Cleaning my teeth on this morning of the 24th April 2020 and just mechanically unfocused as if my hands had a mind of their own and of course working habitually by programming, I became aware of the 'dreylas' as explained many times and as these speckles / spicules had became more apparent, not with my eyes but with the vision of my awareness. My awareness which is the background canvas which witnesses everything that arises in and on it, as if it were a field of frequency which is intelligent and a keen observer witnessed this process as it had eyes, in fact the awareness witness is the precursor of all senses human and otherwise.
Emanating from this backdrop of fine dreylas, these golden spicules are a code very much like computer code and it seemed to covey coding and information to the DNA. The matrix symbols flowed and they seemed to be commensurate and concomitant to the spiralling of the DNA in a fashion in which the sequencing of the DNA seemed to soak up, or imbibe like the process of thin membranes that absorb particles of it and seems in this case information from the quantum field. Osmosis is the movement of water from areas of high concentrations to lower concentrations across a semi permeable membrane. It occurs over these membranes in cells of the body alllowing water to move into and out of them.
To me it felt like a 'quantum' process of assimilation:-
Emanating from this backdrop of fine dreylas, these golden spicules are a code very much like computer code and it seemed to covey coding and information to the DNA. The matrix symbols flowed and they seemed to be commensurate and concomitant to the spiralling of the DNA in a fashion in which the sequencing of the DNA seemed to soak up, or imbibe like the process of thin membranes that absorb particles of it and seems in this case information from the quantum field. Osmosis is the movement of water from areas of high concentrations to lower concentrations across a semi permeable membrane. It occurs over these membranes in cells of the body alllowing water to move into and out of them.
To me it felt like a 'quantum' process of assimilation:-
This was moving and changing as the sequences were spiralling in the DNA helix and as if the movement of the DNA as a spiral somehow acted as suction 'pump' drawing out the sequences that were pertinent to my specific requirements and need to build the form of 'me' and its changes with wear and tear and age.
Block Chain Feed
This 'osmosis' like process then was absorbing coding and sequencing to sustain and and maintain my body and the end process was the appearance of form which came out of the codes, symbols which are specific information and algorithms arising out of the quantum field which have every possibility and probability from a limitless amount of these combinations and as to why my and all the Universe and its multi-dimensions chose these specific forms to appear from waves and 'bubble chamber' phenomena is a mystery to humans but to me an intelligent plan and design to which this Intelligence is privy too and permits 'peeps' into Its mystery and evolution.
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It seems to me that the Universe is an intelligent design and being still in those unfocused awareness moments be they in meditation or a sort of absent minded 'washing up or mowing the lawn' when the body takes care of itself by its own instincts and the mind rests in emptiness of awareness without thought or motive that the clear channel, like a hosepipe devoid off grit or water enables some facilitation to download these Cosmic Quantum Down Loads and it reminds me of the quotation ' Be Still and Know I am God Within Thee' and maybe this is the Divine communication with the human mind, human thought has to subside, not repressed, suppressed or forced, wilfully surrendered, meekly giving way, but by a spontaneous intuitive awareness one might say 'awareness of a calling, a deep silent of something really amazing silent communication' which is not the level of hearing with 'ears' but a knowing hearing, a feeling hearing' and it is a whisper in the consciousness and mind.
Getting Smart
The image above can be seen when one looks at the code in 'properties' or such like and you see the computer language and then onto Algorithms:-
Geek to Geek (basic Algorithm)
The frightening and yet awe inspiring thing is humans are now into algorithms in a big way and all aspects of life along with AI its masterpiece so can bring wonders or horrors. If the ego dictates these algorithms and not the loving heart then we may face artificial life forms and other human made horrors.
Perhaps in my naivety I stumbled on or was fortuitous to catch the formation of creation and perhaps the 'big bang' was the Great Intelligence working out the elementary algorithms and the process of evolution which comes in increments, 'spurts of life' which may appear seamless to me at times and yet slow motion cameras viewing the life of plants show it is incremental as if the information has to build silently, silently as the intelligence is downloading, like the progress bar when one is down loading on the computer, or forming a text and on completion the form comes into being. It is potential being activated into tangible form, particles and atoms to molecules and reminding myself all atoms are 99.99% empty and from that emptiness maybe the codes that are uploading the information to the 1% which might be a building block, a jig saw piece in forming form, me, us.
Be that as it may I could feel as I slowly turned the tooth brush in my mouth this code moving down through the awareness backdrop energy field of awareness throughout my 'auric, etheric, energy field' and as it seeped and was imbibed, soaked up and it seemed to replenish, refurbish, nourish and sustain and I realised excitement of a ludicrous kind, worry, anxiety, incompatible food and rest, tension and pollution, negativity and lack of trust in the process took away some of the nutrients and sustainable and frittered away and dissipated the vital replenishing supply chain. It is as if negative and and inharmonious living and violating the Divine given code enables a diaspora and the result is illness and unease.
'Behold I make all things anew sayeth The Divine' 'Be Still and know (Be Aware--Feel the Presence) and know I am the Divine with you' 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You (The Kingdom of Heaven is that Peace when the mind is empty and still and the body relaxed)' and that 'Peace beyond human understanding(that is thought) and so be it.
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