Wednesday, 15 August 2018


Stop getting in the Way of Supply

Why limit abundance by personal motive and agenda

Who do we think we are that we can limit limitless endless Supply?

Such is the arrogance of human kind

We hinder ourselves because we think we know better and endless joy and supply passes us by and it never ceases

Let go and let flow an old cliché yet it is in its simplicity that all there is to do.



The preserves at the Bay Club

Who knows what the Universe has in mind. Stars, planets, comets, Suns, Moons humans, animals, plant life, birds, fish, mountains, bacteria and all these will come and go in the cycles and rhythms  of time.

Evolution seems to thrive on birth sustaining the birth to maturity and then death.  Then a new form appears completely and yet is still slightly recognisable from its previous ancestor, a refining process is at work here and to what end, which is one of the countless mysteries of cosmic play. 

The Universe is a box of tricks and when scientists, theologians and philosophers pronounce a theory that is unshakeable and irrefutable it says ‘really!’ and an unexpected result appears as if the Universe were teasing and delighting Itself and us, this is true entertainment, new and original.

Just when you think you have it, you haven’t and when you haven’t got it, you have got it, can anyone say what 'it' is?

So the Universe is a treasure trove, a cornucopia of delights-----are we ready to let go and enjoy the bounty.


SHACK 307 EMPTY? hmmm

Trusting the emptiness that is the aware bright mind pure of substance and thought is a joy because the fun of expectation and who knows what that empty dynamic space will bring forth. It is trust in Life. Life from the ‘no mind’ so perceived inner world that is limitless in its possibilities and probabilities so why limit it from the already known which are one’s Earthly chattels and goods with one’s library of conditioned programmes stored in memory.

Allow the mighty Universe to bring forth its wonders and be like an excited child wondering what gifts and what they are when Santa Claus of the Void brings along miracles, journeys, peace of mind and you may never exhaust the  supply------only get out of the way of the flow, do not block the channel.



'Better the devil you know than another one'

'Jump from the frying pan into the fire'

'May you be in heaven five minutes before 
the Devil finds out your dead'

'Never walk under a ladder or scaffold
It brings bad luck'

'Always wear clean underwear in case 
you have an accident'

You know it takes courage to let go 
of superstition and cultural ethos

Maybe in letting go of the fear 
A new dimension opens

By fearing the warnings we may create them 

Looking under the bed to see if an attractive person is hiding there
and disappointed when they are not
We often use deceptive and double meanings that blind us
to reality 

Lives are lived in fear when there is often nothing to fear

Maybe letting go fear that is to say not being be rash and impulsive

May bring that which has eluded us

The keys to the vault of Eternity beckons to the fearless. 




Go naked into the Unknown

For expecting what you expect

Makes it the Known again

Let the Unknown present the Unexpected 

This way life is ever enchanting



How do you know the Unknown isn't safe?

There may be surprises and wonder galore

Can you leap off of the the edge of the familiar 

You may never know what may happen

It maybe fulfillment

and then again

  Can you give chance a chance 



You Tube

The familiar is safe

The unknown not safe

For there is more in the Unknown 
than the Known

Have you tried it yet?

Its tricky isn't it?




When you think its over 

Its just begins

And when it begins 

Its all over

What a funny person you are !!!



When the dream ends 

Life begins

The dream ends on awakening 

Life never ends

Only in delusion does one think so

So ever lasting Life is just that 
Ever lasting

Try figuring that out

Dreaming again eh!



The Fountain Of Life

I watch the TV, I get into fantasy, I read the book -- who is this I?

Then something other than 'I' an ancient original feeling at the back of the screen of my mind where all of the above is projected and taken and seen as real.

This something is like an ancient distant call, a familiar yet not fully understood, it is like a gentle call, a whisper barely heard or discerned and is beckoning the awareness back to itself and let its gaze not be seduced by the clamour and glamour and to let it just unfurl and the focussed intensity on the hallucinating graphics of the false illusion reality release its tight grip and the unfocussed awareness come home to Itself.

The call is the call of the true self and homecoming to peace and what is reality without definition or substance and yes it is the Source.


