Saturday, 10 June 2017



The book said everyone or nearly everyone thought fasting was dangerous, my doctor shuddered. I had been missing breakfast for years and sometimes lunch or having lunch and not dinner.  I did not know this was fasting it just felt good.

Now I am following regular periods of fast and so far I am well. The fast lasts 42 hours.  There are recommended specifics like 12 hr, 24 hr, 36 hr , 42 hr and 3 to 7 days.

After the 42 hrs one gently breaks the fast with some light food, mainly vegetables (very small less than a handful or salad or a couple of spoons of nut butter) proceeded by a long drink of water and water after the snack, some half hour or one hour later a meal. The meal should be high quality fat (eggs, avocado, organic butter, ghee, some chicken salad and vegetables and no carbohydrates like bread, pasta, cake, rice, potato, so it is low carb, moderate protein, high fat { no vegetable oils as fat}).

The results so far for me have been great and I feel ever so well. Mind you I have only just begun.  I tried overloading with food after one session and oh boy, the carbs were a reminder how they clog one up, this is also a sugar free diet, although technically one is not dieting, because there is an absence of food.

I am getting comfortable with not eating much even when breaking the fast. It would seem to most that I am starving myself. Starvation is when there is no food available and one is under stress, fasting is voluntary and one can eat whenever because there is a ready food supply available. 

Our early ancestors had to hunt or gather and often went without food and I have a feeling that with so much food available with supermarkets and so on, we tend to eat more, so this makes the demand for an expanding population who want three meals a day, put the farmers, by the demand to grow more.  The tendency may arise to produce foods with additives, preservatives to promote shelf life, to use fillers and other connivances to fulfill the demand or even start genetically engineer plant genetics to make the plants yield more and be resistant to predation by insects.  

This tampering and tinkering with the crops we eat and animals when it starts to be part of the food chain sets up an anomaly with our bodies which do not recognize this additional 'information'  as fitting the gut and indigestion, so the body feels it is waste and although we may feel full and satiated we are actually undernourished--- a well fed nation and malnourished.

So I save money fasting in a way, yet can afford the more expensive foods which I can purchase in small quantities,  however that is not the issue, do not have to cook, however, good water, tea(green is my choice) some say black coffee(I tried this in one session----and I nearly feinted and pulse raced) there are things one can add to the water and tea, coconut, apple cider vinegar, lemon no honey or sweeteners.  When the fast period is over and one wants a change there is an intermittent fast do the gentle fast breaker and then have two small meals four to six hours apart.

There are many advantages and I am hoping this will continue, I am in my late seventies and wonder if I have started too late, however the benefits I feel for whatever years I have left would be a bonus.


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