Thursday, 21 November 2024


Courtesy LinkedIn 

 There is a joy of health wealth and prosperity and goodly relationships, however these fade or die with one. There is a joy that is not recognisable at first it is the joy that is felt as an energy a sustainable something that is just felt for no obvious reason and seems to be there in one at a fundamental level, not necessarily felt by the senses and seems to be the Life Force without any means of explanation and I would be so bold as to say is sensed and acknowledged in dreams and in ones demise and perhaps is just a silent joy of awareness that is the witness to life and Creation. The of living for no reason at all just sheer 'joie de vivre'


Tuesday, 12 November 2024


Courtesy Instagram  Image only to illustrate story

Alphon a very prominent space traveller and highly praised for his, and the term his is a referral to an energy body of yang energy and was sort after my many in the know. He like many others were looking for as in current Earthly parlance Mrs Right or Mr Right, a soul mate and this case a She Yin energy twin or perfect match. 

Ah, but you see we are dealing here with Cosmic energies, a sort of cocktail and maelstrom vortices, a fury of back holes, ravaging dynamics of  kaleidoscopic entanglements and magnetic alliances plus other seekers for their perfect match.  

Often battles and challenges lay ahead in a precarious Cosmos and others clashing as they sought their mate as it were and some who thought felt and proclaimed the match were challenged to a sort of Cosmic duel and often mistakes and serious damage was done to the injured matrix and for years as it is were in Earthy terms some thousands or millions years before the repairing adjustments to the injured matrix could be fixed.

Cladstone was such a repair and healing entity and the like of this Yin / Yang fully integrated coupling, those who found their match dedicated themselves to healing and repair out of The Cosmic Law set by the Senior YIN / YANG coupled entities who took to restoring these unmatched injured matrixes as a dedication to restoring balance in the Universe, their work was voluntary but was a labour of love so to speak, because finding their energy mate was felt by them as an energy of harmony and rest.

So Alphon and others travelled many thousand of years and in many galaxies to find their match and their energy craft which Earthlings know as UFO's may have been the Alphons's looking and testing the vibes of the human race and a genetic time lines to see if their match were hidden somewhere among them and perhaps some abductions reported by humans were the result of the search and hunt by lonely space travellers. 

However the Alphon's  mean us no harm as they feel the need for peace and harmony and see our conflicts as costly in so far as in the conflicts who knows what male or female that have uprooted, killed and abused and might have been someone's soul mate or perfect match. 

SHACK    aka   GEOFF

Breaking News the  Angelic and Guides in their Etheric realms realise the quandary of the Alphons, however in the Universe they have their work to do and only gaze on sympathy and send love as Angels do.

Sunday, 10 November 2024



 There had many attacks from the Tyrant a strange almost unbelievable energy source that could change into any forms it wished to assume. This particular day the Martians felt the awesome presence this Tyrannical force imposed on them and they took to their flimsy shelters which were no real cover or help to them.

Many went insane with the force of this invisible presence and set them against one another in the most grotesque and barbarous manner. The presence was most disturbing because there was no form or appearance and the frustration of not being able to fight it or retaliate was a burden that drove them to desperate attempts which ended in failure.

They appealed to the Galactic council, the Milky Way was divided into four sections and the solar system and a portion on its wing at one of the spirals sat the Section Four Galactic Council, apparently the force had blocked all communications to any of the neighbouring planets and especially the solar system. 

Sometime passed when the independent Mars community had not been in contact with others and the neighbouring planets began to wonder what was going on, when they realised they had been blocked or a force was present they went to the Council and brought their concerns. 

The Council sent a task force to investigate and realised they had heard of the Tyrant and its forces from elsewhere in the Galaxy, they dismissed it as rumours or the wars that were elsewhere. When they realised that this was in their sector they took action. The council and its large armadas tried to find a way of destroying the The Tyrant and they had the same problem there was no discernible form and their probing and scientific attempts to break down or analyse this invisible presence brought no solution until information from far off sections furnished some light.   

