Friday, 2 August 2019


You have to go

What’s the use of living a thousand years if you build up karma and a huge concrete ego, mind you some folks do and it’s OK for them and not everyone believes in karma? Even in concrete, cracks can begin to show and water droplets in winter freeze and expand the minute holes in some concrete and over the years cause cracks and this can apply in analogy to ego. And sometimes the ego can be gradually sculpted by reincarnation until the slate is clean and of course this again depends on one’s views of reincarnation.

The Universal Plan of Evolution maybe as follows; everything arises from a fountain of Potential and then as waves and ripples as fine energy and then gets to be more compact and compressed to make form that human brains decode as solids. This original energy is the aware intelligent cosmic creator source and force. The potter shaped the clay into pots into forms. Individual pots were given a piece of the potter in our example a piece of cosmic consciousness and the name of the plan or game is to figure out the plan or who the potter is and his source and so gradually refining, searching in order to alter the shape of the pot and what is put into it and so gradually in the fullness of time become one with the potter and cosmic source.

I feel the form is the pot and the space if not filled is the ‘piece of cosmic intelligence, for the use of a vessel is its emptiness’ and the potter and the Cosmic Intelligence is space which is aware intelligent invisible cosmic mind.

The space within the form can be dense like ice, refining to water and then to steam and then to vapour when the form can no longer contain the substance in its finer form.

The vapour then joins the greater vapour of space which again refines to the finer more subtle elements from whence it came.

These subtle elements themselves dissolve into the sea of evolution and become potential again, potential has the possibility and probability to be anything that is imaginable and more so, this is best left to the all knowing, all seeing awareness. Of course the awareness sees otherwise it would not be aware.

So in a way as everything gets recycled and is cyclic in nature, indeed in essence we are Methuselah's.



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