Sat NAM Europe |
Maybe this would be read as conceited, however I feel to share this with myself and others who may come across this article. Some weeks back during or after meditation in the morning, I felt that God and I were one.
Then as an after addition I felt that God, The Infinite Intelligence, The Great Spirit, The consciousness that Created everything, that was is and now, somehow for It's satisfaction wanted to share the joy of Creation, created, and so created a mirror as it were to bear witness to It's creation. I use the word It's because I cannot find another word to define the the invisible Intelligent Consciousness that is The Eternal Being, I mean no derogatory inference, I am just frustrated to find an appropriate description or adjective to adequately or do justice to God Almighty, The Great Hashem.
This mirror looked at Hashem's(It is not a “Name” of a God, it is simply the Arabic word “God.” In Hebrew, Hashem is literally “The Name.” It is neither the name of God, nor is it, in fact, “God” in that language, I feel this may replace 'It's', I feel less presumptuous and arrogant and bullish. Hashem looked at Itself and felt like a true artist satisfied in the creation and started to evolve the creation and build on the 'picture and plan' to my mind evolution.
Perhaps and in sheer absurdity feel that Hashem pondered and contemplated the creation and when Hashem had formulated the plan and it welled up into a desire Hashem brought forth the elementary blueprints and set it out on the draughtsmen's table which is space even the vacuum, and it came forth as huge exclamation, an AH HA and this may have been the big bang as the Plan hatched and gave birth, the Universe's Foetus came to gestation and came forth from the Womb of Space into beingness and then the process brought together the pieces of the meccano, the leggo, the jigsaw, the clay and plasticine in the form of particles, atoms, molecules and so forth, which are consciousness, intelligence, awareness which are imbibed with the energy of Hashem and brought forth as mind substance in substratum form, the very synaptic and axioms of Hashem's Mind. Just like water vapor condensates to water, to water, to ice, so, particles to more solid forms as atoms to molecules Under the direction and tutelage of the Intelligence and information of the PLAN.
Then Hashem wanted to share the Creation and joy, as an artist would and present it to a gallery to admire and enjoy. This became the creation of the human and maybe many other sentient beings and perhaps every atom and particle are the energy of joy, love and appreciation, a living Universe of myriads diverse forms all created from the basic Quantum field originated from the Mind of God, The Hashem.
I felt that when I was still and not in my brain washed inheritance my ego in other words I felt this joy, I merely was empty in a way and I felt all creation was one and could intuitively feel the presence of the Almighty's Joy and happiness and it was a seamless circle of appreciation, gratitude and unconditional love, abundance and love. All creation was one and the only things that could mar this mirror and circle was those whose personal and ambitious ego programmes chose to go their own way.
Those who wished to impair, blemish and despoil, ravish and maraud were by the love of God given as a free gift, free will and choice and we can go our own selfish ways or will to the will of God. I feel so called inanimate objects have a modicum of joy and beingness even when tainted with intentions of evil and destructive weaponry and even seeing the 'light' in their destructive potential can in someway lessen their deadly impact and if many were to see and acknowledge this light it could I believe not only lessen but diffuse its horrific devastation. Certainly all of nature feels this; the beauty, the grace of birds, the animals, the viruses that clean out stuff as bacteria, the snakes and creatures of the undergrowth I feel share in this intuitive joy, the fox, the wolf, the oak, the anaconda, the rose, the butterfly, the hummingbird are glad to be alive, of course not captive and tortured beings. They share the beingness and by this joy there is a feedback loop which is the circle and the Universe is one conscious interrelated, interconnected seamless entity. This known as the love of God, I felt deeply that God loved me, only to be forgotten later when my worldly ego stuff clobbered me and then to remember again and so this cycle will go on until I am fully aware of and feel this love strongly in order to override nay have without interreference day and night long awareness naturally of this Godshine, not by having to have mental prompts to do this.
So in this way any sentient being similar to a human and is aware of itself being aware of itself can appreciate this feeling and express it as best as it can such as loving and respecting one another, sharing and caring for nature and the Universe, to gratitude for being alive and those less aware of being aware of themselves to instinctively just go about their lives automatically and spontaneously without much complicated thought, explanation and deliberation.
Truly natures creation does this instinctively and as such live by divine will and in a way more 'spiritual' than many humans.