Eventually two viable attempts seemed promising; the inhabitant were to go underground and learn to live and come to the surface occasionally and so they did and remain there to this day. The Tyrant on a particular occasion took the form of a monstrous fiery radiation spreading machine which tore up the ground to get at the underground inhabitants and then spread fire and brimstone as it were and sucked out the environmental protection leaving the Mars as a desolate desert exposed to the harshness of the Space and the attacks of asteroids and so laid bare the naked surface which other planets ignored in case the Tyrant decided to come after them.

The Four Councils eventually found a way to mitigate the presence of the Tyrant and drove it out of the Milky Way however it is still around like a hungry ghost looking and searching for food which it derives from planets and other entities in the mysterious amazing Universe.

The only evidence of this is what us Earthlings call and see the Grand Canyon which is the result of the Tyrants attempt to excavate those inhabitants who went deep underground. Some sensitive people who are psychic can still hear the voices crying out as the The Tyrant scorched their surface and instilled their minds to cause such monstrous barbarous acts to one another and their spirits roam the surface endeavouring to reach those below and somehow reconciliate and go to the timeline and repair the karma.

Should any civilisation reach Mars apart from ET who know of this plight and are leaving the job of reconciliation to others as their brief is non interference and only a watching brief and to stop a planet from being destroyed and then by the permission of the Great Spirit.

Maybe the Earthlings who are gradually getting into space will in the future assist in this redemption.


Sunday, 3 November 2024



Courtesy Sound Cloud

My lovely body, maybe not so aesthetically but I have come to love it and cherish it and I must confess have not always looked after it and often abused it. However it is appreciating the intricate yet simple way it operates is phenomenal and what I admire most is not so much its form but the silent intelligence which is felt or seen and upsets the ego's intentions and it knows best for the body. It is also required according to my view not to worship the body and to appreciate its gentle or sometimes processes of fading away with time and not to cling avidly wishing to look younger and preserve it unduly.

The body knows how to walk if it can, heal, grow hair, grow toe and finger nails. Like the seasons and nature this happens seemingly spontaneously and as long as one pays attention to feeding, resting and some activity it will live its due allotted course.    

The seasons and the growth and maturing of nature and the body are governed by 'the way of things' a silent information system which one can as in a body sense and feel such as thirst, hunger, fear, illness and also in quiet rest what is good for its well being.

I have noticed that the Universe is an abundant provider, there is no such thing as shortage, it may appear so to one as such that there droughts, climate variations, most of this may well be the Providers pruning of the garden, which us humans bemoan at times and many times it us humans who cause this by pollution and greed.

I have often bemoaned my 'sense' of lack and have found that I cut off the supply of abundance because the supply of the ego maybe at odds with the supply of 'the Way' I block the channels of abundant supply with needs that are not concomitant or commensurate with 'the way'. The Silent Information of the seasons, cycles of the body, the growth from the foetus, embryo to demise is there already and implanted, the procession of the equinoxes, the great star and planetary movements are part of 'The way of things' and how often do I contemplate and marvel at this and yet my petty ego cannot surrender to the 'the way' and cannot get its head around it as they say and a kind of cramp, pinch a baulk arises and tension as something in the depths of my psyche knows it is sensible to listen to 'the 'way' in the stillness and feel the way as it were in which the body speaks to one. My ego hangs on precariously and says, what if I go mad if I follow these silent instinctual prods, what if I cause myself harm and serious outcomes, even kill myself? However I am silently getting the message to let go and let Self, to trust ' The Silent Way of Things' and it is like the seas gradually wearing away the rocks and coastline and the fears melting away as the process of the silent Way exerts a pressure of gentle persistence until the ego energy is sapped not by force but by the ego itself being better off with 'the way' and realising that it does not die and wither into nothing but emerges and enjoys a role that is sufficient to itself and has a role therein which accommodates an aspect of itself to adjust to the way and live in harmony with it.

As to that dedicated role in harmonious living that too it revealed silently when the emergence takes place, there is no extinction merely an adaptation which nature which is the way and the silent information network of the Cosmos has a place for all of Its manifestations.


