Saturday, 16 April 2022



Inc Magazine
Life wants to live, survival, Life's survival instinct is a built in function it is part of the hardrive and basic layout.

When Life meets Itself it wants to share and expand. And so survival is part of Its Nature.



Live Science

Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos. “whenever you observe a series of patterns repeating over and over again, at many different scales, and where any small part resembles the whole, that's a fractal.”

 I have long thought that humans with the Universe are fractal events and arise from the Quantum field as a pattern from the Intelligent Design re consciousness and this goes against mainstream science of 2022. In the Quantum field there resides every possibility and probability. So the algorithms and recursion would be there as to facilitate nature and the Universe.  

 This came about by a laughingly or seemingly absurd prompt or mind flash; it was during ablutions that I felt in the morning a few days back and I sat on the toilet and was defecating that I had a strange sensation in my anus and for some reason it reminded me of Jong. When I lived in Colindale and rented a room with Roz and her partner Jong he had to have several operations to remove growths in the side walls of his anus. 

This somehow clicked and it suggested that everyone alive was a mirror or a facet of a characteristic of some facet of personality, quirk, intelligence, habit, ritual and so on of course including enlightenment. So in a way we all are teachers and those we meet or see on the media and such like could have been myself and they me. In this respect they were my teachers and again it comes to in the mirror of relationships we find ourselves and we teach that what we most need to learn. 

We are the world and the world is me.

People, Math, Rochester. Edu

Tree Hugger

Howard TV


You Tube

For many years I have calendar edited by A.J.Russell and from the best selling book 'God Calling' it is predominately New Testament and some psalms and Old Testament. If I remember correctly it was channelled so to speak by two female 'listeners' I believed they just sat in the silence. There is a saying by Jesus'
New King James Version
'For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” 
Well today 11/01/2022 I sat after reading this calendar and this really 'called to me'  The reading was from John 15.4 'Abide in me (to me in the silence and peace) As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself. except it abide in the vine (to me my free will ego just sprouts small diminutive buds and no fruiting, the vine being rooted in the peace beyond thought---' lean not to your own understanding' 'The peace that passes all human understanding' ' The Kingdom of heaven is within') no more can ye, except ye abide in me. (to me all is of God and stands alone).

As I type this my spelling and dyslexia is appalling, it is as if something is deliberately stopping this entry and even the computer played up and took time to log up and fiddley mucking about.

The silences are calling me. An extract from a Native American prayer; 'As each day passes, help to me to surrender with grace, the things of my youth. Help me to listen to the quiet and find serenity and comfort in the silences as they become longer' 

As I type this paragraph above re the silences I had an insight; I had been wrestling with a decision over exercises. I do several of which one is a very ancient Qi Gong form with a Gan(stick) and named Jiangan ( video on You Tube by Michael Davies) I can do the standing ones but the floor one's are for me strenuous and hurt me and make me sore. I tussled with this because I am I feel I am overweight and obese and these certainly that is the ground ones could slim me down. However they are not for me, this came out of the insight above 'help me to surrender with grace, the things of my youth'. 

Many seniors who practice Qi Gong have bellies and as a senior I do not have to a 'build and figure' to attract a female or anyone especially myself, but surrender to the peace and listen to what my dearest lovely body needs and loves and be satisfied how from the guidance from the quiet and let the nudging from the silences as they become longer or more frequent satisfy me how I am.

Be still and know I am God within the.

And now the reading of the Above John 15.4 quote by the two listeners;
'There may come times when you sit in silence, when it seems you were left alone. But you will have the consciousness of My Presence, when you hear no voice. Abide in that Presence.'   



Free Pick

My dear friend Alex Tobin passed over a few days back, January 2022 he lived in Brussels Belgium with his dear wife Marianne. I did what I name a Puja ( Sanskrit meaning reverence, honor, adoration and worship. ... ) I do my own kind of puja when I hear of a friend or acquaintance, family, neighbour and so on. Marianne is one of my dear friends who regularly supported my workshops at the EU, Brussels, Belgium and worked for EU.

This started when my dear mother passed over; I came into the empty flat where I lived, my brother was elsewhere and as I came in I distinctly heard mum's voice, at first I thought shock, mum passing, mourning, and then she said' Geoff, where am I, I cannot seem to wake up, my body is not moving(Mum passed on the operating table) this feeling persisted, so I decided to go along with it, it was not so much a feeling but a deep inner knowing.

