Wednesday, 15 July 2020


Monster Wiki-Fandom

'The deepest stratum of your being the bedrock on which your destiny is founded, beyond the frail manipulative power -----deep inner transformative forces are at work here---the Phoenix that mystical bird which consumes itself in the fire and rises from its own ashes. Its ways are secret and hidden an intense aspect of initiation' Ralph Blum from the Book of Runes.

When I was given the '1967' writings by the strange mystical hand of destiny so to speak I have been writing and expecting a peak, a climax and I was given the years 1967 - 2012 ---2013-2032---2033-2075 as very significant years and have written in blogs and POSTS extensively about this and the likely outcomes. The above quote and the feeling I have had in the last few days in the 'lock down' in the viral infection chimera named Covid-19 or erroneously corona virus has led to this article. This is a world initiation if humanity seizes the moment.

I feel a deep shift going on in the bowels of the Earth, nay, in the the human collective unconscious, that negative monster lurking in the deep, the dark fetid sewer of unbounded filth in the mire of human depravity and the dark forces of deception, hate, anger, rape and abomination that are being stirred up by the back lash of this monsters tail and from its foul anus in its scaly wretched body there exudes the faeces and excretion of vileness and horror never before witnessed. The stench of old outworn stultified sell by date agendas. 

  The monster sensing its eventual demise is coming to the surface and revealing itself and tentatively coming into the light and sees itself for the first  time in the mirror of truth and the monster recoils at its own ugliness and rages at its own monstrosity and vows and bellows a great expletive and to destroy all opposition and dowse the light and give ultimate power to its minions who are the New world Order, the so named Deep State, The abominable elite and the darkened illuminati and the guilt driven desires and their lust filled psychopathic agendas. 

Beware those of the light, the monster has you in its sight and is stalking you in its frenzy and its fiery hail but as it pursues its task the light will expose it and alert the light and its allies and will bedazzle the dark entity of sin and cruelty, deception and depravity and will shrivel and dissolve it into the nothingness it really is which is a small docile being sobbing in its loneliness in the wilderness of unfulfilled thwarted ambition and a failure and a pathetic being ready to repent and make amends for its iniquity. 

Don't despair just when you think the darkness has won and all is lost---The Phoenix will arise.



Zen Thinking
Many people baulk at the words 'empty mind' and I have heard many such 'baulk's. Its a crazy Zen Buddhist Monk, an extreme existentialist, a person who is simple docile and a bit imbecilic, bordering on senility and Alzheimer's, a drop out, dope head, a brain befuddled alcoholic and many more such colorful adjectives.  

To me it is a mind without thought or very little. The consensus of people have been inculcated ( instil (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction)and  so the thinking can be based on very narrow lines although most think they think they are broadly free and unbiased and are very tolerant until a button is pressed and they will guard their corner to extremes and some to death. As above the instilling process becomes brain washing and this brain washing brings beliefs, programmes and conditioning and although one truly believes they are not brain washed, sadly they fool themselves. This whole set up becomes one's reality and so becomes so fixed as to be safe, secure, the known and a platform for life.

Some have an awakening and realise that they have been taught to be who they are and on investigation realise one can chose to have another set of programmes and think they are free until the honeymoon is over and the same thoughts arise as when one had the awakening.

Then follows questions; what then is reality if ones concepts and programmes can be interchangeable and impermanent, this can lead to anxiousness and feeling unsafe, depression and even suicide and then it can lead to an addiction. The reasoning can then be; well if all this is impermanent and as is my body and nature and so on then I might as well be in a programme and deaden the thoughts or live a compromise.

Then one may take courage and seek and explore; what if my mind is without a programme, not by suppression and silly games to eliminate thought which is the appearance of or comprehension of the beliefs and concepts in tangible comprehension but examining them without fear, that is without judgement and bias, opinion or condemnation or welcoming. To sit, watch be brave and courageous and go into the 'so called inner space' of mind, as if one were looking inwards, not by sight of cause, but an inner attention that is consciousness or awareness.

It may occur at any moment that one may see thought as having no actual substance and that you are the witness, the watcher, the observer is not connected to the thoughts and feelings that pass by like clouds in the sky, some slow and enticing, others black and foreboding and then others skittering and scurrying by.

