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Many years back my mentors said most of us are like gutters and we do not smell the stench because we put air fresheners over the rancid purifying crud underneath. We put disinfectants over the terrible looking and feeling smells. I bit like deodorants, wallpaper over the cracks.
When I was psychotherapist, healer, and workshop presenter I had many a person reveal their 'dark' stuff and it helped me release my own. In Forensics the massacred bodies, the blood and gore, the smells and horror can shock one and set one onto a very negative and revengeful future action. This is vastly different to workshops and therapy, in fact many police and forensic officers often need therapy but ignore it or go to drugs, sex, alcohol and sometimes commit the atrocities they have seen. In fact there can be a problem in many Police forces with racial, sexual and homophobic, LGBT and so on.
In my early days of training and my Japanese, Chinese and my own psychotherapist mentors I started to face my gutter and it is only now I am getting the remnants and owning and facing the horrors that surface after 45 years, (85 now) its not enough to acknowledge that in past lives I might have done this or that and say glibly, yes I could have been this or that and I am no better than the next person who also may have these or similar thoughts, feelings and and actions. Yet they were intellectual acknowledgement they were not properly owned.
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When in my early days I met a man who was an asylum seeker from the early Hungarian rising in 1956, he managed to become a wealthy man and deal in property, he also started and filmed a huge pornography business, I came to his home where there was a live shoot going on and it was the most graphic porn I had ever seen other than on 'blue' films. I was there on a therapy emergency call. He greeted me and some of the porn girls thought I was the new 'stud' and were trying to undress me, I had watched for some twenty minutes before he noticed me and stopped. I ran out of the house, disgusted and judgemental, later on I wished to go back and partake, I had such a sexual urge. Luckily for me I had a girlfriend and she understood my need. I lost her because I wanted to do more erotic stuff and I had to own I was as lusty as the porn stars although money became the motive after a while for them.
Then in Forensics one can wonder what goes on the mind of this rapist or murderer, this abuser, this mindless rage and blood lust, the power to control, to be master and lord. I have had soldiers and police come to therapy vastly disturbed by their urges, some were so dense and deep I had to refer them onto some psychiatrists that I trusted and their clinics, some had to be restrained in certain institutions and I have felt red anger and deep resentment, judgemental issues and had to acknowledge them own them and explore them sometimes with help so as to not let them fester and build up and then do something to harm another. I have to deal like many with my childhood issues, I was never beaten or verbally abused but ignored and never recognised and have always sought the approval and love from elsewhere, some from escort girls, some from fantasies and some from my own rule of thumb and mind agendas, the disciplines, the prayers, the pleading to God, the lack of self worth and confidence and thank goodness I am dealing and owning them deeply and not just 'well we all like this, this is the the human condition, its been like this since humanity stepped on Earth, its all in the holy bibles you know'.
Forgiveness |
Redemption; the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. Absolution; formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment. Exoneration; the action of officially absolving someone from blame; vindication. Exculpate; show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing.
Do all these above get at the real emotional seed. The guilt the switch on the replay button to make one feel wrong, sinned and blamed and yet looking into guilt it can fester and the replays get worse and then build up and cause a trauma, an act of harm and often looked into with skill and listening only to find it was an imposed duty, a brain washed sin of a religion or cult and the naked natural mind intuits harm and compassion. Other psychological aspects could be treated as such. I knew a very well known consultant psychiatrist who was used by royalty, the police and Military and we discussed the above and he glibly said' look old boy you read too much into it we are all like this and once we know it we can do something about it' He was found to be hiding and abusing two teenagers in imprisoning them for many years and he had raped several other teens of both sexes, when I went to see him in the mental ward, he said, ' well old boy we're all like that'. Yes we are if we do not own it and explore and find help if needed.
I am always owning my stuff and yet it seems endless, however we have to look into life styles that feed the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain, the limbic brain, the neocortex brain and the emerging Frontal lobe which in the future will be fully named binaural Brain of the Homo energetica Spiritulana ( Homo Luminous).
SHACK aka Geoff