Quantech Therapy |
Whether we experience things 'outside' of the body or in the mind as thoughts, daydreams, dreams and conjuring illusions, watching TV it can only be perceived, recognised or understood by being aware and conscious, which to most is recognised as being in the brain as thought or 'out there' as distinct and separate from us physically and can only be known by touch, feel, sense, see, smell, hear or taste.
Neural science has found out so far that the brain is a decoder very much like a TV, a mobile /cell phone and a computer merely deciphers and decodes invisible to the human eye but collected by the eye wavelengths and frequencies.
Here is depiction how the brain interprets the sound waves into a feeling of hunger.
Here we see either scientists endeavouring to marry the brain to a software or circuit board in a direct interface in which the printed circuit board is giving out waves and frequencies and vice versa.  | WP.NYU.EDU
Here the analogy is that our neural network, the synaptic's, axons, dendrites and all act as organic printed circuit boards and are a super computer without synthetic materials. |
 | Quora
Again we see from the image and the analogy that we live, move and have our being in a sea of invisible TV, Radio like waves and our antenna is our body and our brain decodes and deciphers the frequencies and projects a holographic image of the world in such a way as it seems solid and out there, IN fact there is no in or out, up or down, it is a ONE SEAMLESS vibrational holographic Universe comprised of endless computations of vibrations.
Einstein said ' Life is vibration' and 'The secret of Life is that it is all vibration'. Going from that and the images and explanations there is no separation, all is one seamless constant pulsing energetic frequencies and should one be able to view this as it were it would appear as many, many, dashes dots, squiggles, intermingling, throbbing events in whatever it moves through and space like.
Having said all that an Astronaut, an Aquanaut, or any other traveller does not actually travel anywhere, that is physically, why is this so because the brain decodes and projects these vibrations into what appears to be form that we recognise daily with our senses are actually all frequencies and our observatories can record these in various wavelengths and so what we perceive as physically travelling to a planet or seaside and so on is there in its vibrational resonating waves and if we were a 'non brained' entity an energy being, we would not have to travel we would merely get the broadcast, the programme. We walk in our minds. With the brain gone there would not be a physical reality at all and to cap it all remember atoms are 99.99% empty, they are vibrating appearances that flit in and out of the quantum field.
The Universe would still exist in its vibrational 'form' as a vibrational entity and perhaps when we die we can be energy beings that surf the Universe and go to the millions of vibrational galaxies, stars and planets and what's more instantly. So maybe our cousins the ET are just that, vibrational surfers and their craft their mind image that would appear to us.
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