I said inside my mind, 'Mum do you remember having the operation', 'yes she said' 'well you didn't survive you have passed over' 'No this can't be I am alive' ' Mum do you remember the talks we had about the after life?' 'No not really' 'Well please trust me, soon you will see lights, please go with the brightest one and trust all is well' ' I immediately felt a presence and light, and dear Mother went with this light'. I felt her go and I was at peace.

A few days later Mother came to me and said 'Geoff I went with the light, it was so beautiful and I met Jesus' ( My family are Jewish and this was a surprise she said this) and then she said, 'Geoff, I am so proud to have a son like you, thank you, I will try to come to you like this when needed' ' I said through tears, Mum just go with Jesus and have fun, you had such a tormented life' and she went.

A few weeks later she came to alert me of my father stirring trouble in the family and then to tell me some months late of his passing, the time and day and the same with my grandmother some years late.

Since then I have done the puja's and on several occasions seen and heard the soul / spirit speak and look dressed in things that only the surviving ones knew and we were astonished. 

With Alex above it was amazing, immediately I started the puja in which I go quiet and go into meditation and a quiet empty mind and picture the soul that passed and if I do not know them or met them I get a feeling of them which is verified by the living ones here still. Alex said 'Geoff no need to do this I am with Jesus'. The energy was amazing, there was light, peace, joy, ecstasy and supreme confirmation of the truth of Yeshua / Jesus'. Alex blessed me with this, because from childhood I always loved Jesus and still do.

I rang Marianne who had informed me by email his passing and told her of this experience and of course to offer my love and sympathy and she literally gasped. How did you know Alex loved Jesus, he didn't tell anyone but me. She cried and said thanks Geoff this means so much to me. 

This was an epiphany for me as I now know this is a precious gift given over the years from Spirit and it wiped away so much doubt and fear at a deep level. That night and the following days I feel in a new energy and world.  

When I was 11years of age we lived in Paxford Road Wembley (108 Paxford Road ?) I went to Byron Court Road School, all Jewish children went outside whilst the the teacher a Miss Leversuch (Leather guts by us kids a real strict teacher) taught the new Testament, just as she started and we were on the way out I heard her say ' Jesus taught the people ---I went 
back in and said ' Miss I know Jesus (I think I said I have seen him) In those  days our family name was Glickenfried and Bilangroski, and the teacher said 'Glickenfried, How dare you insult our teacher, get out' I exclaimed 'but I do know him'. I go told off by the headmaster and after that suffered abuse by a Welsh teacher and two boys who bullied me over it.




Video Hive
This morning which was 05 January 2022 a bright frosty day after or in meditation and prayer I felt and perceived that everything was alive with sparkling light. Similar to the account with the trees sometime back when they shared their essence.

I felt more than saw the sparkles, it is what I name 'feel see' the feeling suggests mind graphics.

I felt the absolute joy and fun and the utter out-and out blissful dance of the atoms dancing and forming forms of gorgeous joy and lighted dynamic peace.

There are no words to describe this adequately. The feeling of utter freedom, free from all constraints, limits or dimensions was absurdly impossible to imagine by the human mind, it is beyond human understanding, this to my understanding or rather feeling the essence of Life, the celebration of life celebrating itself, its recognitions of Its very being and foundation. I prayed that I might have the trust in this experience and to have more of them, however they are a gift of grace from on high so to speak and will have to be content and patient until the next visit and not yearn and put my energy and attention just on that.

And then being human my everyday mind kicked in and left me in a sort of quandary. I felt let down, I wanted to be in this sparkling wonderland, and I wondered if this was a foretaste of the Life beyond the veil, the veil being my mortal coil.

I then had certain misgivings; is this all imagination and a retreat from the appalling atrocities of this uncertain pandemic and the constant fear of mutations of the virus and never ending vaccinations and lockdowns or visa, passports and the erosion of being human by woke, transhumanism, cyborgism, eugenic and technocracy or was this the real deal of the after life or the evolving ascension consciousness that the human body can live with without having to pass over and through the veil and furthermore that the those who perpetrated this horror brutal debacle and drama feared as they would lose their control of our minds and the freedom would overrun their hoarding selfish psychopathic, sociopathic fetid greedy closed and narrow demonic minds.

