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Smart Travel |
'would you like the window seat.? 'That would be nice and we could change every now and then, thank you so much'
Then the take off, she was attractive with almost blond hair, big brown eyes, no make up and approaching middle age, she spoke in an accent I could not define. Strangely enough those who are reading this I did not find her sexually stimulating, there was a mystic about her and as I see auras this was one I had not encountered before.
was a very long plane ride and I drifted off in a sort of doze when I
came too, I noticed she had a magazine and the page she was reading
was about the Anunnaki, a Sumerian ancient race or ancestors, 'Hi my
name is Velder' 'mine is Geoff'. She looked at me and smiled and said
'so what planet or constellation do you come from'? I was taken
aback. 'Velder said' well I come from the constellation of Taurus
'Taurus (Latin for
"the Bull")
is one of the constellations of
the zodiac and
is located in the northern
celestial hemisphere.
Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the Northern
winter sky. It is one of the oldest constellations, dating back to
the Early
Bronze Age at
least, when it marked the location of the Sun during the
spring equinox.
Its importance to the agricultural calendar influenced various
bull figures in
the mythologies of
Ancient Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece,
and Rome.
Its old astronomical symbol is (♉︎),
which resembles a bull's head.
(courtesy Wikipedia)
I felt she was 'having me on' and tried to pass it off lightly, she fixed me with a quizzical look and she said' you know exactly what I mean' ' I then felt what I had felt from childhood and I have written about in my NDE I did not want to come to Earth and I felt I came from somewhere else, OK you psychologists you could say it was an unpleasant childhood and so on, but in my years of mentoring to become a psychotherapist it did not change.
I felt this was an honest conversation and I told her what I wrote above and my work with UFO and ET research and she said 'yes I know and that is why I am here with you' ' I accepted that and then she 'said let us share energy' I was in the aisle seat and we had changed seats twice. She asked me to hold her right hand with my left and immediately I felt her voice and comforting warmth in my body and mind' 'She told me I was from the Constellation Taurus as well and small planet near Aldebaran' We changed seats and I was at the window. She had gone and I was not sure whether I dreamed all this.
So dear reader I leave you to determine your conclusion.
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