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At this time (26th December 2021) after nearly two years of torrid events in the worlds history and the strange flu / Covid / Delta variant and Omicron strain along with wars, so called climate change, political unrest and so on and with all my writings of ascension, solar system changes, the 6th extinction, the 1967 writings there is so much energetic stuff going on; 5G, Massive number of satellites that are launched, surveillance vibes, radar, through computers and vibes targeting individuals and so on, a huge cocktail of frequencies and the sensitising process of the meditation and ascension chi, kundulini it is sometimes quite worrying; such as illness, cancer, vaccine damage, polluted food, climate and fear engendered pandemic lies, hype and confusion that my spiritual prowess is being questioned.
I have noticed as I age now 83, I am getting clumsy, a strange stiffness as if it is deliberately done so as to protect me, also I am trying too hard and forcing ego will and standards resulting in anger and life showing me to trust in the timing and speed, however there is one aspect which is intriguing; for example this morning as of the 26 December 2021 I was doing something and wanting to plan, get an answer, I am not quite sure, when instead of ' squeezing my brain' like searching and wracking my brain, it almost and does at times feel as if I am physically by mental effort squeezing my frontal lobes and frowning with it to find the solution, NOT a searching for a name sort of thing or recollection.
It as if my soul, my intuition is messaging me and saying ' shift away from your intellect', your memory box, your human physical remembering of acts, figures, which when applicable can be brought into play or use. I have noticed my quick responses and sharp intellect is waning and because of my age 83 to date as on December 2021 I felt is this the first signs of senility or Alzheimer's and I trust I am NOT Kidding myself that I am on a slippery slope.
There is another way of looking at this; when I am in company and my ego gets rampant, I can reminisce, be the story teller and be the centre of attraction and my ego loves it and some folk love it and find it amusing and others think egotistical, big head and boring. My ego feeds on the applause and rebels and feels hurt by the shunning and obvious putting down. This is due to my lack of human self confidence and self esteem of which my early childhood and life experiences have brought about and I written copiously aforehand. Also a natural egoic functioning to have experiences and cash in on them. Look at what I achieved and done, I can go one better.
Perhaps this a switch in teaching me to trust the silence in me and not the applause seeking intellectual monkey mind and this is not senility waiting in the wings and to eventually carry me off to cuckoo land and perhaps the worry of this happening puts stress on the brain and synaptic's AND this is a natural ageing process and ascension process. Perhaps us humans have missed the ascension process of 'Lean not to thy own understanding'5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Perhaps as I get older my past knowledge and
endeavour's are not needed or rather they are upgraded and they wean me away from ego and that 'I need to know I know, to be safe in my knowledge and acumen and indeed this need to rely on the ego is the known and presumed safety and to trust the unknown, the invisible is scary and unsafe and only 'clicks in' now and again. This is indeed the lesson of the above. As in the hug in SHACK 1081 / 82 this is a spiritual upgrade and like the teaser and taste of the spirit hug, this is the taster and teaser of the spiritual mind at work, the intuition and is preparing me to eventually live in the spiritual realm and its intuitive, spontaneous sort of telepathic mode of spirit communication.
This could come with age or the ascension process. It can come to children and young people and adults as an natural process of the Ascension evolutionary energies.
My ego has to accept and learn that competitiveness is OK in sport, however in competing with others for applause and ego merit is not useful for ascension and indeed can hamper its progress.
From June 2020 it has been confirmed I have Vaccine Damage and part of the lethargy is due to this. I have from my GP and the NHS complete exemption from any more vaccines, boosters and so on. I have never had a flu jab ever. There is no treatment for vaccine damage through Medical means, however, some complimentary remedies and treatment have eased the clumsiness a little and the brain for with a slight ease of joint and nerve issues.
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