Wednesday, 20 December 2017


Image Courtesy of The Daily Mail

Before you came to Earth it may be important to reflect on the following; who were you before you were conceived? You were not even a single cell until your parents had intercourse and the egg in your mother’s womb was fertilised by your father’s sperm.

Then the single cell divided sixty four times and so began the foetus and still were you conscious of you as a little being, you then grew and responded to people outside the womb, you were a consciousness without logic, determination of will and your simple mind was clear and bright.

When you came into the world you had no religion, culture or knowledge.  You became a religious or non religious being by being taught you were a  this or that religion or cultural predilection.

So all the religious and non religious wars be they political or inherited are in one’s consciousness unnaturally, we were all brain washed by tradition and culture, our upbringing maybe the result of wars, conflict and domination.

What would happen if we all dropped our conditioning, our religion and culture?  Most would say anarchy and survival of the fittest.  Perhaps we are seeing today a melting pot as the world is in chaos, each religion, politic, race and culture is vying to dominate to be the top to rule, do it my way and we will live in peace.

Could we not agree for those who are religious that God is the Creator of all and everything?  For those who are not God fearing then The Universe spawned us all from a ‘big bang’ or from an Unknown Source?

Since God is invisible and not a human form and the Universe so large and the non God fearing do not know the real origin of Life are we not seeing both are unknown’s, both invisible origin’s are left to the individual to feel and know what is right.  But perhaps the individual is conditioned to believe their ways are right, maybe one needs deep contemplation, deep thinking and not be biased.  It is hard for those who entrenched in a way taught by history and zest to break with their beliefs and yet maybe the shedding of these may lead to peace.  Maybe the Source of Life put us and here to figure this out and realise the Fountain Of Life is beyond any reasoning and logic, so shedding and shredding these concepts which are all inadequate when one delves into the vastness of space and the galaxies and perhaps to turn to the baby mind which is open, full of wonder, inquisitive and sensitive and perhaps we could be as adults wise loving child like and realise we all came from a common source and as such are cousins and family.

One Life, One Destiny and one Source, a world that works for everyone everywhere.


Sunday, 17 December 2017


After a physical workout there is a feeling of well being, a body machine humming along, and endorphins racing around. Joints, muscles and all seem well greased and oiled.

After a satisfying meal there is a feeling of well being and emotional fulfillment, well fed, hunger abated and all is well with the world.

After a deep meditation and breathing in that hara / dantien way that happens when one is in deep repose of meditation there is a feeling that the meridians, organs and the subtle energy bodies are being nourished and in particular a feeling of buzzing and humming as if the trillions of cells are feeding and sucking in vital life force, the chi and kundulini as if there is a vacuum and nature is rushing to fill it with its love and generosity. It is the missing ingredient in holistic and total energy food.

Food for the body as in exercise, food in the form of eating nutritious substances and food as life force which maintains the subtle bodies and is the substrate from which all life evolves.  Those subtle bodies, the fine auric and etheric silky energies arise from the emptiness that is space, the very space of the Universe, that ocean that all forms float in be they planets, stars, humans and all life itself.  All life lives and moves in this beingness of total everything.

Does a fish know it is swimming in water? Or do humans know they are moving in oxygen and air?  The fish and we take it for granted, it is only when the fish gasps out of water and in the net, and we get short of breath that we appreciate our environment.

The fountain of Life is a mystery it seems to be invisible and like energy the effect and affects are witnessed by its manifestation in form and yet that substrate lies silent, hidden and yet dynamic.



Truly going within (inside) is also going outside (without).

This is concerning turning ones gaze inwards to observe the mind and turning ones gaze to the outside vista to the world of form and associated with solid formations.

Inward gazing is related to the world of thoughts, images, emotions and subtle nuances, this is still a form but comprises of a more refined subtle energy.

Outside gazing is a world of images in the form of more compact dense energy of a slower frequency and vibration.

Both the inner and outer are energies and frequencies held together in a matrix of magnetic thought field  of beliefs formulated by cultural influences, religion, politics and general life experiences.

In meditation inner and outer gazing or awareness become one and there is the sense that all is pure mind, an empty dynamic that does not have direction or containment. It is thought that defines and gives boundaries, a circumference and limitation, no matter how expansive the mind or lofty its inspirations.  Furthermore one has the sense of ‘something arriving, arising from the emptiness of the Self' and not the frantic or even quiet logic of the intellect, one lives in the state of relaxed awareness, one is thoughtless awareness without effort and reminding one to be so. This is also not from the cogs and wheels of the past accrued in the vault and library of the past.