Friday, 1 November 2024


Courtesy Clip Art

 So many people have hinted or actually expressed a feeling of something just out of reach, not tangible, a sort of silent almost apprehension and yet not so much a fear of imminent extinction or a serious calamity, disease or even their own demise. It is like a silent pressure that is building up to a climax, like a psychological orgasm or just proceeding it, wanting to let go and yet tittering on the edge of an unknown. 

Many might feel that this a sign of a nuclear war, a world wide climatic upheaval, devastation of monstrous proportions and yet I feel another type of climax. I feel all the beliefs and life styles, the build of world and milieu over thousands of years have led to a stagnation and the patterns are no longer fit for purpose and mere upgrades, reconfigurations, makeovers and so on will not suffice and that this stagnation and forever round about is slowly decaying and this process of decaying is building up a sort energy of stench and pressure and leading to an eruption. An old saying 'I can feel it my water' an ominous gut feeling and no matter what one may do to seek out an answer it is not satisfying or has a feeling of added pressure.    

I feel it is heading to a mental, psychic spiritual event, a Cosmic Orgasm where there is a world wide spiritual (not religious) 'switch on' in ones consciousness, as if a light broke through the clouds of reasoning and brainwashed condensed density and one is out from the crippling local mind views and finds one in non local free space, a rocket broken free of its planetary gravity. The gravity of the ego.

In my view just saying I want break free are mere words, even psychologically breaking free by mantra, meditation and positive affirmations, prayer and shamanic or religious ways and piety or being disciplined and performing endless rituals which maybe a safety net to stay one from going mad, depressed, suicidal or just endless distractions to deaden the pain of this pressure, this pressure which may feel like 'I need to get out of my head'. This requires looking, watching, staying alert and noticing the pains, the aches, the dramas and fear as the pressure builds up to the point of mental, psychological ejaculation and the risk one may perceive of going mad. 

 Of course the ego will rebel, it has over lifetimes and be it this one, built up an image based on ones inculcations and will defend it at all costs even to the demise of the host, yes our corporeal bodies, which have had to bear the onslaughts of this demanding tyrant. The problem being this image of which we carry buried in the depths of  the unconscious has repeated itself so many times that most of us not conscious of our chosen image of which we strive to preserve at all costs and the loss of this beckons to some as empty, barren dark and unsafe and yet once tasted and broken through at odd times sometimes fortuitously and spontaneous only to be dragged down by the anxious ego and places a watchdog, a sentinel who is constantly guarding the perimeters of the ring fenced ego and reacts to the challenge of an intruder by whatever means the ego or local mind has in its arsenal of defence and attack.  

This ringfenced set of agendas is world wide and they challenge differing images on the world stage, be it religious, political, personal relationships and the core is the individual and at goes on merrily or anxiously on their path so trodden that the tracks are burned into the memories of that individual and has the national and international customs, life styles and so on. The culture so chosen lives on in perpetuity.  

Then there comes a time even in nature when the sell by date is reached as in the five mass extinctions and I feel we are in the sixth extinction and this pressure as above is now reaching the planet, the Solar System and us, the populous and just as animals feel the weather changes, earthquakes and tsunamis so many humans are feeling this as well, and there may come a moment, a blink and AH HA then maybe one may shot out of the ringfence, the sheep pen and a light brief and intense and one is shot into a space and seemingly another dimension and though remaining in one's body or not sees the world in a completely different way and without fear  or the sense of loss.



 A great hush, like a stillness, heavy and oppressive, the sense of a silent crying and a plea. Those that have gone over, the transmigration of souls, some witnesses to horror and abuse, terror and torture and those remaining grieving for lost ones and those gone over and departed, suddenly finding themselves into a darkness or light depending on their karma and life's destiny bestowed upon them.
Courtesy SadGuru

Some may have been sacrifices and others hapless helpless victims and left to face a barren hopeless dark depressing world and left wondering how human lust for power, religious ideology, political madness and seemingly devilish designs----will it ever end?