Then the attentive awareness is suddenly aware of itself as an awareness an awareness without thought, a witness to its own consciousness and is free of thought and feelings arising from the content of the mind and this awareness is beautiful, calm and yet dynamic, it is pure potential and then one can become aware of a another kind of thought. It is a whisper of knowing, knowing beyond anything or anybody, it has a completely different feel, it is intuitive and spontaneous, not to be confused with instinct, gut feeling, ah ha’s or any of the programmed conditioning of one’s former inculcated past. 

This is the empty mind and here there is no tangible programme, conditioning, brain washing and as such has no safety net, however one has the feeling this is me before the conditioning process began and may allude to the Zen Koan 'who were you before you were born?' 'Show me your original face?' 'Who am I?'. 

There is a caution to bear in mind or no mind;the ego which is the collective past programming will not like to be usurped and is a hard but cunning and resourceful entity; it will endeavour to sabotage the 'no mind' by incessant attacks of thoughts, threats, desires and other gross and subtle strategies gleaned from the stored graphics of the past held in the library of the unconscious and will like a magician conjure up a memory of the feeling of the 'no mind'. 

So one has to sit still and just watch and know by the feel that any intrusion no matter how grand or softly enticing this is not the 'no mind' in fact 'no mind' just happens when one sits without expectation and not wanting 'no mind' it is merely sitting that's all, that's why sometimes when washing up and drying, just unfocused mind can suddenly bring one to the emptiness and one smiles, relaxes spontaneously with seemingly no effort of the 'no mind'.

Hello my friend do you question and seek 'no mind'?(SHACK)


New York Times

"The atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts."
----Werner Heisenberg
"Anyone not shocked by quantum mechanics has not yet understood it."
---Niels Bohr
I just love quantum physics and mechanics because they remind me of the Koan that Sensei gave me and the quote I have written about and the incident in back SHACKS 'sit down down have a cup of tea, now your troubles begin, you will never see the world as others see it', There a few SHACKS which relate the event in more detail SHACKS 69 and 71 both in May 2017 the event itself was years back.

In my stay at a 'Station' in my forensic career I met several Quantum physicists and in my workshop and clinical careers and many of them were in shock and in the edition of 'The Tao of Physics' by Fritjof Capra he describes the 'mental breakdown' of some of the scientists in the early days of quantum 'stuff' and that he suggested studying and practicing meditation (the later editions of the book got too complicated)
and I came across several who had this 'blast' as they described and left them dazed and we formed a small group which I named 'SAM' sub atomic meditation, this seemed to help them 'come to terms' with things outside the box and deal with non logical academic mainstream at the time. Of course now they have had to formulate theories and such like and taken away the experience of 'beyond the mind and outside the box'  and many have become arrogant in making the 'nothingness and mystery' of the quantum phenomena and using long words and explanations to cover the loss of intellectual and logical understanding.

To me the Quantum 'stuff'' is a koan and should remain so and like the Sensei's in the Zen tradition not accept a logical explanation until one has a non logical 'blast' and it shakes one to the core and forever takes wanting to intellectualise out of the 'equation' and sit down and have a cup of tea and the world will never be the same again and live with the peace of 'no mind'


Its Quantum  ---Hieroglyphics?












One of the many spurious ways I tend to make or manufacture that I am an alive person is through the physical, the doing and flesh reality, the biological man. The mystery of life and death and is this mortal coil really me and its frailty in old age and its tendency to diseases, fear and emotional instability and wondering if there really is life after death.

So I am really asking who am I if the body passes and if there is any proof beforehand? It seems that constant distraction would seem to indicate that whilst I am preoccupied and doing I am proving to myself I am alive. Yet there is this background nuance, faint and yet slightly tangible to my mind that all this frantic activity to keep the flesh alive is me, yes it needs maintenance in  order to be comfortable and not in pain and immobility, certainly that is important, yet there is this nagging thought / feeling this is not me as an actual being, but a visitor that is experiencing an extraordinary life and is temporarily cocooned in a vehicle and the mystery of this apparent demise of the cocoon and its fearful presumed end and annihilation is meant to be in order for the visitor to realise its own essence when apart from the cocoon.   




When I have free time, that is without a project or doing, all is well. However when I have chores or tasks I want to rush to get to free time. Really all time is free it is what I choose to do with it and that seems to 'take up time or pass time away' and time can be psychological as when time goes by quickly when engaged in a fascinating absorbing interest yet the horological time is constant and belies the psychological experience of time.