The very freedom of the illuminati, deep state, elite so called, Bilderbergs or whatever separates they have become is the freedom they fear most in others.



Friday, 1 April 2022




Although the image above shows a scientist by the name of Elon Musk and his space endeavours it can well represent this article.

I sometimes get into this kind of mind set and feel enclosed and then there arrives; what I am doing on this Earth, why did I choose to come here when in my NDE I did not want to, I am not working, retired gratefully for now 20 years, I have a state Pension and the Met Police Pension which are adequate, a reasonable flat with neighbours and in a very good 'niche / metier' I've had a an amazing life, travelling, living in Menorca, Canada, a community named Findhorn in Scotland, presented many workshops in Europe, had many clients and patients, taught Judo, Kendo and Aikido, Meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, was a healer, write in three websites, was in Forensics, a qualified electrician been on TV and Radio, however my relationships and friendship's were a Non ti sono grata per quello really a flop. Worked with NASA as an associate.

So sometimes I asked God to take me back to the place the consciousness more like in my NDE before I was coerced or saw better through an innate reason to come to Earth. It was a plea rather than suicidal. So I did not like the space I was contained in. Then I realised it was brain washing by inculcation, not so much by this incarnation but the collected impacted evasive buried that are in the subconscious of the world and and many generations in other words the centuries old collective unconscious. 

I wanted out of the confinement of the history of the times gone by and the tenets, the credo's, the ascription's, the present brain washing including my own theories, I was feeling as though I was on a merry -go round, the hamster wheel, the dharma wheel, I was feeling trapped and stale. 

I had realised that moving home and travelling was not the answer, like a new toy when the fascination and energy, the honeymoon was over and if it instilled the motive of acquisitiveness, cupidity and avarice it merely is a dog chasing its tail and all forms of this nature fade and are impermanent and cause all sorts of problems along the way, greed, jealousy, fighting, defending one's wealth and territory, religion, possessions and defence by insurance against burglary, even academic rites and plagiary.

Then I realised I wanted out from my old stale routines and ego constructs, it was not from a place as it were, it was a space filled with old dying stale stultifying, but a domain, a dominion of a set of deep beliefs and tenets that had lost their use and there function and sell by date. However, the trick was not to get a new set of rules and regulations but dispense or relinquish them all.

How to do this and get to a different space; I realised space represented expansion and in some sense freedom as long as I did not fill this space with the old past history. In fact there is no doing by determined effort in a way. Could one live with very little thought and planning and relying on a solid routine, prayers and whatever. Yes, it would mean that the witness awareness recognises intuitively by the awareness of intuition and innate awareness that this is data brought up on the screen of mind is 'a not me' and belongs to the outdated world view of now and years passed by.

The there is a peace when experienced and not just an intellectual orgasmic massage, but a feeling of Self recognising Self it feels this is the real me. This is the ego stripped to its most naked form and the residue becomes the Self revealed.


SHACK 1084 The Circle and The Mirror

Sat NAM Europe

Maybe this would be read as conceited, however I feel to share this with myself and others who may come across this article. Some weeks back during or after meditation in the morning, I felt that God and I were one.

Then as an after addition I felt that God, The Infinite Intelligence, The Great Spirit, The consciousness that Created everything, that was is and now, somehow for It's satisfaction wanted to share the joy of Creation, created, and so created a mirror as it were to bear witness to It's creation. I use the word It's because I cannot find another word to define the the invisible Intelligent Consciousness that is The Eternal Being, I mean no derogatory inference, I am just frustrated to find an appropriate description or adjective to adequately or do justice to God Almighty, The Great Hashem.

This mirror looked at Hashem's(It is not a “Name” of a God, it is simply the Arabic word “God.” In Hebrew, Hashem is literally “The Name.” It is neither the name of God, nor is it, in fact, “God” in that language, I feel this may replace 'It's', I feel less presumptuous and arrogant and bullish. Hashem looked at Itself and felt like a true artist satisfied in the creation and started to evolve the creation and build on the 'picture and plan' to my mind evolution.

