Monday, 1 August 2022



Is there such a place as the somewhere nowhere place, space or  destination. Is there any arrival or departure. What do we mean by infiniteness, eternity, non local mind and in the quantum vacuum there is every possibility and probability and why does the observer observation effect wave and particle positions and what are positions are they merely mental mind fixations to hold an image to transform it. Is this part of manifestation?

Unreal Engine

Can I, May I teleport, time travel and go interdimensional and be myself in many dimensions and like in the DNA Phantom Ghost leave behind my DNA where I have sat or been (experiments by Russian scientists). The limited conditioning and brain washing even by the most talented minds are still within the confines of the education, logic and academic prowess and they limit themselves with pride and weird techno / medical in fact in house jargon and because us normal (normal did I hear myself think) don't understand their language we are baffled and told we are ignorant and yet these of the 'House of Academia' are supposed to fall at their feet whilst they conjure up new ways of torture through bio weaponry or fancy spaceships with a few seats for us plebs which we haven't the do ray me to pay for.
The Door of Perception

Here in the  image above may be the crux of the matter; Is the brain the seat of consciousness which to my view is that consciousness is the awareness of being aware of of itself as a silent witness that uses the organic brain to experience MANY dimensions and the Human dimension is but a select time line portal that Consciousness which to my view is a field  so to speak of infinite possibilities and probabilities and because of Consciousness being all pervading, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, it has unlimited choices and so its choice to experience and create through the ability of consciousness it is in fact what humans may feel is real and solid in reality 'all in the mind' and indeed like dreams which to my way of feeling are nearer reality, like fantasies' 'ALL MIND STUFF'.

Whether here on Earth or travelling to Mars I AM EXPERIENCING THIS WITH CONSCIOUSNESS which is the same witness and awareness that I left Earth with IT IS a new vista but the same witness. This TV film is witnessed by the same witness awareness as the next film, perhaps many incarnations have been witnessed before one awakens to the witness being aware of Itself as the Awareness Witness. WHAT NO FILM ----AHHHH!!!? Boring have to find a distraction.

So if one wants to time travel, portal or teleportal / telepathize and just link into a time line then use consciousness as the machine as it were to get you there. 

Two ways to do this or one of two ways of many; breathing and relaxing and feel for the quiet mind then allowing by gentle requesting to be taken to another time line and allowing the intelligence of awareness to roll out a suitable scenario(WARNING --there are other  lesser consciousnesses that are ego and not compassionate and indeed one's own ego which is a splinter consciousness and is overlaid by brain washed inculcated issues with perhaps agendas of conquering and unloving issues and so one can get enmeshed in conflict).

So ones choice; either dabble in psychic stuff as above. Or just allow the fun of Cosmic Consciousness to roll out the magic carpet and as one travels this unending road, it only ends in cross roads or dead ends when one is limited by brain washed or ego agendas. 

In my view meditation is non expectancy, attention without intention, Witnessing in stillness and in that quiet place without thought, just witness the witness witness-sing awareness without bias and roll,

Then about loneliness; well one is only lonely when one is said to not have human contact. Yet I have found like nuns and monks, those who are natural 'lone wolves' can have a sense of human bonds without fantasies or contact because they found the one aspect ' the quite place the secret place of the most high as it were and unless one has experienced this and is often referred to as the 'Kingdom of Heaven Within' to my view there is no within, within here means to me rather behind as it were, because the brain washed conditioning is like dirt on the windscreen, dust of the lampshade of awareness, the awareness witness through the distraction of brainwashed pounding and impacting by countless repetitions hammered out habitual responses and reactions and so the witness gets sucked and seduced and is temporarily clouded until the awakening occurs.  

I have found that the witness awareness suddenly can cut through my fantasies, reveries, seduction by any powerful distraction and without words reminds me 'I AM NOT THAT I AM THIS' and in the same token that awakened awareness will roll out life before itself and even in pain, illness, disaster it has brought to mind as it were the residues of the remaining ego debris which under the witness awareness is too bright to allow stagnation to occur.

So in elderly years my feebleness, aches and pains and all my prescriptions for easing the discomfort can be seen as inevitable and yet that inevitability may take several ways; oh well its the human lot, there is not much one can do about it and so dwell  and share this with neighbours and friends so thereby reinforcing the pain and suffering and hoping for a easy death and quickly, or what's on telly. Or the same symptoms and realise they have been down the centuries that which has been the human lot and then dwelling with attentive awareness and relaxing into them and that somewhat just is like surrendering to life and patient acceptance in other words a  relaxed meditative approach.


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