Yet there is an urgency to rush the chore to get to this free time, actually a space of doing nothing and yet there is a sense that there is better than here and I am searching for something that is not time consuming, psychological, intellectual, physical or any other state, I am searching for who I am without the doing, I am searching for my being, I want to arrive in inner peace where there is a seemingly absence of time, time stands still and there is just an easy awareness and the things of the world, the occupations and consumption's mean absolutely of no interest and I am peace and this I feel is who I am.

There actually is no definition to who I am, I am what I am, and that is the background, the field of everything that is and was and will be, this is the canvas in which the Universe is written and painted on, and as to the author, artist and creator, well that remains a mystery and yet this beingness has a hint of the feel of it.










Wednesday, 1 July 2020


Love This Pic
Sometimes emotions and emotive prompts are not what they seem on the top surface so to speak, they maybe a reaction which served as a habitual retort or repost. Wanting to be superior and smugly in the mind feeling one upmanship and getting a victory over some discussion or argument and so thereby justifying ones stance.

This act of superiority is an ego ploy for acknowledgement and being admired and earning applause, this maybe an accolade of recognition for ones knowledge and material achievement. Bearing in mind many achievements can be superseded and short lived by another, like most things they have a shelf life , sell by date and impermanent.

Its fine to have these achievements and materially they may facilitate wealth, social position and seemingly satisfaction, however these can be just fads as well in the passage of time.

Perhaps they may cover up the need to be loved not for diplomas, certificates of achievement, wealth, notoriety, fame but just ones self.

Am I loved for me stripped bare of material success? If not then how do I get my love, attention and be somebody?

The test may arrive when one is prepared to be stripped naked of all achievements and accolades and step like a baby or animal that is loved just for its natural self. love me for who I am and not what I do.



AZ quotes
Cleaning my teeth on this morning of the 24th April 2020 and just mechanically unfocused as if my hands had a mind of their own and of course working habitually by programming, I became aware of the 'dreylas' as explained many times and as these speckles / spicules had became more apparent, not with my eyes but with the vision of my awareness. My awareness which is the background canvas which witnesses everything that arises in and on it, as if it were a field of frequency which is intelligent and a keen observer witnessed this process as it had eyes, in fact the awareness witness is the precursor of all senses human and otherwise.

Emanating from this backdrop of fine dreylas, these golden spicules are a code very much like computer code and it seemed to covey coding and information to the DNA. The matrix symbols flowed and they seemed to be commensurate and concomitant to the spiralling of the DNA in a fashion in which the sequencing of the DNA seemed to soak up, or imbibe like the process of thin membranes that absorb particles of it and seems in this case information from the quantum field.  Osmosis is the movement of water from areas of high concentrations to lower concentrations across a semi permeable membrane. It occurs over these membranes in cells of the body alllowing water to move into and out of them.
To me it felt like a 'quantum' process of assimilation:-
This was moving and changing as the sequences were spiralling in the DNA helix and as if the movement of the DNA as a spiral somehow acted as suction 'pump' drawing out the sequences that were pertinent to my specific requirements and need to build the form of 'me' and its changes with wear and tear and age.
 Block Chain Feed
This 'osmosis' like process then was absorbing coding and sequencing to sustain and and maintain my body and the end process was the appearance of form which came out of the codes, symbols which are specific information and algorithms arising out of the quantum field which have every possibility and probability from a limitless amount of these combinations and as to why my and all the Universe and its multi-dimensions chose these specific forms to appear from waves and 'bubble chamber' phenomena is a mystery to humans but to me an intelligent plan and design to which this Intelligence is privy too and permits 'peeps' into Its mystery and evolution.
It seems to me that the Universe is an intelligent design and being still in those unfocused awareness moments be they in meditation or a sort of absent minded 'washing up or mowing the lawn' when the body takes care of itself by its own instincts and the mind rests in emptiness of awareness without thought or motive that the clear channel, like a hosepipe devoid off grit or water enables some facilitation to download these Cosmic Quantum Down Loads and it reminds me of the quotation ' Be Still and Know I am God Within Thee' and maybe this is the Divine communication with the human mind, human thought has to subside, not repressed, suppressed or forced, wilfully surrendered, meekly giving way, but by a spontaneous intuitive awareness one might say 'awareness of a calling, a deep silent of something really amazing silent communication' which is not the level of hearing with 'ears' but a knowing hearing, a feeling hearing' and it is a whisper in the consciousness and mind.
 Getting Smart
The image above can be seen when one looks at the code in 'properties' or such like and you see the computer language and then onto Algorithms:- 
Geek to Geek (basic Algorithm)
The frightening and yet awe inspiring thing is humans are now into algorithms in a big way and all aspects of life along with AI its masterpiece so can bring wonders or horrors. If the ego dictates these algorithms and not the loving heart then we may face artificial life forms and other human made horrors.  