Perhaps and in sheer absurdity feel that Hashem pondered and contemplated the creation and when Hashem had formulated the plan and it welled up into a desire Hashem brought forth the elementary blueprints and set it out on the draughtsmen's table which is space even the vacuum, and it came forth as huge exclamation, an AH HA and this may have been the big bang as the Plan hatched and gave birth, the Universe's Foetus came to gestation and came forth from the Womb of Space into beingness and then the process brought together the pieces of the meccano, the leggo, the jigsaw, the clay and plasticine in the form of particles, atoms, molecules and so forth, which are consciousness, intelligence, awareness which are imbibed with the energy of Hashem and brought forth as mind substance in substratum form, the very synaptic and axioms of Hashem's Mind. Just like water vapor condensates to water, to water, to ice, so, particles to more solid forms as atoms to molecules Under the direction and tutelage of the Intelligence and information of the PLAN.

Then Hashem wanted to share the Creation and joy, as an artist would and present it to a gallery to admire and enjoy. This became the creation of the human and maybe many other sentient beings and perhaps every atom and particle are the energy of joy, love and appreciation, a living Universe of myriads diverse forms all created from the basic Quantum field originated from the Mind of God, The Hashem. 

I felt that when I was still and not in my brain washed inheritance my ego in other words I felt this joy, I merely was empty in a way and I felt all creation was one and could intuitively feel the presence of the Almighty's Joy and happiness and it was a seamless circle of appreciation, gratitude and unconditional love, abundance and love. All creation was one and the only things that could mar this mirror and circle was those whose personal and ambitious ego programmes chose to go their own way.  

Those who wished to impair, blemish and despoil, ravish and maraud were by the love of God given as a free gift, free will and choice and we can go our own selfish ways or will to the will of God. I feel so called inanimate objects have a modicum of joy and beingness even when tainted with intentions of evil and destructive weaponry and even seeing the 'light' in their destructive potential can in someway lessen their deadly impact and if many were to see and acknowledge this light it could I believe not only lessen but diffuse its horrific devastation. Certainly all of nature feels this; the beauty, the grace of birds, the animals, the viruses that clean out stuff as bacteria, the snakes and creatures of the undergrowth I feel share in this intuitive joy, the fox, the wolf, the oak, the anaconda, the rose, the butterfly, the hummingbird are glad to be alive, of course not captive and tortured beings. They share the beingness and by this joy there is a feedback loop which is the circle and the Universe is one conscious interrelated, interconnected seamless entity. This known as the love of God, I felt deeply that God loved me, only to be forgotten later when my worldly ego stuff clobbered me and then to remember again and so this cycle will go on until I am fully aware of and feel this love strongly in order to override nay have without interreference day and night long awareness naturally of this Godshine, not by having to have mental prompts to do this. 

So in this way any sentient being similar to a human and is aware of itself being aware of itself can appreciate this feeling and express it as best as it can such as loving and respecting one another, sharing and caring for nature and the Universe, to gratitude for being alive and those less aware of being aware of themselves to instinctively just go about their lives automatically and spontaneously without much complicated thought, explanation and deliberation. 

Truly natures creation does this instinctively and as such live by divine will and in a way more 'spiritual' than many humans. 



MemLok. Bible Memory System

 This may not be suitable for all faiths, however I feel to honour this as universally as possible. 

I tend to feel the phrase 'HE' is for me somewhat outdated and I would prefer 'The Great Spirit' 'The Source' 'The Creator' or 'Mother / Father God or Father / Mother God', 'The Divine' ' Cosmic Consciousness' 'Love shared Itself with all' ' Love gave birth to Itself'

Perhaps I being to picky and fussy.



Meme Generator

 At this time (26th December 2021) after nearly two years of torrid events in the worlds history and the strange flu / Covid / Delta variant and Omicron strain along with wars, so called climate change, political unrest and so on and with all my writings of ascension, solar system changes, the 6th extinction, the 1967 writings there is so much energetic stuff going on; 5G, Massive number of satellites that are launched, surveillance vibes, radar, through computers and vibes targeting individuals and so on, a huge cocktail of frequencies and the sensitising process of the meditation and ascension chi, kundulini it is sometimes quite worrying; such as illness, cancer, vaccine damage, polluted food, climate and fear engendered pandemic lies, hype and confusion that my spiritual prowess is being questioned.

I have noticed as I age now 83, I am getting clumsy, a strange stiffness as if it is deliberately done so as to protect me, also I am trying too hard and forcing ego will and standards resulting in anger and life showing me to trust in the timing and speed, however there is one aspect which is intriguing; for example this morning as of the 26 December 2021 I was doing something and wanting to plan, get an answer, I am not quite sure, when instead of ' squeezing my brain' like searching and wracking my brain, it almost and does at times feel as if I am physically by mental effort squeezing my frontal lobes and frowning with it to find the solution, NOT a searching for a name sort of thing or recollection.   

