefore gone astray from Life's basic intentions. Life shows us through Its creations a sharing, symbiosis and as of this 2021 and before humans have strayed only sometimes in business and through necessity.

The out of sync patterns and modes of behaviour and beliefs with the basic tenets of Life caused by cultural, religious, philosophical and political beliefs and the differences between  countries and the above tenets and these being inculcated a ring fence is formed and these are corralled into an assumed reality named as an entity as the ego.

The ego is then based on hand me down grain washed beliefs and has no real substance. The ego is aware of its frailty, its no real solid foundations as in fact all form has and like nature has birth and death however not natures source which is the formless and in fact the world of form is dual and so Life Source is invisible and yet its forms are visible and tangible and so duality is has come into being.

Because the nature of the ego is frail it has to become more and more, layers in order to hide its nakedness and fragility and is afraid of admitting vulnerability and so it has to constantly be doing as in the above Scratch Head in order to justify and prove to itself, I am alive and wonder how it is because it knows not of its creation and realises it is at best a very clever imitation of Life and if nature is Life in action and I am divorced from nature Life I have opted to oppose and diversify and yet do not have the creative abilities accept given to me by Life and yet I am destroying the life forms and I am the dictator with my technology and have lost my compassion so I know at my found -less roots there are no roots to me, I am a floating lot of flotsam and jetsam in in nowhere which is a false belief in somewhere. When I believe I am grounded rooted and established Life is denied me; Life is denied me by death and also realising I am set of patterns, programmes, statistics, agendas which were taught to me, pounded into me, rhetorically drummed into me and startling so there is no real me, I am bunch of ideas and can be juxtaposed, manipulated and swapped and therefore not fixed and semi real in existence then I have to keep doing for doing proves I am alive and no matter how many changes and complete new beginnings to another programme I discover they are just the same mechanisms running, so this leaves me with a choices; either completely fool myself they are real and cement this idea and concretise or live with a compromise and a niggling uncertainty.

However Life Itself has the knowledge of the certainty It does exist and wishes to share this with Its creative forms however the ego clouds this by its own forms. Life through Its Love and Compassion allows this and like a child allows with unconditional love to go its own way and eventually when the ego fully recognises its frailty it might endeavour to find out what lies beyond the ring fence of its belief systems and agendas and so begins the Quest to Find who it really is and finally to find the found-less foundation-----and even that has no real tangible essence and it is an intimate deep knowing of who one really is and in fact there are not many selves and there is the ONE.



On the morning of the 26th March 2021 I arose went to the bathroom and then went to draw my curtains in the bedroom and this means stepping onto my Bellicon Rebounder, as I glanced to the right just as I was stepping onto the rebounder I was somehow instinctively prompted to look at some bushes just right of my lovely trees opposite my bedroom windows.

This became a broad smile to my face and a heart surge of joy and comfort, this I feel is the communication that is a substitute for logic and words. Then I got a silent yet understandable message. I have this continuing tussle with the fact that I write this blog POST / online and its is considered conspiratorial and I yet I feel to do it and yet the other side of me says a BIG NO and yet as tiring and laborious and energetically draining from my vital energy in the brain as it were, a sort of discrepancy between my soul and materialism I do it, this is the classic tug of the world ethos and I. 

This message came in a flash; do not concern yourself with the world affairs and the horror of this so called pandemic and flu, Everything is made out no real substance, it is mind stuff and even in so named hard science or quantum stuff it the every foundation of what seems real and solid, reality and truth is a puff of wind that tumbles away all human constructs. 

God has the last laugh and the Divine One has created all out of Its Mind, we are and everything else is a dream and mind construct of the Great Spirit and what human and other minds think is real and indestructible and their offspring by incarnation think to outwit nature and Its Creator is a false assumption because the ALMIGHTY has the power over all that is and was and will be.  

The above made me laugh as I know from science alone that what seems real and solid is merely a construct of trillions and billions and trillions of billions and so on of atoms which in themselves are pretty much empty and so the 'belief' fostered by materialism is a very shaky one and not only do all things atomic fade in the passage of time and the phrase 'and it came to pass' is the inheritance of all form, for Life in form is a transient and impermanency and one is holding to an ice cube in the hand and desperately trying to stop it melting and so to the body and those who worship the form and want to be alive forever and the beauty of youth instead of seeing the spirit that is encapsulated temporarily in the form, that ice cube heated becomes water as the form withers and then heated more becomes steam and then evaporates to nature and returns to source, so is the passage and process of all life.   