Perhaps in my naivety I stumbled on or was fortuitous to catch the formation of creation and perhaps the 'big bang' was the Great Intelligence working out the elementary algorithms and the process of evolution which comes in increments, 'spurts of life' which may appear seamless to me at times and yet slow motion cameras viewing the life of plants show it is incremental as if the information has to build silently, silently as the intelligence is downloading, like the progress bar when one is down loading on the computer, or forming a text and on completion the form comes into being. It is potential being activated into tangible form, particles and atoms to molecules and reminding myself all atoms are 99.99% empty and from that emptiness maybe the codes that are uploading the information to the 1% which might be a building block, a jig saw piece in forming form, me, us.

Be that as it may I could feel as I slowly turned the tooth brush in my mouth this code moving down through the awareness backdrop energy field of awareness throughout my 'auric, etheric, energy field' and as it seeped and was imbibed, soaked up and it seemed to replenish, refurbish, nourish and sustain and I realised excitement of a ludicrous kind, worry, anxiety, incompatible food and rest, tension and pollution, negativity and lack of trust in the process took away some of the nutrients and sustainable and frittered away and dissipated the vital replenishing supply chain. It is as if negative and and inharmonious living and violating the Divine given code enables a diaspora and the result is illness and unease.

'Behold I make all things anew sayeth The Divine' 'Be Still and know (Be Aware--Feel the Presence) and know I am the Divine with you' 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You (The Kingdom of Heaven is that Peace when the mind is empty and still and the body relaxed)' and that 'Peace beyond human understanding(that is thought)  and so be it.



National Anti Snaring Campaign














English-word Information

I surmise that when something like the viral infection of 2020 arrives it takes one out of ones comfort zone and many react in differing ways. It is all a matter of identity. The conditioned habitual programmes which are only as permanent as the mind / body life are as real and solid and becomes identity which is a reality and is then felt as real and solid until something comes along to shake that familiarity and security in the known. Then one can experience first hand the frailty of identity in impermanence.

Therefore when something huge like 9 / 11 and this viral infection of 2020 reaches a seemingly amazing incredible proportions then it challenges the habitual conditioned reality and the feeling of shock and dismay ensues. Some may come to terms with this more adequately and quickly than others. Some may find it so dramatic as to get depressed, ill and suicidal. The loss of the familiar leaves a gap, a void and many turn to distractions and noise, as it is quieter  now with less cars and aeroplanes. TV and hire of films thereof get many users and make money from it. Entertainment is a must.

From my surmising and arrogance what if one experiences the gap, the void, the loss and has reached an understanding of the frailty of identity and the impermanence of anything ever conceived in the Universe, indeed the Universe itself is always being born and dissolving, dying and  for without that, new life would not arrive.

So perhaps should one have reached a consciousness of being just an awareness without identifying radically or just a loose affiliation to a few essentials in order to sustain the body, such as some food, clothing warm and a change of clothing, some warm dry shelter and live in simplicity with very few external distractions and dwell in a dynamic meditative awareness with an easy life style that facilitated very little and almost frugal not miserly and lived in harmony with the inner peace of not having many attachments and not forcing detachment but a natural 'not need' for the trappings that make one fall into identity through possessions and hoarding. Ones identity through accumulation of material and mental concepts are transient and impermanent and so this attachment becomes frail although felt at the time fixed and forever.   

For the 'not need' naturally person the identity to wordily and conceptional beliefs is minimum and so the shock of loss of  familiarity is less traumatic for ones identity is not of what is inconveniently termed outward things of  a materialistic nature.

Then what is this awareness, it has seemingly no seemingly human senses, unless it is egoistic awareness, an ego aware of its programmes and conditioning, it knows --it knows --of itself, whilst the less ego awareness know it does not know as is more trusting in the unknown. So the awareness has the ability in its unique capabilities and intuitive sense which is an invisible source to human senses but has senses in a different energy consciousness and merely directs its attention to a different aspect such as to human senses inner mind viewing or outer material views and experiences.

An example watching TV and being immersed and captivated and the awareness is identified with the programme, however if one chooses to experience oneself as knowingly watching the watcher looking at the TV ones awareness is not identified with the programme.

