Friday, 2 August 2019


The tiredness of fame; being a celebrity, being someone special; do celebrities do it for money only, or do they do it for the adoration and love of their fans and from others, being fair they love the physical parts and their talents and get joy by performing these, and then there are the perks such as advertising getting recognised at restaurants and special discounts and so on. 

When all this ceases and there are only memories to feed on, a shallow feeling of the real thing. Then everyone expects something from a celebrity ‘everyone wants a piece of me (an autograph, a smile, a nice word, a selfie) said a well known celebrity.  Do we indeed create the need in our lives for a celebrity and want to become one.

When the ‘show is over’ the act, sport, fame and demand have gone, the novelty worn off, some celebrities welcome the rest and retirement, others get depressed, some take up a hobby and some get hyped on drugs.

There are those when in celebrity status believe they are above the law and some cannot cope with the fame and yet love it and try and hide away as much as possible and recharge. Fame is not all glamour, endless rehearsals, training interviews and such like and the media on their backs.

Then there are the fans who are living off of the fame of the celebrities who imagine the parties, money, travel, relationships, fine clothes, cars, private aeroplanes, yachts, meeting the royals and such like. This feeds the fans fantasy and dreams and maybe some lonely unfulfilled parts in themselves.

In both cases this can fill some deep felt need to be acknowledged and loved and the search for love and happiness in the outside world which at most can only be an imitation of an inner aspect, inner in the sense of finding it in oneself, not narcissistic, but a true in depth feeling of a sort of completeness.

 One can still enjoy performing and watching a performance but it is not contributing to the psychological, emotional and mental lack, it is an appreciation of the skill, dedication and beauty of the performer.

 Then there is the love that has no form, no idol, no tangible evidence of its existence and yet can be found in quietness, non performance and after a while in everything everywhere and in any situation. By inner I mean it is found by an inner focus, as if ones eyes were turned inwardly to view the mind in a non opinionated way, not on thoughts or mental gymnastics, fantasies, visualisations or imagery, repeating mantras and the like and just watching what arises and not trying to judge it or fathom where it came from or what it is related too.

In a way we are celebrities seeking the bliss which maybe our celebrity and if one has a modicum of this bliss we may become a performer in the ‘outside physical world’ as a celebration and expression in this form of chosen expression, just doing it for the sheer joy of it, not as a sport because we like the fitness and prove our physical prowess or singing to show what a lovely voice I have or writing and all else to prove look I have talent.

The performance does add to the bliss, the difference being I do it to express my bliss and or I do it because I  am good at it and I want to be admired.

With the bliss when the physical or for some reason one cannot continue the performances there are no regrets because one is in and still has the bliss.  There are  no withdrawal symptoms, a clean break is managed and one just spends ones time cultivating more bliss until one leaves the body for full time bliss.

There are similarities with full time employment and when one retires so to speak. Those in the bliss do not feel deprived as much as those who lived to work and those who worked to live. The job was not their idol or their celebrity and as long as they had enough to live on they were content and promotion and getting to be the foreman, charge hand or management was not important although one might attain this without the ambition.

There is no wrong or right way it is one's predilection.


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