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What is a name? It is a mere symbolic ‘gesture’. This form which I go under is Geoff Freed, what does this actually mean or define? To all reports and circumstances I am a product of nature, a female fertilised egg and a male sperm in my case from my biological parents.
This natural outgrowth from nature and some say the author of nature is a product of an all pervading invisible intelligence, a creator, God Almighty and some say the result of a mysterious ‘Big Bang’ an accident without cause or design, a mere random effect. Neither assumption or statement can categorically be proven by science.
However as I type these words and the huge noise of my flat door being replaced as a result of new fire precautions I feel with my human senses I am here and present on or in Earth.
Therefore, this organic structure has been named Geoff, which is personal and unique as are my DNA and fingerprints. Mind you there are other persons named Geoff short for Geoffrey, Freed is my altered family name, which I took to alter by a solicitor or notary which was my mothers maiden name which has nothing to do when she married my father and his name was Glickenfried and my mothers maiden name being Bilangroski.
Therefore, this biological organic form as long as it lasts in being alive whether conscious or not conscious of itself, be it coma or senility or compos mentis is labelled or tagged with this moniker.
When this organic biological form dies it decomposes and from a purely scientific view becomes a ‘past label’ and if not famous or a celebrity forgotten perhaps even by one’s nearest and dearest so to speak.
What strange event in the
vastness of time and space, what was the point or main objective in this
appearance of the so one called Geoff Freed DNA and Fingerprint.
Many have tried to fathom the purpose of creation and existence.
Again some say there is no purpose just the innate knowledge of the genetic structure to perpetuate itself, a sort of survival instinct at any cost and mutations or variants to serve its ultimate aim, which in itself a mystery and maybe even to itself and yet a strange inert instinctual prompt which makes it from inert to manifestation.
Then there are viruses and bacteria and simple compounds that mutate and use variants to perpetuate the species or whatever they may term these units of the plan, which they are said to be simple life forms that came out of the ‘cosmic soup’ a sort of sea spawned by the whatever Universe.
So this Earth a spacecraft of a unique and distinct nature bearing many forms ‘Earthanauts’ and beautiful fauna and animals, birds, whales and fish and array of insects, microbes and so much abundance of everything.
This whirling spacecraft
with its inhabitants going around in orbits with its neighbours in the solar
system which in turn go around in orbits, in fact the Cosmos seems to be wheels
within wheels so to speak and these cycles all in the various rhythms and each
to their own and yet set in patterns and cycles that seem to be an eco
system in symbiosis.
Speeding away in seemingly to an unending space to travel in and to a mysterious destination or is there a destination? Maybe as the stars wear out and explode and the debris being the fertiliser for the next generation this self-perpetuation is a form of resurrection and ‘reincarnative’ and is the reason behind cycles and perhaps the human form copies the above cycles? Many Yogis, Adepts, Shamans with Mystics it is said do resurrect and decease at will, so there is this natural recycling and for what purpose?
Science will say it is an instinctive purpose with no particular reason other than to perpetuate and form ever-adaptive variations. An example is like ice cubes in a jar and they melt their surfaces adapt to the changing interrelationships and sense of the relationship. Then again those who feel that there is an intelligent plan, a creator and that this evolutionary process is the unfolding of the plan. Well then, this is one’s predilection.
Many have wrestled with this quandary; for my part I have turned to existentialism of a sort by extinguishing or deleting and whittling down to certain basic concepts which may or not be applicable to the quandary stated; the event of the discovery of the atom and the quantum field, the particles, the empty atom, the uncertainty principle and so something in this to me suggests that something arrives from nothing and is about the same as the big bang in some ways and yet with experiments such as the two split experiment suggesting an observer and other experiments suggest there is a witness and observer and interacts with the ‘electron, photon, atom' and so on, along with the many anomalies that are are apparent.
So knowing that these ideas and thoughts were not original and many had and are contemplating these issues and have their own deliberations, however mine is and is stated so many times in article before; all concepts as above are and have been handed down and in a way I have been conditioned on some of them so to disentangle I felt to do a Zen meditation type exploration. Since all concepts are thoughts bundled together in a seemingly logical and intellectual sequences then by being the observer, the witness in a non judgemental way, by watching the breath and by experience the busy mind suddenly of its own subsides into a calm peace, not a trance this has been proved by various brain monitors and then one actually witness mind in its pristine form, one is alert and fully functioning and noise and so on is like in a distance but recognised but not analysed.
This experience seems to suggest that there is a consciousness and indeed intelligence; in this quiet mind, an empty mind, intuitive and inspirational ideas, not in words but in micro flashes as it were and I comprehend instantaneously what is meant, an understanding that bypasses my normal thinking modes.
This leads me onto an intelligence that is the observer and has its own ‘brain logic cognition’, and is indeed beyond the and behind the human mind brain logical intellectual academic scientific, theological, political and general historic critique.
This then leads one out of the ‘wheel of Karma’ and the hamster wheel. One is an observer and experiences but not caught in the trap of the perpetuation of the cycles. One is in this world but not of it.
Then on the death of the organism there is a sense of a natural occurrence and part of the ‘way of things’ the Tao / Dao’ and the human inculcated will is seen for what it is, which is a programmed, inculcated conditioned reaction to a brain washed pounding and as such a habit that is so stuck and ingrained it assumes centre stage as one’s reality and on really ‘getting the message’ one wakes up an there is an aliveness without thought simply because thought is seen to be someone else’s ideas, one has been duped and been taught all one knows.
Because the habit of
programmed thinking is so real and ingrained and has assumed one’s bedrock
reality whether it be atheism, theism, political idealism or whatever, there is
a shock, withdrawal symptoms and a period which seems like madness and ‘loosing
it’ some quit and go back seeking another ‘habit routine’, some to distraction
of various sorts, suicide, suicidal thoughts which can engulf one depression
and many other fantasies, day dreams and anything that relieve the gap of the
so called ‘no mind the empty mind’ , Some feel that this will be a never ending
oblivion and boring or even a raving mad lunatic, anything to give up the habit
of being programmed and enjoying the fruits of routine reaction and being sure
of being sure, even though this can be disastrous. Programmed countries,
ideologies and the rest can lead to confrontation and war because one’s
brainwashing and sense of security is threatened.
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