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There had many attacks from the Tyrant a strange almost unbelievable energy source that could change into any forms it wished to assume. This particular day the Martians felt the awesome presence this Tyrannical force imposed on them and they took to their flimsy shelters which were no real cover or help to them.
Many went insane with the force of this invisible presence and set them against one another in the most grotesque and barbarous manner. The presence was most disturbing because there was no form or appearance and the frustration of not being able to fight it or retaliate was a burden that drove them to desperate attempts which ended in failure.
They appealed to the Galactic council, the Milky Way was divided into four sections and the solar system and a portion on its wing at one of the spirals sat the Section Four Galactic Council, apparently the force had blocked all communications to any of the neighbouring planets and especially the solar system.
Sometime passed when the independent Mars community had not been in contact with others and the neighbouring planets began to wonder what was going on, when they realised they had been blocked or a force was present they went to the Council and brought their concerns.
The Council sent a task force to investigate and realised they had heard of the Tyrant and its forces from elsewhere in the Galaxy, they dismissed it as rumours or the wars that were elsewhere. When they realised that this was in their sector they took action. The council and its large armadas tried to find a way of destroying the The Tyrant and they had the same problem there was no discernible form and their probing and scientific attempts to break down or analyse this invisible presence brought no solution until information from far off sections furnished some light.
Eventually two viable attempts seemed promising; the inhabitant were to go underground and learn to live and come to the surface occasionally and so they did and remain there to this day. The Tyrant on a particular occasion took the form of a monstrous fiery radiation spreading machine which tore up the ground to get at the underground inhabitants and then spread fire and brimstone as it were and sucked out the environmental protection leaving the Mars as a desolate desert exposed to the harshness of the Space and the attacks of asteroids and so laid bare the naked surface which other planets ignored in case the Tyrant decided to come after them.
The Four Councils eventually found a way to mitigate the presence of the Tyrant and drove it out of the Milky Way however it is still around like a hungry ghost looking and searching for food which it derives from planets and other entities in the mysterious amazing Universe.
The only evidence of this is what us Earthlings call and see the Grand Canyon which is the result of the Tyrants attempt to excavate those inhabitants who went deep underground. Some sensitive people who are psychic can still hear the voices crying out as the The Tyrant scorched their surface and instilled their minds to cause such monstrous barbarous acts to one another and their spirits roam the surface endeavouring to reach those below and somehow reconciliate and go to the timeline and repair the karma.
Should any civilisation reach Mars apart from ET who know of this plight and are leaving the job of reconciliation to others as their brief is non interference and only a watching brief and to stop a planet from being destroyed and then by the permission of the Great Spirit.
Maybe the Earthlings who are gradually getting into space will in the future assist in this redemption.
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