Suppose one was the witness to life and not immersed and lost as identified as the TV programme then ones reality is in that programme, when the programme changes or there is a loss of the programme and a blank screen one can feel the shock and loss as above and have a chance to see the attachment and trap of programming. However if one is the witness one is used to just being that. 

Now comes a critical point; the programmes are impermanent, transient and interchangeable. However does the witness survive even unto the death of the mortal coil flesh body or is it a finality that oblivion is all there is after the striving in this life and seemingly only to procreate and send more to oblivion or is there a survival in a conscious energetic form as it were, 'the form of no form' and the witness awareness moves onto or into witnessing another set of 'programmes' or whatever. I guess surmising will not suffice and one will experience or not on ones demise.  





Do I feel safe without an Identity?  Yes. Why so? Because to me a fixed identity means a reality that seems solid and abiding, whereas deep within me and what I witness in the Universe and Earth especially at this time of the pandemic in 2020 of every day news of thousands infected and thousands dying, although there is a controversy because in any influenza year thousands die and yet it is not generally mentioned.

I champion the impermanence of things so called material, mechanical and mind sets, they pass and change and death carries away the physical experience of them all, whether the memories pass over with the fleeing consciousness, whether there is no after life and oblivion and whether there is reincarnation is really a side issue because whilst alive it seems real and solid and the reality of this affords an identity and this lays out a platform to stand on and relative safety and security and yet the nagging thought of the demise and the grim reaper may undermine that and so many distractions and buried tamped down thoughts may shake the foolproof safeguards and ploys to offset this latent fear.

So coming to terms that one's identity is but a hook to hold one's reality on and if contemplated and debated one could shift the hook to another favourable choice, however it will be as unsustainable as the former one.

So could realising that not having a permanent 'hook reality identity' and really seeing this through and really experiencing the apparent emptiness, the gap vacated by the hook / identity be that boring and depressing that is imagined and just a touch of this void be that disastrous and like wading into the sea or stepping tentatively into the hot bath or cold shower and on relaxing and getting used to floating free as it were one could find its really quite OK.

One does not have to defend the choice of identity accept those who say one should have an identity and that one is a prevaricator or some such thing, however the freedom on experiencing this 'no hook' makes up for the harassment or oddball that others may aim at one. 

So do I ---no I don't.




Quote Fancy

I have written so much about programming, conditioning, brain washing and the like and through the aforesaid there arises from it expectations; some may have pressure to live up to those expectations such as success in the commercial world, political achievements, scientific accolades, religious and spiritual notoriety, a sporting personality and of course a wonderful marriage and children and a multitude of successes and achievements. To most in the world's population success especially in the eyes others is the height of one's life and the go to for happiness and even a quiet contemplative life of the laity and clergy as say distinct from tramps, hermits and off grid folk.

However I have never lived up to my families expectations or those  of friends and relationships or girlfriend, wife or partner and have always been regarded as odd, eccentric and to many a failure in the world's standards and norms, whatever they are supposed to be.

I have even not lived up to my own former fantasies, endeavours,  wishes and really have never fulfilled anything I set out to do in the world.  The NDE in 1942 set me aside from any worldly endeavour as I was keen to see what it was and knew instinctively it was not of this world, I was beset by ill health up to the age of thirteen and a weakly child and not robust, not even now at 81 yrs of age. So to many I failed and to myself at times. I was a great pretender and yet could not live up to that pretence.

Not to say I was a liar and deceitful but just not could fulfil wordily goals and pursuits. One could look at all the workshops and travels, the patients, the electrician and then the forensics then the failed relationships and family estrangement and this seemed a doomed sorry unfulfilled life. For even the workshops, the travels in Europe and Canada, four years spent in sabbaticals (some unpaid) there was this nagging feeling this is not it.

 It wasn't to be, I was forced through severe illness in 2000 until 2002 that I realised that all these failures were giving me a message, these so called failures were driving me to realise that the world and its achievements regarding success were not for me as in SHACK 781 they would have been my 'hook' these perceived failures were my blessing, they were pushing me to realise my identity of no identity and were driving me towards being an 'unhooked being' so to speak. Had I have been 'successful' in any of the above worldly (may I say that being successful in wordily achievements maybe for many their destiny and karma) achievements I would have then been hooked and might have been grounded in a reality that appeared permanent and solid but for this life it was not in destiny and karma to be so.

The unseen hand has its own way in the lives of humans and moves in mysterious ways. SHACK 



There is a saying 'step outside the box' which suggests that that one steps outside the familiar mind sets in order to catch an original concept design or paradigm.