The vault and library have their place in the way and order of things and are the tools of everyday living in the cogs and wheels of technology in the era of evolution and history but are not the master and the main focus.  There is another that deserves that title.



Skip Prichard

Many people who know me have commented that I have a lack of self confidence and I would agree with them.  Despite all the workshops, the clinics, the one to one's, the football, the martial arts and so on there is a background of lack of confidence.  My mojo definitely takes a dip at times.

Many have criticized me for not being ambitious that is true as well I have never seen the point in material success beyond comfortable for those things that rust and decay and leave one hankering after the next 'goodie' and the for some the constant striving to be top of the pile, the top banana, the man, the boss, the governor and that's OK and I am not jealous or denying their achievement, although in some cases it can rob the environment and nature and cause distinct disharmony.

For me self confidence comes in two stances or layers.  Self confidence in ones intellect, physical achievements, prowess and mental gymnastics can diminish with age and yet can be looked back with pride at the certificates and trophies and yet bring a tinge of regret and loss.

Then there is the confidence of letting go and allowing a sort of laid back approach, feeling that this confidence stems from a greater intellect, prowess and mentality. It is the inner ability to create an inner space as it were in order to facilitate the flow of this invisible energy source to enter into ones life. A confidence of being able to trust the Universal Life Force and all that it brings.  I call this SELF CONFIDENCE and the physical self .

Physically I am not the strongest and never have been, a very sickly child and later on a moderate physical strength, this I had to compensate with technique and mental agility and that often left me.  I can say I was always a consistent second best or runner up third.  I was always someones deputy, had their back as they say, loyal and often a stickler for the rules. Emotionally fragile at times and never good socially, had very few girlfriends and mates and was and am a loner. 

Someone once said of me I was a successful failure, and I am glad of that bestowed title, for all the failures of the material world (self confidence) I made up for in the inner world of space and meditation(SELF CONFIDENCE).

In a way my near death experience in 1942 'ruined' my material life, I new of another world or realm and it was to my understanding so beautiful, peaceful and fulfilling that I always hankered after going back there, wherever there is, so the material world was not on for me, I was not interested in study only in the unknown and so my Sensei and Sifu with Zen Buddhism as the background to the arts was only confirming to me what I felt and thought, all is expedient, transitory, illusionary, dreamlike and then my skirmishes with Quantum stuff, physics and forensics further confirmed this view.  The corpses in forensics and depraved minds of the horror therein, then physics and its ever changing theories, culminating in quantum stuff of 99.99% of materialism is empty and so why grasp at .01% of seeming reality of ---what? 

This is not to say I am introverted, self absorbed(only in the invisible space of meditation) depressed or mentally feel inferior(at one point in my life I felt awkward socially and mentally inferior to academics and physically inferior to athletes, many young ladies frightened me and I was often bullied) then I realized that these things past with time, I witnessed many older people envying their youth and past and couldn't find a hobby or relationship and just distracted by TV, alcohol and such.  I then saw academics who had their degrees and lived on their past achievements, all of this I felt was transient, expedient and in someways dreams and illusions.  I began to realize that for me I had found something that lasts, does not perish and is meaningful to the soul. I no longer felt a loss of confidence or inferior for I had not the pride of ambition, nor the desire for material success and was not a failure or lazy or self motivated------I had found the relationship I sought-----I had found the traces of the SELF and this relationship grows and never diminishes----yes it has its setbacks at times, however it is always there and is renewing and rewarding without any visible external signs, say but feeling content and perhaps a cheerful demeanor. 



Before one is born there are no rings of commitment one is what one is. A Zen koan 'show me your face (or who you were) before you were born'? 

When one is born and commences to be brain washed or to be more delicate---educated and taught one might use the analogy of the ring as above, the magicians ring that mysteriously detaches and attaches.  The ring here is the cultural, religious, political and depending how well the dogmatism has been then one is hooked and joined for one's life, the ring being humanly and fleshly broken by death.  There is a belief that the dogmas carry on in matrix magnetic form which by the law of magnetism and resonance can be inserted back into a fetus.  However be that as it may the ring then joins other rings around the globe by the belief system and experiences therein.

One may fight to defend one's chain of rings, the family, the religion, the land and so on even to death, loyalty, honor and pride dictate this.

