Thursday, 19 December 2024



Blessing's and Love
                                                      Hello sincere and loving greetings.

Celebrate the Solstice

Friday, 30 December 2016


julie lomoe's hope dawns
The week before Christmas the large store heaving with people, indeed Christmas eve, crashing metal baskets or even plastic ones, no apologies, one women wide eyed, frantic, ploughing her way through the isles, literally pushing people aside to get to the last gateaux, looking lonely and forlorn and yet majestic with all its icing and accoutrements, many frantic in the race to get to the pastry counter before her.

This lady usually dignified quiet and apologetic but this was a matter of do or die, this prize CAKE IS MINE-----at all costs. 

Speaking to the bus driver, drawing deeply on his cigarette, smoke flowing from his mouth mixed with the frosty air, looking perplexed at the rushing passengers heading towards his bus, laden full to the brim, he recounts a tale of the 'dreaded week before Christmas', perplexed he tells of the road rage and cyclists knocked off their motor cycles and pedal bikes by large expensive cars and demonic drivers rushing home with the turkey and the back seats and boots full with shopping and presents, some with Christmas trees protruding from the windows.

The God of Mammon and the Deity of Materialism have their days of worship and devotion, the Golden Calf resurrected, and the ego to have the most resplendent party, to get stuffed with food with alcohol and indigestion, the TV on watching the regurgitated oldies and then feeling drowsy and feeling they must keep awake for the Queen's speech not really taken in, whilst the Ghost and Spirit of Christmas waits to be greeted and the homeless shivering in the cold go unnoticed and a war torn planetary carnage are still in full cry.   


                                                                     THE NEW MOON

December 30 -31 2024  

New Year 2025

May the Warm winds of Heaven blow softly on your Home and the Great Spirit, bless all who enter there.

May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder. 

Cherokee Blessing

The Dance of Life

Celebrate Healthy and Joyous Life

                                                                    Wakhan Thanka

                                                                     Great Mystery 

Teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the sense of my body and the blessings of my Spirit.

Teach me how to trust these things so that I may enter my sacred space and love beyond my fear and thus walk in balance with the passing of each glorious Sun. Amen

Lakota Prayer

Be Well

Shack  aka  Geoff

Thursday, 12 December 2024


Courtesy 11L Blog International

 I came across this quote by an actor in the TV documentary about Crick, Watson, Wilkins and Franklin and when Dr Rosalind Franklin saw the helix she said 'Life is as it is for a purpose' and said the helix was beautiful.

This set up a flash of understanding; what is that purpose and I felt only life knows. Then what is life?

Then I got some imagery; Life goes on and on in ever expending spirals and helices as a constant stream of expansion. From the awesome endless space which may seem random and chaotic it is gathered into Itself and made wholesome to Its creation.

As to the purpose of Life I feel only  Life knows that.

Life has been Life and perhaps there was no purpose and perhaps of no purpose Life decided to become conscious Itself.

It created out of Itself and to do this Life would have been conscious and to assure Itself It created Life forms, Live forms of consciousness to prove Itself existed and perhaps that may have been the purpose to assure Itself of Its existence by creating witnesses, we are the conscious expression of the Universe Being Conscious of Itself.

Any human purposes are mere hand me downs inculcated forms of expression. Am I content to let Life live me and me not to interfere with the hidden purposes of the Greater Life? 


Monday, 9 December 2024



Courtesy Skeptical Baby Meme Generator

I know not from whence I came albeit through the intimacy of my parents however from the sperm and ovum and names like haploid, gametes, chromosomes, zygotes are all descriptions of chemicals, proteins and such, so I say from whence did I come, indeed how was the Universe birthed or spawned and indeed the Great Creator how was he / she spawned, the Cosmic egg some say and from where and how did the egg be produced?
Courtesy You Tube
Maybe the cat does'nt have to bother with existentialism and scratch its head in wonder and perplexed gnawing irritation that some searchers, inquisitive nincompoops, philosophers and those on the spiritual quest and not religious pious followers who believe in the their holy books and lucky for them that do as they do not have the intense burning desire to say 'who am I' for their answer is there for them 'I am child of God Almighty' and they are satisfied with that. I say but who is God? And Yet deep in me I feel that there is something a deep feeling beyond words that is not tangible to the body or proven by explanation and I don't even believe in the classical sense of God but I feel this mysterious allure, this mysterious call, this feeling without any explanation and try as I may no rational explanation comes forth.  
Courtesy Emily Barr Quote