Energy is Life. Energy is Consciousness. Energy is a movement of Consciousness. Waves frequencies and vibrations are the movement of Consciousness and are the thoughts of Consciousness they are living vibrating entities and these vibrations are life. (SHACK)


Garden Lovers Club











Familiar places, memories and habits give one an identity, we feel safe, it is known and when something unexpected comes along that is threatening it challenges the security and status quo and a looming crises arising on the horizon.

On examining closely in an unbiased observation one may come to the conclusion that habits and routines which can form from disciplines and beliefs are not a real identity because they rely on stored memory and as such are merely just a thought not a solid foundation and flimsy at most. 

Since thought can be manipulated and persuaded then ones identity becomes fluid and not substantial, it seems that identity hangs precariously on just a thought or sequences of them.

Thoughts have to form around a pivot, a core and this is formed in ones early years and modified. It is in questioning these core beliefs and realising that every culture, religion and customs of the region or country brain wash or condition one so one feels this country or place is ‘in my blood’. Then a realisation it is all marketing and an advertising campaign and one believes ones own publicity. Like the pop star, the footballer and celebrity who when they lose their status and fan club which gave them their identity, they sometimes go into depression and withdrawal, some people who spend forty years in a job and retire can feel lost and lonely, they are counselled to get a hobby, join a club and so their loss of identity with the job, in fact the job was their identity, then moves on to the bowls club, the hobby and when death beckons another challenge to the identity---who will I identify with on passing away from this body and Earth Life?

‘Here today and gone tomorrow’ ‘The King is dead long live the King’.  Looking further into this conundrum we can perhaps begin to realise that identity and reality fashioned out this is a shifting sands scenario and it can be seen as a kind of dream, an illusion, a sort of an elongated dream which ends in death or swapping one dream for another, yet in the end death swallows this up as well.

Familiarity assumes the role of the known.  Familiar is safe and known the unknown is not, maybe the unknown has bad press.

The unknown can provide an opportunity to examine and expose the known for what it is. The threat that the unknown offers is a chance to realise that emptiness when the dream shatters, which maybe the unknown presenting itself as chaos and the dark looming void, the gap and blank most of us desperately try to avoid could be a chance to explore this void and actually if looked at without the background belief system, a sort of suspending thought and replacing it with alert unbiased attention, one may find that the void offers something unique there is an energy and dynamic in it.

Some who have embraced the gap, the void and 'no mind' have found they are not a dumb inert vagabond and a derelict mindless jester and although there is no such identity one is free and some have exclaimed wonderful. Wonderful may not have a form and is felt to be sufficient unto the day as it were.

Realising that this emptiness is not blank or dead, boring and useless in life that in fact one has awoken from the dream of countless false illusions which have at their core a facet called identity, so awakening is merely waking up from the dream of dreaming which breeds a false identity---one has the identity of no identity and that’s more than OK.

The known is limited in its content the unknown is pure potential and is unlimited.

Are you going to fill the gap with more ‘stuff’ or leave it to the emptiness to bring forth spontaneous appropriateness?


Thursday, 2 August 2018


As this is typed which is the year 2017 and the month June 30 the world news is a tome of disaster, confusion and violence.

The shattered buildings epitomise the shattered lives, horrific injuries and refugees trapped by borders living in tents where thieves, rapist and opportunists share the camp and many arriving in Western havens turn to crime and are hated. Attacks in Western Cities by knifing, mowing down people with vehicles and so on, meanwhile the West bombs everything in its site leaving just rubble and chaos.

Politics and policies change daily with shock results; those that want to go back to the past, those that want reform and those just out for power.

It is clear that all the old ways do not work and serve anymore and yet no one politician is brave enough to come out of the debt economy, rape of the planet, chemical- sing and polluting. For sure some want to give free energy, energy medicine and clean food and water and with transport being run on fusion and magnet technology, some of these are threatened, blocked and killed.

The populace feels the urge for freeing up the world and humanity, they have a choice to do what they can to live a new way but are hampered by the greedy profit only politicians and fanatic religious leaders and so a violent protest is often seen beaten back by law enforcement officers who catch the mood of frustration and forget their humanity and beat up the public and their bosses endorse it for fear of anarchy.