Familiarity is a hard task master in some ways, it can give a feeling  of security and a kind of love for it and feel safe in its arms and for some that's OK and perhaps a feeling of being adequate and some pondering might there maybe be more.

To really step outside the box one needs to shed any inkling of what might be there, if anything at all. For the slightest inkling might be only a smidgen no matter how detached and non judgemental one thinks one has been it is still tainted and based on the past which is the box.

To be truly outside the box one  has to 'be in empty mind, a mind in a meditative manner and free from thought'. I have gone into this at length elsewhere many times in SHACK'S. Then originality arises spontaneously and sychronistically.



Prep Test Adviser

This song by Bob Dylan has a great message and yet I can only add a few words that came to me as well after hearing this many times; it reminds of reincarnation how many times and rounds of incarnations experiencing so many things from beggars to villains, from Kings to paupers, from vagabonds, hermits, tramps to multi millionaires, from long life to death at birth and even in the womb, from every conceivable relationship and maybe some surmise as a mineral, plant, animal / fish / bird to a fallen angel and so on, millions and trillions and trillions of trillions all taking on some form be it gross or fine, etheric or dense materialistic seemingly impenetrable substance and even other dimensional an extra planetary life and forms. Plus all of the habits which are repeats and in a way incarnate-ery.

All of this from the creative fount of the Source of All Life that is if that is one's predilection, however all arise in atoms, particles and they from a common source. Maybe an accident as some claim and with no purpose a random act of spontaneity arising from no intelligence or cause or from an Intelligent Design and Creative Intelligence.      

Maybe the creative source got lost in its own creation and seeks to find its own source of itself and its identity and by finding its own identity may feel at one with itself and rest in that, or now it has found itself perhaps feels lonely as the one and only or on the other hand may feel so content and fulfilled  and wants to share this with its creation and since it feels it is an Intelligence as it were and not visible to itself, in fact, a mystery to itself, it seeks proof in being visible and so creates a form out of itself and trust this form will be able to prove its invisibility by finding the form on awakening to its source as invisible and so confirming to its creator 'I have found Myself and it as You'.

So how many identities do I have to shed to come to realise my Essence and that my lovely body and Nature with Mother Earth, the stars, the planets, the Comets are but temporary transient bodies and that everything known and unknown lives in impermanent forms and their atoms, particles which are the building blocks, the Meccano set, the Leggo and jigsaw pieces, dissolve back to the apparent non intelligent empty non visible source or to the living dynamic consciousness of their creator.

The salient point being not to get caught up in an identifiable identity as one can get stuck and attached and so limit the flow of life and experiences to arrive on Life's conveyor belt.  The moving finger having written moves on.

Quote by Omar Khayyám : “The Moving Finger writes; and ...

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit. Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”


How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Yes, 'n' how many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
Yes, 'n' how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Bob Dylan

Blowin’ In The Wind lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, Audiam, Inc



When you pass

what then

something wonderful




What is there to fear only the fear of thoughts, those thoughts that produce a 'bad taste in the mouth' 'the squashed diaphragm' 'the dry mouth' 'the quenched buttocks' 'the sore arse' 'that sickening feeling'
the fear of fear, the fearing of feeling fear that is the harbinger of anxiety and disquiet. 

These thoughts / emotive / feelings can pop up in the mind as uninvited guests and may seem random but some external symbol may activate them such a sound, aroma, touch a familiar face, a weather pattern and a host of many things. Then the mind becomes fixed almost to a point of obsessiveness. 

These thoughts and attendant feelings are more than likely habitual and if harboured become abject fear and as such stick like mud and become hardened and difficult to remove or deal with.

Ask yourself; do you need them, what use are they to you, do they serve you, do they enrich your life or impede yourself?

They can serve to make us more negative, cynical, sceptic and mistrusting and is this what you  really want?

Some people may find this reassuring as it keeps people out and is like a safety mechanism of keeping people at a distance and not forming meaningful friendships.

So is fear useful;well caution can be useful to ward off real danger, also fear can destroy natural intuitive instinct and to trust oneself, so one has to be alert and aware and should one be able to examine fear when it arises, one may find, if one can look at it by taking deep breaths and looking at it undauntedly and unbiased as possible and feel the grip loosen and gradually relax the tension and see the fear for what it is-- perhaps an old conditioned response and reaction that has become habitual and as such has well out grown its sell by date.