 Then along comes one who thinks, contemplates, ruminates and begins to question and perhaps comes to the conclusion that stiffly held beliefs within the rings leads to a kind of dogma and one can become so entrenched in this that one's view of life becomes narrow and defensive, it becomes the fortress and security and has very definitive boundaries.  This when challenged can lead to war and separation. One might fight and go to unreasonable means to hold on tightly, so tight it may crack under the strain. 

Then there is another challenge.  Perhaps going outside the rings the chains of conditioning one might become a threat to all chains, these nets of beliefs may come after such a rebel.  So one may become marginalized and ostracized and one has to be strong to survive this.

Perhaps there is a place or another chain like oneself and then the ring of nonconformity is formed, or perhaps one can go beyond that.  This is a stand alone, not lonely but alone, for one can perhaps arrive as it were at the mind of 'who were you before you were born' and then where are the rings and chains?  And more to the point who are you?





I don't know anymore just sliding off the edge of reality.  What reality---man made agreements and compromises shaped by politics, religion a kind of madness and attempts to justify anything that is concomitant and commensurate to its belief system.  It can become dangerous because any opposition to its predilection creates terror and warfare, win at all costs----what is reality?

When one realizes that reality is all man made, that its man made, a bible, a statute book, laws and lawyers argue the point in law at the cost of justice.  What then is reality it doesn't make sense anymore only to those who believe it, what is Life you could say an animal lives life properly, it doesn't have the sophistication and connivance, the moral  justification, the law enforcement, that so called 21st century people make, the mad, mad, mad world the mechanizations and as I look at this made up idealism I feel I am sliding of the edge of this craziness.

You could say that sliding off of all the reality is madness or suicidal or depression, not taking responsibility, opting out, being disillusioned, or leaving all that behind and to conjecture that there is only a dark black hole with loneliness and annihilation or could be enlightenment, satori, nirvana, The Kingdom Of Heaven, this is beyond all understanding, so this might be the only place to go.

One does not go anywhere, one just gives up all beliefs one slides of the edge of the realities created by man but not that of the Universe, and yet one might think the Universe or the Creator of the Universe be the Unknown it is beyond any reality that man has made, beyond all understanding and yet the ego fights like mad, it sees its own demise, it sees its ending its funeral and so as it fights it causes a smoke screen, a confusion, divisive and cunning. It becomes subtle, a madness, something one cannot grasp, it is then unknown and the ego cannot stand not being in charge and the unknown becomes its greatest challenge---the ego must make the unknown known.

So the battle rages on, and one can feel that one is losing one's mind, and the mind is only an illusion it doesn't exist it is only composed of the beliefs and thoughts within it, without these there is only awareness or insanity----ones choice.  Perhaps there is no such thing as anything what then is there---ah thats the mystery.

Can one be brave enough to slide off of all known and unknown reality and that cloud that hangs and glides silently and beguilingly at the back of the mind that whispers and and sends an erotic sense of ones identity, personality and persona------Shack-ness, Geoff--ness everybody-ness, these are all human forms that disappear and one may ask, who were they in essence this great emptiness that is full of the unknown and actually holds everything, every probability and possibility waiting to be discovered and be known, only to be a temporary form of reality, an illusion from the unknown to disappear again and so all reality is temporary and transient at the most.

This naked truth stares one in the face and says in a loud voice---can you slide off of the edge of reality of the known into the reality of the unknown?  Thats the question-----and is there an answer?

When the known becomes known to make more known it has to become unknown again(Shack)

Monday, 4 December 2017


Cosmic Intelligence Agency

Gently bouncing on the rebounder, a soft melodic rhythmic knee bend and heels dug in, nowhere near jumping, gazing without anything in mind at the trees, lawn, sky and birds and the occasional squirrel, there is no memory, no past and I am awareness without focus and yet alert, dynamic and yet still.

Then suddenly a fear thought 'what if you are losing your mind' and a sharp reminder the sentinel of the ego is endeavoring to gain control and it is abundantly clear the ego rules by fear and cajoling the senses into a false sense of security.  Indeed to lure the senses and distract them to rely on the ego's collective experience and its interpretation of the event and rearrange the graphics of them into its own agenda and justification.

Then a realization, a soft reminder, all is well and that the 'space' vacated by the ego is filled with an intelligence in the form of awareness and is greater than I, that I will be aware and remember what is needed for the sufficiency and efficacy for the action needed.  

All is very, very well indeed.



There is a view that the Astral Sheath cocooning ones physical body, although the physical body may seem solid it is just a denser form of atoms compacted together and held in a magnetic morphic resonance field and strong millennia of intention.