Many people go to work to bolster up failing economies or join the armed forces to smash down any trouble.  The jobs are often boring and only just pay the mortgage and food bills with robots coming to replace them in many places so some individuals reflect the shattered rubble cities and their lives in tatters in bits and pieces, domestic violence, child abuse, broken homes, debt and austerity, whilst many wealthy people live in outlandish luxury and cause bitterness and jealousy in the less well off.

There are many resignations from high office, corruption and fraud, unscrupulous landlords and local councils deprived of money and make stringent cuts to vital services.

Many are faced with severe problems and doctors are prescribing more anti depressant tablets, the opiates and other drugs with far reaching side effects.  Many who cannot afford recreational drugs as it were overdose on prescription ones.

Who will save us, will the Messiah’s return, where is the Knight in Shinning White Armour?  When these saviours do not turn up and we get frustrated and lose all hope we do not know where to turn.

Of course it easy to say practise Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Pilate's, go to the Gym, listen to soothing music, take hot bathes, eat nourishing food and take supplements of course you must meditate. Many in severe conditions would not see this as good advice and could not afford it either.

It feels as though this is a purging of years and years of tyranny and abuse, the collective unconscious is full and it is purifying and detoxing itself, the puss is pouring out of the collective abscess, the boil and tumour of the world collective ethos.  

Our skies are full of aeroplanes that pour poison on us, the food is chemicalised and all the rest, this is the chemical equivalent to noxious thoughts and emotions, stifled over the years by oppression and torture.

When faced with two decisions and one cannot decide do the third. The mind then comes to a halt; there is a blank, what is the third? Instead of trying to logically try and search for an alternative, rest in the blank as it were, relax into it, let the searching mind quieten down, breathe and relax, look into the body and mindfully relax any tension and stiffness, then rest and be quiet and still.

To be sure of hitting the target wherever your arrow falls call it the target.  When your arrow lands draw a circle around it and you always have a bull’s eye.

What now then; go out and fire some arrows-----cheeky.


news info

These pictures portray and symbolise the dilemma we find today many minds in chaos and rubble searching vainly for the past that was contained in them.  Who will build them a new home and a new mind. Yes a building may house them again but who will build a new mind and make this mind refreshed and whole. SHACK


Tech News

When one elects to go into the journey of self growth, inner knowledge and leave the road of certainty and proven ways of living and safety there is a refining process that inevitably takes place. Sometimes conventions are forsaken and one has to navigate the byways and highways of life and paths well trodden by others.

Often this is called the Quest very few guidelines are there as one’s path is unique and one has to develop an intuition that is not made of logic and built up of life experiences, this intuition is outside the box of academic intelligence and is more in the realm of feeling.

Feeling can be memory and this has to be looked at carefully as the mind can produce fools intuition which has an impulsive feel to it and other tests which one learns on the way.

During the course of the quest some method or discipline is embarked upon, in fact maybe several until one finds the discipline of no discipline. In the process one refines the mind, body and all related to the quest. One inevitably refines the nervous system and it can feel like the body and mind is like jelly, they reverberate like a bell.  The nervous system gets to be like the spiders web, the consciousness being the spider and the slightest vibration attracts it. At first the system reacts and is sensitive to its new found space of living. Of course there is ego sensitivity that reacts because it has been challenged.

As the quest continues the sensitivity is balanced by the quietness. There is an experience when the silence is endorsed by the ego (a certain amount of ego is required to live in the world and is very much connected to bodily means) and the ego will jump as its new found silence is interrupted by sudden or jarring vibrations, then when the ego can trust and surrender to the quiet silence of the ‘no mind’ this sensitivity is not so pronounced.

Sometimes if one is subjected to discord, violence and sexually explicit pornography this can ‘shake the jelly’ the web,  and the bell continues to reverberate for a while and one needs to smooth it out by any means that the quest has brought one along the way and it is to be not denied, suppressed shown anger and such like.  Letting go without judgement if possible is preferred then the seeds and roots are not there to be cultivated again. 

Radar is interesting; information comes in with a software programme or a person to interpret the information, the dish merely picks up data in the form of frequencies.

A person standing at a large bend in a river without a clear view of something coming around the bend, sees a wave and thinks is it a boat, a large fish, swimmers and the like and it turns out to be something different a large tree blown down by the wind and being pushed by the current. So to be quiet and acknowledge the wave and wait patiently for the object to appear is efficacious.   

