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Monday, 15 August 2022
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Quantum Magazine |
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The Student Room |
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Vogue |
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Pinterest(Kirlian Photography) |
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Karin Henseler (Could this be Klaus Schwab future Robotic Aura?) |
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Inc. Magazine |
Sitting in meditation and prayer and doing seated Qi Gong and admiring and blessing the trees and pigeons, squirrels, birds, flowers with daisies, dandelions and the lawn with grass, a very large pigeon floated effortlessly by with wings spread out like that of an aeroplane with flaps extended for landing and it landed and somehow it shifted an intellectual perception into a living intuitive spiritual experience.
Intellectually and logically I felt on some level and knew on some level that the Universe and nature were one and underlying and undergirding them there was a field although invisible to the human senses and although referred to as the quantum zero point continuum and though appearing empty was indeed a dynamic potential which had every possibility and probability within it and that the Universe I feel was born from the womb of potential and created by an Intelligence as yet that is not understood but can be felt.
So my intellect and logic which is part of the the ego which selected by education and hand me downs does its job as it were by compartermentlisation and that although in units I could see the logic how units form and become eventually as a whole yet I knew it but not feel it, but by the process rationalisation it was so.
This morning there was shift; I felt without rhyme or reason, there was a flow and all of life flowed into one whole holographic experience, without breaks and instead of my logic and reason seeing and experiencing which seemed based on some brain washed accepted theory and separate sequences, the experiences just seemed to flow sort of spontaneously and planning was relegated to an extent out of Life survival and every day needs and not necessities of desire and fashion.
It was an orchestra; before I viewed it as the wind section, the string section, the percussion section and the conductor, as when watching the TV at a concert say at the Albert Hall and the camera technician zooming in on sections as they played perhaps as a solo section in the score for that rendition.
Now I felt the orchestra as a whole, very different from seeing with the senses. This was feeling, a deep non logical and non emotional in a way, this was feeling Life without needing an explanation, it spoke to the Life in me which needed no reason for being here or anywhere and like the leaf blown by the wind and the caption below the tittle depicts the wind blowing the seed-heads of the dandelion and like the Zen Monk when the flowers appeared and birds returned after winter 'and I did nothing to assist this' it was the Tao' the way of things' seemingly spontaneously and not so because it was cyclic and yet so, the great koan and paradox of Life, some Intelligence, some Great Spirit, Some Great Being was in charge and instead of intellect and logic, my demanding ego straining to live and control my life exclusively by and large, I live by the seemingly spontaneity that Life offers.
Who knows what concert is playing today and yes some routines are necessary for the human condition that The Great Spirit gave to the Earth and humanity but to make space for the flow and to be entertained by Life which offers more variety than the same old same old academic, intellectual in some way artificial entertainment and to me that vital spark and essence that the Tao of surprise has, the flow and orchestra playing with joy and abundant variation, no leaf, flower, person, animal is exactly the same, only human machinery does replicate exact laser digital preciseness and only a robotic artificial brain washed programme can appreciate this and not be bored with it.
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Conscious Dimension--Wordpress.com |
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The Power Of Oneness |
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Amar Ujala |
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National Geographic Kids |
Monday, 1 August 2022
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Somerset Live |
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Unreal Engine |
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The Door of Perception |
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123RF |
Broken synaptic's like wriggling worms, bootlace snakes, squirming and desperately seeking like blind moles unused to unfamiliar subterranean passages the old familiar safe and yet unsafe routes and food sources.
Minds blown apart by clever and vicious psychopathic amoral egoistic monster power seekers and the dream of Darwinian eugenics that make them the finest and of the survivors, the top of the tree, the 'man' on the block, the top banana, stretching their dreams of supremacy to the utmost and counting their properties, their possessions and billions and maybe billions of trillions as they humiliate their so called homeless, native, ethnic natural resources and peoples as mere uneducated, stupid, naïve, smelly, unattractive, unproductive, not able to think and be smart and shunning most of technology and so called sophisticated materialistic capitalistic hard cash and machinery and locking down everyone and thing with 'implanted chips and digital surveillance' so as to make them feel safe and secure and royalty at the top of the pile.
