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Becktastic.weebbly.com |
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Everydayknow.com |
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Pinterest So they say the Universe is a hologram |
- a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source.
- a photograph of an interference pattern which, when suitably illuminated, produces a three-dimensional image.'
What does this mean, yes scientifically I understand it, picking that to pieces we come down to light and then atoms, particles and so on and it is an arrangement of these 'light forces' that produce the effect of three dimensional images and they seem so real that they can fool one's senses until one walks right through one as a human being hologram.
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Big Think |
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THE MIRROR So out of the pixels determined by the combination and pictures, forms and art one desires there is an infinite lot of graphics to pick from and as to who picks the formation and collates is a matter of conjecture, that is the brain through conditioning and brain washing and a collection of beliefs and deep inculcation, the storehouse of the 'Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. There are anecdotal accounts but there is no scientific evidence for the existence of the Akashic records.[1][2][3]' Courtesy WIKIPEDIA |
Akasha is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as “ether" and with the root word, kas, meaning “to be visible,” “sky,“ "atmosphere” or “open space.” It is used in traditional Indian cosmology and is also present in some examples of Western spiritualism.
In Hinduism, it is used to mean the essence of everything that exists in the material world. It is one of the five elements that make up the pancha mahabhuta, with the others being earth, fire, air and water.
Yogapedia explains Akasha
Akasha is still used in the literal sense of "sky," but the more exact philosophical meaning is “ethereal fluid imagined as pervading the cosmos.” It is also sometimes referred to as the imperceptible force that the rest of the world is derived from.
The main characteristic that is attributed to akasha is shabda (sound).
For Buddhists, akasha is split up into akasa-dhatu, which means "limited space," and ajatakasa, which refers to endless space.
This ethereal fluid is likened in some circles as the quantum field in which there is every possibility and probability and it said in other circles that every thought and experience that ever was and is and will be is indelibly impregnated and imprinted into this field and it said that some persons of psychic ability can tune into this field and obtain information.
Be that as it may, I can now address the subject of reality; as seen above the basic foundation so to speak are the building blocks of or as atoms, what are the building blocks of mind then? The thoughts which are energy related and in some circles it is said energy is created by thought, like a wave in pond disturbed by the wind and these thoughts are stored in the memory fields I feel outside the body as electrical magnetic fields or waves as akin to radio waves and the brain is a decoder as akin to a Wireless Radio or TV or WI FI computer. So reality is based somewhat on one's personal storehouse of data and graphics or the Natural Universes Version of the same.
However it would appear than any reality has no real substance, it comes down to believing it is real; to quote Jesus New International Version
He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”So it is all the mind, the brain washed version one was taught to be. One believes almost implicitly of the taught inculcated past until one awakens to the fact I am a clone due to my conditioning. Then who am I before I was inculcated? I have heard a version which says 'whatsoever you believe, if you believe it with all your heart and mind so shall it be for you and if you should say to yonder mountain be gone, it would be so'.
This then leads to, IS THERE SUCH A THING AS REALITY? Reality is then based on ones belief which forms ones identity. Without any 'fixed' belief who then am I and can I live without an identity, this I have gone into in depth in past SHACKS.
So my illusions and fantasies are a reaction to the ego entity unhappy at its wishes and desires in its beliefs which are after all someone else's before it was stored by and through education and conditioning, so why the repeats and so often clouding the awareness. It is habit and security, my habits become my routines and they produce the familiar and safe maps and routes of my life.
Actually I am beginning to get a smidgeon, a mere peep behind the veil, a shock as to writing this, I believe or think I am alive and experiencing this right now; the noise of me typing, the visual checking the print on the computer, yet is this but a longer dream THAT is so deep in my psyche, So imprinted on me, the result of trillions and trillions of LIVES in human form and so deeply impregnated into this type of creation, so encrusted, so embossed and furrowed that I only believe I am alive like this in human form and in meditation when I am sort of empty I feel without the senses and I get a glimpse of the not me in human form. I AM left with the sense in my mind that is 'I JUST AM, I EXIST' as to the rationale of this statement, well there isn't one because that would set me back into logic and defining the indefinable and into the realm of beliefs and someone else's philosophy and hey ho, a brain washed mind sets and pattern which form an illusionary make believe but believed reality.
There is no tangible reality only so far as the beliefs believe it to be and my fantasies which delude me as to my true nature actually assist me, they teach me the non reality of myself through desire which cultural beliefs of how I should be according to religion, politics, culture and form the not me in reality but the real me by believing the ego is real, and thriving. Even life in a body is a collection of amazing atoms put together as a human being form, THE Divine Source has many other forms which maybe go through the same process in many other dimensions, planets and so on.
Each and every fantasy, dream and this dream of the human existence are lives of their own, real or from incarnated unfinished business and all are in substance delusional as appearing solid when they are particles and atoms with no substance but given substance and form which is the hologram of nothing but interreference light patterns and that is what the Universe is and all creation are tricks of the building blocks as light fantasy. The Universe Itself is a light fireworks and conjuring show meant for Its own entertainment and fulfilment and never quite sure if it Itself exists and so It creates it in order to verify Its own existence. If Myself my own I am, my own awareness did not wake me up and shout 'Oy your not this dream or fantasy and now it is saying Hey wake up from the human dream'. Oh boy does this mean I will die and death is upon me soon? I do not know and I guess it may not matter, so DIE to the illusion that fantasies are real or this life is real, just be aware of awareness which is consciousness and trust in Life.
It doesn't really matter you know and to act on a pun what is matter anyway?
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