The silent observer is not just an alert presence in a silent mind; there is intelligence far beyond the rational logical mind and its stored hardrive and software information and if trusted will guide the observer to what is appropriate and wise.

Over sensitivity means that the ego still has a foothold in the door and that this can cause illness and itching, irritability and anger.

The quest then has to continue because when you think or feel you have IT you are a million miles from IT and yet IT is who you are.



New Nation

Mistaken for a clear bright mind there is a kind of suspended mind.  There is no thought and it seems to be the ‘no mind’ mentioned in some esoteric writings. It is not so it is a kind of trance, fixed and empty and is not uncomfortable.

When the awareness clicks in and dispels this suspension the feeling is that the ego has been found out and that it is seeking some other accommodation or location. It is not successful in doing so and so it just hangs in a kind of haze of ‘where am I and where do I go from here’. At this point one could be lost in a distraction and the awareness is still not enough, the ego power drags one back to either non conformity of any of its programmes which it is bored with and kind of no other option so it just goes back into a hibernation,  a suspended animation and holds the pause button down.

It wants to establish itself but has an inner sense that it is not the reality it seeks and the awareness although attractive and real does not come to expectation because it just a seamless flowing stream with nothing glamorous and enticing, it does not yet like spontaneity and unknown events.

Yet the haze and fog is clearing and there is more awareness clicking in because of the ego dissatisfaction with itself and not wanting to go over the same old, same old time and time again.



Cabildo de Gran Canaria

Sometimes one can find a scientific fact that may have bearing on a ’spiritual’ of psychological hint.

The fulcrum, leverage point, an axis, the centre of gravity and the midpoint of a circle are all points where actions turn about or assist in an action from applied force.

If one looks at the hara and dantien in Japanese and Chinese idioms then this spot two or three inches below the navel is the centre spot in the body, the balance point that people who balance over the back of a chair.

Then we could say that the observer, the witness in the mind is the central observer and all is seen in the focus of the experience.

An example is that a ship in mid ocean and a person standing high up looks around and there is only horizon one is in the centre of a circle and looking up at a clear blue sky one is in the centre of a dome.

So, on a seesaw the pivot point, the fulcrum is the midpoint between the polarities that is down or up, so this mid point is piggy in the middle and is between the duality of Yin and Yang.

Maybe all action springs forth from this midpoint and is the energy or source where duality springs, it maybe the point or doorway to and from source to creation and return access.

Perhaps consciousness being all pervading has midpoints caused by the observer who in physics collapses the wave and creates the midpoint for manifestation to issue forth.




Mind is your business, so mind your

In the quest to find the true self there is a hint that the ego entity becomes aware of its identity and that identity is not as solid and reliable, everlasting and real as it appears to be.

Then there follows a period of fear and loss regarding its flimsy identity. In the haste to restore a real foundation for itself it will employ by any means to solidify and verify its tawdry existence.

Like the scorpion surrounded by fire it would rather destroy itself than admit and surrender and to realise that its identity is false and has a shaky base. It maybe sufficient to survive to live in denial and distract itself in anyway even if it lives in apathy and justifying this with ‘at least I live’ never owning the true nature of itself.

A rare event may gradually dawn as the realisation of its temporary weak status is fully understood and may commence the search for ‘what would it be like without itself’?  Could there be another existence that is without fabrication?

As the gaps become wider because of the diminishing mind chatter and habitual reactions the ego becomes less aggressive and petulant and even becomes more tolerant of the emptiness and space, the idea of a definite self based just on the past and its routines and built in thought processes becomes less of a threat to the approaching space and no mind, the crest of the ego descends into the valley of something else and this something else is very satisfying in its limited appearances between the battle of crest and valley.

When finally the realisation of the essence of the ego is seen in a complete holistic view then the slide from the prominence of sheer ego dominance to the valley of peace and inner knowing smooths out the last remaining ‘sticky’ bits.


Quote master


Christie Inge

Peace is when the mind is not occupied by thought.

Many may find this ludicrous.

