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Courtesy The Art of Farewell |
Hello and welcome. I bid you all fare the well. I leave with a few quotes and thoughts
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Courtesy The Art of Farewell |
Hello and welcome. I bid you all fare the well. I leave with a few quotes and thoughts
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Mentally Exhausted |
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Vt Hist Talk |
Many years back I was called to a case about stolen goods and assaults in a famous London theatre. The case solved and the evidence presented to the CPS and the perpetrators found guilty, I was invited back to take a sample of some interest to a museum and it was as follows; on several wooden posts at the back of the stage were a large area where the painters and stage hands and sets were created and assembled and disassembled, over the years the painters wiped their brushes on certain posts and layers were built up and eventually formed a 'nodule or a sort layered protuberance a sort of elongated knob' and with careful removal it formed a beautiful different coloured strata like the geological strata in rock formations. The museum kept one or two and the teaching laboratory for police not Forensic candidates about preservation of the scene, packaging, blood groups, elementary DNA and similar related matters were given two.
This morning of the 10th October 2023 this came back to mind as I pondered the latest war and atrocities between Israel and Palestine. The feelings and thoughts and pictures came to me in this fashion; The planet Earth pristine and not yet cooled but in the gases and rays were the signals and information (this is at present not accepted by main stream academia or maybe elsewhere) these frequencies are the carriers of information which direct and construct stages of evolution, then as the solidification came Auric shields formed and they coalesced the core and then the first prime constituents to form the vegetation and creatures of the Planet Earth.
The Earth Itself is imbued with Cosmic Divine Intelligence as is every atom and particle and this is consciousness. Consciousness is the Creators force and through evolution The Time that we know as humans is not the time from the timeless Source of Creation and what we know of evolution is the gigaanum and to the Divine already just inspired thoughts of expansion and the never ending expanding creation 'gradually unfolding to us humans 'as eras, epoch's, and classified geological and strata data and so on. (see the five extinctions )
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From former blog on www.geofffreed.com This is a rough guide but sufficient to illustrate article. |
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Multi Briefs |
I sit on the bus and it is bumpy and slow, sometimes a noisy engine and sometimes a quiet sort of smooth electric thingy. Sometimes to meet somebody and sometimes shopping or just for the ride.
There are so many people, so many cars, so many, so many, I feel the thick energy of the hustle and bustle which people are deeply concerned and engrossed in, its their thing and important to them and I am OK with that and yet a smidgeon in me wonders what is this mish mash about is it me missing out on activity or am I jealous or does it appeal to the notion that everything is impermanent, transient, dream like and there is a quietness that is in me and feels the anxiety, frenzy and anger of this stifled and closely impacted traffic and noise and the startled anxious drawn looks of the passers by and the fraught looks of the drivers of vehicles caught in the traffic jam or the exasperation and especially if they have to be somewhere specifically on time and those persons wanting to cross the road with parcels , kids and or infirmities. It seems like organised chaos. And all this hustle and bustle, needles on demise.
I sit perhaps somewhat superiorly in a somewhat mindful and semi meditative contemplation and this puts me in a sort of feel, empathetic mood as if I were an antenna for their collective mood and feeling their feelings and realising they are my feelings as well and they as if we are not separated and use the word they as a judgemental act, they are like that I am merely picking up their vibes, what an arrogant judgemental prick I am. I am as they are because not only do I feel it, but I must recognise it so because that is in my ego psyche and had been unconscious until I felt it rise in them /me and I am as they are and further more they are my teachers and brought out the unconscious judgement, I am like them too I am as they are and brought this up for recognition and realisation.
So the long road the journeys that may reveal something significant, deeply insightful or even liberation and the end of the road, the rainbow end the pot of Gold, the nirvana, deep uninterrupted peace. In the image above the word START. Start another bus ride, a mind fantasy and there is 'out there' somewhere the key, the answer, 'start' really I should not move from start because start is the NOW. Moving from start is either the past, a trip down memory lane or the hope the future may bring, when I get to the end of the journey, I arrive and then realise, there is no end even in death of the body if the mind has not finished with its cachinnations and machinations which is unfinished business and will have to be settled possibly in another incarnation.
So I recognise the karma of the bus and other journeys and while they irk my bus reverie they remind of the 'stuff' I have buried somewhere in my psyche and yet not so because they are the unconscious automated brain washed programmes playing out without awareness and presence, they are unconscious because they automatically react and cause the emotions and feelings with raison d'etres to back them up. This I can feel is my norm and it is no using denying that mere meditation can magnify them by not revealing them as such but being there as the backdrop quiet mind which then feels the jagged vibes and gives rise to recognition and so causing them to be exposed, it is the contrast between the quiet mind and the discords and jagged frequencies which ruffle the quiet still ocean and cause the waves of distortion to become apparent and what might have been the level and state of the psyche then can be by awareness of the contrast allow some alleviation of the irksome situation.
So do what is felt to do; the long journey is OK the urge to expose more and even there is procrastination, I feel at times the pull between going out there, especially now my joints ache so and with age (by the way who programmed the message I find rising occasionally 'its natural to feel stiff and aches in old age, have senior moments and become senile, feeble and dull' this is a world wide brain washed set of ideas so deeply buried and inculcated over the thousands of years that it is a 'set reality' the word inculcate describes it so well 'instil (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction.
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Irish Traveller |
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