Like a wave that thinks it is separate from the ocean so the human and all visible forms think they are separate from nature and its source, so the ocean and God knows that this is not so and there is only oneness and no matter how humans try we only fool ourselves and reincarnation is only humans reinventing the wheel so to speak and until we wake up and realise this charade we are playing is just a pack of cards stacked to look balanced and yet a wind and all is gone, the lofty card building demolished in a faster than a wink of an eye.

Change can come in a twinkling of an eye and human endeavour snuffed out like the light of a candle flame and even the loftiest and most noble of endeavours can perish as the volcano, the hurricane, the earthquake take all without distinction merit or praise. The Sun shines on all and is there for all without favouritism or choice, it the human mind that makes the choice just as the beliefs that form is solid real and the quest to master matter and form utmost in many human minds and arrogantly feeling they are divorced from nature and are the masters of the Universe which some academics is a mindless matter that are stars, the Earth and planets and lo and behold when their time comes to pass and the flesh that they were so desperately trying to preserve and contain resembles a pickled fruit or vegetable and dies to itself and those who believe that there is no after life maybe surprised or have the oblivion they believe is so. Be careful for what you wish. Yes our wishes may come about sometimes and we work by strong endeavour and intention to make it so but the rub of the green so to speak may be out of sync with that of nature and though seemingly successful it may be just a wave in the passage of time and meaningless and only have meaning to the believer.  

If you believe so you become. Well I come to the crux of the laugh; when my heart and soul felt that communication of beauty I did not try to analyse and take apart the feeling, although my scientific and curiosity would have want 'how is this possible, its not logical, its not acceptable in most of society, I'll be like those who mock tree huggers, I have become aware that I catch my logical human wanting to know how it works and dissect it into pieces and so know how the conjuror did his magic and then 'ah well now I know I want to do the trick or what a let down and the child in me just wanted to be entertained and full of wonder, while the adult says 'that was clever and I wonder how he did that and then get an intellectual buzz and entertainment, after all I am an adult and children only suspend though or have little logic and discernment and get emotional and emotions are not logical and be devastating.  
What the adult assumes about emotions is that they are unruly; yes this may be so if based on brain washing and inculcation. However the one true emotion is heartfelt compassion. So the bushes and trees 'speak to me' in a common language of nature; as the smile creased my face in a widening stretch I felt that beauty, simplicity and a very ancient and yet to date gorgeous feeling of love and being loved without words or gesture, just growing in trust and knowing that their and my sustenance came from the invisible Spirit, that there life and mine was not there's and mine it was a oneness we share that life and they are and we are each others witness and move and have our being in the One and Only Life and I as a human in form felt that which natures feels and I feel totally loved, fulfilled and accepted and the beautiful garden beings taught me this not by sight, yes sight initially but by feelings and I am learning from my life partners in the garden to let go and suspend thought and join them in the oneness and that we are family.

It is because of the above that as horrible and dystopian the pandemic and virus is in my view it is only a human construct and although it may seem so real and important to those who subscribe and are inventing the so called 'Great Reset', it is a human construct which is hell bent on divorcing humans from nature and it is called, eugenics, dystopian and technocracy,

Be that as it may it will like most things out of sync with nature fall in the passage of time and there is at this time 2021 and many years before a cycle of evolution which will bring in a new era ah la nature and sweep away the human constructs and restore the harmony and unity re Universal love and family.

It is therefore my intention if I can sustain it to discontinue the blog POSTS and put my trust willingly and not forcibly as  in the above in the 'love of my garden friends and family' who will remind me to suspend and naturally surrender to the Great Spirit and trust that Divine Will, will prevail. SHACK


It will be alright tomorrow I'll do the diet and keep to it my New Years resolution I will keep to it, some do, I somehow modify it or just don't do it. Some day my luck will change and I will persevere and it will arrive. For me this never happened, I never won anything, achieved my dreams and was always told I was lazy, couldn't be bothered, lacked ambition, had high and mighty morals and ideas and some how was a failure and disappointment to my friends, family and self. 