There are other sheaths that exist and research will show one what they are and they are sometimes connected to the Chakra's . Then there is the discussion where the Chakra are situated and how many also the nadis in Yoga and the meridians in Qi gong and so on.

However here the astral sheath is said to surround the body and an umbrella of it above the head. It is said to be colourful and is the seat of glamour and attraction to sensual, celebrity and power through glorification.

It has a kaleidoscope quality and seeks out thoughts that are of its nature and to increase its sheath capacity.  It is very powerful and uses seduction and ramping up the senses. It hedonistic propensities are indeed the sirens call to materialistic and sensual excess.

The media such as cinema, video games, TV, computer all sorts of electronic devices are showing in high definition, massive screens and the quality of the screens and definition so real and extraordinarily vivid.

The glamour of being a 'star', the celebrity ethos has ruined and made some lives, lives devastated but not reaching the desired outcome and those who made it to their ambitions and dreams.

However this can translate to the battlefield where the conquering hero is the target of the dream, all the above is just a Group Manifested Agreement and most of the population firmly glued to its sticky pernicious sheath, a mantle that covers the Earth and reaches into space beyond.

It is the awareness of meditation or the alert observer that one can be tangible aware of this sheath and realise it is not of me that is the real me and so can cut through incisively and be centred in the clear dynamic awareness of reality, furthermore realising the dream like quality of temporal life with its companion the illusion and so lead a life free from anxiety and overwrought desire.

Google Imgaes


world food fashion

Hi Quantum

Hi Quantum

I am so pleased to meet ourselves

You see all arises from Me to You and You To Me

We are ourselves

We must be conscious for how else could we experiencing this?

In that case we must be Intelligent, creative and well -----Eternal

Hey I say we say steaddy on

Why are we eternal?

Well its a mystery of who are we and how we got here

Where is here?

Oh we are a nuisance asking such things

And whats more this mystery seem unsoveable 

We mean, I mean, you mean, a mystery, a koan, a riddle a puzzle?

Yes this is what we mean, you mean or is it I mean ?

It seems all consuming and confusing

To know our origins we will have to keep talking to ourselves

And if it wasn't for the mystery we might not go on living

For the Mystery is the Essence and Foundation Of Life

See as the mystery cannot ever be solved it goes on for ever and ever and we are curious to find it and solve it

So you see for ever and ever is Eternal

See I, you, we, told us were are eternal

Don't be facetious

By the way --How did we get the name Quantum?

Thats another Mystery or are they both the same?


SHACK 192 I AND i or i AND I

windows central















from Shack

The passage of Earthly time, the years gone by can have an advantage. Through seeming loss it can provide and compensate for a gain not often sought after.

 As the body slows down just a trifle getting a little sluggish and stiff, it can afford one the opportunity to slowly withdraw from the senses. This is not becoming docile, senile, depressed or lack lustre or idiocy.

The outside world that is composed of the senses does not have the same attraction although a residue of the pull of the attraction may still be there, the urge for physical fulfilment gives way to something more significant.

Rather than just a hobby, watching sport, delighting in family, one may per chance discover a deep repose and relaxation even meditation.  Here one can find an inner world, not withdrawal or living in fantasy or unfulfilled wish day dreaming inner or outer as it were, and it just becomes a combination of inner awareness and outer awareness of the physical senses and it simply becomes awareness.  Indeed in deep repose and relaxation one can have a sense, a deep feeling that the body has its origin from that inner so it seems calm and Being.

There seems to be no perceptual thought, for this is the experience of the utter calm and is the realm of pure feeling without imagination and does not include emotional, physical, psychological, mental phenomena and it is not definable but is definitely feel-able.

In this quietness and deep relaxed repose one can sometimes feel a kind of ‘gentle buzzing’ as if the tiny atoms and particle were and are popping in an out of the void, like sparklers, the void it is assumed being the quantum ‘realm’ the field and fountain of Life.

It is in surrendering to this peaceful state and letting the body rest, that one can sense a renewal and replenishing. The nourishment of the soul.  It is the communication of the bodily intelligence and indeed the intelligence of the Universe ‘whispering to one’ it is feeling whisper.

Here everything arises from the void, the matrix, the womb of creation, it is the never ending or beginning, it is the eternal, the infinite, it is indeed the fount of life.

Be Still and become one with that Eternity.  For all creation rises and falls out of and into the Ocean Of Being.