I am not buried in my brain for that is but a temporary organ that dies with my 27 billion, billion, billion empty atoms in a supposedly flesh body and under a scanning electron microscope is a loosely floating bunch of tiny elements and again where is their origin? Ah you say, the quantum vacuum, does that exist, all comes out and return to it and trying to define the IT, it alludes those prying eyes of the scientific instruments and all those who try even to define for the laws if any of the quantum analogies turn out to be the human brain trying to pin down the 'unpinable'  it is indeed the ultimate if there is such a thing and could qualify as the existentialistic Being. It is phenomenologically sound as it does reach definite conclusions or inculcations and has no authenticity as such however is free of definition that is Itself and is seemingly content to be so and it would seem that down the ages some humans have driven themselves almost crazy and only when they have driven themselves to distraction and found distractions still gnaw at their bones so to speak and pulled back to the quest by this feeling and fell off the edge of mind, braved insanity, this deep and yet only deep because it was buried under layers of human assumptions and theories and when the feeling is just that and one is completely at one and at peace with it, then all of this existentialism and the quest disappear and one is then a non individual as it were and is an identityless being of course in the world has a birth certificate, credit card, driving licence and fingerprints although some ethnic peoples do not.

So the Quest goes and who am I no longer gnaws at the bones and still not knowing all is well.  


Sunday, 1 December 2024



Courtesy Sound Branding Ideas 1
Strange how things drift across the mind sometimes related or not related to what one  of many experiencing at the time. On this particular moment some weeks back I was just about to leave my meditation seat which is an adjustable metal piano stool with padded seat which I have covered with a Yoga mat and coloured cloth cover, when I had this phrase Mr Beau Jangles(Mr Bojangles by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band) a song I heard in my youth and not heard for many, many years and then followed the word jingle and then I had to sit down again. Then I had a flash, one of those infinitesimal flashes, in which you see / feel / know it in wholeness and detail and it took me aback and staggered me as I began to realise what I now began to write hastily on my scrap paper notes I keep beside the seat on which there is probably eight hundred ready to article sometime and many more stored away which together make the number 4087 as this article is. 

In this flash it was about cancer; I felt and saw cells riding smoothly on a sine wave( takes me back to the trigonometrical function of the sine wave at Uni) and this definition of moving above and below zero was apt as these cells rode the wave and in complete harmony with its gentle oscillations. I then intuited that the cells of the organs, the bones, the fluids, the brain had these cells which were endemic and of a particular frequency each specific to the function designated to it by the Universal Blueprint, which is upgraded and reconfigured as evolution moves on by natural means and not human interference.

I then felt / saw and the felt interference which 'jangled' the sine waves and shook them up and disrupted the sine waves into troughs and peaks which interfered with the information that the sine waves acted as carrier waves of information. The waves became distorted and jagged or out of frequency which then gave false information and codes as to the function it was supposed to be in the scheme and blueprints, a sort of energetic representations of algorithms. 

This distortion could if repeated over time seek to entrain the original cell frequency and then move onto and into the whole organism in this case out and into the human body.  This takes over locally and then could show as a tumour and then spread and is the process of metastasis.

I then realised the basic sine wave was the Schuman Resonance of roughly 7.87 Hz and which is in resonance with the Earth and the Earth is resonance with the Solar system and so on, all carrier waves transformed to the allotted frequencies which are information and codes thereof in order for growth and evolution and as the Universe evolves it sends new wave frequencies with upgrades and reconfigurations.   

The reset to this 'jingle jangle' is stillness. Stillness through meditation and by meditation I feel not mantra, affirmations, hypnosis, intensionisng but becoming aware of the stillness as awareness without thought which is naturally occurring. Mantra and all that as before mentioned are a means of arriving at stillness and beyond mindfulness AS long as the means are not crutches and an escape route from disruption, as say alcohol, drugs, food, sex become the means to relief and a sort of compromised equilibrium. It maybe a panacea but it is only temporary.

I then felt it had something to with inculcation; 
From File
Note in particular the words 'persistently with repetition' over the may thousand of years and passed onto generation to generation with slight modifications to suit the epoch the the TIMELINES of accrued information 'sets up patterns and programmes' of vibrating magnetic field of information which go deep into the body and organism and therefore causing the original frequencies to become disrupted and eventually completely taken over, many of these are outdated and inharmonious belief systems that have become so buried as to become UNCONCSCIOUS and so spontaneously react and appear to be one's natural function and behaviour. What is needed is the factory reset which is stillness beyond relaxation.  