It as if my soul, my intuition is messaging me and saying ' shift away from your intellect', your memory box, your human physical remembering of acts, figures, which when applicable can be brought into play or use. I have noticed my quick responses and sharp intellect is waning and because of my age 83 to date as on December 2021 I felt is this the first signs of senility or Alzheimer's and I trust I am NOT Kidding myself that I am on a slippery slope.

There is another way of looking at this; when I am in company and my ego gets rampant, I can reminisce, be the story teller and be the centre of attraction and my ego loves it and some folk love it and find it amusing and others think egotistical, big head and boring. My ego feeds on the applause and rebels and feels hurt by the shunning and obvious putting down. This is due to my lack of human self confidence and self esteem of which my early childhood and life experiences have brought about and I written copiously aforehand.  Also a natural egoic functioning to have experiences and cash in on them. Look at what I achieved and done, I can go one better.  

Perhaps this a switch in teaching me to trust the silence in me and not the applause seeking intellectual monkey mind and this is not senility waiting in the wings and to eventually carry me off to cuckoo land and perhaps the worry of this happening puts stress on the brain and synaptic's AND this is a natural ageing process and ascension process. Perhaps us humans have missed the ascension process of 'Lean not to thy own understanding'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Perhaps as I get older my past knowledge and endeavour's are not needed or rather they are upgraded and they wean me away from ego and that 'I need to know I know, to be safe in my knowledge and acumen and indeed this need to rely on the ego is the known and presumed safety and to trust the unknown, the invisible is scary and unsafe and only 'clicks in' now and again. This is indeed the lesson of the above. As in the hug in SHACK 1081 / 82 this is a spiritual upgrade and like the teaser and taste of the spirit hug, this is the taster and teaser of the spiritual mind at work, the intuition and is preparing me to eventually live in the spiritual realm and its intuitive, spontaneous sort of telepathic mode of spirit communication.

This could come with age or the ascension process. It can come to children and young people and adults as an natural process of the Ascension evolutionary energies.

My ego has to accept and learn that competitiveness is OK  in sport, however in competing with others for applause and ego merit is not useful for ascension and indeed can hamper its progress.


From June 2020 it has been confirmed I have Vaccine Damage and part of the lethargy is due to this. I have from my GP and the NHS complete exemption from any more vaccines, boosters and so on. I have never had a flu jab ever. There is no treatment for vaccine damage through Medical means, however, some complimentary remedies and treatment have eased the clumsiness a little and the brain for with a slight ease of joint and nerve issues.


Ya -Nature

I have this plea, this urgent and intense desire to hold God, The Great Spirit in a hug. This frustrates me at times because the Mystery is that God has no visible form and as a human with human senses I can only comprehend hugging and loving something tangible. Of course I love The Great Spirits creation and hug animals, humans, trees and rocks.

Oh Great One and Only would if I could hug you; I can feel to hug your presence and in the silence when I feel your warm embrace in the way of peace, calm and as a soothing of the restless mind.

Yet I yearn for the physical contact which is the physical human flesh domain, I guess I have to learn to just realise that when I leave this body my senses and perceptions change to spirit senses as it were and perhaps my yearning for the hugs ah la physical and tangible are being upgraded so to speak and the yearning for something spiritual in essence of a hug equivalent is the next step in my evolution and to give me a taste of the life to come and yet to bless me with this teaser and taste of that which hopefully will come.

This is teaching me that the yearning to love God Almighty with all my heart and strength and to feel this energy within my body is the spirit and my soul intimating to me and beckoning me to let go of the reliance of the physical hug as solely satisfying and leaning to feel the inner hug so to speak. It takes me to the intuition and my inner senses through non tangible feeling to spirit feeling, that is to my understanding at present the 26th December 2021 (Boxing Day) and further more to realise that physical hugs are reliant on a non permanent structure of the ageing and dying physical form right from birth to the birthing process of gradually releasing the body to the soul and spiritual senses and then perhaps passing out from them into a new era and area if one can say things of the spirit and then to understand in the spirit body and feel the hugs of the God and to embrace it as a human hug in spiritual form. 