Somehow that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow never materialised and in fact there never really was a rainbow so to speak. I realised after a few years at work, observing the world at large, listening to people and their stories at workshops and therapy sessions I presented and the police and forensics where I was employed that they were always looking into the future running after the rainbow that they perceived or had in mind, the future would herald a new way, a bright wonderful finale.

The past has gone and is a dream and seemingly it is hard to believe there was a past, this is how it feels now, I am more in the now and in the moment. Very early on I realised our programming (of course mine) was the foundation and the 'action centres' that predetermined my decisions and desires and that the agendas were my reality and of course I saw this more clearly in others and that taught me and made me aware of them in myself.

This was my future which really was my past repeated over again with a few tweaks and innovations, constant makeovers and reconfigurations that were really another disguised past and seen clearly in political agendas, the same old, same old with a new coat of paint and glossy varnish and underneath the same old, so the future was a replay a loop as in restaurants the music then goes back to tune one that is on the tape, yet because of the meal and the company it really is not to the forefront of one's attention and like the time it either goes slowly or fast according to ones pleasure or boredom. But the clock keeps its time and sometimes does not relay this to us in our preoccupations---goodness me look at the time----doesn't time drag---I am wasting time ---I've time on my hands---I've got plenty of time---I wish I had more time---time goes bye. 

This is why mundane work that is monotonous and non creative, just repetition just to earn a crust so to speak is stifling and stagnant and often leads to distraction and through stultification can lead to lethargy of spirit, mind and body and illness. 

So really there is no future it is a repeat of the past and at the most a modified version that soon becomes as stultifying as the original version. Coupled with this, this is usually ones reality, comfort zone in which are ones coping mechanisms and 'reliable' reactions be they negative or positive, well at least they are the known and in the box, no surprises here unless through shock or untoward circumstances and events, so one travels to the never ending end of the rainbow, the tomorrows, the next years and very rarely finding that pot of gold, the winning lottery ticket, the millionaire jackpot, be it financially, emotionally and in relationships and so most of life is a dismal acceptance or a compromise.

As most of life is based on brain washing and hand me downs and modified by life's experiences most of us just travel on fixed tramlines and perhaps a few daring fast trips and feel so brave at daring to step albeit ever so fleetingly outside the box and then realising the unknown is so scary and perhaps tries another set of hand me downs brain washing which then becomes the known and looked at with critique may come to be seen as the same old as before just a another religion, politic, fashion and 'in thing' and in time yesterdays high and fashion comes round again, the tight jeans for flares and so on. So there never is a future, always a dim past which we call memory and either we cherished them or put down the nasty ones.

We may then query the rainbow and realise these are our expectations; success, failure, ambitions and so on and these are based on inculcated hand me downs, parental and cultural wishes for the next generation and our parents living their failures through us and then correcting them in us as they realise a carbon copy may produce the same impediments as they have and their parents and so the never ending incarnations, the hamster wheel and the wheel of karma and dharma. The pot of gold is indeed the the future dream that never gets fulfilled, Yes it can be the fuel to keep us trying, just like the spiritual quest hoping that enlightenment is the spiritual pot of gold and meditation and self growth work the rainbow, the path and the quest. 

 There is a catch in self growth; the self as such can be the ego as in distinction to the Self. One is to dissolve the ego and its patterns, agendas and brain washing as they are mere programmes that have been pushed and conditioned into ourselves and are not original and creative, some have overcome this and are fresh and original, to be fresh it means to be energised alive and not just athletically and physically in the zone but like a cup empty and with potential.

When the mind is empty, not dull and stupid, it is in a mode of freshness because it is not cluttered with brain washed world ambition's it has freed itself from the past and has no future for the Now has become the past and future, it as if the past dreams have gone by and become dim and not the seat of references and decision making, there is no future because in the Now which is a joyous wonderous mind there is only the unfoldment of Life and there is no rainbow or goal and the pot of gold has been found which is the freedom and relinquishing of the notion that the past is the foundation in the sense of the ideas and patterns and one is now free of the past determining the future and a repeat loop. Life which is nature and the environment of nature once again like the wild of nature becomes born again in the human and instinct of the body and intuition of the mind unite and one is one with the one and all, the all and all and is a free being.