Many problems arise because these frequencies have become so ingrained over the Timelines THAT WE MAY NOT BE AWARE OF THEM and so carry on the culture, the traditions and rituals. I remember that Sensei or Sifu said something like the organs and bones and so on are like sponges and are repositories where information is stored and by doing Qi Gong, meditation and or a diet commensurate to the whole and 'bad memories, experiences are stored in them as well' and cause an illness and no matter what that part of the body or niggle in the mind cannot relax and it holds tight to that vibration. I have found that when at times a real release arrives, the tension is released and the accompanying meridian is unblocked as well. Sometimes it is so deep it takes many 'shifts' and can release dreams and hunches as to that condition.

Aware stillness which is the presence which could be said to be conscious of being present and alert without thought can bring into play another form of intelligence, the intelligence of awareness which is direct and lightening quick so to speak and is like a micro mini dot in a flash which coveys the meaning in intuitive knowing without explanation. This can cause a great deal of sensitivity in the initial experiences and cause some trepidation as to overly empathetic. This can be deceptive and off putting, however when the presence becomes to be felt and grows, it actually never grows it is always the foundation and seamless and is who one is and has always been present, the feeling of it growing is the realisation that who one is and that empathy is the previous 'old' pattern and thought wanting to be recognised and an ego stance of reclaiming its territory which it really never had and is a mind habit and part of the remaining inculcative mode and is now seen and felt to be fleeting and non real and so by the intelligence of the awareness it is realised and can be dispensed with or rather feature when needed for practical and human living and survival.   

My feeling is that the body wants to be healthy, it is hardwired that way, I feel it and sometimes have this very strong feeling 'I cannot be ill, I am always healthy and can and will survive' however there is a deep implanted distortion and comes to the front as a doubt, my heart and intuition says 'I am and always will be, I am one with the Universe, I am as perfect as the Universe created me' my head so to speak says 'your human and the human conditions and your timeline, you are a sucker and foolish and kidding yourself with these so called spiritual notions and your fate is bound with the human race and God does not rule, your head inculcated stuff does, so there, get out of that?' So for me and many others who are this timeline of discovery and on the brink of a new era and feel that the inner urge that says we are the next step of evolution and we have to step out of the old conditioned mind set and let logic and intellect with egoic aspirations to be dominant and victorious, king of the pile, the top banana, to outdo nature and God, to fly with the loftiest egoic thoughts and tread on others to be the top dog above all else and let the ego be as it is best and where it fits in the place of all things, to be holistic and part of the whole. Can humility reign and can the human race recognise it is a part, like an organ, bacteria, a cell in a Universe which serves each cell and atom as in service to the whole. It is not servitude, it is a joy found with being in the 'sine' wave which entrains all and everything with joy, harmony and knowing one is safe for ever and does not die and cast in hell and oblivion this wave is in every form created by the Universe and in forms of energetic magnetic fields throughout space and creation. To know one is an awareness a presence and consciousness being aware of Itself and to say 'I am' without definition, explanation or reason'.   

In a workshop at the late Dr Margaret and Professor Bates home in Nottingham and ten of us (not Prof.C) in the patio and a boiling hot day that during an imagery a lady suddenly jumped up and shouted 'Its Gone Oh My God its Gone' she had Bells Palsy and her face had been stiff for years. She kissed me and thanked me, I said thank you but I merely just spoke the imagery and I make them up as to suit the occasion. Something like Bea Jangles happens, when you spontaneously know all is well or things clear up, medically they call it a spontaneous remission. Perhaps something resonated and broke the block or shattered the discordant frequency and perhaps miracles are just that 'disharmonious vibrations are harmonised by the restoring of the natural God given frequencies'

Perhaps in those 'magic moments' God, the Great Spirit, The Universal Voice speaks to one in a very special communication in which we know intuitively and in completeness what would have taken words which have several meanings and individual takes on them, it seems The Great Spirit, speaks without words or writing and you and the Spirit have become one, which we always were and now these are signs of returning home.




Courtesy McGill University



The seasons come and go , hair grows so does grass, night and day, hot and cold and this arrives silently  and the healing process with all of nature is invisible to human senses, the animas and trees, fish and birds, bacteria, viruses and health follow the silent information, it does not require thought and logic, it happens spontaneously and instinctually, it only fouls up when humans interfere with their logic and cleverness.  