Racial bias, crimes caused by poverty and homelessness they are tested in their loyalty as to their belief in a benign God, a Creator of love and a gift of free will, for God is not a dictator and the rules and laws of nature are for the good of life on Earth and elsewhere, while babies and the creatures of nature with the Cosmos go about their lives in natural living and sequences.
Courtesy AZ QUOTES.
Those with relative well being still can feel unease at the world condition, the wars, the taxation, the greed, the pollution and can either bury their heads in the sand, feel hopeless and concerned and yet left with a feeling of inadequacy and shame with guilt and many wondering why their prayers are not heard and perhaps they were so full of fear and anxiety that they never acknowledged the answer of  their plea and perhaps wondering what free will and their plight befell them and saying 'Lord why me, what have I done, especially the young and those who are older wondering is this the 'sins of our forefathers falling on future generations'? or is this an angry God punishing us for breaking Its laws?

A lot of it comes own to inherited customs and rituals, suppositions an in a word to my favourite word on this inculcation 'Inculcation is 'the instilling of knowledge or values in someone, usually by repetition. To inculcate is to instil or impress an idea on someone, so inculcation is the process of instilling or impressing ideas. A lot of teaching is a form of inculcation: teachers repeat information to students, hoping it will sink in.' and sink into the depths of the unconscious and countless layers over many generations over hundred of years and updated to the epoch one is incarnated too and this forms brain washed beliefs that end as someone else's inculcated view and the reality of this belief is worth dying for and so war through antagonism is gendered.  

Courtesy FREPICK

Courtesy  Secure Teen 
Broken lives as in the images above may appear to not be similar and yet those that experience these traumas feel hurt, abused, lost and nowhere to turn too, these leave scars and traumas which may never heal and or take care and love to restore to health or rebuild blown apart buildings all with blown apart minds. Repairing buildings are symbols for those that lived there and of course their homes and communities all these horrors are imprinted in the memories of those that befell them and the nightmares and trust does take precious time to just come to terms with the outcomes. 

For the wealthy and perpetrators of these obscenities and one does not have to be wealthy or even a person of power, just a dominant aggressor in ordinary day affairs can leave scars and post traumatic trauma which can lead to chronic depression, revenge, suicide and a campaign to inflict punishment on those who perpetuated the carnage or abuse. So the cycle of hate and revenge is set up and ones principles may go by the wayside and a new inculcation set up by the trauma and many sects, cults and institutions have been set up through hurt and abuse and indeed street gangs then run rife and mercy and trust run to those obedient to the gang and so on.  

Courtesy Natalia Peraita

I can only speak for the way I feel; I was very heavily inculcated and when I saw the animosity it caused me and the rigid structure I took for reality and unshakeable beliefs an through realising that quarrels with friends, parent break ups I was wondering why and terrible childhood illnesses with an NDE and through meditation,(not ruminating, just breath work and watching without bias, attention without intention ) I began to intuitively feel that the essence of my beliefs and thoughts especially watching them float through the screen of mind, that they evoked emotions and they seemed so frail and transparent like and I questioned whose thoughts were they ? I realise that they were taught to me and especially the feelings that accompanied them. Ah! a light began to dawn and even now after many years old fears, anxieties seem to haunt me as if they are part of me and in a way they are, if I try to rid myself of them they come back like a cork pushed down in water and then on release of the finger pop up, so I just let them be and the energy of suppression and the 'thoughts' feeding on my fear or annoyance of their persistence is gone, I realise I starve them by not giving them acknowledgement but the collective box set of them the ego relentlessly pursues its own inculcations so cemented in the psyche.

So I leave it there.

     Be Well


When I was in Canada I heard a story that many years back a French General said to a native chief ' we want your land' The chief replied ' the land is not yours or mine, it belongs to the Great Spirit the Creator' ' The General said never the less we want your land' The Chief said we can give you all that is produced on the land but the land does not belong to anybody but the Creator and so we cannot give you the land, we are but caretakers of the land' The General gave them a week to vacate the land and a massacre ensued'