When the mind is at rest it is happy and content. Merely resting on intellectual content and self praise, wealth and a prominent position in society can easily come to end and is temporary and a mere interlude especially when the ego is bored.

‘Peace goes beyond human understanding’ and this sort of understanding is beyond thought.

When the desperation and effort to be someone of distinction a notable person of fame and prestige wears off and exhaustion sets in with trying to be one of the herd, the tribe and the pack which society demands and one retires to ones own forte this can result in being outcast, ostracized and becomes a threat to the pack, one is different and upsets the apple cart and the status quo.  There is a tug to be praised by the pack and herd and when this overcome there is peace and one becomes oneself.



In quietness and relaxation

No thought in Mind

Awake and Alert

The flow of life

Courses through and unimpeded

Life is then fulfilled in its expression

Through you



Optimum Mind

What is boredom?  The ego which is a collective entity, a community and collaboration of ideas with thoughts gleaned from religions, atheism, culture, media, politics and life experiences which are lumped together in a ‘box’ called memory and collated, labelled and packaged in place in the brain so they say. Neural science is finding they cannot find an entity such as the ego just the electrical firing of the brain and its circuitry.

However this simulated reality which is a virtual reality decoded from an alive Universe brimming with vibrancy, frequencies, light, and wavelengths and are stored in a magnetic matrix and termed reality when downloaded and decoded by the software of the brain onto the screen of mind.  Be that as it may it assumes a solid reality until faced with termination and severe challenge.

So the alleged and assumed reality becomes one’s life and this is the ego and it thrives on activity and the highs and lows and anything that is ‘not going on ‘ is seen as boring, this means there is no compliance with the habits of its routines and to which it proves it is alive and thriving. Activity can be physical or mental inner chat, fantasy and the internal dialogue with vague background feelings.  I am alive because the evidence of my activity, no activity is am I alive?

However when one realises that all of this is a sham in a away and the ‘me’ or ‘I’ are just ideas, in fact I am an idea, a few ideas with a bunch of thoughts that interact juxtapose, juggle, jiggle, reconfigure, modify graphics of the memory like digital editing, variations on a theme and cosmetic makeovers which seem new and original giving a sense of aliveness, I am alive again, and the new buzz with the ever seeking new thrills and entertainment. When this is seen and seen for it is a clever illusion, this can lead to distraction, denial, running away from the reality of the starkness of ‘I am just an idea or bunch of ideas’ and ideas can change this can lead to  an understanding there is no solid foundation and one is on a shifting sands scenario. Distractions abound; I must be entertained, occupied, doing something, doing, doing, busy. So TV, drugs, sex, porn, reading, intellectual buzz through academia, a sport, a hobby.  All of these and many more are fill ins. I cannot abide that cold empty boring feeling and depressing, lonely and abandoned, time seems to drag on. Time when reading a book or being distracted by a TV film or such like passes by so quickly and boring when nothing is on and even more worrying time drags on and yet the clock on the wall measures the same time, it is mental or psychological ‘time’ the time between protracted or longer thoughts, when habits and routines no longer serve and are not there to fall back on.

Yet if facing that empty boring black hole and letting oneself be lowered into the abyss one may find one comes to a ‘place’ where there is light, absence of thought and there is nothing doing, one is in peace and tranquillity.  Just being is wonderful and fulfilling accompanied by joy and well being, it becomes the activity on no activity.

It may come as a surprise that the absence of stimulus and thought is a completeness of being and one may wonder what the fuss what was all about.


You Tube


You Tube

There can only be a now

The Past is a dream gone by
Blown away by the winds of time
Just a memory

The future yet to arrive

Just a succession of now’s to get there

Let the future now be as empty but just as sharp as the awareness of the
Only now there is and ever will be

For the now is the now of now

Unconscious resistance is being somewhere else than the now. SHACK 



Having ventured far and wide

Done this and that and almost everything

Experiences galore

The heights of ecstasy and the depths of misery

Longing for life well lived and or the darkness of depression and suicide

Forgetting everything and running away into distraction and depravity

Kindness and cruelty

What is left?

To find that which is neither this or that

This is the only thing left

Neither birth nor death

For it is the Middle Way

Where one is not torn between the opposites

How boring is this?

Or is it

It may your save life ----if you want it to !!!