Wednesday, 5 February 2025


Courtesy Quote Fancy 1

 To some Eastern Masters this may be an asset and should you have read my previous articles I write about 'no mind' and the inculcation processes that lead to a loss of identity psychologically speaking and finding out who you are without a definite identity. I have referred to this as 'nowhere to hang your hat'.

When we suffer a loss be it a job, health, a relationship we may feel a hole and a chip is missing in 'the memory bank' which is my personality and ego collective. I begin to doubt who am I without the loss, I become less and yet living and exploring that loss and the hole it left behind so to speak and just resting in the hole that seems so blank, a void so daunting and unfamiliar may have surprising results, one may find a peace in that space and the dark night of dread may give way to an extraordinary sort of 'empty'  mind so to speak and that perceived loss is seen as an attachment to form in which everything perishes and the clinging to that form be it beliefs or or so called tangible structures causes pain of attachment to that which the Universe teaches is impermanent and transient like a dream seemingly so real and vanishes and is forgotten in time and some wish or strain to get the dream back and its meaning.

So the edge of mind maybe the content of the mind and its juxtaposition and juggling of the content seems fresh and a new life and yet like the furniture in a room maybe changed round or new furniture added in a refurbishment it is the space of room that is always there, even if extreme cluttering is enforced. So the mind is always empty of content which some may seem as stupid, ignorant but that space is the real you and is there for form to arise or the room to fill, take away the walls and that space is still there, it is consciousness without thought and one is not a local imprisoned mind in a mind that really does not exist, a room of furniture that is a temporary construct to either exist for a persons lifetime or move to a new place and in the end all goes to an impermanent existence. 

Should one be able to enjoy the room and its content and move on without attachment or needing the furniture (content of mind, beliefs, agendas and so on) and become so attached as to become addictive to them and so form an identity which one tries desperately to have forever and realising in an awakening that this identity is just content and is or can be changeable and like a dog chasing its tail, its really an illusion and like the magicians trick no matter how real one thinks it is it was merely a sleight of hand. Perhaps that is what we are all here for to sort out the sleight of hand for -----? 

So falling of the edge of mind is really seeing the illusion of the content of mind and madness that is feared is because the content of the data in the mind has not the answers to reality and who one is, that is a breakdown of ego content, the computer ran  out of memory and sort rapidly through the data and it did not match anything therein or thereout,
 so suicide, depression, violence or shutdown with perhaps extreme pursuit of distractions may follow to drown the pain and it will be a shadow and one may forever be looking over one's shoulder to imaginary pursuer which was the content of the mind in one of its upgrades or juggling endeavours to make a reality and be forever safe. 


Tuesday, 4 February 2025



Courtesy  Stock Cake 1 

Imagine and feel that you are an ice cube and that is your present incarnation and in that cube is stored you present life's experiences, with graphic memories of the high's and low's and that you are full and vibrant or depressed and sunken beneath some unknown fear or a heavy pressing overbearing weight. Perhaps you are riding high or contemplating suicide or into heavy addiction and distraction anything to bury or ease the pain of living. Then feel the sides of the cube interrelating and interfacing to those near and dear or alone and isolated, whatever your circumstance endeavour to see your journey so far.

As our  lives move on the ice cube is melting and losing its shape of course the ice would melt quickly as to compared the analogy as to our body and also depicting the relationships regarding the elapse of time and its disparities. The interfaces may change and if the cubes were in a bowl they would interface at differing angles as the melt progresses which may by analogy mean changes in relationships.

For those with hard and fast rules, disciplines and beliefs they might endeavour to stop the melting and refuse to lose shape and content. They might fear mortality and even fight the process of death and gradual dying. And some who see that the thoughts and content of their minds are but inherited and inculcated and conditioned and realise their 'brain washed' content and that it is mere thought and conditioning and feel the cube is real as life goes on this planet and has rules of engagement and are content to hold very little of the content as possible and furthermore they realise that their journey maybe to find another 'level' of content and they may awaken to a deeper fundamental consciousness which does not rely on the content of thought and the melting process, this is the process of natural evolutionary procedure and they are merely following increments and steps to no thought in fact steps to nowhere. 

Courtesy Shutters Stock 2

They accept they are a temporary form arsing in this space ( consciousness) and the formless nature in which they tasted through the awareness of stillness is Life and that is their true nature. The so called empty mind the 'no mind' is not the cube and their identity with the cube or their body is a natural process and the melting is leading them to the unknown, the nothingness, the empty atom is a step into the unknown and they realise they were not afraid of the unknown but were clinging to known that is the analogy of the cube to the body and they can let go of the cube without fear or trepidation and accept and live without identity in the embrace of the still silent space of Being.

We become conscious of our true nature beyond thought and the so called thoughtless nature of no form or content, we become self aware of ourselves as indeed the Universe is.


Saturday, 1 February 2025



Is there such a thing as reality? Have a look at the you tube video above. It is suggested that it maybe simulated?

My view is that words in the video as all words are ideas passed down from theory to theory and it is all taught and on borrowed or upgraded ideas. So I feel that our minds manufacture or manifest mind patterns into beliefs so as to make it real and sort of solid, sort of safe and sort of, sort of.  This all comes back to inculcation which is the persistent repetition of ideas and data which are instilled in the mind, in fact mind maybe because of the data, the data moves on and some believe it so vehemently that it becomes a belief that in some is so water tight as to be a life long platform that life and death is the foundation for all thought and action.

I feel that our inculcated ideas, agendas and beliefs form our reality, it is just a mind game and is just a virtual simulation as real as virtual reality and A1 will enhance the fantasies of reality and lead us further into the world on non reality trying to prove it is reality. 


I offer another view of the Video above; The first of many was Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877-1946) and he stated 'The Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.

— James Jeans, The Mysterious Universe[18]

In a 1931 interview published in The Observer, Jeans was asked if he believed that life was an accident or if it was, "part of some great scheme." He said that he favoured, "the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness," going on to suggest that, "each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind." Courtesy Wikipedia (He was a physicist, mathematician and astronomer)

I was evicted from UNI over my views on consciousness and creative intelligence. I was not surprised it was not mentioned in 

the video, although all the mind games hinted at it.