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Deccan Herald |
The ego is a predator it looks for objects and thoughts in order to form an identity and has content thoughts or objects which it can boast and attract attention and get approval.
Trauma in the womb and then into childhood and the continuing journey produces emotional pain and approval becomes paramount and to relieve the pain. The pain if not acknowledged can turn to anything to relieve this pain such as alcohol, a hobby, being a workaholic or many things and the pain reliever can become an addiction and vicious cycle can come into play.
One gets temporary relief and feels the pain has gone, however the emotional trauma is only a band aid and the wound / trauma then arises again and one then goes to the pain reliever and is sought again. The ego lives on addiction.
In order to deal with addiction one has to become aware of the cycle and many do but the pain is so great and the substance or whatever the reliever is not the ADDICTION it is the relief from pain, the reliever can be anything that brings relief. It is the relief from pain that is the emotive force caused by trauma that leads to addiction.
Some addictions that have not been resolved can be very severe and world leaders who have not resolved their childhood trauma especially abuse become bullies and show their power in war and and atrocities, or some attract attention and approval by being weak and always poor me.
The homeless and imprisoned people are often ridiculed and punished along with drug addicts and alcoholics, their pain is a cry for help and very few people love and accept them and to incarcerate and punish them is what caused their pain in the first place. Many blame them when in fact society awards the brutal dictator, the bully despot who ravaged other countries and made slaves of them, robbed them of their lives and brought them to unnatural ways of living and doing the same to the planet. In many ways when governments bring in austerity measures, high taxes on the poor, lack of jobs and lack social housing causing trauma and in poor districts there is homelessness, addiction and crime and the State becomes the nasty parent or the child that has been abandoned and been neglected and they are blamed, which is the authorities shifting the blame to them and projecting their own inadequacies which they do not own onto the less unfortunate.
The cycle can be broken by awareness, care and impersonal love. Not to love them to make yourself feel great, to love without reward. To have compassion and it should be supplied by people who have recognised their identity is their work of care and not make that an addiction. For instant carers who turn nasty in some cases in care homes as they become aware that their patients remind them of their frailty and there own childhood stuff.
Unfortunately this modern world we live in, especially the Covid debacle brings out the worst and in my www.geofffreed.com ( Title Article Important law Case to be Launched)you can see the madness and addiction to wealth and power and the whole world facing madness through it.
As long as there is addiction we will live in an insane world. The raping of nature until all the resources run out the war over them becomes insanity. The greed and avaricious will mean the rich and the strong through the protection they buy and corrupt will mean slavery and punitive methods to enforce it.
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