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These images above may describe the neurons seeking their previous connections and the plasticity that hook up new connections and yet the memory and conditioning, the inculcation of the past stick like superglue and the one way stream of media collusion with the 'authorities' narrative and shamed as a conspirator if any attempt to even hint or discuss any other option or rationale. Complete obedience and compliance and the passport to prove one is a faithful obedient servant---after all who will save you from damnation and a ET or Nuclear threat? I've been through the processing of inculcation many times; in the womb the foetus feels sensations which are imprinted in the early nervous development. On birth it hears a sound like a puppy dog and this sound eventually is the recognition of its name Geoff, Puppy Skip. Then the religion, the culture and so on. Most of us go down these tramlines with a few variations here and there. Then through various life experiences (some say Karma, reincarnations) that awakening may occur; I am not original, I have been taught who I am!?. Then one may start an enquiry; who was I before I was brain washed, conditioned and inculcated? Well I've gone into that in back articles many times and the repercussions that can ensue, madness, loss of identity, distraction, depression, what am I here for, suicide and or enlightenment. And Depopulation By Leuren Moret 11-20-4
Of course the Eugenics or whatever other name realise that everything is impermanent and that they are so self indulgent they want to live for ever in their hedonistic euphoria which the billionaires feel and then well if we marry our consciousness and personalities to a robot and become a cyborg we live forever or more sinister we harvest those lesser humans for their organs, we do regular culls or we manufacture synthetic organs from pigs or some such thing. In the meantime the general population are perplexed and caught between two worlds, the one they knew and the new inculcated brainwashed hype being forced upon them by clever psychologists and the media wrapped up in parcels by the narrative spinners. So bring in distractions; drugs, videos, alcohol, anti depressants given out, lack of proper care due to money, yet billions spent on weapons and other non essentials. The education system is gradually being infiltrated with woke, transhumanism, cancel culture and the like and the 'older' generation and the generation gap is widening and so the next generation will either embrace the NEW WORLD ORDER technocracy or RESET or they will awaken to the fact that they are just as brain washed as their parents and grandparents were, its just a different dream by mad people with super inflated egos and just as crazy as any other impermanent nonsense. Whose mad scientist will set the New Cyborg Mind, who will download the persona into the robot mind as ' Ray Kurzweil is an American computer scientist and futurist who pioneered pattern-recognition technology and proselytized the inevitability of humanity's merger with the technology it created. It was Kurzweil's belief that pattern recognition formed the basis of human thought' He also suggested that all human minds should be put onto a hard disk and that it should be programmed for love, wonderful weather, the life ideal, he said that this was much more humane than illness, death and so on. Who decides what minds go on the hard drive, who controls the computer and determines billion's of lives and what about the controller. In a way God has put us in a matrix; there are divine laws and even in so called enlightenment one is one with the creator so to speak. So is it any clearer as to which synapsis and plasticity neurone circuitry you and I follow? As the solar system arrives as it were in its highly energetic area of space which is the real cause of climate and natural 6th extinction and the New World Order cause their form of the 6th extinction and the Natural Evolutionary Consciousness pits itself against the Artificial Intelligence and its Robot Cyborg Future, in the meantime whilst this battle, by the way the battle is the Natural Creation which came first and is primary against those who want to be God and create a mechanistic sterile world in which logic, intellectual academic accolades are the norm and the gold standard. How do I cope with this; Mad World, yes this came to me this morning the 14th May 2022, mind you I felt this many times. The lyrics below often remind me of the sad frightened masked people I se in in supermarkets, buses, the crime rates soaring, the cost of living increases stretching the finances, the shop keepers in small businesses are really worried, the war with Russia and Ukraine, sheer madness all of it, it is all about impermanence being made permanent. Immortality sought by a mortal human programmed ego brain washed and the elite know this and want immortality and god like powers. My way is to realise that there is not a human egoistic solution, nothing in the whole creation of words, ideas, theories, suppositions, scientific achievements, bibles, suffice. Instead of being desperate and squirming I watch it being played out in my mind and when the 'horror movie' in my mind subsides, there is a quiet calm, no words or solution, just and inner sort feeling of all is well and I feel compassion for those seeking to dominate through some means and entrap the free mind which to me is a mind aware and awake and with with very little thought, what thought there is seems to arrive from the quiet non local mind and the stillness where it emanates from. Even this dose not touch the feeling it produces. All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere Their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles it's a very, very Mad world, mad world Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy birthday, happy birthday And I feel the way that every child should Sit and listen, sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, no one knew me Hello, teacher! Tell me, what's my lesson? Look right through me, look right through me And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles it's a very, very Mad world, mad world Enlarging your world Mad world Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Orzabal Roland Mad World lyrics © Chrysalis Music, Roland Orzabal Limited, Roland Orzabal Ltd THE DAILY GRIND THAT I SEE IN THE UNHAPPY MASKED AND SAD PEOPLE; for one instance; the parties at 10 Downing Street in lockdowns and distancing and many more. The disillusioned and then bored with distraction with sport and the media and even porn. SHACK | ||